CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 19 Dec 1913, p. 14

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wýtl I>À A Ri la INR: DIE BY EXPLOSION t Caund byw Dust Wrecks Vilcan, Col., Mine. AU. TEDEAD ARE AMERICANS Only Two Mon escape-Werhe te Re- cover Bodiesa Aimot complaises- Vitima Diffcuit of identiAaton- Noames 0 ea bd tBmught to surface -Work et £xhumnnqEnasy. Newcatle, Col, Decn 11-Au explo- Sion ia the Vucan mise o! the Roci<y, Mounlain Fuel Company, ont andOune' baif miles eut of bao entombed iL. L Crawford. mine foroinan: L. Wal- tors. fre boss, and tbirty-igbl minera l'bis stimate wua based on a hur- ried check of the companys rails BSomae officiaIs expressedl the beler tbat the num-ber ini tbe workings Miat be Increase4 10 forty. Only *bout oight or the men in the mine are foreiners. Reacue Squed Sagine Work. Charles S. Merdlnk, mine superîn- tendent, witb ive compaulons. euuip- pe wth helmets. atIocesbegan an exploration of the workings. It was blievel that thie explosion originated la the west workings et a point at issat 1,600 feet from the portai of the main tunnel, but ubether l waa caused by dust or tas ba onet been determined. According to mine of- iais, six mon are kaown to, bave beon working ln the west entry. sud fre helleve 10 have beenu111110. BOone May Esaps. Ixainination lsd te th. boeotthat the eat antry wus comparativel, free trosa th. fore of th. explosion. and » Asled taexpresstons o bop@ that "ornfo the mon employed there ivonl be found olive. Nbo trace of lare Inside tbe mine boa bean thus on of the mont deadîr perils 10 the ontombod mon sud the reacuers waa ellmlnaed. AU thie entombe minera wero mer- lie. «Y mine oficiai. A ànumber of mon vero tg thie uppor verbinga. wbicbeh mroanholby a Incline trom the tipple. t tbe ttine o! the expoion. Theec hatened te -tbe main tunnel. and are sai! 10 bave heon met by & iecond. explosion. J. W. Cummins, district manager of tic Rocky Monutaan Fuel eompany. edntitaly sxmouoe4 g.4upt exposion ms the cause othe . isaster early ln th* aftsrnoon&fiter au Iipvistlgatioo. Ute nid the force of the. bonaIbook ttc wbole mountain and rocbol the buildings on the mine tipple. lHe MMiltUicexplosion occurred et 10:20 te roosa 13 of Uic lower léel and ex- tsnded ail the way 10 roofi 17. The. wrk o! takingout thé, bodies ommeel 1ortly after I o'clock. The. mon weon horlbly maniléd and identiftcation was liffiult. but they weývore gradually checked, off trom th Urne Camd. The Dand. I'oliowiag la aa I 0 f the bal no fa? brougt 10 Uie surface: Wallace Muter, mine shooter; L. Walter. fire boss; M. McLta, nmJne shooter; Clint >Cgawfçrdl lsulbéess: Ben Davis, 4kiver'; George Smith, driver, and the folowing'minore: D. Z. Nolan, t. Per- cqreil. iL.. Fso. A. Osepke. J. Kalo> nowsky, L. Fushiao, Davi Tamage. V. Cook, A. Johnson. Ralpb Wendefl, William Shearer. Joe Farren M. Mur- Phy. R. Norton. . Red, Frank Mo- Osan, H. Woo, Ira Starbuck. Gale *Mbemo a*eoants, E. Strong. R. ~.Obter. BuSortails. E. John Allen, William liese. Gabe Monacelli, Joe Monaceili, Tony Monacelli, Joe La. blanche, 1-. L. Crawford, two olber unidentifled minera. * The survivors: W. J. Flnley. Jobn Dawson. The work or rescue wll be rusbed as quickly as possible. MOB ADMISTRATES PENALTYl * outh Dakota, People Displessed witi Cubertson Lite Sentence. Williston, N. D.. Dec. 17-Cloc. Cuthberteon, recentiy convicted of mur- Sduligtbree members of the Dilion hSl etlia R&Y, N. D., was taken fr00t thc Wiliams çpnty 1511 by B mol erd hangel froti a bridge near bers. CUîhertson was sentenced bo lite lbprlome for the murders, Ther. j» rmnch criticism bheard bere bN causebe scaped the death penalty ea tlna triai. WLOMARGARINE LAW VOID fiew Yorkc Court 0t Apposie Saya Vol Iew C9«lem Net a Fresud. AlbBZY. M. Y..DeC. 7-The New Tari claIe court o appeals held the :,*10ouaiW,1lBc law 10 ho unconstit.- It W84 bel " thle legisiature @1 maut laut prevent deceptian ;M" audla foodtulta. but the ggît y0ow1evcolor 10oolargarine was doewith Uic intention of con. f Ug rand. v.K-R C TNTn DMPENDI-ir PPFRAY. DECEM1UER 19.193. By HAMILTON POPE GALT 0 Copyr-ight. l913. by Aar-k.n Pr.rss Association -w E lied ail agreeti that %Ir. wfs l, i il. anti lie WaS IMai wil-îî bel My bend sud fougbt îhem off wben- OSbsugnessy waa Ithe very fond there wa noting'1 ever they got tua near. une t e Sauta Claus at oir i want Iliat,' saiti the boy ..gaiii "Whou bedtlme came they tried t0 Christmas tree. polntlng 10' me. tell littie Van tbat Santy wanted toj No"ho said. "No!" "'He bas taken a fancy bo yol.' con- go homes now and work on the toym forc We hati neyer seen Mr. oshaugues- tiiiued the li. Chistmas, but hoe belti on tigter thon lly no vebemeut before. . 1 cenit see that I bave any litivOiliavoir andi inaiste.d that 1 wouid bave ta --Tbat la one thing 1 wili neyer do- toge OVer the giraffe,' I saili. seep witîinhlm. Do. Dot if tbe cxar of Bussia were to. 'Just then the boss of the store camne IThis made lil pretty hall. If 1 vas commiand it!" liong. He wns just bustlng himself te pull off my boots and my beard and --whyl" ssked nome oue traim a nafel ftor the millonaire. my stomach and one tblng and on- distance. --My boy wants yoîîr Santa Clais,' llier the boy would lie paralysed vith "Because I playeti the pnrt once, snd sald the Illeman 1te ie boss. 1 wyll never do It again. I maY fas .Anadt Id jumpeti1uP anti gab- weil tel you about il, andi then you'llblid me Le baud anti bogan pull- know that il ia of no use to bollier me ing at md' aud figting thse maiti off about it any more. with the other band. "One Christmas 1 vas brie. I vas - Weli,' saldth 1e bonss. taire him bumgry, ad my feet were on the along, Mr. Van Veegle. hl will lie no ground. 1 hadl asked a thonsand peo- leus whatever te us, 1 assure You.' pie for sometbinz to do. anytbing te "This rocommend seemedte t sort of encourage the millonaire. *1 yl pay yen for yonr lIme.' he salO t, me. - .. . "As ltse littIe fellow vas pulling My arm off 1 got up andi vent along. fle toved Me throngb 11e tisle against a tideofo open moutheti people. We got tut a big red automobile, snd the mail- lonira saidto thIe chauffeur, 'Hioe as quici ss possible, for gootneRsa sake!' "Away ve vent, my white whiskems flying ln the vinti. l "Pretty soon the millionaîre saidte tb11e chsuffeur: 'Look bore, you needu't tiisplay us auy more tlian necessary. Kindly pick out somne lqfiet streets.' "The kid was sttlng nail: to me holding my baud. "The chsuffeur started te slow dovn in front of a mansion wlieu 11e Mi- TKQBM OEU AM Ioar, gave a shout: Af< arAoKT >308 "odon!' hie saiti. 'Drive on qulck!lerty adanfomeuu I I forgot Mr@. Van Veegle bas compa- fbous, teârdsltatianforime 10brit- ny. Well go aronind the bock way.' botb1d tmc n i ihlt "We were turnlng the crner ta go ie Van lu blis utIle lied seemed lutter- around the other waY wben the mil- 1 y Impossible. "I AM TRTAT. hlionaîre shouteti agalu sudtieîly, 'Turn "We comproisei by my sittlng by do n nlyamnae uadpr-aronnd quick!blis bei enti holding bis bond until ho tio ntilinllya mnage ii a epat ".'%a were dodging somebodIY or othli went tu sîet- .Wouht yOu belive il? metstr al,'llrgt;w'l aeer that hie knew. iThat boy was the lîghtest sleeper you a Santa Claus ot or yo.' ',Finaily we passedt Irougli a bg ever saw! Every lime I triedte 10take .Iltol bia 1did't eelmuc lie ate, sud the boy towet i e arounîlIiiiy hanid away is eyes would open a Sauta, Claus bnside. hbog a conservatory or two loto and lie ivouldt ake a tigliter grip. .O, -we'il fl thIat ail rigbt' lbe a avw>egu room. "I saSt nu ail niglit holding that kitis saidli nd bandeti me s Pllow. i*,The man swore. There were a lot hanti 1 lad a mani in attendance. who a "So, witb pillows andtieboosmd of ladies there stîIl. Tbey s"iet-m o lulrougiii ne everything 1 wanted. and *gloves and a fur cot entsille andti take a great Interest In the pageant. I lid -uleted a teuntfaim Papa Van, *nothing et aIl inside, t startet inlute) Wl lato aîi ereleibut I dldiî't gel mnuclisleep. -lie Sata Clans In the toyv departmeut. th milllonares vife n(The boy li me witb li hlm8ml the While I vas tblnking about My vif, '-Whlle the man ivas exPlaining , lait day. 1 bad to bo with hlm wben rsud the Ivo kide at homne ueedlugbi ietebyedneaoiiaili tbsbthndieraksad mouey, snud me with no steady job. bisvethelieboy tlsai. m e ro d tedesi gu i b ath an b h is afs. at aand other things lîke Ibat. 1 board oen ove liebueb 1eat.let go.ît I llend et inergarten i tonhbm t eof lbe fellows In the store say ta the tiot et goiutva4 IL aIktiegate. oo, ut 'He b.d ta bave me sit beside hm aln bot4ocokh.lydonu boss -bdaacuhadwn on sep 'Say tha St.Nicohasof yurswhilie be te bis dinuer, and I1 t 1 ctciatIi u ondale, SaythntSt. lcblns f yer8i stule from the room softly and un- rIn about as jotly as a bymu ,ok.. ne o;see I hll bad enougb o the remîntis me of a fnnny Boug enlitlieijbod waq resolved te escape. SilverTbread Amonstbel(sld1iwas getting out o! the Wby doult you tbrow hlm out?' front door a good sised boy cans sanog *1 wl vben I gel lime.' -4i~.and tiartrb-d b blalisometblng about 'triedta 1 liven up a littie lifter Hello. Sautea Claus!, and tried te grab -hearing this pralse of my istrionlc holti of me. ntalent, but ilvaaut mucet]lise. "I paralyzpdti hm hy pulllng out my % l-retty Beau I saw a boy coînlng tiown the aile lîke a vol! on tbe folti i .tomsl nibtighl vrtebs a-He was aigu seeklug whom ih, might * WJit.ndte irn ndfe o devour. fHe Wl. followed by an anx- i haiedigte streel ald 0e for l ons looklng maiti and s gentleman lu baffe îurst anti sbedding beard. il sllk bat, wbo vas an Indulîgent mil- boots. catton andi fur al slaig the Slonire father. wy "The kid auntered aloog Il u tide-wy 'I ld for Ibree laya andi tlicaeg- pendent, bored ver, swlnging is arme mlî andi gol al nie, little job loallt col D kînO o! rekeisa, es If lie vas In bo"ej on a hlp. I have alwaya ono i.for of bealng sometbing sud rellevlng - a sase Christmas avoir sinee thet utIl l. thie monobuoy. Whe hocme up te vbere I was exeiu. wsitting lbe toppei. lie hall spen pieu- \ IedluIpesM.O'ialiay ty of leya, but 1Itgsea1I as Borne- le thing new In tbé vay of a lSt. Nieb. I Conerning Chriatlsas Pi-esuIe lolas. A masn may net ho so bailioff for ,fIe ca lied lis dseldy anti pointeti preslenLa If heo oly bal presencO f te0t me. mimd. , n II want 1h51., lie salti. The question o! lhe boum. la, "Whal -O. no, dearie.' saiti the maiti.n ou rtb shalvo buy for a Cirlut lie 'Here. lok at ibis nîce giraffe! Se! '.fl TOWED ME TH11OUOH THE AI5LL" mas precent?" "Il dacesIis!'Neyer look s gift borie la th*ic Le. "Tbq kil ahook the nurse off Irrita- big. fat buler alioving îy -chair arounti Il is also wrong tu lok a ChritasI bly, for nie aud nsaling onnme I got Boume preacîlt ili te prie. mari. "'H'fe doesnt seem 1te tke muec) l11- lîIrts ai one tblug aud another tînder 'Wliat shall I givo the hirol gidr' Steregt lu the giraffe.' I rearkedtu 1thbbny pllov anti ny furs, but 1 ivas aw- le a Christmas conundmum liaI pua ,n father. (liti earm. zies saine. Give ber lait weo sPaY -, I 'No. ner anytbiug else.' be answer- ult vs. too, warm for confort wheu and get another girl. Id edt u a patient, weary toile. 'He bas lb got aroucti (bat there smaR rel The proprietor o! a bg hot UMs kc- bal ail lies. toyg before, anti ho lite SiîaClans aet teVan Veegie love tbis patrons' chiltiren, but ho nov- Pb 1k v" ailabout hem. le aund ont boulse. Aillte elidren came front tcmgie the youngsters ad.uln or r lm.R bal on.etrUthe» girafes lent yo.r cli over bbheiîeigbborbiood te maus e. bOruà t Chrstmas. N. .-Or d"F li jcd broka l - ui eut v"aq«.*is 'ý0t young Van bopî a lght grip dula otieday.- FOIT TO MAKE A MOUTHI CEAN Zion City Attofney Suggests Means of Compelling Man to Be Less Blasphomous. Theodore Forby. city attorney at Dion advocates a bucket of water and a cake of aloe and a good stout sboe bruah as a cure for filthy. blasphe. mous ianguage. And, wbat Ig more. Tuesday ho of- fered 10, the court to taire the defend- ant, Howard Hurlburt, s young man of about 23 years of age, and do the ob himself. "I would teacb bim a esbon that he wouidn't want to use such dirty muck In the presence of s sweet Innocent child of 7 years. If bhat had been my chlld 1 would feel ike taking chances of B fine of 1100 for assauit and battery and l'il guar- antee the offender would bave 10 use goggles for six weeks alter. He ougbt to be horsewbipped.' continued the attorney, As be applied tbe verbal Lasb witb perbaps ap telllng effect as the real tbing. and the defendant squirmed as he Iayed il on. it appears Huriburt, ln company with a man named Ciayton. was do- lng somte work on Elizabeth street, near Twenty-seventb street, wben the copiainant. a boy of 7 years, was ad- dressed by Hurlburt and certain vile words vere used. The boy told bie mother that niglit and bitpBrents bail a warrant sworn ne.. stand CiByton partiy corroborat- ed the boy's statement and Judge C. E. HoeIm,,ed frnine of $ nd Sthe f SIX DAYS - TO TOIIONORANEX* CH-IRISTMAS LAKI3 CO. PAýSTS« ________ AT PETONEfIL b fi a Rev. A. C. Lindenmeyoe, For-, merly of Deerfleld, lit., WIfl Be Remembered in Co. Neotons,.Illi, Dec. 16.-Plans werc today compieted for the memoriai services 10 be held bore Decembo, 21set for the Ro. Arthur C. Liaon moyer, who died in China, Octêbe 31et, white activeiy engaged In Mis aionary work. Roc. Lindenmeyer was 29 réars old et thie.,ime or his desth and bad just entered intp bis third year of nue- cesfu missionsr" work in the -Uri-* ent. He gradated f rom GarnIt Btb. lical Instituts In 1907 and afler a tour. year pastorale In Lake countY l"d Sterling. Ill.. embarkod 1uPOI h* 5Mis- slonary fleld abroad. The news of bis deatb reached bere througb the Zeitschrift. the of- ficiai organ of the United Evsafflical church. Deatb was due tu appendici Ils and the report adds that ho died aboard ship whaim on t'ls w&Y 10 a hospitalIn hShanghai. The memorial services will b. con- ducted by Bishop W. H. Y0UfliOO as- misted by Rev. John Hoerner, palIer of the Peotone cburcb. Several prom- mnent mnembers of the clergy in Joe6t, have been Invited 10 attend. ASKS DIORCE FROMII USBAND WHlO SIOT BER coats, or $1280. Overseer Voliva prepided, assiateti _______________ by Aposîles RoyalI. anti Carey. 1ev- erai nmade suggestions te Intending, Waukegan. Docomben 17. members. One speaker summed up Mra. Louise Scbrador, tirougis ber NINE MILLIONS leenttofscanIsiuo b a lItebenfit ofsnc aninsituionby ttomney. James G. Welcb. today Biled yng bliat the Idea was net primari- a suit for divorce agatnst ber bus- SENT ABROAD IN 1y te become a great pinter, but tbat band, John Shrebro. onh. groin&a Ihere vas a lilent anti powerful 1h- hat ha attempted te tai e hr l!f.. T E DA PEIODflueuce for gondi in the study of tihe 1Of the ev:: resons atipnlated hy TE A E ID beautiful I aueadl r-At av by which one may socurs a di- music anti literatum-e bat e refinlng: er la the most unuscal. Attorney People generally do not inow what Influence on the studeul thal vas very *Wech says 11e canhol secall that ho great sumo of money foreigners dally deairable lu the moulding o! character ever filet a dlvorfe bill befono la whlcb Ibese grounds vere tipulatel. send bock te their native lands from anti for Ibis reamon the general over- Extreme cruelty la rallier an ordhsary America. the home of the trie and seer aiso gave the proposeti education- charge but thero are ver? fov Uim easy money. al brac a boosl. wbon a wife bas a daim that hon bua- In glancing at a bulletin from New Il was decidedte fix a nominal mnem iband threatened teoiff ber. York, it la learned that, during the brbpfeat ml otl Meanwbiie Rebrader lies la tho bersiP fe an a sallmontlY PYLa1bk.county jali unable te seumo li* past ten laya the New York o ce of ment, go tuaI ail alîo wiabied couid $600 bonds under wblcb ho Was the postal service cheede $5.409.000 take part. Il wasaiase decidedte 1hbal Placeti bY Police Magitrate Taylor aa sent baci ln that perlaI. Thi the first meeting on Tuesday. Jan 6 Who bound hlm over te the grand hasis Ilguredlaistbat 60 pot cent la wî* pog sulilijury. It labellevel 11e yUl bave 10 whe aprora woldbeprovitiet remalu Ibere until the next ses"il sent baci via. the postal department by the members. 'of the grand Jury. which vould leave 40 par cent t1 0 go Tbe-erted Fora longlimerMm.hSbraderha via, express, etc. This wouîî maoier oitee11 1ben an zions te sart a bill for i- the total estimate for the ten days term of îliree monlby were M r». An- l vorce againot her buaband but b"a over nine millions of dollars. na J. PibI. presldent, Mise Etbel Reidi, een unabie e 0seur. auffleient As o, nan ait: ~'batnaton ecetary anti treasurer. The foîlow- groundis. She couiti Dot daim dom.r As oe mn sid: Wha naionlion because ah. left hlm and ahé but America eould stand such a drain lng persona were aiso chiiten te select feared she coulti not charge cnuoiiy on li mony?"a programt for Jan. 6: Artbur Mann,' because no one but berseif vas pros. Ils Clarence Baylor, Raîpli Pilil anti Mary'eut ai the limes site saya ho trealcd Hoskliîaber cruelly. lEietySomewhat Annoyad. HEsighnsu. en ir er nolt A littie legs than two weeks'arn. A dnithfo aesn . . e ihyfu e eswr noldhowever. ber bushand gavo ber the Aest diaarrom ag te info. .,rai iesîreti opportunlay vhen ho r.- fors 10 a mrrem y fbeum in ormaIturned te Waukegan unexpecteliy aonber ceemoy c jupin ovr BSelf- mprovement. 'anti going te the Edutund botel finil broomatîci.' There neyer vas any lie t war wltb ýo.îr vices, at peace a shol at ber seeking te taies ber lits, aucb southeru marriageceremnony. Pal, with your nelghbors, andi let every but lieing preventeti by thse quick ae- orson should, confiue herseif 10 anar- new year finti yon a better man - lion o! Albert fflriuch wbo stool cist-a subject witb whicb she in 8'zanklîn . near liy. tamllar.-Florida Timea-Unio)n. Motte Adjusted. Roses a mollo for aNowvYook lob- ster palace: "Wlne. Woman and RIng Ring'" Herc Treatmont. %Vagner lu vhîch Mrs. Kneelejr claie. Marie- How are you goîng b r&- Ibat ber bushantis death vas attin- form hlm?' Kate-hiy marrylng hlm." litalhe t10 ileuor he purebasel of Wag uer. wll1h1 robalily lie the Dit cal Mare-"Goodnesa Does b, require 1,P lie Inl cireuit court. Attorneys sncb berole treatment as ha'?* Edwardsi anti Dady represent Ihe - plaiutlff. Gorgfe' Restaurant e The Restaurant formerly knowri as Georgc'a Restauran~t and Iately known as Ward's Res- b taurant has reverted to Mrs. George. Mrs. George has Ieased same to Mr. and Mrs. Peter Johnson, who have re-opened the Best and Most Up-to-Date Home R estaurant In Wauâegaýn ____ Mr. and Mrs. Johnson's reputation for Homne Oooking is too well known to need an introduiction. Mrs. George will remain in a managerical capacity. The GEORGE and the JOHN SON reputation will be maintained. THE BEST PLACE TO EAT AND) GET HOME COOKING IS Qyre etua L Ge e., ",Urt L N *N F Tii. Chrjatums Rush Is on. but t Win ne Worae ARTSgRAFT DEPTO FORMEDIN ZION Mrs. Anna Pihlisl Chosen Pres- ident of Newly Launched Zion City Club. A weil attended meeting was beld 1. the Zion home auditoriumr Tuesday evening for the purpose of forming ant arts and craft department as an aux- Mlary' to tbe proposeti literary depart- ment. The art department Includes painting. drawing. modeliing. metal work. leather work. book binding, stenciilng. lace maklng, weavlng and embroidery o! ail kinda. oui Il. roi -rgge r5lx 1% M q jU U IN L L LLN 1JMJE'MAI'4 IJJM&1'4 L, M £kàjuýM JL, Ail, i the k e si bIs pli to foc ont nort l sFi et. coul ter. th. las, cu ,on. mbe * o t i uni siv. To thse mhe thi 1

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