CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 19 Dec 1913, p. 15

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LÂKE COUNTY INDEPENDENT, FRIDAY, T)ECEMBER 11), 1913>. ait, E'IINNIS QUITS PULPIT; SIIOKS FRIENDS CITY'S MOST CONSPICUOUS PASTOR DECIDES TO QUIT PULPIT AND TO TAKE UP WORK IN THE ANTI-SA- ILflN IFAGU F IIfLFLIi wrds of resl s MBUERFEL oO bO DRT ROADS DEST 9 npure L CK IE D OFFI 0 North Ohicagc.. that such a thlngwa even contEFOem-PU PO E plated by ther pastor.C RO T Postrnaster Hale of the North Chi- Mod Conidered t Long. --I age Potolllce plane te remodel the While the news of Mr. MeGlnnls'" interior of the office soon, to get In retirement cameae a shoclc and sur- Former Waukegani Womafl readine.. for free dellery whicb w IIli MustDO Well Dralned and prie tu bIs people, Itle tated that, Again Headsl'IWiI' Hive of f an . tebdoxe arition cond t hohdbeen eonternplating It for be moved te RnIInr ~:mI~m. 'it ani-slon frceof the Lady Maccabees. ni<e more ro for fi,, clerks and the tat hae bion ryig togethimsort thefir mal. 'nus wltt1 make the the osaerbaeositin tryng et lobbv emaller, but It i'lit lo enec-NRO teceede npsiin ln hc KEEPS UP THE CRUSADE. essary for man>' to go to the office for HRO TIRES RUIN ROADS vew of the marled attention ln the _____ their miail under the to-w sy stem en_____ work ho bas received but lie held the room wlll fot be needed. back for sons Orne.. Howeyer,.a.few- Woman Who Is WelI Known sThe two carriers hase ordered their On Farm Wagons Six Insch Tire Wouid ls andi wil hegln termal) out their Ke ihasWI skd weei ao h pactcaly dc e t Here as Former Resident, routesacon. Tt le expected that a N OIS - TO BE SUPT. 0F enter the vork and wrote hie reeig- herse wil be needed for one of the nation. sending Tt te the clerk te he Works for Home Rule. c'arriers et leait. North C'hicago rov- ORTHERN ILLINOIS DIS- rend lait weel< Sunday. 1Mr. Dive-r __ers a large terrItory and if two car- _______riprs rover this twice a day It wil hb TIT -SIH IA and other leaders ln the churchitb J"'ý neremsary fer one or 1off, f0 hase fac TRIT SLGH DIAF could flt malte up their minrls te XX tien Suprent e ,utenant tOf hor',e. It lm expected that ail thoseb read Tt, therefore thev personally mander Aice Locke ef the ladies et alio bave net 3et Ptut nu, their box or t FECTION IN CHURCH SAID took Tt bacli te the hosptal te MAr. the ofcchese the W'orld 'sas gent number ahI do se In the next two g TO HAVE HASTNED HIS 3cInnli. urIg ihm te reconelder. from IDenver toe(Chicago Tuesday t~~ TO AV HATEED ISThis nece saltated the paster sending 0Oppose the re-etertion of trs. loias ss ollv H-oyle bas~ accepted a DECISON -SENDSLET-l backttt Waulegan wtb an lnctw- tlttertteld, commander of tI Wt11'- Position wih G. R. Lvon' Sons er DECISION -SENUS LET-t est note that tf mustlbe rread iýun lilse. No. 17, she wsaclocked ouf of \Vaiuk eatrcc.ernbsac TER 0F HIS RESIGNATION 1day lait. And Ilifves, te the tIi lsap- the hall tntilt h etlnnaNel.ei apsiBetrienfwlth earTimes Rcelew pointinent of bis a bote congregatlon. Tiien ahe was allewed te enter and he The North school wiltlgive their F ROM COT IN CHICAGO T t ormaîîy cernes îefore thte cîsurrcît gn a speech as the npm¾ers fiteti out. Cristmnas pregram Menday evenfing board t a meting this acek. The %ntri.ltuttt-rtielftiformeri, lsed ln ef next week. Thte program was HOSPITAL - MEMBERS board can do netblng hut acp-cyt ' Waukegan, cerner Grand avenue and ItIanneti for the evening ce as te ai- but t l sad Inthemeatlm an ý. eneee trep an wa a romientý lmcorne et the parents te corne. C RY WHEN CLERK READS bt ts:l nteretl-anc peesetnd arrnut Mise Xargaret Ward m'Ili fipendc T HE LETTER. reconsder. hl keIegan people are Intpreetti ln heru Uh cage, lbhrganiohrI BorneDiýafecton. treatment ln (Chicago andî recentl' Set The Park Boeard met ln regular msc Boerne Dlcnvetioninctlitorn. sien at eventng. thwitthcnsnte, nfole m. Mater George Zachls l. The suddenn -ess ittai h te 1eofahictu nTlarrcuthe, ,Sun, atthe lrs. XX'.S. Lester n ls gting lhere e. e.resignation cennes. causes people on jlime1 mother, where she wiTT remaln until Me lints, the outlade te wender If there im an>' Such IlictlaItee t phtase or thse on- after the holdays. t MCdisaffeetion ln tbe churcb, and of test letssees the sup)rerne command- The Presbytenlans 111I practice ,str o course, leaders deny surb a thing isdryad19 iecotllnîs ~agaîn Saturda>' afternooen at 2:30 atb the au.possble llweve, I lmundestod dey ad 1-d hvesof llinis s othe church Mr. Evan-s ai be upa k a a l ýtat Nr. MGinis' olices ave ot whether the state shaîlt reain under agan te help i0 the work.e liti r.\tGini' olcis av fotthe Jurisdlctien of the supreme rom-ý George Gehring went to Chicagoo Da p t1 et met wlth the complete endoriement mander>' or shalbave "home rote" s esterda)' te eee bis phyecian. Ho re- - t ewme hoar onpîuus1 The agitation for home rote IR led porte Mr. Gering as mocb lmpreved the chuncb work and Mr, McGinnlis l'y Ms. Buttertietd, ameng othersmadin bealtb mince hie recent oreratlon. thekin ofmanwhowil ne ýHe advises hlm, however. te be et siexld t an hey nt ork I for thîs reason the'supreme comman- ýsîde as rnucb as possible unt il he bas bas l@.with a force wh le inet unanîmous. dery theught f desirable that she be fuît>' reeovered. ahme bisThe opposIton te hlmt was ver>' sllght net re-elected. Miss Bina M. West et: Mr. Vandergrift of Reckford. Ill-I *lgae hi.andi as ho had the bilg majeitv awittu Port t-uron, suprerne commander, hati bac beon vsliting at the home of M r. hlma "t"at forand Mrs. ltrey.t im t mas trternsutttcetrtforla sutiden attack of Ilînece abenthoe XMr. George Mller lis entertalninge te tae et-hlm tW consider if grounds for re ý- j electIon drew nigh. and the bis cousin, J. C. AIbeis of New York, fet et the Gao. MeGlnnis. fIement excopling that he lm the tast of opposing 'Ire. Butterielld 1n Mr. Miller bad nlot enics cousin forc ele» ft 1913. after whtcb be 1a te sort who wsbos te bave everyhoti' I a number of yeare, assume thse position of superIntenti- 1wtbh hln wbat lie le doing. . ber oan tbaiiwiekl toteMrs. Leete. Mr. and Mrs, Charles Li-itea little ontofth aitkalon work in1Ta br a lgtdsfeto Witb what recuIt bac been outlined. Imon. Carl, wbo la aufferlng with pneu- northeru llinole, wblch wil includeIntecuhlarhraprntfo "Her Own Medicine." monia, Is reporteti worse teda>'. ail of (Cook county outalde of C'hi- ev strEvn*am3utfo Ibis reforence in Mr. McGnnis nrec- V just gave 'srs. Lockte a dose Chicago tast evenlng te belpi te get I cago and nineteen other ceuntes. ignaio note: "Ther. are many in ot ber osto medîcine" said 'sr. But- the Christmas program starteti. Mtr. From a cet ln the Lake Shore bon- iIbis cburch whoBe loYalty andi love 'orfleti alter the fray 'Ive been Evans m'Ill spend Christmas with bis piai, Chicago, there came a letterT parentsatco,0h, Isatweekwbih wa neti ~~ ~ wilIInover fade from my memery." hsrred eut et ses erat halls wbe t eree1ytenot in.cuc adSn TIo noticeti that the words were wvanted te ads ovale home rote. andT day school witî give their Chrtmtras gregation 8unday xorning ln wbîch lien she came out here front D)enier rocramt Tuesday eveniog or nert Mir. MeGinnis. th eldsihl-e i e a ht cty'o mont <tnsp c- ~~~~ ~' te take a band ln our own eîection we eek.etNrbCcaoe- nous mininter, tenderet iebisresigna- abat lho creditod te some moant for just Ilod ber eNtTh.t wa atT eî,of NothaChlitaturce- tion in a most intereellng terri, ene att.le said theno are MANY." "No, there wasn'f env excitement1 day b>' glving a party te about twenty- which, wben reati by Clarence Diver, about the etection. We iuct locketi ive of bis friende and nelglibore, 1 as cierk, brougbt- tsars te the eyes Ha@ Big Job. bh doors and unanimouat>- re etecteti There were four stayovers at the of hi. people and Use clerk himmel1ti I e.pcten r-seins sr 0 tte jaili aat nlght. couldbarey wad thruh th let n s ew Psitin, Mr Nf((;inne Piry on of heatherfl Halîl1eanhewae a Cn ws iaagicagvvi- coud arey mdet-roub he let , a ~s sperintondent ot the anti- Wb irh soundsexetremety simple. Itor Ntenda>', ter. belng ament overcome wth re- -.aloon worît le northern Illineis, hase «"Were going te have honte r,,le lne %Mr. McHenry ot Munonk l0 vliting VMet b.mre as hese who board charge ot nineteen ceunitles andtIllinois. New Yrk bas It, andi Ohio 't the home of Mn, Frey. thse words whlch was te remetve from C'ook ceunI>' ectîlde of Chicago. This' andi Pennsylvanie, and we turo ln 1 Ladlmer Rouse bai a positon with tisir leadership one a ho bati long la a most Important position ln the more monev Usian any efthtem. Andi the Chicago, Wlwaukee Electric Co. beau loved anti honored. The fibocit work agalnst saloons. Mr. 'slcGlnnlF ae're going te bas-e the sî,entiing ef It, aster Thodore ahh ast te b. onzezmlens-a sub tatias net decided yet ahether he atîl tee We haie thte signatures ofst, ferIng wîth tuborcular bronchîtîs, Ie las members etsat T*lbound. Ttire continue hic resîdonco in Waukegan thrco et the ses enty-fite commanderq stilI under the doct-o's cars. "ddnflt beiive their ears as Mr. itut Ibere lm a chance that tlcea îîî. necocsary and a cl gel the others. The Royal Nelghbonu baît an unusu- DIye red tesewors: its itetody sid t ws anmirr TAn e'l se." atty enjoyable meeting in their hall Pivs red tesesers Ithlawlt teaY aldIf as a uner îte a Il ee"last evonlng. After teregular huai- tainty ai tea-bat tho> weutd do ln Miitane>' Was Feareti. nese was fransacteti, a moial hoeur Hie Letter. ibis regard. ithe admittcd that bier Anti set there are men a-be diut fwas enjoyed. The soclety la much Ill., ový ', 191. d bd bee offerd thi jjos- tha womeouilpleasedw taithr itsacozwithli uarteraurterslntth Waukegafl, iI,.o 2,1> husadht ien-frd ii ss 'wmna-î bo h epoerm Pegee(orom, To thbs members oetIhe Fir'tt Baptiet lioh as far back as tbree 3 cars are Tlitît-at maneosers. ftePors lt Church of Wankegan, 111. but did not 5ant te accept ilt ooîî 'Irs. Btterfild stas one eto b M&y dean Bretbl'ef andiisIon: - the present time. State workers liedti"immortal soven" abo trîod te attend FIS SHPTRUH N A 51x years and seven menthe age been atter him repeatodl>' but hc at the' con'vention aIt liet tact Novem -_________UGHINJA yoq InvIteti me te become your pas- 'aYS wlsbed te remain in Waukegan lber anti were frmibly wt o ut of the' Paniama Canal Officials Gtve Out %W1 accepleti yeur Invtatien as a otl lie hat inislieti the stock le hall. Statement Regarding Dtch. cai. frornthlALrd andt teretore 1itad outtinoti bere. NMss XX'st wscthat de',,ntating a5a Pan m fer. 15-OfficIais ef the gladi>' undeteek the worlt yod askeoti ers Over Six Yseans, speech ahen the ('bicagoans pusheticaa rminstoýn helteve that- if ne Me te assume.lrern te eglnnlntt Mr. McGInnis would have been in thein way figsie, anti ber receltectîon fttrtber lîdes taie place the iret shlp eof ry pasterate 1 have endeas'oretd Waukegan neven yeara Aprîl îst next et thein disptay et mlitancy lmseald by wIll go throtgh the canal ln Januars te erv yo aufaihful «y a 1 oul ha heirenaied n carg oftheMna. ftuttenietds friende te have -Insteati of corne lime neXt sommeripr av andricly asbeaen lesedour work. lie came hcre frein Joliet causeti the Inditspoition ahîcti pre- hati been enpct-,ted. Vien ('aptain lalirs togethen. wbere lhe haitibeen stationetitivpsente lir psenti niticaoîsstthîplar.epoerm noîtd, Thons are many in this churcit '.ars; previons te thon lhe was t nîght Sottth Amy iafo-arînthFat stuc ouTil *houe love and loyalty, whoeee aiti- Aunera, lita work mince esternrg tih ef S out îpisra ugh th aal fher cix toiness andi prayerns wlt neyer fade mInistr>' bas aiwaYs bee wtinamontha cYet. iv sman stated that the jýojm ry rnerory. Goti ces-engave te radilus of ift> miles o hcgo, U RNES ANXIOUS' irst ship stoutîtiposblY ho able ilt aay man truer or botter friends than therefore lho la familiar wt-h Ililinois, pass from the Atlantic te the Pacific man>' ln IbIs church have heen te me neetis. etc.lnMy q.1 and you will be onlhroed in my af- Mn, anti Mn. McGlnnis have fixeF R 0 S C ES f This mans the tast definite statc'sîvnt fatIons forever. Whatever I bave chiltinen. tone of whqm waa bora n , -rtf h psil dt h Siven you is ornait Indooti compared WuTHE. I~ PRO4RESSIVES fn, botî txgtoto h aa wtbwbt you have pouneti eut fer me and mine in love anti tnentsilp 0d inefiration- 1 believe t-be lIme bu comie when Iis union et peter aid peopes houlti ho ssversd andi 1 bave remceet bis tiecielon ater pryertul constderatîfln. Tierefore 1 respectful>' aikt tiat yett accePt Imy »Simgnation as pastor efthIIs chunch to take effet at tbe close eftht-e yean 1913. Thbe Lord blos tbe anti keep ttee; tise Lord nake hie face te shine upon ti.. anti be gracions unIe thee; the Lord lift up is counteranco upen ti.. and gIse thee peaco. Sincerel>' yeun paster, Geo. MeGinnls. With Mn, McGtnnis lytg ln Chi- uan,.wbere he untierwent an oera- ton fon appendicitis. the letton of ft.5vsation came ail t-be more lite a O ock ton' bIe peope bati been wat- Sanxlouil>' for his ratura te re- :e hie postion hbesWlten ho ,*ut te Ibe hosptai, Il was announc- ho~4b wouiti bè thete thnee weeks, t$he*roe weeks wi lie up nsxt *"ee edneday ant ie hlm lendi ise es aisIoIîily awating is re- c'he HELD FOR ADDISON BANk iOI George Schmidt to Ds enought Oaci. fnom Nimhiville to Wheaion. 111. Wheaton, fil., Dec, 13.-Sherilf Kuhn ot DuPage cont>' bas left witb requ!siln papers 10 Nashville. Tenu, to brlng back George Scbmidit, helti Ibere as one et the aliegeti banit reb. bers who entenedth te Atidison Bt-at-e bant on Oct. 25 iast anti kilieti Ed- ward Rotermunti, assistant cashter. escaping theneatter witb $200 In cash. Schmlit anti another man wére f naced tbnougb Ibe aliegeti theftet lwe metercycies andtihtIeformer Was E.rrestea lant4ashvllle recenti>' He a-as Identtileti b> Etwai'd Fluber. cashier et the Adison liank, wbo fwent te the Tennessee Cli>'tomI BeIl he eoulti recegnize Its. man. Thse nîhen suspect recentl>' arrest.d b>' lb. Chicago pelice was releasedti Irougli iack et Idient-ification. Owned Up. t « hear you'ne writing books on nez 8 ygtlm- -y*%- "r4pfed Use isan *?iteir. Wtt a çbutikle. 'l'y. struCk Ma drtat a1&-4adSe. Election of Roosevelt in 19161 Urged by Woodstock Candi- dates for iudgeship. WOMAN HELD FOR SWINDLE Broken Accuses RIch Ovorcte o! Giv' Ing Him ad iCheck. Chîcago, Dec. 12. Mlrs, Rotons Struvit. sati te be a welî-totie St, ('hrle P Bane et Weotiect oir, opeeitîtot. 200SottNlivi, wbe s a candidate fon nomination as Igan avenue. wae itqIt te the grand supremo conrt lutigo fom the Sixth jury on s charge rtf tperafîng t Cîtt- district on the Progressive ticket, la brlcerage.lioCheastrgl.binaofetcen moes sxieus ton the etection et Theo- piaittetiagainst hen. doeo Roosevelt- as presîdont- anti the lie saiti thaf stuc hati gitn hlm a succoBs of Progressive princIpios Ihan wortitlesm check far $3.40w on Nov. 3 ho Is ton his own success. ho paymont for thnee bonds a hîch In an Interview ln the Wooetstck sIte purchacet of! ii. Tte checkt Republcan of lait wes'i Issue heot- i, isad.r"' i dr i ota(,cd ho vOcatee Ibe nomination et comploe Progressive tickets in ever>' count>' ton the- 1914 campaign. Attorney _________ Bannes la the count>' chairman et bis Teacit Child What to Reati. Part>' ln McHenny county.-Elgin Ask the puplis nequently abat bock Ceurher. the>' bave ecently reati: aho was Rouch on the Mold. XI te ibgma'ning wbms a yout lady la ln tu on. Young gentleman and ont 10 anothen, and the>' bappen î0 cal togeth.-Kaans aCiy JOUI' theauho ;b tbeylkttebo, and wbat- tbey emember Atti. fOne of tha chiot services the scbeel -en- diers la te teach hechcild what se neati, iwhy be neads It, bow te neatiIl, and how te rememben wltat b. read.- sebool Journal. Pr'ssnt Mud and Rut*s-Would Ré- quirs Legislaton. I don't supomoe tfit1 I tlifer front lbe atiter etgitcers tir frote expert rond bulilders. b,,tut! idWetut a perfect coun- try rond la titis. A dint rond et easy grades. ssett tiaineti, plowed deep, graiteti cudti ,trowed natiast, but by nu muentus eist. tlioruîitily anti heass- il>' nuliei. -rhis roiling tvlt matisli seid andtti tintogetieous and preveni sink botes, scys Thomtuas H.King ln Sotitherrt Gond lRonds. Tieneti t lm epenoti te the pub- tHc tlieosi tndilstpct-lor ite al>' pare- ttiettor mtutiti iti it'tsutrface fon aix re,îos,,ts bn l-h titre: This rond la chealier ltto utld intthe lIraI placo-the ntntcriti le c*iglit ttitere." Il la more cash>' ttand ç ,t',tlly tept in gooti co,,di- 0 tiot It s ct n sherses' feet. If ia î,Ietisat 1r ft r lighlt tt i jlensu ne Ira y- et. Il le, C ul It'tany rondttifor bear>' ao-ocsis lonas it re cne ngooti. WXVid 01- ti re's wil atiie I.t toremttin goti rThecole lthe rtiî,try over have been ver>' genetrt,,s tte themselt'es ln assttntttig suctt a vast emount of bond-S eti lrtersnss;for the pttrpeses et Bt. Pets oht,,lîitg good ronds. begun in NaftraIt>' the gencrat Ides, ls that tb. The plan motte>'illasexpettiel wlli gtve fbem 4461/9 tes rends peretattenîtly good. But wiltit transepts ho seit No rond,. hostevor iveli built, Of the Un svili tsie ettre of Itsoîf with the prea- 871,1foot. ent means oftrfraiS. the dome t'nder tîte nniitttiited system ef cane the top C taklrtg now in vague the sat expert- pediments ence ef generslions tenches us that lt enermous will ho usetesste loek for an>' propen Magnifice: entre or attention being given tbem ltecture. when It hanestisd. Nelthen do i beileve the public wiII stend fo theerons ber ofw gnebof the grenier portion of thte year wltb a BUILINGteA OtttT 5"AD. big roendtai bebitîtIL i 11w. lben. wiii the ratie ho kept up? On wili they tihnaity fade swtty Imb the aameý olid rougis, tutdy condition we bave beep usedti t for se man>' years'l I wleh te suggest a methoti that wli tutet the etttergettcy. sud tf publie optinion tasors lite ecaouihave gooti roadi ntaIaliseensoits ofthte ycan, anu 1tho e c.t oTtiCtît )wil bcen 0 tin as I0 o btiotnt tnminal. We ehouti gi vo nrte-,,lon noft tthe roadbed 11- self, but te tht' ehileis thal travel if, for ln titditrection i ve watînt dth. retuei>'against t,,ttironIs. 'Talte lthe erticar>' tarte or tumben wago, In constant tai>' use evcry- whene for histtittt onds. heavy anti ttght. It sceiglis aplroxlixately 1,000 potond, or httlf a ton. The wagon ai conve>' s toItanti penhaps aI times more t-han tbit: butt, as 550 are dealing only tri getterni fernis, a>'the wagon witb a fuitlent w vli weigh one sud a hait tees ant tIrttvets on wbeeis awlth a t-ire trend ofet (sianti one-bait loches. 'tWien we cone te thînk et tthe number of these tarm wagens, .more or los.5 oaddtipaalng andtie- 1passing contnah>' ever the public .hlgbways st'th a tire trend et only 3 wo antdione-liait incb,'s anti sen thelr effect ten tite surface when t-be greunti la stttetted trom traquent raine i I icetus as thougi botter macblnery 3for cnttlng up anti cpoiling a roatibeti ictutd hardI>' ho des iseti Wiie the irondi le drying ot fthe lejur>' le itili agotng on anti tittaill> onves the surface 3rougît. ttull ofruts-andi tel me say rigbt bore that rots are the wenst en- emy of rohben tires-with frequent muttioles to go tbrotgh or anotinti un. tii a tract tttre or tees smooth ta wn k down, reatiy for ttc operaflon te ho r. îsoated t th e nt rîtin. This lm ne snp- ltositltious case, bot tite tnuddy rosI- Slly. as wenll tnoîv. Ianthose of us whe bave crawled cTottg et lthe rats of abot a mite an itour tbrougb tiqulid drnud nt one seaison anti over tho rougli, -frezen nits at sncf ber, te oun sornew mdvexation, ean teetlty that mach traveling la anytbing but jo>' nldlng. ENSMESFOR. SALE' We have a limited number of the well know'n Fairbanks-Morse Horizontal 4 H.P. Quick Start Kerosene Engines which we must dispose of at once. These engines art brand j new and are the best ail purpose Farm Engines that were ever put on the market They can bc run on cither kero- sie, gasoline, benzine or alcohol The chance you have been wait- ing for. See us quick. IyckmanuWiM#r Co. or. Sheridan Rond & Madison Sirsol, WAUREGAN. III. t. Petefse Cathedrai. The g',foution of Woolth. Lrs Cathedral ln Rome wa Originaliy the proces or accumula- 1506 and cernpleted in 1626.tin orebytetierwoped is aLatn coie614 byleas thau ho reeivea; ,ventually ho twith rounded apse and la whsat je c.el a capitalst Ir anl 1and vestibule. The belgbt were elther lrnprovldsnt, vicions or ln- .,e l 1524feet lie cdt mpetent civiiation would speedily t.The Intertor diameter of doeIine, therefor. the. reai benetactore e 13914 feet. its height to of the refit ame those wbo secumulate. f the cross 448 feet. The Borne of un have thse capaclty, othere ed doms, resting on ie tour haveflot.,th ai an inexorable law of. aplers. ln one of the mont natuire vhiescamet o lutered.-Lea. et aclalevements in archi- Yes! AilWomen Appre- ciate Warm Sllppers Warm,_ cozy bedroorn stippers are appreciated hy every w.oran. Corne ni very pretty shades; sonie trixnxed with fur -others trinumed -With silk ribbon. You'll sat- iy ourself hs velI as well as the recipient if yo u give a pair of these sipers. Large line, priced at $1.50 & $1.75 SIIOP NOW BEFORE THEf [AST MIN- UME Herç are a few suggestions: U~mbrellas-$1 .0 Toilet Czs Fancy Pllow 29 Tapestry Pillow7~, Tops at .... 5 Bathrobe , Blanket- -lavl.....2.98 Perfurne -Oiîîî'canîd hll' oîliwe. -'25 c andtt ....... 50 Jewel Cases ('lîoii'î' at î'e ei"ics. Handkerchiefs - rived o.........1.«00 Silk Hose-PIrice(I at $1 .3..... ..100 Silk Hose- Fo mien, at -al.......50C Kid Gloves-Priced at il 3.00 Needie Books-Priced 27w...........2,50 Nckwea-Prc'> ed up fromn....,c Fancy idnons-Priced .rm......25c Embroidered PiIlow Cass- Per 75 paii ..........75 Cut Glass-Ranging in prcefrm50e $ 5 Leather Hand Bagu- $10.0 down 1.00 to ............. Meah Purme-Priced frorn $1.00 Up 6.0) to .......... Coin Purses-Germnan sil'er, 75c up 25 to ...........25 Wool Blanketa-Priced f rom $5.I 0 tlp .....20 B.d SpreadsW-Priced at 98e up 55 to ...........55 There are rnany other useful articles on dis- llay-it will pay you to corne here first, then look around after. 'et or 17. às ber f Bled r lIte. sd by a di- terne? %et he wre la ulated. times sr hua- t thée ne thse Swua Taylor grand ave te, er bau for di. st hm Bent deS id Iso s pros- e 'a»n. or tihe el r. stediy t4 fired on lite, lck ac. stood at-trb- Drneys t the s-,

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