CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 19 Dec 1913, p. 16

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Page ight.LAKE COU=NT INDýP NDE NT, FRIEDAY, DECEMBER 19, 1911. late County lhibeenbcnt MEauhcoan Pech % un 'Tis said that Mrs. Young, deposed head of Chicago achools, in the. second greatest politician iniChicago, Mayor Harrison holding the first position; 'tis said further that Ur. Harrison and other officials have wanted her deposed a@ achool head, but, in face of the women 's protest, are now afraid to stand up to the gaff and support Mr. Shoop who was elected to the position. Well, whilt we believe in women voting if they wîsh, we have always feit that a mmn of Mr. Shoop's ability was more fitted for the head of Ohicago's schools than a woman-and we believe most women themselves agree with us. Mr. Shoop's abflity is not questioned-the women just want Mrs. Young return- ed to the job, that's ail. They're making an issue of the situation and, in face of women's suffrage, inost of the qfficiais of the city are afraid to oppose their desires. How- ever, Mr. Shoop is said to be no quitter and a merry fight lu t.hus expected. Xmas Suggestion A visit to FULTONS " Store beautiful '" where you will find a mnost complete assortmnent of handsomne and useful articles, every- thing usually found in a first'-class Tewelry and Music House. Ail New, Fresh, Latest Styles and Designs We guarantec ail articles exactly as represented (or money back) and our prices are "right." Dm't forget -our Piano and Grafo- nola contest, votes with ail pur- chases. 123 Genesee St. Next to, 10e Store The Weekly Independent is the best advertising medium WHEN you set out to YVmake a purchase do you like to have a large assortment to select from ? 0f Course You Do. Every one does-tîîait's xîby this stor-e is blisy ail the tiîne. Oui- re-ord of Fifty-ý x years in NVamkean is assurncuie of fair treatineîît. '1'b-t's w-outhl oiaeim Your Jeweler must bc aw- truitwortliv a., vour BKi not only as regards lîonesty, but also iability of judgement-each aets ii ail adv. ;¾ i-y way regarding imvestments. 15 INGALLS Waukegan 's Real JewefryStore TO HOLD A BIG CENTENNIAL. to the ploneer days of Illinois, are hé- annlversary of the admission of 1111- most elaborate demonstration ever1 _____ing sought by the Illinois Centenniai nots te statehood. 1 attempted by any stats. Information Thee ae mny eope l Wake.Commission. It la the idea ot the It Ia known that valuable materlal regarding plans for the célébration or Thianderer many eopane in Wue commission to coliect ail avallable of the character mentloned exisasln the collection ot ploneer relies, mayt ganan ohe ctie ad owsln material ot this sort and place It lu every county ln the state and the be had upon application to any mem- Lake county xvho have mementoes the reliquary of the Illinois State His- commission la anxious timat persons ber or the commission. whlch the Illinois Centennial Commis- toIdentLlbrary or some noter rellabie ln possession of such, 'or havingi Itla a knoWn tact that there are1 sien would very much like to secure agency' that can be depended upon te kuîowiedge of t whereabouts, com- many such relies In Waukegan andt for the Purpose of display. fathfuîîy préserve these mementoes. municate wth themn on the subject. Lake county but whether or not thée Possession of photograptgl, letters, A magoIfIeent dlsplay of eariy day The Illinois CentennliCG-bato owners wlll be willîng to part wîth1 documents, household art]i.dles, farm souvenirs wlil be a feature of the rel- ln Dis1 of whiciî the Centennla 'r-them las an entirely different matter.1 ImPlements or other material relatlng ebration ln 1918 of the one hundredth mfso a hrg.wl eb ar the Many of these old relies bave beeom1 passed down trom tather to son sa bave become practlcally priceîl Again there are instances Whers. these relies have talion Into banda of People who do flot appreciate thêm ljecause of. any sentiment and who 'would Just as sooti turn them over 4l the state commIssion. That tbey wlU do so, seemia asured. Thun It la fair to assume that many relies from this Part of Lake county wlll be on exhibît at the Centennial demonstration. Christmas Offerings at Heins Gf Rich Values for the Early Holiday Shoppers 'lli kYnteof (411 rî1'lniîI stoc k utf11(41 (laY goodsi' for tliis ( hiisinas season is VA<II 1' Tllioîli i o hi in hoth itovxeltx ald S111-assîlîg hieaiit, v, N(e lia ve kepd eoistaiffintliiimud Ille fact fliat vouia xaslook fo flic HEIN STgORlEt fi- s4iietlinig loi tel for yov oni nîîex-thaiî otîler Store',5 give vo4i. What to Give Where to Buy How Much to Pay A e1i~il( li.s t ]' gotteîil 111)w th the x*oiî lia 'o iii iijîiî at tijis biîs v t hue. 'lhis store is a %ast hîlida '% bazaar., so îiaiv thîîîgs hiave k ipp1il it. Blt, lhi(-llo- viit is ieu" is thioi-oiiglîl 'good-iaîîd vot ptîv îoidrahly 1e55 t1l il (I ~îo ili i xust stores. On due t fable Wl' have 1 lail da lîcaltitul as- soitfiueît uV uîîhoo dislies, iîik cIspini 4-1shiiilis, itj(I c-l ases anîd toilet articles, in- loîglit gldftinishi. 'luiis lot Cllt f ial 71-)v and $.0ait ivdes. 0(>il netabl at............... Now Is Your Chance To Buy a Suit or Coat This holiday is an extremeîy important event in our Ready-to-wear section, every nook and corner is crowded with special values. Investigate. Th~lis lit eoîisist-s of ail of omi- $1,7).o sîlits for- ladies' anîd misses, aîid iii- luides sîine-'yi-yuîuumîal styles; miadie up) of lnod ?ts i7viots, Serges amnd wor4it((15; j)ehct fittiîîg, ivell fillîî iîed; ; olors ai-c blIe, l<iowi, Iiaromiî anid hlack: 111 sizes. Youî .4 ('hoh'(- for qîîickel ranee ... 7.4 A veru- large r-anmge (if cuatsý is îffei-eu at $ 12.3( foir tliîs sale ini three qîîatei- anîd full length,. ioisisting of ci iIi las, astrakans, boueale and( îî vmi x- tures. 'Soîie il] tule îîeu.anîd lilmlai- kJmmiuma sîcevvea 14~l ~ M v-alueos at onlv......... 2.5 011i- sl~l i lits aie i vlmu d iii tlis lo t, limus îi-vtai lE îrd guru Ieiits,i I-N ohi--esxv itels -io s, ini hlîkandlam41 s; Iîîail v îîew triiiiîg effee4.ýts slîowii; sohîle aie Skinîner satin liied, ski ts scfiîi amiv iiiiiistîal drapue lilo 445 il to., ffN. .. ..10.00 t.qt lin theitIIa1eI- ><e, 111 hij in l avk ind co4rt lmteIiasprttl tilil ie .98 'Pretty% Neckwear Put Up for Christmas Gifts1 \\ x-a sp eial I* v aft ruotixT St 4)4k 44 da itî i f nerkwear ini ail of the newest andî In4 st w anted< st *vies, fromi the- snîirll and4 iiaiit *v how of rihîcon and laic, t ili- inote e!aboatuî hifn xx dli prettvlaveadvibn;h l f t hein prî4-ed lx<- g 2.0 fîiî2eto .... . . .. . . ..2 0 Christmas Aprons-( 'otili t l)(giil f4 (l ailal the duifft t tles NWl are Sil44xxing iin aprlis I bis yeaix \ <<mi'11 iake a big iîîisfaike( if, vomi neglevt see- iîîg Ilim's a;i)>1oi, <rthe (hiistnîas traul--M (li1t11] tied at 10 fioiiî'25v fo . .. . .. .. . .. 1 0 Hair Ornaments-Lxii te oisi th -vr nNest shapes, both wit h arnd xvithiiie\,(ls. I î rate giffo xvnoîii<f al agesfon t girls f gral(ti<lui ch5 tOo 2.00 Chlldren's Dresses -liglut and dark <'4 lurs, imelding plaids, x-alimes up to $2.00, to clean 89C women's House Dresses 1 -a ncxv lot jiist -eixda)) (--l ors and sizes, big $1.50 values, at, 1.00 Checker Flannel Nlght Gowns -good hcavy xvt. friiuiuiied at <ollar amnd etuf fs, $1.50 values, at, 1.00 Worncn's Petticoats -extra heavy xvt. inu Stiipe patterals -î'eai 50e values, at, omly, 29c Handsome New Christmas Purses A is gi Il, o 41w \44i1dlii ' 4iiv O -i mlir-e, -iig4 so \ woii1aiiv<imie of vont. 1fi-ieîîîs. 'P'liîs ;i)<)devi;ti41 x4411lsiiielv o- gîctitul, 444, if t1lit iitil4i5sl--- tr4ml il411-.pleiuililstovs-kof laligoouls îuîim-lia--.-uleslea-ill «v 14foi tis lioliia- tiii<leit. X flinîd 1111 kilîds 4of 1o-tt v and41Sei-viîealîle lel iiovclties linre. I îîîinaut 4 410,of41 itilitx aptI liîk-d xiilI usi-pauSSiIlig stYvsaI well illiist îate-in< l it1lili(lay 5 lia,2 -to .. . . . . . . . .5 0 Brush and Comb Sets A fine tx 4411 fit i islue i -l sli , <<ii l>amdui îiii -ri i, ive-- 1 l 111) pfoui.('liisfiias ini Satin iiîied box, pri<-cd at fro4111,-).00 lup . to ........ .......... ......- 4 .5 I ___________________________________________________________ Way's Mufflers -iin tan, flivY, naroon, gr'ay, etc. -the î-egulau' 50e qualty, at this sale, 19C At large vî iet tt t his1prive, jicli îd- ihig blir m<l(-, astrakani, -hiiehillas and mîixturies, ini uavv, dark red and black -shoxviîig flic ew etteç-ts o)f the sea- s(>ioioriaiiîîeîuted in a pleasiîîg way -Ill sizes;,$1'200 valuîes fo!- -7* wifhi euofb, buons~ and 1)1amds M9 ('oats foîr boys andulgir lsiin a lairge as- sol-ttielit of vdot lis;'aIl sizes to 14. N'al- iies 111) tu>$.. 1)forî tIis C ist iias sale, oîîly .....hi....2*98 Pretty Handkerchiefs-IIeinstitcheid, eîîîbroidered, îmitials, iii lîuieni, iii caînluric, in silk. Haîudkcrchiefs loir xvmiii arfud îhihi ever- good kiiid-and an as- sortitiiit tliat's siiily bewildeî-îng. W'e have made a gm-tat bid for- the b)11k of the Christmas handker- buiif osiniess iii towms. We knoxv you will50 --îaii.The prices ranze froin 5c up to-.. 0 Boudoir Caps-A splendid array of fine laey caps, t.isfilv bcdecked with bright colored ribbons and tunique i-ose l<uds. A very welcome gift. 10 1 re -asonably at f-orn 25e to--------.. 00 Chlldren's Flan- Gingham Aprons netette Nlght -iii stripe and Gowns eiheck patter-ns, -bi ne or >i nk 9()()( size; our st r i p e p)atternis, 25c- une, ut imliy, 29c 15c women'a Mustin Nlght Gowns - daintily cim- broidered, good full size; a 75e line, at only, 49c Cotton Mcsisa- jine Petticoats - in blaek and colors, deep u-uf- :fie; a $1.00 value, at 59C Fuit Length Kimonas' -of heavy flan- nelette in nexv ý atterns; o u r 1.50 line at oniy 79c Ladies' Corsets - in the new styles, good cou- till inateriai; our regular $1.00 liue at, 85C On One Large Table yuxiifiî large ai-iav <of <elliîl<id articles, <oisisl- loi, Ilooks ama n « vi, siiîall articles that wae plidi gfs.Vot. hoe25c Chicago. SDet te uyst d"mw th çumna bel 0 lhaoa e . 1 1 1 1 1 Pap F-igbt._

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