CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 19 Dec 1913, p. 2

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Mb Daubeor bosf ai, oe aastast iwvlg »d @«tO £0 t iaufa y Im»o 6ulbaiigo W jpts.iiliIqofadMm'hA. t.éX rih m uaiu storehafe@btl boptbmlnaulng m f W timtbpriea-athesn »d âfrlit. FrakKniggot w o steaa tpie 6. A. Kiam lire Dort Oven snntSuun ristar lr u Ciuo. U.S. *ao Waiaent la Colt& V i tm tbs h e "bratl. Ob* aivrsr 0f tii.mai îè«modputni. Haretinsm Ob*taaa exere ii ho I ru*u Tsà purnli eau ~t.lbalrscmlbaI ia Fou t oa,ov drou plie*asn. mwgsmmJo b 1uthe adamp e t loI ong stock o0» b. amo01 Xdb,éOlu&Ii lastlmleu tho eu loohwng fr r aPrsto"i feu anTloch ove? its stock ai tieoDebnie &@lxnd M O»Ube M yv0lls Mlsms u boretfllMoaalIeseu bt lOr. mthe leuMai. 10M I l. M .10 M Uéi.oh. oais 1TbA%%ea s d ou Jly i 9 a by ar joreh. m smut» d ta Fro0wdeil beTytilleop K ugist nthe Mhapi ouleetiidg ohe 61»v. Snxoc. a.i9ose bar srt t este vals th ouutate , sdd b adéta Se m DjriIUU is6iaisixisae li.he 9001 0 hum ba&p01goyn e ote uad h5 adued brng&e ber mffai sud atiM o erlber con.. Tusi I s' rgi u ii io, aagbareteg. ai ai Sau.peuio tar oset te re eto ,sudxt og tstaMeda l ratd 1 roatee Vboe vb Ig latetitshe»,Lse A M oui o ne Se, the Will5iiiof Waucnda. Hemnaof lW09n «rose, lHeury ai Weconda, nd Dinh o1 lvnoDovmu Grave; also à brother, Wiliam ScInhe &wiamgbnseorfPaltine; ixten mer hotus grand oblidren Md àatost other relatives sd Mande. Aday Wt The. stthe home sud chutcb st HallDay vota conducted hi »te, lion. Roi. 0-.iM. Umhach. The lntotuisnt ,0 oi the tooh plam te thWRilDer cenisiery. trrageof0- iTusy CARD OF THANKS Wqe viin ta tkuhthe fbloude ho' aild ai thé maislted us an htndir dud tlngut.e>unes i«. Au sud d.ath of aur b.loved nîotier sud artama i, nain«eraWho msaaithé fanerai .11.1 Maeservie«s. Fred Kruger sud Fanlty. r the dis& OlND 0F lItANKS irat DM W. vial ta expeoui nor s Iéé ba TOI W4 1ti thé rastivesude many triode ,,or lai etPr ,P, ayphi ho6" aiforai bien ai zupuci ta qui4m.ar4ooi motaeinl yagk va. lIs "ahour et ouriausvmmt. ho .sd fanwhtuofithe imuis butpnwM lbesu»o te be -Pleusêd *Nyon 0h' aWM ,a#- M» bavo a Veri complet. aS ýiIo ecs Ulylaw. W.vieaoftr gkgmtly roducid IMmuthe, folloing ~ai~.tsriiaSugr. ....... .............s1.00 bé Vbainu, 1......................... .....9 *d# micet. l ..........................2 àý,ou . MC. iai.owr........................ .18 uIcsl C."Bueinsve ........................ 19 g1e*Mr'a . .........rin............................ 9 Si.caa Paoo~.......................... 3 ena fanny 'odysoap ............ ................2 460i pkp.&Svlfi'WsoUMg Povder -.............. ... .27 &a. (lis Hot Cli Flake,..... ................ . 0 aO.a Mfiargn................................ .15 .îOtý6ffFestijv.Cr............... Se csamaPèea.................................. .30 uic. hlonidaOrangea, d*e ......................... .1 ,b (MiteraisCluster Raàiai.,.............1 be. Rlffl Oss.................9 g of 60 Her Gsorée cigare........................ 1.85 ai f iti , leWm. Penn cigare .....................1.85 bxoeflàR. B.oigarm.J.........- -- *....................86 mm bc pkgs. Whîte Beal smoking tobacco........2 Wa psUt of Union Workmaa emoking tobao........... .38- Ro-miner, too, w. eau supply your vante in Fsuita, Candy, Nuta, CoIory, Lettuco, Poultry, Etc. k AIRRIE, A Mior« the Want of a hlorse-dmotNail wr tm vs 'M i <bsk4gAceount you may spend several houte i ppobaIl7 piy4leyur mantsa nài you Mlght loe. anme of the mosey oomolhn; s"a, themerchsut might forget tao Wit yoi for tis aaMOUntpaid, ud @eV" orlmnthe afterwvd *Bk yon ta agun psy the saune MIL Without amy on te y00 visatoyer thip bok vilii la<lad to f-rnia e ion itb !'the TIIE c BANK Wb kW osolgfor Zines p 43te o' fbu ta, lélt. , W thé lorggp ha M'a.0. Gu,~b tu ràsi a-hber hocme te *6 C it, aft.r Ofalabg % thbm tvao weeh wlth M. W. K*WW #sud *Mr. amd bUVj. I>iem smddangôita "uea sdiy la the uty. oranit atameifla18bavlng a pomeh bul ons thé fluaiofiber otio& g. lstandS09iBonf Da, le doing ths moftpet.t ork. The Ouppor Dm .12, va. a dcli mmm Uverboiy locehahppy. &MvW ipllace.. vOtarsred hbiil ordiastra vhlnb von SM Wroa4bh& oluchlut ,. Eerbody Iscil. Ais wb6 lai.par u t a . ePr"pmj v1 hUair "bath le church on -atUrday ai 2p. m., Uta.W. tancl. sMd mi"sa iIe Hoigihas. thé touher of- the prbDMar deaiet vent ta the ity ta opus1 to Gateam uslu bobailof the littia nome Mr., aud lire. . L. Trlpp of Are%, vluliedl with the latter'@ parent», J. Richarde, Sunday. M. W. Knedier and @on Ted vlalted wlth Ml ire ll "y, Sanday. Mns. Chas. Ierahbergor. wbo bas boon lu the saniarlun ai lirlu, apeut a few dals with ber hueband 111e wftk. lBer mony Moueds wish ber a speedy recovery. B. H. Roie, who bu been ln poor h"ath forcorettme, ha. Zone to Elgiln for trestirnut. 1 LZ±UIZZJ lir. and lin. Lma Broynamstureollng ovrtii arrivai of a ia Pound boy ab tboi bonis MaudM murniug. a. E. liman, loalreenýttlveofa lb.é MlachlgaefMues] LlftnsnraueeCo., vrots a 5,000 pollcy for a liuivaue mm lut ve. RarryBassiy sud asater, mi". Amy,1 spent nday sud liondayat LaGrange. Tb@ lugeo Wornenra ld thaitelection Weduiadaevocnu a and t aSU et the oons vih the excepion aisma*- ali le ruaffl baisgcmmen la thé place of ie9. qGalighwlo -1:W mod te zis..% 1 willNlbolmutm vithae, Ierlon 1 meimt lmaiWfuine"owhulo abuinlg nom. visa tt 1 , it f14W on le drive I =Mb. sDrklgli t bi bc, *6fmm tataie harp of ulules WW u ls te b. oui agalu. A, J.Baiioi nble i to b. ont sfe lira.Liait. Kauteuhorg, vho ha. beau opscding several wvse w iii rulativee., ici Volo la nov stsylug inu Mcenrî. lire. A. J. Raymond attendsd thée lacerai o te ots Mr@. Homet Coa of' _Wankagan lutSi ondai. ilas Desie unuil viited thé om mMilli. Hoein&of Chicago, Vieted bar mothor, lira.Rooent.cerlust wv11 C6nuad.tble noise sud exctament pre- valisi on our etreet luti. Frldsy ovenfrg vian the îoung fok@ 01 the villaflgoav lir, sud ira. Bonbons charivari. Miées ithna Eoedeutbcher spnt Sun- diu t bi er home bars. Ouelmin Wagi la lu Texas on busi- uses coucrnng bis reai aser.. snry tofetle la tlt n etavu. lira. Bui tord of Oa<y, vsteit ber mother ]ot Frlday. Bd Froet aiof Cageo, viloisi bis u6oher, lirm.Jaek Fro.t luti veet. lmasJeuieHmuasey iitai ber miater, Um iJoe.pbiilo feuso f Intimilda, ovar Bundai. Peter Stadiet d H.ILP. Houasuamode a baumetrip to Wsîksgsu bit Fîlda.y. MisBiElleioore va. lu Wauconds os. da&y tant veoh. WM. Dodeon vas ini ioeuryla Wedneeday. Thoeeyuil b. asivlce ait theM. chureb udayst2:StlunImatbaveatber: la truy.______ ^bout Umbrtailas Ton should navet oIf up su imbeit- la vben It la vet. Alvaya liet t stand vitlt hondie dovuvard go Ott tb. vater osm ton oit the eanis athl vbe iuead of ruannlnutov the tsrrule end and ruiting thut part 'ai Ibo umbrolla. ï N«ete.mmbislm -Hy oa mDOflMg misai-t auSmltayr "7.w$31p D liktwep**o'.&C.,iave a splendid is- piued' sm aCtu.e lt--. Satum be thé tour y4mwr aid boupul saisuopertion. Jua 01M4 uBisn oMli. uWiMMn. Joli sut #baie iils homeuidai mort- bug ait8 m ils,-lleseaiSont vssi« vllg uledola Cilcag. sp no i rlu, Mo, le vlstlag at ile hou a . P. Rutchlsoa. M1e liu TlaMogsand Rivard Bhiameil Jr-, argon thaschitiet. Boy Rutcloon @pont Fridai sud aturday vWatluig Mr. L. liattbow of Cicago.r, Thé Ma 8igua Chi Ûmet ai'the houe of lms lidod Whitlng, Tuseday maion«. lir.*nd mm nDrbioe ud two blldran of Olleuco., Md lira. 'eu. Onyder sud son of Winesis. joro the gusets ùf .lMr. aud li re.Frd Roreubenger. Sunday. lire. Oarles Oreaoru bad te ber veeh end guSat ber eousik4rm Chicago. Worlaa maus býen roeved of thé doatb of J. C)'Engel of Colorido Spnga, Co., a formner paston of the Presbyterisu cbureh hore.' Ume iliau spoilithe veek-end a. the guost oi ber parents in Waukegau. A pritate dmnce va giron Batnrday iglit at Andersonsa hall by tha TonnFi IIen'a Club to abou.t ilteun couple. Tb@. chawperon.. vire: - Medams L. Pettis, J. E Kalcisnbooke and Burt Krels. Mine. lantthChamben of Lot Angles, Ca., te vlaiteng ai the homoeai9lMt. Md Mis. Anderson. Bloue baker7 saie ftaturday. Dec. 20. "t 'p.M. Attelofet fromsnnusi " vili b. fotrsas&1toduced prit«a ahthe home oS Mm. S. P. Hutchison by thé Doftbes.csolt. Mr. aid lir. Pbillp Carrol of Chlcao, vèegh» es imofMr. sud lir. Rsph "a.boahsu. dndai. to 4U»4lpetsso. vue é uqsot o mileJohanna Dohulta ni Chleo, u- day. Au aide. bbehimisp@ea*mia ulve% by Îms. Ovyiea t la bolu h~sUpuuhaae bythé Mm briglOa *I asihtaa 0@t' aiubatuhsenu *ih.a~ipep*I~otbeuemg the qlU~Iami~1I aviii Us. le igit $ou etç bs ot emerub"ib exp.. puéia nieda t doux wpams,.. gw gaveNraO vfiEiOiileohtgbluNllt Md leadtdMiU.ia4S Susuvoia ~ gaveuclFison pvecime i emb laM, bY lm uiy uhee*oM thue olMe o 9»lasaiu <Moda reclug, Do0mbSer 22.'lelthe daa utSfore esrits., elMoaitusait Mmuikio it, r.,tyand m ifriada jratbOshOthelal int . <Iat Vrluy lireb. PMssamvil, b, li lthe Moula ou i te ilu ami .eugt the 0ftP rebytsriaochnTrch. itr JrnoondedMmb.ouat ilt alâtniont flanquai ai liaerflormael, the<o théâeahagoulida àWfuieu'e ig qtsan Mo seyDac.th9 PresbyteaonuNoroh Tbuday uter non.lira. in as ooi dviiitai bout«=h Jdbu lcCma u la. tkern.d trom the icopislu 1, ankegan viere hé under. vou8 a mSusi lopertiesforappendi- ctie. Frai Loo=man.Wvo Dowv@las uWl.- eomsln, h vluting rslatvs bors thii Fr"ko uerlu a. a Cblesgo vioior *Ttareisyo*W Ho lit laa protty tres ankas Whole Lot ofi Toys and Umeful Thingm 9 0 W. are velpi pareil toaOi your aider for DKBPEIDTALE. RUGI uld ALL KINDI of FUENIurE.i W. aiea bave a complote lice ai 0O#STER WAGONS, BLERDS, DOLL BUDS, DOLL 0GOCÂRTS,ý ROCKER&, CHAIW* Brlng in the Children W. ans gad ta hqye them e] Remoibor, Homo Puchain# ta Appr.ciat. «OUT prion are ilgbt; ouiy the besS ai goodo. Thé gay Fu~ aùd'- Paintý- LAST CHRISTMAS-WHÀT ABOUTR'? Lots af people.'jIast before iastchdlsteasopedF#*i Nad"oalSswta'W Accauntuw formPIwaIt, You bow NEYER Îlgetethsit-hvyouith.Cçt.' accounts yaiu gave bdstymarW»atswtm e ssi ater, ta raidi thea Cigisimsmorning. telllng 9" Mboutyos 9&s Wont tfhey be plaased wàhaui a-receve aour lttr telliog tissaiWhot yo have given? - THt 1MR8TNATIOAL BANK .7 As XmasApproashes TH TUETOUGHT 0P THAT ONE PRESENT TUE MAIN ONE Thue one ual mt beJUlffGIIT baon,.. inistent. Dot- ter dispose af heaitonce. Yan muet have Un.. for a caroful soisution. We muet >av* tîne for arite tic sngtaing. 11!4 »De t..o MIy right nowl A. IIUSS, Jeweler LIBERTYVILLE,' - - ILNI T WE ADWR11SE AND 111W Y 0 u a Iuoon PROFrTY TIIoi iT T. 8-Room House for Sale, mou Spa Ous d rue. ay lotu Sii iiýFan» - I oldseDURANDk & DRN NIAL TATE a8i LOINS Trigg B1k. Ph.. 2 iotvI Can ho usai vlth sithor lotrie or gapollueonglne power. t bave theugenry for the stloerkropp GOhne Engin@.. % or 13 hom spawer, especally adbpted for thia particular es @of vont. WiliIb. plessed to demonstrato at auy tles upon aupolimeni. Foe furtber particulare addnoe or tolophone -WM. J. SCHIRECK, Phmies»74L-2 Libertyville - mhinous N.d an ORCHESTRA? Phono masofl No. 34-W Round Lake, ID MUSIC FOR AUL OCCA3IONS. Dance Music a Speciay Dr. N. W. ScI.Uo7er Wflhbc tt m 0 SAIeeiecmiOrchud . Ueyil.osreom. Md Pf'ldy. NoIncO -ro ooRR<MONbENTS.ý .seoê~;.el~ tta lte winq g nUllný W* veuliurge ýfh&t gpo e m laO0« UbeftOe on Ohsicolt um No. 200--2 Laie YiW ewme CoL E. L 1)own.a & Smn GÉNORL AUCTIONUU -Deaiemme Horusa, MiIch Cowsanad Fan Redi Ettat. Faim ai Randea e stv~, Mii station Jewelry and SiIver«w i hametis, gescy f«r. Noies Nit, wholeseleJevelee ai ofsi. Nu&s. sam hmveontof fineS lissai IoWelry and ivrar\alI eme showla n eylfa andm e rigIt. te ego en you. AA gUt *0 Ala Lyon- Fe BAIRST0W Marbie od Gr- médu I. Cwruepo msýnc e » rude soi Iet I "DénI1 *ip to 1 "ainaQý bue th aia te «Mu Thé' At..t d)àmlg ovesY1 '-oi IN»0u 'Ilas modhy 4 eiha y * M bit miume Tb@. on th Iteet go$@§l bWa ba qou op 1 ý mmmm.-. - - ---- 1

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