CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 19 Dec 1913, p. 4

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AdertIsng Rtes Mad Kown on AppIlMtio*4l t. l No#=m PRICE, 0150 PEU VEAU STtICTi.v IN AOVANC(E the nrdinatho w à Wite -Tii t Luk'. cli * m .. ............................ .....................Tiie oandidi ................. .......................... . .... M anager Urnle wrrn. hi m W ..R.. . . . -......... ............Resdent Manager,Phone S08 Baptý*luIil can, the.fier. P. aeto;,the superrisoS t their clou- periâô wlehofwauhaguthat lhe ga te plan of pl Jai seteced tru w onu tat 6he tate ail b.t C . 02thegoo imul eot t' t ina good Wuced li. elchs mtinfoilowed in lin. wth inFriday's PaIlY Bun.w# avocted tr7lng1 board ma el 1 the editoi-tbat men whio areW en t ~ the couiity for some offense, should mmr theïr 0; jtis botter for theïr bealth to put lh n out to Work f1û ~tINS dfiùty boua tt x sdeft seu -re- àu for its expbuditures. It la a meana ao of keeping Mi crime, for the average man wll hesftate before get- bth te state courts for fear he vii have to go ott leros.M to work. Therefore, it doean't seem as if any h*elcanbeoadvanced agalft the planl. It isto be Md thé bourd vwii ses th advantages cf the suggestion , at theNMarch meeting, make It operative. Oter coun- have doue tvhy Rot Lakel 'affor Coqnty Woodmen have started a boo>m for 6. ame for head cerk of the Woodmen. Why not 6"k.b OoUty start a boom for 0. T. Heydecker as to-re-.lect hlm, to the job he once held. Ho would à '1~ 'bigodtcampalgu argument of anybody who may mrthkeoontest. Re could say 'IvwuadirctorIn the e dayp of the order; 1 vas one vho fought to myeo the wehe t ftatheriggêdedg;I waSo outed bythe k wbo dldut lie my metbodu of lightlDg for the Mem- el' Iuerastamd uliose i records of late pars bas W4 such reseumeut tbroughout the country and who i**ýttto bee jdotd and nov mm noUaIld." Re mmU ba th-argumerïb at this back that 0. T. an tl.11 hy not tart things? ?Tbe ouýg oua m pertz,*ndeut of Liake 0County is to $1500 a year and o2 acsc ang *0the de- voek, vhieh ho viiilbs requlred to do te com- j" a * me o * have expes vbWcb vin tw m, maktbg the Mot position ot a à. Mt if th1e roadAieimproved the # ,wfU be, it vil b.mon" eU e ms. dé moe e àn.,km" evalue ~'stbo thas4emoke a change snd take place "Wrom noration thatwe hv olce wile in Volo we "believe that the Rich- mi wotnen probably dld not get wbat she deserved, @hosIt really been ridden on a rail and told to leave spa e, h would oniy have necived just dues." W.IL itlo"kas if tlb. uperviors actedvly vhen ,ooted Grad ÂvUiWUWud vhlch v i lt re- s Mate ald um rtW nwme ao1w.Deivtider.Stt ubl. mSt bf lbe way to Gnysla&; Grand Âvmmue = enly t te veu end cf Warren to'wahp. il ts remoble ltaI the ;Oad vich la in lUbape houid bu the o»n to receve ftînt atteUton. SAs Eatmiiprofusor dedlares the world incomng hke.... old Muath just fMm. million pars toex'de tlàrl, «taed viii core viiithe owsogjfèu a 1-le sa$ug goe«: 1"We ÉmUd al 1 nie New Varit Storej Xnas Candy'tq 12c lb.ý TYWIII ble..anpcyid. Oifts for OIdet Folks prhnioUi- Faacy China, Glmsware, HIand. kerchief, Neckwear, Stationoey, ChoIdWt' Books, Embroidery Floss, Gass Deada, etc. It il pay you iu dollars and oeuts to tome and look arouud. 5c and 1lOc Nothiing over 25c mraon thé 1 trcrndimt Tf'a1Uvt'etÔry ui thieFoilde MilIno The atiendance abthe i.War c( boston, eebYattcfldi.d t, ep wliitb e ef.Oerl«ag 1 td ii ao i th" Rev. bMuard S. w*.pàt#' inttt, 'iidd eretn*of Yel.ak a. irî aordination ti9OL place tu ofTiig N>dectff ofthe . a% 11U1 e.nO'uh amiIUgroent co hnrel., Sontii ivauitou. lMhultIt6di>uY*vs ,ntlielp ceimodI4fl'l b and lit laestinataid Cii late. for ordleiili U abtueiîtii . d' t t.anSd M a Ibtha biladrid hlIo hob. urnd oai r. Robert Phuilla, a toril Sa les ~'t~f ihe gmd.fEiM %is 40ouâ ,Jeter, who aasor4ale de'.. etatae. Tise' ia4glscinrls. ai V<jui V. A. J. 0. houle and. he prodtie le doe ns lalor&,. ili.oo lâ w> n.grad ia rd 8. M thite, Who wera ordar- îre1l:. i idt <hau t uhn te> fIni s u*id éveil Ur., PhPulpe anal the 29T. ode wilUd Soqwa. tables and oM Wilaai i.Pa'Ci*ngtb erp presotài b.rthe. SA?1 A. se dCI dI4O Ui"e. w 'a Idwsi*'aejord.oai01M IIslotail Who book Ca Noarth Ev&natoo, andl tii. P.îuertW»Wax.iaa ~er nt o. o. Duwie ua.'rPente d bh i et eait wW id<bIypaplho4id. groin Db&tot.U4 that'ea diau lforge 1<raig SPt, e art 01 St. theo n lue. lii. epradufte are pet jhbed.nled admtission hoeCth. théocub lyUgulepreac ur> a cve j &mcuet 0f the. lImited stiug o tabout 700 pei-pie-lu ti.he tuu.lld Pendbrea.urf. tiesel m-base. tiie îfanaerue clded ta 9110 a b belonreenno'cloeh, th@e bole t eigPo1si@i toa ,iab Segi'. . jperformance on Tuadap , v.ning ' lgordination. Tb@. service Fron tite pro&"*. the macaroni Band week, and? another large erowd Ib -the I.itany:, whieh Wu@s spaghetti are bailn *0the trimlîg Out 10 altead the.concert that oon A the.machin«a ubm e i.are. cet tu Cth"No duunt lthe good word.s pokec aebed the chancel. thelitanp proper legigtho e t>lit the ahîe.cocr !Ciehatneo id.d and the eCaultpuatl(io'BA4ore h.îng eu% lit te taken totii. dry tug. nigiit u.the loundatioù W rti mn-e Gof aithe Prapiiete"'roasi.,un the. second anîd third douro. att5udaiee on TuedAmy evenli wed jiie' very n.a@qterly and ah... rooama helnu of immeesci- and suem ie do tu thie fact tii *nîtîn, mitib wae preached weli vsntilatfcd and sao ept vert cleai.. individual t4biing part in Ch.' Gieorge C.St@wart. uta hâa Automatie -piKkerg do away miidi took a doop iîutprt th.reir i o aa priest ai the Epineopal haud-fling, Ch.... nianbrîe droppînst 1tii. able mbnageet, irew a1 tel. :earo, iiaviug foru.,riy the amnount lutto @eh package or at.lo reuit. hodiot minister cartcri, and lu lems tinie tian it tables ta sermon caeau the preeuia- tCcl is the package Io ready lor deiivery, F p LOanm<avwi ictivP descagiand priecta, bip<eIiedl und âealed at botta end@ ~inMRI ~ v~u a hymu and the. openg i sncb. nlcktarder. Duringallthiprmce. Sfi El umîîuuion ervice. Alter the ofaiguakiin. not a biumen band rai.ipii. t.- o ra hr, Ilaied the conttwith the dlrontfools. aIi binx Tii. semaine of tirs. 'Idam i an>ordination ol the dca-dom- by nmaciiue.ry anin I cti uickinithb brngbhmei.Tusedi he readlngg of tiie Iuosp,4. foi- lîme that Do uxieanitary oo<,ditiw.s ifront Jolemots Park. Cbleago. ie le examinaion and ardîna- could 1' poesibi. A luilpequiIppId ament l in.heLeelde crnw&e,ý t't cheilaIlaboratury la tutaiued byjues aà the .lehburefflPark Cu e ai the d<eacon. the iByitit the cumpauy. Clouai, elmrch, offllating. Thi la done hy the bisbop alane, The. compaa7 ha@ a reputatton of prt.emas afront Jetfevaun P of the pri-ose, by theb. bbhaî. ,mploylag onbIv aclaas of people Who Ubert.We automeobil. semts. Tbe'ongregabloa bâti are usai and ean ini themse.e, and. tart was mad.,atabcus 10:30,j lied te ailient praier. and the ouly Ameriia m es and 3 ouux wou"(ihp je h a~ on Ro>' Uhoansr Soule In- aroe smplyed. Frteacmoain Tii. delle.ed Sa a foner sr ieernaniikneeliuig. Uterlu.atiiteir frml. employom tii.e<b.mpBi!LhrCvl, wiglre e %ien prajier the . do ewàs maintainea abarge and ucîl rpu&ated oi pears, tavoiwa@ the ville o lb )wdeaeaa's leit ei.uliew. bi>el usaithe lat-tory, vwbichlla&oua $oîaith il, o paesed ma lmtix IR Peoettpd withith" New girl* comiog Rou otiier cilic e' wun the. damuter ofibJouse, )> in iakeu 01 bis authiiite 5 nluthe. lucterp witàailtia. coiaterluaiofa Su. wc* a éousin ni F. P.1 gompel in the. ciurch. Thé, rniecumiortabls home. A areliii h<,e- 'andi Juhn and Edwin Anotie tien v"etd in fill ucbar.- keeper ha. ehargt ifthe. intel. m»à the ~.nvil.Iethocre grounde Ibe.otelta d furtai> ar ,icva.tmenti. amI iii..>' er. preoented witi ti.bubie a" tigebnaigugi andpalo.. Thim Aflian ai tb. serVie. wSPpartlîn.. lan>y impreseive, sani-e it wu@s reli! ythe a.slu.ptin ofaithe cOletan vowe ai or- diuatiogîs. Aiter tie ,ordination proper the biehoi* proopede'? to thi el.twbatian 0i the. 201v tus dcramant. The cerViue us cn- ,judeil b>'the cuigî.utai "Lord. Nit Laotta.t Thou TbW Sereant h>.pa.t lI- Peace." and ah. r.eeslonai hYmu. **Tb& son of od Goes Faottir) ar" The ordination servies of the.bock 01 conimon prajet et the. Epincupal chose. biae com@dovu itii.. prement dap ulel ver>' feu change. troma the ver! .arly tiirintfen centubum. T)»ies. lMr. Whulte ou aeme lie îffleial ttis00 pdsi.l--ciarge ailit. L.aurae'a. UbertyvIlle, a, I. 'an- dreita, tirapske .There wilibe a tn- acquent change ln the merv i set. mince be may Dow esienrate the 1101YCoin- munlon, a»d Ch.' ciieeoiudc his Charge Win ne longer dend Uus vlmi log clergp loi' Chie sacrasmnt. Mr. Wli oujops the good ulli Bs4* the loyBlbY of hie âoei, sud be entera hic Dow mieltr> r.'inforcSd bp Che eoopcratâo of a ceai- om.sudd conerated bodty of faithi n peopia. SOM f IAm M TWS M ANCES TUvigAy Nmien At the. meetingl o teivllasge board Tueeday evenng tua ordiuenrec pbPeed as appr.ived by Ci.. board. 0e. ai th ardinanc.c related ta Cie reaulat-c ing 01 tlistricals and other exhibiMone, shows and annueoeanmd Ca Provlie for lieoe.lug lie mane. Tii econd ordingum epamd Sprovidea for ,Cli. regnlalg aihautme .aS peddWstelu Che viuallgMd ntulaPm"vife fr Ijeýo.fq. Thees ordinacc0ur.laid ou et £M. *6 p.evlona nuetibe heléon FriiI 01411% i9lkm% w*@iia blÇk m"timg tîm u.Iam maeuaegteIo Un* Ah tbe rtdmeetiinmg Ib. bwd la- ueadtbgoebe a de ur blotle for leaac ai Ch UBeur. viles. hal bwmll eube Umta bu opemed unI Vet TOWWdaalobt, TOM46A ow" le lb b005Mh-c fur eomone tI, Md b. tu aveu h. clsrk ureteuo *o atifi> the nan"« Ifrons hie Waeh.gUe Ie t c th puble mdatyce Ce,,Ctuh.bu aefl st a future mmetnqtotzlibofCaieahtU of thi eet loi« Mme.Tbi umexbel a s s tdimChh be vufl W letoc poorly fhableS and " ere teCao nasaer fur tbe &ano f mono> pai ho xhis compan>' Tie R,lldaye are neady 'here and tbe ime <our you ta get hose doues'. ublc pou havbienein t.ndLong o gel aIlyea, 6celtiwm for 'Xmusa..Tii.>are tue mnS tue. arder chouid b. in earljp auono uid bu sure tu et tibeet. MiS tan@versa e burio.fogte p Ir" aw.alp tired fau. ioc rom am .tCI Saut ulh tb r~ . Atii.ptW c. ol ae by F. 0. LovafiCo. meW SFREE TIRM no 4UN ON 80 UM THIS MEAUTIFIJL h aid A ENINEVIrRLA Try Ibhis ID*ýn;t 19, toubse Af ChE U,3M Vlur Do.Thy e tlon wil pat SInp$M04l40a turned «,e tobhear. Dingbt. Dont *aitutil Xmas wepk to arder.voor Vitrola Te il.eni uap i orti. b.O cfptt t n.IbI por le tu comnne j ouand PlIck out thi. Oun fo t @ridao g att . igdoevrIit otheBt0Corn1Xa v. ie Ilrg e _ _ _ __ _ _ 09 r. LIBERTYVILLE... I.B G R ..RYLK Md witli dy non for Inter. p, Roi. oluerai Park t0 oand tii. ýarrlvlugc eldeot ai a number )rinog, andS Dymond. Dymond, i.a)l of on Thurn. kruept at. ore macevutang ail hi. aridey. Dec. 11, a% the age of S54 yeurs. keptDes. De Mu dvatig al he tme ire. si t,th e i.mother ai Oive 1, tîa the. lowers and piante dun.g tii. lton D., Lesêe t.. Roy' W., Herbert J.. anoimer monthe. and Hiarold Wk. Smith. The compaap bas it. aun epwInkier The bearer&-at the.' Itral uer. aIl and Plectrie hlgiii sYstome brougBot cousins .Thpy uerp.: P P vulivýd, the lactory'. Dering the eumlnel $te W Fi »ý t ,-., drping roa.. were ren)odel.e¶ and'Au..îiu.. cIas. I l "uîîÔ a.>john eolarged, and the. inlerior oi the laetorp lymond. um. repuiuted The .Capactp n01 iie ______ fautty ai' a" aeclaroel>' Increwsm, but wel~ueKp-MMOPW4DENT. L rôni tii. pueffpt oikihLo.* îatrnet hat a @Un iarger amtu mubt bu arrangeS lor ho efftthè dolMaedfur Foulir.edmu%. i~ 1 Tii. o.panp y fe gocd wffe maS ih» e r tite roable ine"Curibellho. iFO.> uhl eadut*Ave D ot PU ,ziern.Iel>' r dvertieed os ller branide un h 4Ié»irIUmarie%. huttbeevtrie.ilD deinanôfor tiiueepbairâ'e 1the Met lias they bave galncd a la.ting reta- At Ch. meeting cf tie Liicrtyvlle local if tbe 1111k Prodno oen Aasueaoaeld nu hie Town Bali lant Settirdap . evecliig th. amnal eiectian aooieva book placl. l'hoee elected who ulli Cake offce Cii. tnet of i b. comlng p..r are: Président, W. C1 os;Vie. Preatl.R'. R fToma@;Seeretary, B. J.lPoile; Tr.iie- urer, Som i)ub&; chqjrma oi Che' BlottIve commlltee, Cime. stolleian; Mombere of Ch, Ezeuhîva Committe«, C. Id Wilcom. W. 8. stolaman. Win. Rafeman, Rerman Sobhnck. Vie election ai deaatem tCothe cocaty aovnindaianomal meeting of Che 1111k Praducere' Ameociatlou aim aun held. thom. elteteS b.lrng: Henrp Rorton, r.prm.ulinz Cths hdttllig plaut pattons; ahnm Bapen. repres t h. Chlcao, Milwukee & St. Ndul ïahîpae; chUé. - ï aolàdn, reptomth« g be #OhIego ime plane Jiàiïsw I&.114. astIgm Utb"tCiile toua hall. C. O. UniARl ,~auefor aIof tmhl Aliàm a wpà0,'aj dm e "Wd4mmedp Vumg. Tb@ follo4" Vine Preuidemi, lir. *à& oOg. paut L ui. Sceretarp, EdnOre ChaplâinMtdphh 51ril«. Conducior, FraudeFasett, Anecelat. Couehor, Urs. Brunte Broun. Miatnee of Ceremonins. Mn.N. R. Warder, Eàéthe Bunrin«- Bunttp, 9. D. EuPbatd. Muelcian r. n. RapEre. Trusta. for tua jear, lire. Etohat Brown. Tbo balamceof Cê,*mMs g va. su b' ael 4rWWOWalu. 5e $W 6IM* 1i .. , i.. The'Best Christmas Present, For Father and Mülher Io a Stove or Range. - Rlenetaber winter comforte praduad lID the old bhome hi a rellable stove wull alw5pe b. grealIx aporMe.d. Cao pou iimgie»the. happy stalle Chat wiIll reep oer father and mother'a lfce un Chriatmoa 'utors ta know Chat the worm-ouI »tov bha dleappearedand ta it place atande a serycable IF IT S one oeected Ironi one of tie FROM fallowing lins.: SCIANCK"S Re o Âoorn ; IT'S BOO@ter Parents algo cannot llnd a moe. imitable gift for thelr marri.d sons or daugiitero. flememzthe iikddle ai Tour sou. and daughters muet be kept waroe, and it wll do your heart good Io know that tbep are profeted f ram lih coid. SCFfflCK BROS. LUUEryvRJ L91 kiYeulnure WULD'y o u place W Cy rslfunder bonds, mort- ga'ng your property to do aio, to agree to pay the heirs of the heaithiest man you know $4,000 if he should die during the coming year? Certalnly not! Would you do this even If you were tb b. paid twlce lte amount of the premlum on a life Insurance policy for *84,000? Certainly notl The mma might di.! The queetion le, je lie any more llkely to dio tutan you are? JOHN HODGE DistrictMaae Michigan Mutual Lite Insurance Company NI. ..-. 1, * J q f i. e-' rVariety Store -j Mt, - 1 LA aqu'u idkwý' Oqwd»d lui

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