CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 19 Dec 1913, p. 5

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UEery hritmMTo You AIE! icom y yIt bo, ti a Ân& DE7the dinner urved Ii a gS o amskeyou glad sud gay- SPQNGU CA"E rive ffegs."oa p sapov- dssad or ag asulatd =si t. uad j lmeuca entry gour. Bat *A !auk~lt>ftmnCol- aly sud haut sM. Add the hanauleaor iavoitug, sud va. -.osr itt sud thc Adrsud cnt tryt i tlbths eat lu tbe Turkeya. Duebs, Gease, Chick- en@, Candies, Nots, Oasn4le ýApp«les rnhe, elory sud everything that g90s to zuake a good Chrisouh dinnar. . .... > DM"MY, DE4JEMBM Additlonal LlbertYvillis neyaon Pa-9e j> .1four sud six. f. , rtn *'~ O II_ 00 Spaclai notice la givou of tut. Chritma ~ U'We5.7Day services a% at. Lawreuc'sea ur. xxxxxX xX XXX~xx~::cx Tbrewu wb.o celebrationa o th a. m. The Ha,. tMr.White viilclabrais ___________________________________________________thea ol.y Communion for the fir« To insure publicatIion l e indOpOn- Mr». Lao Drury of Waukegan, vloieta uLibertygvllia atthffa sarviceeýTbel than TuegsV of mch veau. Adver- aboyer givan for mies Ethel McDonald th.e seondiservica. It i. hoPod thai tIsera, *specialiy are asked Io taka ai Aras Lntbea sterooon. avary communicant of St. Lawreucs' partieular notice to i s il ffe t. A tw -ste o.y ro sdo um for e tiug Dur- iii m ake bis or ber Com m union on _____________________poas ili ha rmtesd on econ)dstrat for Chultaaday sad "t at insu.Visitera gdvlnD Austin wae la CicaRo Wodnes- Dqirèud & Deraud, work on the sucs. viii jot u tiOs orshlp of the second ---f- 'P-- -11 .oru lasss o 7 ti mt W C. W. st out vas ini Grayslakç one day kw~t vaak. Jsruey Trlagi.r offirass Lake, vas a jier bera Baturday. itooka for ail, from haiiy to grandpa, t oceker & Bond'@. Wm. ticioveil of Waucopda, vas a tltor 1-ere SaturdaY. Miss Wfnnifred Young vas a Wapkc. mu visittir Wednosday. Attorney E. J1. Baydeecker of Wauke- !an, wa, iu towu Saturday. isBitirin 84 the icreauhouse. The M. W. A. lodga are planuing a squerade te ha hald Jauuary 9. V)ouai 1). watktus @peut Sunday vith ironds lunEaukakeeand Chicago.- wm. Laycock bas beau couflnad te bis md for ove! a veak wltb nauritis. Mra. A. H. wehrenbarg of Prairie V'av was a viaitor lu Lihartyvilto TnaadsY. ilis vnted st the Idasi Lundry, ,ibartyviile. Apply st the Lauadry. c-1 V. W. Burris vislted bis parent@ tI 'lattervilla, Wis.. luti aturday aud Bunday. Mr. sud lMrs. Anthony Mattes and ebildran spout unda. v ith iviativas lu Chica.go- expaass bhas beau fitted ont vmth nov fxtureàk Why not get a box of iuitiaid station- eç7 for tbat LCbrintmaa promeut st Decker & iiond'«s The nea% bulletin 01 the Meredith FIover & Vagetable CO- la Ont.,(Jet one sud raad it. mr. Poile eucceded Inseiliiig thirtoon lots ut the auction sale at tSaturday aliercopu. Mr and tIrs. J - W. ijook of Waucauda vere th@ guasis of W. 8. ticClalu sud family iiundap. fljlonrsud bldlu vlto tirrlDg. -5 gi o Gîfts For Men Thlere are only a few days left iu whch to do yonr Christ]nas shopping. We have a fulil lineO f sPeWia'Uy arrangei1 *p gift4 for moen and Can asint you in complet-s ing your lst in the f -w d.iys left. Yoiowiflg area sle- exeimpWO c of Our exceptions ll la. Oiftà ini Special Xmas Boxes *0 Neckt ies in new coloris and design@, '25c, 50c, $1.01., initial Handkerchifff linen and iilk, 25c,50 e Su@penders. one pair in box, 5oc, 75îc 511k Lisle Hose, six pair in box $1.50 0O Tie Rings, brat.s and leather 50cO Pullman Stippers in al-leatber case, O, $2,50* Combitiation Sets Ini Xmas Box Handkerchief, Tie and Sox ........ $1. 00 0 Garters and Arm Bands ............ 50 Mulffers and Neck Scarfs ... e,)C W$12.50 Suspenders iand Garters............ 75c75e Titi, Tie C<laap and Pin........... $1.0 Dresa Gloves, lined and uulined SUIT CA=ES.a ffli lima.$1»00te 8.00 W. also have aMfunlUne of umoker's suppliesi. J. B. Morse & Coe Everythlnfl or Men U8EfTYVUJ-A . L. Phis14 .We Desire Very Much That Every fousehold Should Have; One <,f Our Art Caendars and as tia are ton large ta @end by maili, void ha glad to bave yon cali for on. We hae souminmg v5l7 am"!fer thaies. home lu Aas, TuesdaY aflernoon. Hi. moibea bas bmesisck for soinstîtue, but M i. aLtsbs sd ber iier, Mms JBtiuaffin, loft Thursday moruing of thlis yack forsa vsk'svla sit vith an old school mataeaItjouat, lîlîun. 19 m. Thom bas elosod hi, raidauce hare and takan up bis home witb bis daucbtr, Ars. Oscar Niekrt 0f 10910 E. Crscent av., Moagan Park, IlL. E. L.. Sch wartssb@M hall rturnd te hie dilties at tha poiotica afterr ejoying a mo)utb'e vaction. m-. Mary Gaerdner iilld the position durlng i@, abeauce. a ru.Emb of EzasofrACam. R.NA., a eg iuIiatad intoramporiR.atNthA.r halql, Wodutedsy t tanon ofthis aa ho MyWest@da &Wurers ofiii have ne aud lunch afer their naît meetiDu whih viii ha beld ou Tuasday evenlii, DC. 24. Alil members sud their friends are Invited. Tha M. E. Snnday Ochool invies pou iu their Chrstmas psrty tu ha heldu Tusday avaniug. lis. 23, at 7:30 olock. Comas and auSata Clans sud bis famiy. The notice 0othobm novservie flst for- Sjt. Lawrence'& cburch viii ha in naît veek's paper. Watcb fr it It it luportan. Tb@ nov llst 50cm into affet ou Criatmas dey. and %hbetossitabla Chrîtmas gîfia for mou at the store of J. B. '%orse & Co. Cati iu and inspacet li nas. Wa bava ,Everything for Mn." whan doing your Chritmowe shopping look ovar the large etoces carried by the l o c al..I . ..,, h au t s . Y n n i ii b amu r e lu people mo is ted both of ibsin. William Baurs Hrrisoon Brown vas born ei Nalson, N. Y., on August 2, 1825, sud died Il Lhetyvllle, Dacember il, 1913. fio vas msrried to Elusa Davis ou January 17. 1849, vho pssWed avay Jauuary 24, 1905. Latar ho vas marrled to Mars Siaples, vho survives hlm. Hae laves te mounu hm hasides hi. vifle, Ibree sons, Ernest H. of Llhart)- villa. Beurs of Chicago, Walter of Waukaau sud oua sister, tirs. Richard Davy of Chicago. The deceaod came to Lake couuty lu 1855 and iivad haoravr @Ince. Be vas kuown as un ofbmhmany honot, trua citizen@ lu tha naighhborbood iu wbich ho livad. Boy. J. B. MacOuMu b ad charga of the services st tha huma Saturday iaftarnoon, aud apoka a loy comfortlng [vwords. Lihertyvilla lodga No. 492 A. F. 0 & à.MI., of bichthe deih55d hadheen 1a member, had P.harge of tha services a& the grave, vhicb vera vary impriasîva. rof many friands. t94M .A.OFCR Camp No. 176 M. W. A. beld thair) Sausni eletilon of oScaers ast sir hall lsi vaak Thersday avsnlng. the foliov. lng membars hlu chooua n et for the yaar of 1914: Consul. J. R. Mack. Advisor, Jas. Kairi. Banker. Walter Lytia. Clark, E H. Walis. Racori H.R. Schropdor. aud jusi tbe article peav aut for tbai WentcymaW. . Monur prosent for fathar, moiber, sister,brother Soty .E iller. or friand. El. B. Eger. mauager for tbree yaai Lunch liiovad the elotion, ail tiharty illais hmtmins. Dld You get in, a good lima. one o? thosa lots ut ihm auction at Saturday? Wli, lh la jour tlru to gt A. y. & A. IL ELEC I buey as the propriy i. on the movo. The Mrdith Real Eeati & Loan Co.. At tb. suanai meeting sud lactiu sold thirtoon lasi Saturday at the public oSfcar. haid bh LUhartyvile Lodge auction. 1 492. A. P. & A. . lent Saturdayi the lolloving ollicssevara chouan: G a i nlu th ea s v im a s th eo t mâi i i 8 00i 11 W . W. - , E . H . o r iet ha haro iban jon w vri v sb ou v ra B . W . - W . 0. W ells ready tu t.nitd that boues. Sping viii J. W. - Fasd.uick C. Bulklay comad iti. tima te tart building laiB D. - Geo. Strm not far oI. Thre wUesrt«laYbsine-. . D. - LpolR B. Morris thiug dolug haroas 9soona the frost la Treasurer - John Austin ont. (jet pour lot sd engage yonr srtary - Cue. . Suais. Jr. vworkmen hafora somoui ie "bhm ihm. (jet Som @ haros la thebm raoasthe CARD 0F TIANKS hat luvuaimont lu tho o»ty today. For the maaY kiudip deda go lov Tbepy l osi YOD $1000 seeb&d thoy tandred dring thsele"Mm ad9 viii psy pou 7 1. ou pour moitai. As, o? our lo rd On, vs tei Ou on e sayuo about it . Comm sundses for tbankq te ounr Mandiansd nsigbboi yonrsstf. The god sonnd iavostmaiit Wu. 'hom sud Faim o? the ime. 1______ m Elvira Mundea bas hsauompaliad NOTICE FOR BIDO te rasura !rom the Dogiab acrmal seboni saied i bde viii ha rseived b: eon acount of bar vaaksnad condition village of Libertyvilla up te 8 P causal by bar fall &outhas pes a go. Tuasday, Dec. 23, 1918. for a froin vhieh site basnover sntiraiy tbousaud <J7.000) dollar lira Insu reovrad. Rer fathar, W. .. unde, polu. oultbe Village ail.L Tihe v accompanid ber tu Chicago Wsdnosdsy board rasrves thm rigbi to rajacti i viterae cviiiunudorgo an operaton aut aIl bide. (n. ktue Wemiay hospital on Frday or Satur- E..B,. Corltt, CI day. 1 Mies Ethel MDonald, vhose engage- Big msalaof Doil asudCbildren's rmat te Arhur Whitney o! ihis placealoîo Ladies' ShirtwM@loansd Hc 1bas beau annoneO. vss i he Evertblng goe@at wb0haîPrICOe gueet of honor at a inon hovawr avary day aud oveuug untîl moi vbich vas given ai tbm home of bar sunt kirs. Wilson, corner Psrk aud Mre. &. tcliousld, Tusday aliarnoon- atreet. ec eTan«gnestm vera passent sud the alter- ____________ noos, vas open% st carda. ihe ure omnw -4e-ug--uÀ-lqa . v. ...hete1 bire. Vers Kirhy o? qýtoe5ton. Ill., M,~ baHosagsd Mins Nllti rohît vlIa a.A. Klrby et the Jano ti4jt!boepial,. Waukfà-4 tat Saiturd*s7. tre. Klrbe u da a Sserions oprsîlou, vilceh s1teormed by Dr. E. V. 8iuth of Mapicosud Dr .L. Gourla7 ofsu a a ltai boejlkalabout tweehs &go. $ho a Ic aluing raply nsud îsikacste retnrn home vltblu the noît ivo voats. hav. undar the leadership of ibsa sator, tir. H. M. Aliburi, bas armfrsugtaChrist- mas (%tntaste haglvsn ou nuti Sudsy .vsuing, Dec. 21. lTae CasIsta, vblch la etiltied, -Thé Hove eflie World", promises to, ha excpio»Uallgond sud vail!vorth bearing, ihe participants bsviug bele careuiip preprd for tbe sntertaluiaflt. On Citaat. »Ev ans entertalumatiî sud Party viii ha givon undia 1h. auspicesof ibm Bundap Schoo). Tiie lattar hing espacially for th cild- ton. A lot of gond proprti for sasie and ioes..svfly Sgond hsrgum A cillfor ilimepseeslppove ormIoletovv. e4aiuIfortus $0 twUitP 4cres, AÀeun COylS. la tsseili lma a, at1 vil eut for men. Comae sud meo our stock. Vacher & Bond. The buildings halng arSetd hy C. H. Bopes for the Standard 011 Co., art nosrlug compltion. The AmidCl ub beld su Informai daning party ou Thnreasp eaulg o! tble wSea t ihe Auditorium. Work ou tha uav Prashyterasmansse on Wrlghi Court boas basu trted, the «scvstions baviug beau mada. Tii. specli SnudaY achool srvIce sud Christmas trea nt St. Lawrauc's church yu hl ed oun edsy eamiug, Dec. 29. Thara ara Bine of the lots vhieb vwere op for auction Bsiurday. Thes a eauh bougbt rosousably. Mieredith. Phone 24. 1 1 grlnd tools, abarpen saws, scissors. ektes, aud do repairlug on furnitura, sud odd jobs. A. P. Raught, Firsi streot. p13-4 Mr. sud Mrs. He.rmaue(-e Wheeiar aud daugbtar Mies Ida, lat Mouday for Lo@Augetes, Cal., vhera tbey wiii spend ,the vintor. The W. C. T. U. villi meet ai the b0me ni tirs Rub Tasptow, Tueday. Dec. 28, nt 2:30 p. m. Topie. 'Why I Like Ctisensip." very Iappy Cr*na reg o th*iOBQl .bertyvfle LutuberC 016~w h Oh Pe04ê& iIo47 -pffutr And tiveryt - tisilaues asssLaiten, Stout and Jçisntonk In Cbleao M-ndai, or te eomeStiy quota ou informant "'Cblcsgo took Ibein l." jY ,Mise 1ù»5I udolpb Ireturned Suuday les.. l teu Duapialn es. v b e -ha@peut Ivo vmek ai ber home oau aoulhe Ili nase et ber motetr. t'aThe Odd VYo lOidge 0 S laIng Pian " *'for aii lucrelu memhabIP srly lu jscuury. sud va sus lforpial tbey are umsilngvith good succas. TRM Get pour property Insural vlth tireditb. 1 LIFE INSURANCE. 'y of ni id e t. a good cilissa vho providas for Klùsbisvis sd*childasti. Haaattercist. eu vho .@Mo provides for is vldow sud hing that makes that, uhn. ___ i- -1 Ir C2- ..- ,- - , w-,' n~y ~ '\~' CQRLJ3TT & F rHICH ARE YOU S)NI1E people @pend ALL their inconhe jut as if they had a written guarantae thst it would never stop,. Others, knowiug that their income may be interruptc-d at toues, are turyig âme of it into capital-pntting a vwhere it v-ill multiply. Our SAVINOS DIE1'AiTMENT opens the way for the latter course.Wili you take it by starting thet saving8 aceount now? Lake County National Batik LIBr!RTYVILLIE. ILL. Capital Surplus and Undivided Profits. $95ýO0M. IChickens Mîust 1Be Ped» ChickeFeed MIIAT MASU OvSm RSHEU.S CIIARCOAL am SCRAPS CHICKKN CHOWDER ALFAAML Give us a Cali Our ii. «e Amways Rigb H ome Lumber 'Coni on of of Libertyville. eNo.I nIghià 3lothee losiery. 0Open ed out. 1Flrsi e12.2 sants lans viii Oind bs largeet vabrliy sud muet complats lino of GIFIS FOR EVERYBODY -fremi inathesam loit e'grsudps -ait Our ateas vitheul lookiag over saversl deParbiotêt. Oua stock le reliabie, ou display sud eamo COULS ofaIs ais TrOTS. UOIS s&i QANE CADY "la di4 tsawelaue The aleyStore CHIARLES W., PROCt AT PMWATC SAL coniiencinp Sat.,Dec. 20, 2 p Henry Solomon 3Sd amd Huget Cmrt Lbeyil.L INs#hs~ INw~k~ INev$*4 i M.sslvs~j i hFha~M iLsa~su teesiai lii kemsai~* Ne iak md For christ Our holiday goodea"araDov in plma7sudo1'll Sd sosie uffl ly tamptiug uhinga ini the gift Iliske. wear,H<uoyGivsT.4h o pinl Tab"L~~.M -If yonr gift buylng àI. w 1» eoîîIied 10 more yon'll lad mauy auggaat&ons i n o "ofSBko*s,4 aUn Dresa goods, Mnlnveuansd Corseta. A4t the South Store Ws've puqiqm Weuthe iIpMUasvl hfb sassa- muat à mi CADIEPU, CAN -e I NED GOUM VV-9GSADLES, DR» DFaUIM LS 1- MVES, PICKLEmaien Mi"0 ailsasmtoa " ii mas Cardsea&i chWlU Tasa W. W. Carroll & sfl$qs NORTH4 STORE PHIONE 29 SOU TWa 1 I y N i àý ý ., i - 71 , i! ý ! Il* . )OCIVIS% 1 Christmais Dinner. ri JITry the Il

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