CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 19 Dec 1913, p. 6

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VOUlS ATIACK ýlwEmployesSage WMItu ew Ordr n:e -gard Io Parcl Post. WaukeganDecembbr Il. Oel"s sof th. Waulegau postoace '1" toa ~ger tais morulug vies a -4 gaier rlating te ta. parcel pout Wsirslouse. After te first day of Jaary the veigbt lîmit for parcs] poot Pactages tu bbe ausled lnluthe »Mot o nes vlI lie citaugesi froru twmaty te fiy gobudusud the devart- iselt ull beeome a meai commnon car- IhËnla Isexpecmedthat th. parcel '» vil ire utiflssifor rinegn Itut 'Wattaga a large amount of ta. food OWyyasudPostinter rady le even -Oecctiug ta 5sesviiole aides o! lieu! lA" fatted calves sent for dellvery in Wbul.gae. WIub the announcemeut a h tc*f a tIre w6igit IDuoit cqmes a mseefing jýeductà»ion Pparcel met vse wJh ilvl b. a nev source of vito theta.exprescompanls. i tý Arstimseecond zones ithe parel "Mcs rote afier tae Orsi o! ta.ear ___W le Ove cents for ta. Orsi Pound 146, Cent for eaeh additio5al 'P sà otbatÏ fty Pound Parct vlu ýO* mt tiaugb tireomails ai a cet Of :i t&. imlar reduclona la the postage for a&l parcel ,pos tta. Me vetasono. la ta. »M ho olvngthe. rsi mdaumo 4rsOsited rate.aeueSvi »M« e t »Jus mera .. *mao lowihat Stela«. liai lie ilI b. a rast in- >1ý* TK SEE SHI WN Inspeotor Cooney la C1eaing Up the Condfitions in Dabies Near Wautdean.- FINOS MANY ARE UNCLEAN. ts Maklng Report to Local Au- thorities and Titis WM Prove .Very Valuahie. State MiII Inspector C ooney, ae- compaled by Ileslti Inspector Clar- ence Hlicks of Waukegan, le quite buelly engaged aithtie present tirne lu mallng au Inspection of tiha daines ln and around Waukagan. Tiie con- ditions, b. reporte, are flot as gaod as h would 1k ta have tem. ,n many cases he flotte the -barns vhere cowa are lept lu 4 very untldy, not to dey, unsaltary condition, lu these places as welI as In many Places viier, thé. farmers show car. ýwith regard to tihe mauner of keplng the. barils, the, cows are given litile atten- tion. lu titese cassesinspector Oboney baspointeil out to the farmere tint It la ta their own Interestestu, keep their cows ln better condition-s the auj- (Costinued Frais page 0On.) pDan sugged by Brootsb. Mowéep, the vête wu takles WiI Grand Âeu-1 tacGeaeV* oiI T-ns lItï smu th9tQGrad avena bau bon b Ia t ýl4 rosild t l - fraWIt geordng tint ti.Ifutolbeot lie msade uumaimeua welews motion carrlcit" the lirotvot on the Grand avenue rond be tarted -ai the sautilimita of Lot. ¶llla and progres a eat. Onu argument advancedl for the. Grand avenue road la tiat b9oHenry county and 4ritnt lw bpare nov dgurlng on iputting a roaeil bridge aserpe Npperslnk Point. Fox LaIe Ilie board adJoursed luI faîl session et fon Saturday, Dec. 13. PREMdIUM LISTS FOR 8Tli ANNUAL POULTRY SltO1OUT mals cdli TOmit. He sboyws t p latiatica vhere farmers vira Will Be HeId in Battery C Arm- same m ancrytla w: dvlththéory o n January 5-10 ..-Are brnes gsi much botter reauiis. Making Arrangements. Mr. Cooney la conducttini bislu-- spection tour op mach more aourse- ANNOUNCEMENT IS MADE. sire Unes than the average milît lu- apecton. ---er Inspectore vira have fgos. orer tire local elbars report- Those Promoting Affair As- ed tute coidloUr very b ailvte done sert the Same HIgh Stand-- a lu a ratier general vay. Not s0 ard WiII Be Maintained. wiii Mn. Côoons. Ris mort 19 r.ry detalleil andi aboya the exact consil- Arrangementsar belug a for tuons In areri place be visite. Witen the Elybti Anutral PourniShrow,1 h. bas campletesi bis inspection vîrich it vii e given iy ;the Iluisais wvIcI mai require sereral more sisyr Poultry Fanclers' Association fIn Bat- ite vil furniir Cii Physcien Foley iery C Anmory. Iauuary 5. il. 7-, ,9. viii & copyo m e sa s ubinittil 10, 1914. Thus. vio ara mating iii. ta bis uperlore ai Springfield. This arrangements do, not boultis tatupr vwill mate hl possible for-the local au- dlct tint the shrov tais Ysern dli b. taorMes ea ta tP botter tab on the mare auccesetul titan usual, ansi 1h51 fairam Who are amt obserning the la saîlag a vitale lot for lt. lava e!taunitation and 'cdli mate f Thte $un basut isennt! rom lis ,possible te, tnp vatcb on thune via prames the premlmm list. for ta*, lve, beau varneil ta imprare cadi- shov. This shows ta. oficens 40 b. tiens ta a"a ibat thc leagea are as, folovl: made. Tic local authontileaaremmre PreiîentIL n.B. oonoîïy, Waui#effla 4h55 OMM50 ita.theresutein 'On it vice president, J. y, Grarqe, '49. -apurSm by Mr. Coou.y. -Mr RIBlok kegan; second vice presiaestit*isd ]Motusa Tery, %le Casust for bis Brenton. Wm*ulugaseoreway, Lu for lic Idavews KCtly vi,,.te go- DoolitMie, Wgukegàe; trearer, Wi- Tisa top tmctact liai Mr. Mels -soamDllel. Wanlegai; rporlatier- pfpaos ie iî-wtQ mal.e fi teent str show. chas. C. Crieo. Wam*- tic local inapecier ta go aven t gan;assistant superitessiesior gamu grosi laIes sud se. tirai als j, . A. aohlion, Wautegan:is- mlsebave Ices »9410. trict vic pedeuet,». C. Âmes, Ra- elu: A. M. Momun, Grayalahe; IL à. Procior, Anlioc; W. J. liUndc, Llbetynille; boardi et iluectorg. T. B. 'CÀ MGîare (eharsan), Waukcos; P~ . X ÀTR Ur Milen, Wuteman; M. -P. Dilger, Wali- kegan; O.. I ovs, Eranston; E. Lund, WasmLegn The tolovlng tacts ane conilel _____ ~inn a momneetIn thue frOnt pat rMs. R. B. Moftoberts, Who of the boot: t. o Died in Waukegan Monday, w, gain u »& i7Tis !uaastM Was 111 Long lime. au early -placlag of the avards- - Cias. Moflave, Jude.. Mn,. Ianette Mc.lob.rts, 212 Ti. show viii again, b. belsi taube Nortu en t W i e.tWaukegau. dieBat.ry C ArmOrry. Large, ccutraIy- Mondai loe vs vdov of ans o! locatai asid vith excellent ligirtng, tic.arlea cositctans on tire Northr- hestiug and ventilation.- wcstern rrand nnsning'boiveen'Wou- Tva express camPanlea, iba Amcr- legun and Chicago. Mn, Mcltoberts icau'" ansi thet "UnitesiStates'\ gire - ied la 1910. 1transpoartation facility sud -aritee Mm,.MeRoberts vas about 10 years prompt dollveny. etage andi hai lires Inl Wanlegan The asoiaio bas set a standard #T sienomneber marrniage ta Mr. Me- in pont exilbitios aires unadanthe *charte. Beore ubai aire vasthéacusipices Of litsniaaagoçietirai vii ,wldav o! a promInoat .astcrn lient- i a intalsedsi ai lia000101U 5h01 I r namd WalbII.aI A qAuy show et biglaOums la a Eýy linarsimhuabénil.lia.m Rar- bosefit tu tahexhbtoor lad a suar. 1[ t c 1alae thesecllreau. HUa- ati tu the purpbffq V" *Y liai ôlicg; Mna. Geiule osas, ta add ov~ c ofM# te bie Ooo0% lva uls;,WIlim wlboaty. Newvu taSai MWq.g Oà M *0but . Or Tort, ~ta alio'tai oius'bre go0 Rer tvin siater la Mm lKattie 0601811 or-e«a Sbavwcnoaao! Chicugo. Hundreis ut lirEsbavgre, ompet Mm. Metobents ledba e licMes as itais oMMby -» amneOctober l»t. HBeau trouble sf11, vbie"ave 4 F fIm fl" vas thc cause sied for a foey, #@i t purpw55. e mg, t fIS @h. bail blice acly @sIot.On fIb 5Pe»iaat5 h E de da e vas stritoes, and obbissite est c I~ go ta lied. she bai bon c oAù111s0ta*W5itMA@t U 0 te negbrandi, viien ariine boue. sank cirautisd tthelb. icon inot theu she bal costinu ositagroe varie andi the end bail beas loolcil for dur-, ing tae peut soerals dais. lIen sos cama on trois Nev Yorl lat veet but retunssulhorne drnda. L Pirseral Tbrntay at ou. ocloclc fraistahe lat, reailence on West, street. ln tac bilas ioo- tic auPci -vîsors Tiursay as ose04te I1l,= ,, Quincy, Ill.; Dec. 12.-Ail fiaterni- for conte of the eMont Volvo "OnU ties ansi secret organîzationa of public case triel la 9oofon, i4 ncbescf scircol ecidtren vere denounced at ta- conny. Bexides taile sAmpt, 'AbuMlta. ofermcnt es e« las tie oftialsi day'a aeaion of the Illinois Sch)ol for $250 vas allouai Àttetwse PmrM«N"'15ab eesle cToel Board Amocatlon. Social dancing in son o! BoettonS, sWb* ami la tii: lie autoble si mot*eeoio- pchooldi nge ag lso wae opposeid arnd prosetnta. hé Cam Tbsv.iy, fie gou1 acof-,mr eii.1 U ta. tango anditurkey trot vitre de-I total expeffl ta Tale comb a ts i il hiM iaau M« ~l sowtced.Migirer salarlée for teacir- trial vb" oir orilavolirgiaeIdisiti à4#y Uptap *ta* Omr ors ehilclaiy for men lu hlgh scitool tai, vs imâlO, ese « Wordet ,b*j MomW * r' là, bocetIOS, vers indoraed. tore lag u«meo t*Id Viheb a harsen as the t exi isct Upu v iitic î iM lita 0M - . . - j'-- i - - ý 1 1 inmla Tripp at ljrstos, locka. Fain Lier, ail lawsito ûCallorula. TI', wvas aoo t &atR.w. eBullY Was a 'W i % omwnPioneer metvlt a aita.edeu Tu*dawhiite wortieg se a ellqeIllirg manem, and Rtdro " p .Js 'thatoaie af iiis-boda bail beau ba<liy Se Aa ote mnpled, Tbif.fortUInately pr»s.d t6i h *tretched sa litile., eIr. linIkley ,tat.i Mrm.Ciiaribtte Niciiols, wldov of tiere ccIde nt -did flot am"unt ta J. f. Niciiols. a, Pioncer residont fi flitic." Waukeman. vho dled qIeven yeef! MIr-. John Do>I-îîual.r and iss ago, died Morday afttrnoon lun Keno' Glertrude 9. iMo% er dw.-r@Chl"Ipg.1 aie at thi. ageo ,90 7mars.Il;vas s visîit0e mosild &V- n te*tou Wdnsds tb Gta los'nowfroni Si.rcdith w& hctb5i~e erPt lrba av. &r bap o entafod t tthellialW pric ir ocIrs. aprui giio Thea rlord 1haveto go 0611111%vii.,.,for ivo 7mrs. Bbc bad 1oparrmenflryg hi-lu.._ o Irsld îegardite aprie..Pr-eaet athlie Party commemorat Afar Ing ber 90«â lrthday, were a num. A tri, o abou.- o a ot- ~f~reber of Watrkegan frienda and'rrela in the r.,I us, oa I lre're tires. On uhat day, sellevas very poiicy matles a gond 1mai iift. bigbt asnos îought for a min- Nieroitb.ute ubat. vithin a fev days ell tlerelltb - vuld be called to ber rest, $m Arrive.@ Ta. Lot*. 0. IL S. ELEOT Jamnes Nicitoîs of Waikegai.,be The ,qm.eîe i th :...I d011, 'o Whvo lad been calag for his Th# m-hbeO 0 th :4-&l10 9P 11motiier ai Kenosha for the. peuit tw Eastern Stars chose tii. lollowinir g ero Xr war@ v& afreffusîriptor thora of ofiIcr. Sat thoir abouual .ýri-tn, Manday. as he frequently did, ra, lot bsbusiness boe.Iluthe afiernoon Thureriay .veulsg (f lest veurk t>& prei andi ment ta Kono"&ra-taspend an durlng the .neusuing ysiar. 'hoer vii ber. As he enteresi tht Wrthv liarron. tis. Addiso rauîtiyard of lte Gellet home.,. 0.11.1lle Ellswoth. Jcame to meet hlm and said! tbat bit EaWortyParoW. 0. Carr. 1ouer bail slopt away ut a Min. Waruhr Tii. son thns arrired Amtelai.Marosi, lire. Gertrudé jusi ito .laie to ses beralve. Mer Oiendur!. simili occurreil at 1:30. t4geretar.-. Mrs MsCOkirr. séere that for four bours pre. Treaa.urr, Mise Ell Parker. vloiuly thre bail bean faillng, the ait Candswtress. Umiss arni Omals,. jtact being, merely one due ta se Amotriate Condu-tr.e.., lt@rs .ess-pWlalbgspa Iiibr st is afirgino. Mn.. Niébolis vas bora lu Miciguan Rerehhmut* wer, serv.-d ai rer ib .,and ber maidec nn a ite work f th evenhir.Ornas. Gb. marriesi M.lNb la vorkai ti. ,eiitit1146 and tbat year tbey a Wall- kegan vitere tbey Ilied afitM-ads. ~ S vice M r. Niciiols baving settled hiro tu Pmbteran ervcu 1944. Me wva a Pioneer tisser and 10:30 a.,n.marrvie torsblp. men a tin sbop for many yean. lMe 11-4.5 einoi vas very nid viien bo sied bOt vas 6:45 p. mn Chrimtiïin Eiid.&vor soeiey. diatitilve becaus. of bis aglllty for 7:30 p. mru esniust aorship. a massof bis years .a M. A ti. Papto,. t.tarn.Episeepai Ohus-ch baé DWRD8.Wé+w joiwrSUIT NiTTO DE .%unday sciiocl 11:RAO. m.- Governmoent ~ ~ IaçArayla oT gons An eîhor£S n"oiuêa FIve T *Womelis kom and motoi$ mta. -AfinWoot W rFm6ias KilpaoU tou l ultgosroe- 5 ETA1NOD UY Ui»NESS tai v.very uteetIiens "". WM regard l a ti ieMm.pfioe fsqjfCnlJ 0» t ta. e efiet 01 Muciy t We. arrimas vi'.0oi ~ymaie a wîiflOSB10 USQlBp oUOl tour ce inapectista .at TrSt na"» epeelt ires b. w«Vas Rafg the diarect aMY Pos4nthea accoeutry. bas decl- cnirary t ata. enersy aci cd ta mal. no chIagme viii regard heRM et.Voliva libelsoit yul sot il the YirioUiponts lier ttiisUm b0155th, ;Ortsise on thc eSl lan1he Cirent at leasi. Thte othen la that ths tise Cur à oos o , ntMod" haaarei van mule la doomcd to atelte lnsbility o! Attorney Pblip Mou a baot seat, the. automobile trucks ers,,,, tas complaing vtacas la ii iraving dusplacesihlm. -action. ta ire preseni, mesns. tirai Tiie aiatmmut U1$b regard ta Tort vîli not b. possible for titis famouj Sheridan sud theeothen army vogsa la case ta b. beard fitis ienm. Mr. Moi] cantaluru lain r. Garrisona lirtainuI, i uivti or atr suai repart ta Presidelkt Wllman. In Col9nada. viiene b. laassistant sao ht ho mates no recourmendation for net gmoral, -and h. pleas s nabilli the generally expectel nearnangemenita get avay t rom legaî matter. ai tai ef army posta ta ditribuis troupe tao . moble nunits. Ttl e scrtarysasys ibat Thcaebsb.tidvere other ihings o! lmmcdiata Importance, Tecs a entidlv ie "partlcularly anu adequate tuppli of Flrsi Judg. Dannelly board It lu Lait OeM artlieri,' vil postpcoe tiere ,. ,Couniy; the leisigo Wright pn ommendation tu conureit, but hlthetc Mded over the case la Mcllenny Cou Mantime fie, twV8 W inIbe ganrl. ty, vbere Judy. Prout ias beau, th manadltaas» pr-atibl. Maan«.rfor pretldlng lltla Itva trial.. Ik Moillisation de la p dle-_A Oavitaa vasobtaises la ome FartShoidanla oosrI s o . cfintauco, the &Mountiof damages r 06e mat tvrse'pt. t io torlunel iii the juny tan"isfrom $4 enflasl actira ouil, blIiII,,00 te $0, r * nnos m toUbec vas Orsi bout d ~s.entrca tsrs. # lalueOoeuiy a Verdict ef 814,0M0 v - 'ur tailaplci ~. ~ ~relan.i. WiesJuigo Wright lheu tI110,seoatry vu lie"afort«eei yoslble «» a Verdit 8k10 wVi 'or: fi" i s la ÙMturu-nelbutthre court bcli tais 1 isabias tice m t-rive4 tqp m noosive.andl reslocI t tu $10tb eI 09troupe viii ic*Nuaoiaitihelocal bentic omm mu haut lastt ta -o. hs ,r ,w -w . iie Att Mer Desubita tan th. cmlir a ix oeastah e aloaavar sitaaos vita5*5sacd th. jury Moite re" Mmviove. sai tictrooo a. -vectlt a s o! $i 5.000)s csa fl tur theborder. gurel tirai li.ývaulho.«M«siert 1 Wtb regard LUi. elispIaeot ofleci a verdict, of tala aise and th tic arMy mule iy autlbt tdle, w oul b.oo u nde tu chtarge th 'mobsbecs unuti««M"tlofor a à eiie.e.The jury Oxcd it loft tlue but tais la tae rideinite --ausiea 84.M0. The defentem *Mm«mmtetomtha tic dccitbu -cu a new tria1l bu the grounda ih &*recelvd emiir. certain teat;ni ythat eboulsi ba ne egorermant dia mot aMt irstlly hem excldpd vas admittesi. tui tilsa ltter. A number o! «PaTic case startesi originally becaui c lichaesemonluotel, mnof Mothenull cluseVolira made-cenli -y tsla ere pittC.1POBiIst the U" anc Z ivlm h, 9s aioU«itAi p boimodc mule. Ti* resultwstA ta vas 9 e (M*therulî) vas 'sot 0 ie a t re s- ,-r dm o tau the lt ate se- âde is u. Better Than Spanking.-ý @pmntIinfr -iI l ot cure riblidren of wettiug tebA W. bmbauee t le fDot a bahIw but a Oimorout disew*e. Tb@. C. B. Roana Drug Co., Dept. 1250. Cblcago, li. have dhScvered a strlctti harmicus remedy for tMe distrseeiug dits... sMdto matke kuovu is merus they wll tend a 50c packagle seeurely wraped sud prophli aboalutel.v Frep ta » adi eir of The Iwi>iriNDEET. Tit ronmdy aboma me ftoqueuldesr, ta urlunte &"l luablIIty ta contrai urine duribg tii. alit or day le cot oyun. Tii. C. B. Bowau Drug. Ca. Iman Old Rellable Boute; write 1tt" to-day for tii. free. medieine. Cure the aflhlcted members of jour famlly, tise tW jour nolghbort and tf ele&bout ths reuudy. Bluffw gua a trte Tusuiai m= isgliitae report eo! taeisosi audaclous holdup or mm. Mary mt~cok thceata bu tons Mm m.blicic Ob b e n eta tac W. IL Reea', sud vas eturnlug home a Uiletie r sx ooox sorcetr th. foot-brIdge. 'As sirepasmeil the Rotl ide Rogers eB*bc mme avar tai sas as"olicwte lietenesi bon stemesud go aim lid bur peraner. Neàn tic corner of Conter aveue h b.pliber , sud sitacugli t va ilgt mooolsti Mns. itchicock a * steas sot clearli nmeeber w b.appened-ibuttounal bei-elfMgutae nsd vltb lien data- Money cau Bvq Onte W ta rnUcus re tboamgh oi eo tut tonsco ber viay boise but a wfrmst fcv inutes 1latdn. % ïsm a Eltelctla bot sar-e she 0016tli Idufiheu ailant, but la urn iii wu a oel mi sai quit. AM ** m&mi owula wuloo WA- -' W.rkdo"~ goet esoh psiUcuao 1, mi, nies al" FOIU "op M". «OUI --FR Fmi -90 uosw MMs M ai -n .5 ci 8 N ~' -s -u o i IPref.t uS$MIb WIll teach the Waltz, Two-stop, Tango and One-step r Waltz at the new Auditorium hall every Sattnrday night. t$TheDREAMWALTZ wM Ib. a" r THE MODEL CASH MARKET, I The Best anid Cheapeet Place for Fîr3t Clails Cpfats, Poultry, Game, Flsh and, Shel i Fsh Vegetables and Fruits IN LAKE COUNTY SW. Jl. MUNDEE, PROP. ft- W7h 1 - 5314 LETVEULX

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