CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 19 Dec 1913, p. 7

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--n - Y---IN WAUKEfiAN MEN 'f 110,1,_R_ OZ_______ÀI ELECTED OFFICERS - 26 ý,ýe M I GAZIE-TP. 0. ASSOCIATION Lii ILLNOS B E8 CÂT1!E OW TOMAIL THE PARCELS. Thes Cof fee Yon Meeting HeId in Evamton onLIE towmhp. ORRET-90..f Tb elnlisb Uvro lne-ut at the Price Saturday Night of the Civil _ _ too iP FO RET-2 &M èM-X oir l ragard e the i. bpping of unu tetr-d Mail- Natter Coing a Great Y". Vent Te Puy Servie Employes.E ~~VNP V I se sur roteJ* ort 50euwe. 900 t- oe.5, VW lieIloIm a. !iliol ore jDstance Mut Be Sent Ear- Ie--mhnuniue bon Addvmse 0. .BarIl9t. 109bne psat t wir leveaid M a surprias te mont datyrnlisud no tArivirceus. wSRVCEDICUSE.Moueyt Se~%ViOtB II Tl1bah.i 11; l" nl for eihaOp 00 dout a ather Peinful surPrime tu u , w rveon Use PunIs ..d smoSED c.-fi ehae. AIme a ut oger fisIton, wbo bave been unloadlug 18 A A- le. 5 reny* ,Po-0-ealsr eac a nou aiyne.Wao an _o bo H. R. Hamilton Elocted Seore- LIBER1 ioioihi.Lm tliahne; as0o baun e Omlgai. Iowa The action le an. btuh long béesu Postmaster De& rady désir.«5@11 tary an Maurice B. Stupey àm6Éaoher- Wu .LAycocg55 Bordos VM p t T 'tes ford@Mtbeid aunsd in perbap thebéabot ta undertand lbat there ie a trornus- villes, mer. ag onda, &Dl. out of the raier dificit ituatàin dom srus* et aUlof the postoffices d rBIIIrofAsn 0 u uuo u a -*4 hMai haarluen dus ta the agitation fur espeiain taWa«kfgsu. in on.? te O l r i 0 8 M d. l o sqau i b e rtf y -' ua nd, s d nt th é a d o p t i -of a i let l a1 w ta cU lit a t he il a i t u S o f m l h o m n- A ,ff o o t n g o f B ra n c h N o . I . N a -L FOR Rm ENore01PULý0 , T-120 WUMM SiSOlt lulu thâte tt. Thé tate live stock coin- nounce. lthe'folaWlng "dos»-»I tincalsoci atioendoftCivainlertice C-2 -1u4, U b r ,v l , r < b es . Ph u FO SLIUpplce~itBDl8botWilrnngla,m. ryalse. , -il-tf demande te the goveruor te luine a By a epecl iordeS of'the 1.maiBsturdy evenlng In the Interest o! aie er IWW aod eu1"lahm l mhtPo-lpproclamation forbidding the entry of, ter gainerai, Red Omo m eais ud lmni- ut ad boter-antfoithecivi '-------t"bah rtoule ON« O OA-Q _to.d « uiteîd cattllefor qnlte a lime, sud Jar stampsMmay le placed ou th. ad dmeist oo= samatcha. service. There weire many members brn 54z0 'aeslanoth.?&lot j.g slA, VInt Ntional i ' Ahs il, nodtest su t,r out ; ILY.T .au tfiertétgoing over the WSSISF carololly thé Ircui sida ofr1pgeages until Ju Il . ia attendawce sud aiso honored Offic au___________________governor bas comPlied,hie Proclamnation providel tloy do mot @mealtbem or ~~~wa. ,gueuîle tIr. I.L U Flemming, éditer -'ffiieP %%tbe elîy Inquirs of j B. WC-. . . * . .+ + +. .taking immediste ënflîét sd-bar-ritlg pravoiuîop1ig bill t.epostal authori- 5esd>e. of the Civil Service News of Chicago. t .~~ps LlaryvliII.Loni 5U 0-* là ilit and Mr. G. B. Tale of the saine paper-. lc.5141 ,. wIl.m+ coulelerinpicoteonstae. Thé pro- ties, aold they deont- ta do the ,8?uo~..__ elaatondo ne br0JIstaesbaMm. r. Flemmring made a very gond -~ o~ AL- pau.ur2 chimutsimply thune wbo bave diacrÉmnInated d $on. D t O bserveoseh sy'ing, "The 01vi1 Service Seci~lPlnO >»O 2.- Thiès tcar lbasWANTRO-A .Iztofisîi ôr. ad boy te a guDtilitolm catilé je the plot. and Dntpc aciinrpny o e.QaiyNvNw sa pnfrm t I bons, LEIsUC20',Dsrhid. 8I. -r cbi 30 Ct. l jbrnhes of the civil service and bas goodoudistou - 220-J,_____________ c-18-1___ bout le foir play. There if Do bac if muet bo toe.edaboutIn a mail omachnts anad wiî raser-vo ite colurnus toail ------ _-.1WANTED-25 go WB, wigt frrm 150 e<anoet the sippiug inoicattie iut-nded aud rnsy hav" narly other sachs rs..ds'luL N!dnon-partisan views on ail matters FOR SALE OR Rtf%T.liwkimWihtu 800 lba.j'bohcue 247-1.I. John E for elaugiltor. th@ proclamiation bi>éig weigbing devwa uponfit. ARDUCLE naos. 'pértalng te the service. floap ou main sseîor would liré floodiiarreu. Prsr le~. 1 l.i. -U-I L irterided toimprove the 4siry aud, 1)n't send packages that ezceod 72 15I8eDW Nwta héadsol ystem tg mss. Addm.e 101 li, 0~iyil* ~t- - ~breedlog bérda ouly. i juche@in length and girti cornbiued- 5M ouaa ibadtoal nee l. c1----.t. . . . ...+.+.. . . . . Thé impression in bping sllowlid tii Dont seul packages meant for par-' quate civil service 1mw still, that 15wBog FORSALE/1)uocJerey barbw IB BL N O S + prevail that thé action folowls the cél pot rates, for- Mfthe packages couUA&.i...n- e - dos not providé for the aid ")d aug"borsevis.. . . ... . .. réDsobtalléit by the livestock cm- ~nt be opened for Inspection, or-t- Iworn-out employéeewho has glven er oting. LibheivVille, + + 1' + thbetpra!isle10hé5v 1-ît14t.AUCTIONEER-Year: Of expérlénce. miesiou la tb~ir r-e-SDI iuve.stigtionaud cane rates wll be charged. theboutpatofhi@_littoithe____ oseee 1 Ihavé raied and bongbr sud boud t4t h ttes i i] asmat é,o w a 1fon't senti boaki photographe or grainent lu thé service. That lu why 94ffSAI .., foc guolfiàu r ag5oD Ire stock àlairylite and knaw thée nca eaeîe lbvnetbr ther- forma 0f prihtéd matter by par- MaN M. MILLER. Atiorse,,. civil serviý r-tirement lu-the para- boue.MeldiFrDLaeFor-t, vaiu nsd bac te conduct a sale ta colosie, and thir b.inicaliowed to tip cel Post rates. fuir il lg third-class NOTICE 0IF DIS80LUTION mount issub of the présent activities M.C. BSbasel, tSnpt ec-1 1-tf nt etilooIiosbuceea matter-, aud muet bç p aid for at thé of thé civil service. w_ fette es rins ordaesa'rum tivgd a teié îu m basncthe diyrt i1cn o Bc w ucso Publie Dolice us h..reby givén tbat et a 'One of thé gréaIhoid-becka te thé - --ou ALEj1jm a amito rtu, P. B. Johnson or Phoue 111 MM. onmé nucodiin a rieluth dîraat o icntfo ec to unéoo ,l u-toéaiti. stockades ! ena té erie . hélab oft Iwo Oeta,"e. l a id repair. Mru M -A- City, IIL Sept. 17 ta Mcii. 17+ sectiolu adjacenit te Chicago. No doubt fractiIOn. the takE Couniy Telophons Counlanv, rnéfcheservieoetherura cugrus-ta ln ------ --------_________________11i. partly tiruir, but those Who bavé Don't send prlnteid boohs and pho- fcofHuainBMlrTa myofteual ogus eph Pmieoeorpal14cou atsetolulha terae ftogrspbs inthe amre packages wl1th blie teo .men. Thèse men, as s genilâratem, 0wf~ 4Wý= NOTlCE-1ilcul i To sur oe rl iu llageéofai L;rty ville, LtesCauna- l look Uponapesoh soeha #FOR 8aLE"8a-h oal ot ouendcatch bouts for yen a -remiojiablé rate. thé opiuion It h. -t4actiou wum braught merchandIse, for the two wiil havé vapnin nawnwa ta .olIos ew. Will i eilci-p. Lumsaa&k cLECAN, Liberty ville. 1P. 0. about by thé continuons demande oI thé te b. separatéd min«l sthé parel pont lilinois. Un Deo-Miier 10, A. 1). 113 différent light. They Uvre an Inde- Un -moi uu -12-2 lo 6.c-tO t variouu 54te organisations af dairymf eu qa ta fthé ,,ethidcasa 1e hou r U of lcoesP. l., pursuant pnetlt utei lfrn aa --------S-.'iwsuo laka clate breedors tà) top the uipplug rates. th o îtice g ve n rpd h~ y lawfosud tbiuhthe clty people sbould do 144E pR tg4r omjr'e oa. 1 WynWa"th fte lark ybt iî freaScIleTér ethé purp <> ofconsî&>r-ng the qneuiîoue o Obtnts.To re a wdot1o01hl.. luquire o! 1K- omiWsokhrmWaeloN . oIiosof bir thébéet"Thé. Te15o ouuse spoclal dUlvér-y oirégis5- 01 atmndoniag thé corporate ontérprise.gmare, dt olsta so.lThey mn'.cmnts. ilaeCorit. Uboti lle. P1-2 W. g. Ge>igs, aget, Lihetoville. nat thée hadow of a doubt but that terod sManise rMinerPostage, orr- drigthé charter, franchise and savesollars teauli ho mascents. >112,2 Illinuois bas for a conidérable Il.>.béen they barve thir sp.olflcauses. oprtcaeandoologhesi Ts mnbudhoece y FM SBAL&-l ailâe Lon rary Table, thé dumping groendsfor tbomae an se itins M et"MeryChrist- cor tt ae u isovu h adthe Rural Carriers' Orgasation Msd be<e.t~ud C b nwo a .lW 9.ddPENCER CALI.8 MINISTER inetuen &&atm. sud tbat a cnadeablé "o )nt open> mlliahil ta& corpoa i n h eeti Cngaoty Teh'p hené neeg d t mpof hrnw Vusla~,MUcukauArà. of fot elu A& SPIRITUAL COIINSELOR. umhér of Ibeir dieae.d anialaiébavs "Hapye. wNovTOBV. and "Wth but pny Ide. etn cotid héne !retirement la th. civil c-'-i-boeui oippel te illeuolusud othér wge .a aiuofblo hecv d more of thé Whah. capital stock 0 eol 1.1dor SpeacrWhola"dr a- mabol, taes tbretebwoe o e 4" »iOosu s l emuet b. no vated lu persocuIlavferof thé îollowlug Thia vas the main partof Mr-.; ~~*l-4arsd ock Cock-rsabý touesta <die lnoit FrIdAy for Ils MM' -otent menace to the beo-du nclwloero tunmuiato wn.onluté ooenei.llto IMemmtainog te spth bumt holiil"are -_ 1>Se 7 ....A . r PIo IL. -Li der of AlllsgafrlO&t, bas lomda stheY mal enter. That sncb a "tte of - »PW" isamuusuionin rously ahedoiow tod: lutin es a ln bsla ol e W -Itàucciorloudpainîtuaeramtti U oda J >~~~~~nle-ii nmtl' te vhom he te villing ho lia,&-- nis oad lu lIme praduce ad mch I, e lt 40», nth as e- WHR lteb. eoubTepon - ------- @o lmean as pirihml coqanser. and e. 0 of l e ladauou e pk a.onh WCompaba S taeCdorhy l oeut as qanb gels lb.public *aille MMSL oneboue. on Boui- Tho naalml 0thale RBr. Jan«Is .Lb.heborde ta deermiese le lia, opinion of Cmaibu sadt d re puapxaera, nu for a moet paot euoui'sriO wq. .qme l. a Nae.- n1-ti w1 t ofthe blles Meg*llisffl no Most attIleexporteansd Ilb. goraoes M 1W i t a mlle!@& AU aiiiii. baausetu !Maycharacer. swud ban o «it OPOO ba" Fd= copl cburs, hbo tlaiving laWheat. scesnla Wb.alled hy "ms a agraebold h. pauitu Is e MrIabt pois,4.,,sevic chani-aulécunbad h- me asba ar, ic r on, fi., dain s h a Bvas lbu ah cal etbiW, selp La adrané e fr li oi s i .b ad corner o e * im rapeoe a d th. ANu WR REA B aIl ai te corporato -a n ag p l. U 15 5hj M v . " coai cth $1010 cortb of record@,.Cb=h Mdbore, ,> b the bte.of Thé proclamaation folovo clooolgthé madadu fteadr -IM opn aebs ul tu hsi"M 11" M«l am0"96.0600. -3-6toTrWat>' Melbhodtmt pI4epai action tahen by mont of i tthe suse e ad a télpre. t ibm oeinde bte r adConaîhvehu u aembem ef Ils civil servies dUS I.. euudlCtlog. 1M.00. the Modeheuil b. ou of papeébraittbMKWM Icer- pi4d and the corpatate llablit" ethoteol ediftth l pbilic up ta là retire- - ____________________________ ene îrnpebely dsebargsc sud théeourpoi-t. en u.i. * .,-..clanralta In ltlgatle& forthe poomea- " ch' &gas te bsereîle tobery.Ail uinelrellpack«" bot 1mon. »anotssd prapoulbemi4om ero 1105 lloio !ooeva al __________________ Io! ofthe marie pxoperh>.cte(ts sdwr hro., wt tloirou a uvight May b. tu thé @auie bave béen dltrlbuted arong Mlb. f0l fo i ll or losba i the eltaa ,oleharisaaulu efforante 0maflta Myt u>'ovesiânt stress box. 'ette -w h oown lce e h mà I~fieh8(Su0 --.wva~us .~ msmpout tb dread disuse ln thé but over that toa t utien15te10the .prtion ltld Ibrét ~J.f~ia.' JLJ~W' s ctt.o.Ibseti. ,..-NOW TOBUIEFIJRE, ha it fseolved O reievi ttJo li elt o-Preidt-'WnI. J. S1aud«ruP. 0. 5' b- n«the action of lb. bréoders ad sud os.that thé .id Lai. ,Couty Telopbpne Wmte.m LaIs eooml>'TitlesA Trumh C. HarolHarmon. Plymouh. Wh . ... w l Packages of vaine Wv ie .iusuréd (oà«.acroain aadteCre.Wlwn ^bMalUtoo!1'itls. tW Ales, Lrans, mame -............ toithé garéruor résunte Iths for $25 ah the rate o! 5 «cet; for- $50 mnelbrnpsiy a coe,a.indheaud shé iePetm--.0 lk %P Msa.nlcTemple SIdg. Wakegsa ,n.Glenn Allen, Chicago------------..UMpro"e bénéficiai te thé Ilnidaladryzintu for 10 couts. dentof aid corporation foihereby authot- 0, Carrier, Evansten, Ini. - ~~~Anbent remr icaeo unîn h ateo Li tt nLtl ~ eSî netBer. mane-----------... U bould folos. It sbould h. thé menu Whon te Maili le t aues omlterodcflesthe retaryI . Hamilton, P. O. Mari itotesmrne..........Inbu rdor tarach lb. ofIes o! dus- procedings takén n lu bis resecut vruied Carrier, Wautugsa, IIL MaieRfle sin .......... 4 lth animais from Ib ot tte Treasurer-Maurice B. Stueo, Suit. Chares ltufofbck. Raciné--------.0 par w ination eitoeat Ivo deyrs beforo hy ies ecar affidavit sud attoeted by fil Decenher , 1913. Sylvia Mklki. sane .-----24 ci Joigtéfrmrwuehs hitA il a ahroo hla-théesecretar>' oI said Corporation culler Nc2 .O Wuen i tM.Q tnAller Ligner, Hamilton, Ohio ... 2 civil nigmet in regards ta Iestig thé' piNwYrk ihodadBer-g. t Anar s-John Baîrnes, P . 0.ul '5oi*mwwI.AXO ount tde.i.phia. Néuis oPTobrirtfrdchsm ..d..endettlapou inécretat.r-h steessignaturetay'aand thé andt car-r &.&m u I Sc.Il ad 30Afred Nelson, Taft. Texas.... 3 that sili fest thé blac of tégvrnr' Pittsbur-gh shauid b.ornaUed net latér of mi.i corporation, te eCarrner. Evausson, niI. gIruela5N. E ~sec. 23, Newpr o p bryil .... 0atonaetefloin:tegvmrothaai liecémbér 21. Packages for- At- Bledi]for record iu thé office of the R.'. After- Ebl refreshments thé Most- DaeTopaLhétvli - 0atinae h oloi:leu>a. Boston. Cleveland, Washingtonau u ýfd fLaeCuIlni, img broie up and thé service boys SHenr-y G. Beaks, Chiclago-.....5 New York Iiinrsata Jacksonville, Nasbville ma Bflacordero D@rofbl. u te prinial loft much uncouraged by thé speeches M.Fo ioce abe teLoto1 M. hold ho rnalléd uat Inter than De- office aofald corporation is located. berd 018 5 sd 1. Boci1, aieRichard Pairie, Milwauke - ....46 Virgnia llissour-i cme 0 h)B TFRIEIRSL UUR. $550 Hattie Schlichtlng. ane .........0 West Virgnisu Arckansdaserpont l té lANDutBEn iT sali] Tne -Laké Eanta W. le Oscar obinop, Chicago.... b KntuckY iborna Thsé for Por-tland, Oregon, Seattle,.1,at sai] Prsident cause a iotieollb.h ISTAN Mullo, trat a! 1usd u S. e Sec 9 Alen AuérTennesseeh - North Dakota San ranet souad obu ronteédn tther-TlpoeCtDD ab nle o A. J. Austinansd vife et. al. te B. H-, Rose Cox ane---------------..2 Tfor weeNort baaIs écé bcér 19.t CuJisouto f ad u Lk CatyDST ACKES AT;N »id N. Pet Sec. le, Libertyile Twp. Mahel Lienunun.mre............. Indin Montana ta he ucsiecééi h Li Desith $20. Joseph Averbeck, Chicego.,.. 61 IdpeI -adWakgtP Wiiax if ~ C.~.Clarm Rosé, nommé...............40 M ichigali - Texas RME» O Countylnendntad aikgi jF BuR.cxan iet E -M Walter Poohier. tiélvin. la-....21 Wisconsin VîTH e.ekiy Son." a nesepaper printeil ani]d&IU Vlcox. lots 6, 7 and 8, Block2, Rock- Anna Brasier, wsulssorth.... 21 an tWisth is ae!iy écl IIpublîsae in luthe'Village of Libes-tAi iii.' EDAT $16000 eeerQ.C si. Peter Hauiey. Mlewukéé/5_... « find man>' oh] fr-ends sho havé buen o I 1RB B Dnias. uty otf Lakeadstcfiai tIis rs oh-ec Etluios, C<O« mrlBbloy sud vifte t A. F. Emma Hartbért, sane .........a.d.9nnoie, adto recagailie illînola Ilhi SoulI, . % lot 2 Bloci3 , Shady John Phîllipi, Chicago............ 3 as Os i for dair>' and breiing issus îveRnaemdate,,causeosli] record aforeoaidber- r Nook -Sub. lu W. Antioch Tsi>. W. D. EthrPraa yCar s iai on..... - ........230purpoopes.but cmh avé not sîlowrid Dg t s~l~ reon the ortilcate ofrecordîng toNieces ana Nephews- 1 W ru t l r . Dalbt n i . .2 their aritcratie tassé ta interféré d it eîE pecuted by li th e R ord r o! Deedao !o Tuoker Estate Pnobated t G. A. Newcomb, Jr., la W. A. Sdn- Lerinie Ddirck ,Kénosha..... 20 t nodn naose tt fý@i aeCutt wflt nteofc moUa. lot 10, Block 51. North Chi.-Carl Lance, Lake Forest ........... dsea"edstock. And] footing the lier ire Mrs. Joseph Stolalek Was Hor- o!théSlà. vo! Stat.'. Wankegai, Découcher 15. sago. Deol $1734. Margaret Maisoni, Waukeganf...-2 fini] aur ueighbar state. thé gréat cattle rified When She Awakened Adopted b>' voles represeutiée tvwo>- This ses a bus>' day in couuty P. H. Allen sud vife te W. . Car' Horace KingAt..A...-----------------bae of Wiscoliin and thé mont flagrant tieed Her Infant. tock o! ai] uoraitheau. aialcut ay il en fldfrpe latplots 3,5 6 sud 8, CttlldgeA Gertruade Haplce, saieé.... .......... o01offendérs in thé at oF tc fsi]croain ae fflwCmSul, Çubs Twp. Q. C. $1. WuANDaDeeméNOI. TIa aCotE 1FRTEcr !aihé . , . B aU sut a d vie te M ar B. Dec crber 13, 191 . a egm o e b ri.gvnta aco pe@r o d of il he T e i etes t w t tofA l Xp, lot 77. Rais. W. D. $1. Floence t>. ar-vood ta Lulie G. D1IIQ<When Mus. Josepih Stolalek of Tenth procéedings a mid meetng, signuei]by AenesSaIeo! Highlad00 arkThépopeoft Oot lot in . -VkseSc. 11, W. An- S E ""toteiowlfeoanw.tTbecpr'Joha Dnsaber 1%ti1913. SQ.treet$1 ské up et 2:20 o'clack hthé bbeP@,o*idrnt af thé-Corporataiont, vterdfibd goandWiliam.t o vasu.Jh I - ~~~~~~~~~~~~~,mrnrung ttuéed hon il months' aIdb>bIscralivîsu tntdb'ndWlam Qàol liofChcag16 oec 1 ue1 .3 ipsdvl a0 .OHeu $5 iSideughtér-, Sedonian, vIa siept besidu thé Secretary o! said corporation under Téélt hc neetdWu ýPari . WD. 1-100 ft. B. front on Green 1la>'R p. ke e- h on 1 lti u odl h elo au srtt'Bi h o-bgan péopleWeil that of tira. John Scbuma<l)WW vif e ta -' ..A déath, A tés houre before thé chuîd par-te @pal of ualt] corporation, has ekNrt hrte oWue Wendt, part fete Ru-181 f É. of eedel avenue,. W obetDE. Inlucircuit bé éiét> eivihnt bP u> eor.]l h éodr ai., Ner-tSeat n vas d a$10-L ~ W S ila si ct o .ci9> 'B nnne . W. D. $140 0 0 h rl sJa o s uad sifte ta Car- court tatel suit for $25 . thé ra eof ilins. A physiciai sas soum-office of Lake Cunny, IltuqIs, as ré- gaz . 000 ur ée est as aiet.111,- t W. Smll~u ih 1.a 'a e long W.rie J. :Johno ,lot 28, Bloci '42, Lake Chcagoa&Noilethaen niroad for monél but shun hé arrlréd bu found quirs-d b>' îw. enal W D $600 1. MlsLn aéBluff. W. D.$M5. - persalaiInjuries, lu hie bSill le.;-thé ch!ld hld héén dee Reine lîttIé Datd t-is Ssélfth day of December, Mrs. Peck loft uo Immédiate rois- M.>1W.l $e0suit e taA. P. Shel- FimhT rus;t A Savlngs 5mai telates that eou Narember 16, 1912 , at lime. A. i). 19113. tires. hen nearoal belng niocép uad Rlgefr-tPevuna-and arleSfD 1,91, li.laté rnly ! h Mtr-. aid Mr-s. Stolaléi had compauuy Lenjamin H. !Miller, Prooldent. neplevu. The pétition for probts f.ine. . idg ars ,D15, i, hieInteib.o o he Wédneeday événlng and uittle aédou- Anguta .I. Lavell, Secretar>', sdappointimnut ofa! a drltrstor Tvài,. W. Ir4,500j. p Wr VSec.9, Derield Tsi>. Q. C. courlasuy le vas swlt.ching e Car vIa lai uneiasu u lyd PPr-o h aeCnt'Tlpone Campsana' asid b'br ounmlne to rope auvt ndplye, pprofthlgkebveodTleh . ffute y bcercosinde su iLoues lot 0. sg .W . D. $6.100vi , $2Vrgnla R.p, Dvdo t a a..~mId cr oilidgd vllh enother car éutly ln thé bét a! 1mai11 until il fCî)rporate geai.] Dose. 12-19-26. ie tdeadLus - fft,1013andI E. 20 felt4,Bed ) sd2.loocs4 Mg- vhich hé neas the company>'hall, o'cbock shén thé famlly veut ___________________ uhe ec.w Ripai 8,l ai Buf, . t 41, 1 B ad , oPari n 8boc , w .*.ebo o a ro an u o M he-fr h r- oi> .sm o ie u e u BemîestPactk. te th A. V IoUltlS atI ce t Is J. léita htrs May T.Wllos, ièc, a Office lé Kali4e'Sieck« i RLYVILLE. BLH.M4A 'W COLIM y50 Loua on oqAppesd Office ln Las. uda g. RTYVOLLE, - iLtietU LYEILH.MOa ê MARTIN c. osCîoM ceOpp. le t , . loettelct Phonoe8"01 ao. Ponslà$$* N0TH CHICAGO. ILLINois PAbL MAC UPPt.. ATTORNET AT-Law. i.ibertyvtfl, Mios DR. C. R. GALLOVAY. -rm 1 ta E3ad. 4 ta P. àm Ubertvlb . llnbo.L DR. O. F. BUTTBRFIDLDs Vl!TEIIBAITSJUEP seUTAT OrATs usii,.*$ - r7 apéai. eertedo>uu 1 J. M. Oravço., AucTirONÈËýRI EbmoveedA..WUIOlIo .Mi-lbssmls. iki @1110110mi se" DpÀétL-mFil pbmatcloa M. »à l bo DRillE!'CAU . [Ditmon.l 5an si g& Phcae.148 or 48 JI-Ln REI*51,' AVe. F1050 Fe« R.Iea4eco C orn TalophesistO20-L-2. DR. VICTOR C4 OSTEOPATHIC 215 madma l5, 9-12 A. M.; 1-4- P sunlugbu'À H.J VASE I 1bhabt , lt. m to, gopéId

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