CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 19 Dec 1913, p. 9

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LAK~E C ou NLwIDPNET WAUKEGAN WEEKLY SUN -_____ LX.N.1.PART TW'0 LIBERTYN1ILLE. ILL.. FHI.Y )(INIEI>.11t EGTPGS'IEliYER IN A.DV'AN "M ~ SSPIIM ~, r ). CHÀ S, ZAINLE, IGHuILAND '<~ -r»~~ PARK FIREMAN ARRESTEU&, IS CII RQiED WITII ARSON ptE VOLS ICAS 10 rJWI*n IPLEADS QU1LTY TO CIARIE Mrs. Riçhardson, State's At- TI EOTOTAT AEDPUYF EMRS L, torney Dady and Even the I SRPRE TAT TT EUYFR ASAS ___ e Mn Lte s H!GHLAND PARK FIREMAN AOMITTED HE HAD SET FIRE ONE WIICHOVERLOWSTO MANY PLACES IN HIGHLAND PARK DURING PU$T WITH ELOQUENT WORDS YEAR-DID HE LIKE TO RESPOND TO FIRE CALLS, WAS rine~aii ITHAT WHY HE DI0 tT?-DEPARTURE FROM SCENE 0F Mani Brings Down Wrath of the R SCUEO I RET r ~~Almighty on Edw. Krepel, UJU JUIU J iFR ISC SE0 HIAR ST WhomHe Cndens. flP1l~~rl~ ~ . oes ahnl. fr cone irnea rnnr ut ed the lires wblcb are clarK uuir~'~" f ~rn:-~ eployd on1h. i nil ld i> agannt hlm, which Include: the rnriiinalplfadtsnothethi Volt> W hite t e o ig n l f ct f th o oFa k tire departm ent. sas arr et f& t ral-rlln afaî nalo ld *Highland Park Tuesday and formally Seristromnai ce hauee. mUrdn far atte ntion becade nu0ai harged by State Deputv Fire Mar- 1. Goldberg's barn. o! the fea- & ~~~set ire t10 mafy fllOcs in lhad Mii'c oa ture@ whlcb characterized IL, telrtIwb.~ then andilry'so Mille' he hauseb. articles abcut the sensatioflal occur- Msr aIn Seat~l1e Park durirt tCe past several mnonthe. dl fotbrns foth1ake ansV, Il lked 'n the rit ,, as taiten toa I Pae o! wlchlit conicton f i of en urtm seems that there was a amall re the Ove woen Ind.ire autortwagonfimakea traen l ta ct nla M r . R ic h a rd so n , . th e c oin - i S C A F F O L D F E L L A T S C H O O L _ _ 1,_ _ _ _ h o__ _ _ _ _ _ _ t__ _ _ _ _nW eta rk a v nuT ste k . T h plaining wltness In the trial and the ne lireatomor n qulkly th ie 014 vic Umr of th e affa r o that ie orable I, rr s m r u c l h n t e o d A.1 f'I C,..I i in h 11 1R lTe rigs, bence the boys were on the niaIt.bas been recelvlng many et- Accident at ueeruilu ljII e lutbSoeacod nwI tir. front ail parus ot the world mince Tuesday Had Most Fortu ssi h e awZlnernll te omen were found guiltty tof TerrnatIolay fromte mP ak aeu iem t'ate atledmo biaunding kg heon the rail. Piw y reai rthe a r a vo b enutr ad Even the judgus and the tate8 et- T e V.auk gan ptaabiterers a 1 oce reported te mattA'ta the "te1 to rny have receved letters bearlua cl se sclcpes fro m atal injuries ai Fr lrh l A op anr e on te case. And, in one or twn cases, 1 Dperields new tlaesîulTe- iemrbl mewt ierli stat's A tom e Dad ha boe re- da),ai ie ocloc whe a caffldin a dre ar k a nd tffi ey aD et ar al ferrcd ta as "Judge;" Inone, case liec te» fret above tre ground. gave way. Iat two deputies were sent ta HICh- la ealled *Judge lady"-sudles le- iîrowing Viia.anid neveu oailer men ladathre anvda!gaUoa. fnally "rta th>n bîeof aaeretta d <.Wng Zahnle In arrest. He was at-d1S mal.n cbar edrwlhtoncmen Insait Yfliclette! prInted lelow irom whoeutitained a bail rail, the Wauke- INI?1ASTOR ordlng luthh eoroenso.ur lady Itejal o!n eapsady Tostin-tiiere ig in tee.rmert lraail Wlita. Kfa. l eerainmorain- a e en a olw:- -Park, and, aflerwarde lie l toi toeeutYoung h!(o ave' confessedtu.têhavinig set uic julagltelstprarphvrbtm Grant Stewart. asked Robbers Entered Geo. ires turing the yeur. b«cme of te venant the writer putTPter Crîson lnlp l-. 14 IL. ite lant paragraph. These men. 'sill tour allier pagier- To -o>e Store and Took a ~ PTE' luSA! hoc called dawn the wratb of the AI- Quantity of Tobacco. The strauge part of the mtm-ftWàb ers and three laborera e lic lve atahtebueoPakaee lc "tyonth pognyoft" wme satth ouse arkwen aUe wc inlgty ui le rogly o th wael>variai».i nelglît.onIng pointa or lu the -' chllea ec, u. eaueo hePOIE LMEBYSFR Ions uîgut week was fthe pegrif dstendant», hoped tht they mgt l village. fwere anI work puttini the.w gauging matter on the bg echool job.r-an iufthafrmi' ahr e dccp-scated feelings, that portion of The plank on> whlch tbey were stand- the lette? laelixinaled but the iest la ug~i> i el îb Entrace to Store Gained by s pli Zalnle. Wbat in tlie worMilite printed Joint an Ihovraie il. t rlu n- Fg aieng Flanrnsy Laock on thetSon siould %,eut ta set hie fathelea dcci a Mot lnterestlug O ule ne hrop.At îî t l wa feae alu a Ra o fPlc.bouse on ire for. lismore ltaithle owing In "eloquelice" sud r esp tlrtI asfae i eeRer0 fPaeofficers o! the town ean figure onit, f0 rW,'I is aie osruto. batly hurt. but Investigation sliowed ~akgnDtmo Arrested andld fthi*d. flamples of tle letters recel iy la u n o saantijre Plckln- te lock on the rear door Thec diascoverir of Zahnle leavitil hW the arios inereted artis fllow taied abai euton te bnd ad so- fte George Toulouse grocery tore. athera place catised the lbrfierduCto tsiuedta badau.,onelIte.ead9ant sevlb West Washington street Bsome 'report the mattler ta Chier Police G(I. tAue Tuesday nilght. robbel's got awav set. wbo reportetl it ta lte clate qU Wldht.a Ka., ec. . î1:t oraI other Cuta on bis body. He bap- ce. Mm Jobh Richardson. Volo. Il. wîrtlac.uie n te mî Dcnar Lady:--Can you realize thal eed1 leonIebotm hea rtîies. lu a s allieof $:0or $25. Zaneastent îcoad, M thi Batuday mrninglegs han 1pileane a aent hcg a ou lIlaTheturday mornl'sgnjueiesthaneAmotrg the arteea ,staken wnre the erlIttcuestaUclni tWcaly-four boei-s after the conviction Tie auenmesIjrs reoDueMitrt-tarlrsmntndaoveWu nul mo flwls omnwore tveiitr- extensive aud tîhe other vie- Fbacco rd ýDksMxuet-daylrsmnlnd&ae i u olce mrtrtol ! alesthoe hn wof itmsasce-pdrthrfrunta ar.releaset on promise Ibat bo would n lim0 aoroescpein brantheir rtuuleyFise îrounds of!BlllDurhamu te- toi-n hoHighlant Park and 1usd a new court of justice, coupled with your de- u eig l~~ ~boxrae.el îaa.lf.H mt oepanto st faalo e loubîe forsorUcconisinîg mrcy o! bat bruses. îetc.ISs-rlca1o PIceAbi- nif .hyHe bat com.itcdUiacta. ut àniaePress of Amerla belng The jorwas cveredof PnraccdetAlbertm lunsuronce and the victime were ail evttsc)Ttemsth heufl r rcad et thîs bouc by five mIllIon (if w Seseral pairs of 10 cent cntvaisuecmaneherofUcml? We i tbs cnnecion do bpIlve endd th Inure .iqventv.flve cents lnupe nies. and tey were unwllng ta lt a bile rA- elu11enonnio. o eleeTeue he an ured. ___________a_________ Several pipes. off $0 easy. Accordingly white tic. lIa rie namoeJude .d yad.1heen m abr r orataHsitladAfler thley bal colectet ail the ar-, irenian bal beeu back ta hia home for - Pre y ar h e benslacrer (ralnom higlu ' UP.0 OD ' w rrrtintes that thev desiredthîe tibevea for' bis noble defense of a ladys bon- I P*SIJ1I1flh1LOF 13L1UIS IN 1141 getly clebradtealihraue a. TtehIna te nlo ad Is ere the oat.r -- or. 1Kany o! thte"emilinof endors as It descendet-CO M E SLAKECO. UNDER NEW LAWi INCT O Tqo aýeert hi ucs.Ti e lsd i renw raoi ua lelle a fondt ld fin fT theIIm Flit' ----- --sas indicatet liv the fact Ibat sever- turotlon. for Wednesday mornilg'à Gfd o cn R EEN U- TO generoosm slices of hlliet bain were off Icer arrlved f rom Chicago, trOU tle utcilbraly a afon l aI lutheiimo C rn SdI EN TO IAME IS A WITNESS IN~ À 7,t off and saverai pies. nakes and a statrc ire marshale office and leovg capture and puniabureul of the tee1_____ ly cf canty uere consîîmet. staebueIdar rpl"avl NetV>" content sîtît patin-, Ibeîrr i of ga.>. taken te Chicago vîcrehle Tr ai so depraved that al who kncw Secretary of State Woods Tuesday CHA GEO____ __NW _YO K_____ G tered ,tt.,s athey hcf lmandvsrt-ow i glui ll el bell lur r villi hi% hitôry will look upon hlm wth dlaPlayed wtl conelderable pride te Il aqanly temavoir t tn tea aiche i l eI supremne contempî; and afler desth style of number plates wblch will bel Messrs. Meyers, King and Em-1iMrs ay P onw thfZion The afecuharegeandue stre te vorme swilllturu tromil s tecsy- au. ati an a bu1el m laWli Ben pervsolwa a leofIopen bat IL neyer nontalus IIIbe sentt b oltpntnl Igbd thdnutbssel(flefor auto lîcense paymenh arrIves mn vi eSprios r____ITestifies Anaînst,,Man Who ccv mufles' Th, rubliers rasacket for the ires whlcb b.ela Wp ali hmic lâ ne)dywl ieat;bis aulIlder naan h iursaeavvdS. Directing A-. r. Set Sangs ta Music!' tlbI, scatleriug the papers IL con- nonfessetd ta settlng vireaiexlcl $P a e av ng n a place o ! perm anent Patri k a green 1pon a white back-1 lua n o %lie abur r u l t therein r.hea d m ag p o erta whl ant i gsIna u aboie, ot it for ieaven, a d ton gr un , w h c b ta s osl î, lstea t of M IS S M O R G A N H E A D N U R S E . k"I _ _ _ _m a n n at r îl ' t în a t at I e w u about 8200. owlnhetetori m' o H l .O p e n ,j r k ,- a s I n t h e p r e i l e u n a n - W Sr e l i beO C O K ? t d a r . b T o um a s eu e r o u ne l f a c,! Tor - p r m a r I v a o ! i c I a t h e p a r l o t * e n fo el c e * b era.I k t a h e w s u b o t $ 2 0 w i g tu h * l 0l e ef ic a I f h~ D r. B ro w n , S u p e rin te n d e t - i er e l a i ~ i a rober s tt' ah tî elr t heî racesbt iator-pe omth ar nri a n l hea d cen mi4 li E'very bousin persan wba readthîe 1"tl h fiilcoor of>te a--' obrt1.Kejjd l pi t e, r'wn elu ty were t ncera Teedg a a eu ndeb @IW article muet fel Ial the mnsrlbn i. ot aIt,"ant CmmteeMet rday- v anyErt1 lI t workr fathers bouseeand vas leayltlg X ioaIentta d l.wmnt- ok odt e t1 tea h or o .iHe lu the storeutil :1 when tbe rire tepertmcnt *rrt,"d tu puamewu tocalee om ei- e- brsplaota me. Il lcomlieraIom- atthtCut oue.while Paemn Writers. o'nlock but -tocs nuitlhtnk tliriob- 1reaponse ta the summafle. lHIAitlla ocfils, asd00 en le to d iteirh e La copesabeltey 'trman Conradt bas onnouiretl lis Yrc e.1. ogwleao'bei-y was .ommttedtilallater mld- lire te get away qulck euougb led ta whn~New YrBr 6.Sn rt rs of nhas the eler.tic carsi-u a ta a * ito tuai a ut court and jury msy Tbe serelary las 100,0110 lîcenses commltee ho take charge outhIle toli>- -nny illes testliet todaY agaînst Irclut opt).Iticrthîe aloi- up ta about bis undolug. ait cir futuetial saen yen ail ta Issue. The hîgleel number record- ercular sanitorum. TtI l expecteul lire Rbr .KllgIibstra o l 12 ociock. ai future I ~~~~~1 h-t J Kilseog h allebIs traio a I Ilock ou fir hate saytue rb-'> Zhl a3 essad arc tbai you cdIm nas a mt remunerallon et ibis year up ta tanight la $94,582. tranasfer o! the property ailbe matedlgtulrs Ie trlsl rrù t irus'- loofaîtrm ie oo asysu cra- a enlon35earepnd arie !Mdc for the defamnatlon ci your bhoier. ______In_________ _l a fcw tay.sut.ndwben thIs ii donc. ing a roîsicroncero whiMilie he batet. bers i-eobn'uiy bad il e trouble gel- ha y (or om te dlime t othe Sir James owardeLcountyUnofficiaisyowlliw lui-nI IbekacflCHARLES E. RUSSELL. ir- ravI as%-lritl îtasci Songe and lIngo mb lire place. In the front part 1 promptet hlm ta commit the lmoe Ivtmngeen v1 t hefoc t ay royalties ti n rtorq s-ho Sent,'-f 'hi, soi-elteswltnb nonnentlng tuai-y acte uniesa It vas tIai hoe MM that gang a! cruel wm c f your uow cugaget for Iiat pu rpose. -he"keForeat Man Wha Ha& been îlot (roi> $14 ta $21 lu MI-et (ho cosl wlthth Ie 1îhts lu the stere was rie- ta reepond ta ires admi sw lIai ton 1wntt tl omen 1col letda ak onysF 0mured the litights coutld flt le wasearnîng his money an freaUg Chicago, Inlte..elI ya Uiat191nouTheteclecI as Lake ourity'a Finr. o! aving their sirtdr. set ho mugie. ssiched on i.udtenly. cannait be iguretiont Iy tIses iÊ 1 ýV Ta th ~Cnaugo. 3 Illinis. net.Sloo3. htklng about Ihheenadlca ommllce s foruret by' fMcod@ ide To liteConrt. aukega. Illinls. ('oi-at l as foiowNew-Sup e Lnea! Ro aa er a Amcng (the wtnesaeee were Miss1 A policeman was summtrnodta île knew the (acte. Gentlemen:.-AIOw me te o nngrat- an omnlwtbytele e. Henry C. W. Meyer cf Fi-emont; e iaeLw.H.Sir eMaiths Jobnson. 70 Ycars oit o!rBelie- te imis tîcAistant Chiue! yd angw@dPic ie I Utechejury In IbeIr bat decision In adtthat biakamtî's vîfe. ber bite Jaes n. g of Lake Frsut d Flxed at $1,500 a Vear and Ex. r(ue S.otM- la aIi e i o!tinl ssenat îlerobeTr was He aighibat RieA T»? v weoit makte very got vhlp lashes Jms .penses and the Term Holda Six ta ., ndCII. II. Na alne rw aofmte obynoys.Thiat bery astysla helrtactHIhat Park th caiai ae n ol leJohn T. Emmona cf Woukcgsn. The lmofZ' i t y, 1. K-mrc abn'Icalitei by Uieoys hi o! w ark w IitIlueheuHir lng uict to 1e cavarl" case nd ttvornd11ethoe$2ale nd hoe yoîthvi emc mttee meets Frlday oh 10 o'lock M___VaryIl.______of__________________the__ ___of_____t___erport_______r -i. Dd orbsgod'-k nd1ttIl ut ansfr- aiato.ti,n xaid ehe sent Kellogg a sang en-: ___________citA tuaI le maaiselave l Ulplich thy fel gt a ve ta the peultentiary fer lire andthlatIlaIr.e A. E./Brown. nounty physicien,!, THREE WEEKS' OL- ,tltlld '-Tous Oly a LitIle F'olb Tîoetln i-olatc ihKeaa otedgmofthe ire aiet c onla vinle ealty $ g500herwoaorIaa aion.ongoItIhas been appointet superutendent. I WEIGHS THREE POUNDS. Dreanu." biut Iliat Tt edneyer been asking a apecial elenlion la atopt the cou"s boue vas burnedtut ie lîke ta go avec there anti 1 vouitcpdmll~ uuit i" epetence o! px'laon confinemtent. for so bmaIîkvt ae l Iant iMIs AnusMorgan of Lake Fio BbrLw-et. h sne!M-.- d etnie huhsepl i omsinfr fgvrmn o n h anl tehorIteolar unuric. BeabaraitaC.eîencILy -ankt 300 names ! theînsonlofver. o! iha poInt.lai csma véry ane o! île rive aitDo orba n gtîe i aest bsa leen appoîntet bond nurse.' Ms terga. rnt.21wele ie te Mnu.i.,Bergaet .xteaugbta acam00pinîe puofuhaeIcgncape tan e l ueutlo 0* mehTaedte Domeuu. tientpandentettTueatay taacounciGereport.gaIn.ecrz, 214 larne- Ura.lJri ome t sffr. the peu and If ever any lawyer gaies TeIresaurer foc the saultai-lum oot avenue, enjoys the distinction of r t cpdftl umle. ta beaven I lape yen vill go lIer. basanetiase yetlenu seletuthbelig the tiniestIinfant In Hghatesioy hnpeeti usa acuii eotgisodo i 9ç fly"A IteescdRede."andth1e usge tc1 i iiinet aiunMy la expeclai tIat the funda of te ni- Park. Thongh a week ait Tuesdsy, (is Lewis leftiebinom In Zian The petîtion bas been circulaled fer ~reanfit of the admlieks vIlel namne lot tboac are my sentiments. thîe baby weigle only tIi-et paunais. - years. The oppositiontvasfites tiliroundgZbl madetaucso« Repcifilly. (o uuss onsPage *,,) At nrîn l veignen ttJ-uave ouncea. <Contlstutd on Page Two.) ameng tle worklug people. vlItcofcr a t hYÎ" ý bmO uih I oul i veltu you a ew evb c t e o " u

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