CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 26 Dec 1913, p. 11

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tOI OlMWI uadit n c 4.P,.qcm mi.tenar ,cê..eb aarm unvm ~'1m.dte bave tue VUgy B 5t Sat..usol bu -lllO1eg&u-eemg Agwu «S7w%5 fu MV ýw Uà* su mei o iers )Ia.tmL Pimi lb. mue 31* Ueo etend upon tàe. iùmudlutil iv esan llrrovbg tbe ma&.isWh] d*3oeehle conditlonz No guts q»ai hoItati NiU4Jf Lo i kes Loui t»_,: tbe equai oet Btetusu ed. ,- ,Il«McZdfluAcaAa Jigàer. -It vWImob. - m he s, iii far eetotrip ~ roéd systemi of au lie et cfthe remotmt1 4w meisetbuthere c ,» tom lt op te and e ucehal uceleut condition M.80w. Jeier. '"làIflat the e calke tintote iinortu, thie northesst. viere cf -Pur la*tremaly eold ai liaitbot, lu feirly aven tAi * mitr yeir. Thume mt ~temaooature bai,, et« ~> ds'ubtek op lhe roi 'o W .laf u the sprtng. Who ,' nd oia~n ut et thle gr -' ff IrÎO~ad<wl matie on.eope *p*wl, tulesitheiDont b *iem reemona qui hid uey le reqeirci téoai lu repir eamUiyear -hUawweu. *mrAISlà suti êa4eItf mcsleg la fl wi-uell made. sud th M$u % ecouettmes csc 4_00 ceaub. oued te la - 4y,.*My more than 400 i moav ien cdamisid ae -kept le perfect condition twoug ilISe uDmm ,e Lilut 800 imulsbe veui obwuctsibetere the gpuai 0'le.*teti l o f thseam -~ ~N, Y&DY~ .DECOàiM R26,19 -SUN 'SJWMCTW4 eos 3c>>d 0 SDE VhICT Far-m «D f~rm PROVES CORRCT Gtre Cdl For -Cot.1 .W' Atorneys This Mornjn$ rvdfedThat the TOO MUCH WHEAT LOST. MIb& a..î. Ae"t of Good M.mory. ResutWas--Predted. "What do you do." uaid a wornan the .ImPrepir Cuttln nd mcdSekinq Roult sthr day, "vbsn uomabody giets jeu In Unn.omusuy Wegtc. OOIOLCoMdally am" you haveu't the.tunt DAMAQES PIXED AT $650. A granit delIof wbaat la 'watedl by ft6Oamda wbo It le?" Iwproper methode eof carcg forth "WIiy. , oscally ty ta b.uas dlile- Arge oinor ewTaln grain mfter It lai cet. Catelm bande alifornie fie. mette ne posmible ced discover who t Taosday-Other Cases Put .gels d.rtnig brvct. ln.t fOmal hlaIarn tlking te before I give Myself flrt rhTr. Ti bne ii hudb aeu Mi.@ Atp«dy evay," replicd the modal mentor. "Ne- p-er ________ lu drThe"in eAtle aym ould eut sud body le no humble &unlnded ýthndrv h. ht emY o eu n flleas te bu forçotten. EVeryc e u As Predlcted excluslvely ln Monday cOer' or leRva stripu 0etlient vbeat Co.,. je t. resients the tact, aveu If Itle only un- avenig Sun, the verdict ln thie case ne lie drIvs er arosetii eld. Mcny tient mideln coeecloumly." ot, Henry Bine agaluet the City of carloads cf wbeat"are test ln Kansas "Ye. bt ateryenbav fet aottdIWsnukegaa for $10.000, was ln lavor cf averY Year by sucli pouror Irving. Be îîing te Ir.utaterye hELetasroenie, thie anionet cfdamages beg mcertel vee ttIng thé buckswcth et th * autlously su possible ed itliIfail fxe at $650. Thibecania kuow f-ai.aoe.Malîy grain raiera thiek that thai ooty t alot l a n~'t gel aveu a t G Jcb thAbisu nilg wlien Circuit jtihe boekwvtb ln net vorth mmv ng b.- recueillyiSbaf ong à shred et marnory ou 1 tbluk the sealed verdict which the jury b f mlhed.ue leyfa k ie boing 080- but thing le te lie (tank or nt lefiet haeed n et 8 'clock faut SaturdaY. quentîy do not go tu thie lahor of cut- l.pirtWOly fraek. frr eccîally aieluis, The Sue predlcted the recuit cf.jj thetng the wbaet alOng tiieedgels Or the nilsietlca c f e fit»,..dagemerateu ometîmasit verdict. eveu ta the amoutofe damil.field. WhAelit luaI.trut t he and self, an "U Iwiltutgi. Bo i unuelly May cometing aM.s rturned. fraquentiy ara fnot se. Wall dseîoped *î cam't qoîte recmul yeur nen~~~"all 1 cee the Sue wec correct m eta adsetle n e h ad nivng bt h pIm 44 altog nwi ol eýuI"Judge Whitney rarnarked. 1 tAie beckuvcth alvayu eliculd b. eut. men tutth u:nealtengl kovIt liete e The only place tliey crrcd vas ln' Wheet tht lu eut with a bnder I tei otl« vey Ë=i&rtame' And thenli. caytng 1vas i Ottawa for the day d d i hoeked I medium cize 1 té!q c ti rse. 1 gt the daulrad Information~ jbut I suppose thay hald ta 5&y thatt ~e heeku vhle,,,,lways cbouid lia capped rh veille lm "I thlpk va mlould train aur mînli'account for the tact that 1 did cotr w. miter e e mber both faces end nomes open ithe verdict on Monday." vîth two bundles. (t paye ta cip rd work vlen vu ara youug." -aid an cdvleiieg I dotit know ahere they gelft A o latsoh.BekUclese niy cgvtli fIad."t affama te me the woenîu , ceainly dldneot gAva lit ta thuim,- butte of thie cap budes before tb.y tn are î,vb A avas eretln nins e Attorney Alec Beaubien spolie ep. are placed on tbe miocke aed then, cf ýAUorneys Arthur Buikley mcd John place tliam nt riglit angles ta on.ean- qiuottmp Kili. facf ta In a Way guiîty oc abreccli . Pople bathiexprecaed hemelves miioir Sot eaeti hmfri gond mcuuara. Thc fnentty of ruraem lrly. lm' c bef.S ore jan liai. tAie sbock b.rtpg peopla often makee ail tfl itd! "Wonder If thie Sue wac the thir- - le beup ail tA es . he ctu t*ece b.tvensuccellc andftellre Antuaenth jurer n thie case,."Attorney cliek. opdaittertue h nou th ae " holding friands.« Pope cpeculmted. **li groe îthi yen cireoiuteîy." te- Thie tact that the Suenvabl te ffl sGb. queultlcer. "11ev offen do prediet tha verdict adte eat v. uaypeoleeuy Oh îneyr cn mcunt ot damnages vlian ne other la@ angpeole ay: Oh.1 nverruapapar vas able te giva net the siiglit- 1 milmher fâcea: t'e neunie for me taeset Intimation ofttie renait, callad Kgy. I am aiveys offandIng eomcbody frhcmieai eavname byeutlg l dudbeaeamy11C- immong tha attorneys vho gatiiaradn ltt la V ory 14 se bled 1 dldn't kuov lm freinic ecourt room te hear tha rasuit.a Adaun - And yei these cema vemen. lmmediateiy atter thie verdict hmd t a ec W rit leu nmully e voman yen lieadbeau rend, Corporation Ceuneel Bulk. on. vîti tt)Atùg u etue vmey. do net seam te lay for the cît 'made a motion for a ho epi f0011..e tbut thi sort of memoe'y. the ne trial. By as gererai cnsent these .'single, luck cf vhtch tbay ara deplorlug. eu argumante vIiilic hubard b>' Judge Ofttn be nd boud e cltiatd 1oue tWhitney eaxt Tueuda>' mornlng. panc b. acgest ouled b.cultedi ad01jMr. BeikIa>' alsc asked that the lakIngc b. agrut efe aer e t l pect ne Ccas et r r. Edward Ferry mnd Jolieot,&n opon a trne, vlan *il ut <Onca bI le Nufliha continued te tha Mardi terni comtrait te remUu. tht 1 van mailing mei e court. lHa polntad out that tic stance. capopela by my lie'diseouss, s501IpaneI ot Jureralad beau exliaueted IleÀABas, teck meamores te correct At." i trylng th caca aed that Il voeld lie redeemn *.Hov dAd yen go about It? I have eanceseary ta lry tha tva cases vîth a aid le often Ioeged te cultîvcte e Ltter-xo- plckad Jury If tha court tnrite upon H cie meffl bu 1 idnt kow uit thirbeîng triad at once. The cacarh Hi dcimer tu budIo." detofov u aaisFerry aile viii lie heard at vlit f de" ic uMardi terni. The court ceid the "f deded Mait the chlef remeon tliut requeut vac a reaceemable one lu vlev makls umont of ue forget peuple 'va cf thea tact that practAcaly the cme T O si BOAIX baveis e tudifference. We de net avldeec l i lie b.ntroducad lu thie an, yenre bu- puy enficient attention te vbat wa reotiier calas as came out ln thle one. @rang T'rua WEEAT hàa,,,s sori cme thosa Mf sey ditil NoWmdaysvbeneuer 1 met IAttorney' Beauhle, vho vith Attor- tF 1 c My ceunty n aiybody 1 cindy lita testerez. and i n ey Joli"Pape. rapreucmted Bine. vas cren eaal cize bundible id It by the curs of y covrsaton t vîlilated at thc verdict. He saildithie band. If tbera le nut, put It In the- ~ vi lmA ~i cwd m mk-wlic met deeth lni the accideint and If any et the cap baladies arelbye eltornla eu tg t --euuc or 5oUonding la ciiy that It vuu deairad te try oue of thealca oer nintalun a vY quSor.te rqplt hie c19 a esaiother cases as a sort et test bere cff tha bck o rtheafieid cure- .-contlueud Urnes., end suaily viieA1bure doua' proceedlug te try the Plggest oethte fully and put tbem bmèk. Northw lîmata tuer. ibis bth faieand nome vAi ratura te telir case. le vlew oethtAe verdict re- When tb hesat le. cnfa aed ready to Tff ý.pr«al ymremory the. nuit rne va mueut. tiiriid letua caca hae predlets a more- !teastock, stmck IL t neyer pays tec si ne halarof th aubtanttal veriAct et damages wili w att for a thrahlug machina that sb ndth obs Murllg tiuete Buina u te cae of r. Ferry. "may lie bere the lrat ef next veek." IndtheIliillr ourinqEtiuefe. lne Bncae It vasnacescar>' te Tîcre In net mucli labor savcd by àroughent the. The meut trivoloes and i ceciilou Prove the extaut et tnjurie: lne thm iraht(romn the cliock enywa>'. STORE rme cliiffle peuple are utten sean lotheti la daep- lidvard Ferry case thle vIii net lic ource. a tmesd Mt abliments Of voe, vhlle tbeae neccsmry as Mr. Ferry diced. lienuichewated timaeofthtle bande abed. perde. vio«le acii ure may vear auythiîg when the machine tasetoplned ta con- Ieitefrontfthey files».aus thae orrow ta vithla aiderait, and Il neyer paya Io jet the 10,00i rond. aud a timnelves. sed lis outvard and islfUPjMU ~~Ui-west stand le thie eiîck aftar It lu BeIvi ing l. ettem blte mecfteftloue leonly to defeud 0 U ffl FR IJIJUreudy te stock. Toe mcuy thîni eu >7 the f(cui:ts em fromn unpieaeant upproaclias. bappeii te the machine. ite oit@una a Th* *"taubîc" of meurcing garmants a JV I E DII Wlie thie machine dees corne gat ta keep the bue cliacged wîthin tlie lant decade no ~ttL~ ILRIN ncoma men tbat bavaemsrne intellgeece Raport ras vas île, grautiy tulat one ne longer %oi ea eu> y,- te pîtel the grain into thie feeder. ift tie lice1 liera Calitor- railstute chem of the geve uer tbl ' L Nl 4 I thie "en s ted Into ibe machina vîti western edl oece tue breed trinstrted n a big bey withi 'MA L I ~4~M tflche eds tirt ! n s>ad. uIfo ratîtica cf mu, te e cetftha wldow's bonnet. Oui>' 1 rata tAie concaives oethte machiAna can BpIle et 0 reei the smrettres a nad faceti veman vitose Employe et tie local saie and wIre b. U1gîtened up sie thie whcat may b. drawn un mpraemmr beat la vitAi tfose gene betore aboes H kA kcecked eut et the lî-if',ýbotter. Thie peint tiit plaily Aat cha la reail la *Au ru- - illare expetteg aa ve wrk mi- grain cao lie eeparcted trem Uic etrav minesana tlles et rced lng," andtheii garmeuta et black liae madlately afttr the firet et the yaar. machi better aise If fIe'macliAnea l galefr tn ara e g 'flofraffect, but te praveet the Ilp- Inetheoeasteru steel rmking centera. carryleg an aven tend cfl et thie lma. etllke a, sud about peccfrlUtvanBi fecdotirs for tAie paet clx meethsebt nIyhandrevtatlcirsme'I ceustreetuen. abod. 'whicb as a cenecquance hava buien that can get that grain ta Uic bAu wltli- tacdency ntaeco- Etiquette demaundu that tula appeer Ctlaigataio ri ih markeda work l ylie. aece eiould b. traatcd vltii respect: runnîug vay baby capmcity. ara nov atcn leat g a trlleo'tgai ehtndI nth Muller tevus aveue b i.thtoughtleu anad llg!t md. epening op and mil] after mili i > îtye.-%font halersdst ae t *~ uLcAagee suouty hava been we"Oed vlth lms Aftgalesc tty. anti -ai laIremainlà .te cucuect teves vitiloee oBeetuancd b, '.S eit eprmediate points. BeiIdes Udies nd o f roui complet cd. tiare Y> Wa Mattur ofety c aisesthat hem hen WWMUY lingirovet. lbot omne yetmm&C- *hmlui. Tblla gucnluduil le the MO Àl***4but cge Ygmtu10le.compicteti. n-cqtetu e 01 se 1can r lias hua = J». 0pThe arage cnýI% Of coures, peçt OM 1. ahbog somne mlles % 7C .o p 1W ai13 wh ville eb- vé ieruaila hlii W~50, verm '111g Te CuitM tAhe reranint mie i etu«ge but tAiecene. Nete t Mintao a ftead. .The sugbte *ejqry te its eur- orle oiefet 1llkhly te sort au rym et e orate th icei,ment itar'h lttri e dermqilîîîmuet '(i 'u"ebstruî Alec te fteibptt f bMOtad before Il cPPOM untt t*îlta destrructive 0061 dugre. patrol M.s~In ewbuag more or leu aCOcitUnUa inslpactitin orthLb ddbg &ur eud f.UI!> equtp- noe se îlIl -ioe, atistm0- -" Ïte Ï n lbe long rue. i AâtIdM *OÔuitu>' Duir.d. 'Oadeu. put ccai et *biBdh at uîto du, @aemeau d aput iaiof tbe;e003 lca'int te - ~ Olpiblbtaudesred Xlu mnecstrtK- 5wnAanoad& co. vue eave ne reicreuca fer su>'-1 thiig upon. aboya or beneatu> the earth. ' Tut tuas. vie meure ln thle s >' abenld try te ramember that tliere are othar people n the world and If Uic>' conuot control grief ehould remmin et homle. Thera are anomgî corrore and snffarAug abroad vîtbout fhe felingai et those vhe are free as far ase li- melle can b. frec of troubla te bava eudneee torceti upon tbem. For a hnshand a wldov veare crape1 a year; thaeacond yeur ailtAblack 'ith- ont crape; ettar tuat aeythlng e paeau.e for a metuar, ail black fer a year. wth crapu for six monthe, mnd thie cama fer c fatuer; fer brother or dater, plain blalck et Iet turc. moutlla.,whita for the. follevng aine, malng c yaaf. ne li vlilte vitheut tha addition of aeytjiig bîmck la cou- aiderait mecrelng. Dent Inubat. "'Oh. de have eamore!* "Have yeu net mat tAie hoat and hoat- ea& vbe thuefolsttupon fercing j'on toesat more tban yeu ruclly vaut et à mealr seld a men rpeetly. IlWherever 1 go ot taoleiner nov- adays 1 am hothereti andi Aadgareti te est mere tha.n 1 vaut. "I4ftar almot eacb course I am liej seniglt. 'Oh, do baie nse moral' aed dasîite my gente protesta m ore le Ilin arally thrust upoa me lu tha anti, Il arnnaturali' mot à big ester, end le consequcuce efthinIs'Ob, de have came moea' citt1 am uplily beccm-1 Igfle feeit 1h tbrt.. cltreativea:t '%tu ive uù# goiig ont te dlucar.1 'li reo myseifr tamdutic . Minjtmîthe ai fture. "Il. A, isti iraing a reputation for ebLttbma or perbapo aveu devii. log one full titre vîtuprospectasetf doulelcturu actlvît>' f the Dcv orders eeeseeeessese [AicI are u e ilnniug te Vle len haep ene comng. The local steel mon PANIGO ' HED have ticeliggat hopes ot a pros par-e Everytbing ou thie farta can. ons wînterscamnen hers trom tua tact :nt lie rmn ivitlithie preclsloe etf that erderc for plg troc are helug ea I laced i vtAithe aatere Ilaut jure- *cleckwerk. but tf l A fetthe acon. and if pig irce erders arceliing : ork elould ble pianncd lu adi- 9lien, ordera for fiulahad seel pro- Vance, mlakIug allowauce for dues itaîli orna ln tîatr ture.-Da- *changezavicAi ma>' beceme nec- HalAi Cîroiîcie. ss ary. Keep yonr Idecse aed *of your vork. Maha the bralu elilp the muscle. a Mtte Adjust.d. e 11%We a mtte for a New York leob. ee.e..e.e>..e. ater palame: "Wina. Wen a ndl Bng 8fa." SEASONABLE PDULTRY NOTES. Ramoeaail thie male bîrds trom thie PLEÀD HE I NOT oche, haiplng Uiem eparaeountil GRL Of AR aoit;tle tiret of th.e yeai'. (E New leagod Urne te bey nav GE boonti.B>' iacing an ordar et tis timue a better sel"con cen bc hcd. Athrur ROCrae', the Chicago sales- Ont rîcI et ail thé surplus old bc».s man arestd udertheMen a onTih is ili e a eavtng I te oo rd anti manarrctei uiartheMan ec Wlbouse roem. Thie gruie; stock ed account of hic relations at Antiecb, bat Lake cont>', vitu laura Fleuke, Plev up thie ampty duck rue andl tiaughter of Michael Fleuker cf ilvar mev rye An thern. This vIl dlefect Lake, W"s arraignudtan tua Unitedthte and l ais growvovluable green States court tn Mivaukee on Satur- etuif. day aflarnoon. Hoeetera§ a Plea of jThie n1glits are becorlng lecer ced net scilty te thie chargea anti yme ce- ticetimys miortar, ail ot whlcb tends te Irnaudd Jail afpouding hie trial carl>' Put neevlita te botmhie poutryman in the nec ycar. Mine Flauker vce ln andi thaestoc. court vith bter motuur vietue casa -o that the moltlng saaaoe in on vae calteti. but acawu net callad te o avsaited alt upa ttof>' againel the m-n vietoek lhemr lA aiiaiet18 alti eii front ber home et ilier lAke toAi».;of itren te the drinkt»g vater. ' Pi ticeil, th#$ c<rosulng tue statc lUne I vl1 set as tonie cnd ctren«lseeer. and faclng the charge of vyplaimgtu e Tiefiareih atefletiplulte are be- Moiue bat. .Il in declai i aI t ch: elu; te show Indications cf *Intler you.agwomu nvUI be . a vtnec. fcr wecu. 8cm. arcIla. v, hai. thesu the gevereeent vietuech 'e 4aM e ddeelug up and Iuarnirig te gag. r FEW DEFT TOUCHES DISTINGUISH THE AUTUMN SUIT rery medl.h to button your cnt- quired thig ceazon. DaLrk bine serge la cat joosolr, with a single bunt- eomblned wlth à titres tiered shirt of Illr It wlth fur an@ caâh Or boit white cloth. > vivid m11k or brocade. For thome Thoe shrt bas a two-ploce fouadatiec. prefer simpllclty, howeyer the two tunic sections, and ma&y le m&dq ebutton la muffictent. wlth or wltlbot the martly *hap.d the skirt accompamyicg thes. gfrdle. atm la tunicked, double or triple, To flake the coat (7709) la ieleS4i t U lui a deMe fer the plain wvOl require 2%~ yard, cf 42 inch mate- id etten coat and sklrt arcetof ral. The ekirt (8002) lua ize 34 r*. sting material, as In thla ln- quires 4% yard* of 42 Inch materia. Ne. 7103-alzes 34 te 43. nart collar and a drop-sboulder No. 8003-mizes 22 te 33. iftisdesg elg romeverity and Each petter 16 ceEnts. brlmging out the new line« ra- nme Pattern CA.. 915I W. U4d Street New York. L'A s.TUkL' ltareApresmbdiug In store cucl le USÀN S OFTONS 's'avery letuotIual ameer. ]lAvel the bi0FTONSrailroad yards every ayan c@1 ARE IU N i llapracticavIl ha centenue ti iI ton usand toes haie been stoeuti*rlîg ;TOm BY N. W. lteIlBeach, lust nerti cf Wcua .*" the compauy mailat- laige ccci' Im sh esad an effort viiibe nid, te western Rallroadi lntends ïkeap tlieuet ebutec filleti coustantly mc ake No Chances of Pes- tuer. v1, cae amichnehalAi upêt& ble Strike in Spring. be dectar Te em npigsccla Wauk«ýan hei e t e payce dT h estere !mu>' paoI ammut et cool but t"ej ED "ALL ALONG LIN Eît Anom ecýatim ut ae bat a ctrtka la Ammlet The Ncorth- vestern ccci lbas liaA epcwlemuin )0 Tons ta Be Stored at other eure w" intera etrAks, uni iidere - Beach Coal realtac- v erileus>'the.>'crtppe Shutes Kept Full. 1Th'e c"al ettuatten n ewccheflga o 0 1 fr an Lstheumeru'giclI t of c bpM ris fr varons pints le Inccncer'nud la net at aul serions ao. At i ta remvateu pent aiegcerdteg te local cccl dealrgviO &y vas 3lc tîat theCicoago & Nerth. thera lua Uglclmet ce band Unis»Mmem ralIrcad Iu storlng large que- there le 4n Unexpocted dmeutiIwbleh fcooaiAn antictpation Of a pou-A o Iem o. h tarie tri etflina ceai minera eat 'bae c pleamat ep te le as d when e contrataat e e tîrc tilatli thie e Or* ccl hu p.~ ~~h Atle ecUcrule lu the beau reducOd te, *aminimum MantbMhgeA ut tua eperaters Of tiecocailta ce Andication tual oopatdurabl. May' cd tua minea soeedem get te- lic loft, oîer ta tue local diocks tutu for cerne lîtte tlM68andatiy6ar. Tise nill bAe gondi nawp te tii. are tevaral>'dcclared. In consumera for t I arty uvmay otuer «à oices tie&e Strtkes hava a Yer tiare bai hein c sbortsgm Bt tue fer1 1, te crtppla ratiroadm te caend et tuae saspeand lu Jny l- dc saens tanles It bas limen dMolut te gel e son i ecit>'o etalvAdere thie North- sulllcieet m.pply. Mayor Bidingr ets Letter From He='wof tortt, Shore Sanitary Asan. SHOWS NEED OF HASTE. Pollution of River Already Pro- hibited ýElgin n&M Several Other Citles ioining. That Waukegmnans ud ethOUM all- ies aioung the Northl Shore cunnot at. ford tc, lotea ayU>'me ln eolvtug the sevage disposai problem la the Con- teetion Of James 0. Rel'vrth. preu. dent oY tus Northl ShoreBW. Wy "~' s beclaieelntelette"u vaittea t. the Vartous inemieru or the ecutive comanlttée. Fo10lvng le th. lutter receAved 1w Mayor . V . Biditger: Deaumben' 19, 1913. To Mumbers of xrutve Commnttteq Northi Shorue msa'y AuuociaUls. Gueqrnp:-icleedpleme fiud cep>' o et ter vbtc bu ttnlimi. l la eviuli that before loug the govusuol vil! taks a baud lanIbm parfficationo ucfcr vOtai; ierefoea t Ja well Abat ve hélie pred te meet smrne ln exold-esiother good iiema w vii the.Northi 'Sio,.Saaltary Assocatie onutId obtabtà a ary district. Upeetgujlyogurs, Jamnes O. Neguogil, PIwmeAd Hoe.,J. P. BNhusesoir ialw e Wau hegac, Walkesam. ltuml pFlUcvlau lua 4om ofthAe letée, whkciiMr.i'.HeymAtilucie Stat. et JINoteb. IUSWM unLaie, Commlsslos», bl -54 Irunspos'. taluon ElEg. *CcSâo. )dr. Uidlwar>& iW ...I tilt Ui Uo.Ia iW baa-bees slet f" U. *b«84uphipu.'c ~1kit ~ *1 t;e '.o»it 1. -c e ladu -om p 4f- lIaI 40 1M& t-tcmes$ roqufreti ethum. i * rp 110-1 &.clhnm 'Wl9h~ adg, alsthbebo e M Asti eipptl'e. aU éleit 8e:liat Io e te tmln iabdile-pbh aL lie luy antsuio vbe i tfg e mMmla r% un Geoel The Restaurani formerly known a, Restaurant ind lately known âsà t taurint las revertéd to Un. tGae b~ Gcoa*gclas Ieaaed mre to MW. 4 Peter Johnson,,wbo have re4penedthe Best and -Most Up-to-iDate HorxceKesturan Mr. and Mrs. Johnson' eutgtion -for Home Cookin-g isto well known to need anintrodction.. Mms GeoreWiiiUn in a managerical capacity. TheGEORGE and ~e JOHNO reputation wiIl be maintained. THE DEST PLACE TO 'EAT AND GET HOME COOKING IS Geog'Ka >a.Lbe, )e s

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