Who M4. sow 1a 0 1" laawM lhave tb corne in la *ato tnsbad of bii *Whsand dri'ving bie reindeer? ?he pronIlscUoUmm nie wich babies are being ttadoed by iniumm mothers In Lake County makes »e thluk tba*t the wrnld imniade just right, for, there r. 80 many homs luthe couiywhere littie ones would e.w*oSmed, oexedf«or ai b appinefs, inatsad of h nt (àrrw uliohayin visited on those motherS ro mo lit 10 abs4 *ç4roffsprlng. StiUl,ve presume i«,ssreus»1«ert--buth11e reason's bard to determille J4erousby hs8tdin theub.matter of &ail gf omntmm0LbýO the lap attoruey who represented the i1ctiWU fmllU sow that h. in constaIlt1y piading t0i* &WUitif thore who need protection-the AmmsUesWho coum is i cout and who are ignorant Of nut proceure. If Mme attorneys were loft 10 fttii0r J5 Z1 ttsfo f n a te to bave n off cplWho îï*S int sach debil aMd acta accordlng to his best judg- 3DUCTION(i&S DO NOT OPEN'EM LADR'SSUIORT UNTIL XMAS DUY ~N TP CONTRY ARRIVES; MAIW YDII) m lis Imm il In ahe lues )ut uaw itrie You u systemn in Umited States Owes 1 Many Persoils Cannlt Wait to"o Is Oriain to Workers' Open Their Gifti, But Oth- ;c Àditation. etrs Won't Do It. 'IE1 - nt eRIENOSgHp ', 15 SHOWN.IS ANl OLD IMC CUSTOM. 1, "Not ta ha openeuntil Christ-mas." ' -itwo Mi Taq Restoi'tion In l Hamiel vas neveu' lu deeper quan-LO Illinos Due t-o A$ttflne Of dec>' tion lo lie recipisut o! a Christ- Bit State Federatiofl. mus packagei marluet i ti lie abtive . warulng anti Buebeai-t'a vile vas At a T-rafic anti labos' smoker Inu uever subject to grealer temptation JOUM ét levassioulnl t hat- the 1tisat- h. 'mngeilcet edeuiattoa symiu tahe 1 Shoulti he open Il anti catit>' hie Viefltei tate Ovu ic ernint. tue 1c uriosît> as la the conteuta? ."Woll,";ë spo tu tahoring mcam orei ho argues, "il la mine anti I ougit t aevctyftwe inargo. ho abe tlu do viat 1 vaut ta, viti No oncfppmla Blair, etate 1Il." Anti, If ho yltd» ta, temptation 'e...se>teduu otpubic nqutclanti cuiste estrings, ho delende hlma- irtie aanmieset Ibat-the iMin-,slfon liese grounde. ose Ifleig vu'. etieC rut tae ir Hovever, altos' bic curioalt>' te cal- -- m tiaua tic movesct té smc he Ui fieti. ho Isle asuanted of irnueif, 'twcmnl, tan.Th«. , tatur IR. vluenu mattor boy muci bravado he ma>'.y ýpi.n hy t-hoMlioestat-" era - assume vicu tolng oMers about big < «M c t Laor. vil4,At-a cithiai bravade lu detylng one cf' thé oldest u. ttslu tlup MM 14 l. eu eeti ojf!Christ-mas tradtitons-that of leav- a, 1,'4npw sud appei* t la ceituUuttee ta1 lug tho openlug ut glat unt-il Christ- 'ht :Ow e set tilelithe i01lta" Ire . t t"0 S iptle s t U thmate ineel For, tram lime lmmemcralm It has W -'been the custom, 10 leave presaouls-'h ~Pi ioaltins vlcitOallav vre unîll tic moninus of tue festive day i c 1.etgjffptS b>'tb. uiners: botore opeulug thoent. Uttit a !ev ro ~ 'fiee duatlOMi 0foas'yenaaoIl vas unthougit o!10 oOpen 5 ~ dgn e14 t tbe tret M»itate "danipackaes bfore anti tesesuter vouiti bu tk* Itêbq&oo tichelaboèr ni!5dj baye taken 1h almoat- as an louait ta e e b ta rivoutlea rci do IL- People begalate cseep ava>' - ~ieII faévoret tjm+tu i « tram ibis tradition, hovovér. andtic~ *bdI stop Ibis, sentiers vho dit iot vish -Vr« È _Mess, i oduct-iei ofthe ta the -aee lie recîplent rabhed of ) cilidres soulti le a tate problem.1ta.Imlf fthé picaurexalig ft roi n-is 94ar-a lsaet. buité5d of leaving Its ticipation of viat the gift migil be, -ih 110005llOt MOcu tiri th le 10cM1 openeti untillChristmas." W cituUleitt-, aid - -There le nov a fais' demant Inlusea- A »ettouae.The cei innu inn O- "son for printeti varuluge anti litl thI *0mtta antm aie>'yotites'commuuai-* jcarde are soidt lthle Christmas tratie. w, t esa"IMwbl te bave even an elgt If ubere tg an>' min lu upeulng tue n ggcehe'terne abid prvide the ProT;rCristmas packages,' a supposetyil> Poseêinut vtIctheregelas sa nti ývIrtiaus mnuremarlueti."It la upon r' *01s.iat péar cet for cdueatioiai P-s'thln bond o! liesnder vbo put on e vu"a;thiercle e ht t'le was'uiug. *Woe untu tie rmsu byi 'Balc:1. Týht tIla1 uniust for'vbom thes offense comet," ho ttuot I Ose cammratt>' to e wcipelledttaed iflippautl>'. He vas carrylug honte eys a ita, ie ftos ation for edu- ;an express package atitressedt ie t -eplýeat ius'osssiM csSuieg what esmalboy. "Ot tg behoa uInlaUI i Of Or dvan- "i1suppose you are goîng tn lthlm 114 5gei -Open Ihat uaesuon op you gel home 't. Tit the ivo«Mita>' for die- ivith il?" is vas asiret. -,tijllua guootu ho reetoMetibefore 'Oh no," ho ansvered. "itisaa *X &aWthoua awuoosItlobs aiegondlesun for Jai -nu>' lulearu ho "Or. cd fr the curb hie cuiiosit>'." Anti yt ho ai- f.W e$iiagmitteti ho opeusti hie packages as "'3 ?h~ ~t ,ovodisibYâUble'rsoon sas tie>'arriveti. Men>' persoans Ite nulopen a, pack- ic lvc paer t>&go tiat tg marireti nulto ho openeti. éuie'but vutu teel Il careflut>'. elgi It, 'i~0 tètitut - alant ivt-b lie aid ofthlis amly, guose oua mit*aI *"Obut ral th.îcoutents, ~( 4. hatvo.se hou p laores. Thisnk Itcver sud oses If for une alt'tvqous5ull>ot- e? . eocuiers, ar'ou eaunut >'ltd ta the visee tlhtniç uppot 'a e nee hore of your friands. anti curh your cui! ~~l tbt-b demantW"j oil>'nes you are maklng lttîe Johnu>' Suie ith th frionti-1 curb hi. 51 iheovula lkpport of lesta- %E o stffl tag b15, bas heen gen- I NO TRACE 0F PARENTS IN dgll'Oluheêi ie *110 ili IN HIGHLAND PK. CASE. ~u i.-~~WeBsAU tfort- i> 4E0o th* Powd or Ce.Nelth- Na trace bus auofoundt oda>' o! éïrthe 0l>' 48 h bdS l e i rother vho loftI theChristmnas t6kas th, I111ý op> an th*babyon the doretep of Uicebaome 155#ho,1 >' ay aI f re. lHenry At-vals' lu Htghlanti t-O t *tluôI lpolit-es 'Park 8he la aseureti o!fitnclal aid 'lusinrig lic chîlt iIf se, le ilmaire hersel novu. $IIL END OFF A 11lglad ak lainereseatin ibe aby whch l no beagrareti for at the houme o!fHi-e. Ward Kuapn. Maica ftouting via lives noxt door tantr. Alvaler. 1%c vounen prornlnent lu socilti PEediefi ~ alah circles have tionteti clothlng fo D", ic. îS,-Thse e ttcwatt anti havé prontisedti X*ve ltarr>' Tut-- aid Uic mothes financhll>. ,ýft* au>' football *'AAco.peralive plan for lie rare of - a the fouadtla bas beu deviaeti hi -W-t-re. e al usAt-vates'. vbo le the preettieut of ipD Thii.'le pop- "Our plan le uatlta adopt Uta baiuy,"' dtx?-It th c- atitra. At-vat-es Ioda>', 'but rallie to bra about tihe retors of t-he o ith- b~-an. t 00. Il vas esr. W. belleve ber ieaort-lou or tie1 't"I*"cadte btOt boy vas brought about tliroughpaver-1 r $Os' Titbhlls t>' or oties' miefortuno anti voWil tke amn>'football i hes. éhWi0thic eavy game. bia'thte icapita! Evidenly' Smouliat-Anned. ~ at-lte gagae ta undor- A dislU±Olshum Paterton, N. J., r&. sujeus dbcrat$ono anti ho tirst-oa uar_, gb>' thc "tuformal "iés$ ditciariMt. Ho 18 nOw ovecuhorie uertmonyNDt juuepiug 0v a, .~ paubis ivorlu ts aëb ffotbema srisscocreui. Pal. t- " at - - - &s..ÏsnA -*. Uv.. - ~jTumu vIn oin the p.'selfet itbi i mm sicle gqeuibla'1»-.Pmm"daTifor.# In an atidrees delivereti lu Bulia bernacle, Zion Cît>', Voilva discuge- the eugonlc phaseot the marriago esliou at Boreu engtli. 1ne stàitma tvith sayiug. '"I aiu persuadeti lu Fovu rlutIn that we have ta, suive us>' probiema. Wo wilthave to be >re strict lu otur teaclslngs, andi mure et luncuir living. SaunelPoope 8Sy, ou von't marry a Zion girl 10 e on wbu le not utf'lIon!' Na. 1t vaut. ti you won't marc>' a Zion mani la woan tiat l etuloftZloii! 1tetli )U nu! tun going to quît maccylng me people vimu eau limeuselves on. "What's the use?" Voliva veut on. ere'e e Young vontan wvie opar- te vere hs'ought loinZioo. She a hor tu lice. leres a Young an vione parents are braugbt mbo Iou, anti he vw»borninlu Zon. The>' use up anti vaut ta ho marrieti. - Young meu.n do y'aitrad your îble?' l'No., 1 do uot rendtilt-I beveu't " 'Young man, do yu pme?' *Weil, nu, 1 dout. 'Do you love Goda bhoues?' 'bbxcept visu t ought to ste> honte utia>' anti' steep.' "'De you reati Leaves ut Healig?' 'oh, once lu a wie.' :':Do you pu>'your lithos", . No. 1 cen't akurd lU ,,you thînu 1 vouiti marry s runt ma ik tir lat? i ouiti Jusi osoan marry lhe tievît. Wbat'pa the ts f merrytug e man tIke liat eud artingaotber boul that le 9nly a ýurse ta Cati Atrlgitysartb? Vou n i-est assuroti that If yuu marry oue there't he o nufamit>' sItar ln it iuuse. There, viii ha no fentlly ueblip lu thal bouse, andi wben the flireu are bornthe>' are' incarnate lvile, andtile>' are starteti on the ati ta ho!! botore lis>' are bon. "Nov in lie staSe ut Wisconsin the] lyse a eugeulc iew. Before a couple sun gel marrieti tho>' muet bavef lctar'e certificats. The"e Interna lctors," eont-lnued Voliva. as he tooI ,rap at tue metical profession, "an in strîke. The>' set forth lu a mest g the otlier day that t-bs ont>'va, îey couid glve a certificatO tiat vsl worti an>'thlng vas ta talus ont sou, :) the brainso!o the%>Young man-i te> cautd Sund au>" Anti that t-ho: 'oulti have t0 eut up all bas joints anq ite out hie liver anti examinei ird tiers vas a viole lot of rlg-a-ma ro o! stuifflie>' argueti upon lu cor erencs tiet lie>' vouittihave lu d -Pfors t-be>'coulti give ae certificat tbat vas ut an>' account. "Tic muet Important thlng lu fin, 3ult lu a cnitl!examnuaton. la: 'Ar -crul ïavtti. Young man ?' 'Are you ,iild of Gati?' 'Are >'uu fit lu ptar t home?' 'Some people expeet tO soive ever] t', Iug, 1tlltiyu. solvlng tises prol crnus Io nuo as>' matter. If yon gE a enan and voman couvertedti ten ys unave everytblug solveti." iTTACKS THIE NE3W RaÀD LAW; AUY TIE UP ALL TH1E FUNi) ýy >k re ýt- 'y ti it te ri. a y.t )b- ýet ou '4 McLean County Resident Seek- ing Court Order to Prevent Operation o I. Act. Bearc forRobert Searigbt o! Wau-1 coilda, vho came 10 Chicago on Dec. 15th, anti han not boon heard tram aimee, was starteti b>'tue police today at thle requet of earigts brother- l-lav, Harry J. Humphrey of Wau- coutiL Bearight le 31 yeara otd.--Chi- icago Journal, Dec. 23. A fine of $20 anti coste 0 selug tiquer te a minor, Main, Brooks, 17 ,Iars old t fZion City., vas imposeui on Lavreunce B. Cloudi af«3050 North Cark street, Chicago, b>' Jîiige Ublîr lu the Court of Domestic Reatians. Truesday, Dec. 23rti. VOLIVA IS TO IBRL CREFL VWIO 111 WEDS IN FUTURE DRUBA IIOYWIL BE SENT TO STA TE REFORM SCIIOL Police Today Arrested Several -Youngsters on Charges of Minor Thefts. Waukogan. Deember 21. Felix Brubb, $ad Michael Mix, tva boys via confeued int-oeiopolice Uic>' bt-ohé ltioanti robbed the Taulous gracer>' store on Weàt .Wauhington sîreet andti llsplti tos euh other paces, vere given a hearin>'streer Count>' Jutige P. L. Persans Ioda>'.- Upon the recommendtiton a ftbe etatesat-hainey Bruisthe ltier boy, vas foun int-bchadelluquent anti va. ordereti sent ho thé St. Chartes eciaal for bois at St. Chartes, InI. Mlx vam reteaseIth ie cushodi>'of his parents. Parent-a, relatives a ntifriende af the tvo boys crovdedth Ue court roo n nt corridor of tue court hous toteanti thore va. louiti alln>'ver. It vas announeti ane o ftho bays Was to bé sent- to St. Chartes. Fro ic she et- doe*lan tisa«Sec Il appearedthelb Duba boy vas tuorouigit> delin- quent andthtathIe Mix boy bat iselu- l>' toliavetithé examplq set b>' the altier boy. Assistant Chie! a! Police Tiomasi Tyrreit toila>'arresteti hait eatiozen emalboys wvihatihatitouind rmn- ntaffng about lu a junir pile. Tis>' vare suspoctei o! havii$g salen env- eral articles, lihe>' ere given e gooti "sweatlng" sud ater holu amreti tat if tic>' Vere saught la a elmîla" uffonse tue>' oulti hé confineti la aIt, vêt-e giron t-borls'iberty. Fas' thé laut several timys lts police have bocu heeplug a close vatcb on " nimber o! amati boya and ti elaet a dozen of ibeen have been aken ita tuie potle statian ah dlffegenGlemnes. Aftlas' ein>' given a lecture ai4 varu- lug tue>' were dismlaseti. Tihe police are wlllug t-u give the youugalere e chance before rauslug thels' art-est au tiproseut-lon. The>' i-allzesliaI tie boys me>' not- be lboroughiv beti anti that If the>' rau hé correcteti lu lime that- I Il b tter lien senti- log theu .avay, te a reforin ehoul. MARAUOiAOL I ,fuSau usprlâgfid, i1I, Dec.2-'An altack lu^u-LqrND10 opn tue vaîIdî> of tie hart rSdts Lulgo Chiapetta, Hlgbwooti -....22 1ev enacteti b>'thé toty-eghth gen- Caroijua Covélli santé...........22 oral asaombly vas matie iisaltas- Jno. 'kusci. Gra% vIle. Wls.... 2 boon vien Jacob Martlo Achot- Emma Gi-et>, Miwaukee......... 21 licLean countv. 5used a Poltion lu theé ebr oteOsks ....2 circuit- curt liers for an tujuncllon to eaHeot ltoGs', Osiko si ..1 restraluJames Brady>'. st-tâstutlsJanel t-cebck ae or Wllilam Ryau, state t-éaeurer, Leo A. Bickboff. Peru-----------..2 front tssaulg warrante or pa>'igugat Mii'> Terneen, Mlwauikee ... 3 funtis approPriateti for the useso! lie reo. Crae, Siut Rock, Wle...23 hitîlia> coeprlseson. Clara tsblng, Ocauomovoc..21 Mr. Martenasécha gte havé thé el lilsInts' Oison, Philtipa, Wls.... 2 reviaing tue fos'mer lav lu reation to Hezel Utove>', came .............. 19 ruade anti bridges declaroti usconsti- Oto Grosse, Milnaukee ......... 2 tutilonal. Ma>' Steiner, 5550...............i Mot-o han 81,00l000 vas appra- lHent-yKnoll, MAiwaukee ....21 priateti b>'tic taact géaerat assernishi Furs Suciav, sains.............Il for thé construction aofliard roatia ln Arthur' Herbert, Mlwaukeeo....3 Illinois. Thée ui cf $400»00 as ap- Sema Itocter. saine ............. 1 pt-ops'ated for the use o! the "te J. M. Bergmnan, Spencer. la.... 3 higiva>' commissiou from j l>', EliIL Pearson, Reeti Cilty, Mici. . 1913, ta Joue 30, 1914, anti a sineltar Cliffos'd Boii. Ccago .......... 2 sum tram- JlI> 1. 1914. ta Jue 20, Etina Hollet-er. Batringt-on... 2 1916. Erniostina, tMilwaukeeé.........2 Anothor 1bill pasmeti the bouse vhich CaRilue Kilhurt-c, came ..........) caîteti for ai appropriation of 1300,- frang tAller. Kenosh.a...........2 000 ta hé useti lualrprovlng lie d'e Elta M. Nélman,»Mne ............2 betwen Juy 1.1914, anti Jube>li0 Arthur M. Rievitt-, cIl>'............2 hLvee91 I>. 1.MyrIe Chelatlsmon, cit>'..........1 Mrs. Marteaueattecks as unconstîlu- An"sepi. meta ...g.,......ia..... 2 t-ol thiUicProvisions aitue lav tvisA aBiImm........ lhe hgiva' comsiielloiinoves' tuore- atoe ioes. 0 f roatOuseaia A Noird Leomea. sIwar>' 0< 83,50a year. id e su- àJumaw ree e is isar ginair at $1400 ai t-ird sasistaul e- loa. ti, a u e ete 0 gc ua i lmme glaces' at l$3000. e le-ieaut. OFFICIAL LIST REAL ESTATE ?RANBFEM, Lahe r. Titi. à TrUIÉ6 Go Absirect et fTMs. Thttoc uarantoci McoeleTemnpe Wdqc. Pheute & Dec. 23, 1913.-W. H. Tiffai>' anti huil lut 34, Count>' Clsrk'e subdivision. Aetoci. W. B. 81.00. C'. M. Parers ant i vIlstt W. M. Jacoba, lot 10. blocku 39,miliand Parku. Q. C. $10. J. C. Endos' ant i vte ta John Klonti anti vite, ltl 29 ta 33, block 2, Becs'- fi'ed Park. W. D. $1. Auna L. Hayhs sud h abauti, et al., te W. B. Slmih, part lot 7, Hlgbwood. Q.C. $1. Deccmber 20. 1913. R. D. Griffith te Spencer Banks, lots 9 anti 10, Block 4, Oakmant Sub, W5It' kegan. Q. C. $1. Bon Jensen te Alc A. Hockenbers- os', 1% acre lot at Wlnthrap Harbor. W. D. - W. J. White anti vîfe ta D. M. White, tract of landi lu C3eca. 25 anti 36, Emt Antloch anti lu Sec. 30, New- port Twp.1 W. D. $1. H. C. C. Kueiker ant i vte te Ada M. Kuebker, lot 13, village of Ivan. bas anti 7 acres adj. W. B. $1,500. jW. G. Dickinson anti vife ta A. K. IScieppere, lot 5, Sub. et lots I1 anti 52, Lake Forent. W. D. $10. J0E TINKE R IS INVALUABLE Franku Chance Say@ $50,000 WouitI Have Bein Cheap Price ho Psy. NovVoru.Déc 2_-'Frank Chance tetti me lest sommer tiat Tlnker'a re- léace vouitt be cheap et $60.000 If vu coutig l Ïtbm,'- saad Proident Farrel of the Nov York Americaus. "Chance sasidtilieSTînimr as a p!aies' anti a fieldti ueutenant vas tu- valdable te an>' club. le ioclared liaI Tiuker'a Icuovietge o! inside basebalheti helpodthelisCube lu vin Ivu vurids champlonsbipg andtilat If ous' club couittiget bIn e vs oueltib' 1 lreugtheuedet leasethblrt> percent. Il i lb ad heen possible for me ta bld for Tluker's retease 1 voulti have geon blghes' thau an>' cher club ovner.'" MILITANTS CAUSE DEATWS Signal Men In Seniaphore Loue Livus In Big Dock Yard Fire. Purtsmouth. Dec. 22-it-vas teari éd tiat Ivo signal men remainetila the naval dock yard bore during t-le tire andt le>'are helievedte h ave lest 3thi livea. Tise>'are miasing antiliil 1 Qe hope la teiltial lie>' eesipet. The 2damags causeti b>'thé bas lae ce 9mate ai $1.000,000 ta $2.500,000. 5 The people oftlits place genoral'3 Il elleve la I liestire as th s w ork or suffragettes lu their esuepahgu uft 5 sou as reveuge tus' the rearrest of Mus 9 Paukhucs t hro. iWOMEN HELP SEAT BOND ISSUE Jacksonville, 1I11, Dec. 20.-Nue Iwihtaningt a drlzzliug rmin that keb] up thlrougiaut tus day 1,200 voinu 17vont ta t-ho poilie oda>' and e'gg Stereti thsr opinion on tue lesueli - of $60,000 boude ft' teInps'ovecaci of the municipal léctrie Ulil 17 pravernulof Uic munoclpel eect 15 ligit plnt-. Thre bumdred aid li t-en vomcu. votai es'lir latbon e 885 awat- . te Thle uMmcvate vas.'791 "Y«c" s la let -nIo- Total Yote for bondl 1.0,saie bei'ds. , 081. Sizhject of , och Kàtorest to The Farmer Discilikod by Soil Expert. (B>' Donald Blair.) 1 ili mature ln froin 75 to 90 days, and le one of the eet or thie cov pas Maz>'lnquir1ee have baen imade ID ýVarieUsand a he Most eaalty band- rela tio tS0w pea, tir relative .led b>' macblnery. value as feed to the Ber11= *' fumeraleyleraiircomu aud the advlablilty of grotinthem, TeIo alt arpdycmn au d.ve aieibsmetd Mm nse Dinto mbpromipence and la large a"d vig-1 ah laq res aan uvei l pa omous gro*ing variet>' of rather tla 1 îtti ' lia 'to thoe Who M at maturit'. lit lu aspecls4ty resistent b. tntcterd ln thetature. Ite wilt and ilseasegenerally. The Thers are -at the prenant Umne %bout seed ln bard ad ret4_ms _ite vitatit>'. lifty vrlettes of co pas generait>' btter than Mnst variation. lai-tact,1 knwbut oui>' a evr of the but of It vili lla ln thie round throuih the* tbese are ezteniieley oultivated. The atrndsmit heotspng vaijeties diRfes'lu snobi eharacteristlcg aud one o tte bt characterlettes le the abit>' tte hold the leaves longer. as habitaimie and erllue*s, andi es- ttian any otiier vartt. peclali>' ln the color of tiihe »ad, which aS . eltiier enurely Vite. red These above named variation aire1 buf, lakbleor variously blotcheti the Most common lnunue and tic buEblai, buemot valuable. lu tente In diffeieut or speckled. parýte of the country, It has been The variations lu vines 1s'yery foundt hat cow pa a>' may bu dut marked, belug causeti b> the Urne of about September lot. The quaity of Ptanulg, the nature of the season andthelb hay produced lI. ecellent, andi lia the. loce4ty wbcre grovu. Star!>' nutritive value la about hait greater plantlnag or a vet seaeou calI>ysIlt than that of claver ha>'. Wherea lu a large growth of vines. = y STowUI for feedlug le desireti, brosti- have useti the varIe\itfimach au thecasting le probahi>' as wvelis irlllng,' Bleck Eiye for table use, but qmNy lu ',but on the other baud. If a seci crop a tew calities le thus Praocte eX- le preterred drilliing la recommendeti. tensîvel>' foloved. Ftor forage pur- luI mak1ng the. cow peahaey, the poses. the mont valuable varetion are croP reuires carefut hantiing, lu or- tiiose wW~ch grow la 'jrg. mime, hold der to keep the leaves tronm fallng their leaves weli and PrOduce au off. The plant shouid bave made Its abundauce of podin. The moat Impor. growth and have at least the gret tant of the varleties for this purpose ýpods ripe wheu the mowlng la doue. are described as follows: tîulform1ty la maturing la esentiailu Wblp Poor Wi-This variety ' le aettlng the best recuits. Tire ha>' general>' cousidereti a staudard of ail stiulid fnot be baudled wheu the leaves ,Reli paia. It ls sultable .eltber for are dry aud brittie. A good test ta grain or hay production or bath. it 'use lu ascertalulug vpther the ha>' le makes a vigorous growth, le taithi>' reaidy for stacklng or lot l la twist drect and ssîlU produces a large the stemts lu the bands and If uo mois- amount of vine. It cau raidi!, be bure eau be wrung out, tho>' are baudled by macblnery. wbicb la bring- 'ready. Afalfa differs (rom this lu- Ini it more aid more Isto prominenoe., as muci as l shouli 1>. drier wben The eeed le watt-led. chocolate or !'uet op. It le btter not te aie buffor reddlab bravn Coor. Ajother chanea by Puttilut ln ha>', etela variet>' extene1gly gravi le n owu!the etack or barn ton vet, ao man>' as the New ra, and la the smalest barn@ have been lest ltrough apon- asesîtof the cow peas that have founti taneous combustion due eutîrel>' t0 a vide' use. The seed ie btulsb lu mowiug ha>' lu ton green a state e- celor. It produces a eaivy crop and pecila'afalta hay. W.ddlaIi, Sttlces>. Ah.' . thetiinvtsleaDardeanad ena.uuoeents ubouiti ha elouant dit- ulet anti sccafdlngte the secepted euventimM atie. sivil MWn'ft eles. sattonesai inha gl9" te soew to ton vioc'Yeu ame doidinsla lt natter. White or ercaun pape'. vit-i blacu tmavlng, le abvays la 9"ot tste Tb*. emact proportion a as>',but y1u eau decide that trou ichesas u ain, plee offeretetayoiu. Plain scuipt or bboc*I ltt-tu la 15umti aed if ani erust or Initiale fti. ebride bu altisti thle TP top1 e eauiltu white. ThLq le- resu>' unnccesuyi. Monogrammes anti cher d.vlecoll or me"ieare not cpcrect1 Wbes ion ordtie'~our irc.q u8> itou.'>'altieres'boaeingtice #I* py" viii andti tston. Invllatlm u st-vo euvelopes. oue a Ilttl ie tcs't-lin t-ue other. The mmcii.' ane leanetMMW; the larges' one la the otites' mec,0a1 whlch the postal atidrem. le rlittcn. Cardeaunrounciug t-he et honte date of t-be bride sud brldegroin d t-bals nov stidress are <irdered aud tuebugeti wlth the invitaetions. The accepteti form ofut n Invitation sn quite simple. Tt 1s aruugetlisg tuis: Mir.anci SAra. JohntHaill requestt he hon"Ofr ofyUir presensAt th@ manriagsetofthetir dougites' Janet t0 Mr. Rurhard Devis on Monder cvenIug. OeW te cOMt aut issht m'ock et Cati.ulmWsChuss New Tari AnOer loren bas s dotted SmIO fa vhclceia Ibohavritten l'by aM td t nente o! thegimant %onetiminwbcu a ehures veélli 1% lu danger cf havltng unliTlt13I Tas, gems filliug bhe peve. hote e «CI 1 1, of the gueste. a card of admission in le- cioset I vth the invitation. It le à anaîl vwite slip sud bas on3 it: Plasma prenat ti card etat 5.Cati. giinW» chut-ch un Monde>'. Ochober t"t mfth- If thé brlielives l Iteenocutry 'thé rit>' gueute are notlctiof tih. trains, etu.. b>' amail çards esgravati: Train lbave, Grand Centrai staion, for Rtosaire at 4:10 P. M. IttaloStraUR ieavsi R.Ooiyn aI l0 P. m Vu'>' rareltu Le & S.V. P. usti an a veddlng card. Themeler. l ant for the vords of a French phra.cthat mens, Repi. If yen Pl-'aê"TheL inicalIthat an acceptaneaOr decis lien la reqTuceteti. Theme lettersart nover addtie u n Invitation tu Il churci emdeuiuit>. Th" &116a11111se vhes Provision muet ha ma*. tel guats andti -h number te ha et taleti muet ha lunove lie ortie te U sure ornkfast ho ail. Tisce bridaieseot that do net -101 Ste go te thc expenne of vetdina st douer>'. ePecil>' If Uic cereon>'I to, ha a sinple one andti OO.Sd b>'1 vet es' c. are nov vrling Par-olau formai notes lnvling tbelr frendS Il ebare the happineasb>' b0ln Pr-1c Announceneente eau ha ordered san sent toa li fricudesud relatives. Tht plsn simplifismettefs anti la greiUM In favor vith vomnen vho rfmi that h, wediug ai muet ha shareti onYt>i the fev deerest Ou«s. S.heDe>' nt Hune. mont vaincu vhoec circie af frimal leai alasrge anti il more ceneelc E am walu aà pleaeanter for 'LIl Dartde cowuutehobavevisaI le ceti Id day- On afteMn Chci vcek 01 mors care>'. ane afternoma sfOu'tOWl ha sam amide for t-ho cxprfea porpaser a.scadlvi vsiter. This le donc b lebaving engraves on tUic*caillifcas' lui the laver corner,. direc-b>'ommas the atitreme. tic word '*Mouds>" -wctinsta>'s"or vhatever t-ie choc - day mai' ha. Thîs, Of COU"*se sigulfi ,d teum.lon ane's vlstlng liet t t- bis jethe day Of Uiche wek@Melamides for r In Movinsgcdll ti The vonn vba. aama eonit m ve ayq mention It vien luvtng nm il ricuds e ta l. Bée sais. 'Il arn or Bs t home on Wctinmaday atg naouswhei 1 shali ha dtiigit0t t-o ton- r omebig o h* c»me 00« Whcn a ayibasoece becnausisci a n t i a un o u n e e d t o n e ' e f r de d i n l mnnes' indicatet iIt muet ha atibu tt igd>. Tilalemont dlscourhao< ,0 bu o" uon an**et homeV dey'. ÀA4 eu s hultiltlnathina ehIOrt Of 111e. n. tusheatlof aIereltiveOor IMPart n businees keci ber trou bclng lu ras enem t-ogreet amil conter.On alI 0«b nt dais caltes can vlieuoit offee l. t-usned ava>' trains1he doos'*» at-hi Ib pisc "Rot Bt boue." but ounlt.edaY 0 ,il. bua bot-elf stfor reccivlng lieU ~good anti perfcctb> legimat*en t>' muet ha offéreti If $acla absent of The mait vbo lUttendetË duos' ar. ant at- home" day ahoul eiivsr a bis dresthatle ratber simple l U - white turnover colleratieufe am ver>' mali white cap aud e vh apron wth a Un>' bIb. gb enEMA IL ,tt-OOdoor as son 5»possible at Ot. 1h. bel has rang anti offers a - ot tra>' for thecâcales ca anti dira In heu' t-othe dravIU room. we Ta Annouisse Engsmot- Mt Irt-bis thate bedon @ stéa catti P& lzc w rite the Dt ante f lte lady u« o lit« queenof heurts card, pudt tic 00 ma ame ame onmaeh kls 'hIbm Card. Tues are tien stlied Tt* Mdi OWk a£tiddAt out ln t-be01000 1 a, ha i dseorcueat e Tir* el ueti:. au linaction u au@4*b> of thc suprêern courtbti ef thc Park theat«ef vsuwU bliltIcofutfaction ploturum rlti. $0f the Witit lave Vive cmployseo ftheit~' vere arrested vire cd lu>'M Applean l 5*Wl on ttec violation ortheb.accjon of tlie Imaitrats Appton igavé t hat vunssenune aces of the pictule was Chant" hbe vO16l~ ewarrant against lte producif- ft lihel. lie scene *housa end "cadet" uslng theloi IDIuence*M "I a Magistrate la have a vouai Ilm er discharged. CUT PRICE mACKODBY c0#01 lewcicr Uuys U. & WcW e Oheepet o »e Abroad-lJndtfseilt Meker. New York, Doc. 20-ft litale circuit court of aPpssib Iw he cWathm amWtch eculti mot force Ciashet A. MaS New York Jeveler. to tOP ~ - thoir watches ai eut Prionc. Keeneboughit the. comPaltt'@ e@ aboord at a price lover thaa1l11M charget b>' jobbers hoira MO5»W' them for tees than thé pMlai OUiW the manufacturer for thc dostusiO tW tait trade. Appoint New Chinke.Mlnicr. Peking. Der. 2.-Shah Kat-Pu, w» won Cbinpmpconsul ai New Tub OMM o904 te,1, was appoint@@ istpe I aillter 2 Washngton te sut««s Chang Yin Taiig. - Fait 1(111e W.aithll, ms . Ptpestoue. iean,.,Dec. 3.-Ut im vachs>', agd scveat>-tvo. PsaMRe 6of tic Mackay lIit>' ompcny ma ylrýthy local capitit&M, tuidlath* IPlpemone hosptal fr0. lalules vs' l, cIved wben ho feu front a acso i iblb W au a large atone bnta... iou bf *erecttib>' hi.. Wlllfcrd hIidCapto. *Cbamuptign, I1Ii,,Dec. l9.-var A. Willford o!fBlet St. Loch9 vu elected captalu of thIliinis iceici *bl l ve f thea 1914 bosii. eneaid Ro berit W . Ho gfian. Wh o d t m # rture ta the University'. WIUIto'4 "s a J u n io r . l e b a s p l a y e t i o m e F Me 1111 a te varsty. d Baker#o omise. kt T » c a nt o n s o n U N I , r t 0 <o f b a b u y aflevlg sta the d««tebu* te uselleai Urne., vinbe»I evos ,l efutit>' vateisci. The traie vaau- I r.e "ie a b>' usailavs. ead tie 0 " msr a epernaties ver s ceciO o Pr alet«*-Ie velgit. la oN u i'a r-tIc peesbilt> of falItmg 15111111, s- abifrd maemare l boecus fi* Mmu,'for bhaiera te .1kv ai MM- hbu~ vtiever>' dogen. ' PUBLIC OUAt4AGE LETTINO. to Notice le herebr givea th"at tic l drainage comsuiaonsr» of D*N leDistrict Numbor one leaha is Townshp, Laie Contu. Ilines, mUS mc recelve seateti bideioutil tliel st 99 th openlug the saine, for Uic fruhilaS , of materfat. and dolng o 01onaime loW11, to-vit: To furulah VP. 0. i. waucouea lM du mois, No. 2 quatit>' vîtriedt gti ee t boit and sachet sever pip. e n2 o 3% >. foot leugtbe. or No. 1 vitrifat isMU "atite of like tengthe, or Ne. 1I'iUàt& hurned iaine drain tit.,Or all'ie'Ut Sequal> as gond lu thre fOtle0*9 by atunts andti szea r&, 4846 fot of 24 Ich 111e lis 618 feet ofl18Ineh tlt. 3" 480 foot cf 12 Inchint.. flo fldders are requested tu selleS la amntples or detailed description Of 0pipe1 la or tle which Uic>' propos e tu*Mdi e Separate bidea yul ms alo ' eccWvd Sfor ati wor to bedoue lnadtec se, wli the layiag of »aId tile. berni I11 ai- lng, etc. ,or Bide viii aco ha recelveti fe r' tbo om diggng of approxmatel>' 1936 hi.M ý b- feet of open dtlîc, requiring thecull Wunavat uf approxîrnatel>'406 Cbgt yh ards of ecrth. en plans anti aeliclatlonsfer, e.the abuvercoiha eceOn-aa mg. u frhum Arthur 8. Powcrs, ati knOj ntIltinois, sud fromn Martin C.Dci' Ldi, North Chîcago, Illinois. br Ail bide mut be accoreual ho certifeti chck or cash equni t. &-per cent Of amêuint Of blms Êetee of gondi faith of buidoers. --< The commleoners rcscs've> rlght ta reJect- mer or ait tAdlde. on fti bide vl bea openci a&M sel: ly de<-ared et a mcctta of lie yle mlseiauers af sauti district, te bu d a ou the 151h day o aI liaP. A.. ite 1914 t h U e b u tr, f hir e the, ai the Thoiniasu lber bearé ta nutdistrict. e.p Dated Uls l4tb- ->' f D or s.ein 1913. iDWAEDDA3 ut-y0 R Ut