LAKE COUN'TY INDEPENDENT, FRIDAY, 1)E('ENBEI?'26,13. H A Merry Christmas To You AME Merry may it be, And may the dinner served thiia day Serve to make you glad and gay. 8PONGg CAKE Fles sge, onsenv s ugar, pow- d.ced or fins grannlated. 01ie sait- epooiumsit. ea-hait lieoi. rlnd and julee, envpasmtrY floue. Beat liii joîke outil llgt or 1.mon col- or and tblck. Add thesmugar ocail- uaily and tisat sigain Add the lanins jofroor liavoriuig. aud wa- ter. il that le to he na-il 11.-t the wbitssutil stiff and dry and cnt orc fold ln lightly, then nsut lu the fluanud flId in witliout tirrinu Xmas Specials TIurkeys. Ducke, Geee, Chic-k- ens, Candie@, Nuts, Oranges, Applea, Cranberrieo, (elery !and evecyibing tbat goee to iake a good Chriatmuaedirnuer. PH ON ES 25 AND 3 fo olrfin1 u arnow iht xed te 0 0 0 Phne1 We Desire Very Much That Every tousehold Should Have One of Our Art Caiendars and a& thay are toc lImp to mend by mail, wonld be giad ta bave jon call for o»a. W. à&"avaes aha ve" sdl We wl.h yeu ail a v#ry M~ Chritmna 8usdaittii.Ple ...e.t..........o.. Libertyville Lumber CompAny., Doua by Ifie 0W Dope. plmoume47 Uses Homr» 0«e., To our patrons and f riends we extend the @easo's greetings of cheer and good wiIi to ail. May the day bring forth to you-the day we commenorate the big Gft that camne to mankind over nineteen htindred years ago. CQRLETT &FREDERICKS J2ibertyvd/t? fiem3- xxxxx xxx xxxxxXxXXx~'...X ~ To insure publication in the Indepen- dent. copy muet be in the office no ler than Tuesday of each week. Adver- tisers. especialli- ara asked to ate particular notice ta this effect. Additlonai bib.rtyville uews onuPages 2 and 4. W. M. Waahiîurn of Chicago. wam here ounhbàiness Tnesday. lirs C. Halike vielled relatives lu Waukegan laot Fclday. 1 L. H. Kruger of Prairie View, wam a bibectyville viitor saturday. Me.and Mmcs. WS. MClai andchildren apent Saturday in Wauk.-gau. wtr. 1t irhh an sd E.J. aise of Prairie V-W, were viatoco bers- M.nday. E W, Fuller nf Chicago, vsited bisi riiîtiîec, N mC. M. Fuiler, Sunday. Mrs A R-swck ii I-laian.Wio.. vi.ted fri.-iide lure telpait ioif ast We-ký Btiiri tii tIc anîd Mes lmer Williammni i" %Ie Mrgaret Staateîiin Sundai.v. c1 21. a 0în. Clins. ay(-ick aut tamîlv iiicved to the H M. Manhani residence onî High street Friday. Mr. and tire Joîhunfarbour Is-t Satur- day for Ftzgerald, fGa - ahere tbey wili @pend the' wiutec. Mre. Henry Hîrtnn sd Mes. Harry Meade v ioited relatives aud iriendir lu ticayolake Friday. Thse Lyric Ti-aire is etertâining itë patrons with seeial Chrîtmas shows every ulgbt tiis wsek. Mrs. .I. M. Fuller and sOB fumes of Waucitua, spent Saturday fiitb tIrs. C M. Fuller aud tainily. Raptes orchetra on i bertyville, wili turnili. tiire music for a danc-e ut Wau. coudaonu Critîîa@ nîght. MIr aud trs Nion Muiwers (iiiHigh- land Park, spent Tueada3 smei. guees ofi Peter tiowecs sud fauiilY Invitations are iout fic tiire hîliday dan.-.- iii1be-giv-en iy the Epîsciipal choir ou Tuesday eveniuig. lec :fhth). ('brîstruas îiav servies S t StbiLa- rerice iîîîchlî re celebationus nithe Holy îk.iuminion at 7445 and 10:34) &. M. Th, bibertYville Public s.ýbOOl waa ciiised lest Friday until Monday alter New Varao, toc the bliday vacation. Th i 1gb achooil dance Felday nght given by thi-senior s t the Libertyvifle Auditorium was attended by a large ccowd. 1 grind tanîs, sharpen saws, scissots. skates, and do epaiing on inculture, sud odd jobs. A. P. Raught, Ficet street. p-13 4 George Rudolpis sud bis@sîter LlIh, ni 1)esPlsinee, vited tbeir lter Miahel and iris-nd bs-ce onu Fiday and Saturday ni lest week. The @psial chiidcs-n'ssecvice and Christ- muas tree at St. Lawrence'@ cisucci will lie beld on Monday eveninig, [e.-. 29, at eigbt o'clock. tira. Elizabeth Whitnsey la epocted vecv ick at ber bonis ou Orchsrd street. As we go ta, proselber condition ta @anme wbat iniproved. Miss Isabelle Carlson returned home ast Felday to @pend the Châritmas vacation with ber parents, tic, sud Mra. J. 0. Carîon. Lyle Tipp ni the Lewis Institut@. Chi- cago, cama lest Fiday to @pend hie hoilday vacatinn with is parent., Mr. and tics. A. W. Tripp. Tisa LMesBetha su,,dDoth Noctisaniof Wilmtts. vîiedcm ii d"y ta Buoday wtth thi ecousIns, Mdark L. HHosel ioi Austin, Chcago, .novu aW Hu ,ell uftheii, :lth liluii," and aremideutt, iii bert3 .111ea-rs ugzo, vlited over Sonday ut tii.-oni.-ot ie brother, W. E. HOssiIl. Iri Andrew@ nf Cl)iiiuaign, l111 , who lm emplîîyed s trafii. maniagi-c for the Chiceago Tei.-phone , there, viéited trou, Kiday to, Suriîiaa. wth iisii Éret., Mc. andtire M. E Andrews h-re.. boule Hansen purîliasi-d two lots on the corner oiftlrofudway and %cioud street thronîh l)ý î,înd & Aus4tin, t brick r,-idenic- wiII b.ers,-t.-d on the properis. ,-cavatiî,iî, bavirig been started. Clarenice FI. Wells d iTtu-% illei, Fl,rita eurprlsed si-i-i-al ofnim lii.lrî-ds lier.- ty eendiug theiîeîboxes of ine home grown oranges irîîubis I-i. ridla fruit tarm. It is niediesa t.. su T îit îli.- fies-tul! apîîn-iated. Ai-ie liaiu;No. 171;'i M t Il gir..lbimn nual i iiioli..rssi at th- "TU E DOPE 0F TUE WORLD" PLEASED LAK~E AUDIENCE T n tt aTii.- Il op.-'f t h.-W rld," giv n.-f 1. tiie- . iiir au t 1w 'tii- ,sy ti-rîinu church Sunday eveuing ivas a must delîgbtiul rnîu.ical production, aud iromi the exi-eptii)nally large attenýdance w 1.1-h crowded the i-hurt-h to the douîc.te h reputation 01 thse uical eveninge at that chn,-ch has hi-enmore than tai-or- ably establisbed. The muzed choir ,-sndered mome vers difficuit pli-cis with gesat harmony and the stolos as given by Mms F. P. Christs, Miss bush MeCormick and %Ir H. M, Allburt, wers excellent renditions. The aunethbs Miss MucCormlt-k sud Mr. Allburt drew the admIratlonofo the audience Tii. choir was verys bly assisted bty NIca. F. P. Chci»tv asn oganist sudtir. Allburt as dicector. Tise ioltowing prograin was reudered: voluiitacy jus so the llorid-Hyiiin 71 luvocati5n Reeponsive ReadingseIi-etion :17 Oh, Little Townof [3thl-etlHynil 7G~ lutrodiuctory Chorus-Ring Forth.,le Be-ll§ Scepturesseon- Proph.-sy ofl.lsiah Sîîlo-Uhrist i. Itora Tolay..... Lisrty ville A idit i l, ,rni l-riiuty. . ... ... ........ ... M rs. F. P. (t .-cenitig, Jeu. 9 Thei, iiiii tee ti iPrayer by the l'astor iai-iitii s iai.-- i i- ing pli atir a Ciîîrus-The Sheperdsm big tutu. that nîghîl tueît-Harls Hark, My Sîiul .... ...Mie McCorîiiick and Mr. AI The rural carriers fi-ont the Librtý- i2iiîrunsThe Wise- tien ville postoihice a .11 uelier mîail - Solo-The Birtiîday ni the Kinigý.. Christmas itiirfin.. lut tiie-piistiilie Mtcci wililibe cloaed ail duv Tiiirsday, unly the 1s 1- ai........I . AI 1 bby beung open it" aluuia tiuiis liaving 'liiig Choru-Bail, Rioyal Blab" loi-k boxes to get luie iimail Benediction H. R.Sbkrosder llî Monîdai, for Petoskey, Mu-h , tii sîu.-îitilie hoiidaîa sIAN NEARLY BIT BY with bio pazenosaiuilu, hliiutaltteoiA A IET Ierni whieh hao ia'isîî iliat sectionT IL T lire. Sehroeder le apeiiiliîibcIlle iolida00% with her parent at rS. tartins, 'i. Tueslday evenling l auanemPlOYE Niue of 00e Libs-rtý ville vounig pefile tI ie rC ame very near anir attended a partir whicb fas tiveni ttlite tiilSJigh imibbiug ton fire- Satucday evening ut tiie-borne iftir. seems that the iMaun.vibrone nt and AMr@. Usorge Mu,ionaldi et 1 eccielci. Will nit print bs-ausoe bebsar Fiore ii the young tieolle r.tnrned via. excellent relîltation sud thKIo ta s auto. tii.- uhi-@re ,iiîainiig îîcr Sunday lie tui,; nlyday off.-tirait lnthe Mou.iay wa., tiie tt -t davoft Siilit r i"r .ric1ahl oia an hte at nigb t a gcu.evri iii. ii f ela tc iiii g ti townfi i-e ti,, eihbei-eunt aud nti w ihlsýItilte i-ly in Ii.- afieti-ciii u iit di ii .i t si-ini1 inoriro Th sio w ibbol ,, euîîrier tiie-w-atlier lfi lieu lie tucte îurtng l'-spri and las uii iiiili h &- hiiiiîi-lit fi nlkîig iboutsîeh.- ,îugl liîiîîîas siiprcrttsun aa-maitl e fi h h i l). (l-,iiii- iruia sy sund wfiliii nia lîgit y iiei-lunt a i ii. 3.ingetcsnol.- trait sat dowu oi) tii, rail tii,,, tii. latter wcnh t uig teds-. -clelectric bun. As the iar c-turne. spors tns iutr wth hei su-de Ai-ca aita&bout il 30I icloct the Lait iriday mîîcnîng th,- AI-nisr maynia saw a mai. ittituiîon thie trac whie plaving wltti @ýeiraI componîs imnade every attempt to rou@e thea in the ciar of tii. New Camtît' Hotel had by laugînu the ell1, but tu his eu hadl on, of his wrîsts inîuceîi by jumiping the man pad n attentionIL frmi a hîgh 1ni-e. W. J. Muindee, who i repeatod warango. Then thenîn' sais the hboy lymng on the gron id, ru@hed made là master effort t.. stop I fconi bis meatl mar-ket snd pickiug up thse belors lit reacised the JittiDg mni lad, carried bu tou Docker & Bonde@ the platlorni oi the car badi& deug store, whece it was oud he vias pasasd over hlm bs-lors the i-ar coi flot badly burt and the boy proi-seded te bcnught to a staudietill. The mai hi. home,.-'j-tissu picked Up and the nmactahtalin Mr. and Misî. W. J. Mundes voent to wbo placed hlmuder arreolt, lui Chicago laet Friday wisece thele daugb- gtletnhmotoubds ter Elvîra underorent an operation lu At tise trial betoro Justice Dai the Weley hospital that ninruing. Tisa Tuesday tise callcoad employesait operatlon was vs-ev eicessini and If n agfalut the man, tise justicesgivii complications seit lu Miss Elvira wIll allitin-o acutotb greatly improved su healtb. Mr. and reputatîonu Mirs. tundee vinited their daugister at -the bospittl ou Sunday and Mr. tindes- MARRI) IN 'WAIKEIIAN 1on Tuesday reSived a teispisoue message TIUSA 0F AT Ltating that bis daugiseto on iey HUSA FLS A dcaîîuatic club for tise purpose nio 1producing home talent pays and under Last.Thursday v oeing at 7 oi-l wisooo auspices gond theatrical attrac- the omes iib-li rury, Watl tion, may ho irioglut tu Lihertyville in occurced the marriage ni Mis@ belng talked oft aud if a snffliiit nnmber tiiDonald to Mir. Arthur Whitney, i-au he iuterested sncb a club illî proi- Yonng people ni this City', ite. ab -ls-trud Toswowol i Chîdeter ni the Preobyterain to îiarticipoite un or a8@84t sncb a nove-Iheroaldpringtube ero ea nient air- rs-iueted to niake tbe tact tlln int hec gîroîdMyea kuîîwnto Mis Clara A. Colby or &MiI. IgS h î,eiiMa Lulu P. MattoueaHrlgonad1- nieiiE Mc Iutîî a flght aud the result was that onue of the non wam qulte badly iut on bis breest. Suuday morniug tise wounded issu told the @tnry ni the flgit tu Marobal Llmberry and statsd thst i-e OretIIsi Tlîat you inay hlave a MtlvvvJrIIeI jo\ lu; in the knowledge of many faithful friands sud Tlîat your flfW Veir nay be happy anti, criP 1 w ith suciý-esa ni good wock accooeplishud is thi wish oh theà s;'. Lake County National, BanM LIBERTYVILLE ILit. Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits. $95,00.00 Cffîckes Must &e1'ed We Specialize on Good, Clean Wholesome Chicken Feed GLOBE SCRATCH FEED MEAT MASH OYSTER SHELLS CHARCOAL GRITS BEEF SCRAPS CHICKEN CHOWDEI ALFALFA MEAL Give usa Call Our Prices are Aways Rigtht. àg ad Home Lumber Compan~ aleeper urprîse of Libertyville. phll@ to the big car au, but auWFor Fire and Lite Insuranci iotifld E atr st CHIARLES D. PROCTORý Éà*i on~ Agent For peared nhîm ENEWW HAMPSHIRE FIRE Ij,ý8UR ' CE COIIrANY good Michigan Mutual Lif. srançsce may LIBERTYVILL.&EU LIOU WEEI( The Meredith Flower & Vegetable C.." iegka, i etisci bîtb l. W. iiiurch Saraih )onal. iiihi Whitney and lae employed s pessman at the Fonld's Milng Co. Botb Young people are well and favorably knowu becs ansd wo jolu with their mnany friends ln wliing tison a happy aud pinsponti future. md Luden E£Haworth. wanted ta sweac out a warrént unr nus asd pouent' erret Intar in tise day. REIKAH'8 ELEOT Mr. and Mms J. T. Robrtsonan Marsisal imhbarry adeiSed tise masn Atu . nulueto !ofiesn b Ntts domuhtrs, Dorotby mmd 0111.. are g t apisystlas te hava tisa wouldeAt haoà lcinfofcesfta 5a15etlhîq bholday wash -WIh Ilm5r draed, aud sth.stsait dîe bas nt R khLodge. hsd abtbtisu- adllutb piàs m~ Eomoeo lui 1e~d myhiing orsShou tie aites niFriday sveeon. tésa followImgme ?hIIII, Imm el the a Imiqasiut wanîtatse 6other mau. wesieb~O. o it ffide durng the yaat: tegiai ô, ie ulstNobla~ruid, Ogre Neile NcClIn.S iS&bdj a lUtsi"anus el " Ps fte " J&m la Liberty- Vice Orsbmd, I-t e.. tieonald. lât býà W,éëW*leb tise papar a day fres ville 1h11 week vwu tha poataifle. The sa crétry, bMca. BdIîh Wleeer. >91 btli OUi çé#sAMda 4y. (!Gi-lm.55YM Wwl ibtIb" "0 force Troàsurer,fIlu1y SeOrt.- Libartyvîlle usebuste hbave soms etmand isa People wsw srh nitOatI s Fliva hiutelta serve one year, Lae ha met aitee hoidaydislaisin for Chisftmas by parclestoat Is.. thno. "ride, tUr. Louis. M#er, bir gus, windows t1ille week ever meus thronged the o Ibbtriery odylnAjcPcMaRttoeuI haro or lu any other te wu oniIta sise. morulng te tise tisse ntgoiug te pres stt ire. M. A. Pcotine a s coniue ulue o'lock Wodnsriday maroîng. Tise as pregiding Dpnty. tirs. E. icLonald va a Cisicao oxpreas coupsuios and tise mochante vistar Monday. visting tisa supreon isela were kopt on tise jumu te take caBrs Tisa committea of suPaciIsora On office nf the American Stars ni Equity, ni tise publie on ftue final shopping days, tbe colouy matter mat Tlday withh of whicls local order abs- will bh preesîdent aud many tlred out edocks wlll woleoms Attorneys Divar aud Dady, but It vas duriug tise coming yeac. tise bouc ni cboalng tua tauigist. found that tise title on tisa pcoperty __________- - Mrs. George W. Kendall of Liberty- bas net yot beau cleaceit sud It will ba ville gave a lunciseon at ber homo te- twa veelis baforo It la shaped se tise LIFE INSURANCE. day for ber niece, Miss Irene Kendall property may be talion avec by tisa Good of Chicago. lise gueste Inclnded county. Accordingly, tise couutY Ho la a gond citizen wbn provides foc tise Misses Ennica Hostetter, Emma takes no furtiser stepe ta take ai-ar bis wife and chishdrei. He i@ a bettercitl- Bactel, Bessie MeCormicli. Myrtla colouy work pandlng futiser details zen viso sIen provides foc bis wldow and Roths Besâte ifiortls. Evangeline Idar- beiug settled. oephano. lus, Bertha 8Smith, Kathryu Rose sud Evalyn LaRoy. Tise Party iett Chica- 5. a~ygo et noon lu Mrs. Kendalls privata St.LawrenoEpluoop'lChiurCh Il LEEs car on tisa St. Paul rond. Automo- Rai-. EnvÂmitu S. WHsITE, Priest-in cisares ______biles mat them at tisa Libertyvilla sta- Boly Communies ovory Sunday 7:45 i> N N tion and the guesta were drivau te a m. Firtflundayinmontisl0:BOa-m. A N - uO s Y àt& K dala cunty hme.Tisa tianiPrayot eviY $unud" exceept roms wee decorated witè holly, abie 10:80 a. n. i Dibt&mau p!<atts 4turasteS em ea Sondai scisool 11:8 a- M. Clilr Lu COufflét itésau ?II.dabu- Aui r uDsys. fHoly Communion 9:00 los ea »V# .(e<- st née.) a. n. Poiusettas................................35e violet@........................... ......................2c' Lily oft theValley, pote ... . f POts........................ 60C Chrysanthomue .............. 500 tu Cartiationadoz...->............. 75c- tl.00i Ross...1.. ....................... - Roses ...... ....................... 18 en lna..........$.2PnPet Narciesus. doz ..........................('O î0c R . ycltha......... Sweet Peas.............................. 50C (jeraulume .................... 41 [iolly Wreathe, 35e te 81.00 Orders Taken at Up-town Offioe or at Greenhouse Our holiday goode are now in place and you'l in di morneý Iy tempting thimis inhh,7gft lth. 1"e,Mdkee ~Susp~,s- Pd etabléLOsèb, Etc. If your glft buying in ta b. comîned to mnou osf you'lI find many suggestions in our i- tci ofSo.,UIw Drese goode, Mumshnwear and Cornets. A# ,bgggCi h ee*Ie o We've prepard for the Holidmswith a bff meant of CANDIES, FRtUIT. NUTS. CIGARS CAM NED GOODS, VEGETA8LES, DRIED FRUI TS.c IVES, PICKL ES sand &0 kiads of condiments. CbIs mxas Card and Christmas Trou.. W. W. Carroll & Sons 2-STORES-2 NORTH STORE PHONE 29 SOUTH4 sytOU1 Try the Indepeondets I. b- -N Page F3tj J. ELI TRIGGS Malet B...