LAKE COU=T INDEPEY)ÈNT, FRII)AY,I)ECEMBER 26, 191-3. - , NOME RECEIVIO LEA i ~~Y FOR LESI TMAN WUU w 26 CENTS Ad$V y", - E + + FOR RENT + ~POft SALS-189iacEslfa townabiP, FOR RENT-200 acre tarin X mile troin gond buiJdJu lp. avbain., 40> alan- town u ad lordi'u's milk plant. Barn elionafur ouve.. Venin suitable fur room for 50 cuve, 2()o ton@ssilo, new "arZ pwposss. Addreese C. T. Bartlett, mili hous; pety of valer; level lanid ;--Ot»WblW it. -IbUat,, il. -TeLl back solif Will remt for cash or on 888W.e-9-6 abers. Aima a 284 acre stock and ~~ dairy faim. <iood soif, good buiding@s, FOR ISALI-A 86lb. P. 5 j)5fnçor5 plenty ot vater, elecUic ligbtsnand *CogMbla automobile in tiret clae order. telephone; osne milset rosmirload. tovu Goad Nas. Mae Ofer. Wu. LàycIXSand Borden'a .11k plant. Ta -sent for Co., Ubanhville. C-2-tt cash 6r on @ar&. Addises Brooks & AM troker, Ournere. Vaunonds, 111.c6t villse Pils $8000. InqUiro ut1lPAUL MàcgwtviNt, LiberiyvIIIe. e-2-11 FOR SAL-ài: Plase cntaining about sm . cu.ofl*ou4l itb large eigbt room bouse witb bath norn and pantri; aieu large barn 84x60 leet and other out buildings. Ail toodonu> iy Ipioved; aIl MeW, bintg butît les than twu jeans. Rit tIbo hCity. luquire ut J. H. mi'- GuRuv, Libertysille, ]IL Boxi 16i. phane 80 1-J. -lt FOR SALE-5 pnesenger 2 e, inder Buick automî)bjIo, $200. Thio cra$u beer, tboroughiy &uvsrhni-d and je lu SoMo odition LIBVBTYI iLLE (;IAiAO FOR BALE OR RENT-BI @hop on main str"t or wmuid hi nman.Addreae ii,,x174S , ray- FOR BALE-Dume wJerey Bu .noui<h torvi ý f red Herzing, Lit. B. D. No 2P FOR BALE-A issi od Inrw o bores.. t.lody Ferit.Lake ;1C.. C. B. Bhupe, supI. FOR BALE-bieÀon & lianif Ove octaves. fmi sood repa r.M prinle. FOR BALE-I Mleemion l.ibrnr les UbesI. iduei.- Cabinet, a chaire. Ca e etasihou rouide, ilîaukuesAre.,outll tracks. FOR SALE-A 7 room bous. onE wey. laqufbe of J. R. Mac«. FO1 SLIAbu 150 buebele bamd hud; a quanity of choice loUder. e«t heore i-ost. Alao m domas mi brkeus mosti> pafk Wite Wlaadotte Cockerele.m B"ac, ivaibos.4lui. P1 FOR SALI-BrouIs stock Toi Selst .aul. B. J. Cater. Libertyv P1 FOR BALE-Bawved Bock Cocme.h Gosrge B. Radie, Ares,fIII. lPhone' 271-W-2. P-14-3 FOR SALE-4500 taes. tvo Élue lm- prOved lots with emali bouse, a baigain Corner Broadway and éleventiî etreet. John àUcUsami LIbertyviffe, Box 60. FOR SALE-A few cbhîe u lulod Bose Conb lRhode f iand lRed tocierels, weigf't 9 lbn eaeb. (J. Tyler Iliieiru p14-1 XIAB2BJGE LICENSE8. pani <abel, city ..... ...........27 4irna Baker. arne ...............29 WUnei Parks. Racine ............. 3 Buefeh Bandere.smre .............19 (leu. Brenker. Waukegan........ 24 loufe Buech, Premont............. 20 Bdw. Matthaus. Cudahay.......... 22 Anma ,Bebingsmre.............23 Arthur Wlltney. UAbertyville irgal age Ethel McDonald. age Athur Vedder. Zion City........ 41 Myrtie Gallugher, lame........... 30 Jolti Hucistort, Wterford. Wis...8 Meu Dillonaiie, eame ..........18 Paul <abel. Waukegan ............ 27 Alma. Bakei, Dmre..............29 ilIen M. Wlllits, Davenport, la... 30 4eifie Stociharn, Chicago ....39 EledKornpehf, Milwaukee...21 1111e Milltadt,sme .............19 Raina Sandeif, Waukegafl....21 Hilda taka, Rmrn..................6 Chanton Gaylord, South Miwaukee 21 Lilan reogory.smre ...........18 Charles Constant, Hartford, Wis... .26 Eligabeth Peter.smre ...........20 Max Luke, Mlwaukee........... 26 4rene Martin, Fan du Lac......20 ~'William Fogarty, Crompton, It. 1.. .21 Marie McClure, Kenonha ....21 Rather a "Tl'al" Varo. Raipb et Coggeshaif, an Ongllmh ai- W Otf the thrteenth century, told a e taggening yarn. The Ortord flaber- Mm brought up one day in thelr nets A asa, iPan vho had no balr on hie ýýbbs4 but a long ragged beard. Kept Cà Orord catl e, ho ate flsh and meat beoth raw and cooied. but could flot be t0 apeaà. yet, when the fisher- arn tO0k hlM out one day fer a mvii. lbho dfved tnder the nets vhlch 1111900d to preront bis escape and 04Cei sivef y at thoin, ha faflowed bIlta land sand captIvity. At boear h. 'v134man' had had 09ast. rme oec F'oR RENT-120 asem ituated lu town el Avon, isasonable remt. luquire C. J. Kei, Liber> ville, or Tbos. Wilmgteon irashe. -il-tr MONEY TO LOAN-On Improvecd reai estate. J. M. OeiiDLEY, Firet National Bak. e-20-tt FOR RENT--Good large Bouâe, Unîden and Barn, W.trH AppIey e-14- FOR RENT-5 roou Bouoesun corner lot ini Aiea, entrally Iwuated ooud wI nud emtermi, 3 luts with barri. '.ppiy lIre luohn Baîtarum, . R1,Aiea, fil ,1-1 . 1 .Farm ?pc By N. K. GATZERT IIBEIETYVILLE START8 CO-OPERÂtTION lheront practicel mave towardm the fornitig of a CO-opsîntive apheiati,îu in Lanke county, adsu ofta 18leknown i lb. étate. vu@ begun tis nontb by members of thie Libertyvi l 1,cal ofthe 1111k Producere' Ameioan nd ies firet beneite vilii h retàllzod tibis week. At the pîreseant lime a car Ioadl uf dairy feed in on lits ay to Libertyvifle, memlere of the, orgtanizit ioni hauing eubecribed for its emtire content. anmd tbe N'euidmig finamciai berîsits wili Do doubt liiuer tbe continuation and growth ut the eucety. lteyond the quetion ut a douabi tée armoie vil i grpatiy teneit by bi~mo~ li' âeo.,~,: lmevillage ut Liberty ville, as it in the intention oft he amieoeiation topriroiliman v niî.lîhe.ho now patroii.. other î.wnilý This m,,v,- wili n nu y rin1, t m .lnteottlhe <o w., rat er nil , beindeitt h..nh I i-l,.1(lidîri mn of ail ratifg uimiîy larrir. ft iii a 'jîiagnre ud nMill 4 ,ruton ilu trînrepi than 4<Mill8fieal ti alil %% hle.'grains arid îthvr f-is M4111lws ehîtppin l'y th.. niar ol, titu,. r.-îlîîî î the. vost t,, thi. farîi,r, Ith. Ii i iîie r compariies n ilil pie rii i un . lii iackqmitb HOUSE TO RENT-,Ne lions,' un tu suliit e j'ri. clioi th.-eaun, a.lieîelî hire gKond Austin Ave. ,ilirt ' vilii, JnnuArv , lliev .'an itiat, a lîîitrIrft fl. tirm siake. iM. Auuuet itadiitll'hune 2:171,2 p-14-1 h&liîlliî, on, ThIra - i --e "îIoail s- 1-.t .yLI.. .. . liaer tu itho tni iii- atihe - FOR RENT-il1ut,-srani 1:1 actes ut came- on aeertilny, i i 1ah ii',tirî brre ig fand, 1%4 mile veet out Lîbetyville. hi,- viii fi ecash, thur eaviBge 1ii-i-11 vir ii irtyvliquire F. bd. liydani, Lîbert> ville. 2I ainig aceouît. nnd I. theî~ ii p-1 1-4b + + + rjdi@iitioll. itii, Dotrtihe iai,-itliîitr owagon, MMCarrj on otmuaeciat;,>n am a liail ei Forest,+ 1ISEj.J&LIEO S + lair butI to ean-it2îI)rrcad lth îniiiut r-t . .î . . . . . . .. . . . thîseianlty and bryind tifarili .- ,AUCTIONEER-Yearp of expex-lenice. A e,,mnîttîo lias le,u ,iIit-io iii (rgan I have nalmed anti bougbt andi <oiti arranige- doqiilsuit amsiii,. la tirs M I stock ah nmir lIte anti knov the iuatirni ji iern,d ail] threr r,1,,, -1 t value and boy ta coutiuct a aie lu viilie i-iiuifflted îariy in tiii,-iiiiiiig r..sget the best prices. For dates mddtieea yar. Notici. if the mi,tiig i01li t ryTable.1 P. B. Johnson or Phone 111 M. Voan publiaied in tleIi. ndei,-îilit andi a 1evw odd ityI11hh. Sept. 17 to Mch. 17+ largo attemidane e i cled( l" eletrie NOTICE-I nl dean iiriciiset or Nathan E <juinrt eirpnndm tuhie -l12.11 catch basfin lfi You at rea'qomable rate, maany triende aud routers ther-tGi*âsi, - , Lisit A MiL"i, !ibertyvihir. P.-0-. Gi-etivîge. tiay the N- ew ar b. Boad- Box 60. e-40) Uf prmrpeiuus h, the fermer and mu, ît eý1-t . 'tigbtor. the bonds of bi,,nid.liipanud - - - - Il ---- associaion lu.,the mutuel beie it of ail. Dcoin R8!«1 Emate ranaers - _ _ Myl cna BYsu.OSO Hw*P*8 bstaCtonaty Tale ATrusiCo. ZION CITY ML N Iusonie Temple Bldog Wankegan. fil. FACESChARGE r0 arkove- 1 L.)VIP J. illaseit. mmmmà9là omhm rville. 4-1-i Dc Nu15, 191. O5IIIi PaRTNIR B. H. Ier and ie ta A. J. Aus- Un, udiubdd 36%of tract of land la Ecc,9sa 16, Iibertyvilla. Q. C. $1.,Zbon Justice Was Routed Out Est, of 0. R. Lyon (dec'ti) to W. H. of Bed Friday Night to Is- Hammond. iota 78 mmd 79 Lyon'aS rti Buh. af é:a rounads, Wauiegaa. sue Warrant for Man. De..! $2.___ Victor Werner et. al. toaRe Werner. Si,, fat 6 (Ex. N. 125 tf. E. 1Zion City, De-. 20.-Fred Chudaisha, 80 ftj Blk. 1, MeKay's 2nti Addti a man exnpleyed aithOe Johnson lurn- Waukegan. Q. C. $10- Rev. T FP Quinn la Sophia Zabule. ber yard aI ZMon City, antivisa va lots 36 anti 37, Block 8, Deerfielti arresteti for tiranienoas untin Par. W. D.i.1.i John Koite and vite te Auna Ro- ngh appeareti at the police station St e tno' gala. lots 19. 20, 2 1 anti 22, Block 10, late lest night and evors aut a var- hi lav norwtanvay.Mi.Hay D,eyer's Snb. North Chicago. W. D. rn o h retc erelpîabegas rne, Icus ne $800. rn e h reto ereSak oeni etaa.Ms el,1 Dec 16 193 -. . Bitbant vIe ith vbom b. hai been rnaming at nothîne' &bout SitanIey', and the gIr te Benjam in Shane, lot 46, Sha ves 302 1 Gabriel avenu . It appears rm hope ti ber natu ini reserve sa t kept rubdivision un Long Lake. W. D.«tesaeet bdbata it trom ber own vorîti, $3.00. Sthe statn t ot b ai ba thdint- 'Dent yen tiinin se?" peristeti the Peter Stadfeldt and vite tu H. L. SpîeadCudbabt re rn-eder nr" Stadtfeldt. lot. in vilage et Vola, . t ng tagethor la a saloon at thesa tate Orpha rose ' In ber deliberate va>, C. $25. lina Sanda>' nigist anti the latter liai t oldineber embrolder>, and etoad, tal Anna Stadtteldt to H. L. Stadtfeidt, $10 in his possession. When he se- and ilelFvi i n thse dylng light a? atter- noonil Unotilet by thema Steve, thse lotis l inge of Vollanid landi atilin- bereti ap Monda>' moinng bis money> yugn'ao.,f theb.boume, bail epiawled ne. Q. C. $25. hati gone andtihe telt sure t bail bren aiang te thei rose wieeiuled rallng, and J. S Haa andwifete LzzleIstolen as ho titi nal think ha caulti wam lsining quizzicaliy te the girlsa ('arr, lot 12, blockn 4, At Home subdi- answer. vision, Waucontia. W. D. $10. have apeat Oint amount on drink. HeI"1-.hadly thinti I do," alt Oipha. Decemben 1r, 1913. aise misset a slver wntch. "Idoiii. peo how a girl wlth mn>' eoit- T. C. Monroe te L. A. & Atah A. F'rltiyny ight ise cempîinedte~ rempart couiti pumpoeely make the man1 DeConties, lots 21. 23 ta 27, Oakland 1I r rnth oskee, -Bsho-c ares foi jealous, or sent i hm ýSub., Grayslake. W. D. $1. th.- urayFrani, the isousakeeper, that DecemAben 18, 1913. bis vntch admnywa isn.prtendti rulîave luit ta soe if ho wilh R. J. CuUlng ta C. MI. Gales, 100 She talti him that thers vers tw.o tollow. il dorant srem iacere,' manie- acres ln east 1% Sec. 31, Warren Tvp. vatches up stairsan dl on earching b. how. If n min tdons not care enough W. D. $10. tount i bla atch and ho immediately ta mn> &a, that s one thing. But ho Orpha M. Hamilng andi humbanti et. charged Spanua vîtis the thert. mie'bt bav. a roai reamon. antiBlin el. tei G. S. Brainard, N. ri, 160 acres Pýparkm gat angi>' anti vent tor EIder mle'ht trust bhlm If abe tioesn't trust Sec. 15, Froent Tvp. W, . D $1.. G. E. Rabbins ta help get Chutabba hlm, he coîln't love hlm, anywa>'. ac3ulti ihe? . Perbape, Rose anti George G. SI. Brainandtet Harriet P. Brain- eut, When Chudaisha vas ejectet ho dont tell eveiybody ail their secrets? erti, eat 80 acres N. % Y'4 Sec. 15, Immetiateiy vent ta the police station Perbapa ahe la patient hecause ah.- Premant Tvp. W. D. $1. and laid a complaînt. Policeman unnteistaiids? It migbt h. lune thal, Battis G. Etacitoa te Della T. Met- George 5sted callati np L. M. Tutti.. you know." 511e utiteni>' aw ber Bel, part lot 3, bock 63, tighiand antibaid hlm get ont of beti andi came uepbew, oni>' f ve years ber junior, anti Pari, W. D. $1. ta the police station vhere a warrant blumhed deepl'. \Wise wltis bis twenty L. C. Eble anti vite te Henry Vend- vas svarn out for Spaike' arrest. years, li. regardeti the girl wth ta- or, lots 254, 257, 318, 319 anti paît lot Stried tounti $21 et the money tisai ver' 334, Lakte Forest, aiso part S. E. 1/ S, wams tolsu and aisea the two wntches, G'ooti for yoîr, auntie! vouve gat W. %i/eSec. 322.Shild'i Twp. DeiTeglivtc tl lleivscmnie1 A teliow nould bt. ta be $31.810.estol rama Potls vorman vabil .irght tteUime 1k.that, If he batl F. H. Miller and vIte ta Louis Han-, vorklimg on tise Waukegnn bridge,. a..If respecwt a-" o t sen, lots 5 and 6, Block 11, Wright's Sparks vas ln a tranken state wben hl',f hichnhw n bat wnielfn daedt Adti. ta Uhbertyville. 'W. D. $600. arreeteti. He vas broughi betom re MmHeai>, witis ber rîpple et a laugh. G. A. Rtë ant i vie ta Wlhelmina Jutige Tuttie this nioning but *Yol are tva mlemn, sentimental chu-. C. Pitcher, lot 14, Block 23, Hghland atvvd xaminatlan and was placet] tien, and know nothîng vhalever Park. W. D. $1. untier a $1,000 bond. He was takea tea about love. Juet >011 vaît, Steve; anti Dec. 19, 1913.-W. G. W. Antea and tisa county 'mli t Wîukegnn. as for you, orphn--" Steve's moîher came along jusi wife ta Salame Ante, lot 1, blocki 1, Spaîke came lu Waukegan au F'ri thon, talrîne off ber gloves andi drap-1 Hall & Ostrrmaîî's addition ta fleer- day mornîne' and proceedeti at once plug frit the firit chair, regardine' f eld. Q. C. $1.00. . ta get truni. lHe vas run in b> the firat ber on anti thon bserater witb Richard Adama ant i wfe te B. C.Police anti viss asisd for blm naine tavai. Lace, 121 acres lu section 33, Vernon declaieti ho vas n "Zion City Sport." "As for Orpisa." se samiti, he lsaa tovnship. W. B. $1,220. Luter la the day ho vas gfven a trial dear, and I'm glatise'. bers fer han Caunty dem ta W. B. Smith, eust and vas fine.! $7.40. Hes rturned ta vacation, and ince site le, 1 vant ber 278 fret, nantis anc-haIt, block 4, plat Zion City anti vas anreatsdl tho samse te gaont ta the laise anti one tisa "C," Hlghvooti. Tax Deed-. evening. , unset. B,# loves lt, and she loois puid andithe m- iporale iaihtiet. thereut ciiiîrpletr-ly disvr'îaer and the curpurate assetrianipriirti îereoure beongise nihe lie naim ne ai. licil îrl,riatdailne Ni.IN THEItliiillie 4 itreilved that th,-e îi Liiutr i . aity Tele1ihîne Comnriry. a corpoi.ratioiin,lie anîd thie saine ie beiclir Ji Ciiiir-il, aunlirihe 'resi- dent oi urid -orpi.ratii4 rier-u rathîîr- fire to ticane a ciiipl~ets e cor iif 4tailthîe îrîrcecîl lge tatci tii ithi r,.î-t ivcriitd try hiiie oimiattiila itiland lai te-il li thie Fecretar> ut mid tCorporaitionuauder muii Secretarye rsignatuire andîltii,'-ior- punit..ecal ut saidîl îîîîîîom ntîîî, iiilie Oie etfoir reco<rd in tii,. iive ( cordrer utfhi-i-is litLaike i'iuiity. Illiiilr', lt hcing the l.'uiity a lie..tiwi,-încipal office ut maid (iortiimtioniil latild. ANID BE IT Fi fiTHERRIlfiFtfVillit tlîat maid Preéieiint cause a noti'e ofthei, diseoluîtion of muiti Tue Lakle Cotiîity Tilephuli.Coîmnpany tiib lieilblirliedr.t i tlîeeirp.(e"mive niel., iiithe 'f.a6er Cîînnty hIidepcritent ani Waakegii Weekly Suri," a tir-wpuper lîrinleti anti pub)iibet in the Village ut Libert3 <ile, i tIie Crianty ut Latke andiStatp of l li- noie. uînirbitin tlîiee mothi hum thi. date, carie, raid recoîrd atoiesaii, hear- ng theîeîîn the certiicate ot rpecoîdîne enecuteti ly the liecoirder utfijeedmrof muîi Laine Cruulv, tr ieb. lied in lbthe 11 ufte tii.Secietnry ut Strate'. Adopteti b> voies repiementine' tiel thirde andtioaloiultIie «bol,. capuital1 tucknIfeui ritorporation. ANI) NOTICE I8 FIIITHEIt heii-ly gireu that a competserrecurdtifil al the pruii-r-etingr t utsiiirmerting', slgned h> lbhe Piesidlnt outhiie.Coirporation, vemîteti by liis wîînîî atidi et ndl ut etoi l'y the' Sveretary ut sait co rpoîrationn aildem lbhe seul ut mutid eureunî thti-eîor puit.eua]itfiuitducorpo ratio nlias lien tiuly rerom dIn'i lithie Rccir,-ord,. uotiice (tftutakeiiiiiîityliiiniîs, as re' qtiilieîl la. Ilutea thî,. tw,'lftbutay oft >r'iriniiir, A. i). 11Î)13. Benjamin B. SMiller, fPiesidenit, .Augueta MI, Loveil, Secretai>', ot tise Lais County Telephuine Company.1 [ca:rporato goni.] Dec. 12-19-26. his recital. 'Tis Iliel> I'd ho valn' 'rmaitIl p vith a fool tory luke tise one yan'va bren tolliag' me!" saidthOe pellce- man. "WeilIfu you vau't do that," sald yaang Happie, veartl>, 'come on vitis nie ta nu>' an haome anti let thena ltentify aie!" 'I dont helleve yen." tieclareti the afficer. flrmly. "But It's on my beat an' l'Il humor yon." Thiaugis tise 'ain tise> platitedth ie Interminable distance ta youug Haji- pies homo anti up te tise front doan tise policeman marchet i hm. "I-1 havon't mn> key!" yonng Hmp- pis blurteti out, aftsr earciing hie paciet."I-1 tergal It!" Tise policeman gave a goat Iimita- tion of a man vise suspicions have been justtifet. "I kmev It!" ho chacinleti. "Wors yen pinta' for a walk tisat >00 toce ischeur up bore In tise roa, I'dIlîke ta mev'? None ot tisat, nov!" Yaung Happle hati reachet deeperatel> for tise door boit. "Get a cucyti of peuple bers anti thon brrak ava> vison tise excîtement fa gaine' an! I knov yaar tInti! Ton came alune'!" Bnck tise>'spiasheti througb Oie raîn, tise policeman trIumphant, yoag Hippie too angry to epeai. He vas soninedti thie skIl n md ih loatheti tise voriti. Tise tavn vas brsaklng wisen be nt last got imta comninnce uLon vilstiste Matta house. Arthur arrîvet i utIhe station et elght. Ha looliet diegustingl> ceaifortable aund b.. saivryedtishIeragged anti bo- draggîet cousin vith giront enjeyaient. 'Now yoa mention it." ho htold'aung Happle, 'Ihat three-quarter b.d vas maie roomy alter yau let."--Chicago DaiIy Neye. 81111 Seing Stageti. "What du you thîni th ie van?" "What var?" "Tise var ln Tripoh." "I renl> can't say. I isavsn't @eu la> afthOe filmns.", Ixplanation. Autelat-I isnven't paît a cent for repaire on in> machins ln aIl the ton rnontbs I've bcd t. Prient-SeOie mmnwv isad tM ms peina tolt me, W- GLASSES PROPERLY FITTIED Libertyville. - - . -llfuel DR. E. H. SMITH, DENTIAI'. 3vRB LARK cac,,NT< ATmONàA i aaj a s-ite i1U a. lu. mad 1 ta 8p.5 PUBLIC AUCTIONEERIJ4( Ulosest attention paîti te arrngtsj auction sale@ and ben recsu)it lu n hue same. AIl kinti ut boisfe. vagoe asi harnee tanmals or ex change et0afltelm HENRY SINE Phones 148 or 4111 ZIONCITY; Elý Je Le RWEDINi, D.V. VETERINARv 8URGEON Groduste Chicago Vst.Colafe Office at Resldence, 779 Gm-sid Ave. Phono 1136-W. f:;RED GRASBar, jR EXPERIENCED AUCiIOGNEII Live Stock aud FaimsSiho_ àSpd* For RefarencesCommes Ou m ..Hea b 5 Telephona 261-L-2. Ares. §in"j~ DR. VICTOR c. HOEF OSTEOPATHIC PH-YSICAW 215 Mandison St. Wankegaa, Office Hours, 9-12 A. M.; 1-4 P M.; 7-S*j? Suntinys b> Appolatmmrt Ou* H. J. PO,ý FAlM SALESA Gel My twenins 71reoa tlonoor. l'us Doti page1 -ma BROUGHT TO TIME TIIINK 'WIELDER ýIN SEARCH 0F REPOSEj_ ro g. aM One Way te Help Man In Hie! 0F POISON RING IS B>' SARAH E. P.----- Wooing. Happle appîeciated the hospltallty DM NO1 ASI a>'JIANEO. OIEAU. N W N W UK GAN aIMia Matta. She was notbing If Loana. Ineurance, ReiHhtul Dy JEANNE 0 LOIZEAUX.and already ben bouse vaa tun. omPnng berp srbridet ibutser vaz. ail Ma Beng Sought by Chicago "Jlmmiy," tbs sald te Young Happle Office in Kaiserlotti. ber eb blder bt lst beyes tram Man Beiit the clos. or a testai evsnlng as LIBERTYVILLE, LI te Mis. Healys chatter. That lady Police Uses Needie on Ring ha anmd bis cousin ver. preparing tain________ rocked. id eampficated lrieh crPosocHihVctms go ont ln the midnlgbt grin, 'fi's a --and g"eaipech performance par- t oishisVctm. aoue for you boys ta vali a mile la ELHANAN W. COUY' fact afitls kin4 and a refutation of the wiet anmd yak. up lieur family te Atarney-et-Law ý the ladage ibat oniy one thlng at aI Tral aof Oie m.n Ith the polsoned tin. 1 beard yeu amy you bad for Money te Losmi on Gond App"esd i time tana .hoaueellI ring or neadle leade We Wauiegan gotten your key. If you ad Arthaui Estate. Orpbies tinter bW left ber ta enter- and the North Shore euburbs. cal nmnage In a three-quarter b.dl Yeu Office in Luce. Buifdiii. tain bar guent for an bour an the vide, 1 incesthe attempt cf a strange Man cena stay bers. AU the ather guest LIBERTYVILLE, - Ll vlneoovered veranda, vi th ies rugo,1 carrying a Bible te ecrape an ac- roorns are Ouled." tea table, easy chair-ansd other para-. q,2aimtance with Mie Opal Hummer, Coisequently they stayed. The pheralt ai ummr idenea ad t e th __ Bible Institute, studeut, la rocon uas ncharming as every ather LYELL FL MOffl phral foumid beil l ete, ardmtedthe Un, station. Chicaga, frlida>, ..inl1.h. bg bouse and Arthur- ff11àlrTORET-AT-LAir 1 girl fudbrdt in efre n h giml's outciy at Oie attempt, n imit ulmer atler vociforoueli> adinli- by, a systein of llstening. The YoungI te poison ber hy Inoaiion, Oie po- , tyu ietril - matromn had diacused tauhion, the lice cf mli tb. NorthbShbestovns lg1. ang Happle stayed avs.a. L ib e e -viile lake socdety, the iat.emt novei, and bave bean on Oie icokout for a man In tbe tOrt place. Aithurls contrue- Ras. Phone 152-R. oU.. FSe flinal> iaunched mInt a running coin- nnsverimig the description of Mislion vas of the sort that demande ______________ mentai-y on love affaires. Bute herseîf Hummer'e asailant. cnIderable spac fore. ait and bioad- ln Oie baven of a happy marriage, She deacribedl hlm belng: aide, ad hs vus net et ail reluctant MARTIN C. DOCKB she oon idered hersait a Jufige ot Five test 8 luches tell. about taklng fi. Ha occupled Oie 4O'g-Tvd starin on lits'&sescan sd vise mito Dar of skin and bainr.three"uarter bed camfortahly ad uties Upp. Ibt> i.-81Iemetrie lea" the matrimonial salvation ot ail vho Aot10 onei egt pillsd 0,cer teOie e5.Happle coutl ffice Phono 848 Ras.. pigone1l vadld accept ber advice. ~~Betveen thirty and tiirtyfive fo epaiitgbisî a i wogild acept beradvice.years of age. thl dittbnsl o h Mis. Bealy svurrg a pret tan Dreesed ne a mînister. cre c aln cb iha polsed on the NO.)ITH CHICAGO. ILLISOIB purnp beiov her narrov skirt, and Sc a.avaeigp ehe r gextt e dge0thOe mattreas alter audlbly considered the came of Rose le knovn ta Assistant Chiet Thomas tbe taehion of a trapese porformer ALM CGIFN Danîson and George Saint. . Tyrrf I of Waukegan. The man cornes about ta do a leap tor lite. Proddimige A LMA U *'They've been engaged forever, and and goee ln 'and out ot the town and had ne effect upan Âythui% Neîther APrORNEY AT LAW. nobady knows why they dont marry 'no anc know mach about hlm. Fie has did verbal remanetrances. Hlms lumn- I.lbertyvllle, huMBai thi n'ey > nu triends and lthere aie tew even ber was as deep as thé son. l*n and ho oui ofthi osr!1ayI know where be fîveo.1 Young HappIe ut lant arase, Rie had II fa ber tault that be doesnt Insit onfJ But John Biannan, a brakeman on e1 mndt*g on adltAîu ber choasin gthe day. Sue malies hlm , a Nortbwestern suhurban Irn a detri é oha ndltAtu ton content as he in. A man bas te reporter Sunday that the "preacher , hv b ndsudpseso tte DR. C. R. GALLOVAY. b. brought t iue occasionait>. lie loking" man gat aif a train îeavîng lhree-uarterm bed. Young Hippie toit getn too nomplacent, too ure of a <Chicago ah 8: 10 a. m., and arrîvîng la ihat he might uet as velI ho vaiilng ornes aveu11LfOvBLLO DNulleMID girl. and needs ta biý naied up. She Waukegan ai 9:35 a. mn. yrîterday. thae treets as sufferIng there. And 0 u- I 1te 8 and O ta 8 ougbt ta malins hlm jealous, or go i "H. seemed !n'a hurry," eaid Bran. at the end of the vain vas the goal abroad a yoar. or even break the en- non. "and when ha lett the train I of hie evn bed. Ho could Lot la at a Lihertyvihfe. Ilinlois. gagemnent! Intead, se ah,. ln1 ooiced 111<.aridblac ok" Quldo o olyHrph gre ysar andacqliesa «ils en otledlh. aiidblac oak hat vndow a moethig. edbirnîîtand, D.O.F UT FIL year an acuirs apatient look and i q bave rend cloeely the description takIng blm aiors ln ihl&bnd, llptned D.0.F U-RBID great sveetnesm of character. nnd gîven by Mise Hlummer of the man dw h i ordr fteMta VTRNR U00N saoms day. belng oniy an average man, wlîo vaunded ber inger la the Chi- entebgcîîoao h at EEIAYSitKN ho vOll pister mer.. pîin cheeks. cage depot,' sald Asistant Chiet Tyr- mansion and decended the stairs. <sleTAsl- STATZ VtTUIsieÂi brtght eyes and Impatience! Dent rel "This itinerant prencher i have Noting appiovingly that the bînges ietvW lios you think sol" 1laummnd anavere that description per- vers tîertectly allsd. ho shat the hoîts,Ubrvii.Iins Orpha lited! ber dam head, and ber i tectiy. The myatery arauad the man and, opealng tbe bhg front dor, stop- eni ysrested a moment on the and hie apparent demire te ieep hie ped out. As ho etood thora for a mo- Teicnhone 1463-3 ai Better psied la YO affaire ta himseht maire me vaat ta ment bllnling In the darknees there y ~emeueie 0,r go doe uII plurnp littie nation, glad that ber1 have hlm in my office for a tew min, came a glare ln lite face andi a large s secret vas sley hldden ln ber own Utes' questioning at lensi" fi and muaculan bard gramped him. J. M . Graves bert, and that people couid not thue Should the Waukogan police ld Came out otfIl!" Raid a volce. AUC dimcuse ber ad litaniey' Long. Fan the suspect Mieis Hummer would hoe "Who the diclnens ane you?" Young A C I N E the tiret turne she vas glad that site ,aaikd ta ideatify hlm. Iapedmne.vt ainta. 14Euvo v. akga and Stan vers flot engageti, thougb ________________ aw h deaw!"elt i thendvoaions, 4 d rwo- Ame *.,ee uank eamb; &bs vas as aseliadt bren al nommer, "ahw"sl h ocd- S ebfr edermd iniserchîs becaume he arither declareti rriivoly. '"Itlm a jolie, thon? Wbo am MO I. MILLER. Atimn.ey. 17 Ami the sergeant vis am arni NOTICE 0Fi DISSOLUTTION Yeu get te Oie station, Miy lad!" DR. E. V. SMITHI -Y, a., "es, bers," saiti Young Happle. "rin Publie nulle.- . t h i-tv îeîthat ut Ia nohunglar!" GENERAL PRACTIG à W'epecialei nîgtelitheb. tick holders Qof 'Then vlo"-the voicesvas tu- doun8sgo ta . m. 2 ns e and 1Ile * the Lkt ,Cimnty Tr-ieph,îne Clu ivun, ensely potite --niay yau b., wltb yer omte oyezH"Y Fatrule So,.. feid aithUe o«li- utf hiejammi H.nMil.lier. *hoes In yer bandea -eeaking out (of SPEOIÂL AI'STIOR TWTUE in in the Vilagerf i .iertyviile, Lake Cotin a nse aitva ola the morming. mai- LIBER-rVVfLLIR. ILLVO» C ty, hilîuis, on ilecenriter 10. A. I). 19131 log miamars 1101" than a bnnny rab' ______________ at the hou r ai 8 oretuet1P. IM , pumuant bit?"D. L.TYO t oiegvns eurdb afr Young Happle open"d hie maoutb R.1 L -A L ta otie ime a reuled y v, onend closedi t asain. It inddealy (f~*pg~.f the purpose (if consideing thse quetion@e emed reosterous tetaell the e uth. Ofc ie bw» "» of eiîandoning the coipoiaesenreirprîs.. lupposiag b. ahauld ocinlde te the W>en-I t08:80 %sisà )-) . à aurendering the charter, franchisesend saliasmm Oct biseousin wv a nga. Ossidemot -Mu roedway. opppos sorporate naine, and dlseohvlug the said lad, net bavlig mma la bcd foralumm, Làoiosrwv1a. iimla corponationi The Laie Coumty Telephone ber', b. bed decided te miss sand go Company, at siheretling Ivo-Ibirde home la th inal? mse uola ta fna> DL.GOLDMN ad mois oi the w boltespital stock otfleha"t eetîl- DENTIWI' Of 4 Je..- ~votud ln poison ln tavor ut the folovlisg e R U aleméeV up «Sexneat alî1 OverPis<Nattousi snb31p1rto1vs1e11e1d1n111111[k l s oes y a. BrasAliRau.ItaBp resoutlon,îbs tuiioving iseolution %vae ft'. lucky Mr. Matisatlppcd me off teaOffie. Phase194J, les. Pos umanimoumfy udopifed: watch hie place speolal thîs summer, WBEftEA$the Lake Coutity'h'elepboa in i il Oie buiglaiicthere ia gala' Ubortvvliie.laie Compan>y bas caeed te do or trtinent 01n! Have yoh a>0of Oie taml>y joole business ot any character, and bas nu about yeh, nov, l'dl 1k. te kaovr'ILjL LCHR assts ot any ebraterinow on baud be- .Gel out!" Young HippIe 5d. D.KH HIHL lerceily, as the ban.!d ia bto ie Physicien and Surgeon i ningte t pociet. Then ho toI.! bis star>. "RIng 0omor over DoceàBonud'*Dtglcet ANDi WHERE'IS alutflb,- corporate the bell and rouasetthe baume If Yeuj Houzas%0 10à. M. 1tS.780 àaP deuîte ut raid l'unipaiiv have bren tiiiiy dont bellee me.' ha saldt. ncloalng Suecia ention toL"e. Mer. lesm.asd' i.' '10 L5e . 1 1 ! C 4 1