LÂkU (COUNTY IPRIDAY. JANUARY 7, 1910 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Iect prI., les the, a faili- y been lit thre no' the L bretir- ;en.s, ' ren. by present oly and : la 7"Ur bers " Je of tha sacrlfle- 'an that eit (Nil- etumfeti Theu, hieu tira il blime4 ters aa" rer. but mse lb. La: Tbe of eti- ailB ai tae af is h lia fo 'ar e l,- eti' of fer te lt ail t lifet h obaS- et t..l r' so« ' DL Nial 'snge e &Il pe- the te- go mal Fe bave a fil : e ' ol tiala. gos amt deamna- itauiii 'voe ais avl id &Ms Idf tlil les, D thillh3 mS Go'f :rl ot in, bw, FOR RENT-On char.-.. w- svil r,-w, URS WANTIED-Wii> 44440 41. fiout 50> aerre -,flanrd .,ii rî ý iv 1i 4.44. Il~ '. >4 r> ai> ri , fr',> vietor Ihîilii I ý', ir j ., r. Par.i k'... rrot .44444>4i % il, 0;>t> boy for rew ,44a 1 i444 _______ 4 isg,, WILL SAW LOGS- 4> ý,I.tt i - -- -----------i MOINLYTO 1IW BARGAIN N , \. r, 44 A. . r44r. 41441*4 ...444 4,4 - i(-) - 4i mima. Foi?04PEN r WANTED -arî4î i I-- Lbra v irme ,, rl r,!' v ri4-ii, nagons. -d . .>rîrr4 FOR Rf-Ni . - 1r 4441 2- :17 I. MRAN2 liod giqrral sw tar- irLd LOST and FOUND I~sLaecoo >,ru. fthe,1-tsétarrî1 litbecouty andlai a barigairr Hra rLOST-La.i>r' g'41d wai. (: brtw(en aiotradeand is rentpd ai25 »per rmut [broadway vand f.-ewokr.0,44eF-rder onl . IaMent. J E. MJE4,TH pIew...-retimrri tîrra ý.6.ri>r,-e C2 reward. BlaSa of Illinois, Couni>' of Lake, s, la th Circuit Court of Lake Couni>' Dm14 Rudert vs. FranklinuW. Ganse, Mi" W. Ganse, bie vite, ('larence «Min ad thre Chîcago TItI e & Trust Coispan>'. trustee. Bilto Foreciose. Oua. No. 4270. Public noU1ce in hereby'g>4en tirat bg vhlue of an order and deere ta bed lu tire airove entitled cauae la amAti Circuit court ai ihe October terto. A. D. 1909 tirereof. tire nnderaigned. master In ciraucery of saitd court, wIl. un 'luesaev. th ir- rIiteeitir ,av iof Januaec . 1).i110,4>aithiie tlr,,rrf 1 o'cîock 144t4tie afterroon ofrt ard <1444 at thre 444.44 444444 418,4rrof 4i i boune of Lakv r' -4u,44 tr4i- 44 4>'.rit% o! Waakegan. in thtir rr,irt4 oftk 4 a ct,, ailtte of Ilinois. an>>[4rit44>4>14.444444r4 tn thre higireal and ,> r44 i4 4r foliri4.,h tire foloa>îrg de", rub,,> imJ d4 I4 4 astate, îrra h Tira'nor-lo ,>t,,'-ofitth.. 444, leett rltIî pa44rt> 4>44.4I -u, r- i section ?1' to1i'4 ii 14444 4 4 n4. ...'-4 .. Weukegan. bcrtrg a sr.i4 4> .4444 i. r, coinnA Newc-a of44 parrit, of . lion 32, tuonhip 4., r oîf rt ît, to>wnsipl4 4,. irt-th, " . é4,4, thie thirrd 44444>pIrr rini nri.rrr .444444>444 to plat recorde.>trir I>rrk t' f Pla.t, pages 644 and (F,, aka o >z,4rritca- e's Office. Also Ilot.46. 7 rm> r lit blockt 134 of salit anbriiiorin1,>' (' Moinus A. Newcomb, airove describeri ail of sald premIaca being siltaarrd lit thre count>' of Lake and .4444e orf lii Lt~ xt~ A L7~~LI~ ~ A ~ ,.'9~L '~ ELAM t,(CLARtKE Mater ln (<linrater Dated Deceyuiber 17, 1901>.1 il 4 Mlate of Illnis, County rof 1ah,.'.s.,. lu the Circuit Court or0f ,ake Oouuty. H. Wortiringtoti Judrf, 'Iruvtr'o. an(]4 Vlrancls Scirueebarger Yva NoahiA. Robinson, Maggfe M. Robinsaona atr James F. Paters 111 t4 forenlose GS.. No. 4473. Pubiie notice isairereiry givena ta b>' vlrtue of an order and decree et- tefet u lie aboya entitied cause tir tire Circuit Court o! Lake Couaty, Minois &tLtire December TerinA. 2,09 tire nderslgned. Master la Eltaneery of said Court vif i on Tries-j 4" the 2tb day of January A. U) 1910, et the bouc ot one o'cfoc-k ln the aternocsrof saldday ai tue Eastidoor of thbe Court flouse ln thre City of Waukegan, County ut Lake a.nd State of Illinois, oealI ai pubie>vendue ta. thbe bigiret and bet bldder for caash the follovlug daacribed land and rmai estate, sltuata lua tire Coun.ty o Lakte and State o! Illinois, to-vit: Lots Twanty-ona (21) to Twenty four (24) Inclusive.,1ln forkE I.ghty- tbrae (83) of Zion Cil>' Subidvisiona lu Section Savent.-oa (17), a» >ln Townsirip Fnorty-aix (46), Northr art Evangelistic Mair.gs. PLange Tvnlve (12) East of th.- Tîird Trr.>'1,Evri44'. \1N itiaof Principal Meriifn. C>rragr. rr 44;1 v'r-i'.> f.4 4lit1. Datod Decamnber 244i A. 1). 1909. w44514- i,>>11, r r,, i 4'.rsr .4 54..A.I4LbCLARKE, biur4il, 4444 44rii,4ri4 4irriirl frirai 41mago44 44 4> lr , 11t >4 r,> 44c 13-4 Matar ia Ciratcer>'. prrr..-Tr-4>444.4r4 4na(4 .1 er rrîrî( l'o, nr ,> >1 -t r >4>..'sîrakýr C -~~mrlaI 'tatIonary-envefotrea. 444 ia 4112 44<44k, r' i. -1d 1,., n Tora '-.t-~'bedo b41 redo ara.att- al» air,> tih-' 14 l 4 4 of tire lu'n-v. have> tirm il 1Iitar bie>i lirariing fr tir,' atread of .ueor amal l ots. _ iritianity. ON A CAPITAL 01FTWO is ARD LUCI<. WITH' PLEASURE. Set Iere, you 4are tire mn»a-r, "4,, ma'am. ean you asalat rtruck me fîîr radime tbrpe d>ays :rgrr " :on, tire road a bit?" 'Yes. ir, but ta,(L) er o beat I can'> *JuAit waît tl I have unchaîneti keep me exlwtrelrw an>' bar-r tra» 3 1-3 (log lere. He vl." cents a dayý R-EAL BUS'. I-, .4 r r. ,r 4 l d ',rir 44 :"r 44. ,4 44<4e ,r *'44- I > 4>44,4 I I , 4i. IB[YGBE[iOLO APABI By MERIA M B. BECKWITH. [Copyright. l». 1bYA eleaPres A .5- "Iiarry. dear," sa id lire youog, vile on ber deatiried. airben i amngone forget me Sceet sme lire 40ii tire place i Ieave 4 aratt. Dorîrt delay. Neve~rinfird If tire worid '.4438'"ris mari4> bas8 4,, 5444c r rr tril 4,44' avie lhtir4 I, rb14-4>444 rxk>rrg for 444,lir i kroî.r lirri ti r fotr 34441 The oi?4444-44,444 44off. tie Iv- %ou %rira l]. de-ir 44. r .4 I r>nt. ili4>4 -4.4 r I1- r444 , i 4 0 , rI ' 1, 1 i or4 4 >4 > If4 1 1,444. d4,t- '4... 444,44 t Il 4l.,I,..4 444..4r I. 4;, r *,;u t>444444J-444304in tir o44 . >4,4- 44,r i4. of>44 ir4e 1i(4>44- me. 44.44 14444,'ir 4-ou r3 >1444toa,rd 4-444 li4t Il, .ai>4t, at 1 kni444 latron44,e b.rio g 3, 4 iu 4444404 NA.licir ail[44 ,.'-andlire Iregian thre le 44i1e4.44lia-r t1.11~ wqýt).ia r>i bit , k t,. an'trieitr'unri onder 4444-44 I,iilIt I> 44 h'1,uId hirve himn a po.4.a by4a3 44 44444,0.an atiwoia iis oaa a ifr'e-Bat tire re&lailOf o ber a bis imitpossitble,~ire reaaoned, -because f airai> 44.ver ind tire ivamati viro can fil> tire placesrhe iras iet va-4 cant., and If i conl ir>ftd 0one viro ouîd fi»i It T vouli 44444 44144>4it t> led" ou trlts>acaco uni and froin preference ire baggeai ber memor> atnd iguoreti irer vîirhes, Siorti>' before irer deatir snd w4hile- ah.- was ln tirefushr of healti ber portrait irad irett painted. Tis portrait ire teck fromth ie watt virere Il bang and placed lit over i, deat luniis tudy. ne wasaaliltera"> man,. and iis work wes lnflutucad b>' tire waman virose mental and moral straugti andi virtus ere memorlzed lu tire portrait. A year paaaed, and ha su»l loved-a memol Was lit love or thre memocY or a love? lHe neyer asked hifmaelf tire question. fHe did uot doubtIlia fi was loSe Il might not ccupy iis mnd. ire admIted. as rUoci as t tirai, but tua las true a.f one we love iro iras ireen gonie a joitg wvie, Tiose vin are abvcut do ÎÉ4,4 0cculpy Our thOligirs as if tirey wnore present. bnt on tireir reruru ave find thtin~r as dear to usasa evér, At tlimr'a fie' ouid remember ber earne',t look whea aire iad marie bec last tratige 4r>4est and wouid exper>ennre a inot.itary troubied re- gret Tth ire coai,1 ot scede t» IL Thiret>lie 4444414frrx'alI tire reasar nd mort n[be vrr ati,î'd onre rlry Tiree 3nr,;'4trfttnr ber deatir ire str4rd Irurri 144a' lier!'pint»re. 44 seemned 4»utrio tirtit tirere vas a more Vtature >4lookaboutiilrT44tira» ire hirt t ir1 fore noaîir'edlr l>14 did not a[rçean @o real. tire nyn'.not atuitO i40 brIgiri. Tire» a auddr'n plna..ingtirongirt truck lm. Ha waa gCrowingoldesad some - KIND 0F HlM. Yri4 I4.44.444 44.4toîl ýteti to no Lui i ii ir m ' lunepa., efao abr.snro strctin îth Ybhm ariten abIlinghbita to ana hec growiag older vitir hlm Wreîrce It sprung or vint power hed planteti tirbe cared uot. Il vaa tire. Tirey wouId grow old togeiber. Atiotirer perlod passed. and ire io- ttced a greatec change.Tire cireck seemed 10 iravels oine of 1Ils round nase Tire noatri> vas tinner Tirere tire irair tirat i girt be tireçeffect of ligirt on tire canvas or a beginig of vii liair 'J'ere 44e4-e Unes arbolit4 lire 443 e44and ionrtire nec>. Ta» ,' ings v 44 > Iiri 444>4 -444 4'id(ý r t tr ni.4'. >4444 hirr' r 4,4444 i I, hIi i >44 and44> 4>1ri1 44-44444 r 44>44>4444444'a, fadling n1>4 m4 4444 4*4 44 n 4> 44.4 , 4 fi> Ili 1, 1- '. tI ' 4 e ,44 il'> 'i4 .. not p4 l44 4 r'ry 444latil , .4' Ir4 F, ....tri, H!4. -t ,,' a! 4 frange44.4, mas.n4'... 4 u> 'm.4 o4 t'bli) I4i44444, 1wia trrr'41 ti, 4r044g>4e t u h i insriulugar Irt4ari aoine iii3sti5i4e44 44u>4etlect, lie t>flint4 It anrd ire 44 rre r>rrrgiî,g lien d of 1 gro;wlnz nid tigether tirey 4sere >444.4 ing of i dîirr iflttet ines. I irerr >Ilie, giu fi, 4~ ei4r Io r 0bîrri Ife waas trugg4ling With ir 44 ire Io cemove 14 wirea nle morning a girl of tuent>' stuniblo,d toto firls stdy fier nireet'. 4ere rur4dy enoîigb 44tir ont tire blusvi ijîr arread taelf froin ir forrheiilIo0liei ditupled Chiri A gturtiirjloork %%as5lr her Oye. foliowed quickIl b' 4ail eti,!..rraaaed saille finatE parteal ier Ilitur, howing ber wh ite1 tfl.T"ietr ir edly a itbdrawurg. sire rut tire door From irb' isîrîrr 0 f youtirfuj 10-ell-1 nesa ire turaied 40 tire pleture. il wasi s portrait of ne rire salie age ai tire girl viro had entr'red and wtirdrawn.1 Once lit had ao apîreared to hlmin. Nov It vas tire ilkene'ra of a middle aged 1 woman. Ela did onot stop to vonder., as ire had often doue before. viry tile vas so. He veut out and followed tire receding girl. After lire irsd marrieti ber ire puitirhe1 picture of! ir, is 115 ve away. Tuo 041- M li 19 tathe Portrait Of a Young WOM- au. To hlnaire 1,44Wn not virat lital,. for ire nem'ec mokmr et lit He belleves tire soni effect iha a expertenced vas sent by iis vife tu bond mim to bir reqtaest.1 Migiri Hsae Efn Wocss. "Poor bye!" PeSrlmed OHara, cou.j doiltre witi 4 Cris. yvih roild mein- .-The - rfes4aiC v. [N S1Scrap BOOK! CosorlP..a.. ______ij Thre Condemnsd. a>' LOUISE B. CUMMINGS. r>,. frr.rriy hrd I,'rrrd tlit I i,ihpI<,ç Office over Luce & Crimpauy's Store r ,444.,,Ir,.A 44an trr4 iri14. 4 , irIti' 'rr1 SPECIAL A'TI.4NTION brrr.>l rtr'r.,>t 44 tit , iç 4 ai, 44 >4 4, 4 4 444 ! ir tr liknz 4t il, 4 4 .tt, gob4t4,t m.. I trîr i r n ,r,',l ix*.%,Y t.i, LIBERTYVILLE. ILLINOIS 1> ,',4 rrlr'rri m Il'. 'î. - 44444e t..î r! tiltr frrit' tirre ,;, n .4 r-re a,r nit or ,f1,>.4 Il '44 v r >>.the rr one r dartrvi.lDR. OLJDIN"G tir ue r" .r tr sl' 44, » i flr- i 1444 tan two iirir-1((' .'titg to , 4, lr r44EN'[1STI -rkrrIil.- ,> >4r4ke,ra ilr c ilror ), r> *44 14 1','iltHorars M>tu 12 e.ts-1l &o p.m. pr.rr 144,f t4rie 44S>14>1.4irrbite> ut ,- '"' riti-fti la e ~ , J. EHiTriggo Bufiding ira'. ony thri4e 4tf rrr.da,0D.J.L 'rarIrPMO chirl tr e - -- 4 r. r4'. and4 lie 444 . d yt lie >atit444 44>>44 'TrIa4ln ProeJ. ,and Irri r,,> ir' 44 44,444 I rOnbs. 1 ever-ti>ag t144 4' tt t Iery 44rk for. _ _________________ rad (reen cauglit lilua[m414rr abrm i» 444>don't thet. l~D.E .SIH savings ere all gop bre îaril,, Strraing. DENTIBT. prospect of 4,nwirere ire 4444,. .» rIf ait44., .-id af 4h>, contitious trlvlnu V iCI.. OUNTT .AT4SAL DAM.. r> "e r 44la 40 04444, t)uwsli-o r 6. .m. and i bo 5 p. sm. ire had no inoaiorr cf 444> 4444 iimn-r l flé! 4>4 ?44 '4 4epl-r >4.» nd O I d bisfaill], a)., ,lier elig . ""I ,4"4 -- and na rac»r 44r4r irre e..e ...!.t...*.,. and the hurred drl iwt"UeIia. ýIlTwo rrrerr i r ,Itit ig 44:ir e airer I44i enai f il '. t 4 a>.irrg together e O f brdy. neatra 4,d >4444R.j LTYLR Lij 4'4t" >r1»7i DR L >,4V404e 44>ir il)a l4 oil4(. 4i4i4te 4.,ait of 0 e tiIevîng ,rylenOVE?. I. Tvvq'.e 4a4 heu rd the ,oriird 4.> 4,qq, trr- t4rieaihi, >ne4g ri- '>4 i .4.10-r - 4itrs ha i~444re, -Il ,444M44b.ep.-dronr . 4iii-t21~m. 2to 4 sd t ý 1 L .8 '. lu.14 * , t..> , l, r- -'II, ., M. 4., 4a rr a r , ke 44444' 4>4I.1 1, - kt 1[e i 1, 77 r Il4e 44 4 ,4 fr 44 th rr :I 'f V, - [.444'r 44444 1 li d4.4.>t' ,,444.111,. 4444444. , a- 4r 1e> fre ri- r d 444444Ir--a, r 444444Il, 4 , , I4'i4iiý t I) o ki,4 h w 4404-rj 1;.l4:I,4'to go' lil44t4444444444444.44,4,ilIIIrîilr a ,rid i k >d4, I 4er 1 o .t lie IIIlie r end nt IN ' 4444,444l.4 heIr 4444Un4 44.4- r,4Il. In4 il chair ln 44444 ti4 one r,4Il4> II Ill, il 4 4 1.. f 44444 ril a I the41 C onstant4 40 ie ,ta'r et r uuo t 1' 4 444 44 <l flit tre 44One 44 aut."ttie rltr> 444 Lrk t 444e i/r ' , a 1.yeI n tepoptrpy s44ear tIre ciral rame out fil - - ather tbld me no." 44 was a browrriai quartz andl fr4» o!f goîd. Calkins had Iiîr.,>itri4lie Krw Who Used lit. Constant ruine, wiicrhal r> îr,îr41Itr, Chartes H. Hoyt, New Englsud'a constant. Wile tireanie hall4 4441en great faiy'lgirt. once VIsItet a iMII out Just sucir ore as thîs. Il" bie Lad town lriPennsyf-vanira vire. uiere I, seen tire velu grore narroreer andloiar- A Imtel tireY saY GeolgeWanhlsgton. rower 4MI4li was noting mo4ertrau1ti@ reKtirer o!fHils Oontryr. amadti s crack Thremine. latter a seuiccilifor &tOP rit v-h-s ie POed itirogI lu lit " reoPening of the velu. irad beau îLbû- t:rey [lave a room ire la ai tobaire or- doned. and Caikina br!dgone 40 work "ied aeti lmes. elaewirere. Personally ire beleved 14034 came tircougir tirea once witti tirait Iftire ,'elu were foilowed deep Une Of 1119 attractions. lie arriveti at enoughIl 4 tigrt ire fouud to reopan. 4the loriel after al tire membeils of tire But tite atockirolders were dlscou raged erriUnîjan -v hd been assîgueti cooms. and a'rr4,I4oct stand aseesoment. Sud- 0One Of tir e omPanY vas ifven tire denl>' Il oveu4rred to eliOnmtiret lire 'r41j44t4 rooni. and tloyt recaîveti vil III [iri4foiloa-ed end payîng ore lýr P r,111,ru tire toi) fitoor. tlirepro- irgalrr 'tru,-Ik I Ien crime tire quiet r1444r trkirowlng mvinolire vas. tbrr>i>t .44,an 1 44,thb .444. > 2 eni'ln > 4 lrire " le4>> rowlistairs Iater tire thre uair>,! 4. 4 >44 4sI wq set Ir> 4 44.44 virrr irarat tire goor ndr, il 14 44-ae 4 - '4>4- 414 t t h44, irave- g14'r-i me 444 4444elIt <4 i>r' it4el, 44 irere a ' r.44 44,>t Iir' 44(1 4 ie ei" r4r'r- l,' of i44444144'9 ut rx>ting % - 4 444 4414'4r144 444>came r>re.. 44444>444 4-4.tim44i,44g 044 i'le 4Wall, anîd 4\r > '44>4 fi . "the' one4' týir.' glIiI4t 4 .444 ribile t( (I 4444444444 i îrre 1 4 '444> 4444' 4i>ltt hretire 0o4e t1>e anc.' Ik4I4S44 al4 Il 44 4 , il4" a 4444 Il"1II, iii>4 A 4 . 'rn ire 444e' k4<-r. i>crl4 1S44 nr t 4 cenrt,- fIlier >.4>i>444444 .eIII)4Le S'treet't A Stirkir Far Ru>,,. 4he- ut> 4"A il4 44Mau4 oft tire 4mille uor - 4,444444444 44 .4 il. Iallorr, rand 1.11 Ff->iir 444444 lie k4r t >Id , 444Soule tf Li4 4 Und44-4 t h44 4444 Irni 44 re t> -li r 44 I 6 4f4i'r I 4-port4orenizir I r' ,.', g ."4-i, iforrmatio,t, ' arirltit-h,,44 f444 44'444'41 er 4t44' jd>rf lnf4 iii>lI,'r D>i -11 44 444444t it o. 44144> al 44-4-4 oIl rhial> take I1 1,'111, 44-444 - 44 >4.4 SaIr "I nil 4444r nran.' ' 4-ir ' 4444 >444 rejrt3'. '. .' 'Ten'tr rI- 444ut f(4le profit, nn44 i44lt r'rnir' airoard Lie're ir, "Illike i>4*211 44>4,1 l'il out relthit,>- 4 >4 ,il 1>14>44 ',AHt riglit. 20 r1,4." - i 1 --r444 4444 o340 lubber," aa141t4Ile Caîtirr',jroduced bis c i îa foore > ' oi, 1 ~',"I144muât1 erme andr d 441 [44'ir th tIli 4h all cr e out a 1, d Viii>i4lieri, 44- r>rt' Orf Il oi al ller' 44444,4 r .îrr' FMiîer akdl" reId B 444. S44> 1 3. '"If votire hmyw fe kiiaw il. but Clki declned " 44 t- i t 1-1144-tIk tthe4>.- niraH f...-44 11.'-- i. fi --Ilh , .r444- tu4 R,44444> ariw ime teit sure tuat If bis uri ktrew le a'as gueaaing tire traîrsaciicru aruid end Tire» and tlrere. Fi'.irer bad iat maorning soid part o! bis stock ai g6rents a sîrare, 14,' vent ln an order to buy It bant aud 10î.00r0 sLiarra tîmore aithtie market pri .' Ili, got 1.000 rit 6. 2.000 et 6% and 4444 ' Lai aune uait i&urt rriatg b>' ractiiis 8tii> lire p444 Ie 4>41 waa 7Yj >cets'l'Tire sales a'ere langer tira» fur >44444» montis,. but liot couaiderabie. Caikiiaa wiahed to at Flatter foi a iittie moue>' ln advsoce 40 bu3 a su>4 per for i, lamil>'. but dared fi>t ire should Iead bim tu suspect tirat tire vhoie aifair waa impî>' a gamne 40 beat bin out of s pattr> auma. So great vas iris suspense tiretire preferred to keep avay from home. Hie vas bang- lng ire>weeu ireave sund iral. Tire next tuorning nohen ire turnod out o! an outioîîae viere ire had siept ire ,pet irlv 2 cents for a paper. Tire.-ulabig fedlnes ire aaw tireasu nouncreutnt ut tire Constant veln irad beenrti.rc4ered rîcirer and broader TiraitI,'fMr iîen the Mlulag Ex changr>e r .rrrftire stock went up to $5 aasirîrrr' .44<1taved tiree Before non F-"t.ir gaie' his Informant a rireck frn 82.(X) jie 1,y r> a b tri - "ii toig i unk Folrr ti'e>4-rîtfavr4 ed tire uianr>>orre t» ir4434V ierrtrI iiiaed off" en>rî ý% btrr ' *,,2,>44cenrts. T'oinre1tIre "0, Fialtir. t aîgit 'ave b>» Bec'rtt 1>rr , 444444>44i) aat tstoc'k th14' 4vor'e. ýretniieriCassîi>' "Suppose 411144411-0 :Il pri t.' s»>l, ktrrw-rg tir 4 tii, dý( i4nu 4r .44 - 4, s4agea li t at tr th ,e4 r,444t >44tIre exhlrrîge 14- S1>file." gthr thr- uldr id 4414ce 4the pri-e. 'D)o y.,u br. In tire Darwlnia r 44', ,ýJ>, s ent houa'-ialaded tireoryri" asked Ntn. WhIbiriiea. Vilir n'a> tiritg> ire !ound b>s vifs -.1 am nu inerd ta go furtirer tira Il erý 1 . >5 1i>414- c4 iamortug for Darwin did." atrawerad Mise Cajeune. 5044044» . [l4, its bankirook dried "amnd believe tirat some members of out hi. , i.'r t .-,, 14,fd is hundies stoP- guecle bave s>,arted on a retulu tiii" Ped t- Iiidren'a clamor.é Nat Whst Be Wsntsd. 4 - .t.s.44t> 444k4'd loto im Montrent Il. op u44 ndas tirea sistrint tirnugirt. r..r4for Roblert Burrs, Ou belng toid 4>444 tire 4roprr>etor o! tirashop bhlm ..nIf grrt dowu tl4ree çgr tour editiono ,,f iihe îret andI toark tiram 4tirte wait ih4> srHtsinan. Tire customer, Iov- b4-,airkiis iraad hopelesal>' and Fzrrrl> 'Iaufla lobert Burus I1s.stl forn brrirubbirrbands!"' Arabrie Figures. It l oa knovn tirai Ârabic figlIreb vere trot lnveuted b>'tire Arabe, but b>' tireearfy acholara of inda. AUCTION SALE. Th, u rridersiguad vili seli ai Public Aucrion on farm 1 tuile Southirof Elv- er4044 4und .3 illes eât orfFort-Shi- dan,. on Tuesday, .lanuary 11, 1910. comîîencing at i o'cfock sharp. tira folloviîîg deacrlbed propert>': Titirtoen mnilcir cova, 4 vîtir cai-tes by tide, balance mifliers andI opring- e'rs; 1 s.tonk irufi. coming 2 yeara old; 6 ieifcra, comlng 3 yeara oid; 6 bal ers, rom>ng 1 year nid: i14eLav.ai a'reaat separator, capacity 400 pouada peir irour: 15 t0ons timotiry ia>'; 7 tons 544-4444 1140acres cor» In airock Tr', t or sfaale, on suttns 044r $10 a crorltt o nr e 04e >04a i» 44-gis-rn on aP- pru. crilrrtkable ntoesr iearirg 6 par cent Itrtere'aL All gooda >trInra set- lied for o44 day o! sale. L. & N, REDMIOND, W. H. WILMOT, Auctioneer. , oo j .*. b> maa3. .,4444ltPart. MARTIN C- DECKER >4tlir.p. f4 i 4lSt. EIet'tric Station --tic 4. , 3134 Re@. Phonle 8608 W.E. STUDER S t44,i v44id4i i l't Fn i%4 a awl l I ramiage I4ERT'iVII.I . IL. DR, O. P. BUTTBRFmLD. rVETERINARY SU"O-. AUsI5TANT STATE VETIJIAUjdO. uberuyvlI. lno. PAUL MAC GUiWRN ÂrFoRNICY AT LÂW. LIbertyvile, lhlluoia DR, C. R. GAILOWAY, 011105Ovmi LOTUl.l.ou'*00 aouua-lom 1 to à ag *4 8 pa W.LACOCUtî L18rtyVoll, bff ftwasl Machine SIu% RIEPAIR %Fq" SWORK ASPEA.- Lý ineo ofSunre ~ pairad. Wbea la Tgo TE LE.- >1 1661 or"' Cheap<pG i Dot galn, bcwrw handie theixi, bttwe reliable, uta-udarod mnch cheapoi tbaatlug gradee have evg'r bïm« ln the coiuAt- Old instraumon part payme»tq;o rlghtsand Fia- Write foriji The R. CÇ 132 N. - m FOR RENT-5 room i a l mode'rn FOR SALE qrxiantity. iol a>.-,.il i eotrir' dprrt. M 14 I UM AN. 1 1 r'irp 4r ar i FOR SALE-Acre lut.4orlviil, mubrivlaîon, cIofi ta> to44,44i4 i r.-tJr.FOR SALE-T.44, b1; r. . 4t ilR SALE-I.,.to i tir' iîrr aril OAT fis i aitt i AgeIai subdivision. 50>x4110; $104) r>l potatoes t I ,% ]Il .>rr -, r 14r) % down, $5 petr itrr , i hirr& i4,rrta t r orV. 4 . w1 g'r.- r 4> H. Ii i iî43t >~LOTS FOR SALE-i tire B. .1. liîîro nmb4.tvlaon of Libertyvîlle, aouth ofO SAEI >.,a îlwrre dotele road on Miîwâuke. avenue. fi, FOR roi- î.r r ,hrtvl J. ~Uua. Wner. ~ ~ nr>ulrer, )f M 4Fr,.kP>r,ue 2764. FOR SALE--Choice Iotm lu C. Frank Wvlgt'a addition, roi 150, for $200 44ý ________ q~o00 nd$30000 >' rr!rî~AU T?' PEWRITERS-an% at.-. $1., 00 ____________________________________ janrd ujr Il 4 44 Ili e >urnree,11i FARMS-We have a large f itOf Lake emnty frmo tA, oel, aie(, bost" aux a rs NE te village. IIymoNoI & ArISTim. 0-4t! AN LOUIS J. YEOMAN~ ITHE OPTICIANIV - i ý