CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 7 Jan 1910, p. 8

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LAKE COUNTY INDBPBN)NT, FRIDÂT, JANUARY 7, 1910 - *1 1fr. Jolyni-étaIns e- - 154 wt srwdnéras o illote bid vene. Shé . - a ndlir . uln is erc IM aMed é vék ents ai tshe ~ oane tohavé beén Bt $1, lie. cosnfy sécing ev- laTéd a théa&cnerelu Udth a h lacs né laeeaondagaln st t h 0 nulPrfrrdCllm ndMo amp. Pld ot . Desring lnur-nc pa tléovr n Oer sfa Milion h *O gvmmn bv PaetySidBi ean Se l,*tedy ommnt erial grovifo W.Meega's Na he ma Sbr ln t'm, =Ithé utre of tZionsectto I'-ta t-lfa be of a'érf100 a-» frthé e a 1810 is ý*Wbmiprésctntagainby th e BNc- Pr ered th eanthé rt- I*Ml eMay meade by Âpril 1 r.flo wi b ave accumulat- *"t tub h b pay onfailithé W' *ad preterred ciel'» ,tb «tueatéamIsé iOhavé oui thé re$2,M lvué,wtocbe. Apsl inl.l n hé lti m iter that mI*t, bae éé pat iro l 4bot4»athPiie motivetu& r, tu, butthé th. *,tb Vl'aile omercial rtath mu Frisbe fore astfol W"'li rollocation. MtY Valués, business open- opportuntfie i général are 12Ma tiaisnywhreanti thé 40Pétion ta open as Zian is iilg fron a periati of con- IR Of Public utilities undét- 5mésaet. eêégv Md thé detréfor pro- tktr obanactlfca tocs t»U tthé 5,000 in Zmon tetthébr tbrunh many r.- * gon argument for perma- a!M o dollars havé béen in- PC*10 ~I lsIIluhavé benu l%ý*10évexY evidéncé of s Mr&I'ga 00wbhlte biuld. 1W W.altby il, lai Cesaw s MO& Lééw îb Were t. i i! Ptmpest$r ý%vI wbéeu !Rl' te the i bAt "otloi- 150 Atlo M iw Pt ay ~t>at reut 0lia4* MI rl o ý 40 UoOch y t-*$'tbe 1 sM TY ,eBtm ror I 554 jeké sruta 1~~ Mrs. Mat-g. James Ni( died at t! day a thé a nes oft betwi She wss a rntQ SDit s hind thée em yet, as the telegram le tIF!r SAVI1NG STiATION ~GO MAN D!AD ta thé efféct that Schenck le undér 21 SO T N D UN UI - But théy are speédlng on tht-lt wayi auet Nichols, thé wifé Of oblvions. Government 'Officias Telli Whai Pro- lboa Of Waukégan Girl Pretty. Poseil Life Sîtanin Waukegan se farniiy hbte Sun- Miss Wilson, just a fewt momt b-le Wouid be Like Power Boast la one ige of 62 aud aler : ý fore a SUN reporter sait ht-r rans. of the inferesîing Features. Letier ééen two and threé yar.7n":te jua ft-a s.St-ient-l, ra' il, from 1teriorDeptr Gtses Facta residént of Illinois for ttra Ibt tt tttI o l--tso- tos t-, t-t t-' ' tilt-t-g hoe top twent yéars and was prominent lu Waukegsn soclety and lodgés. The funerrli was heid Tuemay at 10 o'clock in thé morning from thé résidence t 106 South Genese street. ,phililp Elmmerman. Phillp Elinirninan of North Chicago diéd t thé home at Kimbal and Twénty-second streéfs Sunday afttr- noon at 4 a'clocir of pneumonie. Hé was 43 and leave a widôw aseBvéen chiltirent- ojeharnt-one, sson, lae én- ployed et eh Barber drag store a Genesee andi Matdison streets. Thé funeral was helit froin thé résidence ln North Chicago st 2 Tuésday aftérnooad thé rémaIns taken f0 Port Washington for Inter- ment Wédneéday moraing. John P. Wooliey. Sir.r John Pt- Woolley died t thé rés- idence of is son. lena J. WoolieY. 708 North avenue, t about 8 aiclacir Baturday night, ageel 81 yéar$ CfId age ls givén s thé cause of deatht- Hé hati beén confineti to is beti for t'wo iréeks prévious ta is death. In récent yéars hé had made hie home with is son ht-rt-snd lis surviveti hy one adopt- éd daugltér, liire. Chatles Douglase of Madison, Wls, Thé funéral wlilhe roudurteti fromn thé résIdence, 708 Northavet-une, t il --.m. tomorroir by Ret-, George Mc- Gînls, Tht- rémains mili then hé taleu to thé Christian chut-ch et Cor- née, 'wheré services wIl be beld 4tt 1 o dock ln thé affernoon. Thé hurla wIl faIte psce t thé Warren cerne- f ery. LAKÊ !OResTr PROPERTY SOLD Two inwortant transactions lu Lake Poret acres have bat hééen closed by John lrillfi. -Hé solti for thé Charles King estate ta Orvillé Bah- cack, Rucatton & Ca,, a tract of sèen acre. offSie ti'»1>.ilandt on thé Gren Bay mila!.near thé main etatimnce ta thé Onweaitata chubands!adjoiing the HéaeaP. (Gods hème. Thé salé va t thé raté of $3,000 aseare and! Mfr. =ecc planthé érection of a eamdomé home on thé propérty- Mr. GriMfth misa sold f0 William Htýbrd, Jr., a tract of forty-four acres kuovnasm the William Âdridgé fana, on Laurel avenue, luit, vést et thé Gréen Bay roast and along thé Sirokié afé thé ratée of $280 sn acre, Thé praperty iras no improvements and if La reportés! that Mr. Hibbsrti plans ta éstablieli a motiel f ami, aI- though hé afatéit yesferday that hé haut no plans yt regarding thé pro- perty. A CUlE PAIR - OE ELOPERS Telegram Prom Parents cf Youth to Police Camé Toc Loté as Young Pea- pie Skipped tc Chicago Ater Cere- mony anti WhiI Politce Piougbêti the Bizard-Parents Demnanded At-- ceai andi Custody for Twc, Thé cute littlé tast-aI iittitht- l-ai and at-toms anti thé st-andalous dIane- gard for a modern costumé Tuesday affernoon set-at deflan0e-thé nia- cbiaery of thé mm antiprotectéd is i ovin pe-opéeirben William Schénck of Wauwatosat- Wis.,- ms unifeti in mat- Mage ta Miss NaoitWison btfore Justice Murriet- Itéré ls a terse record of hoir thé aforsedt fat tast-ai 'got away wfth 1. Scirencir andi Miss Wilson ar- rive ln Waukegan t 10 Tuesrlay 1l1:00. 2. Get a mat-t-le ilcéésé t County Clark Mnde's offIce et 111:00 tris mcrnlng. &. StarS for Pestor Burlingas reaidence, but tut-n hck heceusé of the, blizzard. 4. Arrive et Justice Musries of- fice et 1:15 and amt-atrte united in mr.isc and wore ht-rhbailu Innbt-aid. ShI was strikiugiy jp -Ii t-t-t-t-d Iiîlîî- 1()- -t glagle atter tIti- i'riittîiu. Tht- groomi iras a husky spî'ît-lit-it-mhoilioke'd aý et-t-t-t- t-t-t-il t-t nd- ont- t- typical Lot-bitar t-t-ichirgant- i tt--, It-idtaitlt Olilcer Ike Ly~onsIt- ,tlotgll-tt-- t- iîrogh SouthbCicrago, 111 thé 800W f0 anîd frî-ii lilI aittint ltar- sonagé and all over ft-t- doitoit bn district anti et-euaa fat- norlh ns F'ranklin street afler tht- teit-grantirwas recéi4td, but failedti t lot-att- a trace of thé youug p-eotThé telegrain demandedti hat tht-y li-t arreeted ait-i held unUil their parents rould ctorne and gét them. It Io ciaimeil that thé groom may havé sworu falsély ln getting tht-Il- censé and that a fighf mili hé made fa saoul thé mat-nagé. SMELLS LIQIJOR AND REFUSIES TO MARRY t-t-t- t-t-I t-, Olil Chicago, 111 iluanston, 11I. Xaukegau, 1I1. Kenoshat- Rat-lne, Milwaukee, Wis, Thus if Ia séen that Waukegan was thé only port léft out of tht- life sav- ing service whli net-ding It most of tht- citiés bt-et-n C'hirago at-d 1Mil1 waukeé. Station Up In Air Vêt, (tongrsosmam Foss bas, howevî t, Just infroducéd thé Bill for the lîfé savlng station, but bas bteu rcousidereil hy tht- commttee on interalafte andi for- Faîher Gavin of Waukegan Srrulî elsogu rommerct-e as thé fotlt-ing lt-ler Liquor on Miiwaukee Mans Breath tutt show' sud i Refuses t0 Matrt Couple. Treaigury lt-tlt-artiifît-l-- Justice Tayor Tiés Knoiti Cotutyl t-t-Wasintgtont, lt-t-tt- i> It-t-t- Court Houe - tLi-tt-- i ukegait Iailyi S-tt- -- \Vt-nkt-gait- 1II Thr-ough wut-t-it-tt, t-tu l- tit -lain : Tits ha,--tlll-tt-- l--t- -t---t-tt istindtrslaniiîtg t-tt-li-l-tt-t ms s r t----- lttltt-- -tf t-tii' "li i t-t-t-rt--- ,-l--a- rt-ilof) i t-rtu- at-- u t-- ' t-t tis.t- trtu - t-ý ,t-7 lt-- t-tt- i] lt iîîî-t îî i d Ii ,t-tt - sud tht-t- fitllointg ltt--trit-t-t-, tt---' t-, lt-' oi t--t t- t--If ît-lt- rit tttat-l, s it- tt-- lit-tt--ti m arriage lt--t-tcoutJt-i-tt-îtli Wt.t- Ka n it-tt' tti , -tltlt-t tLt--tt-us'E.- I-Fos-t, 'to t- lt-ltlt--th a M-is M"lary A. Smnith of Nilwttat-Ilee ,lt-fî-tit- inttg st-at-i-ttn ati 111i l--t-tt, I Thé t-t-i t--tst 5rosi' ttu tt-t-tht-t-chatrigît, notas, on t-lt-- toas t-of t .tî Lt--' ti i aii tat niadt- it-I-tat-ler IE- Wî-lai-rtof tei tn st-iltlt tt-tt-it-tatthti îî t-ut-t-dId l-I ('hurt-h of tItî-luîîîarîîlaîeC(toncet-io-tn, Infoîrmîationîî t-egart-liit-g ltt'l-tttttt-lt-I.abl in is Newarentrîorîîîîg sermon, that fut-ure of t-htilý hé lîad lit-dat-- tt rt-îott itat Tht-t-bit-l hbit tet-t-iettfît-t- t-t-l t-t 1.1 Kame an 'liss Sint-t-lt bail lit--to îltt-d lî-îtartiiteit- heii' - -tut-t--itt-' -t--t-In lu martlage In tht-t-satoolit-ont-iurt'd t-irst-att-t tand IFtoit-igntt't--- ittrt-t-' atill by Edirard Welrh at the corner of rt-guéaI for ils n ruas eoncernlng t-t- County andi Washington streets. sud thé Général Supérinteudeut of tht- Story cf Pt-test, 1,11e-Saulng St-tvice bas ht-en callît- Thé clrcumetances as relatéil by thé upon for any Information hé may hi pt-est ai thé set-vice in mhich hé ex- able ta supply béariug upon its mer n1av.iuUu ut-,arr a ant-lru u.tied noy-,,r t. T..- officier bas.. ot-. .. re- wrath at the couple were that Kane iu the matter. and ift t suggested that and his bride-to-be came to the prtest's people interested mlght aid hlm and réisidence netr 8 in the eveutag. hasten hie examination by sending ta LOUIS J. YEOMAN :THE PIANO MAN Th prist ledIlqor n t Th res mllellîur nte hlmi any data or information having a man's breath and taxed hlm wit-h It. bearîrîgt-it-on the- subiet-cl it11h tt- t at t-et-tcl-t-s but dent-lt-t-i ttlttgdrunk. alteir tt i îîîîî ha-i et-t-uretut-art-iltt Ilowt-rt tI -tht- c'oupîle p1tio-durttd a dis- tit' 'otit 01't- ,oîlltut-it-t-at-i-il'-tt îîeîsatioîî trot-lua Milwia ttuIt-ie lt-iet-t-tIigiCo'mmerce' tt-, inuotlil t-ti tai t-l-t ir iich pe tttft-l t1ilt ltart-agit- ht-rt- nt-- t -I l l Ilti.î-t -itl -tttttt-- ttt,' t- wsîti a lireitat- ut-rt h-at Kart-c ans ttt-ont-trt--t-igres t-tntt-iagt-. t-' R IIII L..S, Pt-test Refuses 10 Mat-ty. t-t- isît-uit-t-ttttt- teî'auîsîlttt--utiem nt-ai but-u-t-t-l-lti k îg t-t-at Statit-on WilII Be Lt ke t-tt-d ait-iente tobilt-t-In, bt-tt-t lt-ast , Il Vi auktetg tut cu tu-uI uI l-landsa t' patînt-ii ndt-r t-te tt-influenîc of h quor, t-t-oit t il t-t-t-t- lt-t art t-t eit-t- bat-u-o-i Fathet-(.&ainli tt'fuît-t-l 0 e-fotli tht-tht-t-buatbîtr, t -tt-it ot- t--fla1 -lt- t-il uit-t réremouy FrIdny cvcrîing, tht- lory't-t--rt le pl-l-trt-l utar NirIt-iLarsis--- got-at anti oriler t-i Kaoe bat-k t-o Mili- ptest-ut hetauîuatters as hiarbitît masu-t-- irsuke f0sober t-p anti oet--u-bat-k It-r art-l -tomm-t-erial oat-man thé nextt morrîlugTe Coat $15000. To thispt-îoîtht- ston-a t-t-iail itar-t-Tht-t-folowing ila asktt-ti'it-oîlîîîr Lit-s agre If ls ebtrt-asst-tted that thé pritst lu bis talk claimeil that Kané anti]lia bride-to-ht- réfurneti Wlch's afft- bhis refusaI anti thaf s Justice was soni' manéti. thé ceremony thén taktig placé lu thé saloont- thé pt-lest iras In- font-il Others asserf thst instéati of tak- lut- place In thé saloon, thé védding cécemony wAs performed in thé office of Couaty Clerk Itendéét- HendseéCors-boratea. Wh en een Monday Cotuty Clerir Hendecorroborafed ths later staryt- Hé agdli ta mter thée(lavin refusaI hé hnelf via ked ta locaté thé iii. savi.lg set-vice anti shows irbat tht- station wtiit-ost asut-I tkc iren finlseét: Station buildings nowir b-l-et-t-tted st-c langer, sud cnrimftm te muodet-n requiultmets. Tht-yt-st frtom $10.000 ta $15,000 est-b. Téléphone service bas bt-en éxtenti- éd te thégi-est-et- portion of thé Atla- tic casst, eome few stations on tire Great Lakéet- anti short lînés on thé Pacifiecoast. Assistant Inspectera nov maé quartérly visita Insteati of mouthly, vi- ait@. District Suprtnténdenfs' salaries lnSer- 5. At 4:15 tiret atternooon, or sorné one elsé ta pérforin thé oui-e- havé heen Intceaeti, raging nov rlices hait man heur atter tire marfnage. a mnn. Hé m*p hé cAlléti up Police f roui $1900 ta $2200. Keépérs of con- re tteorso cornec frcm tire boy& Magstrats Taylor, vira pérformés! the pite stations receivé $1000 pet- an- to fàher and mother forlUjdng tire ceremony lu the county clérk's offce nuuMan ud kéépérs or bouses of refuge tsida 8. At 1380, or flftéen minutes Howvvr, It tu assertadti ta Mr. One suriman (designataut as No, 1) ln seug béfo-tre the lgram qt* here, tire Wélt-b anti othéra attéadeit thé cece- eacrcnev ceceive $70, anti othér surf- bd ua yung ouple ame spe.dlng away monyt-mn $66 a montir vhllé acfualiy éni te luOaeg. laugiring t parents Wlch hlmsélf In an Inter-viev Fi-t- ployed. ln addition, keepers anti Le vwu and roffIcére ilice. day msertéti that théevedint- haut net crèe of lifé-savint- stations are allov- -9Mmg 7. Two 'clock officers silil taken place ln hie salcon, althougb tiré éd one ration s day. or commutation a con- acotanlng the ctyfor Scirmncir and couplé bad hati drinks firere. but hsti thereof st 10 tente a day. t. thé Mise Wilson, but no clue thus faken placé lu thé counfy clerk's of- Long Scsa on Mere, mes te fer, it-t-,Tht- activé sesoni ou the Atlanfic- uid ai- Eiopéd From Morne City. Anîber sfot-y is to thé effetbtgf anti Golf coastla1 froni August let f0 woanyt- If appeau-i froni thé tlegrani that tht- Smith iromnartfusod ta met at May 31sf, tétniaonths; on tht- Great 0 live Oonty lérir Héndée récelvédti eu ahi unît-se thé ptlest saiti the mords; Lakes, during séasans of navigation; t-en-e minutes aftér thé yaung people hati util pled mlfh liquot-, irbn shé is on thé Pacif t- coasît- ail stations, thé léit thé city on thé 1:10 train tiraf sali to havé giveu cousent. entice year. ftbenck anti hie smeethésrt liad stol- This, toc, ls téniéti, sud If la as- Crèe are paiti monthly. the eénae.auier sad elopetit. serteti by vîtnées ltaheceneniony Kéepere are appaintéti on thé joint M 14 vl i aying a&.IWr vas dry be. be, althougb théy hmiaitd drinks, intenaent and assistaunt Inspectai-, vno ét ei ls the best quallIfled avillabl. surfman lun the district.Nopoit ments are made ot pensons nlot ln the uSt ervi a t1 " " WANT COUNTY TO PAY HAL! Ctty Attorney Ors Rendere Opinion City Attorney Orvia declarédtIt the state's attorney had rendered am opinion ln wbich héý concurred thaM the payrnent of the bille8 le hp to thé county. Surftien att- atlectled fioru eligible tConcurrlng Wlth I nt nOf tate's At-I Thett varionîs qîdermen urged that reistrat-Olde-d lty t-tii'lit Il St- trney Dady In M atter and the City the itillîs b laid btfore thé countY- ut- tot-îlslou Tîe cauînaiof la Çlrk WiII Write AtorneyGnra board Irîsteail of bélng paid by thé t-toitid ucatoîîtl, ht-it-g ha-tid01, tWrt--, Othera Mattera of Pertinent inter- t-îiiiîtttl îtd ai 1hls jrncturé Héaltit 1 physha:.condi ti onianti txpvit-ltltt-- Ia eat at Ciy Count t Meeting. t-t-mt- 'it]n-ssiiiiet-Ci ghî iras calléiifor Ct-t-i t-i t-lt-i tit-lt-i gîtt- t-Lt-t tt-tt-i-i'l t-t-t-t- t-l-t-' r uit-rît o n i o fi e to t-- b tt-lt- "I-, t-t-- tltil -- v t i t-ti % t-lito li il Ilt pt-,t o tt- -tr ut-l-bout t-t-iof 't- i t -t--L- lI--t - iliujicti tilbtdil L t- ic I tt -It-'l-ttd tht-lii ' he qitarantine le -t- - ,îsgît li taiI tîltl i-iî t-iîitrii rîlTw0 ýýt---It-tg t-ht-t ltt-tt 1111ii i'ttu iîirtsi-i ait-ilthît rlght 1 t - t On t-i, .î ' bIs it-i-l -i t-icis -lt-lt---g-h-t tt i lt-tatof tie iuit-î sît-i-t t-tuit -i. if thte îîî-rtntinî lirpst-lltPoses thé rlght roiil ýl - a Ile iill( lI tielt- tettt-ig w lIciilte aldurut-n and plweta rf Il ft II also, Lifting If t-iit-' ýft--i i t-lt- t-t t-t-t-in a district, tf t-idl-ed Iiiforrît-allyt-' iipsy aIi fumîga' îîîtans lt-tmilgahionr antd fumigation t- t--ti - tt- ;it t t-t-- rer-rtaistt-a nit-ubillsi, amonut ing uow wiîh ba-k rtus the ptublircliealtb Theréfaré. t-t-t-t- ~ ~ ~ Ma t-b-tce-- ----ttt-' tttt~ bl--lsf0 oit-r $700, andi tht-rtput the-1lihe ludividual net-il nof heconceDerlé tah'k -tti -tt-t --tt - 't--out-ilt-atter ti t 0tht- county f0 roletfas It Ir, tht dut-y of the communitir, Xtut tt-.~-tt- t- t--t tt- t-t- tt- t- t-, - tont- t as ru-th as possible. LL tt- pubhlic. 10 st--t that fumigation ia outilt-t-r o s !ilOBJECT TO FUMIGATION BI . î-rfîîrm Ai cs-Iergbln sd elfhall. it gItafion for thé non-payment aI t- DECIDE TO PAY BILLS. boas re owbeig quipe wiil t-l-- fumigation bills starfed wiren AI- Tai-itIis utlew of thé matter and 10 p.gaslîn enlus, o ciisrti'tI ruîan Hart asked that thé billi Of affer futthér aîtvloé from thé Cty K.t, éd aIlp ainleglusunof onfetth--l't-ioWit-tei' tt-t',for $167 lhé laid asidé torney and other officérs, thé aidermia reelf-rlghtgaliad a rraed tto afettefrît-rî t-l-t- ilt-ti lt--Iffor considération. dcîdeil ta pay thé buils-and thén CMl- enginé stops wben bhast lecapsizt-l lt--Ih'tilt- l - h-éieemn ecttfrorn the- corruf)-wlraf fey can for Tbirty-six foot lifeboafs wtb 40 Il.îp. puplît-e , -ttlosi--llitsr fmigt-ionf0 théthé city. Lenglues are belng IntroducedIcue i te il I eth nt( aeo.Not hcg h Harbor împrovements. rît-y %ho woîîlc bt-t-offénded :, t-bt-city lilt ae0 ot hcg h i tIonct-rning Wauluegan barhor for paît-itht-n, si lit-cf art-rt touuty agreeil 0 t- y haif thé bills f4r - heyer 91 techefreome îale îrngédthaf t-llemptt- bciri -tt-o -t---arantfine. îîoliling, groceriés and rlivi oft-arj91ott-tbiomef rr'ouît-udwal olîetrit-be buis t-t-t-. t-rt-t-Ifumigation. ltutso ao rmeif h-wî HAARBAUER FOR PAYMENT. T, iw$0 okblsu e deîîarluîent are tht- Institution ott-iait- Id el t-t-oit $700 bacs lî-lîl u hé animîîal dredgirir ltrotces;andthei latht- t-rt- ît-t-ngli f,. t-i t-,lt- îîrt-î thaf t- ii îî-nîialioî t-f t-t $10,t--tt--t tt-t-t--tt-t- i. p tte 4 t-aidil't-d t- t- t--- it-a a$30,1;t4714 tîîid îîîroînîlr-U lr ' tt-- lt-tttt----lop t-t ît- t- ltt--t t-, t-t-- t-g t '- t rît' -tt--t tltt-- t--t t- l t t t l'il t-tt-- - t-t- llt- t 112 ', -tt- t--t atlt , -- - i--- l tm -t- I t i It-gat i-a- t-tt- l -i -l-- --ttimi t-gl t-tht-'. -'00 t-at-t- $12111 Oit 12,t00t-at-ils irt-tdglîg 4,500.O0 Reî,air8 1,00000 t'o n tlii gent-lt-t- s at--ti st-i p, t-nrn t-utdent-rom l.ý 1. ,000.00 Total ý ý _ . . .. .ý,ý$2-' ,00.00 Importance of Port. ln hie récommendafot-y lettér, Major Brommeli cite thé fact that Wauké- gan le Important as malntslning a watér frélght compétition thaf kéeps thé rate down on rosi sud other coin- modifies, Thé port la of chléf Imspot-- tance as one for transhIpnaen f 0f osi anti sait anti aitcommetrée la increas- Ing. Rac'ine haba-on gets $80.000 for main- tenant-t-and Kénosha. a îport not nrît- ly as important as t-t-t-uktgau, 1.9rt- ruîîîi t-d h- at-c $2.ut-t-c Il ts iîît- iîur i tlt--u-a t tiia litt' ht- Elgin, Joli-et & Eastern Ratinroati, o -- ttlttt --- tl- ttt t-i l , A t- t-t-t- i rt-t-; li- , t,. u t- t - ' rt .-t--- 'ttt----tttttt-,o tit-t t I rtt-t--t--I -Ltt--t- t-- It--t t--- o--t f ----tt tt- ý t t -t-t-t-- t-tt- 1lt ltt--tt- t- I *, ,,t-t-1 r o iI ý ITALIAN NIT BY TRAIN IIIDES MIS FORTUNE Vtngenso di Paiermo Bumped Slitgtly hy Express Train Causîng Handie of PîtS te Htt Ht-m in Stomnach anti inflict PainfulI njur-Iea-NoW at Mos- pit-al-Unmarrted and Hat Home In Waukegan, on South Side, Vingénso di Palet-mo- iro bas mot- éd on the section ln Waukégan for six laye, mas slightiy ljuréti Fritiyt- irben an express train bit hlm, causing thé handié of bis pick ta et riké hlm in thé pif of thée tomach anti necéssi- tafint- treatmént ai thé Jane McÂi- ister hoapital, At thé hampital Palermo mas founti ta bave $300 cash ila s alt trappéti to bis lég jusf bloir thé knéé, If was al ln hard cash, Palérmo vas vot-Iint- on a amitch frack picint-out thé 10e anti snov. Hé titi not sée thé train comInt- an the main lino andthir enginertiti not sée hlm, Thé train merély bruseét hlm 1n thé bat-k anti out of thé vay, anti thé engineer titi 00f even slav np, vhlch la pt-caf that hé titi not knov firére wae an accident, as thé compay t-nf ela ho stap lnstanly. REALTY REVIEW Oit WEEK. Tht- iLake t'ouuty TItie & Trust C'ompanly reports ertaietatatt-ttansfers for tht- metk' Ntîrbet- of Instruments tilt-il 72, det-ils $70.447.00; lbans, $26,- MILWAUKEE MARRIAGE LICENSE. Glioré G. tt1Cat-viilt-t-Waukt-gsn, local t-tSinger-t-agent, sud Jobanna Rt-- vin, West Alla. CIhIaîîkiiig (t-t-t iiv aty iriHîîîl-- fot-i the Cl liberal çtatrttimge oid ltîeyetar juti ast aiîd liliig tlîat the- îiew year will hrintg tluem every çrttsperity and<Ilaji- *ies wt- reniaint-jutit o SC1IANK BROTHIERS Hardware and Farm Implements OP. S. Satisfied custtomers have given ilus a prosperous year. We aim to tpe&"o. Oui-stock is good and the~ Orcsrgt DIS VOUR ROOF 0. K? ntatter li-tw large t-tr -mail ttheï nay le. iD The Prepared Roofing wc seil to 1l 0 iî,îtr tt--tîîer l thte îroll iii the bet iot-tl tt' [areandI -t-toes boinit-te iD witlt lails anîd ît-neîînît rea<Iy to lay, at 11w riglit jîrit-es.o jPowell RoofingCompany O 117 S. Genesce St. WAUKEGAN Teléphone 377 - RED JOCtfltim SPECIAL ATTENTION To oui cf Town Ot-den And Shlpplng Trade Teisphone No. 46 Llbertivtie Exchmng 13AKIIR eandiCONIFCTKbNIER Lobertgvâle MOTELS AND RETAILERS SUPPLIED jWE:DELIVER TO ADJACENT TOWN* t- Horses for Sale. Nilutsin Mpailow Stock Fana, onéesrnd one-haf ruile nortîr of W sucondn, Ilintois, bas contntly on &,hatd and for Pn le, at Io wept Market prie, a stock of ti l t Iassr- of lînrges. su itable for t-be road and ali-farm~ iront- ex ptre suddraft. uReful and aervleesble. irofh 1100 to 1(600 pounîI.. Price $80 to $20000. 0é pins. Cone f Mountaîn Meadowandseethe nnei work on thte fat-ru. Al accimated and avoidrir Oick nerre. AIl guaranteed on delivery éer epr en 44 1 Wacondn COL. If. J» 4NOL. t- (P With, thef cot "wY. t are iront glu tomu( Thé r show' la being et and geti Bat tr Met hall t itbtno% CtIDt-t- t-t Waukega snefin large sot- tige Chice -ý nJEoutt doaéury t Charles and (1S Inn the s'ai numt nember show arr Chicago t Ail of éd and i branche@ and, -com- t- Jui Chiefés émipregs B, J. Poultry Joliea.Wh barn vait Vuée ribit 14e. Tor at thé St IIPR4 TO Fo Promist AI Bath HI And prospect Téent C on Ex( colony ta Cro, caot of L'aire Co issues th Thé i ev-éciail funds te e all for ~The bat] during t t watt sy mtste -.t-W>rk t--adeu IM- nie ulvu

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