CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 7 Jan 1910, p. 9

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LAKE COUNTY INDEPENDENT AND WAUKEGAN WEEKLY SUN ~y sji.u. .~x v iti-issj. î~î. PRT TWO LIBERTVIY VlLLJ, ILL., FRJDAY, JANUARY 7, 1910. POUR PAGES ti~1 Fi~ Pi >ER YEAR IN ADVANCI. i (F'rom Wednesdays Skin.) 1 WIth a sî'rif's if caikleh and -ruas8 Oufi conlit liei' iiîad a hall a bic, k awaY. thIllinois l'oultrylaiieg5 AaelaiuîCrnally igniilied the' ei- - nlng or the tirsi waikegaiîl siîhtrs-1 Th 'lli udglng or ilw 1>i l i buils hat ans' rcio ieliwînilili a i- Il ujjlie- Oin tomforrow ioriîlîîi, The really fii-inil iiit,g iîî r ii, tenOOn, this iiiilitIl, - s), Iltuo blEtuug engatgPul tii ilaiî îg iilq*ir -opaj ad geiîiig thii linl,ý -t., sstii hbalte. Baller.%.ifAi,,,,,, iiîa lihelî est hall Inii l(. ' i 'ylluit ih ihielia tIsalnow viî-w [boili vdî's andîîl l CInter Ofithe'ltige ams-siiib)ly hall il *look» a îsl ad nuiSu-i'u ciieîl Th., Wauhoganlta' a Wlahe-s to, I.'id solfe liMPe 10 geoal-liliilt iS l d uit- -W iVisltth11e ahiiw, asJil lh riesi 1, ah U lrge andt ln seule i i'sîi,f-l luiCi itihian '1811. Chicago sho, whabîlilîh-adlias -ti seouthern Wliîsîi )ioiu ha-i, a ôoOstry mile. TWO Pamous Judges. T 'he ohlilal oiijlg i i.ýte, afi"i î .WIII be dlgnlfiu.l 1,i*ivtiiliresi il f Charles Mcl(asi- iif Ni-a l.înîioî 0 M i '. < S. lycrs offiaziei'î-Iit l .îl thie two judgeg for teliirdlu-,. In the Oii foplîlîîîuCiii),a) ihie .îtý ual number cf eiiirie i .îpal tii the flaýnmber in the atiutiî'îilVt1i-îi sh111W said te fthi. il ii ii, i llari> Chicago shows AI, cf the coulis liai%('- î iiiiiLi. ed and th' decoratleîs go iltue'giest baU are flIss, autulurii ea,,-8 and branche@. white ithe gi-catl litl warm and,' coinfortalile. * Julie, the Chamapion Hem, Chieteat amollit;uxlihiîs la o.iîili of resetlens, .J.Phillîlps orthe Rltok River POUltry ConPany. la the owne1r cf1 JUtI[a. wlio le a rosi' i'roui)awie cg- borin valued ita ,01 She teck tel, bIneriblions ai the .'ladigniSquare, Xi0W Yerit, shewansd iSsthe ainner1 illt thse St. Louis W'rlîls ai- snd the 1 I e e o * *-î * e e e i e e * o o o o e - o e o o o o o o o o o o vo o ~I-i Il icago sîî lis ciy ien'i'Ma iii sit JuIliaan i,î-iîr les Pi- lîegai, ii 11101iniiig carly, To li- exai i. there are 1.161 Cliti es at tlie shia thbus Ca, snd the efficlais wu'r,.k'.,Iiusy Iis nîrning assign- 111i9 ffla~ -m to new entrants, Compaiusons are Good. Iluge lyers ail)lîlîlge tii,- liiiglisit If issha-ilbat ai'fat a ,,)I'iy tiîîîth Ris ka AWyatiie.,u l-lidi- h, lanîd re-disand l.eghortts are ig--ed.d flie Wsukegau show lias bail as îtinyl as t1ivi'ica go showia lad. but-%%ait- l-Cati Pisacbicago nii ther ('asses, anid ' ei-e Chicago lîad oîîly six baCf Ceciiuî Waukegaîîlias oser ffty. Oletz Makes Showing. Gus l)îett. oii- et the largeât bai! Cin lînlrciders lit ('hicago, lias ses i-rai eutr, Il-sndiIina y ii i-s iryt bing In tlis luu -is, Il F tiftis.1nilîaîîd .ii'ue in \Via k "gaitiliai. atati i-r laitla inishnalîg glal) Chicago hartad M,-lNI itts li a a liteIi'ulîk.Ni atu a liii fi'atbertias flu- as Thee-it' aiase abite i 'aîî icli. blac-k ialled Japanese. sh1îu-. lîlar-andîlbuff te.. ins. gagnîe biattaiis anîd mai,> other varieties. An E'lgn lady. MsaIda Gachen. lias agil -s ii liit iigaine hautaîins, Alidri-i- Reluof ZincîîI t> lias fi[ i'-,1îsittaîis Tic-i-i.lma sbettî'îsuda u re1 CinUigni'i- "oîs dîsffiaY of gei- é-thati shown lu i lileagoe ;îîînua fu land u cipigs aie Ihalitias, lilttu' and bl, ar aismo Plgeciîs. file [f aîîlllandstîd acty- IlVi- ther varilies ame' t e lieeacc Soute ai-C the' pîreat abite Titiee carpeliiers ai-e'bus> lbu iling i m-iure-nopa oi- the show J I-iSialles uir Zion t'ity asîows lhi celciti-isof awhi te L'ghori-lis WNaukegi lias a fourhhoref al tlîî -"rtfii ls l the shows sud il la a big quto mi lîî el ber or nue Zioî Ci t y ai)) i-ad In ilh' sheaing this year. as or thrî'î' or fouir years paat. PLAYED A PRETTY COMEDYý Mother of Bride of Tender Years Calîs up Friend ln Chicago ln Her Chasse Aller Young People te Prevent Mar- niage and Two are Located at Motel Morrisn-Couldn't Bear Separa- lion Thought. 1 i îîîî i'(dneida> vsI1; S Ni I I, ' , I w aai h lb,' i i iîl nil ýoliig mîari tivil a tripî to Fbi Ida and Cuibuia Ih Il.,liairents, Willitam î i Si L-îk 2,i' ýarmalad. ai,,)N uiiii Wilslciî, iV'yeara îld.rail aýa itrolli i bel- hoeîs luWaiia loa. W is, a sliii ru of 'ilw au kee, s--sterî ay i mon, ilt andîlwervi nariled tri %W aukegai, Their lui> washort-is eil foi s teli- grani î,C aiilouni-i'ueîi i i t iwi jla-Clla îpila'u'd ilelu-ti 's miitlîî-î tirail andî1 Iwii',.y a cri' arrîl-l'dmaix oriick Ilii a ruaiitti theii, Nor-lii iiiiii.l a ilf),'they aî're îîreîîarlng le atti-lîfl a ihî'ater pierformansce Illt îîiglîî Tii,' bridegrootîî lathe soul or M1r. and Mus F. W.Scbeîîcl, 1»i'vlitu' their lproteatations that. they coul o teiesetiarated fr-oi eacli other, thes were 8eparsted 1"at nîghLt <'lari-ls E. Millier, a travelling salesi mati for Nirrisoti. Plunirer & ( 'i, 2 1 7- 221 Washington street. (Chicago. but 1 tliink Naomi, la ton yCutlg Ciii mîar tial vos 1ilil's Icaimiîîsa % wha, 55'- wlll do unîfl 1 îalk te the boy>s la In Girand lia îdSý >1 lcii 'ni business, nail sIiiOWl iniy lasuye i 'M, foi,) sare goîîîg te lidu llafoi the iiea ier next Nloii(lay,,' -iîoji su -cîîî.and mwe bad îîhiiîiitd lgoî with tlheîîî MNaybe i-e willlgo yeî TIé-> -iit take Naouîî auas fîuîîîîi, an yý a i Scit,î k ivs atiai tri-r e itsa titi,,ini a la go- furniture bu8liies-, on11Tiird LI KE THE SCHOOL INSPECTION What Ceunty Superintendents Say of Hoffman Plans. (F'rom Wednesdsy s un.) l ' r I.1 ilofi liai , aîîuoliii c-il by lic il-lariniiient ofpublîicijt,, ', - iî ied tire fClownalg coniîs. Iroquis. Kane. Lâke. Logan, iNiui'iii- Stasclil bas hrounîd In tiiîsî-eîîîîltlî-s ,0 at liols op to lite stanîdard ai tire ihue of bis visît, Put thi' Pat liai-t ot these sisita bau, liceitthe -i-iatlng îîf s desire on thie part of the sehools ho nîcet i-be i-e qtilreînîs anîd to e icre tiie dilloutia Nine hase met theieuiî'lrements mice hie vislt aîîd rece'lved tire ditloîna. A Ccv' stateîiieîti, takitihiflot, i, h letters ofC the ceuni> sitlerîîteîtdents lu these erourihles slsiîed show ibi-ir alîpreciatietî cf tieNsallie f the plan: T. A SIimp lsen etLak,ý - cii iii "MNi-. Hoffînan'as vlait teunr cut> lis been t licueats etfnmore prospect. ie iniprovements than aîîîthlng cicr donce, I base bar!more rals during the last four weeks roie dîrectors as],- Ing su at I thoupght they sbeîîld do te, geln luitre for Inspection than lu tlire sud fatbî'r of the bride. arrlved ah the years before, About lit oet (ose i- central po)lice stationt at 10:30 o dcWk porteul ou are getting ready for the Ini ir"pense ho an urgent teieraie seul changea ueeited to merit thie diplonîs. hlm at Mladison. NVis. by bis wile. sud On0e aclicol lias retîorted evervtbiug ah- took bIis Osugliter ln charge. He t00k heuded te. but I bave net hlime tunet ber te lthe LaSalle Hotel, su ile the! get te se tbei e e." liridegu-ooîî occupied B2o au the Nieor-___________________ ibott Hotel. abicli tbey haît planned te, make their bridai]ssite. ASKS NORTH SHIORE Telegramn Their Undeing. l'itiiYoung Coufle mat lit Lieutenîant SullsU"s office at Cnti-alStation lain iîtglîh anîd îeld the story ot careiull> ai planîs abicliwouldliai-e gonîv ilîîougb ithîîuî a hltch but for the exuiltatt tîegraîjti ley sent Ibelr pus relîtSa The brideiý a pretty miss. ah- ti-ed lit a fashloîîsbly nmade beliotrols- goali alîch dld net quihe reach lîi ilittoiii, tii i,' liai-lt sud euh-y lîîîîî,as litoli tothebarl ad plilry iolseshi- ii)) lCa o shi bail ciii wihîed lier a Illiv lie adei,îîî,lliî'îandî iarni,-,)away lber clthîs: Patients Te Be Put Tc Wock, 1 ls>* ii a basket ball teaul callel iiiîea ut gls-uîg aus alh a-cik iie' Siiî,'rs ' 5510 lura Scbeîîck. lu- liOssiliile tlithei'oivalescittg lpia ho i. is a sophoîoein tai. he auwiai.i. lFiom Wednestiay's SUNI 2 BENEFITS PLAN 1 0F ULD O1W UP, FOR TENT COLON Y i1R9HSfM E COII Robert Ingall H:ads Commit- TRICIT TH1E FIYE1'ONIS: SI teesfor anceand The tFroui Wednesdays SUN.) It se dellniteiy attîîouiîced iliat the Joit Griffth of Lake Forest yestem- land bere descrilied wilIt be buili.uf jFALSEHOOD ABOUT COLONY day liroke the ilence ofCas int ouit witli realdences aud la fer un ftb~e _____________tell wbah le back of the big Five: pur-pnee. Points lanîd deal. While the perchas- Wherg Five Pointas . Gui-nec Women's Club Planning teris of only four tracts et land are T he Ftve Polilts la tlie nanie apt- GîeSum oC MOney to Colony. ,~ knowu, Ihere are shîll 300 acres estehemtigosvrarod Teld thât Tent Celony sa Stock C.OMdMl optio001 and the lueanlng cf the a mile auid a blf southwest of North f pany and that Stockholders WOuid lbig dle al. lnvelving about 50>0 acres, loa hlao and betweeu Northi Chicago. ivide Up Money-Colony Lotes as Resuit of Alleges Oewnrlght Paise. hood. (Freml Wedne'sdry's Suaut) Tlu-1 ioki-t-i.hnii It1iii,lids Iii iti,' i)IUIîniittgî'-foii lu- br-îcfit dancie te b,' gliî'îi ailuai> 20> hor tIwi ethit cf the I.ak,'I Couiti ,Tîic cîîis istiî,itini- Itobi t Imgals isla rlan Or the latice i nnitîîit,-,-aiid ýassgivî'li uower il, allel l) ils ousî <ri-» of ssstaîtts. Th,, îlaîce a-Il) bu- belli n atle laitery i Arintur> snd frinii îesenît itîdîca- tdonsî moll) bu' fuît> as sitiees8ful asthe i %ius il il- ahîcli i-as hldthe lat- ti- Pliait et On eher. t itu iet pi-nilta of a hî-Sic iliiiCitii 8:7 Roerut tîîgalls lias aise Pcv-,n aie- îiculltf'd Chilrininsuofthie îoîîîîîltîee lu iliargi' îîf theb' a agenîî'nta for lire- ducuig Th,' Patastre.- the play whicli a)))llie 9gueh iathle Si liasrtftue- aici i-a'i ivJOiFebrusuy uv a <ast ef amnateurs for the benielt e f the tent r-olOtiy IClarenc ie )is ci was aise niml]O ii the comîulttee anîd the twe sliflited ail) ehosi'lte third member of lte coriitlte The' officiais of Ithe inîtli lte have recels cd îfortiatiln that a Gui-nec. 1wouîsîî s club had recently planuîcd te Iltai-e the tent îclony a preseut cf a s'luOf nîeîîey which the> liai)on baud. itlmlarepcrted thut manme tnle Infornîcd thetît thai ihe Laske t'ouify Tulierculosils Itîstitute as, a stock cinipan> sand thât if tiîev gave the uuolisfor ithe 118e oretht e tet tu-nony COU RE S DfI.qTPJCT1 that f ui Old tue ideamnth stOckbolders. Av a rcsîîlt of thfis talseltood Ilie> hanîged lbeîm planse sud doîîîted te moiwy i-o soee eh- i'i case5. The vstock eîuîîauy shoi,3 t8a' auabsOlute falaebooîi and lias ln hOîîîdatieîî lu iiiutiî The i-ork cf crectiîug te liatlieuse lias Pec s-cy i-yuucb ielsyed becatîse et the îîîuîarirval of the liollet - shlch a-as sill)ipeoe,'tbaîîa moulu age fi-ouTuscola, 111,Il1hbas Peen lest fln tri-st and Up ho thia tinie .cannet Pc lOushed. Ti-o ottii,'Aailla of the lieng wll - cr-id ot-mre n('-e erelnuive a sig'l an u il> litthii ul i as been st,,tel, Thebeit ati raicl- i ii'iî dis ahI l i areul uutt ore Su) iglu a)îcol, "aud ta-c weme ho havi-redric iii,,'dîuluu Ibs ysr o gt mi-epractiî-u'ui Iis aftei-tooiî for a Came stLn f'n u,.tlii.iiîthiedci-loii-k te nulitutin tnutuilt)h le ari-lvalieofflie îio-,l-îailei utftpatienutis. lthe'boock aillithe -Sticces, i-î'm cf Muilwaukee'lau nilucv'lath clang Phuiler.- ahi-b wil) bcplaced]lIn(thc te sa> concii<itiiî h,-creahicî of a )basculîenth The' bathî bouse la beuug! k(ci-eptig uof Ilie i s, i hl uitt illIii dciii'th s wau-e). I cet tilr) ah6 ocleck notb shore' sîgu-sniIdliti-ci: cou stu nid d sicoi-dl ig te t h i Ikon iii an i-xln{-it Po k'îu' iw ilPa- ibis rmonirig ahi-ir i uuug ask i al o ,a, ir>,. ,lt in i('n s te f( nv t iiw l oiiru : i lii ai ithi ' cilonliniglu sud rusaed niiibasket b ail anuit.vrhet'lh0)1iIiia o uleitstc ViIlbi bu'he Chil-agou 'tbuilfte-itlditrctuih ntreustin liî-,ltIiîle a1d lite inileil ('liaa-diii's 1tail Northt Shore- peuptle-why lu, i Iittic-and tc~helookted to us t1e îuîîpaaked out italth nuics'lt)c<ave nDothe hat a snilI sectîin f the îîmî -Ti ii orîuîîîgii -u-sis rg hIlu t I)îelooa-i-k x)li h s, vI hiht1t iasa taktuîg ut,,lisuket bal >ti l ecmecdietwe. lhi nterwr utew fsu it e sc-hec)l. stue, ast oh Clark sr', ti-ei-eety Es>s iessiIali e umuu-ued tcat thk, pi ovldligplaces Ciii- jîtîcnttandîîlof ('hicago, should lîsa'hve (Cuigres wllh111 coulîncd ddedce perauol iie ( aîghl theî8 05 JO vcti 1( car cuit mon aotlthe ('oig-esiot-sal aîpor- gruuuu)i., fi-e- fuia uiî'îhb etbutý ,f rihysicians nt oui> lu theue ý ocf Waiiwatecsa.and au Milwaukee wac tiorîms'nt arraitgi'ol s)as te gtve tetlreuîlvaudtttîelgîgaI I,îl ili-iîugleut thîs nemmutiuy. W, uîk atri -fr. kgai, We geiluîltb Ditict. retireseutteul bs Mr.- "any licyCuithat point. arc certaint there ail) he no trouble a liteîsî- aud i-ci- marnicd by Justice Bouileli, a couple of cii-y wards sud tui Lotiî Bresît. eue of the moset pcîiaiar i kccplng eci-y avallabbe lied fil]led of the 1I'-lîîe James Mur-le ai- r. M-Fess atiother ile section, su ougîuul o- hcgt b as wlit desîmatlhepatients Vie hope - ct-ock. At 1-30 'clock ae suaited 1addluug te It a longtîg retch e oru icen a lpatient at he,'celony for ciglit, ihat before theencd cf the yeai- soute Cfi-Chicago> aud hbee -enuteietri-, ftnu>iletica tile North, taktug waevks-, lias gained t-euty-thnee - provisionî ail) be cmade fr the mai- hOtei Vit Ohave genme te the show - in ail eh Lai-e coult, and Fox Lake! pCinds lut thal lenglh of titnre. le i-a aînance ofi a viiting nutise un a8ssuat if >oii: aîînrting a linger ah Deter- Districts in order te gci- enouigl popt- fr î uely employed at i-he Nortli Clica- lis iii ouum i-cik li beti-en)ng bbchernoe tuve Honnsr, 'badu't got 10 the botel! latiotilx) mak,' up a D)istrict Con Mr.!go Hardi-are Foundry ICny'uyandt <'ndiiorni cf living in thîs corna Jusi- iheu yoîu duO Posa i-ho ]ives in te tweuty-fith i-Il) lie able t etcu, ut hi bis werk lu iitY. . ---Wîre Parents "Dent Werry" aard. lie sprtngý Wltli (le exception et these i-bei After arrlvlug ai- the bite) tîîey Vs'beruthile legislstîuîc meei-s t e e willb)Pc ltle change Ili the offices or, sentuhetifillowiug elegrani thuuibt apPoonth -e State untc Congressienal BOY HURT IN RUNAWAYj )ielli for tlie year wli-lite exception ýtermtesadIJs ititIbleetennhCnrs' ihat Mra ikulielson lias taken (lie l mie m otbr "aom. illud In uat Dts itritele ' liul he eCongres place as dlettisît tli plac'etofMn, ar-ld oui ui--ymW)) c iisinalDItrctahulSliun.e)c Milwauike tomoi-i-<.- norti t o the Chiceago cîty lîilits. taklng (rmWdedr u. Srs. Wilson umîîedately caleoiai l fcheten Oh hwad.T e, > illahen of Ai-. -arît ic olu We aibtitciptc thai- 19111 ai se u bbc long-distance elephene Henry C.r teni-l District shoîtl,) le a distinct o ihadPrwsciial n cicar et any dcii- on thie ]andor, ik381Pf Geeaene liNoi-tIi Shore sud Lake ecoin-ly niai--, Jiied i'serday ilihe i-as i-uni buildIn81gs e Goveeveueunder don bnaiustruyhoretlon.-i bulig o ne osrcin1cago - a rlend. sud aaked hlm te 1 let-ii-with Inlueresha alîke as i-be> ai-rea. h rnss>hre1eo Prom the pi-sent outloonk nemben- et h .H ondte eitrdThe Congressan oi'ected for thele)ig tii Charles G-ery the onter et 81cale tiiethe. He Cennd hbeie regiatercd teni-b District shoutd reaido cotuvert. the Geery bakcry. The scîdieuiltook alulthele tPe fuetbute]wand eccuser!a1 ycar and miauy lInlueutial nmen roieam h tosn hll u asdlently Iccated uot thîe line etthe C & tplace ouiGi-een Bay ruist Tlie boy outside et Waukegars are Inerestlng(en m-etN. W. Ry. easily aceestble te ail., h ul e uOCa-,seeuetltd theisevesIn he orkanddoutles rs.Schnckexpcte ai anry e-The teuititDistrict i-il) not neul suy 1 e was take t o the esideuice eh Dr. liaving Inyestigated iL. as Waukegauni ostrslion fi-oui ber father aboutlha portion et the hweuii-flth i-i-O toRober-ts. people have donc, ailîl coctrîtunte1 arriveul lu Chicago, maIre up the population ofthIe Con- The prluting pres othi-e North elmîlarly. Endoameuts, bequets or SDn' e hn u)) ilshî e- gressienal Detrict. ibis emal Portion Shere News Laiter bas Pc.en slilpp-! gifts are soliclhed thal i-e may ifn gdo iueatSlia.o hctt-it adnwIcue d te Mlwaukee due tho alleged fal-. oui- werk sud Increase coui- efforts lut film. Wilson Inch theît' tai-Ici-ci-ylu te tentb Congi-essional Dstrict! une tai nuet obligat-ionus on. t aterl i-be figlit agaluot i-be Giest White phiîosopblcalîy. De cuubrced bis abotuldi wl-h the oîben section Pce a t we yeau-v. Whether thie paper ahIl Plague. daugliter teudeul>. lbut îefused bis part ohi-e nintb District andi e de- continue or îlot la uci- stated. Thse Thank AIl Hoipars. besslng. sîgnahei lun(lie uew aisportionmenh paper la wicl lacked by Colonuel De,1 " 'Schencit la a fiue youuug ellewansd wiei will lie mad1e at tise next ses- vidson ot Highland Park. Thanklng t.ioei-ho bave aupprted Idvui would lie gladt tehave hlm for sion oet (le leghisature. I belive tbah Tho Deerfielit Township Hîgli us se velu la thie isat year k-e a'a aso-n-l-Ia but or my daugbter's thie people of (he North Shore toi-ns Seboot Aluni lAssociation whîl give yeur carertul luxatgatios and co-pe- age," sait Mr. Wilson. "If llise were sbould make their demande ai- once ltsi oconit annuel lhop St Ravînla Park ration for th~e verk ofthUie ye&r aind two years eIder I veuili have sent for a repressentative lne ise x Con, casieua Baiurdiay eveniug January iSili Wi.I Yom I al a preperous and Happy thor M'Yuni besong and tg"e. oliqt myu gres.Ho ahoulit Pc a NorhShoreateil su ad Invitations have boeis simliy that:- and Lake Bluff. A new community of r'ch main The property ljurchaaed and under who desire country residencea option la ail on the Mtllwaukee, or ta b. built Up et the tFlue Ponita' Grées Bay, road, whicb with tbe rogd, ta that when flelt sprlng th e a- that millionaires wlll bulld frellititait les of residences le fininhed the re tDannd aileh.g- cgetn Highrand Prk Nil ieCha orite location for sommer homes cf cagete Hghind Prk iIl . ma n oef wealth and with the. Five continucus chain of palatiali mal- Points deal Put tbrnngh and the rosi- dences of miliionaires. dne p llletercetsrti The uccsafl cmpitio oftheof res1dential road la thse world cel- 'test stanîPa John Griflith of Lakce For- culating frouatihe sta.ndpont of est as the mort succeseful and ex-! ildîidulojéa telîsive realty operator tli nnrthern Il- The-roe tIsi maetIs lePtt linoli,. uae the MJlwaukee roedk the. e.mda People Who Bougllt Land.. tinc etyeodarB e * Trhc' pirchatiers of the land thug far don hîa u of1*itseni tWe o«t,1h.U aniitînc anthle tracts tiîat tly bouglît are as ollows: " ertyville ruait and tIse la".Vbteep road. Tlius tbIs, tracta are eonUti%0r R. W. LEATHERBEE-Sqin-ln-law te o lated and (the renldent* m"' il1 , I. W.(Crafle of Crane & Compîany. the heart cr the mnt dooli aud Now liaR residences at Lake Foret exclusive territory on thse nofth slieý end ('hieago. Buys 178 acres coin-> prising the Thiomas Dîvyeî arte or Guo»u. on Osais. $15an acre. amountlng toaSt. 2e5,te810eao ts le9ia and will liuild a palatial country resi- cfaine Grfftheaiesernte: .Tbat deîîcc on land neat spring. o h rfihdaswere: 1 71M tb Baley Company wU, tMe-im li R. W. LEATHERBEE-Buys ln ad- a.reong om eh*q dîtioji 40 acres of wliat la kflewn tears onpe pen the Hamilton tract at $100 an acre, or ~thCane Lompan.ywift uuM 7teý4t $4.00.lies holdings; t>'at an CHARLES F. DEWE-Capitalist, course Wonld holie tell, 44 hw« - ofC (hicago. hiuYs 40 acres oC the, dozen othors, anl oC, jtwhchiwrii àgWN ý, Mllsses %Iurphy place at $200 an acre. While.the SUN pinto4aa"ya«rio4 or $8.000. it alec prlnted the. rIgh one, 5i1làO* GEORGE BOONE CARPENTER- thse trat ta appeaur. Resides at Highland Park and lias a: C'hicago residence at 149 Lincoln Par boulevard. Buys 40 acres of the, NMisses MNIT BY CAR IN SNW i g Murphy ain ah $200 an acre, or $8.-*' 100 . -~John DeLovsg et NosIW-ij The twe last named ih aliso bulld Net Sore*o- resîdences on their land and plan tlie (From Weedewtyg SUN.) -~ creaflon of country places. The John Iaged 35 "d # a 1'" building Is te beglin in the sprlng. jdent cf North Chiego. was Land Vet Under Option. near 8: 30 o'ciock atrsselitbjy'le ts' Land ah tlie Fiee Points now under 'car under mysterieus cirqmsetucq V optlion definltely. but ln regard ta Fcurteenth atreet In r*Cl% i-h(Ii ne announcemeffs are made ais The man appears te hav.e beqrtx'~ te lini-thasera urther than that-hhey lcated at the tnie, RIf 1a *gheè ilIt be people who wlll liuild resi. about the bead and bock.#,j dences, are as follows: dues not know how hi e sttk Wý.$4 Upton trt of 209 acres. , 1 la belleved that ho si*m iWlï~ Gartiey tarinf 150 acres. near thse tracku and vu slttS.* Smith farie of 40 acres. escape waa mlrimlaool., satisfaction. You should aim above ail things te gel an in- strument which will not only havc fine qualities of jonc, but durability of construc- tion. Such a piano as thjs iti give you ful value for the mcney yu spend for it . When you are ready to buy, be sure to i - speet the instruments i-e offer. No matttr what may be the price you wanttcpaý1'5we can stîpplv you with the best piano obtainabte, .or X~ 1 the money. We will net ask you to purChaseutil -~ we have preved that fact. You have na g1too evervthing tn gain, hy seeing these. pian e ~ioh mary ynu have te choose front,and the lie range of rc , 8300 te 83te Goloyer $400 te800 3WSM Inor.PIaym'PIa. W1ERE YOU CAM Sm lm p Yeu. do net have te <a..ta Chie t at.»b.~t lisie sehilUsaet *«*ae CABLE f&~ TiJI TUIleAn ~AT CIIICAGiO DOTI Ilifhi IIIJDlIIIJ IiIIflIt). William Schnock and Bridei JU~I6 TOBID TO-EM~ Fifteen Yoars Wijl Be 1 XPROVEMENTS TO BE KEYNOTE FOR lENT COLONY Promises Made That New Coi- - tages WitI be Erected for Ail Funds Gathered Bath lNous. f0 Be Completed And Water and Sewage System Installed Prospecit is at 1910 wîll see Local Tront Coîony Clearetof ebt liand on Excale .nt Basies-Cedars te lie Plantae Keep CoiS Winde of Colony and Groundes sillie Parked '1 Croate Recreation spot. (Prom Wednesday's SUS.) Ilu inhe with lieu SUN S aîîuuîal fuiî r4ot et Waukega's Inslttttionw uhel Lake Cotîty Tulierculosîs Insîitite issues i-be folewlng: Thse Lake Couuty 'ruberu-uloals IMattute, dîîring thse yeam I1910,. illi erea ail the cottages tba thi cati get funde to ereet, lthere bleing a constasnt oeal for more roocu thon ae have. Thbe bahb ouse walîl le counpîeed! dturng the early spmlng. .~water suppiy sysîce snd sewer-- - ge e)stern wjl lie inshtuteitat once. W>oDrk ai le legun early on i-be .#Jrdeueseuld k la anticipa-cul (at obetcaIIy ail i-be proituce needeit for fthtie colony will lie aIaed lu aen, u. icci-ok w811l e puti ~fpuiatô put (hem lu btter f ntOly frem (lie standpoint 4 gteut by arranglng g and ilby plant. - ao tise ves the, west1 ne-hai tly esn ockeof Frederick C. De Lang in Auth- orized Statement Seek Dis- trict Reapportioned NORTH SHORE INONE DISTRICT POUR PAGES $1.50 PE EL

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