s --*' j 0 -t 't SVWXLY SUN 1~~IQ. 10-TOPARTS LB ITU'LLZ ÂKCOUNTY- ILLINOX$t FEiDÂY, [ANUARY 14. i9lO-î2 j"Pageo erteffla setn up and clOWn the a4wtli ore. iph story ln Lhe Apow* t èe .g u arplorts te deai wthtltie agied ireootal et one George Doughor. I~tIatMU. FsaiV'ty tetserly et Aaltand, OhIe. T ~ ~g Ah~u MUtr M» toUt ho* LeOodng Wtehlm ývow nt t Runisi.,- ad.4 %t"im t remaup ho Cim Wff @ue' Mm #4&v.buahoup b#bho-obut ho aMU$t tM me fuMES. 40 vrel iýg we -I otst a the. cm- au *0Iduofvte0Gmeue DmlllmermPlia fus, briam in of VardaOlourhtem«iievO ~~ ~~~IUo e .prom v~m.I w ýin .eu. strom"" ~ia4"t vua M MoU ________ tuté»a 'lies g (rbIigo, fote .& ammnte qroOdi eem -titt our euetgsd' Fman uas vîwt cigarette in-Lhe *Usse ils bacithene aholi h. *me .aboc tote e pople et Lake MWe16udi" etIthoir pollticuI.god i.ipft t cly-Uiaibout eagis; lat ilucver litile ues bis beai CWsoea", çeiy prpoe.oetgro- ~hf, lta lo mcii c. ilbIsp,. ii. We«k, vacclIlallng c. Mhfa malter Io na dîffrent titan by-iSmiiyataadl h. takea it ollo. appolatU nluLake la every tevu vbere tere t for the paos oce. Mr. Weait- Peaà moites goo-goo eyes at '«dé« thon very deluierately guis 35iii ola itIs Pncitot îa? b.. Volait te «Ive. r. Pinchot a dffJ vICIs a air remmittee..thon thle day, atter lie nmtter vas MdVe satfeIled, ho awltchod. I e iane hIy, you dont iiuov vsy, IiMM. Posa £oI ou1me vy, h. 9 iil al b,9I as4 liairieng it <thiiW»T er lu h lvg*gp *bat Mr. Peuai. duilp tule 44iM t me«a oytiageeway ý-tb otbor. the gentimenneyer muushm hlaitamanimach. HI» lir, citiag hma voeo aay tr'111l at«Ori Ofet Laie oouty and M' 0 fw thé ation la ter eue of *lbwi u. us. petIfsi,: Ho = loomt "bot Lthe mater, se b;n VOt.ai frandon. sonmone Woed blm sul fo1r hlm lti e atïe grh bee suurged.', c4,uon beau 1mOn the vrlsl, and Our ovu mos Jiaoke . %d. filr. i amtu e oiplain.. 1. aM net digappelat.ed: This le - rffess. vo alf 1mev Mlm, as ho l llite yeurs paat as he vili ho iu etim@ -te OOMe. W, aivays vote 'liEr Pues becana. he Si75 he la a ÇW ft««eMin. asu v.bave, alvays Mm«W bL. aut If tMr. Pos' attitude oputtas tatespihp. be lea te e bv. vatchout Mr. Foe pOiUbsiien mhe va. lu la covuoou «nty; lu twa.vo bave een1 M W, echoke andi OW the vic ited sua hmsiné,oi t e " ji in. lsa auet9Onges hietuustoéîpro ta0 u cougremaby a q'n4viieso oy bld t Omènet hm beauate IUhiec i u iec ',iu.r. ft- ot=un'l *a kilgg il :iiiiiîkwp Trbun. un vlggle1 ila rigillji s john praaek, ham o mdm charge juat a fev days Np., la eo .thle valtcimen ani ghit eieve or oas a eio.li fer the kinig of Packiingtevn have earned hlm se0 munchtaver tuat Armour la undertuilazie I defense as a revarut. Aithough lio o hn a -yuar ago wheu iapped lcli' Hand titrotu worm moie tgp blow up" th*t four: millon dollar Armecir mansion watt fLaki For*e t' h &am* guard ef ton spociali watch- mon 1ha1 was put, &bout 1h. place thon le miii on duty and vitîle the 4eof king protenda to laugh at the &nenymous monaceo b hia fairy Palace, watchmen, le hold thoîr Jebs, mokao ptrols and ring ciocke wllh the regularlty cof machines. In utarleg contmu ast iis l lteh attitude o e beau te iebeet trust hiit. Attlred In an ordlary-busness suit. clainerous ef elerlng aa'd topPýut oi viti am avorcoat et semé forelgn inoite and et rougb appeaing clatir. vesrina e veiathm t ia boy la the îtoialpére go- Icm, DOuht.r Always Witb Hlm. Wlth hlm aiwhYa la Ise daMgiiter le- It..L Ah.- te. him teate train. He Casa lotoe th Ii. amkr uattendeut. Tii. girl g0« es th i eutM odrd'e tegel tue IMItY MaýIl herseit. Then site la dICVosita- the dreain mansien, bar ta- iber hut fer ber et te clt et several big fortue, Lomel>/ 0,1v. In the. Bvenlng. lu tue eveli6g lMr.* Aruteur contes Wj te Lakte Forest ou the Club train 10, thecare et' wjhheh.plays wvile, or,ýwmie other car gaine wlth otite, mallîlonaires. G.lLlng of.the train et 5:131 busteps itol a alelgh aut vitit e loue deacb- Miafer compauy ho makes tue drive te Lise Amour ;p&e In the darknuss and aiOng a lonelY mail tiat bis frlenda insila s emenace te bis safe-, ty vitit Is iaek et cunflunnlation Ot -uY kind,liLs lacliof ettLLers,ad te na îlgbt tact titat telepitene and elegrapit are the, pot a long diatance off. bu boc T"i meat inilleOnalre 18, hOwever. strauglo. nouchalaat. sud in cempany vili the te.m* ne intable cigarette aud bis business ogiy ian placnsstaa on baing the prlvacyt et . the trip. vut te be eèw Occupy Pull Heiik. a ohoMol. The manaion tuat tue piciter bulit !r naui<s. -for hlsm, dughlul< Loilta la nov coin- cmeii tho plOtout, but tla l Iot te say tuit vont nesu. bau cam, te an end, fortfhere,,ire ai- ,t Laft vaYsa obaugesaut elterations. ofed sa ho Wonk vol pro" Ili' nover end. "t.ii-v.ae lapus.. desaNow. -e l'h.-o.,.Juil uov the voritien are bualeut gmat bar, vitu tue.'Cem plOtimOC etàa pensée gardAi i bsluev-au"vitisloWgeons M aInflaceut amd eooâltcld up vitit GaUmp. Japoneé-bridgres,son Ihat, vie, thO CManialn. gardois la doue Lolitta wàlhave an- ici ,mord ater.talry dream onte truo aud may vovyUander amntg acOnsatgPWRal oft-la- la la errer Poo.. er oves 01 a .apan"te IPlat. a"4itg lI fuHi dealns rom nature. SuildIngblier a Dro.Icey.ý "WephËaof ethte WillawmaNor & - ~Componi' hav e sis mlItd thibarmd ýÀPêR vcrhet building ft. gr'b'okey frins a photor4b:' AdraSkey la e -t OrUsuRuisto,,. carrilgofota pecular pat- lé Soeen in and tàho faYoredut iglter et th. bkë.18 Uleniea f Piolitovn visheutoeafor &P M6e k 'luler weatber aut tue ancov Osorge drlfts, se perfores the . tîar lt- th lit aouttttlser. Hevis eolSi 'eit tt e O*oeooô t tise vorkmen ie Oef the "RU.elU pattern fris. à _îauaý1 glosé. VII. gow* fw 1"07,M.0 lxWwule. goi isThlii..t«l osto- . Te elee r mÏm- dAmounts of Tii bIsaitbouda voeFUa mmteo a s lite w OMWL= 0 crie. Whoe are lb. j1ieW the MIL boa# roquired oUtaldof lte tevu of Woukegau l0tho on.evlcbmust be Ille4 by Fred Scharor ét DeorBelE tgvnabtP. lMubond la fer 8241,000. ylii 101owlng la dhe 11.ofet 1ev,,coller- tors and the bond whicii tiiy muni le fer 1910. Towuship. Amnonut. Collecter.1 BtOne-$ 92W ..0 .0ý.Arnold Taft1 Novport-$24,000 .... Thos. A. Hogan1 Antioch-8,OO0 .... Poreival Dlhbuii Grant-816,000 ...Henry Cushinan Avoqn-$33,000 ....John Chrstian Warreu-$31,000 ......>.,.Edvilu Ray Sbleidam-$295,oo0. ..John Spellmnu tlbertyvllle-$64,000..c. P, FIsher Premeonl-$21.000 . .Phllilp . Wagner Wauconds-$26,000.JauBlank Cliba-334.000 ...........Aug. %Max!s Ela.-li8,00 . ý...Henry Blere. Jý.- VeÏmOu-$.10,000 .... Herman Abrechl* W. Deerfieid-$22,O00 ... .John 'Yore Duerfleld-$247.000 FedSchà eter COMBiNATioN MAICE-s MIILK MEM SUMER Thsi tsCl(imed wmsle Produeer Advancoti Prioet 1511k toe OtMa- gin of Profit, 1th. Standard C01DSmok Of Cent Produots Advonced Rate on Gluten Most whichjels U.d ait PagE' Evidence bas ho.,, ebtaiuoul 1tu New Yarkt city M;lah cl"omd uhlcit shews liai lisllI trus, oui le ginois. trust. lu oh ot wbich lte Standard 011 ,,ouopoly WI lterested, aet loge- ter ln raiaing sud 1iowerlng pricea. As a rmoult, the formnera vite snpply New Yenk City vlth miliiiobtaiudd practfcaiiy ne ohm re vte-ver ln LIe recotit ris.s1ln tue priesof thte product rOm 8 te 9 cents a quart. t tue Mmen.ime that Lhe milii trust effered te terner a ornit por- contae .oetLis additilflione cent pro- lit. te.gucose trust. viici th* S ari,. ders rail Lhe "t.,d trust," advanced te pries et gluten ment. Titus, white ging tue inLit produc- er a lîttle more 0rofit vlth tbe rlgbt itbd' t.emonopoliste extratai just abouithte gagne ameftin tfreminmt lh tite lett. Stotkhioldirs ln Ail Cqncerne. Ta the traeutLb glucose or 'fe.d rust" la kev,, as the Cor,, Procluctîs Refiling compauy. .Many et its effl cersa nd dîrectors are fidentical vîith these of the Standard 0OU cempeny et New Jersey. For exemple, Edvard- T. Seltord, James A. Muoffet F. Q. Bars- 1ev ad Cherlus M. Pratt ar e nenr et tue dlrectoraLes et bot corpora- ions vblch have LIer oficesat 306 Broadway, New Yerk. Thot Standard 011 la deoply inter- esLed lu nuitel proven by tue tact that the naines or. turee pretulpont 011 trust ntou ver. gf vo, as stocuthoidera ithe Bod., oompauy lua àcarstc Sieod t Trenton, Nev Jersey, amaent- log te au Incroeofe capital. This Incregse vont lWutoaffect onJly se of tast year, visontho Borde,, captaitsa- ion var eniargeairt $ 815..00te $30,000,000. Au inerea in lu mliic v aecordiugly made nocessary te permit the centtumuo etftue saie rate of dîvidondu. Standard 011 and Milit. Hors areLthe tiftre.Standard (MI slockkheldera ln ttu, Dorien Coudons. 0e Mthk ceinpany: --Wealey H. Tilterd, formeriy trema-, unVrr >« the Standard 011 compa4y, Whe olits ,000 îbarea. Ollarlos M. Pratt, Iniastner et the Rockefeller Oltmnopoly, Sund aise e dlreotor of. he.feed truil, vise ovno 625 abares. Henr'y Tt, Rogers, outil bits deatite rlght bond inan et Mehn D. D.ocieti- er lun tbe nit trust,'who 6oet 800 sbires., vitu 10 asharee in te naie et bils siegenqi H.. Jr., maà,ai beocug. tt tebs'i Wecn& e 9g< ânert s thet oi . ite oiutle'vileis siip mlii ho Nev York '7Wo*ïg tu te teut tou aigiu 9,Y« t4ffl *aflw eomemte Ermu M.n ~~~~5~o i =Ilîe dBU~lBi tae.i.'ta.,.sf àl4 ei ïZ. ýà et Standard'Où la15 sown byte wey te priÇe .« stock feed vas jumped uituultaneouiglj viti the 'rime lu milii pnieus. Te,, yealz n> let atter Lb. go ck- eteller Iutrest* optaineut contrei, Lb. ferme"$ aoctu tuix amioalfr $9 andt $10 a tue. 'T*"1117tyVo years 'before the. Mtwado'mmooy they mbeit l endrilo til Sm u 83 a ton. Novi iL la131 Î,a ls., zien ItY !11Irfi.fum ota support Pumll8V Awot4e enNouvel Pion. WlhbImP >t*èùvaa nero e:nmplyei as1 M- teuée et.- ltee " 11cm le Mona 0117. lu rellitamte, have a vit andtliftoe chulutiierewbirnli, hére- fsteasuppoit. Plakott tlu eonsld* ormedte b.&,a of k< ~od charaMtr eud resld.u3set finCliy are et, e làua là uiietoad' vhy le adoenet sUPPOt hMa wtt. jsd ehildren. Ho .0mb a gono aryMe«J' fi able La support bis fambily. Pikolt dlaims. It le under- etood, that h. vw« nover legally mer. rie ta he eWemaU Who aYs sa hie l ftIRSI P0ILTRY 5show 13à0 Entriea in Woulcgan Shew, Mak- I ng It Twldo as. Large au Any l4old ln ZMon City and I'lorly Four Timos as Large asý Kenogha Show-4mta Variety end Profinion et Spécimens la Noteworhy-Open Ail Day and Evýenings ta Crowde. The Waukugau posttry show et te BLtry Armeory was dlstinctly vertit wblle. Thia laçta~erge crowd thAt attOnded te exhbition Frlday nigbt aPee4llY jeund out.- *"i uever mev ltere vere nse many Phlckens vorthl n&e than paOalng ne- tice ln the woerld," aalid eue lady. "The show lt-pIVeudlut la every wLY," agreou t t* taorty - Tb, batL*ver iield lu this d*trlct ter dibi U generalail around streuglt," deciai'. edtefnder. These are seainetfite cemmenté heard at hebshow lait night. BATS RECORD POR SIZL-' Thé show beatSa ailrecords*for aise. IL waa lndeed a vende, lunoeyvay Led tihe ma, vmen or chlld uanablo te vlnd a vay tbrangh the maxe'et alla etwuen the coepa aud net bear,, a lessen ef dutereuce fer Lb. great Ainerîcan bu,, ceuldu't learu auythlug. auyhow. There wee, clghly-ninè exhîbitors lu tb, show. Theru vure 2,000 feui et ceopage, 1,. 500 teet of vhlch ver. Opratt ceops, and the rest of varions moites clown te the klnd made by titre. carp.nl.erg ilth L.show. Theru vure between,1.200 ai 1,300 spucimens shown al toid. Thu coOaýp rfetira suid are rang- ed a ILtlIe beiow the belgh t fte eyo on tresties thal niu acros eths, bail. There are besicles coups et te aides and et te front and bacit endts et the Arutpry. PVEATURES 0F e5RioSHOW. The tentures et tbe show mày b, nanteu as fefleva: 1. The exhîbits'lncluitd ohckun., turicOys, dclùks, un.., guînu hons, ou-&ls g, pielsaïts, rab- blits, wlid ducks àn4 gse., pool try accesorlOs au bois 1leand ma o ter accesaohu. 2. The gimerai stOaniard Oft he hîrds shown waex*atmfls hlgh. 1h. show wu$ rePrpo"tatiio oe inevery way and mit a oo fr ehows.6 3- %WhilieKenesha b.d e -nly M5 entroa ut t.ls how,'Y Waulgn fhad WAUI¶BQAN IN -4358 LKAD. As nearY 'as- con bebu enuWaue. Uan lfls leute exhîta t;as, te num- bors and varlety. UEWry Wgnkeggà tanoelo brepresentet4. Soevonelghtiis etO the. tovi are trom, Lakte counly aise. Neit le WauitegaA Z!Éln City Is liserai ln" relresentatJég.. LIST OF O0itCESs Tihe isHot of ficers «ethle show anti lteé Illinois Peuitry i"on4fýrs'Associe. UiPu la 5au tellcls: Show bfmtupgrs-Fraek Burke, vite ,lkas, m anaged similarshows for '20 yoagrs snd wha bas Lb. record ai lIait- 109 a Pouit,, sOw- lnvateer corn. SMunily hé ilves. lie lg tu active charge and inekes Ah oxCelent aud. c bd»elead-er. lP~,?@5O ott ntiggr -or04ll5WOttgt ~tkt1puUc er me sihow, bah. FLfll~IIVL ~'5.~fl" èjjtin soidie? id eut off. fl INDuS TRiM.. -ceNT!R .. Th xw tu M Sny ptsto tor« #thanoneg On. Thing iReanne gte bc rien* ila aeauts. bas eve, bÉe,,attacbo* ,Tý > te Get Roil Peaiîti.. te Tracts tib"o u et tii. iitpiCMnWho, oVorc thse aIe UnderOhoetyalt n md Pest wlll r1r upÇt-U 10 Èacii*VtIUMan, ad hoUay erCbfIaano Who Hold imasrly "e - laeorytey4d Wea, tErne SeeLc-Détàllu art Teld, but lniIt 44l Se_UMà~.s okitOO g the. Bol. confidence. nly. WblIo netau OPtionjbas beau takz- WOSWUttO, 4Pi bas lDir béai p«bile,« 0<5it~ adutralosi., nrti te ii.4w two i.~ Y.'oasabout a mile nti weata emo teTenthatfflt district l, Northt Chfi. thé IR~<V The, only bar te thp projffet#bat- -r lxatveEull of S1* ý CV"r hth.' t ct t he *ij'j-t Maloft0<tho comntteonullfW* lackns In rail 1ac1lt!esanLd t, ' 1 te '. ý .& li* er ho remuedled il la hoped by arrange. anUPipx two of Uà,2 ,*tfl Mont$ te ho made by the Promoters. niiwu et te iu Chicago Capltalluts. i%0IYir111e ird o Tiie men bocki efthe ceai are Weil M OrWrt .statlng'tt he eUnaé liev,, Chicago capitaliste. who.e sin-b"d liepareil te the bc». îcerlty la evldqnced ln etiter çgesethey melOtvo Utoildt et Mïisaoti, 1idis have Put tbrough. cated liat ho Weuld off6t an anwSl- Tb"y h ave tlIled matters oever Wltb *ment , mi P t.. IWho mec wo wld bu lntereted,-aud--t hAt 113 expecteil that tbe,story *111 'break" t la taklenni tÔamedauat ln detaiaiment any t rne 1.,nomas Itlan undorstood that muet ef the land la TeDfI 110W oWned by the People lntereqted. O -Automobile Factory.CE â The main tentrse* i ldt center whlcb IL la hoped te cêt aBy tAtseng c erUAm 1 he first lnduslry whlch viii aurela 15 0vt ~by NMllligen *ltfn1«'W bu located la a tactory te tum utL ew Wrogc ià#ý1-roid 14iagh*g«,1 automobile accesseries, the nature oe.t pvîl Otbs, "4 îw Jet.WS wblch la revealed. but net macle pub- 01l aI ligre0 Cgb 1L0Y ie tak"and I. .P4êt 0t C"-of- e 11ev long I f a, o.*te mater te materilalize la flot 1nown, but the. 'VýIe' W10 5taIe ORinowxbib t»U eutline oethlie plans lm correct admit. facto 111tee Cam"We M i~i tedly. Ptiaa i te Uor1Ih sboiieeWteý%* son oAuto toi vwroimthe PLAN TO RESTO RE et a ua4p p4èé OILDARMY CANTE ld, nd'u ItIlleit as titeugh Lic e el rveted te a'esI'yeu choie about lte saleor dispenslnget Tiihe u.sahW webp lquer te aeldiers .aetNort Sherida.neflt ove, uU 4. t",W0a vIli be-vlctlm ef an attempt et con- u ieathotogoe~W~ greaslostal blacksnlitilng wlit a- cold ho: vith ieputies bumW le Iqie 11 chisel betore Lhe prenant seeuint ot Wàulkegaa1poli". rail te 40*li b -r congres@.-la lermlnated. ilu tydi..' ., Saturday ln 1hthe usor etrpi.. Thon it vas d$acv*ffe'ho hhai tentatives Barthlt eofdMissouri been a gtlldgt Ut Lk »MI« . .& announced that wh.n 1h. arnty ap- etand ,~prooedb* lht.wteqa o4 proprlAlo,, bill coen, tp ho will round lathe Oy 1*0,0 ne the ?rio oltar an amondmont provlding for track. juncovorbn .i ft tii.th thei. resteratlen of the a111117 05fl boy ball tort toleing the egôuilof atj taon. telegrain, they folow,& t le te stii.e Tho ainendinent If It l ever rOally und and finally jiot a eepy etti. eta. affer ei la bou d te raie a sterin local- grin utm . an er ly' that vIII put te bluait thé PInellot- Thetegret ai as rOmi te boYti ta- Ilallinger row. ther. It la sanid, euh à110la&teS0boy Situation a Quser One.. te fine, 1he. olcrs Bei go te *etat In many respects the situation vitit place, vitere, ho woold iie..talm e" r * regard te Ilquor at Fort Sheridan fis a of. The offlcero <eicewoul bm lt e queer one and there axe se nîalyj place meutionelg and cptuow hle. ne forces, ail wlduly spart,.L n the gaine vag taken baoit te Miohligea. Th.e that it la hourd te b. a sîzaler. -1 fater 'aise may suffer. ,Tii. girl ini More il§ a sketch ofthLie ailgument: Lb. case la aald te ha. basa but ii 1. Waukegan end North Chicago Years aid and th. oulplIsaujesàumre are bowling abeut thoposlble dIe. lad. sllen 0f a 110w Highwoqud htW..n ______ .Tecth and FPesIrntlh otreete and j TO PiQ4T7 0WLTg PLAtUg, Speint te th. huodrodaet of ldiors . Elght Weil lCr4tnewn F tit.sare Whe n*w rtsort thora. Thoy rnlght Engaged . ine4 io* AgoMm . ».> laver a conteen te lsop 1he.s ht dursn.erl. baU.A-sibtementf laai ne04tl' i the 2. Wmalan dose noflOtlue adl National Aseo&aUe.s fote.t t dlr. hart endwould laver adli- tne t uis elu.itt ail thini ta ioeP tisonsaway. resýing iet ring ou t a*ýte S.hdys lfur t01mai r mil.e îrt~i and one.elghii1w wlul ,d b. put te ra £ rdraS, U o 04"$' , inik afoolisi lîlI-wltha dry aune aielorp lstior. l b op4t SabouCthei fort and llquer belg n t aed nntt4s sl nsid ud. h.fort. ' 4. 'The prohibition .north ashera, 111,04 t it t= *OÇbÇflm b.*.n G.0»Peint and Eva . uary 1 l, U1.mrw I etoui and Fou rlenth ,treet 1 nthe n onau *su1s. ",& North bhfoogo wôuid bc brokeli hton o anmpttcmam 'im4 cI.lit erg alseli ff meIpt* 0. Thé efflceuraand common mol.- Liv. -"Urltno diery et Port Sheridan laver lt.e tcm.taçigse canin,, n i hev. sald sa ln many ;lied ef llstitanllen. oeen Interview* leai s-l - t he rt.h~ o iols canteam wofirat aàIIhld. Oce t als il. llghweeod mai ontortain the Or-r f-Sde@ hope of flghtltng the. Mil. na' an odom éâ» fet ,e n KnIghts dt Pythuis. Olglth làwýwlth lquor dispensa opLroum « May Ovin try te gel bock th. prl!.l- Rut gitta ef C&dlue. logea tuaIot luhr .olllae njey; that Ferorse .Anieta eoflcenalnig end rogulollng lpi. sa- Icone aqd governing itIef. ~A my Ofilcers Paver. WAUUGÔAN RKALTiy AUvEil There la ne doubt wbatever,-tiiet the The Lakte 00111147'Tille < uta"F- 4cerf,-m -ha-vrt tow e d e., reporta Rose alle t.traiwefg, ceptlons.,favor te arxyny i 7 Ieweek. Number t o - the, ent..,, t e sldler la seved only fllefi,173; De.d, S1#0 beer, n6Lýhlng atre nger, an&. tue ,pro. >1,7.. eeeoda reli the.beer, îobqco e6 ýd *Ut- ~~Ittle..ofttue çgItep 5.to * a e t'. ' ~ ______