CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 14 Jan 1910, p. 2

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LAKE 0JOINTY INDEpENI)ENT, FRIDAY, JANUARY 14, 1910 WAU --------------A --T- ENTAIZEWE LL-KNOWN SEMT ER Eletman, ofthe Nom]l 'WNru Born to Mr. and Mre. Linnenreyer a D! A IA Y 1 the Naval station sinue Christina and il 'Jol..gil . rdaevrîr le vommun rum inai t ttire formner super-. o a il .MIAC moetadAetMis. Pauline Wildhagerr entertained August Brommelkamp Born in Ger- ilitendent fiaeveredhirrr.rtu witb _ - heL .C rr Fia viig any November 2. 1809, Died on His tire i, rru[sry f Farmn Near Barrington in Cook ____ ____ e d I Ro w uudan d disocaedI. roomn hall bewid~ Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Burlrrrghame are County Early Wednesday Morning. HR.IL do ---' and Vhat rrîglt Iaed n. ros wjCiipeil ilriued s te.'home ' s vi grativeîn Carlisle. Arkansas, al Man of Temperate Habits and Ha -- ---- ------- Ask your doctor about the «m:d od md dent rit urild ast ouday at12 42p Il. .reeovered ftont ber surprime, howeverl emnSix Grand Sons Act as Pali Besrers. *'hrleril rwrlrrHg eol wisdom ofyour keeplngAyer's âD&rwwbrn tire large vruod porclh on tbe riar snd welcomed ai] and the evpuîng vire, MNs. G(iggir1111. ri, e iJ. t it Alumii lAscnî<atrou bar iivitations ont Cherry Pectoral In the house, féeding 'and of [)allure Brus store broke away and vr'pliatl-sen ncad dpreseut ber danglite r. ft.Il( k . rutîrîrekmage orrss.-onrhannura) hop al kavrîra &M e .bahiW came down with a crash.It was o il. soial chat@ and in tbe nidst un behaît The EasternnStar bold tir nsrrtaillar hurrrud years, two nruntband tel, d a, parti.Satardayevenng..Jaiiumry read o r c ds, f cogh isr il lon ad 7if wie nd asfatene t futthe asemblagA MlNlieyers with a ition ot oflîcers Fi'nday, .Jan. 14. ilý 1îhiehdid 'r liî Cook cout lutin sarBar- ronhtis i h syslts the building aitb îron roda. Seing few Weili eboen words presented Mm.they havsinvited r.heir MasawrrlcBohrm. iCI,,, o ut m ix ',o(kWdeday mr ilgon et a otlshow it b eavily ioaded with snow, the Meyers with a fine ent gloascaruport The report o! tbe deatî ni Mis. iatoce hyfotsow f broe telon odean li tb etirvbwicb ber frlends bad brougbî ber to Kimbai's ruother at McHerrry w I a The drreased wa as orn inu rerniany at Tire Ladies' Vernron Cenetery Associa littie foresight ini such mattersP structure down. Btit fortunâtely. no ebow t.heeaftseî n bw hicbsbe vas held mistae.She vas very low but ia Dow a tinte wbeun'î1îîrruias devastatng Tinedi l ettern N. dan 0 i loe, al rsmut al ue ons bappened tu bs undernestth and, by tbem ail. Mra. Mayers tbanksrq ail convalsacing. Erpadsny er v aehrbers reiîuested to e Li resent. thus, tbore vas no tnntber damage tho~n Most heartily and declared se adl Mrs. Houas, Mia. W. P. &bhierdiug, of vbere lie bas mince reerded . W.W.i.h.î..b.r. 0* M OUDi" StiieMu tbe wecking oftbAsatructure. ejaysd ber bomne in Wauconda and Palatine; Mma,Almagmritb, of DesPlaines; Mn. Brarnrnelkamp waisa mari rot eery NORTH SHORE._ neye ha mos psasnt rne thn etened be aneai ! teircouingood habits and bis pipe, tiriehrlire In thre ast Friday'a edition of h r7%aealv .sAfn siyaCaiaGadnrnbcaoTusa.wsstrongiy attac.hedfurniahied agrean riS)racus (N. Y) Journal, appear a poem in o .clc dl u twd Mr. nd m. B 8.. Hmmon ener-deai of plsaeure for tbncenturian. Thore riwrtten lry 'Samuel J. Beakwsll, Cbicli,.uben the vitroletrouble La due te sIàa 4*IIDUI1C for cii tatintid the Thimbie club by baving a vhicb s&IMost bqartlly eujoyed tbe menIoadlamaluLk ntybtgi8riiepenimr fClnllve.W rl bleyu w dc MeV watch meeing New Yeaesette. The_1>6-119_______ciareasan______misaitoadosaAMnotwkoodoo!noAnguat ofolignât.BJohnmi. J rrn W t rr Fl ClrypCltmo!t, ofbftIg vier i ieiite ouyou tbaanan ccuilioasidoos in < T.. wtbedeté ngrN:v Yem Lema nde. astheehinggv nig asan afore &Blandanarti, IllOde e s Pis viii do suach boy& sàgreut an i asth nlngb b_ te1r alkamp and altbougb ho was a very bard MhaBred l'art, III f A Irving, Of Northvited W Lake; Dr. departed havlug spent a minet enjoyabis Herbent Chamberlain was ai rcert Man to get acqualnted vitb and tu llved l in u iod -"e erMe . . c. --. x.0.. u. eL . - oùu nde Flier, E. W. Brooks and M. 8. Ford. evenng and visblng Mma. Neyera mauy viesllor t, bie brother,*Julius'. thorougbly underetand, hbe vV5y John (iriiittb, ai L.ake Forestbas moli $àal 8WAIL MUons Thesbouse vas prettlly d 'oated la happy resurus o! tbhevtent. r.CriDriratnedtehgl epected byhisi] ho knsv hlm.teLkeirrstgae eredec soispesataliss ~ evergreen and red satin rlbbon. At a t 'ral f Vla, inst week HO vas tn goori hsaltb and lhatook anu ot i i rtiear. ert Chil fat@ hi5îta borantiona sting otuai kunde o! good ed litbiood poisonlng. Teéej ctive pan inthe affaIra of bis bomea Henry'r. B. 1i. ire -and r t eOn. tngoutilul 5UPfP5othi vsrvddvloidTasaand vas veny vigorous until sbortly Mr. Scheler wiii talecharge 'A g o Fus Oetigou tire menu vas frlad New ' Mise Oracla Murphy vent te the city Mma. Titusansd babti, Rutb, bave been aliter bi» bunldredthbitdyNo.2 ast rd ..Ir York conts, dons by Mir. Hammond Monday vbers abs viii makre-her borne on the ack list the pat vesk. 1l09, and hie decliieit a@ No., Marcb irat. tàs for vbic ais tn amaris. At tihe close o! vitis Mr. and Mms. R. R. Kirnberiy aud Mn. A ichoîzar was a business coller et continuons ines that date.I~Y~ ss~s thesuper he enteme ves a~ ~ attend achool for the balance or this sceneyiatve ndy h week te t he eeti'asen &ee alicaiedCr., i& elle, ery eInioerire alen Triey. deealed lwa rrnyfourrrieri ens dsceased lear.ea four ebridren.d bO liero1 tc rd heuswil MllinoisCo.. ty of Lake, sa. 0000 tagIle a toast tc, vhicb Urey alsbol&R.Sh iihamset yie Thomas fRanyârd, a! Chicago, vritsd tirs. Emma Landsrer, MNs . lfink. tiscka s.cik - e i. iruit Con- of elske Connty. rsaponded nrost willlngiy, the aubject of m f nd uthpe tu aee ber boulre bis sister, Nir8. C. M. Fosket. last week. paurnan and a daughter rn Nebraska, 11.y '-b«thyka" Okto IH liodenhauer va. Henletta mmt beng, "'woman" and a fsv of the onofrecnont viqîte. h o e np. reir5 ~,aieirne.Aiet olehae. ade rspnedt atos te Eanl Mrmtt soid bis vy team aset 1Mr. and Mis Irving Pay,v.f Rockes- rs ae a th eandii.xý~k, -1sia aX« IL Moldeubsuer. Lena Meyer, "men." As the passing of the nid year Chcg o 30sdi Tbey eplta leave forîniai, ih d bis wife died enyyargo *athât Melster, aud Rattie Loge- approacbed ait wene given a mysterraus' theru loto the city Thurs,'Iav. a! Jauuarv.'ITre lunteral i ii Le bii el, tIctrrkICIN).i's1> .l~ t~~Ç3a eta. Gen. No. 4483. package vrapped in (issue paper tied 1 Ba1sca Satrîind sr tire birririil nultaie plirie t uFiWlenotice la beneby given that with rid ribbou, aud 1910 wascertaily .tesilli li taeig'elrhi retgv Irnii. Fel gren i'i'lriiloi.i i sixcgrarrnd ~iiryMarr. îî" virtuè or an orden and decres en. weiconred by a ierenade uif bornus and rsauin etran rîr ropirirgttetrriei tthmon.- Iii'ieFrîavall ive lmr cie, ed as tire uta I rld'ic.sag' r' ,. r ý'...ilr, -1sri gll In thre ajiove entitled cause In wbietles long to ha remembet'ed by (bista vurrgbt Theichooimotrin ire irlofi rtl,-i i r . Twltea ev(sml ,ýy,_,l il Circuit Coiurt of Lake County, Il., joily club. JlaiNri enrn. , i Im trpeieri ,'r.rr l»ii'tilireal sî'rv ', l lý ie- .DNELU RCO PN ut the Decemnber Terta A. D. 1909, the NIre. B. S. Eammîrnd entertained tbe Colahnarirke, W ru hiireia yAftierý The aounrg peurileoiii lire '.r init3haeS14in r El h. ME lUberty COM.PA.N srvign&ed, MasterIn Clrancery O! Ladres' Bene'roentSocietYoaitire Baltiet sed îlafe a irepnoiîrte . ti rrrgarî r i i liiiing.ivi ii n irai i PS ir \iNietvle I Soli Oburt vii, on Wednetsday tbe eburcb at dinner on Wedneeday. fieuds litiu i tilevage.jerlrre'ieti lireiî icrne î'rlr hl Se JM day ot Jannary A. D. 1910, etNrtrndtirr' lareuîrgertert.irinir.leî5hiig.iiiiiw . ~ 5 t fil,. bror b n 'ic itealr Coming the. 'lana Gaylord. leckwa tbi l ir roie ir,trrrir'r ., iiortrir ihîrîdl i rr rurit i ',rkiig ntir.iirgi tu1 19in I. r rîieiitr11F. B IR T eOur of sl day utthf.e North front Concert C., ab tire liaptiet clinrch nex t Tire ticit nîamqeiir'aderi i(lnrofiitire irriur' rut Rtound iLake. XiiNelri t'ir liii rîe,.il Mndy svening, Jan. 17. iio i i eli i Iki N'ilooaSmtoftikgnbs i h.ti1oi 1MAU CTRRO epeGrova, ta f1leTovn of Vernon. Our people viii ho piea3ed to hear tbat krrdavi'rerng, Jan. 21,19r10. ie rrtrr ie iurrLina IllNirm eeirrrrdin rue'i.%ii-. C>ity,Iminis, soi st publie Dr. Davaonpassed tbrougb bis opera- trchestra arl lirrurh ti4e mmA AaJ0ei iln teIel0lieRle op1' tie TELRETMKE N EALE n r nt tir.e higseUt and bout bilder tion auccelesfuily t the Mercy bospital gaod truie i'ustr î I ioatnr siJner îgteie iini, tir iteoLreaililiiîîi'. itelri îiîr1, rrîrîril OFi TEWL FIE SHOMES NTH O R M rl sootâéfolovlng describeil lad lu Chicago lent week and ix getnlng The feed milI rirhi Lienrlreted sd Ranodd ribu neye. i rarrrîre" hax. c crase W EL D sAs Cha. fr Iom tae t-vit a&long ntcely. runuurg in a week.r rtysl a o atetr451) 'rire liîrtia tînuIr nira iii Mimms t 'e oaàlsixse. amnd BOas. find th-Ya- fses 15'en -4»-ureetscin3,The farruers arcîund Ivanire are gelt riepeýmofAt' Jnir 2) i H2~sd A-*... UtioS. M y15 vy ok fE thug their dander up. The' asseet tat Mse.rre r r arrr If, 1 icousr taile yovi loto my, S43 North., Range 10 Eat the elub wiîî mllii an tbelironieoutltires torimas ai Brecktor, Mas==.,sar how FouDescription PrUU* Mridan cn-they are wihing tu start a creauirny Mande Meyen sud tire tajîci, iiirem,.*A boy caeduily W. L Dougllas ahee ara fortyý 40) aces moreor lemand sevenal o! the farruers bave îraurised Hundned Ftoo p; n iepo arla oçd ula," 1lr e .~oteapifl. o parel ! lsnd U M e a be $400 or $ro(j hriliranre lleeit 'anti tireheu y vouiri resUs. vhy tissy hol »ot« lici orpaengo lad raolheont wlare wi \fm&m i rsate. vldus tton &y amy oThe I> J ~ ~~~The pisasure club erjoyed asing and ga î h uubwI idwt Ne i iss6 s. e og ar4, ~C repnec oile safoow- omýeeb L U I J Y O MNAuna Dix aud wrll have for a srrij.i't CAuiJTION-Ssia. ___ __ *mtlk went cor« of the southroya gond tm tH. . W. Neyera Tue- AQaes eeig-l itiie-th k iO .. a ' dniy er'nin te neitrrmeeting wiliLwb,. "A Qnaker&Mee;ing» b Wauktiga of the souftir eut quarter i__E._icard___ s.The firet ana etn lrh ikax T 1 r . To'wnsip and Range s.-' roetie Richardmil 26 Ge e eeS tilaer . nortir 4 cirains; 1îT HE WL E TeLadies Ard and Cetn tary Associa- lPruedi c agoPotenv Asc'nn a iii .'m.B.Clb MrnileCo "«,t usn; thefnce nortir tiou meet with Miss Agnes Payue 'iburs.h bl) uCîiario MeiaFLi M . ob Mranie .o giot 4 links. tirence veat i o! oeIl veek. A sio. weighirng tell prunrs,waas hum LIBERTYVILLE, ILL. imil50 1in1rs; thalese aoutir ___________________________________ Tue Junior MNissioin Society miel wrtb Snniiay, teesiee 2(; ti r. nd rr@Mt.i_________________ a uj 4lnh; tbmtce suE-a----- ti r. Daelpb this week.tirlîraru Carlo of aCook ircet. ~T 1 u~ and 60 iuh.; trae5111i vlSmt rre el ut nie v i n 'di F re rerar riuts ,îîîiinieii a ' (et vellrirst cbbbms thelence eat10 chaîne stucSurprise Party. MiesDutchen weut ta Chrcagor Manda! l this we,eî csrit fora diorce ftlirer liushanrul ht aeYu oS ob% o tbeglnnlng, containing Mra. E. J. Meyer vas th@ victirno! afanhere esle wrll rerurar fcr a weelr, . 811 Gnirg'rW. inratallatronl.attire NHavemn Warki'rs Lake I tl#Àbh aIret cfiand more or lees. very pissant surprise panty Tneeday niillrueny ordere ion berc'ny [patroun !iabeldîba ieutitsd-'Lak î'. nil~aleges .-iinuit', as lien or Rent? Do.xt rik enein a .pen-unrr-evtii h*aU U A I.CLARKE, svenlng vbicb lier lbellantd pianue.) s Mes. ilI)IL Murphy vrited Clii.agiro 'aayrîrr trs!il rour Thureb urriAnrd 1I lvaslii eetýIY tia 13-4 Mater iChanceny. cieverly tirat il gageuuinr surprise. frrends Mîîeday adTuesday. lut tîre eavy sntiw and) the rand.are L sa "'le a, ý o loi i - 'inri..t ir- , tur a soi iredif 23ited Dieember 241h, 1909. It wastiMra.Meyer's birtbday arr.)Me rie n re.BJS afrcln u ui htn rcnatn. en ojilili, uietlj iýý , -Lutni 1 fo > iie Meyers decide.) it vould bLe ie to Inyrte day wthr iVaucuruda relatives._____________________NORTH CICG, ep. ',cairailteru ind iai s'fit, hntie ,rAi . Trhi , 7 rleIiuin Ia "ad- ZION crr~~~ a fow frisudo te celebrate the______________________ etve-nt.i-'uuei n einueitic. ucryiijar Ha2cridNgy sCIdtTY.vtaroe Woodenran Installation 1 4N' P.ETriheiti ai Neigfiitiiruein u. mi trie îîer~ \ ,il 1 ri yeni ununi -l. ertsiei Tii.' SI Wngytiair.) EheinvAtaLiinsÈ IAM N AK rt ivlirjlî.r. To,ýy,îni.,. L,,'-ii'.,i nai.. i nn i riu aud asked Mis. Kent ta iuvîis u t 'el' TieiLa'ru' raluof rai' i.'iae,, ciiiiienn i. PS.1 *tt "olft els.outfoth vnrg She acecrdin guyintlaont hrIat on Tuesnlay br eriaer l Mr~* lsad Mm 01>.Hawkinsa@esit the did sud plannen ucalling aIî une of the e""e.Jn.I a ru Iligwti a ir iet w mit'ieh la atiras al21 Ce inai]i aiiea aau1li ab D . i îtu. tri 'ii.arn]n.. ' ie20. -iy"iiiiîi I aitein ticA .iî lema.t i iliiili cicrad..lildru rein.a,, V The IiYaxNeiibo. a d Kîd.)r ;~ra. losablideya vltrh the Havkins rigbhors foir a ittie visin. lu thu. rîrean 'n Iechîe rvr neia. un r 'is el' m 'îile letaiiTeiîia rihi r m i',,îîî i r'nt"mi i.iîe~ rii vtin. .i.ii', neieni ..equri im nkBue. turne the guesashall assemble.) ai Mec.reparîed aud onuijierm s sairela ore.tan .days wrtb fieud itn Chiago fasit mweekle stait îîîîîrîty Jininari i tiiatic ni m îttbaî i ' t lii utr r!tisijelt'e nile I(rliiî.e aur muni-yrik ecr'atever. They 550 ,X wpoole vlslted the Biddlecome Nsyens bornesud tir. Mns aMeyerry'eacaufnlin ttu ie atet ie)r' I ,Iar,' rr îîirn alii i n it I'lntinlnteIll airi1 rani isl jÏ"F& tronand snjayed a- pratense a! gaiug aut ta lodgA meeting Illea.Ia ,W.AV. .n beaurteul uctyînbnîi i asie-an-' gittIirg aîarmg uiennng tingste 'rei'iits Sqtiuare CeinC. ,. fl sheir s gs~'tInret.Tirs pupils pre.. bâtdturne.) theiligbls loy and awaiting Jh,(Irr reIakrW'. iEjward Utîcva'tltî'n reti yi ai ficeiy. diii Jdil. tniiiow.p Laut ul 0 aieutr u isai. Asd lue toucnhecr, Mis. Hastings with the borne coming aiftim. Meyerx. Tiey Hriir; h'lToaotn, Sentry oveo ot aaain al ntiIotlrtna od elt A ut ecrus.mefini re n ."]ler BnyEd ad not long ta vait as upon rstunning J.tM. Fuller, Watebrunan;, El. T. Cri, Arthur Raimu.) speut Suuday wthi any af tine rKrent cassec tnealeer. JPPSIHAil druxru -1n. . Deoou'a tsoaismln l utMlieadRb dyfoin (ha eveninlgs cali tMr. Keut as ~Mngr rDaPscan. trinende ait Lake Zurich. iug rapil nrdî o il iIlibe iîougbt barrie ,th.ammîriaîlSdsî trisSrearthe rai. Su drafineala '~ uévlh hIr parente brs. filiiug excuse says, «wby I bavent gat marsm. tir. Lucy Cougb, Oracle, MiessP-. havaei~oue r.bna and ia aes, i leerel bv abto!sdafrPana utemn.Emily (Bates, V. Oracle,;tirs. M. C. Anme riirbr ted. b uafwrav.Tr )ia lnd Agent C. M. & St. P. Ry. ev.ý': Vocsevibree bis ouns bito yod o Ncaey aera ou-Smith, P. Oracle; tir. Orfa Darreil, fumerai o! Henry Fcddier ant Fairliel. . are aIea aon tire rad te, iîeuey. ioIonsm nurt hun iia*mI lime maklug lug." aya tim. Myesthats tua de;,ir.May iok o nTblo bsMtiaoor àdtio !bis ronds.), btgs' creavnhmead Recorde;Mm Bar arris, Recelven tuas Anuie Toues us aasatiug tirs. Bora te . iasd tIrs. Trorras TI rox LIBRTYILLEr oeoknles us aliTeboos ,éot'o oi tisliio o te oas.bal, eutuat ote svas jhome asirl'. M. Arnela Brand,. Chancellor; tirs. Henry Kane with ber buusework. a boy; maîber aud cbhd are daing uunon w r.17Open neweriuan emansfilm eetbes'taldompanY frOm Kent had pians.) and) accordiugly came Loretta. Seymour, loalde Seulluel, tir. Miss Irans Brockmano la ou the sick uicely. pIîran tirves udr, bOnutl6J3"0ýdokbyas rlgt aven vltb tir. Neyer. Thsy J. DoweiI, Outide Seutînel; tim. Jesoie iàt. Pouerirs itn ordati.fu sviiais ~as~Bgs, i auegnisenteait.)by tbe rear door an.) the reouraSeymollr, Manager. tbree yeare. Paul(G. itaybais reahgried bis position morneans a w imenrt. I fraontlmehndclair U olitechr.belng dark they coul.) ses but dimily and tir. Jas. Wells ha.) to go to the as achool teacher and John Hanse, of! peue.rlistatiomir -' M."ls .i t~ s tredicorael Mra. Neyeras eelti rs. Hammon.) ait hospitai st Waukegan Weduegday for Rockeelerbas taken bis place. The P_ o 11,lnpsr eeiet B nt Valiris war Vietimie. back tesard the door wben surprime baud ou wblcb she ha.) a elun sud tlis The ladies of Daruoud Lake wiul give J~~.Ja,~6 12. S5ites.Wl. I' O11»tedferg waallefd onttr. Neyer aas shed) Dab.y Day. LunmaTYVILLE Lt MBER a donation an tbe resideue o! George W'SinS5.kOu tsf sud y.1 bSb~ isr?"ibcon noIedllg ainan iiigC C-16 Raye. Fnlday eeeuing, January 2let. I amn going out of the dry goods businesd and No.l20. the îeatl Ne.sForWonmi é&»lIi PItnd. navered A-l - Proceeda viii go for the painting o! the desiring to close out My stock Will offer Rome No. 8on the idasrs N6ORo.SOuEimý, bu ozeb a T uet AnEove 10 5<t L1ioad Lake cbunch. a4S mlW auj g et peis" At tire concluin !acbldi'en's Not thes Usuel Romano*. YORK HOUSE. L' a o i cL x h o ' performance ai tjui Miorruna e Ie eceotiy une of aur muai fastidious au.)tirsEllîn Bacn suddaug. b phn roeseldsMe inrrman rosI young men booght a pair o! overali tir. adM . EliotsBaRosandrative ,;.PMU«Mk n ilwlth a ii nIstun o h u-au.) tound In tbem lire name o! the ter, Esteila, visite.) Mn. an.) tir. Wilson to close ont wîthîn the next 60 O y IlW ir e ging lai sncb osço rall u ix mtrnkfor taepur- s1ewing girl wbo rmade thems. OslasI Satunday. ____________________________________ pDsYo!pruorhg te trm apum.He tery prumptiy viote ber a letter Ms ad lwrauelie or Tt%; iho la golng Alti gr brur. agt oiemni bhalthe ettusiveneas ueceeanr in neen oallier Waukegaiaenrds ast Tînrna 12 d.rzen Suite Men's 75c iUndeenear tlins neci .... ........39c ,t» tie.istuttion, and gb air mais vay. and.. the fond bcbng .îul such s case anti1l) due drne neceive<l gene t*o Week&-.Cbkcago vide ennugir toacscomuiodate bis su:. a repiy, wailci. buever, vas vol.) of day evu.nnng.'Liii' trtate.) (hem ta a 1(1 dîzeu $1 .0011andI $1.25,l r es andi Itic t lierclc d out ut ...45c etantbal body, the elephant laid doi'e the romance acual lu such cases. Bers cleigir ride and ehumr i ope nle Lde'ar) lrde Siu ie2c lnstO bl x Itln he pail, pick.) npithe chîll wahi hsie l lm: "I am n wurkbug girl, Il Io (rue. bonie. AI)rfl d las.)rey ileasant even. (.iuting Flauvel at lier yard .. ......i. ... ....._ ......5c E loeoklng up fromt h. Irunk sud gr'utly li.) ber lina e plis bot I ureke n gonrdliva'ng, au.) i do nue t ig. LB-ye' Cape ................ ................... ....... .. oc RUSSELL ço I*01 nOtler vorn- of satety. afleranard rentiiiling ut118Jjour care lu cn,,,ýýrînaot suband, as I wonid 'r.[ir e 'ar ir' d i,. .,et)' wiIl mu i t bilr We have a lit of L.adines't'ir(l l.'lrti e,. i S a',t.'ru liii', t 5)ecek eý bleacaistuId a bnng. Dey lu the lrump for ithe vater 'rNs. do If I nîsrrîtiie sIlliy noodie w ho tr.terî ninmidn l ->Ilt sOb* voudd bave minster Gazette. cul.. itr5ýtrcdinnin girl be neyer sasv I.' Turcttillî Jann n.ti 11),'t191n0a! ChrîdeeneStirtr, Niglit Girauruandl Skiirrtîlu i is'.)mout .Oc . ilelbu e. ut lire pa- Foolish Wemny. o îiiui t m itidunlku nfliiers. 80 maiesofiiChilrerr e Ovrtoee izes 1cuIl ii 1:3,inner ine....__... 0 VWWe 10 brS glibbed & "Cililale. le lîrure ntua3ufii a li boa' ni' cerd gutInlufina~l; pilr cf aven-tr ik1 uu e Y r 1 -* " for hlm iis te h. hîio ooo,-ie. r'vl"ilo nurtl tLit m iIei1 do marry. If ever, I Nis. Cbaity Hair irua le onr tre ici.N'rthliyi ii îîy nti-uknîîst Iiti,. c'I.risn e Iont t 1 gne- o mnv GE IR Ratw, The Go.. CIl.rks ernpIoyý I;,nue tinsrmati vaY Mail Steuagral mnentalCI, mitious. ' ha made, ln city ar sud !rée ii tw the lin lia Burîdmr FIRI The Gral GRAYý. Frida' C Morr hi mi,1 I,.. 1 lier cou'mi lid Tuesniaa ise I tirs O Tnday John, Bev. I <.Welc' tira. 1 in Chics John College iis vîsit vi -,' Tib*

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