e. -~~~~a elDut Sisal Aspsuanmus......t5c' riv ......... . ........ ......... Mr ...........os,5kgs hi ... . O.... c Pi~ JELI TRIGGS Ph... 25 Phone 3 Try Time Buckwheat and Atlas Flou r SoId by Eu ýjSeriesanïdGee[ MercÈandiSe BERTYVILLi3, ILL. ÏUIW aboltthe set,61 bis linen and uuder- tci binit. NO :Man eau uMyhi 118. w oIalsow-i bbthroat andbià VIs *ohy -o bk of Wao Q O-date in m)able,,il prce uLe,Iu1 Mu i* is oit te .51..im thel vitie l UlM LumbetC " >IM5èM P..boebe vI hbue huua Mr ls-geais ik6tebsisg siovly., mrs. J. WoeWlpg, ý1U obés bus. lk lorb s" i~aé ve vesks, bas fmpraiei -Sial isa Irn!Lots çf Bran ai Iuyi L UBIssuCa. 0.16 W* dUlY, of tlb Kals-urblock lis moitue a b Jon Glosonplaceon M lMay eGsr*k hbmurelurnud ftn Lâtgwood vb sresb e slUmng "Thu Unr. Richard R. Pritehard, of Milvau- hW &Aveue,.eerslitf our tsabeof ber Motnds yul çlebdss in e Ilyste Waste t1mrs ~Io", I.LB.Davis e teins-i rlis fom 04l supremme Vise prucliatJ. S&Tecton. et Frusport Wvos b la.s-abltuk Ser. J. . Bàllard bauuyumndbanduoonu 17ungs-vsd tonemiselonfor thu office of AUd di Camp trom SaMUs B. Vau Somp, besd oi ibu Graud Ar.! oi tbe Repulîlie, Pyrolit e vs.bed for jour coal vook étuve. No cinkers or soot sud very llttlesmoke. Bot coal on the market. Vora" y the HomE LumangPCoMipANv, Ltbertyvlie, lit. 5tf The F1loud@s Nlliinge;ompauy te vork- lni th*eir pliNt ttiithe. uçmoât capavity and they are nowolmployîngleveoty-fir>- pe-ople tuie jear as cotupared to oixty in 1909,. Itemember that the genulas Crous Creek Lehlgb Valiey COal wiIl go farther thai> auj bard rosi y iii bnrn. For si>ieI yhe i.HONcE Luainga COurAxT, Llbefty- ville iii.18-tf Thie eMPlo>ees0Of the 11NDZPENDEIIT office preemented E. 1M. Keley the. former City E9ditor. with, a handeome Odd Fe;iw wsýtr -h urm before ho r.turtwed to is home lu Chattanooga, Teunee, viiere hs bas lsased a job printing %s Mdoder 'Woodtuen tuetail 'doffiC, Thursday evening sud the. fol iowiug a&Wi thon vbo am-ufed th-ir offies: H. B Eger, counanl; Jaum e ik, ad visor; Ed, Wollo, clerk; Barry Gisasn, tressurer;' Wu I Gueon, eseori, JaumsKeii, výteà- %M; H. A. Boi se etiy. The Oiegf, a, irlvhee & ei. a eoupon tleketim lc.la th# hMbe iyone hsd to' bys tiet, for auY I cmoeii elileer had *ta bu orderud s 4Wor t>ay ad lo go la Cblegc>or - nsalaton o 0l f o, or lb comipM 75metilbp beid i"isTburday evenng et lwiaealcel. Tbedulstve oalSro irm. WoÎitey Matr., lKm,.**y Croker 'Worihy Patron, lie. "rga Bond; Aet. Natron, un.. Junde HIggla. sortary, » diIlb-Wmo4'j ueno Mm Muet"hoFiee; Conduetiu,Ifu Mary - Maon; Aut. Condnctrms, Um ie Mn Wrtgbt. Tii. appotutive otawcee are: -aplain, tirs. Mary Cherchali; Mariail, lir&.Adoii Sale; Organlut. lire. Piora Drand; * Adah, lire. Augualj Loveil, puth, lire. Lance s 1 uby; Estbem.lire. &ddieEllsworth; Manias, Mr&. Luu __ lMtecls; lieds, Umiss Bla Parker; Warder, lie. Lillie tLrlej'; Sent John Austin. Eeiresmeut iii M bu erved alter tiie offleers are ktstol du a plessant evenlng lu suticipated. àiss Irise I? Whboq baueMI villaappeedilltfe lmpraiug Tvc cars et bisa on irack Day. Ll IW'vlLaLNN Co. C-16 Ms. and lMme. IourBisas, of Loke romMa, visteIl J, . Digst, Bond". - TheserVeseio&tIee EpwsopaiMission vl1-he heldtSlOunday siternoon. Pienty oftslslflbvtngs for packing be» sud toalue as hudding at the HOME. LumBDU Cou#Mm. Llbea>lyviile, 111. 18-11 J. E. Bond bit Tueeday ntgbt for duffrlt ports 0f lowa wvbre bu viii vlet f ieude Ïas relatives uni nxt vuek. ime. Alis as u e trued ta ber boal la love. TmodaW W talater two wmet ivisâih W idtr, lir. J. IL Bond Dctom 1ar, obiCurchilîlsud fGalle. vsy *"MW ia meetng of the Lui.s coanly B luIuufie eti orsut Part Eoebn Vlleycoo on track niov. LmuomeLOLuvmuCO. 0.16 AU lasAoul M -,lés- îe LIbertyvtlle 0 ~ m1bu fa tbu bande of lMe subistE 'eloa Vduusdea vmmlnss lb. UÀbstvitll e e hput on liuhpis IA" -wuek vblu bevos seing froat Sprtngid la Dsestnr toenirhi. six boums ta go thes dîty mtiles. For sov travel ibis if Ihe but on record. Do jon knov tint lt's eosy ta baun loti cool. (19I tg gd coul), vihohut tbu nojonesof soot sud &stek. Jusl gIvu tLe iOre a very little air an top. Don't cheek the stove pipe' damper too, closij. UsePyrolise Wasbd Nyt. You eari get It f roit te Homo Lumber Cm- pany. It bedu loseiy, but igbtiy, sud fraies enough air epace ln thie Ore to bums ail the gnosse thit vould oteimev. maensmont sud esnoke. 18-tf Rend the advertisemeni lu tiiisue on the Nomuskers' tExcuruion to Tezas. Tuesday. Jan. 18, 1910. ,Sanford W. Lindsay, theepmlsdeni of the compaey, js e i@ on of T. 1..Lindsay, ithe old te- fiable cliotbing.ma of Wsukegsu. Thea South Conet Compsny bsve appoitetd as thuir as-uni for L>brtyvile ie sa l>ytond & Austin. Usl ai their piaes snd s-t one of thair h6oklete and aiter readinit tii matt*rwuo,r get roady sud 'o riown wit.th thom sud ses the connty. <b. rue exprum-ions twitea month. Sheldon Unliversty are eov ring their nev building lu Rocks. suad wyl bu resdy tu move luto nov quarter. île middle af . Tb@ bossonibsr building epireibOsie ar osde tbu ans lu the Chicao offies onl ith Isuer Intention ta bave the building res<ty eo ibai it cou buincydi nic buor. their -preesut boss expires. Seventy-live people ar emepioyed lnu-the- offices an«uiey viii for thb lime butug at leosi, mecure quarter. tinlburtyvtlle Beoekefeiisr. lu tint fe ou vho are r emploM dat the.Univereht' iqi hnblId 1boums sud ie incottages snrrouadlng Shudouhuuet, and for the posent the. nertith e suai by' towns viii reculve a mur. direct* benoîit thon tb*Y p«i!vbuuths InstItute le 'fnlY, estabiehed. Brown sud Yllow Gluten atLinuERTY- VILLE Leut sCo. C Notice. Tbe iftii luetilment of slpeelul amuee- smenti No.- 1 for epecîal sseesment for construction oi vater pipe, hydromels, ylese, etc., teutii, village of lbertyvllle,, e -fi., l bnov due sud payable ou or befors 1 ebru*ry 1, 1910. 15-4 J. il. Mon.. village colleclr.. Hfow Do- You Loan Your Money? lnvetmaet.-Do you bov)bet feurela Just as mucb dtffer. ence >lun acurttse uuch s rgae. ponds, etc. sther. sleuIntbe averagu commodty you buy ei your dr.y goods store? D& yos boy that un relaive value a[ uucb secuitims-var y&@ v-M lu in c maln t flir FACE VALUES sdo the pri*i of so mauY dhferutkinu et elo* aper yard? . Do Yôu te . b.esineepficntion Iu>àuylug your emerite a you do le bzlaqapiuco0aidrm guoZ~nenaif yon buy itt, f~abll Field & Compaq orffom Ynjo t m totd,.nercat-i & nov il - ljo bu & cf~!ut ux dtornethbrWhalj do jou kuow about -thte comparàtlve-ntuMsd relativeprôe. of thi e cujities yon buay? It wtli pay jon ltldnk a*f lit. 1 Wu rae bih dgythé offerlôtu ouai Losu CobmpaqÎ Bak. lux Houfse snd *41 sonumes- iteeUnited Statut, and «àp. fuinis you tubu.bst seuffl M spaviug agalut vbat ou nov pay ta W. albo neg«Ob tefirt morngea s tatu loausoailmproyed Lae@Couty PropefSfî nlsblng Ibo lavtor superior suorlty and ihe borrower reasouabblu lntsitWs. W6~U you bave lponuy ta lON"~r <futre to borrow cmli aud mesun. TI.11rùMIabdaof.Uhd yil- Next Door to fie, Po*stff1 Open sat$ujNhs fi l. eMil oi-eibaln lbSpt W* Fouirml Mlseint , 0efort bo -~Whjhtbe u nirM*"*fle~t Aouy Se0"assàssefor thes -PIeG T1,bpfitavueY *lsow 500 anifltwlU be Oato f tlm e.e#He 1NIent Skbws Ofthé YeVeau BuaSe Cooki abus.m bsneitle Imm on ofes, 0f ka.Ilb omber ef bis &dâ9v«ueS-h abspUa*hou tbumswiet écomme etr tlb porlse or perpetutgg ame.m. br a lrtyr- illelbeoae4lbpuu.stuiilat thb %mtSgr ai maind. Tmbis um may sot hb. forilsa os lbthegratento! saturai obermmhuemnbu"deeiswi ta giue trel so hoelbflut vei* le lMsrcb for tlb porp0e et ballog sevoa hucl theorlbtowssPark. Nlz Otsr sud C. H.fSeui bave tsken tbu diseotery 0f t p-mruh poa a tbemé, anitrund-ibis pritai vant, tbey baie vrlttn a iery clu-er bit cf msatrl couisdy vlieb v"iibu giecla a bmoinurov ta nainuts-el mon;bui' by Ài4 01- $bue vI bave bs-ahi ofIlor koovof fie plot, fis ebdmWite lam tb. bit of tbinus s itrashome bst T> firo*t etla l p suonseclt lb b »d huriamIIse thIe Imbèee gel aboe u liut l- wdbmevuq- cithe orepoi, Md therssultc le, tlàtlbthe 5èet. s-sid p an explaIs, of Qiut ovu Theimmed ast lea strut ssee l uemaiàtosud xplorme e qd - ' --* »bow Ales l cf od fuelat fai01! re«bng ho bop"y iAbert4mli, lb" giwn et jorae %Paren. -nt 8b440-*tute vb e n lb- a-Pil sud are llburally rewos-dsd for tbis- ?be-iý_luti Loilu laid inuthlbobaquet rooma of ihe club sud tley EfidntlMaI tbuir man vos the oiy ns vbo bore the pïprrade* nark os lbe original discovurer. - The coetpmuusudsour vii buesceured fror. Chicogo sud oppra- priai. Ofl lluufecs yul bb pdM»udby su expert vbo wlll bu brought bure., Social Nesw of Wouklc 'ie Woodmnnvin hbld thair manquer- ode on Frlds-y evdning. A uumber of ie anus areplanuing la givq a miestrul show for tlebeué-olf the pork, qpd &U 'of thon lttresis shoui muni ai thé Isugenn, zoffl Pridsy evuuteg, *t-1 o5clock., The "sl hos not buen slsu but the promotsts ny thai I viii bu non. of thb bipm thingi of Itsbled lIai hsm boust puMb 011 for scmerUme. Tb.Amlkclnbgm-veb dSac.Thune. dey. ÀAeobr. parl.yfor rthebe hsuei ai Si Jonebul' Wli c durcI viié iyb nu by theulad" uo theParise thotflm hall, LIburlyrlIs on Tuseiy evb& Jos.- 18, 119. Bs-keebmuta viii uSrvud sumi a<ees oebusra vii ftubmuote foia onnea..osela occeson. A bondsome 1usd .on pNb*& pries Aler ouriisly ultsi j laid tbsir âsaunamosk bani lugl5 mot of Jouas-y, but onassenI durlng tlb hs4of cf lbnn* boys bais Isdufl ta give duir aux mosqueros a lbe lsy Wnigl, Tel. 4. The am" oladmiesianvilibe 75 euup. Spudhestos '95 csem.emumbur lb couvet jausry 26. 'fitee Lodus'OClb club enlurlusi their bus-bauds sttbe bomeofMlie 1 L. Corletsad Mms George Predilmb, Broadway sud Wright Court, 1riday evsnng vitb eielc h ere vere Bis tablessud tlbise' prise wv os n lir. Lynu Colby sud ilot glvnei gentlemanu by C. A. Zusvlck . Thesiu Olndh club Play int»hlsefrnons u entestalIbm bruebans uone evsalug làonuh. The people of thu lieubodisi chutrce baiv-kindll coumened to lbenw» of tisir churclefor tlb concert ta bu givea Tué>. -loy, Jsu. 25, under ibsouples and for ii, bout ai lbeLiburtyvilis Chofal Union bx lb Buherpie Ladies Quartette sud thé Apollo Club, of Woukegan, under ibu ahible bdursllp ai Prof. Me- Laugbuin, of 'Wauksgsn CouS-rvaiomy 91, Munsic. A number of Llhutyrilhe people. attendd lbe fautconeSt nue» by tbe satemp" su LbleCQurtteaMi Apollo -Club, ai Waukoegansd spenti ench avr uoyabi. eiunlng ttby oar.lookln forvti a aealar vose lu cr lava ville agreaidetof pleauri. Au enjoy- able ieniDug14u ssmiud ail sttsndlug., Admission 25ç.. Eevid ote 3BU Slelghlnt party. Twlek* Mai» sinimbclose oS9iV, 1. larb "d egI ride sud sai ajeter sup>5?e"vp Ra By ebolelotD"mdon "; eFmtday svenla.- About lfVt Imople madeip the pailfy.- M. E. hurch Sevilcea. Momlug subwt, i"Tb* Uuinveetu SPu."Eveuîugimbet, "Tb* ThibI The Epwortib Lmeague tislUndy Cls.hii ul in!eet-wi t r. sud Mmire.Nw. mom, i'ridpy of tblrweuk. Fi L 0 - 1:' - - 'h -la - À, :