ý t4t$rhUeSimpde__ uithgwin* biliititn u 0 pt'eimeed 1*!.1 e Tilt 'lia bfft vlored buff rd- 1 ifti-btürdi&itte - n Ore. oý 7jôln tr ,Who Sus'-1 ut g of, igle comb whxite t il ville Orlingitoils. Site 1fully lier ahaa-o&etthe Vtle e breed%. L~ta4ttp tr, leeAnd mde a temnticnble tbow IplilIOmsAlItr. R. V, WII -City k« .prôbebly luade !hPi «mzuturg -the ou- s bw&g lie axllbffled lovai -edth irlita K4rW. D. lavis atriag et toe 30tu Pbeam- ruli Bteit At U4 howaie luta. Nealh Bien ('III-. 4 IoIfr-xJ*0 wu n& ilounat. Iem el ' 0eokeil-R. H. Wallace. m -coeirei-W. t0. Clough.Zmon City. iC-aergl-. (.1C000,. Mon Ct. 4 cbttrserel-W. '. Cloui, Zmon cty. Jo w -ï4 H. Wallace. Wnuuouk ~' 'PuIel- H.Wallace. 4 Pullel-R, . HWalaee t Cct--Jeitu Shetrîn. North ('hi- £ 'PhiS-Joi Biernin. t Oivet.Jep bene 1,rc- Ii a boreal-JSbriBh.erwln. 4 ?ul-oho 1Borwiu fi Co-lake Shoe Poultr ras. t Ho-Ite ê hors Peullry paint. PRIM-4la40s Skate Ponîtry Pana. wht Me-4e hbto ollyPgm I Ouo-WUrmetto Parm'Ce. ~ iÇek--Otut mesttl. Wakosn. t (oh.a.Johu Mrk. Wuieg.. U»fl-TUmbt~te Pat iCe. I * lii-M)Dit imett, 9-»b blo-Ji ark. 4.44»-.ipha Mui. ~ 0dh~oAj.B.Ceveland, 1Lai W-i-OuaDista, Cco, 0hI . Cevelad. at-. ir lvelau&l -.8. Cleveland. -àxuAL wel, Wmukegau. e 'Wysdotl- aIL isoe. 4&I 5obe,- L .D~ie 55511 is*oc* a- Ir, ,4s Z losi..o, I. Rot Vdeliio.poultry ?.e.L 't,4t~Hetixick. Woqn p' l-o&n Hstiiclc ~ 91 rI.~4. Bk.utWaukeg%. *'oickee.-Jo2isn, V;trlkgft « lý Whacr, Waukaa, Bif Cok-t.A oWtkgu 2~~~Br; rei'-%. u:w'. iegan. Cockerel A. Z Danf . 2 iCoii- kBre 3 Cce-rak Burke 4 tlekeo-Fýrank Doe. î i-ien-rank urk. 4- Coce-rak Bure. i Cocke-F'rank r, . c» 4 ekoo-ru Br eoà 2 Pofl-FA. N huilane. i 4Pofle-Jra. lebo il. C. rawn Lohorn- t o-. olau. Wakg 9. Beeerl-latL. R'au e.*8 t ock-Rel-W. -Kruor. coc. C. C.w Laioruy.- 3 Ceciý-R.,C. Cooly. 4 Cei-R C.Couolly. 3 He-R, C. coaoily. 14 Heu-R. tC. (onollY. sI eeri. . eely. 4 Cockerel-R. C. Concili. i puiel-R. S. Buliaets 2 i'ulet Il. C, CouLcfy. Pulet -R. C. 'nl' 4 uet-Il. C tnl. B. C. White LegoM&-, 1 Cul !.lIaruley. Vota clty. 2~ ~ ~~ae Cei4.G Nrth.- auea. 4 oCt--Wilîwtte :Partu <'0 1 ipti--wimrtte Farta 'o 2 He n. -ai nlcy. Z l-hiu.WLI.tte FaralCto- 4 -I.--- \trs. farniey. ~i écekerel-Wliiiaetts, Parai Ce. 2cock<-!-WI!winpîte PariniCe, iCo-kre-WlimeteFam (Cà. 4 Ck.rel-Wimettîc Parm o, i-Puelu-NErs. Eavuley. 2Pule-C,6. luzgrati. 3 Pulet-Wlamote Pin e. 4 Pllt-insHfarney. R. C. Wht. Laglrne- tcck-Winmott. Paria Ce.ý 2~ Cok-'Wunbeti. pinm ot e f, c'og-Mal hlcuml WIlIpetle. 2 Heu-Wllle t*Flio, e t Itou -Wln54 Par Co& Ichsse-Wibmot.rm Co '8 oeofo-Weete ai Co>, 4 Ceksr-I-ltoe Fu CO. IPuilekC-Wllaeuo F"raCe. tpellet tsOtPru e Z , ultW~a4 ha'- &.r4 ueç, Wlaiebomo e w. a wooo~fl I m 011WN 'lvi-C. --- x*So, awi te lii la.2* v ee l i i a -= t7 wo .u.a" w =t -«t , h 0 t,.Wmvp -î;ýlU I ~ Zvebl.il.. L;or d«àeulaisg vat mep t- - stsoft e ni athReua Khot. -& rlie . Bo d olv. t b lp Imoeletta te profe àit d bt am. lof te b9eWs2sile Mr.uo [ouuu aSe ila>a4 o putant it 9b« fl appe 10*0 ,«tbm andcIetm e 1*52.dtbt-" »b IF utt. mç . U of et ith ib 411104.10110th«_1 ýtM»e. »v toutcou o om T* fctt]tet m ainlisl eoçfoiN ' bg olmle, e ilai lno. boobu imtastIea andW *J10t: W a sei v inc f o yodh ut âb m rtisaho ma le orioi t rein, ail hIomtdon- tie mm tnibIl~à ad'iung 1he cofl u citb>etbr% Theoù ou ifiasiove and flot on fêh. thiagi b mr tsn a ~IMbuCaie tae UertyillIe foi- Mau or, vomîan wbo6 mares no.llqsoln boett."h u,~In or n ulcm lOWllg te building et thé, tmlle trgeil ions or Voms Mnak>L uItIlüprogrèsIn The rorlil. the tIlesitand .the Acver- hoda îî t for. -our aiteibc btte tos nereste' sud lia stnce cuiPueltultg.1or, felen buin sary-nlI ecrcis.' Influences euntrary la our Ilittit 1rlest and AdvovatO, 11186 ba'bedqQurandihoenature îieed 4 ail I40 blinda nd hraes to our 'olvor tiulutimi 0 1- te'lird ~ai'ru i 'eyîrso -Hie li one of Lie f i4i 41144and suPportn w il Ns Mli-i.lrt'ctcd willàli e ed tu the' ivurfd andu< olf mit uile t,) pro'. 14frw«as <4f Lsmcll en theu Aerican turf. eugt I.e r 14 ,vieilgUntw'n ill tye wîti 'hri'- iaidto rs4tm irltrn;ai baitty, andisuhimsuren'ntle re illq t444ry ýttÇur w!tl ii l, iliat srni triis tw i'rd 4"4.4ifsabJ@,o- N'4s H I euit tI,.U? a r ows sdr44l3 ' '41ld 1 #eIa r' ttitL) [wpt - str,ff t I d n- asou: abl ie I C ii IUr~C190~,- '1 *1 >tio2[tt . UAt ken. %Wiiitt se do îad-expres--'et tic iJrupe~r ttuuglt itrte, sityi u014'li ,rîgt.isrtutîbo i1 t i't'4 4. l .4 .4 4. V CO 1. t, ,,Iig l.tn t i, 111 ni 11 litl uit, a ena i.110 l IA dg :ab ' 't444141'4 "'4 44,',W p4' ttnwtli sd c iit'thle i', it ii l OUIM , l '1.On h iwý. btlit 10 o f tt.-ut '.îi tht, rof i ttl.oara. and * ther - ta l4 vinz with theinfllot eit. zm, . 6n3-9 * Srei't. Pau4il, "] cn t (o l rd. strength (4 the uhara<ter, itti the ulln T I '1514444 ,(dC sIn 4,- ir.,.4ard MnS.Pd.Itiid 1 b deieruinaîtlt trî theuindto purgue r l t:~i40,' tr.uh'u~,~i~.rn e way wielî detlierate judirment Meà-u Orsuvs. ndepniruroen Iblpl4ldIv 3. 7H ý-O N R T telle one 19lte pruper course. îVOtI fngti: in .elIid uliion.hePr.gn@s of Ail the peeplui A ChriatirmsVow.of Reselve. (4'h 'eresu o.gcpe h I hé nt tm propbmto 1h Lo P usii BUILTA hitu.Ueu r,(lTecenegoOu amofteqw a m osaoteL* * ACirltin. 1k uio ten. ean be situation wlteu tee madii ur Volasud thepresoeiet . ail ie pooba" 1 befolted bY sucb lIeut tes te itiusoî, lte titorouglites of.ouri ntention,;theiiely ooaty, lj via «op» 0 . l wbicb sbould b.csscredly tient. in pro- smutimior welgbt ltereot; the viil ' ; l M« h*I V.-Ths Wily FuMIitute MN« Portion as i bcsespect» blmsolt and power oxertoil for rlaicteution. "WhoacveOT fl h. 55h.UhhOeý veuld h. respecte&. Thoso Ruslutions 0 >Au adhlttottal (ClOri 0f grsiIsud etfnMy voila, et hbte>jso .-i tur-appiy te sundry affairsetflt-f welgbin te tmalter la .b. dége.et f m of btliahoahaniail, vhbe1 i. IIhomte, biiebusiness. bisl peoe n t o#knovb.dge..It la in lin. viti liis $h ai the almof u t i bep habtia o2.. But writhélieChrilma1hbeughtt isat the. Berptures déaremi, the .ib y vu SO'1 oMeS te ousue «bis bigiieml luimest$a."My peoIplpub for laek et kuei-l be . thf ii pto,ý mir I be ai 9601e 1rOcOgnisos liaI hâth"g 52 4<. Ed 'bas given us bis Wor'a Comt t @Wlb &des the»e by viicih. le rolaoited obis't mmei nformilus tiat l .'si ieuity MUR h. bnouste th e 00«« a"l bis Uvier.At lie.Vi""7for doctrine. Jar réproot adfr reuh lu.mas.von u leit*L«4 *l boghung etbis Cbitlaaaspeclencei talion u lg onlutslih. t issUn.mm iL Xsheurt a Mtbé wuliiprd a 5<2 ho lad loug0Id.fur rgit.eu <Of GsiMy h. iierongbly fumuiu&'I." orthe tiit,»M II suttrbea4 trou Ma; sfio, hi.*yes BM basadvtssius teaoa m b. &d ps evuutiugb.mo weigà isilummsJoSu. s MI.e osm«an" sttor li a"sdta tergae tt lee mmu . i "-Ud"oug 11111111 bit sr et tluth hsd hourdl iah. hoVas. bilog eofeuuvrs oguther. Ani»dtei o ciuv 11*000000il toQe0"tiuougb lieh& 511 ii..bis shW vhse tla MtellevOil the Voulu et lii mmin e o etf êblé & n d ad tsrgvaMMOf atmna ipSIltursmonsearcbod "j, ily. ettu * uu.gj Ui# Uitreug ttlatiste 1h hiee -lb aine wabutl anDas, but riti 5af1s hit lapami.Tbog isgi .i te bhlmthe mcml mpsoe$aatfutnet kuor =uite do. le LodSffla Ml ai l buif wyW«.t"OI tv ,1.ls'Voir QGO& lifugit .buWord. gulmoiln hà" vag. as slagtha g, WM usIew, U" or Jashisi hmte Main.àsM U sMM«i- lie wviie la eds. Oorrpoodi&"gW às.S i" M tg m te t.4 t'wu et iiuew toeludhiutevery elazh tb terin aaa nlng .1 et emuin,> o.eaustti IF fM ie4a" ffair> te tle Lod and i hem ies ih eopposeseussîlevwCrs.- Olait bhave reuoue.i iâtors." sur ouiVe. 'Te Word et Goadam ace 'W ma.otis J. Tbirogolion, IDnthe. tlagse ofla no armagmi s»te profevi - '00a~a. ~ theo gle, s. that belahooii ta* «P due @eu=" oer ail et bis <tafoglan ue. , - oce dth as.a swasuilh.o ieuhilbave la lie liUme.As "babas lateChrist."M. Youg tedo te tas. ouro0&;; uimeia pient lite'tlbul&sb ont em nitl4mon and sas tu-pen snsoustf o& I, uasa 'vow moina lhe&. bàtma - - - 4 ,. . ~ ., but the polaeetflite Lord rithin. aud' te or ealch etfus»sa ee so e t.0- tisa.nd Mi M ttMY roessbi~u Hi le I 'i, is, àwd Who la thie tture litfes elus aao10u TAli eMaie s Met làhthie (Puelm 1, iV). AiIhêo-ie whl rend ý~~~late leut sIRevurrection. Tbat change Lodd tûeit. thpower etfh uilbt. io Insrucione ri We qeem A ololuaamd. land by It s e te glerg. itonor, lmmortsilty, the D- Onlg Uy oppropriatliUg 1h isadltuâl LodoWord. are I tâ c Ta aoad fer uiqhhlng the emsfsams vins nature, rocais jonl-beirsip vili food cau vo bave>iitiongti te fUIIont -a avreug conitiofet.I wu 1b4aicinoer lu bis <teat Oàc. sud tJo'W, tu fiRiestcar coures -Iti jor..sn are gl a ta re'la ne. truMi h The lleo glet freotMe dry goda* mer- vori as lte Mediator h.tveen God t10a tainthle Kingio..hItm b? item. thfery Ibat lliey arehalele M shaut2an sd lbe' wrnd durlng lb. MWenulaIoas ur minds are able w ta rUn un- W torture, but, 'OÉ,. hr Muci thler Wh.re Il. 1ud boom Pss" whoui ah. Âgle. Tii. terme are clearly stalsd,- folding prospects of glory,bhouer &ad misslng, ueverthe)fof et flg 1 h utdutr beua .if.U.ntal.crooo-bearlnC servis, for. immorality, wo are lber*g strengti. ieLr bttspoeu lt Aadle thedov~ lth bim h had »gel<Chris~,t a ttulesuie deuhi. Thée.oued by le Lord'@ ,ml I l teloner lte glorlea sand eternai blesag' Whoneat gom .vt m1s odelis- aaaia s, as clearly staiad. ares in.fure Witti the msnoy lthe horlit voerill< m conustoflite and muierhitbp lu tbs la proportion as ne real I»te tactilu accanlerfin % »_ Wd1. Royal Prlostiteodsasent iti theitsLord ofethlie pgese omay appreciato vt a ageaI cles in et trle Vinot,'a thé. P.5-fv liddiulev.bosIunO, is, litrons,' su pporlunity of beiug g<tat bergams lte Ljrdbas attend lu. - 7ot insta Vo*t v uie-ie P.S hw dekr b#' -Pte uff Me t t udaes toi bolîiig asu i-W. suyrouder lu consoratl Our Ver. rbich, la aui os , 0Wili A4ufflajdvnWrfis uif. lifting ulankind durlug lte ?illieunnum. eartitly rigit, prîvileges and pleasures, a uîîueîiîso~, Whuie attlu the couditiona clearîy snd recoîve lu raturas more bappitylug a- uplmaterna i t t u -0 sud dlnlluetly ltregh bis Word lh. spirituel bMesines lu thIbelliOentite asud parceet et oua Cousecr vao Orilio f lte Ciarine lieu». , Lord dld ni urge couaecratiou, but 'andtei nherîtauce et tb. unspeakable The tioughtle lata by tâte VerSi11 in 77 do muer e Lndn eft-sald ratite, ltaI eoit sbeuld ait l SvuI beauusdgaa tlt uue lpartîcuiirtenfotures etgeaFour ujo ai~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~tn aans uLmbr tel~ dii sd euI it e coea.Atter ait ab soutit. titereforo, itecoMle mucIt mors nl b. dally more proq4utlo'_tr td a oueluwlLbmbaersddeug etoi 1h. couted lb. test. vboever chose te se- tEsy la puy Ou Vers *t s wiIlg Fetour bi. îî la My boet « use eAt lwssir ceo and àsplac isor. cept te»rogositoudid se ity makino; bgrt. as ne grow In grato sd ud. ~~ tu eLosd-aCui tIaknletgeolte'Lord sud*bis W«&d. il 'Ptug et il, _a«h aaë MI4Dt&drafts and ter commer- Ver eoftufi ubml uthe faiili sr- Indeed, as tite .postle sDggsas, tla, sst i e<ov Tsasl.olnlbomq tg tllprulit..zciae n$i od t1.nI/ Titis wnra tei Possible fer us te rancht ito.vlc e tr. ;~arspeople coutil aie-,mot. a t'a touleetposesivlais ofem- lutent ltaI lberleatler Dol ouly lie ve cao "rejolce lu tribulation ais"- toi thonslu lbe peculk imr ,aon .*1 pi.ygmastmillia t. p ustean itanks. eniluet et lie, butltseWr*os thlie knewng tbat lbereby ou futurens~ u t!.ivng Tranme tickot4 voeeus@&.and by mout sund lhe -meditatlons o e h iaut 1uela lucreaedt. v r iig Il«Ans Oet bs "sipe plan Iraamactloaa siould h. aCegabla l, elord. Titis "WhetlhBit i î er A VaiunU h Ie Lord. in'ollqu nmaumlloiis vis ooMidcompnebonsivu VoV la yMbiolâséd,lu Au lte censecral.d bllever connu- L Out Patiorbicla ait W1h Maswg w itout s penny ebanglmg bands. .,2The bapilsan. nid. rigbllg npdorsoed, as ors wvitl Qd bas alreUydo dnt, and lowa'b lain"se. EayTW' lm Caket Suglani and AlUootbr lMPOI,. .xliuo itybtr . aulhe Boda oflirst vitlbe preposss yet l de tor h h. 4r"5'lis tant hiosme qee asuoffiogs aAt eth.5i elieBd t Ot tittul. gratitude relis up luhboi oat ultse isse.a -if te wmln Houhoa sisn. T40(he Chbc). sadtitis by batblimi« et sdbi quiri laç, mWtal s*hani I rou- te h.Ip b la yIh s a -irsi dlwua m at gb»t hoelTmled lonerdou '1111e Christidali." dorit p tie Lord tor-allIisissuslCh"Oe*ou re .11111118 ..wmibdi bj t» OBIgSuaasmako 1h Ver ar e - Themote o b.conieiSltitt leri tli i~ iie L tatOm 51 'llibausis et lërk itu tU. cpidet ail as menth.rset 1%e Chist. More lb. relilses tilt bit talts&Ud et Itbuavqu.IgGrs. lile ansd Alliited Msvll a tbO by Sptdtr it, ppffltlaitien are neceeaflig alpail.t- ý eIirshe k~5 i.o 'rosla."q tbg - hil vrutial'Al. -Paful significant. Itlqlafront Ibis àondpôiut eir-ala o o Sel. urgs4 l lienord 0f 1Er *11. 'q * litheispeel wruî. "0 for a itiusUO hrses'aI.t uee "OrveS Pacesnome .lu Lundem. Ac- meebyen, -UJsil)isi roaii bthie tengues t u tg îy great Rodèe.mors oVptVb 00 111U te Ranuill Pope. 1the*Au- moins et ed. i taI 0Yi resont Four piaIso." t-#wte *M0 ul I uV tre85ft dgumty, 0Boesquarheb P" 91a gvO9., "0 s.living scrl oitly. o5re0Ptfr lla Weil Ipleodta teshow eut sppr- Md!é « ta10 .a 5505 t te i trict. w-a liaI i*t e 1 Goed.asd jouikrft»«enblo se'v-datin o G . <tgus, snsetle elt ahIhiel m-uf lisésuhIsquare vhs. 1th. tIf usa tee Onturtriet vitia 1h.Lord la lts»ulxjosand prais »I$ 's arete m'- aabw Dul ejonnufLil h-bue it th*-e:ê.d ltc udil e sure, ht irte Verw .01mr0M,îg pâ nt'ei oim ýâ, 4 ta Tle h 15l *1 'Opo os ednke# defet andm54 tOutin ofà.ueciatiou, ai> the oiaudrfdouces titre uar acceptable Wgsbut ewla là 3*W lte square vas Orderetho h. lis la Maeill elj e aix o < e «th3.~isi o lisheproper aasImpoIn,» ti xt u' e 1 OWilai Kl tgiquro. Aed eas#900Ue t e<is i e, t tei,3W8ot. rsa e iut ij"1Lte prpe 1 $ban raost.i ia ist thsei "lg Chanle Ir "Wu s et op il]i.th e ebe really mea«l the Vôir, terbt iisotlnnallgrondoesi te M lar f5" godw o 4tMatthe. patbriSOf',tie LapsMe lbc lie h «erg 554551v9f té . u _ t~gt i. ut ut~ ti.~Ur nï thst 1 mont