's' LA"E OOUNTT INDEPENDENT, FRIDA'Y, JÂNUÂRY 14, 1910 mur 1COMPIAIN t ~ ~ ~ h m-eMae <a ln Relaion te 5dE telsEicggrate< Value bas som PI50d on Mank stocki and ilewu r tstock "ae Wofn- »Wob of t«esShow Grale - oiemisi, Paticuleily This Veer. USJd*t Uxtan on blank stock la thre oboffl t boidera of the stock ln Lake mmt dthe ratas o ai axtQnon te abb* *Bdcentae ofi lcreese liat »Wt obear the= ont. ,I3ww8g are tire rates ai increase *0 ammsnut o atx on threvaro-s Ub ýa b kstocks: Pisg$o-UO, 1.7; 1908, 6% per joMttaco'0145.innathe rate 12.08; »$% U »«r cent , uknthre ix on SfldP1N, $05;19e8 6.86 per «M tmresa making ttax $M17; »MUS ? par OsM4 , klng Uic rate 1tlNthael1907, $446; 1»08, «MtS e getâlcreeme, making ltre tex ÇX pet u ase; lm. 61% pe cent in- ,*Mm%6 Mugtie tex $711. *vm u smes ii tiilat the rit" *h ts ino. 1»Ç. inla .tax par -aht, Ou, lthe Pectle'a hbu been ".& PIWos0a, fr 11the cvity 8."5 pet cltMer the i.jrai;NaticmalSUL NMets rg ofbek stock eseerteti Iis eihuuom ea la th le caes cfone mm, Un ta cm Ivetyldve sbires ut bang on s 36andi on 310,000 ln rosi siitolut $40. Tbey charge that Me sk stock rate le ot of ail pro- P*b - o tie rcsity tex rat&. Ou $100 valuation the Wenkegan dF iai la 187 vas $1-79; 19U8 81.8 Md la1« $2111. »M !WSALI: DffS IN SKUl«iSM ACOUNTrY 111s-ile ett thwy c and Tewes lcc COu S50 bped to Ge Drink wh n H" sommne Klnd of Seiue aed FeU Illèb P"6"ok Leke--Reftd Rope 8" Wea Flehed Ou witii Pike Pel.-fled ln ice Mouese t Lake. Juins t a mesuber af Batery -04 et wbnkmu ndutani ce cuiter emdoyelby lie Teves W'-ukegan M» iorpetciPaddocks lake lu %wnu emoty, met deakir a Pt, 40*10 1*6 mader iMutleriontr lri- awmme&weleuy isat béiore nome. 'fligit, we aIamtaty-ftve anti a bwutI apecimon of Germau-Amerlcan uo*go, '-W» geen obtt- tedsari Aag tea 1bat MaJt been rut by = MUge lmtm. etme aloupeti - aj uot 4» lie s t on lis - $eub la 'oser tu gel a drink and 16»la eacu.manne, tefl mb lite 'WéN X ,1#beil..d tai a the Ime tiBia ho vas trieken vitir Somn awi « MliAsasas 'aixc-t l'Ulme as thowa te hlm hl i it fot take il st ail-ant4Sd âMy the mou pulied Mhm "mg WM a~pke olpae Bul living. lat« o edie t atlie Teves tee- I& O. Toee tuian Interview vas SM UMignlufirmiy convîsceetithal tb7 M 'I ra&-va ualdrowevutibut that MUessetiibg ofansunnown nature wutes t>.tter ih hlm. »ae be no rlatives lberesIbu board- 04 AM roaEed Si 224 (Yak streat. le umot1od antiaboaut 45. Thte vaek a uedtWadxestiay nigitt ai Xenoebe, wVire e leremaine 'acre bxrleu. Sait warked as ruai babeor st lie local electrir ligitl ~befor a lime. TIM ftl f5NEEDS WMO ~PreeltisrlTails lteat mes-e -,u» .oapal thie tiefeat t10 Can. »Ogii,Ïýtiasthiee tbi" of sl i Pcester bwà* O« etmbaeffectesuu veu-y "iscatMde*M in tirse entry, 'v OMM a bàà ev u apoint ofi mi mi * thL le viole grist ut ai L .'Wonstou yeeterulay cand ta 14 W"v h m e la fmise for Ils MM#* 'rafTt ralroat rate ja aè le a*se an IulCIatian net te mer ethle Pincirot titimiasal. Wluas's CRla e lterested. 4V*UkBKate l tetesteci lunlire t 4",*Mir oethtie nation lu '1, The. lraft r«Oommeudatli Ift Poers te b. gîvon thre int 4fleOm»Wm oceilsloe, a *%»0 *af t Wuksgan la eà% M'1h.eeommsiwon hla atually g rp, e Tft eoulnes thon 4011 Wti tire ecutherer ri aebr rte Wetakegankle au 0 nd 48n adjuet t uiW »~IOWtJI4iffow PincF M qebock WIau- iai"a e g- >t11cy c ap- on are ter. av- lt Cke titi Feu tiI t efflwlhtb lia.rt - asad thmsan- MO Vote la the aute-temoO a osewfth lie stand pattera ont ç4ne- TMe people tiieref or. ac»ctse ti.con- gretmeui cehedginu. sas tiey lailiehoalvMys dos ar wlsh te know why ho,Ilike tihe immotel, cannot ge hi& baclcboli e rahe and iaundered so that it l li bo slii? and oet h. tuf! demnanded rlght uow la congrue Knew th e aliiugcem Mrs. Harr Stripe wau a social tried af Mra. Rchard Ballinger yeara ago at Port Tovusenti. Washingiton. and inl tact ase the aet talenteti music- ian ln Wahington city gave the sst- retarys Vite Istruction cm ithe pipe organ. Mrs. Strpe aiea vlitnesaet the rapld andi even psnar*mic ama me- torie rift of Secretery Bailiager ln western affable. Hence the peveccfai note la the local interest. Asile tram Iis tb. peopie s.peer firmly te ditreat th~e Taft ledulon tu dhsms Pluchet ad uphold d Usue. They v ia end ot pen investIga- tien by the. rIgt investigatura anti ho- lifte that Pbxdhet viii he evoctoc. Tier e a 8100a bMg toueflesrc7tenuir agin te the.«X*Ma Afris" as e b peopes ehemplo.. DR. MING MlIS PLAN TO CUR3 DMEASE Ouilles ofWhat Such à Bulltin 1Wouid be-Would b. Poeted le the R!STAURANT MAN PLAYS D!TECTIVE Cook Mid Key te Side Bard nt Popular Reset snd Helped Self to Sum of 8215-Theft Dlecovercd ln Time for Excitlug Race for Ofilcir and Train But Man, Made Gtaway Only ta lie Capturcd Laler in City. John Antiresiakis. prolirlelor ofthlie Kondike restaurant playedth te roIe of a tietective F'niday and captureti bis man without ullfficulty. At about flve ocloc-k Friday mornlng lie vas robbcd ai $215 Il leailegeti by Pote Petrakos, wliobl been cm- ployed by lilm sa a oook for te pet six ruontha. Petrakas l is clameti teckte moncy tram a ide iboard ta whilch 11e lid secess iy reasan of thers act tiretlie vas permittedti t oerry a key. After eecuring te mouey vcry car- iy flday maruing Petraitos taosd- ed thee liraI train for Chicago. An- dresekla reportodth 1e Ilsofa thtir mnoy o e 1epolics bers andi starteti fur chicago. Ho vt te 1the Pouice et the 44th streot poli.station anM sekea tbat an ooe< ieeaimnedti t &comm&" hum to a hou»e on FortY- toruti steet viere 1the ailege ti e! vws keovn to have relativesi. At riraI retuseti. the Waukegan police &idet i hm ly long distance anti an affiner vas deteoted 10 go vitit lin I.eaving te policeman aut»lde An- dresaki[s, wv.nt lntOtchanbose anti taund bils erstwiie couk slttilng aI s game ai carde wll.li is Greek trieuds School ROoM ie th àa Set oft Rules andreaie on How to Toke Car of Pupils with Grabbing hlm b, thewairs! lic or- Contagiouis isaieseand Mcv te e-etPeraiostua acompanv liai Cop. Witii Bad Conditionsa. dowstairs thlie awaiting officer. Ho was taseninb te police stationi aind Recammendation tiret bulletins lie Oie police bere iotifled ofthtAe arreai placed in thlie publie chiools sloivig Offirer Frak Trvoii wa vsent tO symptama of various contagions dis-, Chicazo nual înofltitd1 tiîdl cases. su tirai inriecteti pupis maY jrtener 10V'au te2nufor Irial1 aI once be dteecteti and romnoved lias been matie li Heailir Officer F C. Kniglit o!f Waukegaan Tire bulletin or placard .ciîc Dr. Knigirt slles talhave posted ltu cd scirooi building wll enabie a teacher! 110 secstionce if a puplila lunte eariy jstages o common contagions diseassa. Thre warning symptomo anti signa. ac, cording ta tire beaitir officar. are: Searet Feyer. Vomi». tever, fâne ted rasht on akin of botiy anti face, burnlng anti ting skia, son-a tiroal, erargeti glands. stravirerty tangue. lasa af ap- petite. Diphhers. Bore tirroat, gray membrane on Uic tltta, eniargeti glande neck, tever, cougir, difficnnit brcatliing. Bmsli Pox. Chili pain lu back anti heati.nau- sea, valtlng, fever, ced rasht on ekin followeti by papules, vesicies, anti pos- tuies. malaise. Typhold Fever. bsa of appeitite, malaise, iteadache. roatadtlongue, tiret feeling, constant tever, pain In hart ant ilimbe, chili. aiceptDesa. Whooping Cougir. Catarrhal symPtoma. roughinlupar- OXYSMe. follaveti by witoap, bronchi Ils, bine face foliowing cough it 111e fever. Measies. Calarritai symptome, a'atery eyee. rnnung naseritili, itiver, headac!he. malalse. Fhnting l'an or mure o!fte above SYMPtoms sud signs la sufficient cause for isolation, ant iinvesfhgstlon sud shaulti licreporledt l te proper au- thorilles at once, Tite cilti sionîti 1 sent home aI auge and uot allavedt t relurn untii il lise lid Ilie attentian a! a pirysiclan If no piysIcian la calIe! thre ieallir of- ficer siroulit be requestedti tainvesti- gale taecase. Iu cage chiltren are absent ram achool for unkuevu causes the truant oflicer saioulti acertain, anti repart tire cauas af absence. If absent an acraunt of sickness, ascertain wieth ie astleutlng piysclan le, If nophysicen lias liecu callei, tae case should ble repartedt l te itealîli offirer. A convalescent irom any ruutagt- Oua or Inrfecious diseasa sitouiti not lia atimtteti toacshool sitar te release a! te quaranîlue aifte house ln 'alun lire Patient was roufineti, el, rapt upan certificate troru te iealîli attirer; Iis mile applies aiea ta al ater clilidren lu thtesanme tamils 'shu lad ramainct Inluthehousi', ter nIf titet bave nul betu amik Waukegan Man Honored iy Comman- der-In-Chiet Van Saut. N\i- ens,-archsd ai lie Chiceago Px- iep stationîîtIti'pr1501t5r sas toîîns to bai, liii ifie.-îi dolIarý. on hia Eierson t t. ilcoiiglit I.hai lie -Plant ed- thec $21x, sud thai lie sili rePaY tho uni tinî pre'ere t tanarding thte suai The affati- sas tiîscovered fifteen minutes, aiter it was committed bY a wanîter but ilieoeok itatibadti lme lu gelta a train ant i ake s gel awaY se taI ait enlte lite anti ci-y as miletianti offilers andi vaiters plct [dowt te thUc tepotthlie bird. hld lion Iuclnding some af thte speakers trom the national convention. The conventionviiili e lte largest ever lield luIlilînois anti aIite rate of $1 a day for thte five days fur 1,000 dele- gates thee rity wiii uet $0,000. Thte tate rommileea ls uow workiug an the prograiu. WOMAN KILLED AT IIIGIILAND PARK Highland Park Socl.ty Woman Cross- cd Before Froiglit ln Satety, Only to lie Struck and Mangled by Passen- ger-Husband Prostrateti by Fatal- lty-Inquest Heid Today at Pryor Undertaklng Rooms. COUPLE CELEBRATED lire, lNfragaret Kiruble.te' wife of G OL~ZN ~E I)IN<jrCottrct.,r Marîlu Kimtfle oftHighland illet by tbe 703) Waukegan traini ou Two of Oldesi Setiers ut Lake Couni- tih,- orlhwesteru crossiug aI ('entral ty and Amang Mot Prommînt Cii- sR 'i i Iililgiiauti Park Frîday mort- Two of Oldest Seliers o! Lake Coum-i i tlu n h Jh zens Entertained FamIly ai Dinner "-t 1 lîl , ecir utelh Tedy sd Clebet Pîtieh VarSelon.,ciîor Ohio Streetlnlu (hi- and elorut Fiflet Y, cago anti las beeu u Inte habit ut tak- of Married Lite-Details ot Daslonathte -s:07 train ilu cdimomning. Observance. Mr. anti Mrs. Hiramu Ferry Tues- day celebrabedti ieir golden wedding annlversary at titeir home on notit »heridan road. They 'acre marrieti &Pt years aga iu thce ame liouse In vWtrir liy ceaide at te preeult time. Twenty-iaur dhilitren anti grand chilti- ren ot dovu ltirte auniversary din- net viricir bob the form etf a amly rounion. John Ferry anti tamilY ce- burneti tram Colne. Utah, tor th1e Caebramuon. Mr. anti Mrs. Ferry are amaug Ithe oldeet settiers of laLke ountY anti irae lved lu the saine location lu Beuton township fur over flfty ycars. Tliey are anasng the mnet hlgliiy es- teemeti reaidents o! the count y and their bit of Mtrernds oday jolued lu ertentilua congratulatione and te m-iah riraItliey may live ta celebrate their diazuonti weddlug anrîl'ersary. UIGIILAND PARK jJDGE MARRIED Judge Hiliard Marrîcd in D'es Moine, 'atere H-e Now Resiuies. A wa-dîiîg s hîcit sfe îîîîî' tait local luieri-si ook plac ieililsal 1,'ni t, thei bouc,'otfIlOr.and i lrarai,, GixxudiIliT,-aih stres- tîld iai ia- nune. Dca Mairie. %Mics lizaliitlt Robinsoni anti Jutige Lewis Il Ilibîai'î s-i-e ut.- ,ontractiug parieo' Thr ceremour 'aluit swan 1erftrmi'd hî Dr. EM. Griffen af the Fore-t tretil tBaptist churci. s'as wiuressed titis iîy a few inîfinare triends. The decora- tions af tce home were in-keeping Sith tbttc uietiie seson. Folloving 1 oogratuladoue refresitrenis were serveti lira Hiliba&rtisla aYoung WAIJKEGAN TO BE A Enîgith smn 'iti a moeatterest- CONVENTION cille bu recenIls nîoved Io Des Nlittes riitg hîre rtrmHiîghlandi Park, Ill., Waukegau le Take Rank Among Cou-_ to nfitilate icirseît sitlDes Mî'iniis ventionuCutes o! Illinuois with Land- vuleite cIAt ai1055tintý-ci Jutge 14,11 ing Ot Big Churcit Socety Caon- i- ard lias iteen citlcr of ilepers bthl tien Here-Bishop MacDowel and cari asti 551. tîîîîogh lie tolliia l'i lii ca-Goveruor Haniey o Indiana are tniisteriailiprofessiun fon ta onty Amang Speakers la ho Lisled. years le hlad charge of aid iroiight Waukegan 'ai enlertaiu 1,000 tic a stiecesstul close 1-o, expositionis delegates aI tireIllinois state cen- lu Mcew Oi-leans anti oue lnn Mluealio- vention of te Chtristian Endeaver lis. istige anti Mrs, Hilibard wi tria year. make thi-r home lu Des Mes ai The dates for te conventimon, 1124 Tentit street.-lre Regisler anti itere for thre firal lime auuouuced, Leader. are July 1l, 14, 15, 16 and 17. opeulng Weduescdy evening and PASTOR TURNED FROM HOTEL. closing Buaday eveniug. Resldentb o! Zion Cit' are mach lin. Thre local county union, whlch censeti because tie management ortce itae already helti ceeventiona lu Zion Hom ,onîftraIed by Wlbur Glenn minIature and le lu training le Voliva 1rtiday retniietita recccive as handIe te monuter gabhsrlng ln a gueat a miter oi tie goaPel bY tria ly, wlll hold an initsi rally tcnnos af F. U Jeveil. vira came here Januait' 27-Rev. Erneat ta ZMon City tram Keneeha- Thte man Schultz ef Hightland Park 'aI applieti for iod"itnathe itetel about speak on "Pr.paralion for Ser- mitinigit, but wasi refuaeti admission vice." andi turneti out u ic hecal!oli enUich titermaineter registen-et 15 tiegrees lie- low zera. Waukegan libyte entertaining o! The mon vas Weilditresseti anti car- thte convention loutl, lake Its legal tank rieti a suit case anti a saciel, Ha 'ati Elgin, Aurora, Joiet anti ather belouga 10, no partîculat denomination chîles as s stale gatitertin place. Mre but ware ies in~r vcry long. Hc 'asa le 'alat Waukegan ln expertedt tadilt ounti ty Policeman Stewart sud tak- for rte Mta tilcasea'en to taepolice station, vitere ha vas t. Miae n epene run orel, ie latn o Ucngi~ieiet 000a!ofion City 'aha do ual belonut lathe 2. Lit mercitats decerate teir Valisý a tit thiînk tIaI il is a pon stores in ret add'white. hi-anti ofreligion 'aiicit vouldt ui-n 3. Open homes le dlogalea and a smînîster ai tie 5popel outi mbtte nake te tityatractive. Odee- Icoition surit a conîtniglit- gates wuhh psy $1 i day. a -1'- ilts i lchas yu lltic useeu for, 1James 1. Kîighls Of taI, suiuigalias stniti îîuutîîda anti eeBatlery C.Ai-- ýau- been itonoreti by apluainumeut. ns nid iiuuifor i uuîîrs, denuilit an thaîr ýtl d tilinn uon te perisosal stff Of iJohntisi-i. -1 îcîtanne. er. il. Van Saut, comunauier-iiî i-ci a f I l'hi iîîdrtî ipeople will crme fi-arn iis tlicgGrandl Ai-tu1o!f te tti'ublic, atîti 'iii oi iii irlalit turing te rou- e r, m'Iljl be moantet i a the ausual great % (ILIîîtiîî Thi-re le no doulit butl lit and national raunian o! the Gruttiand -my of Iii. ci l.rates wahi spenti mach manet' et ite Republir at Alantic Ctyr New henu' iersae-, lu Seitamber. He le besficlesJ Big Speakers on List. ism a tielegate ta theu Kniights; Templar Suggesteti as aamne af the speakers tM j convention ln Chcago ia August, sa are thte iolowlng: ltaitire laIe summer 'ai be a buet' Bieitop luIscLoveI. on ee fer the veli known anti pn-e l 14Ex-GovemrauanieofaIndliUa. j*SnlWaukosie. jOthety spe*es e S t alIÇIUl epute A Travehlig Sahesman Il. 1'.iheere, 1I17-7th Ave , Paîtnia, M., wrutee "i lhase beau troubleti for parue lima whith kidniiey Irontile, en saverly rat limes i coulti senray carry My gnipe. Atler nshng one liott i fFaicy's Kiduey lille i1iaaebpen entireîv reireti, anti eheenlulît' re-oiiîmcnd tem ta al." Folicys Kitiney Pille are itasling anti antisaîttir ant ilhIrestait heaitit anti FRAsI B. LOî'EîL. Prevenie-tcîse Ltandy Colti Cure Tablets,-vilI safely omnt quickly direet ailtcoitie and the Gilp. Try lhen Oa'oe "«MetaI48-25e, SolI Kimbie crossed lirifroit of trelgitt train anti seems uoî to a lir'seen tlie passeuger approarhing. wtli the re-1 suit ltat sire was run downani mangleti trlghtuily. There are no cilireu ln thte tomliY Tire buabanti vas intormedofathlie accidentai deatit st once anti la pros- Irateti as a resuit aofIthe tatallty. Tlie deati vaman vai 38 yeats aid anti vas velil kuvu la Highianti Park soclelY. STUCKEY COI4VKCT!D Or CRIMINAL CHARGE Firet Bllot Eleve t 10On* thel Mie- star Caught Me Wu* Guilly and Other Ballots Wore on Malter of Both CeunIe or Only One-ftuckey May File Appeai and la Net Vet Ser- joua. Ottawa, Kaneas Jan Xt Sîecial ta thte StUN - Rer Wallace' Sluckev let pronouricei guilly oul, u outoils of a serios n ature,i-rt Iail s g -a c tro ut oue la fi 'e years Ilitlprisonl Sînictey laughsi lits air1 w cjs. Lorena ttii,'erlmrid î. rciiai Tue p, ti sas qiei poi i uit iTh Il juryhis' was ot ith it, tlîî i inon lts l <if v. ii thltai b ' ii's t, Zîf -tgii lo etî-iiiCas, t tru, u, ti t SI il,r-' ssen ite a, ilfalliaIofil-'case Thp tour lballots raril t Iniitooip alti aI lier balloIts a i- on ti tii iati,' i of one or bolh cotîtiti, antia mpoefor- mnaliy DANISII OFFICIAL TEST WIRELESS PHlONE Count Moltke Ambassador tromn Den- m ark Taiks Acrose Flair Pend wicîl Attaches lu Wasincgton by Means of Wlreieas Telephorica and Wîil Cali Tests le Attention et Hia Home Goverumenl He Declares, Demonctratione wit a marine andt ficeld wireless e el1iione 'ere madet Montiay atternoan in W as h 1i)gto whea me mbersciofto, dîillmailtocorps anti arm anid rca5vcfficere scie pre- cria The tii-uîustratloiia aie tîmade at oue tif tie iii pciticinutSi i- teeut h siri', ttic' ai lîlnsis iniig t-itaý Tieti'vestiicltîîiî-îi acoiii rsai luS hei ii ht iattiralic e tîoaie]ini i his es Itolt tic c- i i-,e s on- -rtirceff-s- titI. a's alaît ari-t' bs-ýiri l ititita harmonaica sasplIai " (liant Moltike, 5111 iiLss.iiifrîîîî lieulia t all,d io i iii I titriiit, [cm A, ( ,ii-s,'îi-lii Ru i, as yiigi Dtcuîsb eientist. -icirislie a ater wîiitut i ahi--andI 5il tuttIin ils lrais-s olithles t n-h a. i elo1ihsie Meii aho a i-ni- iresei- tîi cii isleti Hier tleie îstrîîîîc'îîs a-neCr, rg fiamîltori. (ait. F, E. i-attys ' N.; Antiotiv Gaeigtr, liai T. T Smitht, relîncti Isaac Gaio John Gal ioway, George IWhite, . 11,lPotier. A. A. ('ouucliy, Charles Gloser, ('l. L. G. Sapîe. lDistrict ('ummssloiter Mactarlanti. anti sevenis mei fi-ai ltedilpomatie corps aud merchauts. "I @lial ticecibe titis demi'utsratlan at iugtlin luMy repart t i-to t iiiiall goverument." saiti Coumt Motke. sund tell thein oi the remarkable clarity vitit 'hici thIe volce iB trausmitteti over distance wathbout wines. anti re- oaamned Investigation, wllli a view to adoption." EX-SENATOR MASON'S HOME ROBBED Break luto Retîdence of Waukeganite sud ,x-Senator and Reproseutative -Tîke Everythlug Withln Reacit aud Leave as OnIy Clue Foiprints Iu Buew-Even Get Gitt Watch Pre- sented te PolitIian, Burgiars were uîbiden guests at a "mldnigbt supper" at the home or for- mer Senator WIiam E. Nlason, 1134 Washington boulevard, Chicago. ea"iy Thursday rmorning. Two ien coul- pireet the Pazl ty, which sal St table anti consunwid colti viands raiisacked trom lie 1h ibox lln te kiteherThe supper mas. serveti afllr tb., burgars had gathieti together $1.500 worth of leweiry belonging tu Mr, Maou anti othor niemibers of blis faniiY. No on e ofte bousebol was îus and the i obbers ec flîd i na n :îr winîiowleaving te reialis Of their repastltu b" dIlscerel hI'val isl- ers, Footprlnts oft wo men ln lie snow outside the open window are the oulY dlues the police of the Warren ave- nue station In Chicago were able ta obtain. Feet ai tosibie suaspected eersonsga taula icu*t ody wM fl ow pared i vti plasîer casts of thte prints. Among lte valuables lost by Mr. Mason vas a gold watcb preseutedte l hlm wlien lie was a meinher of Ilie btouse of representalîves tweuty years agu. A watclimau itred Altieuberg, deeiared lie lati passeti tche ouse shurtly betore midnighl anti hati no- ticed not11ing unusuai. MIRS. iANE LAMSON BURUIED UN IALF DAY Mrs. Jane Manney Lamson lnterrcd Near Hait Day-Came te Illinois From East ln 18 and &pont Great Share of Life ait Hait Day and Highland Park-Active and Ambi- lieus Woenae, Born in Canada. The nierai of Mrs. Jaue Mauney Lameson, uba dled asat Sattirday lu Vwkegati, vas elti Tueeday p. m. at the Congregational Cliorcli tHait Day. 11ev.R. LHndleyofiWmankegant ometcating. OWing ta 1the lunes. af ye>ra; Fra.nk 0.' survives bis motber; John W. dieti lu 1880 sged twentg two, whiie a studeut et 1the Stats University: lldward M. la living sUuI[ andi Earnest C. preceded hie Mallior by hie tieatl inlu1908. NMrs. Lameson was confirmie Inl lte Epiecopal Cliurch ai an eariy age. 'She was always earnestly lntereltfié. liowoýver, lu tbe activitie of allier churchee lu her eommurtitY. 815 was au Intelligent womnau, gitlug eli- douce even lu her mnost advancOd years of her wlde reseiing sud exoep- flouai couversalloual powell. Bbc was eharacterized biy ceasleSS efergy anti uureieuting ambition lt lerself aud tamiiy. Her deeY eYmxretbY. lic< readiness to hlelp every wartby cause, aud lier unselfisiture made lber 11(5- a source or blessiug lu every neigbt- borhood wliere site liveti. 0 ln thO twilight ot a winter day ulie went t4 eiqêep. fIt as a peacetul end ta lO«9 and uoetul pae, andi f.rtli ler sPhtt jaurucyct bearlug "the wliite fioer of a blamelesa lite" lier golug lu Ealftiay. andi because urany triendsa lire couldti uhole t lte CAUGUIT BLIND atternoon service a brie! service vas PIG KEEPrR. bale! at ten O'clock ln te home vliere- Mns. L*mson pas.3et awny Get After Chrstian £mmaiueNMu Mr%. Jane hManliey tamson or: i er WIth a Venigeance. buabanti voIe pioncera lu Lake cou-i ty. Many relatives vito survive lier, WII'iam Chistian Emmnuiel Hessa are realieutseatEli ofthte roîînty. Mrs 11191ixil blinti pig keeper. has leain ,amsann'a malicup name waa Mancy ÈIcFd ilh 1e 'aises of lte men ire servs Shewasbon lnCanda el ll2.1,Wdi 1 e5 itlis vortIceillies. She aa lant u CasalsSepI 2 Wen"dîIi la7.d a fine of $75 le a 1825, af sturiy Scotev-lrlitstock. 11, i iligiticsid lcîi ,trte pesale tor sel- lier chidliood lier îirtrlls e m,,vt-d Irg liquor In i.- hmnd uiof Mis. la V rmont. lu thlai state eh i.gi-c' Mary (irmaut Niiîî i Iy rita id s htiîsiîiitd ohmpt Io a'omnnhtood.rtceIrlin lt-i irc' 111r , homei' tr il, nii ic tosic'aeticoutil sd tîaIlon As a young on.cîiar tl shio iu tiiiiigt- u' cal rotlfcIl lEgi, lived iri lxiwell, Masss ýte- 'i, i. s I acul ils ait,- liiou-ilthere nitio îîarrleýd Jîîly t12, i ti. Io Joitia hie ilîlîîîl i , îIK ir i'w iproiiio,n town. lUcnisoit Tih- Iret, itin.- icfil,.Ou .Sic -li' cui.br i iighlbar, Mrs Miliii (tMi 1-tuii trllis id (rffani the i, uIl oîîwu as tr, l»awrsrio ice, Ilti and i cnuit itlihenice-Ives l Pci a '-hiC tile iýh',t ii,'u iiti lails ' i" tri ci, ahit,' fle orderet ;,N YN h-i taulu'i, Illinois i, tc îilî-îlccîcls ai1, a IItI' anti s&vid a ,ti lit1s'm'as i ai I ic,i il 1i, r ii, 1 I'l'î,l I la 9 l o, 'l'. tub- n',Ira 1 ilt -.1,i1cX, A [pii r.-il, d'i a -, lion, il, fli-es i hi hui t,,' . ,ri N (lied iir it 6a-.achoill o! lia liii, t iirtig ni,tiîiiiii-elua il..ý Il,rni- ' liii,-îp Týint iswrong It i t,1 ak ir, lhat arc erringout 1-l- Icit' lia-i,-aistî tiidcîs ca trilui- iciireaiil ii- iShoim;siotors- tir.' nulel -- uslu ilY gioil lieslt a Ili ýoue,- i tiiagan Testlit antd"s@' St' lyi ALL DEALERS. O 'hanking our rnaÎly friends for the liberal patronage of the year just past *and hoping that the' new year will b ring tlîem every prosperity and bap- *piness, we remaiti, jiist SCIIANCK BROTHIERS Hardware and Farm Implements *1'. S. Satisfied ciimtomers havet given O usw a prtsperoue year. We airn to *pleait'.Ounr stock im gooilanîl the' p rict's right. IS VOUR ROOF O. K? 0 We cau meet your requirernents no 0 i inatter how large or seInl they rnay be. OThe Prepared Roofing we seil to 0 u utmr yterl stebs on the market, and cores complte 0 with nails and cernent ready to lay, at *the riglit prices. SPowell 0RoJofing Companyo O117 S- Oenes00 St. WAUKEOAN TelophoDO 377O et1 4 Morses for Sale.> Montain Meadow Stock Farru, one uan s-hl mile north of W'auconda, Illinois, lias conslirtly ou hand and for male. at lowest markt prices, a stock of aill lasses ot hormes, multabie for thes roati andtI I fa~M woi k: express and tirait, useful and sericemle. Irm 1100Oto 1600 poundm. Prioe 080 ta $200,0.. pioge. Uome ta Mountain Meadow and eetlu work on lthe tarm. AUl 5citlmated sud ai'OW, sicknes. Ail guaranteed on delvery TeCuione t à& 41Wsnor1i LOUIS J. YEOMAN THE PIANO MAN tliê 7 07 t h ai moi iiiijý; as late. Mrii. VOL.~ Is, Robbers And Ji Mr. and Robbei watchman Express Robbery bandeii Reechea --saloon te Minor <rn,îî Thte(I l.i Isat niglir States lixpi tir ililgir by9 sale tiI oclack lasi cordig tb mornlng. 1,51er . vlile lte Higitwood I fa Se bIt persisted i tbe rolihers The nîbi anti $2 1>1 Ensde a mai police acre keget a suiai pecia Watchr The exuar thre niglil V parla ai 7 i t PManreport #klalst n gênerai ala Accordini the United Hlirvwood. ail, but tet cemitilot Thre ageni value, of wJ th1e day andl at $23, Reports E-sti men s tast lte sai theveni guI As a niat different 8t( early thiisn secret ln ai bers., Mr. an Wlilc la Black, nec ' avenue, 'a, fienis lier wyn vas en tva galti'as 1 Ca de berab = hnst* if ite saea o ayrbu ta MMre - Ity, l'eu HdrmIt