CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 28 Jan 1910, p. 1

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LAKE COUNTY INDEPENDE)NT WAUKEGAN WEKYSUN VOL. XVIIL NO. 18 NORITH SHORE WOMAN SUES SALOON KEEPER Aoke $WO Beaus Bite BaYa$MN» baud wua, Muitud ef Christmas Qift money whie ln Muddied BIaIs -Piacoe Data ef Aiegad Cawse of Aetien as Docmnier i8-BaYs Sa- boon andl Don are Connected. Boecuse she aleges ber ituabauê vas lured bte uhat th. chargeswua à gamblUl don sud there ater be- ing pieil wftb drinks "doue out Of' $100 tltat ho bail rougt te Wauke- coan te speuil for Christmas necesai- tien, a vIte bau bogue suit against tue ailegeil keepera ot the gaming bouse aU ndîndes tue euuera o! tue buIld- The vite le Mra. rne. mItu. The iinsb&ud la Adoîphua D. Smith of Highlandl Park, saleaman for tale- pieu. applances. The saloon-keep 0r" agslnst ubern lbe charges lu tue suit for $6,00 damages are maie are Itobiuson Pros. et Washington street. The estats that la lncluded ln tbe suit as party defendapt la the Hoît- stein estate ubicli ouns the building. Stery 0f 'Cas. Ateorney A. V. Smith fill apers lu tue case Friday. The $5.000 la tek- ed hecause ot a serions of avents liat la aleged te have takan place December 18 of let year. Inctudedin l the Buck admininstration Accrdlug to the papers Su-i SSmith uent bte tue Robluson place sud hail a feu drinks. Mbat led hlm there la nt stated. Aller tbe drinks Ut la aibegeil tome oeecatîed out litat thorewusa a "ganie" uptaira sud lu nome mauner lured Smltu uptairs. Nt beug a driuklng mau It ls riaru' ed thaI lthe tuo or turue driuks bai hlm cing. it la aise citargeil tua ho "as treed int tuse sud tit astar be bail réeeived a feu more uPetars be « cemt kmou ubat ho vudo- cel lOHM Chs'l.tmaMonese. It ia turtiter silegeil liala the cousueofta card game, poker, AuIt plaeed e«M aller UMm sd liai aftht a fou ulnfla lho uait te loes e hnuitbac b.fud.d Tlh. climax ogme ubea beolIst &il bis meer8100 hholibeabostaneat teWankemante gpeail for Christmtas gita for bis f smlly. Il la ise chargoi tuat b. iid nt corne te that day sud 001 ubtiltsome tuentr-tour or thirty-sir heurs ater- varda dli ho become futîrccloneOff, meastîme uet aveu knowing the day et tue ueek or the date. Mr%. Smitb Ilîl prosecute the rase wlth vigor. The purPort o! the PS pers la admitted 10 ha sensatlonal. àsiocn and Don Connected. Mrs. Sumith charges liat the RobIn- sou Brothers' saoon sud the alegei de@ upstaii's are conuected asud Ihat a bell givas signals for drinks sud other tiblus. She naines loti Rob inson brothers, "HarrY sud lery"- WINTIIROP IHARBOR WANTS NEW U'ACTORY Realiinbg tanklrtht the prospec- tive leus te Ienoha oethle Municipal Engneering Company rnaY seriouslY cipple thoir vllage, sud tuaI If nome other ladustr La nt securoil tue ln- dividuai citmeua ili face 1055 lu value te licir preperty sud genera lavestueets. lie résidents o Wîntu- ropIl onber, north oet Mon Cty sud nr the "tte le,, are uorklng loolh sud maIlte secure for lie village the AdvmtcePover Coempany, a 0ev men- utactor etfChicago. "I coul afford 10 give 100 cash te proeoct my proporty," sald a citizen, t"if the campeur veudcame te tubs village.» rTe ctizen% are »ekng 1111e lu- deedof ettue compour- wWuietli -Company annouetes tuatit ilultern- plor as higit sa 400 men te start for tue manufacture et gazolne englues tue vlllagera bave sakeil a gnarauleeofc onîr 26 men for tue IraI rear and 50 men the second. Thitlai &Il the compaur bas te prevlde beroni tue faetorr. Wh.t VIIIags Wiil D-. In ceulderien of a nev ndutrr te, estain l, sud leeP ils residents -In factery uerk, the viltagers vili de tue tolleubur: One eadet vil donate fifty lots ubicli be ouns.'Te lots uil ho sol at $Z00 escli te reidents. The preceoils entabme tue tactery site viii b $8,000 and tliii viibuil the tac- tory builing. Thoe-vilflage l Ilng tedo Iis for M» or t eue nutry. TW0 PARTS LIBERTYVILLE, LAKE COUNTY, ILLINOIS, FRDAY, IANUARY 28, 1910-12 Pages ___________________________________ T HARO ON BLINO PIGGERS. BLEW OUT THE GAS OIED Seth Turner, Preminent Resldent of Mainsavilie, Foumd Dead il orne of Friende ln Chicago Sunday - Graiyalake &mail Boy Kicksd ln Back of Head by orse and ln Critical Condition aI Mcptal. Seth Turner. a promineut resîdent of HainesvIlle. vent into Chcago Bat- urday te bur a teain of horgsansd nt gettlug his cholce. mae toppei al ,nlgbt ultit some frlends. Mr. sud Mrs. poltesen. ta the morniug, Bunday, uhen tue Polteseui; trled te arouse Turner flear 9. they found on entertng bIs room that ho bai bloun out thte ga»lu al prohahillty, as ho usa at the lasI gasp sud lu s short ime dled. despite the efforts et doctors. burrledly sum- moued. The dead man wusa40 sud teaveg s ulte sud large faily. Tbe funeral usa held Tuesday from the Grays- lake Metbedlst churcb. The lte Nr. TûruIe-Z $1,Z00 lusursuce lu the "Gleanera." Kicked ln Hed by orse. Morris Hart. aged 12, sud the sou of John Hart o! Graylake. was kIcked lu the hack of the heai by a horse altacbed to a sleigb uben Tiday nigbt on is wsy home froin arbool the boy Jurnpei f rom tue lelgb tu get mai out of a roadaie mail box. Be was takeu 10 the Lekeside boapi- tai ln Chicago at once sud receut e- pots are thtthbeulîl proliably re- rover. The accident bas e pathetir lterelt fren the fart tuaIt uelve yesaxao a 4-year-li sou ln the saine tsmily vas crushed te death benealli falling cattle siaucbioua. ZION WOMAN OESERTSMHUSBAND Mes. Ciarles B. Biiby, tbe vite of the manager ofthte clathiog depart- mont ofthé lb. cePores, bas desierteil ber buzabàIt il la siI, sud May apply for a divorce ai lite Marci brn et te circuit cout. Whule Mr. BMib vas lnChicago Test ves pu'citsl gonds she sor.d the services of ai drman Tt la sald aud iaeved ber persona offets sudsa piano rm tiir, berne 2402 Uitha avenue to iehoe. et ber paenta. Ttinscharged liai ah. teck nome tutugs beonglng te ber bushanil. Was Belle of Zien City. Mrs. Blbys malien iaine usa Emmia Zoeeler sud hefoeabar marrlage us consiiered eue oftheu prettleet girls lu ZDon City. Nia vas omarriei 10 C'harles B. Bity, a vidouar bo wuse rny yesrs ber senior a few years ago. Mr. Bilit lias s growu daugbîer bN, bis tiret site vbo wairnloat a fuit growu îoung lad', at thc lime of his marriage to Miss Zoiter. There sers meuv vlio predlctei au uniapty tecmn.atioun ofIthe marriege at the imte il took place. Il s reisrted Iliat tiers tua> le trouble over the- remnoval of the goods froin the initi dornna the abisence o! Mr. BlI> l Chtcago. "MHesîhen Chines. is Pecular." Lee Kee the propritor ot the Clii- uesa laundry et Zion City uas pre- ventai Suniay frein movIng out bis gooda sud aqulpinent uban ire Marhai Hooverwuse sPPoiuted ruaI- odian et tue propertr. Il Je alteged tuaI tbe laundry man la tue mOullis lu arrears lli bis rent and that he bas nt tounil Zbon Ctr a profitable place bu uhîci tec, uoduct bis busi- ues. ItlaisWsaed tuai a movina wagon vas bu front ot the place iu readines te move out tue machlnery aud otite: preperty uben Attorney W. H. Faitri usa informeil et tue tact. A uuil vas secureil post haste sud Marabal Hoover teck charge sas custodîsu hae fore tue surpriseil Chinaman bad i em to get hie laundry equlPment enIO the moving wagon. John whalen of- Waukegan and George Webb of Antlech. Jobn italen o! Waukegau sud George Webb of Atieci are on tue faderaI court grand jury venre et 45 men lu Chicage sud mar lie o! th number chosen te mare the beet trust luquiry Ibat la expected te re- suit lu tue indîctimeut o! tue big pacitera. Iu tubs connection the two biggest packers lu tue vol are Laite connty men, Louis P, Suift, whoee annuel business la tue largeet blb.the rt lu tue packlng business, sud J. Ogilen Amour vite la given lb. tille the meat ldug. ie aide Arthur Meeker la aise a Lake counly minuasd differ- et officiais asseciateil vitu the pack- lng trust resido lu thba ceuntr. LAND SWINDLER 15 BUSY AGAIN Indie. by whlch Ex-Regîter of Deeds of Premont Leues $3,00 le Exactly Like Thot Pisyed ln Lke County aven te Fergerles et Notarli eale, Pake Land Deal, Pake Deci Note and Ameunt Thot Swindier Resiizsd. Jeohn Bock, alias John Heever and à hundred ether nomes, has Just filihod worling hie land desi swindie ln Nebraska a nd made a succesetul "get-afflay" with $3,M00in cash under tbie manéme"Henry G. Fscher this Uime. The gamne ho pisyed thietilime la an exact duplicate of titat which he used te victmiza Henry Wedge ef Wauksgan aen te te amount et cash he got and te te tergerlea of deedsandi s notarySb seul and signature. Mr. L.J. Gurue af the Lake Coun- ty TItie sud Trust Company, Xake- gan, la et preoent lu Omaha and ual- urally Iuîerestei lmself lu the sice searcb for Be.rk wheu lie leeruil that the gaine la exartiy ltbe samne as thie man pievei surressfully here -'ould >ou iiuow Beck or 'Henry G. lcier"'" Mr. Guruee was as;ked. t'I surety woutd' replied Nr. Gur. nee. "t met hlm sud lalked vll. hini severail imes duriug bis slay lu \ý% auki'gai. lie was here about a The description o! hlm eues crs exartly 10 that of Beck alias Hoover." derlares Mr. Gurnea 'sud tiere Is no doubt but tat Fischer is Berk lu the Berne ohd gaine." Thes Omahas $tory. Sulndhed by a crook o! national reputatio. John 0'Conmnor. for eight rears registar ef deeds o!ftktdge coonty, partei Company -,th $3,000 at Fremet yesterday slterneon. lThe nature et the cas»aUmite probbei i.tlM of the sWUMblboafi t m te Oata. ulterehe r.ported theamet- ter te the police.,'The local det.- tives are bard at vork thereon says the OoashaWorl He-ald of Jannary 21st. OConnorsg terrn as regîter o! deede o! Dodge ceunty expîreil tue tIraI of tue uew yesr. sud be establsheil hlm- self bu the real estate sud abstract business lu that edli. In order ths.t be migbt bave capital te back hlm lu lbe veture lie soîd bis home, vhicb bronglit hlm 11111e ever $3.000. H. bas s vite sudonue chili. About a week ste a in presented bimself to OCounor, lntroduclug hlm- self as Henry G. Fischer, rtaimIug 1<> corne froin neer the town nf Doigeý He ssild e sisisi 10 luy a tarin for his sou sud plaee the purchase pro- tostion lu OCounor's bauds. Fleher sai lie used to be e botltmnsta Burington, la. end climei b lie of somne meaus. Fischer negoialci for the purcliase o? a tarin or tue user Fremout. mean- wblle runiug lu and out o? the city as a business inumiglt naturally du. inail, afler rnuch iickerlng. he appeared ietO'Conuor's oflice yester- day atternoon wlIh s issi te a fartn allegeil 10 have beau soli to hlm bY Relubard Billerbsck sud vIte, near Frernt. The purchase pries vas usmei tuemel s $12.000. il bore the legal seal sud lte naine ot Netar A. J. Biller. paperiiS' ed Straight Fisher buld O'Connor tuaI ho bail spent &Il o? bis avaliable cash lu IbIs deai sud tuaI h.ousaabout le t&e .a triup te Europe ou Important businesa sud tuaI ho visheil te make s beau of $3,000. Ater looking ever tue a.ppareutiy genune deoil sud show- Iug ilt te sevemm.l rosI estale mon uho &Il promptiy prononceil Il genuine. O'47ennor gave Fisher the cash ou a note ultu tue fams securlty. Ftor tue oale sud abstract Fisher ouneil OCosneor $57.60 uhicit h *s te psy hlm at 3 n'eiock yesterdav atternOon. i'sher neyer shoued up sud Ibis maie O'Coneor uueasy. Upon investigation lie founnithat lie vas the vicîlin o! a most siful sud succeastui avinile. Fisher bai secumeil tue signatures et Mm. sud M.ra. Bilierback on prelimrnary papera. aIse bearing the seal sud tue signa- bUru of $otary A. J. Mutler. These bai ail beau cleverir forgai on tue faite deed. on tue streugtu o! uhîcli tue $3,000 lests liaibeau secureil. The detectives are ot the opinion thal Fisher bai tie fake seat maie bu LOmaha. DAs son se O'Connor realizel lie rbai beau dupai, lie notifiel Sheriff Bauman, who dîspatcheil Deputy Shieriff A. C. Jensen ulîli O'C7onnor for Omahta, hopitlg 10 iead off tue swindier If be came tbis way. The two men diaguiseil themselves and went tbrougb att trains at Union sta- tino last eveniug. bt to no avait. Detectivee Maieney sud Van Deusen met tbem t the depot and worked witb îhem and a dos@e Inspection of every botel and train 18 beiug made lu tbe hope of apprebeading Fisber. Tel- egrama bave been sent to a&Il parts of the mlddle uert in the hope of bsadiug hlm oef. "If t uasn't in thte business and suppoged te h. su expert t It, i wouldnt teel It se badly," saidOo- nor ln the police tatien Iset nlgbn. "I took the deed and sboued It to promInent real est&tO men of Fremont aud tbey ail esI4 It uas ail rigbt. Wtly.fil looked l al rlght, from every staudpolnt Fisher bai deait faly wltb me sud hsd catrled himself well. I see now It uasàaIl a part of the game, but be usa certainly a smootb onueI Much Wantecl Man. It ls pra.ctically establshed by Sheriff Bauman and the Omaha deter- tIves tbat "Fisher" ls noue other than John L Butter, ailse James Hoover. alias John H. Kine, w.suted fore an identical suindle In Adams couuty, it. on November 14, 1906 There Is a $300 reuard on is head et oresent. The details of the Illinois gante read word for word witb Ihat by whicb OConnor wras duped. "Fisher" told OConnor that lie was going 10 Germany for tbree inouths and tbe note for the $3,000 was made oui for that iengtb of ime The local piolice are making everY effort te ascertain wbere las was that Fisher bai the fate seat made ln Omaha, aluce It le practically estab- liebed tlat it was maie ber". C. SI N. W. PAYS THE *MOST TAXES NorthweuteniL ~by. Paym.nt et Nserly Twloe imt Pr Aày Othel Lake Couftty alt-dLeeal sage- triE' l.siiCOeseÇ Ht-"Teh~mp Mid Tel Phee0 Linos .1.0psy Oat- or dAiirsiatO. The. treensious amount tiat rail- rnan sd telepitone and LIe@graPh comtpemies parly ito lte ta'esury of 1àskeeceuntYr anally became kueoýw tour. Bere are lbe figures for the preeut yeam sud tue tue yaars tast past: 1910- Chicago & Nortuvesteru, $42.159,.24. Elgin. Joliet & Eastern, $17.385.17. Chicago, Milwaeukee & St. Paul, $16.- 401.54. Wisconsin ('entrai. $12.752.47. Waukegsn & Mtississippi altey. $216.51. Chicago & 'itwaukee. $23,291.37. Total.$$11t2.206 30ý Telegrapli sud cilione companies. $6,t7t 93ý Grand total, t19m7 S 2,. i9e9- Telegraplis sud teisînes. $6,061.00, Railroade, $101,031.80. Total. $107,032.41. 190e- Telelgrapli sud tetephnnes. $5.444,64. Railresis, $101,408.40, Total. 8106,8S3 04 Wsnt Atiditien 10 Court FNous.. il la higitty probable liaI aItue camIug meeting o? the Iake coutY board et supervisors a recommanda- lion wulîlb. mais tote beoard te buiti an addition to tue court bouse at aL cet f$15.000 Averse tu Cutting ROOMs Up. Itlai unierstoed that tue recoin- eàenilatiou yl]le because et extreme- Ir croudoil coud ilions aI the court bouse making omn suImperative eecesslty. 'Te frsI planproposai uss 10 reut the circuit court roonIn bte tue reema one for the oounty court room sud eue for tue circuit court roin. Titis la ebjected te as sel glving situer court roorn enough. Il la e .ruinor today ltaI the e- port toV tue aidition to tue court boeuse may ha a iinorb.i report ten- dered by Supervisors Blacktem sud Clarke sud tuat the itirmnuoftthe cernmittee la not ln favor of the ex- peudIture o? so large an arnéonut or of au addition et Ibis tIme. il le also Intimalai thalt ta subject maltem e! lb. miuorlty report If il le renierad iulîl letue signal for somein nerstiug iclate. Additlon-Whore? The main question, la uhere wnuld lte addition t0 the court bous.elie placeil' This vîll furnisit turîber tood fer debste If the report ls eiop- ted. WMI. KIENNEDY KILLED AT WARRENTON painter of Near Warrenton Run Dewn by Werk Train Near 6:30 Monday Nlght-Mcther Mss Sad 'laek ef idsntlfylng Remains of Dead Man as They Lay in Warrenton Depet Mouday nigbt et 6:30 William Ken- nedy, a painter reodiluz near Warren- ton. uas mun down sud kilied there by a St. Peut uork train. The Iuquest uase eld neat morning hy Coroner Jonu1- Taylonr oft Uhertyvitte. It la tbougbt that Kennedy had been to, Waukegan and that b. had returned tu Rondout ou the etectric Ilne. It la also believed that he missei the milk train whicb would bave teken hlm to bis born eat Warrentou sud wbicb ls due at Rondout at about 4:30. He la said 10 be near sighted sud It le thougbt that while walking toward Warrentnn on the St. Peut trarks be tailed to see the work train which came from the uortb and rsu hlm down. The body was much disfigur- ed sud Identification was dillicuIt. William Kennedy was a sou of Nrs. Patrick Dugen. wbo resudes neer War- reuton. He le a painler by traie sud baes workei arotind Werrenton durIng the peet fait lie bas alan worked et his traie lu Weukegan and Chicago. Hie mother Identifiei the rernains ou Tnesday sud Undertaker W. E. Drew remnoved the rernaire froin the Wareu- ton depot aller Coroner Taylor lied given permission. IENGINERR REMAINS AT MIS fPOST Two Mites South of Barrlngten Crowfl Cap cf Locomotive Bolier Btsw Out, and Stoam Envelcped Enginsar and Firsman, Who Stuck le Their Poete -SuburbanitesaIn Perll and Buffersd Delay. Au englober and a firemnan uert se- verey sesijoil hisltomM.My uhen the. creva cap of a bolIer of a freigit train on tie Wiacosin dlytaleu of the. Chicage & Nertiluestern rail- rosi bleu out tue Miles sonth of! Bar- rington, 111. The accident delayeil service on the Wsconsin division, and hundreils o! suburbanites ucre put Iu peril. delay- ed sud incouvenienced. Surned and Bcaldod. Those lnjured are: Frank Woodlug, Barrlugton. engi- ueer. bauds, tare sud body scaliai; taen ute bis hume. Albiert Caeaer. Patina. Il]., ire- inu sevare scalis about body,.arme, sud bauds; takan 10 bis borne. The accident occurrei soon aller 6 orclock and causai a panir ou a uear- by pas8seuger train. The freiglit train was boni for Chi- cago froin Barrînglon. It vas mn- iug et moderate stîeld Two miles soutb o! Berriuigtou the crowu cap' o? the locomnotive bolier blcw out wlth- ont waruing sud thehsslng stearn suddeuiy auvetoped the anglueer sud firema.n. vbo bai no opportuuity to es- cape. Remains at is Poàt. Aithough bliuiei by the rloud ot stesin ibat scalded bis flash. Engineer Wooding remainsi ai bis post uutil be stoppei tue train. Then he sud the fireman Jumpei. The report efthIe bleuing ont et tue croun cap attracted railmeail em- ploya a1 ork lu the yards sud tuer veut te tue assistance oftIhe njurod men. The accident ls sali 10 have beau causeil by a defect lunte flues of the bolier. Main Meetings wIll b. holi et Wadsworth 27th. PART ONE $1.50 PER YEAB IN -ADVANCE. If New Legisiation Passes, Blind Pige Under Federai License WiliInet ho Possible and Load Witt bc Taken From One Quayloes Mind-New Leq- laiatiofi Rsgarded With Much Fa- ver by People Mers. Washing<n, D. C.. Jan. 23.-Hun- dreds oetliquor sellers ln prohibition districts lu Chicago sud other parts of Ilinets viii be put out 0f business If a bihll ntredticed lest week by Repre- sentative Thomas M. Bell et Georgia becemesa slau. The bill prevides that hereatter thte tederal governinent shahi ssue no ln- teruai revenue licenses te retail liquor dealers ln state, county or municipal prohibition terrltory. It la maie lie iuty of the internat revenue colleters te keep themselvea lnformed et the ex- istence and extent of prohibition dis- tricta vithîn their Jurisiliction sud te refuse goverumeutlilcenses 10 liquor dealers Iberein. Fes, Arm ofetGovernment. These Illicit liquor dispensaries mun lu deflauce of the local law officera, but they dont take sncb riaks wben It cornes to the tederal governinent. They ta1k ont the-féderal license be-' cause tbey knw it uli go bard with them If they are discevered selllug ulthout lîcenses by tbe InternaI reve- nue sleutbs. Then they trust 10 luck sud i 'bat tbey yul flot lie brnugbt t, hv the local autborities. ver, "blini pige" are refused fede uý,ses. few of thein will riait operatioi, as they would be hiable to prosecutionuet any turne by the goveru- ment. In many of the prohibition southeru states tbe "hliud pig" evil la go prev- aient that measures eft Iis nature are d4èmed necessary te Its extermina- tion. J.0(. ARMOUJR TLSâ w"W UT US HGH PiatOrm and Roiuiat1.eof eth mina Have, franeso ra Md AMwg the Cltimus fi.etWaslete-mo oef ii Lague te Proteet Consumer@ iy Force of Numbers. That the present high price et dreas- ed meat products la the logical reenît of an increaaed demand sud a dimin- isbed supply uas the statement Bun- day et J. Ogden Armour, president of Armour & Co., sud a director ot the National Packing Companyuhoese business methois viii be lnvestlgated by the federal grand jury Impaneleil lodey NIr. Amour Was seen yester- day et bis tarin aI Lake Forest. 'Beef Isouly about boif a cent igber tben It wes a year ago," sali Nîr. Armour. "Lille rany other thInge, t bas risen during the aset few years. but tbis ls because Is production bas unot kept pare witb tbe demsud. M3ore people are liuylng meat and are buylug more ineât thon ever be- fore. wbIle stock raislng bas shoun tittie If any change. Cousequentty, hlgber meat te a natural sequence. "Becretary Wilson, ln bis annual re- Port, descrlbed the situation very ase- curatety uhen he sai that the shriuk- age of the cattle range am. bail r.. suited lu a greater percenlage of cern ted beef sud bigher prices. Prices are Net Dictsted. "Our pubtished satements ten the w bote atory. They ahow liat ubela meat la hlgh the packer, as uell as tue retalter sud the consumer must psy more for IL. The packera de net duc- tate the prîtes. "I do net know ubat tue geverument Intends te de." ssii the packer when asked regardlng tue coming investga- tion. "When t Sund out I may have The Mitk Producers' association sein. opinion te express. but not be- y1l holi a series o! meetings lu Lake Ifore" denIers betore tb. big central meet- ing lu Chicago Feli. 7th sud ouaet the main meetings yl l e bah aIt Wais3wortu Jsuuary 27tit. Becretary James P. Grier viii attend. The meetings ara to lie heti le pro- mot. and talk over the lterests ot the producers alone. Tbey vilI alan talc over the mater of price. Pays Over $75000 on $15,000 Account againat Hlm,. Overseer VIlbum Glenn Voliva Tues- day psu te Receiver Gus D. Thomas $7.500 ou acount o! the paymeut of 815,000 due Teliruamy le1 on the purchasa price peud for tue hospice sud adinistration buildings. He gave assurance liat tb. balance o! lih. payinent wîli be maie by or lie- fore tue first o? Feirnary. Will Test Mlle and Elghlh Law. Cenvicled et the Illegal sale of liquom by a counli court jury Burton Prat yul carry the case against hlm for aliegei violation efthte mile sud au elght lau te the blgiest courts 10, test il constitutlonaliiy. The lau lise neyer been testai beyonil ceunIr court. The jury wbicli triai the case agaînat Burton Pra11 for tue ailegeil ltlegal sale o! lîquor ln a blini plg aI Higbvood founi Pratt g'ultty on feur eeunls. Juige Joues did net pronounce sentence sud uIll net do s0 unlîl a motion for a neu trial la maie.- by Attorney George ieli lias beeu arguai. The suit et Copelsuil vs. Doyle bas iteen dîsmisea. A llckleg or dry cough cen bo quirhir loosenedulali Dr. Shoope Cougli Rensir. No opluiu, uoehtoroform, notbiug nuais or harsb. Sold by. ALL DRALEWI. RICII MEN IIELP COUNTY SCIIOL Are Directors on Board of District Scho4 Scouth cf Libetyville end Take Intersst te Extent 01 Donat. inq Bocks le Chlldrsn sad Holping Educationai CaRuseu-Armnours Tek* Interat ln Ucheci, Tee. The declaration of State Superintens. dent of Schoole Frank F. Blair at & recent niee"ig of bis assistants ln Chicago that weulthy men buylug country homnes avoid paylng thefr tax and cause country schools to be s0 lmpoverlshed thst they cannot pay living uages to teachers hau aroused a tempeot ln a teapot ln Laietsuunty. Wble the commente on the. reMàrks are flot bitter, they are torcefui aMd conditions show that ln thls coutY the nililionsire residents are boogtera of the country achool. Mllionsires on Board*. In tact in a district souti of Libet- tyville, Joseph Medfli Patterson, mil- lionaire sociallet, suthor and play- wrlgbt, wboee two plays, "The POUtrb Estate" and "A Little Brother 01theii Rich," are now running in Chicago theaters, and F. E. Marah. owner Or' the Orattan stock ferra and the LUi- ertyvIlle mile oval, are both directors and besides toaterlng thte achool andl msking fit possible tu psy a teaciter welt, have douated booksansd taken a active Intereat in the sebool affsira. On the Armour place, the J. Ogden Armours aiso foster a country OchoOl, alttougb there are three tarmers on the directorate. Armour Boe rne ae go visited the achoot and took a great ln- terest in lits urk. What Simpson Ssys. fAetr as 1 knou." ssit! Coanty Superintendent of Sehools Blmpsoe. "1there ls not a wes.thy reMluiesit uhO avoids payment of taxes or lunany uay contributes to the Imiieoeihh- ment of a district On Ibe 00aMtre. the, weathy r eMents , i, *0 CO rO' Ilsllct§6 ubsrve ux&mdta" 00ga - tut in the.loca i tr7 s*col ew belp jit a&lth.ý Cam., "Thorere nM e b" o l a 1k.CS- ty that out tonb. Cl«94-e.acct oft i.mpmttmtaacý or ditiena. but there ame scbeos tbite metat te b.e MMbecase et tbP slim attendanceet o! veor les&." The remariks thet t8"rp4the tm*» peut sudthat aDiieer.lntaaa Obiea paper. later te W repeatedby a K. kakee paper, arm s felOUwn> Wh&% clair Ieys. "theti tenant syst.m of farmlng. the buying up by we.Ithy mou 00 great tracts et ]and snd leasing them ln smalt lots te the former aunera.1l raising bavlc ulit the country achoole of Illinois, la the statmnent mail bO- fore the monthty meeting ot the Chii- cago head assistants by State Bupprin- tendent Francis 0. Blair. "Mr. Blair gays be found cenditioma o0 deptorable that stter ho bail draited witb mucb labor, a report on educa- douai conditions in Iminois for a BoU- ton educator ho retusuil t o udltil h- cause It would bring discrace on the state. "Mr. Blair daims that the vealthy men evaile lie peimeet oet mat taxe sud liai consquestiy r-si eiol districts bave nue ouugimS«. e hire empetffat tsrs. Hnemaoa tuer. are at leeft "ô seboei mroj a' & tbe state tiat ulljbt Iset&as ws' b., clooeil, on scemat or tii. Inempttea- cy of thi e aw. Nla c oieo founil a girl teachi glua à emhb- ochool for $10 a mmULi.Ho 4eawfl tuai pupfls cf a toelier o-u»go, more tth- iti ouW kl e 10recette 11111e benofit trou, ber, batrucuto Berneo et Lake Zurich Mian'sOld N.igh'- bora trIke liMerdaMNtes. Ilh.eue discord ntst att-u, l regard te the petlhi ofr a&iardt for Geerge Erueger efLoi. Zlndi la that furnishoil by a=e et is CI nelgItbersv*ho *0iihot oppose SObe- JecIte othe pet-dm but v iblia Kruoger gullty belleve ho ouzUit tsb. kept ubere ho la, la prison. PMonter and CQe an e1 Old Quard Obaeod Bundsy. Bunday S. S. Greenleaf, Wanke- gan aud Lake Counîr pineor and eue et tue fâue ol gentuemeaofethle old achool, celebrateil bis siaet-eo- esti birtitay qitletUy at uherie aSe n eal Washing-ton streel. He ri*~,vs visita fre ibs trIends and tutie usual long valk sccordbug te hlltet time habit He l asu entbU**lO peilestrian and fou morabi.YU througb lte rear vitie ie ls * tue preacribeil conatttoX'MW* la oeerassoitfor hie àai <mbW bealtu. vJ L tg p p c E c C 'i c

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