g ~ ____________-~ r bcks ith ioiu -e cke Win eisset i. sedial mehS~8t - mila s. Mr dm we'. ackm the . e o rtpe a = Ayher'B PUIhSgme kMot ve oyo ebtHY .. PAY hiflnely m" h . h54*In ennuike thaidi. me. , I tsc enig .tr do tae m sý e o, iîsoaive .5. ts these latt- ,deiwbistaa Oit the buksiiioé li - stened raie t . Itauer.e in us us,.n sud yei A.l 'raiWt mela y= h wivtho îr .hie>5s ho,. th esunlv go sudreitie ow esel Raie. Ai !tis fsi 1. 5e ?orc omem Ydard bei marabl on o" ,iss.and tran e ro ou bu oeero (iRAYSLAKE DEPARTMENT -PM HIL Mr. and Mrm. Jesse Graves have moved W IF. J. DRIICE. Edltor Phone No. 11 to Llbertyfiile, A N S rdes Tkenfor 0b orK Advrtiing ate OnAppicaion John Amann bas moved to the Martin Williams tarin north of Volo. Lusk Bros. are haullng gravel for the i have at My home several styles of the Baldwint Pianos. I1 tirs. E.B. Neville was lu Chicago Mis Mary Hofîman, daughter of tir. fouindation of a new barn wblcb wiII be is flota invite you to eail and see. Prioes within the rach of ail. Saturday. and Mrsi (i). Hoffman andI Bert Staîker buit in the early spring. if O Dr. E. V. Harvey transa.aedl business weerare tb ic e s aBarneye&mnanad family will soion nsdErbqmr i Ciao aud evenhiingat the bride ebie.Aie te eî osesio ! her e bni na GEORGE E. STRANG, lindertaker and Licerte m~mr iiCiao audi eeoy a weddîng mupper was ,erved. Roc-kefeller. yu GRAYSI.AKE - -- IUNOIS Ch". Forvor, of Waukegan, viited bis Mir. and tir. Stalker will reside i m<iother hores inday. Fariner City. Charles Thomnson, of Grayolake, vislted it wil Mr.MmFrlad ad dugher Eue" is&Suse Withea Isvistin rea-bis brother, C. L. Thomson, Saturday. COMm or.hic ra pn aday antSr.nena is in icago. ea l istgrea- trs. F. P. Davis, of Grayolake, @pent o! Cicao, pentSatrda andSunay ivesin hicgo.Sunday wlth ber daughter, Mis. Mabel - witb Jason Benehan and wlfe. Mrs. Dan Hook ban returned fromt Benw.lî. F Max Shapiro vWsted friends ini Chicago Chicago wbere abc bas spent the peint Mi@ anleHoarsecond daugbterE D O i 'T O R E over Suaday. week witb ber sou, Charles and family. of Mr., and Mmr. orle, fioward W"s and EL Lloyd titiuiail waa In<Chicago taet Mrs. Koetner and daugbter. Lilian married Wedneeday mornlng by Fatber TRAT-Ws are agets for the Burlingon Laundry. Basket leaves gaturday. viited lu Chicago, Tuesday and Wednes- Tempke lu the Catholle cburcb lu Voto cartha *Thiuraday aund returno Saturdsy. Ail work guaranteed. Im 5Wlliams and Mis Roberta Harvey day. to William Volidor alsnofo Grant town- of Mar THAT-We have commutation ralroad ticket@ on botb roade. attended the fostines Bsturday at Miss Edith Ricb, of Wsaukegan, was a ohlp. Mr. and Mmr. William tiolidor THAT-We are agents for the Klmbaill Piano Co. We sel or rent Chicago. guesi of 1. A. Fenun Sunday. wi.Il reside in Round Lake wbsre tbe auperic pianos. Mdiss Lillian Fleming wau a Chicago lien liamlin. of Laki, Villa, t'raneacted groom bas purcbased a hail internetsInlu in whi THAT-Ws receive a large consignutent o! magazines ewih montb. vistor Saturday business ber@e Wednesday. a blackemitb @hop. conven TUÂ1T-W. manufacture le Crsam as woli as seil!It. W. would Everybody le plaunlux fur a big turne Henry Kuebkr tranaucted businenss OT IlAO ii appreciat* jour ord.er. ai the rnek baIl Friday evening. in ChicaSgo Wednssday. CRf UAO 1àg THAT-We repatr jour glaise. Put In new lenses upon short notice. les crearn ln bulk aud brick la on sale Mrs. Ben Suier.o! o Lake Villa,ealledl The treet deparliment bas a neiv wag- the ma THAT-We taite advertILng, job work and subscriptions for the Lake at the (irayslake Pbsrmacy. on f riands bere Weduesday. on wbieb wus constructed mander the Aai' County Independent aud Weekly Sun. Teaho hlrnadtahr ereBnàer fCiao a direction o! A. Goebi, the commissioner. ine THLAT-We olwa.ys carry a fait lino! Pure Drugs and a fine lin of attended the surprise parti on Iving the gueai of bis brother, Will, several Thnuîragondin amdem m lstandr. P toilet preparations and Drug Bundries. Houk lest Frdsy evenlng. Tbree legb days tais week. osrce na oenmne.Po loade went from be and ail report a Miss Ada Knebiter, o! Chicago, spont Blnd Pix Case. in yci D R U C E D R U G C O . fine Mrne. Satnrday and Sund"y boe as tbe gisat; A case was trled before Justice Nelson ot fatCa.'otgOr.P.Ts ocr TeW leSnig01M.adMs HnyKekr ait Friday eveuing iu wbit-b AleSchuml yslake. Chas.s ThoinsooFI .P.Tecnet'h olg ign !.adt. Beny K ebker. he as found guilty o! seling liquor wilih. shaHl Thrs 8ore~ Rckfsller, H. A. Watson, f Ph. Girls" given by Henry Kuebker lait Sat- tirs. Dlck Beley, o! DesPlans h Round Lake urday evenlug made a great bit with guest of ber parents, tir. and ïr. Ed oui a liceuse and alto for sellung Itou thoa ibose wbo attended. The siugng wes lovîluge. Sonday. , Four witueui es tified to purcbaslug -- ---------- fie and costumes pretty and ail made a Frank Wood aud son. Harold, loft boer ai the borne o! Sthurn and tbres o! very pleainig etertalnimeiit. Wednesday for their home lu Waterloo, ibem iad that b. brougbt the boer out 3 Mms.tierub Foryor le on the ick hiot. lova, o! bis battement. 20N H.ary Geary wes luin ono buil- F. C. Wilbur and Win. Springer took Sehurusa only wituesA vas bis sou, oseés tiouday. in tbe Electrical Show Wedunday. littie fellow o! about ton yeare, wbo ,- * Arb descon Toîl will conduet the Fred Grabbe transacted business ln siatsd thai bis lother badl nsver sold auj W a t d 5 M n t o services ai the Mission next Sunday Chicago Monday. boer. FýC.Wibu ad m.Spriuger t Uk eo. Feeik and wie, o! Lberty- J. K. Orvis, wbo defendsd Seburn, belfi to Wexaselir.15aeMen tolgisho W': d of 0.take ila wr getsa teEd K:ppl: one or two of the wtneeses against For t. Baron, 60 ft. lt eto! bis hmeSanday. Schuru as Scburn bad caumed theirarrest prsO hom uad expe-t t erect a Arcb leacon Feu w! ii onduit the ser. ore time ago and b. tbougbt tbey *On Our Next Excursion h andeome reidene., vices at the mission niextSundayeveniii,. were trying to get even. - - _______________________ Justice Nelson tined the defendant ton ____________________ dollars and coats, an appeal vas 0 Tuesday, February 2tIvRUSLLoLo arn Jo Mr t ooik a Joad o! fent iyAtreyDce rscti h $30o.00 Prairiertp the ovéter supper andtC. G. Huson. o! Libertyvilie, traneacted eeand John Jackeiniz acteid as itr 5 3.0rudtpt yod iaad retnrn. week. buiness boe.lest Friday. preter. 0 Cali et our Libertyville agency-Dymond 1 'CDrw. in and Mirs, S. C. Bove were Bomu to Mr. and tir. Aleit tMiler,Mn Autnfr0olt. i edn ate reu lîlcago istors.one day lest veek. Friday. Jauuary 28, a daugbter.Riwy Mal Cek 0 Autn fr*olt n raigmte rcl Aý.111s Clorn and Roy Le win ver. Miss Edna Sinan, o! Chiago, vas 'lie R2lw y atoiir atorCiaooffice. oKna ialt)rlast 1uesday. guet o! friends lu Volo part o! hest 25n tout ~ * C. M. Go3rbain and wile, of Waukegan, 1eIWate 8 ton «76Flrst National Bank Building visited at tbe A. C. Cornabhorne Satur. tire. Wm. Dillon la vietiug relatives 18tu 746. in akgnfr edys The Governmont pays Riiway Mail 48tu * dy. aukganfora fv dys.Clerks 0800 tai 81200, and other Bnckî Mmr.. O tr. L. M. louner attended tbe tuners] Miss Catherine loveil, o!fIlesi employema up to $2500 annually. Wbaa e The Sou thL Coast Co..mpany '0 of Peter Stewart, o! Gurneeletunudai. Fremont, %vas tbe guest of ber cousin, ___ 40 ton Mrs 0 A Sve i v8iin br lrldenMiss Elsie Walton, Friday uigbt. Uncle Sarn viii bold spring ezami- Wbse Inl Mlwaukee. Mm'. W. M. H uson vasa recent Grays- iions tbrougbout the country for Ra~il ail P« 0S N O D W. LINDSAY, President A..orsn lake viponiter.a way Mail Clrke, Custom Rouese Clrke, Everyl SANFORD * A . urinsd Mf.A. C. WrthSd Mytirasd Mrs. kiarry Niebolis spent Stenogrspbers, Bookkeepere, Dpart- Getou O * ~wltb Mn. sdtrei.C nWrbl Tuesoday o! lent week lu Libertyville. meantal Clerks and other Qoyemment Po- FrWank ewe ndu. tie hiag rs. Wmn. Hirouimus and son, Chester, idions . Thoumaudi o! appolutrnsnts vil *OO@*@O O@O O@@O O@O OO@ O@visiFatnee l sd v!, e. Cîaofo Round Lake, were guesta o! relatives h. mode. Auj mon or woman ovaf 18, vister on da let vek.bere Saturday and Sunday. lu Cty or country eau gt Instruction Henry Sint'$ Saiet arnTYLOR GROVE. LR ,MissMande Waltou. o! Waukegan, sud fren, Information hi vvltlug at once Ram vls~~~~~~~~5ýitedat the br !berprns ber the Bureau ofluiuci nt CRm TIms is rv u~he no- sud wlnd bave ptthe ruade ira.re Allen arens hon01sudtuctirs.459L. M pu4tIR M IN r.IL m le DxnadMs .M lin Building, lRocheter. N. Y. ea. ~l4 EISHA LL arebdondibto.ere aeo. en@Bontier, of Russell, speut Sunday witb tir. and tirs L. V. Luék aud sous sud AU X ido RnceIéaSéEllIeiia n B. £ Cor thewe eo ei. uu.friendé.tir. George B avil, o! West Fremout, Ais fo salo ors.canie et aonh mu u a o nersd W. Brara Corner on mIss fr Suieorouxcitofe e roTae, tir. Wm. Gaer, o!fIving Park, vere Volo callera 8aturday atternoon. ACINEIGFOR PULIC SAES L.account cf thé r is aon,.m.W viited tirs, 0. J. Ormby tbt tiret o! tbe- AUCIOEEIN L e e vatighi lee tr .vk. FREMONT. Tb@ clovrest Imitation of rosi Colse Mis«Stella Shea, vho bas been ick for gMr.pen nd ay v. ith lativ fWes. Jak eiederick borne. e th aoir et madeinDr. SooP'8HeathCoffee semnsturne Jisable to b around again. aunetS ung itedlu raelaties.. suFrdeiskh. Jh anréetSn ItJ in e lu iavr-sud i made ln unmt The mauy frieuda of tir, sud tir. Geo. Saurda Yodunvtday.usl I, n r. onWger@otSn oui minute. No teins 20 or 30 min IlrlY fPmry oa omryo auday andSna.dyt Waulîegan. uram boilmng. Made froin pure parcbed ltécas iih orytiha !te tre Harry Proudfoot sud daugbter, John Rosing, o! Big Holc v. speut a grains, malt nuot, ae ap rc. Rfies. ll h orytohro teIving Park. §Pont Satnrday at the !ew days lest week with h1e smater, Mré. CORLETT & F SampICS. destb e! thir parentq. . home o! Dr. Young. ___________ tr. Hartievésfather died t bis home in riueo ...Osr uriediiiGe. Hrtl.I-avaabeloe e Mir. E. A. Kell«y, Blvidere. III.- writes Kansas. Jan. 6, 1910. Ho vas l4yeam ra ed f1.l soasrrsdbn Go ate1tavbalos n us:"àarn an ex-engineer wlth 22 vears 1M montiheand 2')m <ave old. tirs Mî i ,înng t,> bell, iiiii celebrate day tast wesl active service te mny credit. About tbree Hartleys iother died ut lier home i birtda.A card party w.. hold at the home o! years aga my kidneys were affected oMlwaukee, Wi'., Jan. 17, 1910. She The Ladies' Aid Society nrett lu ew Jacob lietboriî Tliréday eveing audsa that 1 bs.d to give up rnyorigine. Fîrat vas 75 years, 2 montîis sd' 20days;old. Feb. 3rd, at the iornie o!ftirs, loba" good tie wae liad by al. Thie irst i vas troubled suitl> severe, aciug pain tirs. lartlev tradt ban vîetiug ber NcClure prizes vere , nbly Dorotby itebirn sd over the lilpA. Tiien folowed inlammra- niother over Cristmas ansd topped of Tire Rev. Ilaridie.. l Waukegan. viii Jos Titus. andl tle booby prizes were tiuîu oi the hadder, sud epecké aî,peared ou ber vaY brick to lowa sud viited prenicb in thi Guruep. Christian" t-iiir(hb 'ou b3'Frit îBebuî uand hertrude hefore rny eyes. A sainple of 1oley's ber trieudsansd oId neigbbora lu Rose- next 1unday ai i '11 ,k.PIinunmîill A 'lessaut eveuîng wa. Kidney Pille that I tri..d, sc teneited crnanud Taylor Grove Sire badilaen A large irowd attendc.I tbe (lance asat sî.en t in piaviiîc 'ards sud dancing. A mne that 1 bougbt more. 1 outiniued to home juat Ilve da3'> wheu ahre r.eivd Friday niglît.fiue supper wîei ýrved at iidnîgbt. to take tlîenî util nov l'Hn an eîy tPeti- word o! ber Motiers eatb Misei Amy Flood vjsited in Liherty ville S. L. Trip>, i l,ckirvnmthngie nov hot fruit table drink. It fy tbey bave inade me îa simd and SCl Mo... thelville , bashmbaen 8ick for trb , f theweI. Fei). 7, wîll bai. a sale on the various iu the form of a deliclous, fragrant man." t c or :hre. mnon the, isipvn. kînds o! stock 'c and be im uîakiug And ai noon and et night agai FiiAxcNK <' B1e Dsbervs mrvig ied aller au iine8d oh tbree vers at sonle excellent ricees. oe ay, visth ony oot remu Rev Dmhle w"entertained at Chas. hisehorne lu Guruee, Il,., Jan. ),8, 1910, 1 tm__a______________d esute Prevetict-bose Couids Cold Cure Lwnsoe tna.Peter W. Stewart lu bis svenstyfirst 1 YORK HOUSE. thonreanul. tedr, roastdm Tablets-vihi satehy aid quîickh checki tir. S.A.. Shea le stayiug vitlî ber vear. le vas boru in Vuilh Couuty, tirs. eorge 4'aiildng recived altter bveragn ail colda and the (rip. Try tlîî'îîîone daugbter, tirs. T. Neveu, at Russell, Feb. 20, 1839 sud carne to Luke iounîty frrn Gere ,ii Iipp, Lus Aeles, a l.,oL utp ALdse! 82 EASLRS. Miss C. E. Gelliiîg vas in Waukegan vithi bis parents lu 1841, where he bas tatiuig that \Mr. lapp vas daîgeroushy Bcanant ireo tilbutvingiuto pur AL ELR.Frhday. . lived ever since. He basHîleid many i'i.cno ieo t u illk tm Notice,.tirs. T. A. Hîgimu viited ber mother, publie offices oh trust sucli as asees8or, t.Adeeycpyndi wil cinYun ndLnc ro.Mis. P. Nadden. Mouday, wbho vas very tax olector, justice o! the peace and a Mtirs. bae.hukins8, who lias been suushine into yotar amile. frituevî e t! reb.rin Y ouu s d vu theIris . rember of tlhe hoard ot supervisiîrs. csry ick, i l e,ýw Impr----------in------- f4urni Mstr ate C.foui Moe te icThe fuîîeral vas beld trou> tus liouese irs. Miliun iiders, o! Chicago, le 2tb untlctr iar bi. C.oP.sFip.Cerdo cle u rin oeINTERNATIONAL Tai ohletor Librtyvlu tovnabip. d 'a n reneheeSuuiday sud burial at tbe Milîburn vigiting ber lIrotir, J. (i. Nelson, and BANANA FOOD COMPANY ~-1.t Fidy.cernetory. otber relative id frienîle. CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. vit Jou Cav!rdsudfanily oee o! bis nubs broken Tue@day by being ast veek. ' arid Bookiet. The chiidren who hO!y Duncian speut Sutidiiy itb tiliped out îof bis cutter vhile lu Wauke- ît hrouglt a îecl.ing oh su>nss nier Naine _____ - - ond dSthe 'adies' SmeiLa heaina hehun.the coniriiW te boer ohftte deritlî o!fAddres - tirs. Leinattedtd tbeciken ie. ,fonds o! irs. Frencb bope tbrat eheEddy Pattervoii He grev te îeaîîbood goidWaltam wtch suppr atNort PririeTburday nd iii oon ecoer fr<m er sver ilîeas u ths uignd wruoodild e ai reuiem rOne Week Commencing Feb. >9h WC wîIi seil At These Prices me of InternatIo. i BU£"r Fesd f.r $265per ton. Dn of Badgsr Uary Fsed for 125 per ton. )noof Qnaker Molasses Dairy Fsed for 125.5o per ton. me of Sucrons8215 per lion. s'rbest Brunlt $8 pur ton. st Bran for $25 per ton. Due of Grano Mlen $25 per ton. et, Coru, Barley. Middesud Short Sratch foed. Oyst.r Sheia, ste ,duced. Sait $1 pet Barrel, lots of Cosl of ahl Mode. rthing lu Luzuber. ourprie on six thonsand bnsbels 0f Oats. S, L- TRIPP Witthelight Ithe mornlng when preparlng for tb. daY, env y our utoinuhl lght, nourlabii<food-aa It wili provide you wlth nourlahrnent, aUXngth and vlgor tbeverage.1 n the sme wholesome Uiquld goodueua-BoflSfo. able drlik which can be used moen days à veek, thrn ,iatured meat of the bananaq gatbered in the tropics, an4 Lnd blended. It makes a golden browa fragrant, unapp]ry un fruit in the mont pulatable and digestileforU, YOU noie every cup you drink, every day youn u e it LU put vra n to your stop, kbrlgb±nat on o Ye, sMd There la absolutely nothing but banana la Bonano. no adulteration, coioring or flavoring mattar of any sort-jist Ulquid goodass. A 25 cent can from ymu grocer's vii maks 75 cups-a cost about hWl that of coffe. Try a can today. If your grocer la out, notlfy n, or send the attached coupon for sample package and booklet For Sale b? J1. E. TRIGGS EE. ELLSWORTHt WM. WALROND d Banana Food Co., Chicago, Ill. iring Your Homne ot Electricity as expensive a matter as you probably thinl it Mi, U have not already decided to have this work don, make make up your mind now-today. WitJ àouse thoroughly wired and equipped for electricity be pleasanter to live in, more desirable to, rent, aend iand a higher price if you happen to want to seill ~1ecricty . the Greateet Agent of Progress :Iectxic Light ia'by f ar the greatest conveniewice you ave in your home. It is clean, saf e, healthful. easy anipulation and beautiful. By comparison it is fer ior to ail other illuminants There are nmny ways ich Electuic Light will acld to your farnily's comfort, ruience and happiness. go why flot avail yoursel of Treat blessing, when it is easily within the read4of lot moderatepockebook? iy way you figure it wether for your own conven- ,or for profit it will prove satisfactory investment. mc e,Waukegan 258 today, whie the queston is freah our mind, for particulers of our ofFer to do wlring e payable a littie each month for two year, and wce be very glad indeed ta go inta the meatte: nmer .ighly with you. North Shore Electric Co. Waukegan, M.' N. GenesS St.