LAZE OOUNTrY IIÉD]CPE]CDENT[ FRIDÂY, FEBRUARY 11, 1910 For One Week Or - ]FROM- Feb. 12 to 20. 3 cana Mustard Sardines 3 tans Peus, : Caus Stîgar Cori, 3 tans Tomatoes, - 3 canis Lewis Lye, n tans Apricots, .3 cans String Beanid,. 3 packages Tousted Corn Flake.. -2 packages Cream of Wheat, 3 packages Seediess Raisinta, 2 packages Grape Nut- 3 cana Yalsh, - t ans Pickles-sweet or su luwluvvq o o * o o o * o o o o e o o o o o o o i o o o o o o o f l- Rev. W. L. Whippls was called ta ~ Rockiard iaet Wedneday by the serious IlInese ai bis inother, wbo at preseut la impraving. n y Ir.Mn sd nr. E. f. Ehrlich, fie Challed sud MIs@ Moore, iram Cedar Rapide, la., visited aver Suuday with J. E. Boud and family. Sunday, Foneman Murray, ai the Thompson Stock Faimn was klcked by "Solon Gratton," the bigbly prized race - boras. Hie finjuries are trivial. 25c The Waman's Guild ioi the Fpiscapal MNlsslîîn nuil take orders for plain eewing. 95C makuinîuilrts aud sewiug carpet rage le ave orders n tI irMs. Hariy -i- . CGleagou. '5c '25c '25c 2 5c 25e 3 botties Catoup, 25e 2pounds French Mixed Candy. .'25c 3 foc eut@ of J. T. Tobacco. - 25e 3 Ioa cuts of ï ankee Girl 25e 6 packages Durham or Dnke'ci Mixture, 25e 2 pound good Rio Coffee, - - 25e Positivelg only 2-5c worth of ang orne article to a cutoter. rg our 50c Jayan Tea and 2 5c Miued Coflee. Wu E. DAVIS Giroceries and Gjeneral Merchandi se LIBIERTYILLE, ILL. The Natty Dresser is jîîst as particular about the set of bis lincît and under- wear as about the fit ot his suit. No matncaui say his prayers right if bis collar is sawing bis tlîroat and K bis bosom btlging. That's wby our stock of (ient's Furnishings is everlastingly busy. We offer well.fitting artlicles only, in every line. Up-to-date in style and reasonable in price glways. J. B. MORSE Everythlng for llen lii aider te-, expedite nilatters, hum correspoudent8 are rciue'îîed te, niail tlîeir itemmse), as ta) reae h uhîs Ollu.c u,,t later thian Tuesday alternoanior W cit es- day înuîmiug. In tiue neeklv cotitest. wlilh en(ed SaturdaY cvening at the.- Lester Boiwling Ailey. Orym MiîlLey woîn the firmt lrize lu teu pins, and Claree Burton tiîceeî,nd pru eilunine pius, Hermaîî Kasten n he,, was chargzed witb the nîurder ai Herman Martîn at Twiu Lakes au the iwbt oI Auguet 21 oi last year, nus acquitted li the jury lu the circuit court in Kenosha reeentît. WE WILL fGIVE for a short lime, with everq sack of four bought of "SI, a fu size six ounice can of Calumnet Bakillg Powder J. ELI TRIGGS Phone 25 Phone 3 M 1 "~ ~ '""marryirug ever sinc. Maun as crsated Mesdames Turk and Wasbburn, ioif44au- tiret aud naman was mails alter inu kegau, sud Mesdamee Siîumans and aud she bas been alter him ever stucs, Benntt, oai Vinthrop Harbor, were t is rliu insdeae houoed gest litMi.and A. kC. limes witb the iatiron. Murray Friday of last week. The tact that several vîiug wîmen .R D." Ter gth ue nt.D" ilbs isned enîplayed in thse Chicago I)spartment KorD.e Thahe usne itebasd "iee" Stores bave contracted the dreadsd odr htteneo h od"re disase ai lepnasy tbrougb tbe handliug be drapped and that the service te of als har bs euse qute nuberkuown as plain " Rural Delîvery." The of llse ainbas anae qute anu er svice bas became su general that there Libertyville girls ta gîve up their pet 1sn agraynsl tuigte"ie 'rate" sud alilsorte ai coiffures are beiugj og iter tîtle do sn te*r tried witb vaîylng sucees. pr ftette Jame Neill reclve noitictlo of The members of the Y. A4. C. sud tbe JuamesNilectu eh, tifictie onma Y. L. Bl. C., a! the M. E. Sunday Schaol, maide ofpp om andh atio te gcam-enjoyed ae esghride ta Gagee Lake Mon- army of the iepublic, but an account o ai vnnwee hyejyda ayeter supper at ths home ai Chesten Illnea was abliged ta turu thse matten Crotter . About lourteen couple taak ovei ta a member ai the Wauconda past avnaea h xeln llbu for reply. Mr. Neville le mucb better a S at c as ofthe cdnelleny euesi he present.-Waucanda Leader. hc a noeinvryes fte This may lie premature, but ncvîrthc- lems it Is Irus. that the Liertyville Choral Society wiIl give onue o! their lainonus eutertainîiueints an the eveuiug ai Matchu8. Local talenît wiih alpear and h, cers utfîuîusîc and othters siîuuii îîuake nu, dite iir tiîvpartiular eveuue, as tîey wit Imuses a I reat selul ou i oferisi ta oui eltizeus. A îîurry siigl idrutmwas pjen~,d Tbursday eveîuuig uofbat lucil. luv tte Mthodist îluuui ui dtii,' . u, oamsuteil th înIhîci r(Cluru.-itmîuua lutata. .4fier luuî liav is haut gu.en tueuu i't cut rude posib le tiut tsu,,tIi.. isulrprse awastted tileuu. Iley woeetak,'îu t,, 'ls. Hanly's wh,, servel thilw iu i. guibhot ayster sit er andhail ww ualfor muric leigiu rudes tuatI uugiut endl at the Htiiut,,v*s eere tiiel wure vio rui3atly ecueti teu. Ileattu tas agairu cnter,'d a huumeu, and reî,,,,u e,]l roinîts aiuIiu ir i,', s kinil and loiiing îîucrler. NMrs Janies Doi,îalisue. lue.. Alime. E],ren, ited St her loia Su ti .,ouis, Niu- .frîîîuîan at tact of traîn t. r er denihe ccurred Muuîda, luuiýriuuig. tiinging grief and ead,hî'slu tu er luîislanuhanîl twoîsîiail vhiildr en, tii ,oîu ungcst tîeing tuoit t wo Ii, iitus 1,1,! Tlîe ifeiaseil .as netil kuîîwu and higb]t'v resllccted. ling the daugbter oa> .l U cren, aofltndaut. Thie.ahficted have tIi. syîlllti.y a! ail ini their tct'avciîeit. Ilurial wasl at I.alue Farest Wedîesuay. Tiîose wlu, wriî'ýlurpublicatiiiu should look i ver t hci r îrtwiues and ses that al warde. especualilu'v raper Dames are plain sm) the juinter.' Iniifot maile auy mis- tabes . i, 1 have ta study a lung tîîîn lulId 'v oui, - at CaIlle mWorî and ave tiîus liaiii, tuugliucss wronîu> leuse n rite plauî inuen uu i uuilîlia% P IlOil~~ viou itoa in, lu' ,. tYpeset ter. Tues,]a I e uv iat2 ouclouk, lIlarry Peste rlo li., 1 ,_ an sd Mis'ida hl an sd %i. , auitIlw'priîe.ite iîîîe,3 Fathler Kinlu e i. Ti us nup jtial i aiu c ,îu ut luouf uuu, iasthe u iutrcluîg lartues werviI,, ruu and rais.,d un tlu s vivcullt.tiîu,,adii,.1. le ausa ' vaugiut azauuit t hîuuu lii, t. thiîi'v ve thie li'auiîg 1litiu luut'- it tu~iuî>il tlu.îsrecogalu u c , u in-uh. The gru u' iii un luieit i iu iu,1lu..] uoad in Lu bPr vv le, smutu,- a tulle ,fh a iieh he is n aîthuy in e, ery resect 'ITlu.bride ile noft luui auts ar,'st uiuuugiueîa.and is îuîîssed, witiu mauy aiuuuu,î.iuluments. tijus nual. iîîg liriuisiuauuni i tgenial cotipaniit lu fli..anuu jur, uliulu,' n cbc'using lîieus a hcîuîînt+,.. Mî uîauuiMis, l'ester eeut several dayc u iuuuuliwaoan their hliey- luloulu trup anul I il it] t ira la (Liberty ville whcie tiuc3 w it uuîîke tlîelr futurs homue. 'Fatt -' lcguuîîu ,f Irucude cingrattilatc hîîîuii i is ne,% uiand visbhînu iun- liuited uyin iîîiuuliew home. Safe and Progressive For thvcc ycars jîaet oui DepositH have inercaeul aI at rate ai more than $40.000 00 a ycar. We thoiougbhly appreciats every accaunt wtili whivuuu Les entrumted and it le aur endeavar to reuder au acceptatble aud satuefactary service ta every one aou 0r customere. We Invite yon tu carry your accaunt with us. The First National Bank Of Libertyville Neit Doon btiste Pott-Office Open Saturday Nigis LOOAL AND PER;SO>NAL MENTIOCNl Charles Acèe le tbe guset olf fieude lu Ltjca. Fied Cioker wu@ a Chcago viellai Tuesday. C. P. Wrigbt ma@ a bumînees caller at Edgeitcîn, Wl.., the foîspart ofithe week. Mi. sud Mms.Dnffey, ai Chicago, were royally entertained by MIs@e NelI Gîiewold sunday. Lent bégan Wednsiay, ater wblcb there wil be fewer fetivîtlee and isais devotionh. The Elgin suthorities are gettlug after those wbo are driviug cuttere or eleigbe wltbout belle. Dorr townablp, lu wblcb le located the lty of Woodstock, wlll vote ou tbe local option uesetion thia spring. Mie. S. P. Erilsizor was ealled ta Evaneton Saturday atternoon by the eerious illuese ai ber mother,lire. J.. Wynu. Robert Grummltt, wbo bas been the auest of irlends lu this vîcinity fu orem ime, recuned ta, bis boonelu Canada Monday. PARALYSIS KILtS TWO SISTERS Mis. Conrads On, of the Victima, Weil Known Hers. By a startllug cauncideuce, Mre. Origfn King, sister of Alexander MeMeekin, ai Elgin, was stîleken witlî paralysie and dîed foui bours alter attendiug the lumerai af ber ister, Mis. Emma Biais- lili tirad uaI ilvidere, Ili., wbo lu lier tuiru iaul crueu mîarly striciren nîten stuc welut ta taLe uesre of ber sieL niather fit Lu iiýrt villic. I t was at the home ai Irs. King uit ielvidere tlîat the funeral uer u iuu fr Nts.tConrad were hcld. The ssters are survived iuy Ilucr m,îthcî, Miv. hatlueruuie Mu-Nteekun, teuir uîntiicr, .tIxartuuil e naîuithr- sisuters, %f vs tarrie Vs rigit, ut Liieityviîle; Mie. lIut lu.Kertean 4nîý %Ivs .1 Il.Malluîy, iutiu uf I iuuuagu. M. E. Chuvch Services. lv...%Vi. L. Wîplewiii sieal in the litiriiilu.t ser% i(, au tie suiuleet, l.incoulu aiu[JEi. lsi lu i, e eviing the ev %V. O> ýluiuard, 1). I1, Sui),rintî.îu l,.it cf tiie. Noi til lhuaaI >st i t a ii reach. NM r. Shpeph avd i s ,ak'ýr ,ofinusual ability anduil n i) uloult b,. iiard aîud uappre- c-iated by a large audience. On wcounut af t he teltain meii t ta lie go cu l'y th u lu'ulw ehol on Fridlay evening the..L..agîue NMision Study clams wil meeýt on Tiurufay eveuiug at the liaw of .1 lvand 'ilrs il yat t, corner cif ,illwaukec a.ciud ui ribîtt Caoîrt. Five Depaviments Grievance. Tîhe filîvn gucîcwas wi.rtten byaîîd hauded t,, tls paperby a memtîer af the vofunitccvFire Ilepaituient. "lun casie oftfire duo fot calI an the Volunteer Fic eiartiuent, because we will ual he tiiere, an aecount of tii. treatmeut received tfram mast ai the placeus we have wo rked au ires. Tbauk- ing tho8e who have lelped ue lu the past we are ta disband lu the near future." LIuIiîHTY. ILLE VOLUNTE£R FIRE DEP.p" M 666060001 FATALLY BURNED BY AN ACCIDENT Mns. Emiline Gros&-Died at Her Home- n Joliet Saturday Morning By an Accidentai Explosion. Friday mornlug of ast weeýk whîle Emillue Gros@ was cleaning a etove with a po)liob at ber home in Joliet there wae an exploeion, whlch ropulted in envdlop- ng ber clotbing in flam"e, the humes being of ruch a nature that Phe died Satuiday st 8:40 a. m. The deceased was the daugbter of Mr. and Mia. Oharbonneau, wha lice weot ai town. The remaine arriviug here Mion- day morning. where they were kept tili Tuesday, wben tbey were takren to St. Joseph church where the aut ead rites were held, witb lutermeut lu Lakeoide cstoetery. Althougb Mie. Gross had flot been a reeldence of thie vîcinity a very long time, It le eald by thoee wlîo knew bei tbat ebe wae a model wile and mother, aud ber parents, hueband and cblîdren have the eympathy of the ueighboihood ln !ta entirety over the sad calamity wbich befeil their bouoetiold. The deceaas<i was ahout uin8teeu yeaîs aid, juet bndding luto womnaubood, was a euubeam lu ber borne, but deatb, that wblch evsryone muet meet entered the home, wbicb la one af eorrow aud ead- nse. The departed leavea ber parents, huebaud and two cblîdren ta mourn ber uutimely demies. MIONTIILY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS Village Council Held Monthly Meeting Monday Evening. Accounts Allowed. We keep on hsind for sale a ,ehoice line of higli grade Railroad, Publie Service Corporation and Indu~s- trial Corporation Bonds which we offer to the inveetor at a very attract- ive rate of income. We alao cail your attention to our Savings Department in which Depart. ment there bas been depoalted with ns over $100,000. 00 of the people 's money on which we pay three per cent semi- annual interest. Lake Connwifl, atonal fBank Capital $50,000.00 Surplus and Profita 80,000.00 Stoekholder's Liability 50,000.00 Total $190,000.0() TIN MILES!1 ]t will î,a.Y Y ou ta vorne thbat distance ta see the Imm ense Bargains Thils wuek lu oui ncîth show window. We liave gather- d tagetuer al] the 8rmaîl and odd loýts af gouda lu aur sto.îe, sncb as_____ Ilose. Yarns, Mitts, Gloves, Tr*immingS, BOYS and Girls Caps a n d Bonnets, Knit B Leggings, Ladies' !mbroi- dered Collars, Pillow Tops, _____ Babies Moccasins, brttr And dozens ai other itemts. wblch hrtfr eold tram 15 up ta 50v, if you are williug ta bc, your awn clerk, yau van pick out any iteni you waut, for anly ............................ THE F A IR Libertyville, 11i. i. STOP AT- .THE. BIG STO.RFë And look over our new sprlng linee of GINGHAMS FAND OTIIER WAS1I GOODS. T urbans HAI GOD Lair Jol Hair Nets. C. A.Webb, ai Waukegan, was bers yesterday ou bueiness. Clitiard Metcait 'le at Rtacine, visting bis parents for a week. Mise Mabel Rndalph en spendirig a twa weseke' vacation wltb bier parents et Riverview. County Supeintendtçit Simpsoîn wae In the city Wednesday lu the lnteýret ai the echoole. Thse case ai Albert Cauley vs. tielhay BroNc. wlll ha,, Its second bearlng before Justice Wiener, Baturday. El-police Judge, HopeAiOfWaukegan, was oneaof thse many out-ot toan pede@- triane ssu nln the City NMouday. Smith, ai the cigan tactîîry. was lu Rockefeller Mauday. where ble secured oeeral orders for bis bis lamons brande of igare. Claire aud Robert Boînd, with Will Deeker as chaperons, atteuded the playv, ' The Fortune Teller,' in Chcago several daym aga. The Ladies' Aid Society ai the l'resby- terian cbnrcb wIll meet at the hoîme ai Mis. Nellie Kîmbaîl, Thursday aftienoan, Februaiy 17. Dr. F. H. Martin formerlyoi chie place bas located at Edgerhon. Win., baviug pumcbaaed the residence aud practice o ans ai tbe physiclans at abat place. Deopite the tact that business as a ruIs le at a "stand still", Libertyville mer' chant@ are nat complaluing, as a visit to their' placs ofa business will verify the above statemsunt. Mise Edltb Weil, well kuowu here as a reader and Mis Elizabeth MeCrystie, piauoleçt, wlll grive au svenlngs euter- talument inluding 'The lHappy Prine'" by Liza Lehmann. lu the flear futurs. The deatb of NMrm. Elizabeth Baud accrurred at the home of lier îlaugbteî, Mia. Meredith, Wedneda.v mirinQg of tbis week. Tlîe Iîueval services wîl lie bsld at the resqideuce of Mrs. Meredith, Friday. Feb. il at 2 o ,luick, liîîary next wcek. At therezcuiar meetinîg of the MV,'tic Warkere Tueeclav eveuing theýy iuetalied their pretect, Mrs, M. A.'roiîne. à boail irîm Grayelake andl lvaîîhe lad>ce were prescrit. Au elaloraie lunchI was si-rved alter wbicb dancing wam iîudlged n until a late hou r. Adam aud Eve weru. uarrîcd lunthe garden Of Edenu, aud people bave lieeu --» -- on"n! i 1 S. n oY i LIBERTYVILLE, ILL. Beits, Bags and Pocket B3ooks, lEmbroideries, Laces, Neckwear, and Ribbons, Veilings and But. tons, Suspenders, Smallwears and White Goods. Tbe board met lu regulai mee't4ug February 7th, Presideut Eger lu the chair aud roIl calas followp: Corlett, Davis. Faulkner, Sch-naptbelc, Welle prisent.ynch absent. The trefflurers aud ricîk's report were read liy thje lerk aud audited by the à nance coin mittee aud ou their iavors.hle repart were nccepted and ardered placed on file on motion ai Weilland Faulkner. The moutlly bis were read and aidited hlv the finance cammittes and an their favorable report swere allowed on motionu aiWells and Sehuaebels and warrants orderePii drawu ou thei respective lunds. Wuî, Layeock Co repaire- .... 2 Ci5 E. C. Youg, alary... ............. 65 (0 D. Llmberîy, ealary ............... 1i., 00 E. H- Corîsît, saiaiy and extra@s il 25 North Shore Elec. Cao., ligbta ... 151 75 Scbanck Broe.. uncdse ............... 9 69t Wauksgau Gîl Ca., gasollue ....3:3 00 AI Kilcbman, treet work ... 5 00 0. E. Lester, I....... 9oo Ri. Gibbons,. ................. Ed Queutin, ...... 15 00 James Davis, diaying .............. 2 75 .Mat Pester, repairs ................ 9 35 National Meter Co., metere . il... 155 There being no tuither business It wae moved by Corlett and Davis t0 adjoun ta February lfitb. E. R. COIîLUTT, Village Clark. ,1-ý 1