LAKE R tîsri. fWan wk 69, 1 .-I .idlAit 41 1 T 4: N.' Il. Il. ('1 h- i lag.t th iiii Ine or uni lie 241 l- 19109 W. C. (lenerai tax- enS Addition alffimîed lit antIl the tilie on the MILh lleydfeker. se lands ad th4 Cmunty (illviii lur- tlied declara. ler's offie lu tiiy niake na < oti orf ce- lieo Forî,mt. if! and plant- n ith th In iag 7WO PARTS CouNTY INDEPENDE)NT IIBERiYVILLE, LAKE COUNTY, ILLINOIS, F1IIDAY, FKiBRIJARY ] ~1i2Pg-uPR N 1tiPRYA NAI)VANCE. -t ial D. as Lt- C LIMBED TO EXALTED IlIti881 caîîîe the 11,-t setiou effort INDU TRIL PO ITIN le(ettrie railtauy Siorli As eariy as INDUST IAL PO IT 8ON Ediseon iîadabut ail ixporimental road ln Xlenlu, Park, ani Stelihen D. Hors at Lîbertyvitie, where he Field had done sote siorli; but It was ha. à magnificent andi many acred 1888 that Sprages electrie road waz home, thora le.a man whose career started ini Richmond, X'a In 1988, tln Amerîca ho.t ram the beginntng to, the irsi central station was es- rsJn alcng wlth the progreme cf iabltahed. This was ln Chicago. stectrîcal science ln ta inclustrial Nickola Tesla, lu 1888, developed hie phases antd if the name of Edison poly phase current inventions, whlcl 4s another way of spotllng elctric- targety toron the basts of the alternat- l'y the nome of Samuel Insult, the Ing dynamos and motors of today. man referrodte t, spolie elsctrlcity ln 1890 came the firai eloctrlc pow- tndustrilly coaldered ta as great er transmission. This wua ln a sia.l an extent. town ai one of the mines lu Colorado. Hers are hie actîvties: The firit generat electrical diaplay Head ocf the North Shore Elec- was ai Ithe Wtrlds FPair lu Chicago ln tro, Eccnomy Light & Power, 1893. Commonwealth Edison and Illinois lu 1895 Roentgen dlscovered thse X- Lakes Llght & Power Compantes raye and Marconi in the same year es Hsad cf surface car lino marger tablîslie< wlreless ialegraphy. Tbis ln Chicago. w&B lu ltaly. The Brai Lrge Ament- May be huati of elevated car rau steamn turbine unit tarted ln 1903 lie marger ln Chicago. lu Cicago. Gentleman farmer. lusull gave hie bearers figures show- Anti hans la a detaiied sketch lug thse preacut enormons ezieut of cf hi& career n astalt by hlmnself, electrîcat developmeni. There are lu reading like a romance, but ail the tUited States, lie says, 5500.00 tel- substantiateti by the principal ao- epliones la use, represenllng $550,00, loir.: finO capiltal, or about $10,1 for i-sery phorie, There are intilucountry 5auiuel Instii toi.- or Thornati A. Fit4o, 47 mles of Metrît- ralsi aym us souSÇ early assocites and a iîneer, og 89, 211; cars andt caiîlîallzed a, $4, ln vileil rtciraj t- tlernient, bas hem t IOt mt' Tht re art,- 60,iîî ct-nfrai telllng I h4- FN-trirai Tradiesstocla stations coiîtng . Y.,lt utiarn, do lo- listîîry (if hlls iarel-r Itlmva 8g.l$ tti0110JOa >ar antd (i-s vliing stors tiiat I -st he aboli- a oru ertui 1>117,0,0if)thrsie wer, lutal about hi-trv (tifndutrial elertricit It li ii itsis>si. u -e Edisons Secretary. i, liîe ilitia lî rs. itthe- Unit- Insiit il als a tenagraiiîber lii a EtLn ,t ilas ~~Thts 15 etitai te abtot $7., dio --lily neasîialer edîhîr, ahi-n ln ,foîr e,,-r ittaît. 'aîiaîiaîîd chjuin tht- Nosember, 1 J7 8. reati alt artl'cl - and ht auit iiiniithîrtt siars about- Edilson i ia inagazine- sîtîti afler b.- lirarnte l1irlate sicrct " larsDED A to 1, trt -uropetîantagi nt Tii r IE MI bEPA was then litle tîr rîthbiig ln (tht- ans LIBERTY VILLE tO! ut-ejhoro- sertît. Thuný-ri- -rta' few ielt-çîbîîîu- schange t uis ctuaitMan, Wilh Clouded MMmd Who Lived Irs The fis! une a as o1îî-flud in for Years in Dug Out an Dady Farm 'si-a lias cli. Conit. inl 111 The irsl Afler the Lots of Much Praperty on one i lu tanton was-, pu t i v-r ire ln Board of Traite, Came to Pour Farm tlit. faili et i t?. and iîtstti opreraiî-d il to Die ai Fîve Thursday and Neyer for th.- O-itlfbot.î Opened Lips ta Speak Afier Telling At tbaJ tint- aonme aork hall bre-n Authorittes He Was 111. dofelen iFureur lu the wsu e! eleerrli- lghtlng bu Von Siemens and Bomne of' bis assclales, anditIhere a-as a dIsîlu. glahi-it Rit-iian englîteer bu tht- nain(t- et Jl h Ff!. ao bitbit lus unt-il war a was linos tas te Jai-otkoef! canitie. form of arc lautî, ahich a as exhiit en the Auenue de i Opara lu Paris ln 1178 anti .tr t. t, tfis lati- ntînîle Titum"es uiantknienl andtWaerleo 0,id ce 1n Ittndonet Graham Belita Prtorlty. Ai-saute,- urahamîî Itel i rsI trIe- pîhoto - a.aaliýt O ettîîliisvbiîlîit lu Is?; i Ib te (t i feîîîîai Exhiitioneiln- stili sas s Ibiltiit tglsoute unhttias tic adi irmrs tif bis if-ieuog fripdEttdi lInutialu. iii,,sa t sîîîriîîîeîîlal ll 1hoîîe nslnî.îîîî-î , ,int h.-il ltPark tabiraloruv of lie ' Wiarii a lttis bc- fore îlîaît mht-h gasi- a-, tutcit a.,Bu l-, n lîî ma%-u îf t tiis ation, it 1 is tao gentralslen -ti i- tlî i Ia tIii t tnfloîntiof the ti,, îtîuîîtntîii gît tii Btil,]], i ls u i-p rt-dit fa,,-the lnîýtîfiîîî ofii tilt- tailtont illnsmt tir h -iilii tlitueo ts gî toîE -dison.t ntP%71iteé oîîts leî truc lgit ser sire iti thî.s coutlry- uas imut-r detel oîîîîuî-îîtli, t llîîîh of aI îît nd Y lili U11 ITomson, Thii-i utre.l arr ligiti 1- iisoil s stiorlin ii tcan- ileiuieut ligluinu sas jusl begîîuntng le lie taiket abouit antoutg exil-ris, andi wa au rsi t it-utli t be îpubliîc press iv December. 117. Cabled News to England. lu 1879 Edison tirsi exhibîleil. a, .iteulo Park a palier carboît lantp, bot It a-as not util 1880 that au> of ibese expeimeiîtal lainuli ond tbeir w a, oulalde the laboratery. Ohen lusuil came te Amen-caln Muarci, 1881,t, he Iapers were aouiterlng If Edison h ait really sut dividei thie electric ligil -- The second night losuli wat 1n Ibis' country lie viitet Iltulo Park andt was astoutahedIntefInitthat the labor- story snd fields aronnd t. andt the bouses of Edison andt bis assistants al tluminateit by the woniterfut new llghî. InaulI the nexit a> cable tih.e uews to London, wbere manv atîp- peseit li was fooing the Euglish pub- lic. From one-baîftot hree quartera of Amnericau electrîcai develepment, as judgeit by patent office recorda, ac- cordiug tb Insutt. eau lie irareit fuu- damntaily to Edison. F.rsi "Central" In 1882. lu 1882 the irai central station for Incandescent ightlng was put ln op- eration lu New Yerki city lu Pearl street, Josi seut of Fulton streel. The figlit betweeu the Bi-lt and Edison tel- ephone Intereats adittheit been set- tled - The iratInlcandescentlilghtiug plant outside et New York waa put Up lu Appletoni, Wia., a littie ln advauce of the New York pant. The nexi plants suter New York were ln San- tiago lu Chili. andt ln Milan lu Italy. Ileniesick Itur Vaukegan, leavnîg a, gttcud hoet- atiihuIýson îtai Iecotur amt Thuirsias - Arhur Ohinllita, fuir tlitait st-arsa la l aiharaclvr. came lt THOUGIIT WAS- A COUNTESS The craziest, mont i nt ricate, andt baifllni tangle cf love, ra- mance, and mystory ihat a Lake caunty girl oser became tnvolved ln ha. talion ta the lot ut a High- landi Park girl well knawn ln Wau. kegan, andi as mattors stand now It tecks as$ though her portion te ta be tsars insteati of &miles; daubi and uncertainty lnstead of happi noms. The girl sn Pearl Wood Power Fischer, the daughter of Mra. Fredortck Fischer of Los Angeles, California, fcrmerly cf Highlandi Park. Sho thought *he wa. Court- test Van der Hagen until a tew deys aga. Now she la slmply an unhappy girl wtth many illusions shattereti. Hors ta the @tory of her ahattor. ed wsdded happinesut ln a couple of lines: 1. She thcught sho had marrieti a caunt, when ln reality, it i. claîmeti, @ho marrled a cammon impostor, whcso real mnme ls Eti Kari Muchler lnstead o! "Count Von der Hagen." 2. Nol oniy ie he an impostoir the paître ot a chaîn of cîlies across the continent assert, but he ta a bigamiat as weii. 3. Nîneteen wises, it ta climed, have tIsas fa,- been scoreit Up to his credit and from every one he has mnade money. That's ahat 11e marrîit for. tliast ' - t it ' Fîîi tit n i i,lier aii a liait a î ,rh-tî Itjitt attit-s aa- arn ýsI t-I a lt-i,, lîs-i-gotrIIit,o. Arîg.i--- ýit a ulîargî- tif biî,tit-ferîtly lbh- case tif 'love at first siglîl- VON DER HAGENS CAREER. As îtearly as eau bc ieariît il, t, us t> ortîhirty cittes oft he- iolunît lin. legus 'ount von der Ilageniiah-,lai a a ldely varied matrimonila] ait-ivr thrai will comnpare fasorabu a iii Ihat or any of the big and bigaînetîs sroui- drets 0f hiatorY. He has been known lu ihe west aLs (Count AmIel Kart voir di-r liagen, and In the eastat s (out:lEmil Farl voir Nfueller. [lis arrest took place a6t the Instance or George Viebremannof Hoboken, New Jersey In 1,09 Angele, one day last week. He la now held ou a charge of hav- lng at leaut thirteen and Inail] proba- bllity n1neteen wivee, ail of whom he cast aside and loft &fter ge-îîlg ail the money ho could from them. The following tg merely a partial llst of the wominelie is sald te have married at odd Urnes- .Regina Vli1n In lu1908 iaI Ho- boken. Got $2,700 from her. Pearl Wood Power Flacher- al tes Angeles lu latter part Of l90, Woman narned Jacobs, ltacev of res Ideuce uuknown. Woman lu Newark. Womnan In Patersont lertha Albrai-hi u rIn i, i Wornan lvInhct Thlire are nmimieronsî.t ilt r î r,-ferrc-d le aitlnd eîîfiî,i-L sioi fî- poilice iinvîvi> ytîîg, ,if , a., olî,iung Thte iîegîîs cituntti- i -t iili littiîsonie attdl îîaîîîllîi tiîi-riigu tht- extrent,- ith ali tI\Iirî, nlt tif t he hottu-sardiu-r andthlli,ttiîîe vsms et a lpriute. if i 10i tii f thast beeîîs 1niffly lrresistibte HIGHLAND PARK SHOCKED. SIait Highilandt Park , tttttt.ti-ttt .ai l iiitliiN 's.1 , a h-aliifltfi uss nahlcfer titi Pé-il Poia sie1;Tîtî l îttîti lie * itii'il'la itsa e ing tr, anti the tes rots i lv () i tuttI Ie hit Fît-- Illie%-ilý It hîtît As lt,,I s in tîtîl ai- ahîte itt ii-iaî tai-t afl ir f,îct piled uit andth(b - alleged t t ta rk s are exehan geijllIIi totti ii litgus li ttsld accîtsed oet itit-e-en hliait eard of (the affair ititil htoIa liffir-entiitritges troni aIl et shirt hîtAndt1iiarrlod foirlit- tise at lie a lia atlis b% crrowlng Sunna rang- rsi sighi "declared thie litlie t tîtît loîg frttiti$1I)îtt ii$2,700.,the girl he tes lutears. *i liadit turrIt-ti ltilbefere Christmas Il la îîrolablî- Ibat atte, f he itîter staitiliiasu -l .l., h ieutin ii hit ha - ait ditd-illoitInîlx LiA Otgel.-,fit- S11-l. i-t-itan(hi i 1ii it Sut sie i,-Si-urs 1siiblrin, ltutu tiatîgitît i I i - l 'o thi- se- of ti tif . liii- Oh atiFait agatiiti nd î-î-arîîîg thatI,- fl--i tIl-r hata,,îît imsas it-k tI t Iolt le-si-ttii tut iber niaiiiil tti lin- i-- l Hosboî Iils -i1t-.'5151îit- utSi-,iit1Stilt' u IttIa îîl aiittîl WIL.I. iEAR ABOUT' il. iii iand iultl itîtîtu i utîtialit t ai. 1-uai TH-E TEST SOON lie potlo fai ir abtoutý r i tieaft-reno,. li e, t a lit-u titi- i os AtII ., a hi bei5h tuulîlFtinutendeut Alitiiey lliiitu titiThii. i t at lie, itSilsbndSapervtsou- of Censas Has Seltt f liaIii, usiIII. sot lîr TaI omaas lî,td totl lin îîuTîh shi-refus,-to ilit- Test Papers lu Washington, Bat has ,tallu-Ied lItufuiîvg itiu al erlta 11ih "l i ,1t heuth-slootk hîntus restie Nulleng 10 do Wulh Resalîs andi Ap- lu,- tas lutamiIl,- Aiqites bleîvîng celuii : tutiltultriHbokent ait ponîments-Henne thse Resulta aili al thelictiiie îîu,î lie mus îîîu rei-os ,ý USEO TO LIVE HERE. Corne hen Grades Can he Matie. -oui tutu ttutl ailas tir laitagit, ai-nIr Th irgl Imile-aas -Triierl% Miss li 'li'l h Iut itise an-s e-t-a (tai tiui-r tif ghland Park. SOt- O smattlii tiilOirs if ,tilitttaitls ut al1lit îîîid ut -,ilut îttui k -ittrdat f,-ilil sî-iîuu I li thib lorîb shore ti' jtts ii tt, , l tura of tht- (tutaus titi ut gie latiu a'su lue re eli ],h ', .îa nîorîîlîîg frcînî i i, untit I ui, - il fîttî111 Itu-tlt u ait il th i,,s- juis(I t f. sean, age andtiîIîîrîîtuîuuîî itte- i( I lli înoiîs distrit aîfîî-î tutti, Tfu i i litli, r. itaiti, iitit iii iii g alitai, dttîî l tluan tuf ilugh tl'fo li l . h it l iltint-i lui the ItI tmii, t;ittuniueclittifr ttIIn" ir canssmt-ltreu-aii iiiautîfulit îlutuîii itf 0,i i usiai ý'abltig Fort iieif t gu tufl tzt-fltutuut onttituttut Ni l olbis efflie tourpt- lu;I tlatti, ai,il î,h l e .g.lales iî-v aSti hgr, fte -l. o r s litil hut l e lalers. tb-kn i u t I of rthuci - fur a Iilsng p ii h iIl luurIrfet ,si ettveSr sit itildi, otlîs eî n c li 11, 55II ilisituit ila d ittt ttîltîl lu i--t lit- i-u - iii- itutents .ueaitu tuut i i i hecîs N'tuu u tuu :tluii l lt-clt kinsuthnoit t-ihaut itîmifiroiaid. s it ihu a- sius til huis.hii ttlie 1,iii ails% itt-lr fe-e turlii ls i gaaidit-ii tî hii titi - i t1 l e h.- u tt il *niIk litige , i i. ti.h i i c iiago. forceîiîof Ihu ii ýIii i ui Ie treufraî d hi, loon, tilt]utlIthis -! Il h1, sidtIhî uti l, IaIi t tarItf asot .seiti becs Nt tNarre Aida, li lii liit ihiîha it lt l ut l luiil h i lui i h l'idi t Oit lutroutle Thle uhat hit - t he ing tut tit ahit io itI tgui, lit îîuaî Nei ltilhfruillth 9'l ()'g i n ai ' riuia 511 ith I. atit ro, i. ii e t hiauit l,- ail o th Ibe uer,l of trate. auîlîluaffec- tht-y at-te atlrteit i 1 0giuts sha-îtI t ing i tu ttili extra etttttA i-i litîs îuuîîl lBrightItlitniait> wa>-jtioIttfliIat hue-ilTet, iaitd ert- alers aui lut- -tuf fuithe supecvlisor for unit a aide tleader, the rtsuit tof eari]), sugnttl ' hoîitîess \otil tur tHagenu, nec hthe si-letintf lidii louai belli, 1 irllttuiths îiîut as befegget fer 1',Teailhttt ei.rThe lest wus t ftile Iaffair, the ap- ntaty 'cars aller a serlsoftifhreubles Thalt ,il aIý(lteu htisecru-t i lts- licanîs itii liiilii g oui the blanlu pîopulatieon andul gi utturalai-heiuit,- andtbchi- utnet as fer as it-tkuosît Ytt-011aisa>-, Jekedl aih nieabolittfront a rnairaîti îîîîthilled b> the sou r-gain is Intelligence up to the, tour 'lui-er gel titc marri he sirote jiisltiersisir. fe! bsdeaub. Be iret dressei and t a(LritI tas ime. t, o see, that 500 Take Examinan. uledlke a bermi e aîyyas Il palul lite te walt, be-cause now t am IttIs net bellve cil at there aIlbe sr edmit or mny yars.auy great o%(erfloitof competent ei-nu a reai cutuIuss-sud lm go happy."- menalora wheîî f b-examtuations are E. J. & E. Not Effoctati. CRASH CAME A FEW DAYS A-GO. citeckeit oi). Aîuroxlmaitely 1,50i et Titat the Elgin, Jeltet & Easteru Then a fes tays ego came tbe crashthiose wtt. apittle for Jobs faliet Io i-iloa l ntcocenet uthe lm_ a ît nos', accerdiug te the lai-si dis- take the test ln 111v district, teaslng pendiug switctmeu's trIke, ihat lail eulo ppohacyht neve hadbee, an tha thre l noHighliand Park girl bas leat ber faith Skoklo Dranage Commissicneru te Pay neyer bat beeaanit tat ngte c.lane I lerhusbanit andt, stilIlevlug hlm, $150 an Acre. plo>es bthe sat oue yars lath 111îtsieh anuutmeut o!fithe marriage sloîalane Ft inoitmatInreslvtet that began se ronnautically an se ans- A compromise bas been reacheit te- frbstaceiorftainfomaso r e dypiciltsi> taeen the ai-st Skokie drainage dia- From il- sriae source as leaue WILL GET DIVORCE. trIct commlssloner-t anti Mr. and Mrs. ibante slie s-uclient ws ene vte eneaa-batt(hi- tati-st dispaicli says, R. P. Hlagen of Ravensaooet. The fuile h rJletreudum ire oilnetcot nmankuîg the begiînitg et thie end- Hagans own a farinu whtch la trossi-t on he efeendm sri poi, on_ L.os Angeles, (ail.Fi-b. 8. Los Au- b> ihe Skokie diii and aere aihoweit trar teChicgo ispaches tiet el-e s oans anîong hi-r beautiful au- $30 per acre for six acres ahicli are corder a vote of 97 syes aut no uays for the -J" emple> cea.-Joli-t Herald. men one ate wbilie admlttiug ahi- croased by the ianal. They appeaJ- 'tia. o,.Bron a vsllug u MI-loves her-btîsbaud. stiti mak-s htm de- etiil- case te the aputellate court ait s. uke . Bonl litn nMl endant lu an action ton anrnulment o! the resultthlat the tici-laon of the jutry waukee. _______diverce. She la Mtrs. Pearl sou der was civerset. Tht- drainage commis- Commandant Warns Soldiers A gaînst Hagen, torment> Mihss Wood Poaer, steners lave agi-i-etet compromise Use cf Unhoieti Water. uaugliien of a aealîhî- resideut o! Les the case and sitiI- for $900 or $150 an Ange-les. Hi-r huabaitita haeh "Ceuni" acre for tle six aicnes. Thi- mouey There le an epitemir o! typbolt Emil von ter Htagen, now tunter arr-at has net bei-n paît sel. but aillibc tepn fiver at Fort Sheridan. Four seitiers at fHoboken, N. J., charget alih hav- the return of Mn. Illigan aid site fromt are cenfinei tet the hoapital alth tise lug nineteen ais-es. The "count' fer- Springfield. disearse andt as many more are under te careet îlte physician as showing merty sslu lnte neal estate business symptoms of the disease. The water ln tis clty. Bis Les Angeles alte REALTY REVIEW. lias eensu iited andt tounlte coetaln lurst forte ars ahi-n ahi- t-art o! hie The Lake Counits TitI- andt Trust typhoit bacterla andtheb commandaent arreai as a Ilgamiat. Sh- admltted Company report reat estaie transter bas Issuet entera that ne soIt er la Peri-rttesl te drink waaer except wassitt close trients iliat ahi- dld net mar- for the ai-ik: Instruments fIleti: 90; basniseen bolled. ry hlm for tile-ihat lit aas a pure deeds, $46665000; tosus, $26,178.00. ALL JUSTICES MUSTi TURN IN FUNDSJ States Attorney ard ScIsool Saperî n- tendent Want Corrplele Report and Witt Take Stops to Gel il. Stale's %ltorn(.-, l-tih ladî atti CountY Supertîttendeit otf Sîhles T. A. -lmpson base a ted Il iklie for the Justices of Lake cottty aholeatil te report in their fine-s Ibis Iera, anti ht la tnderstood that the omtler may become pretty serions fortIho- i lo liay no attention wbau-vcr 1tulite ait- fluaI renneat for a reptort. It s untieratocd that State's Atý torney Dady ne keepîng a momo- randumn that witlicaver every state case that the justices ut Lake county try aut ar handie and that when repart time camnes the just- ice whc reports lncampltelly or net ut ail wlll recelys a pallite re- quesita ' camne acrass" or take the cansequences, which, by the way it is hinted wilt be bitter. The tîsual cnalembas beeufothî e reports te lie asked oft!hlt,-justices andi then if Sertie reprreil tri a kiiesi l oouili,îrîtt iorr it-gie-îu il lii rt-port ai ali li lite ,t t l s îillt il tti a-i. ilitttli eîitc- utl utices Who ii elmuti iii host alt ild îîthitg fit r. t itI titi1 tîtts- , liii ouîîild noi rIsirt The importance of the matter is seen ahen it ta restateit that 1the Tint ,rttnY-s ileCtedbtheJUt- h stlecl.p -.M ces, les the states atorney tees ua iiit 111-i1 l, li at ll i,- Iitrici cf office, whtch ace accordi ng t10 t iitt ,111tnd t-tîîîtaî -Ouî as '1e state la, gues i00 the achonl itif. iii icha-iil.,t-tii(,khol(lers ofthe iIoîtof- las ugai-laîîgî-d haitts. lent W Jit.fu - ii.t f li li litie I lia iIi ai lt-ast. hasIîtg bel-nteaseit - i ilîtu l s fi, Ni , ljliliýý tr ils- seau, lt tu i the it-rtuat Cuiislit il hi fiil it lii iîilîli-v iM-i ltle iînlaî - alticlit ru-cet IVi nio', hathe 1 I-ýk 0ur the iit-resI., iflte (1lnughi i~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~~h alnoii.i i-ti iifitii îî-S iittt îîîîîîîîaîîv t thes s u ilgin if lie Plantit us t? tîi andtîllise (Ii Iti, , T r - , n 1 ii ai Stîtt-i ît îîaîî si-ýma, tutitpellei a- !il hi- o ol ftgîu- e nds tote hlm acli the lîrete ei-tii ai the eond et the lease liitau good lii i t~iii if i îtllltoit as it slv itii îtis, and ivt The-i s at - fil",fat it ti, ili 1 atit lv ie haut litlýllr kvs-liet bsi.- tif te -ilitt--, uilrtî-t îtl il ,. ttttlt îed titan ideiiiiteiî the men ujIB- officina].en ihaiged, andtîeuilte telephoite iak- en lit, Inadicatirtg that the plant will BsongenCase. ne t be tipuraleil. luit ralier that the Siat h - At t i Dsîiî i iteio , ls.i-, ease - s, al i th ait idea it Islew l"d 1)th il)" 09d,) mat- aid t if aiIitraisl iiea-.lttg the lîrîceo fe lt- titi ilîlî ta ,lt ih altil ild th t he si(ý i iart-itcl 'îi ce.nIts a i-e i c lls OIr otrli, lie 15 ir >5 tI- litei- attl L IST Of GRAND Ftfttt-r i tit hi- Htrli, s,- AND PETIT JURORS ng tif te it-crti- rttad-I)eiiheîween Ciaoant i llm aikt-,.andl laisluee -tit-t- îpt- afî lonittic gi-tit-ri ti iluiess Liais are lasueti for March Term 0of u Il ti t tirttitft ,rallier thaît Crcuitt Court. Io.î-, -desý. î 'sic-lt lalkt t tî it- Fred Vrîchî, 1. Ed fit-ude ,Asîtit George FHenits -, 1 WVilliani M-CfIIIiiigb Oh arren, D. T. Aivcbîier. Oh atîkt-gant J. L GocaîbOtIt, W a1tkt-gait Joseph iCbtîd, - Vatiltîgaît Josepht Jacliawa 'au, Oaukegant Benj. Oaers. Wfiuiîîgani Henry Zutt. %Vatikegant (harles Fox, hhaikcgan, C'harles Ode-itlreitl \Vattkegant James Reartîno. Vaol.gait. Gust Relier, Vi atit-gan. P. t-' ddiecom. Wý%aitkegan. bouis Erlckson, Shlitads George Vienban. Shields. (Charles Haviiand, Shields. G. A. Wright, Liherla'uile Fred Helfer, Libertyvsuie. A. J. Austin, Ubertyvilie. J. C. Delulein, Frentoul. F. L. Thles, Eia. Carl Lang. WVest Deerlielit F. M. Teavy. Deerfieid. Emil Deýtzel. D(eerfleld. n-arry Kirs-buer, uba. FROST QUARRIES IN NEW 11ANDS Unîversal Crushed Stone Company, TheL Tr Ust Leases Quarries at Ra- cin e afte r Deal for O'Laughlin Quar- ries& alsa anti ai Once Suspende Ope- rations There to Farce Up Prîce of Stone to Country at Large. t 1),- ittîli iîut1- , h t !glatndu of 0w ciirc ttuiticut.iT, 'ttult-it tf tliti-etniîut utrI lit> - hh i aute f-odutauhîl sulîliittula;'tint, -1-1, scrun iJitit NIait-ptu liii,, tu i-oui rI iýMrl)trio Gi-t OtKrk. litnil. i ti Fiit lit t iil u i luIit t 1)11luir O fuit,ga i 'uitIt- t l ldi i \iiki hi ',f i rl tit n.ihO1. i AIfii li gi eoh.b,,ti hi F Fe1Clogai,Ohuil-îi O Il it,, h- u Fuic Oh iýIii tit Mgrih. Il-.îîuulald Godo - h 1(1. utai Petut Jurors Joh \\îtO arn iig, uni tut laiter Aruietur, N esu surI. il bontas Fnanls r, .Xthtut- ('bas. Taylor, .Antch, Johnt lîregan. AntOch Albert Jack, Anhtîttui Joîhn Contett Grant. ('bris. Larkin, Grant. George Elcbaugu-r. Oarri ut NI.A. Bryant, Oh atîkegatu. Themas Dengliert>. \Vauukegan. A. %Vi. 'thauthegau. Wtalter Bard.,Ohatikegan. John T. Juige. Ohtîtki-gan. Barry DIitmeyer. Oh«akegau. P. R.Simmenti Oh uuukegan. Franki Bath-r. hO ttk-gaii. S . E.ArnodO atiki-gan. Il. 'h.Fiuzgt-tait. Shields. Charles 'stai. Sîtîitht Delaran Funih h Flilq J uttitr Scbarfeuthîrg. Sitielda. F;.S. DirautlFit-il J. AutinLi-rsili UD.III link,Lit-s-li. Fit. OcCormick. , Lhsrtyvlle. Jý J. Lancaster, Lubet-nvili,- John Brixon. ltit-I ssile. Atbert Haler, Freinontl Rar Seymourhauîrenda. (bas. Csmli ElFa, F red Buesclilng. Eln. Emil Gie'tke. Cuita Johin IL NMes ir. Fia. Ohm.'t, Geciritige B DerOit. Lewis Beprobe. Be-ýrfi-ht. Fret J. Bancock. Benien. A. C. Kimmel, Benton. LAW AND ORDIER LEAGUE MEET Wulh Gaîher at Reui Memorual Chapcu in Lak e F oreslt Next Fritay Eaenung andi Hear Atitresses by Jutige Cut- tlung ot Chicago anti Others-Offi. cer's Elecluon also ho lie Helti. ,Il - r- i, 1i l , i i i îîg e t l -- l, 11-il Ot ti ut lî. ontl tutu lu 2Il t b ii t illL,-it- 0" , ii f 11,itiltat luo lits tttiattig uili th,- ai u--vt il mIa - t i fiit l t,-,iiakeii i i t>ilviLaw hulut Lffi ul . l ii it the 1itt1'iSi tori (1. 1lut, i i ihav eueilu nu uIll tt-t ug il l-im.ut-(eutLa Officers. bFl. u-n-tirt--idt t1. tti, VI'tt--Prt-sttt-tti E, Ft.Sedwlck. SecrretLary. E.uA. sseIl, i reasutren. Board c f Directors, F BD.Evereti, Highland Park. il. it Bacon, i.Hghland Park. WB\h. Pattoît. Highland Park. Fi.S. Vaili. Bghlanul Park. E P. Seduvîck. Hghland Park. i. PRuinas .ake For-ast. Calvin BurandiLlake- Furett R. G. Vattien. Laite Fer-est. J. J.Baise>. Lake Forest. J. V. Farsu-l. Jr.Lale Fîoreat. F A. Rossi-lt bake Forest. G, R. Fndtas ,ake Foe-t. T'.Rý Quai le, Lalue Forest. Lamey a Candidate. Fuiler MhIPFLanuey et Barringlon was a gîues t ofPestmasten Rerticli Satuidas' sihui- here takIugte t-ah fuir alulutunl tui t as a certaus enumerat- tir lu take toutl> Nir.Lamey ex- pstu- ohi- a candidate for counity cii-ik 0f Lake- counly tiis summer in siuîcceu-î Ceik Benteesho bas hled tbe office lwenty-lao years. tuir. La- niuuy ivsupervssr of the bawn ef Cuba. l a hI-h a part of tit i-vllage 0f Bar- ttiglon lv lecatet swhicli office hi- las hilt for feunteen years contlnneusiy. --\\oodsioc k Sentinel. Job work o!f.13 kluds landled ailh prompineas and dispaich. Telophone No. I1lonetyvIllo and cave delay la placlng your ardor. FARMER MAS A NARROW ESCAPE Horses. After Evener Broke on Hor- ac Voue's Hay Rack, Oragged Driv- er From Laad and Just Thon Pas- -ngsr Train Came Along andi Re- (Suced Rack and Lcad ta Mere Na- thingi,iesea--scap ls Romarlcabie. If the 'ovener' an Horace Vaise'.s hay rack had not braken andi the team dragged hlm cff the load ln e wtld Clash, thore wautd prWbby be mach lost cf Horace Vase thon thore tinaw, as a few minutes af- ter the evener braiçe a faut paseen- gor train *truck the cuti cf hay and roiduced it fragmentasc&et- toreti atang the tracka near Gur- nee tor a quarter mile. Vose, who resides weot of Ourne., siarted for Waukegan wltli a tom of bay Nionday morning. As lie was cross- lîîg the railîrait tracks at Gurnee com- lug east the evener broke and the teani dragged Voe frtron the bead of bay te the grounti Just then thse fast piasenger train that anume tîme age clilîtîedoff a horses bhead t aiWar- reuioii. cante aioug aod strucli the buond fbas, Part etflte si-Iitrasîted through the ltîîrîte deilet wludow and createit a Oea,- punir siue ha>-ant inllIng aeîîd li ahicb lihe rack wav reduced stroe e the traclis for a quarter et a Oiterito rîi 'sel elie e tau e, 'tVasie as burt. MILK PRODUCERS MET AT BARRIN4GTON Nat ail Woes, Elîher, as Husky Pro>- gram for Twc Day.' Meeting New ln Secondi Day at Barringian Ai- testa--Naotid Speakers tram Amcng Preducers Tell Farmers Wha Deal lîtring lastiw ee k ite îoiik pro- ilucertt o! the state quietly, but none the lesa effectlveiy helit abat iliey eall a nailk proituceru,' Instituts- ai Barringten, the officers beiug D. D. Hutul preitent; H, S. Earty. vice lîrealitent, J. M. MacVeau, aecretary, andiL.i. F htlih, treasurer. abute lie itregrani fuir tit 5- iaya la as foi- baws: %%'IFNFSI)AY, FEBRUTARY 9. Mornîng Session, 10:00 A. M. C'al] 10Dîder. Weicooîe. Mlles T. Lanuey, mayer o! liarringien. Resîtonse, Presitent Htunt, Att res The Imptortnrce et Sane Or- gaîtinet Effeci 10 tht- Nlilk Protue- et," Hl B. Farmer. (bit-agît Afterncun Session, 1:00 P. M. Attres The 0111k Protitcer andt Bis Buisiness 'ulethoda, Hotu Henry S. Fart>, Sycamore. Attires.- Whai la an Edîteateit Man 0111k Preocer?' Dr. J.W. Cook, De- A(Iliriýs-su Tbe 011k Producer andithie Stat- Fod Commlsgon,-Asat. Com- intsituner John Newman, Urbana. Evenlng Session, 7:3G P. M. Vocrat Selecllen, Miss Cella Burkie.(Chit- cago, Lectti e FarneraBei v tndlGtl tir J.0W. Cook, Preadititl orthern Illunois Normtal Sehool. lectre--Doniestlc Sciente,"Mise Hall, 'sorthern tIllnois Siate Normal Srol. Musical Sketch, by the Four Gimînt Slsters-tBac4elor Malta, or No 'ten Wantet -Pullella De Cbookîn, tbaracters: Flizabethi Rowley asuI sabelle Oran- ger----------------- Bachelor Girls Marie Beuson-...A Musical Friend Pyruella Abiercrombie ..... Tlir Mald THURSDAY, F'EBRUARY 10. Mornlng Sesion, 10:00 A. M. Adress-M1%y Methoit o! Prodactng ,Market ?iik. Hon. 1P. Maaon, presideut State Fermera' Insituto, Elgin. Address-"Retîou of ile Milk Pro- ducer 10 tise Bauker, Hou. L. E. Menich, Cary, Afternoon Session, 1:00 P. M. Aditress-"The Newer MetIoda lu Dalrying,' Gee. B. Whilaker, dairy division, Depariment o! Agriculture, Washington. D.C. Address-"Economic Feeilg of Dalry ('oaa, Prof.C. C- Haydeu, Baiver- allY o! Illinois, Champaigu, Fart Sonde Sergoant anti Corporal More ta Watch Mon. rtîriug the letifi-w days sud fol- lowing tle tort pay day a sorgeant suit a corporel have bei-n ou duty lu Waukegsn 10 guard île soldiers troon tIr tort againat disorderltlues or diaturbance. The Lake County Indsysudsst Sud the Weekly Inter Ocema ad utIan $1.85 per year.- WAUKEGANWIEEKLY SUN VOL. XVIII. NO. '21 it rld es go t buy 95 50 50 1 i