CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 18 Feb 1910, p. 2

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LAK (OUNTY flNDEPENI)ENT, FRIDÂY. KEBRUARY 18, 1910- Nature makes the cures WAUCONDA. IV__ __ ___H _ _E FORT HILL afe i.-K. V. Wcrden vietsed hie brother at- -1 aftr a11.Evenstoi 1inthe hompital lent Saturday, Mn.. Chamberlain, Bir., bas; retunneti ta George Stautord wa8 e Chilcago vlstîîr anti tutint imn able- tu walk arounti on ber home bn Bethe,, Vêrnint, alter lent week. NOW' and then she gets cruichtesvvli, ii l e-veynchuregitig. cpending éevoral month e besanti in Simon Davis. ofoi ioili.îxk,, as a into, a tight place and . Ijeluie, J A Jioncs, M. S. (tait, lDakota. visitor bers lest -uma mrig M". l.eLad andt Johnu L5dd wentt to Mms. Titus hast been enteutnîng lier Tete îîîîg Hîgliieiid Park lenlt Seturde2, mabere csiter thE past tu-n dayc. Misses Barbarearîti terrie Ariatrn needs helping ou.t. they uttendu-t an onction cale. Tise Valentine escial was a uieeHin fin - udy vnn Bîru to indetîirMue. B. T. (Graham, cee-y wav, There waî e gouiticpîiwtid iui od> vnn T ig e tre in on NMonday, an 8-pounti girl. Aleci ta lu ateendance. Amusementslatbe is Millor closeti ber s-huîstFidav SMn, antiMus. A. R-Pet-k, a 10 pounti providet i Vô aId anti vouing. A tibns antiaenteiteeclrsîeirg t the ron diretio. boy. Very fine valent.inee. lunch wens erveti anti ail report a fiue Highlandi lark. Someting i needd to John Murray of Chicago, spent Satur- finie. Fsetwscaltit hiao h~bbars reepondedt telc iail o! tire check disease and start Mu. rea dy wtîrday on aceoturt o! the ilînse cul hie Suutiay aiternotai, thougtct to i le caedt Mms. Lu-e Geery who wam seriotuey ilI son, Mortimuen. Be brought hîm home from a deieteecblmnev. Iiuret inl tho the system in the right the ttmt aif the week. ie reponteti on the Montiay ant ieholterach betten at presont. phoenix. gain. A traînet nurse in attentiance. Mme. Frank Dalton ta ententatng bier direction toNvard health. James Gainer, Homer Cook. J. M. Fui siesten Simon Stoffei, of West INIeHeury. a of er. Wit Taynton anti Lu Rubbard anti The scl)oal bati a valentine box Mon_ a pisaslant calter lu thie virlility Satur- Scott's Emulsion o George Herrnie went tu, Barrungton day ait«phoon. das. Tbumsdey svsniug ta attend the circuit Thers will bc Miaeîonary social ait thbe Leelle anti Owen Paddock, rielteti Cod Liver 011 with hypo- meeting ai the I O. 0. F. Tbey report a home 01 Mn. Foeke% on Waablngton'e relative. lu Oak Park !rom Fritiay * 1 sut time The circuit meeting wtlI birthtiay. Mn. Foaket andt amils expeet evenlng ntif Mantiay. p-hoshites can do jus M ancb 5S Waucontia ou the evening of ta leve eclin ton thelr new home in Chb..e iloeMna eeSr r r Pelaatcne5.P ku*d , WLouire Mt ai Ni.Beron this. M. anti Mm. L.. E Naiman a! Chicagou aaie adcLuéLnkadM .Hsn speutSBntias anti Munday visitiug mI- " l,7e,'j Mia. AunisLebarin lepentitng a isw It strengthens the tives in out village anti icintty. 1 ........ .VL5-WI.....Jday at bomne whb ber parents. nevsfed anihd i-where ha bas accepteti a poitian wlth .E- neiri onie o h os Henry Rater, ai Waukegan, epent a nerve, feds fa ishe tis- E. J Ileyn wet ta he cty Motiay~ E uetiir lecondaots a thehoua.tB.y CotmA. B tCome thepastweet Bredermeon Brn. coffee bouses, as tnav- With tegripp. sues, and makes rich finir salesman. Mma Fred Towksr, Jr.of Dlamnd ti Tire junor Paddock brother. araeihaui- idg Laespet Turdaynigt nd ridy 119graelfor a large hernm Wbu built blood. lMm. Carlotte Murray of Park R.ttige1 as et weet withbehonparente, Mr. ant illethraénng. ependiug the weok with Mms. E. J.JA. Mason.ChriTwnet'saevslrgy M r.ynd i .P oa ln fC ' Rev. an ti Mma.Koeneke ntertaineti attndeti an ti ereyting b nug t a amd 0D, -aeor flpý ad ki- & Mn.~ ago pu lw anti n.H .Haiantiai Chi'- tueun brother, Wm. Koeneke anti iaiiily, 0dPrite. as.. e t d pe Mhcmo, pet la'-daelha w bk wt 1aiColjin, Il., last weet. MieEruxa Huoon visiteti tientis et àbaaà hI Da ck i relatives in oun vicinity. Mie Tilt Mitchellletaaâoistlng in the Foi Lake lest week. $MT& BWNL409Pew St Ne Yuk ZRIiamily of ber1uncle, Hart-y Houe@, dtinng Thera wil i ho a basket social anti -teasntiay M. Beb. ,teentertatument at the Fart Bull echool Obituary. Emil anti Otto Frank vîiteti inonde On uDds e-1,occurredthe bouse Fritay evenlng, Feb. 1 Mth, giron ani relatives lu Chicago test Sunday. tuerai ai Mark (lieson, o! Michtgan, ti>-Mise Atielains Miller anti echolaro. A Etiward R. Shapter sas barn in a fîirmeriy aifBHall Days. Funeral servtces cordili invitation ta oxtend tiitia&It. Preeton. IWlenuhîre. Englanti Angiiet Mn. ana Mm. Win. TPonne antiftaliî were bu-Id in the Hal! Day cburch. tu Lieeaerqseit bngakt. 20, 1842. lu 1853 bu-wth is parente foot a tripu ta Chicago Mouday. RKooneke, a!aPrainie Viese, conducteasktts anti two mistere came tu Aiîerica anti M. anti Mm,. Henry Steil visite remit- services. luterment lu Vernnon Ceteny. PuO<iRAM settltti in Vernonn, Latpeocunty, Illinuig ixes in Chicaga ane day lest w'ek. AM-1g1loti O~Og- -- Fraîtes8iutti whem bu- grew to manhooti. The Waodmen Ment Bel]lalet Sattir- Lake attended the Ladies' Ai meeting AskIS amma--------------..ra.e Anevieriug ta hie countrys caîl lho day wax attendeti by about 77, couple. ai Prairie View, a hicb met et the bains The,.'a i .tht e Itise I AM lnd t Amna Utte iel.] H,,bel Smithl onlisteti May, 24. I1861 in the lSth111 A .n te tîme iras hati by ail, o! Mm. Frant Mitchell, Tbunstiay imora-A IeartTuud5a Intanty but en dîchange bs-case oting of lest weet. Muers. Geo. Bay anti Tht Lit Chili. . - Felci III hathbnu an ir 7. 1811 Be of Christian tichumaker a former reitierttA Fred ode eyiRaP il eiti Ja uar 1. 184 nt;.He 7r ot Eta township. tiîe et the home oI hie Fe To-enon, iSr.,aifDiamouti Lake' ocotOleuKuî ei mpenieidth.the, -Paa' cos-...l.s. le eli.e Ceary atiws utee hoou ly son. William et Palatine- wher b-accu ane.teladies. There were .1 vto..e« aîeaItanb ý, PylitF... 11. avlr ad va ueerd uter lethat partîîok of the timner preparai tis A GOtuvi u eater - Eliri,eth November 21. IM6El as Surieant bat i lîetithe lent lew yea, Saturday aMUF M.ît....hell1-1 Noeber 24. 1M68 be was tlin ioruing. The ueraI services@au-m MichllSng lia xîMil-r nniae t uaAnci artuileltiTneeav mîîrnîngeat the Lake Fred SLullng, o! Iowa, le rîeitîng hic W heu Pa flegm, lu to avn e lt, maraet raAilaCme..Zurich churrh. Ru-v. ofe@eo aetM-sn r.B tlig ifý Wîtt IllcaWluthe Couintry- ieea.Ailst They matie their 1borene îHIatll ay Bimtte !pret aaniNr HSelng rt tila , tupgltthld it, i lfhure lIre She1ter ujîet îuýere- 30 PauPlatine, utfieu-atu-ti The remeins were John Pester mavet i Ii@ !amily to ii-bitdîcsîr 18118. A ira uars alter the- deetb î,îtaken to the Rnglish iemutery et Fuir- bertN ville anti Guet Loowie mo'u-i i-eîîTh, Alîreit 5,i- bie %vielie emoveti to HEighlandi Park t. Be lenveone lcousuvurai grand theroms; vaceteti lv !Mr. Pueter I-lIna oî n unt 0u-ns. FrerI 1i,.,- a-hem e ebas iu,-e rtiet Alter an chbilitren autdîithen relatives tou mu i Mu-n. Wil Ray. tifDilamond Lake meunt A 1lors Town Li i]Sy toi illuese of but a short ftnme, ho a-as inilu- is lose. sevu-nal tiys iof lest -tek xxthlier liud igitu (adieuci ta i beturuaI met Fubruary 13. 1914). Heu-ny Seiptdiaiet thelîu diiîersHotmer purente, Mn.anti Mu-. M. W'.Knetiler Dsath beng caused by pneunmoue. Bu-etiMillaeutee Tuecda.Eu-b 15. et thte irani1rS- Tîîîîndegher leaves ta u mubts@loges su-en chiltren :age of -d70yeam. Funeral miii be bel' t et ir.elaId RcccSL.etlripian m.angti Mme Etina A., ut Liberty ville; Franik E.. MN. Sonday attemnounet 1 ocloet et the Jhn Buto Rcins anti andîi . u aniînti Et i Bcun, if Rosex lîle.xx as mIIt wn Eliza flintsrbcrg. Mm. bille Fruibele. hommse anti thon leter et tbe churcli onfucin n aiyo imn Irving, Byron anti Susie anti six grand Burial in Lake Zurich temetaryý . u-v. , cp.-t lent Suuty iyxvth Mmr anti Saturdav eltennoon. chiltireri. ai Highland Park- Ho also Silderman wili oficiate. M m. A. C. Ribards, John Walton treusectet iuînu-s et lsavee twa sîster, lMne. E. S. Gleason. ute ons etoe a as ek antiMm.J. Belert, a Regular buard meeting Feb. 7. 1 t)1I. E. H-i Meoon Uft 18,3t a-et tfon Mont-~ean~ etacdyln e- Hait Day an m .E alro Preitent Clark calleci the meeting to meal. Canada. Nrs. Wm. EBacon oenet Monday in Lîbertyvilîs. He-aen kuamuo a large orde. 'Phase present mu-m F. P. Clark, lin '1uffday, o>ccureti the tuneral of Eti Chcago. cincis ofIfinonde ant is h is death a-e president, truetees, Wml. Tant, H- 1; Shapter. a-ho tiieti at Waukegan eenly i Mise Margaret Ward attneudt the have lost e turing endcauiderteiather Hllnîan, Emil Frank anti Henry Brarid- Suniday umurnig anti aas brangbt tw teachene meeting et Ws auondaSatuntay aiin. o tu nde r w n b-dtr o ai ing; absent bien. t. ['rosie anti Henry Hall Day fonrhu-iltin Vu-non Cometery. aitennoan. ciie.Telmri a edfotteSteîl. Proceetittge o! lest meeting more Fanerai' services mu-m buId in the Hal!l m Lua[rsnîcrprut ob .HRat! Days chuncb Tuestiey a[ternoan, real an adptu-<f Tmasurer's report lDay chunch, Tuesday ait-rucuon. The M.Lu- -o i eote ob Bu-v. J. Van de Erve, o! Libertyville we meati anti ebu-eti a balance Lu! deceaeeti tarmerly liveti at Hall Day. gaîurng somea-hat. D)r. E. F. Shaffer, of afltciating. $4546. Thetfol lowing bilîl were o rtieteti_____ ________ ayalatne, ie in attendanue peiti. Wm. C. Pruhm, meeshal, $47..1, George Hironimus mas the guent oI PîaggE enryBno&in aal $12rave, $Chas FW __] relatives in Wankegan a lkw ti>s the Ntc.Wil, ton plowing snaa-, $1.70; H. Lý Mise Grac'e monet. of Highlandi Parki e i h ek 1 will ho at tire Rockefeller Drug Store, Prehm, gaffoline anti mdes. $1573 peut Suntiay with Mie azel Vaut. Mise Lucy Drinnili @pont Ststrtay anti Wedneeday, Feb. 16, ta clltect taxes. C.' Thora being no inrthon businese the M.S .Htbe addurirStiday aitb ber oiater at Round Lake P. Freste.a, Tax Cllctor, Libertyville meeting wae adiorirneti. M.SP usbnnat agir. Jh figr iMfer msl towahl. J-0t!- .Irene anti Minnie, visit-etinlaWariku-gan ton Satuianti Sofucntiy ei vonbP.matr nig bs uehnti a IMILLBURN< Sonadar. tFr atu n ods Poamate Kngg hp preaod ai - 1 Mm.» John Rtu-uhot, Sir., spent soveral lrak-onu-y anti Ina Flahen, ai Wau. naw automobile. Chas.Amtes retruneti homefo.tram iye uring the weet in Burnington. îlà,condi. wera in tawn one- day lent week. M. anti Mr. Frant Sha&ddis mera Nbrgast yaing epent several montha Mn. anti Mm. Bofflti were calltu - Miss Roba Huson, a-ho la attendîug Chicago visitors let week. witb bts parents. Bruore, Ill., Wedneetiy, ta attend the echool eit tinayeleke, wes et homeo ver Mfr. antiUMn. R. Doolittle entertaineti Mn. anti Mm. John Banner lu-t Frîdey the- frierai of Mm. Booti'.s Wetet They Suntiay. a numben oft mentis at teeaon Fiday ion Wbeatop. IlI., to icîsît Mr. anti Mms. etrnu-tiSetnrtaY. Mise Anue Roesdeutochcr, ofi Waneonde eveaing. Baimtaw. Tbey mîlî alie, vîsît thour lioru ta lim. Auguet Noreribcrg. of asthe guu-st ai relatives anti trîcuis sh apneeaeetwr ulig@ons in Chicao. Highlandi Part. e baby bo. M Nr" Non- hem Tbiirday nîght anti Fnia. 8. L. Tippe nu-w eidence in the Shu-don Ni.o. Roy Hughes.of Chicago. visits'd enb-rg -esnturmerlyv Mise Etina Autes, Mme b on Russlli. ut Chicago, xîourî-d thu- paist a-cet th bu-n isctliet ahibas ofI Ieerfielti Hearty congratulations relatives@liere part ot lesta-eu-k. eubdivisio.i.wu quite ailî. Mr., Aaenath Pensons îe vîsîtîngi About tlty young ç-spîe attensio thet . Mn. ant irBm J A- Sranir enlc-trîe, Chicago wît behtr son anti temilv gi dancing scbiol et NIl.Buidese hall î,uetcade lest Tcîurni.V Liccit. Mu- ant i lr Davis hec setumnnuI c arirlti. PALATINE Satnrday eveuinaMu-eJames Jamiseso senthe tu-s-s Matrdee Ru l -r t MniearrvetCi te ue Little- Xiv ctir .liii-. as î al.ait Di6-aiethie btin Palatine, Frb. (;th, of rausuluei ua-vu-eu ant, aytjvire-t. ,ut le ru-eturng uapidiv Carl Meyer of caîî'crr icithe luser. gui aperetian U Na iteMM11ie tsr. Strong or. Tt5- St Peul ,Evaniic-al rcburu-b mi] if3 yeau-, 11isutliîanti I .Tac 'liel hoapitel irinVukugan, nb.. iîsi-lvilg M- l i-vtra.în t- tx w- icnng e-vct-ce uring ltu unernia- asisldiThusrday. uicely (rove 'A lu - rlxt..are 1for Jatune. MrîraiMu-c wu l'.gE-zrt cpi-ut Sou un .Weio--utnar i s rmiii ritî g The f ique Plleeure I(i!ui,. ba 1-n al Gerty, wv i a - ri(,umlu ilrt-t cuîuig dta">yvu hM me. andsNI r>,Id. Hurrni,nnuurnfrautilieu- suv-e,.ilinesu. csuipanty anti tanve et Mv Bride t bll) Sonde> tI('is b -t"u- Mm anti Mn.' Heu-nyThorn. of Chicago, IRu-c, anti NIN. tady badrti -tîuir tiuut on Tbumtiey evtiinig Fel,.17. Fnr.v s'-buyle 1-t eri ha*be i-n ver. v pjvitet mswth F. 1 Me-er eand family Sun-j MN. Cadaeii. of tu-eut, . i, -ucently une invîtei tau co Ls-opuf -t À&but Je ,mpr".î iug dai Mu- John .'ibrt 1ti di L et hm ra-iHeîi Jaegur ,,t tht- lîttige- . ucc î- i eDi. i-t uiutie'el îco m.Hcueîîtntiudt-;uui-i lent Fnuiiavanti ti,. is -Isla i-ne luM au,«crulautu-aI -'unday Evaustan, Cllsaoî, toitnie cu, bore Tueetiay iîucssmnng a a iLer lerg an] it- e diû Làlý,Mý mc ' lu .-.rg .tIttd i ber Palete, Fridi,ei) n. 11, t beingliser painlul illuces8. The o-amg bu>"auti y,» ae-u antiMabeillcut fiaiet,uta n".1lire, Jtne- e evrai aye brthtiay anti relative. have the uympathy o! tWc mutseiIosînu iti bi r o as.] et mW-es us .I ayaiiee ieW F entie e'mmulty n thir &ti-ion vccuîyThs - ises Ia d laniFraneBIu-itr- M. S. tif tise Uiiîgrgationai citurcli et Thc valcutîne social *gtleu by t-be WMN. 7Elîza ugîtes fcii Lbu-tyviiw. tattattendu-tsan Informai tuccption tu (liencue ou 'A eduisday. tiundey chool lu tht- nurch parli.. - îset bier motLu-r Snndey andi Montay losusti tepliatu.tht' omlnunt laritane Mondy eenig w@ wil ttpdedand, 1-eai dramnstio'- aritt in Zsgoid Ball. Edward Battermaunualter a tuvu Monay ru-inga-s mli ttedetanIdMmr'- L mni amen tsc]M re A thLu r Wdenday nîatntng, Mr.Btnpham sang monthe visit lu Northrop, Mînnu , eturmu an excellent time mes badi v ail pr-eneu:i" .r eboue th Miliburu anti mili nmaura eraup o aIanad tiresitei "The Ray- eti home 'Aedneeday. Mm. J. Richards, cof Praire Iie w 'aoutMari oten,e hy Egar Alien Poe. IiaDlaKieto ati h viitet ber daugbtet, Mme S. L Tri MU. natiMm, Lug-a.. Clas-k em-brat,d - Dle ngg au ar u h pptheir t-tl. Weddintg eanIvereakr.nyMou- DIAMOND LAM. ad rsa h r nttt eety andi !amiy the past a-et .Thu- aliea L Mardi 1ae .1 theIrtIIIIIIIIIIIIZII]ly bat their uce anti auntNr. anti Mn ae.1. Ber pîctume anti an article waa publîshet J. A. Hutchlngeot01Wlmingwri, ýI irgne. IMm 1kW HEracintanti d>#utr, Mm,<George Ont, Bnr. retunneti irotu luthe Daily News. tom thoîr gueste. IBertha. speut Frplavv uî'lLngir tsst4. te Cbkago taeý veet aller .pending the Mr. anti Mme. P. H. Metthsi have tom l Un (iur" vinter wflb ber tisugbtmn, UMi. HEl. b Lt-hem uestn Emîl Leht andti amily, ai Th eecri cremum uo c ude t Etslss- ebuij.*Icttn__ .ae M ra-W. Bay op-a teIw tisyewith hon Winona, Minu. Mn. Licbt le editar of ion e time thie a-tuten andti hty d,î t aodti ttier Si tu e tlcBa'-isn pgata àet]Prairie View test week. t-be Voltsbtatt tics Westene, ho le visitiug aeeem tarecover irons the stîoct, 1,r tu-y 1-14 .nurt ta5-llrdt leetr, obr ri eeatne h red e n ted h uo oniy noms meantierlng Intcî ticwneveryi Mm .A W. helont e rseitlag Annbs tanbi ltnit h ilnehr at tetin u twu boum, but- ae hope tboy iii ge-î - astgtter. Mm aiab tpaatcea ltAdite Aid uPrairie View et thobone mobile seow. aven their chili after a time and g5et tauW1 eun.l t tiam-e't -of Mca Fuank Mitchell lant wa.k. Hattie Keuhier eentetuet hem iienti, aum ng n teulyshedule agein 1Mine Insu Ptls-.ckci t,'A au,"toîL MiseW aet roin Evaaton @pent&ale w Misa t.iilian iOeatman, o! Chicagco, aven rTheig briy Ssturtiay anti Swuîie> it4L lier tn4tieti day. wittbrelative* bers tant weet . Sondtay. coursea-as given lt Mc Bride- rbai S.Hir~n alenet Fntday anti Donald Young entertaîneti the Buey Saturday evollu, Fe, b. a-sa- FeO'T lm'urday lu («bcAkgo laift weet. Workereé Club lent k'iday evening. A attentiet. *The Ladies Qýuartette- c arry V.aqn'-r tl 'A egcuro eMrt UMieç Lm-l iatrbnllient Suntiay et nepgesa-s irnatr -bb Chicago, a-as grand antiwa-e - h- Si e8turday ana Sti 7Wti a nM-r OLOrersshmentsm ers senveti. Ail report a fitient thet the lent entertemnîsctutfi 'uilM)ite anti intili>___________fine lime. be equally en gaîc t wIL ai, bu-gvuu! - ji,- .es xlà -tk ,eeg cli.î~~- ate acntgt h Marchfth. OL't isé i. RobL)alz1 *;»Li vrIlà hbti, '-f«JýfàHors t teeignu-a-e a-eyle aemach %omac t incinton, Mari Sb. ontmIs it ~ nt&04 a ~i6»IJ'rriot in là», way ot buainea. The ~ aehi ht abr amthe The Shltion echool building snU -r 1bt aehi hI ebr amthu towntalenut nearing comnplctioî,It'l Anal eiiëi.opnl: e r4e a1.w day. - t msseS rNDa Manniacturati are be- tu trs hsl rae aka Anna Fetucit k. tpsu.,c nue aithw tstoraes.cThis leat a g antietrpmarkt tf WARRN An orphanago meeting of the Citnnee W, C. T. UJ. wili he tielt i wth Mrs. Widdl. combe, Wednetîiay, FeU. 28. Word bas juet been receivet bers îftthe tieath if lGeoirge W. Ss-taubeu et lbis tuome linteosAngeles. He leavîssa %vile, îlerghtor anti son. Mui-h 53-patliy te leit fon the tamtly. 'tre. Dulap hat i uite an exiitiog rnawtuy att nnnec Friday afriernuojt. Ttîe boresbecame trighfened et sorbie chlldren catehlng unto the cutten anti rab tbrowtng ber out anti at lent jnmp- lng the lence et Mn, (Inay'e wboes t wan caugbt. Mn.. Dunlap was natoesrtouiy hart but was a narrow ercape. [ferry Gloason a! Lîtertyville, seta iow a'. the pant woek at Wate Mn. anti Mn.. R 1. Mangar ara vlsltlug fientie la Chicage. Haraold Cra! t o! Pennsylvanie la riaIt- tng ieuda bers. Mr@. Electa Pains la ependtng a lew tiaya with Aima Bose.. Mr@. Olive Whitmore te on the @ek liai. A uumber !nom tht. vicluity attiandeti at Oumniee on the l4th. W. A.,ltoalnni mde a business trip ta Ciao ln ay. Mils@ Sarah Fox vlslfedl relatives in 'Waukegaîî reeeutly. Miss Edith Plartîy set BâSturday tin Chiicago. ttîarlev l)orfler. of Fremont uilat1a kbumînese tripî her- Tue8day. Vju ogel, of Solon NlilIs, was here saturday. The My@tie- Workers gave a card party in Ainaun Bfros. hall Tuesqday evoutng. \Ire. Oven gpenit one day last îveelc at hier home in Hiaineeville. Martin Thelen andi C. Dykes vioiteti Chicago, Munday. C. Junge matie a IbusIness trip ta Chicago, Montiay. Mrs. Oeo. Shober returned home Mon- day alter ependlng a lew daya In Chicago. Frank Drummonti waoe esen on our etreete Tuenday. Mr. and Mm. W. A. Rosing epent 8un- day at Volo. C. Mason has purehased the Flary & Maeon barber &hop. We wlah hlm succes. Mi"a Alles Jug. gave a Valentino party Saturday aiternoou. Thome who were prament were: Moisis Boalng, Murel Coujuan, [Bana Hosing, Clara Amaun. Lucy oning, Coaa Utwiler and Nora Roelg. A dalaty lunch was serveti, the table being taitlly deconaie. Ail report an enjuyable time. Mise Fannie Smith, of Fort Hil, ent Tueeday aiternoon wtsh Irtende hems. Levi Wait spent Saturday anti Suntiay with hies iater, Mme. Nieib inRaocine, W je. 1 Mm. Jus. Trefelner spent Thursday anti Friday in Ci-ago. The M. W. A. of Round L.ake are iplanning on a basket social F.b. 2(ith, and expeet -a fea ýroyal elitertaluere trom Elgin camp '. VtA. Sîrry, J. (4. Pelereon. (.e80 W. He.ncock. Joeeph Ruhemann and iliru-ctîr, J. A. Rutledge. A4 eolo by Mises Lilef i cC(,riiiito, anid a in.y-itation by Mise Gi. irewer also îîîumic by Ma8on'm or. hetna. BARRINGTON. ,ulîat. Xbbot, of lirtigen, la- ïc here iookink alter hie propsnty intýeese Mr. Atîboineau ololtinie reoidentof liarring. toîî anti aas knowvu by every onie iere. The Fermer. Institute a as a very en- tertaining and imtructi e rmeeting. Tu.-rs une several go'îd Ioekrs on the quesition of dain4 ingz and the.v spoke lac te tiat 1-aniot 4 di.putc. f.B. Farmer spolie tiret on thie caet si get. tmng thi. milk to the con@uiiier. lu the afteriioun Hon. Henry S. Early, af Syeamore, Hon. 0. B. Whitaker, of the daîry dtscieîoiî of the llepartment of Agriculture of the U. S , and Dr. J.W. Cook, of northern Ilinois, normal uofIle Katb, epoke and matie facto andti fguree show very plainiy that dairyingzwae ono! of the greateet industries iii the wîîrld, in which great intereet je being taken anti sientitlc methode cmployed tu make it practical ant i eure the health of the publie. Joseeph Spunner. die] at bie farm negl- tience eitnated ini Lalo- Zurich, Tuesday, Fei). 8, 1910. lir. Spunner was wldely known aillaver tUne countn v as a proe- perous and much ne.ipected man. Hie parents Wen the carly settlere of Lake Courity. The Mask Bal] gîî '-l l-tih- Royal rNeiglîbars î,roved a mut nlaîsdi f isnai eecese. 1). F. Lais-, ic Maliel Sc.,iaedle got priva tour tht s,-t liuMii wpstie. Mr". Rd Kîrsv enu ù îiîî E-i Voilier. andi (i2îut~îu-, ýg i i- honore for ioet ctine N-x t a enk j,,tile ('4 I niI t Shlo w uit tii. I îlieeuii n (hicaiot. noî tî,ulit, a ill tle a ve-ry lue tri tsie andl oei uttiiil, i-ou centiori The iîay roll lit tlî, loxvîîaîî lhirs $20,000. lStuisais ,titution av tîsst ï- i wîîrtîs a gruau t,, c iiilsî 11)1v. 'a.l'iuigîiîs irt Iîî lîx.1ojtto 1, xxiilb ell,, x.] î.s ,- , dulît Nil thiu-se , lo isfit,,o. lii,-r,.. sh sil,,-î a p osctal t,, L. H.t-t,.îsîie i.t,, tînt ff t. f liere w iii bu- îsatý-e for onue h o slr,-,iA grand tilmis,.c x jcîd ii] I-e xili lu],verel nolt m ho irîitaof t i lt g ccit Milililruiglst to i, ,an fu.uiîî r I'. i t )nlu,.ixtiisda> Fraiik . . laiiiiex cxil ii oj,.îa 1iat marketîin the building b crumI.ix su, îî s,. by W. H. Gorîîîan on t, Ierîitbe f ok au.]i'Station Ste. wini. Grape bas 1,eeuut il, Ci iagi, hoapital very mck le us nue at bis country resmidence at Honey Lake. Earl Powers underxvent an operation et St. Anthîîuy'e Hospitai. Chicago, Friday. Be in doîug. EVERET. Mre. Franku 'i re anti daîughtcn, Doro- thy, epeut lest week in the country vi@it- ing relatives. Little Hermau Zîen i s xcry il] witb pneumonie, Mms. Jua. Huebi anddaugbter, Ardelia, epent Suntiay in Chicago. Mlise l.abel Carolan was compelledtew stay et home Monday. on arcaunt ai a se vers calti. no, Yore ienaw quite buey î-ollect ing taxes. Ou-t yanr cash ready. Mise Florence and Jean Pfiter and Mies Mary O'Neill, of Highland Park, vîsiteth îe Carolan family Sunday. The "Mid-Winter Festival," whîcb wae ta be given the 22nd ai February et Deerfielti, bas beeu lîostponed until THE LARGEST MAKER Al REIAILEIl 0F MENS FINE SHGES IN TH1E WORLO. '*SUPERIOR TO OTI4ER fMAKE8." 'lav harun W. L. DO6ftaea hoefa. the ucet .1i Y"-a'. nd alatm-seflnd theare '.fer taercisetoait otierhtgh tradeaho.Instete. t-oulaei nd durabllltty. W.0O.JONOSa 1t9 Hovactd Ave.. Utica. fN. Y. ,f I coud taire you ltt0 My large fouc' ties a.a Brocitton. Milan, and sow youu bow carefully W. L Douglas shoot ama unasie.yoé wosatd noalize wby tliay hold thoir shapa, fit hotter, w..? longer, and ame of greatet' valua thannaay otlteral cte C AUTION-Sea chat a.k IuntaX,1f ea% Sls MfwaatrrC&taiag W.LDegia. ra M. B. Colby Mercantile Go. Cougjhs of CFhildren Especlally night coughs. Na- ture needs a littie help to quiet the irritation, control the In- flammauion, check the progres of the discase.' Our advice ls -give the cbildren Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. Ask your doctor If this ia bis adv ice also. Hc knowa beau. Do as he aya. 4W. baa.ha.e i'U ga~$~W. ethey lvro W, II.- ea Il you think constipation Io of trifllng connequmnce, juet ask your doctor. He wlll dl&bu ,o f thet notion in short order. 'Correct , et 'once!" Ilbhowili "y>. Tiren ask hlm about Ayer'a Pille. A milid liven plil, *il vegejable. 3"" y . ,. .ani Àos t-..n..- 4ljSeratchFeed SCratch Fed tsar .iii keep Y.,oe lhe a Il . b..],Sy aliy 004 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1 'Wt.1. I-, hn. DIKs3" ?1 I k-l sI * .4 nt "K ing"e.. - t 1, -,î , NI~ E LUMBER COMPANY F BAU RSTOW MANUFACTURER 0F Quaker Oats is the world's food Eaten in every country; eaten by infants, athietes, young and old. Recognized as the great strength builder. Delicious and economical. 2k anae.Zs 52 State oa 1l1lînuis. (ounty of Lake, es. In the Circui t Court oak ..le CountY. C~harles Il. Fox vs. Mary E. Fowier, Fruan k T. Foa lu-r aînd Etam 1, Clarke. Truste. til t tatruclase. , Gen. 0 41 6 Public notice le hereby gtven that by v tr ie of an orden anti decree cen- tu-red Iln t ho abîve erîtîtieticause lu sali Circuit Court et the Octaben Term A. 1) 190qItheru-ut. the 'underelgneti Special tiavter lu Chaîicury ar eaid Court sîll "n Tnesctay tise Sthisde ofi NBaur-liiA. Il 111111lit the hoîir îîf One ocloclu In the atternoon ut said day ait the Fast ',ain entrance ta the C'ourt flouse lu the City ut Waîike- gati Count> af Lake andi State of Il- tliois. sel]-i t public auctio Iolatfie hlghu-ct anti beet fcddcr fan cash. the fallowing tiescribeti landi andi es-c fate ettuale intiithe (ounty ai Lake sud State utIlîlinois, to-wtt: The south eest qularter ot the south weet quarter ot Section Three (3) anti the iou th hait ut the north ealst quarter ut the south wet quarter ot Section Three (3) and the south weet quarter of the uoutil eeet quarter of Sec. tiou Three (3) andi the south hait ut the north west quarter ut the south cast quarter of Section Thu-ce (3) (ex- cept a strip ut landi tour hundreti tarty teet (440) wfde off ut the eat eaie ot the pru[îcrty abave describeti wblch was heu-fotre eold and canveyed hy i.azcll C. Nfanzer ant i wfe ta 1. Mi. Douglas) al] lu Township Forty ilve (45) North, Range Tu-n (l0) East ut the Third Principiat l erldiau cuntalu. iîig une hundirqd aries tmore or lees. tugether wtth a u-git ut aax ta the puluic hlghwa s weet ut the îsraperuty herehv î auxeveti, itîxate i n the T of cci i v on. (<ustx oftLae amsi Stat. ofIl linoisi ll,-d january «2iet, l'uIi) A RTHUR 1t1, ttKt.FY, 19t I Sou-la ýitiur iît haîceruy. DR. IEDW. V. SMITHI Generai Practice ftiiirs 1tlts *2 2 ut 1 I rci 1 Il u îî 1 .I\ i-.N to TIIE bYE LIBERTYVILLE. ILLINOIS 1 G G, T- Tl Tl TI TI TI TI 't Tmm 14 AI oW Ki AUT o r a-o lý oýr oht 1 Na ovrt ton , 1Oi os oiea ol e lon, ouign il " I cond oi Marbie and Granlite Monumieni s Cemnetery Work of Every Description Correspondence -sollclted 12 6 Genesee St Waukegau Get Weil First Dom-#r«#,toen a peeny-until sAWsIt rowi raturfra. A"d 1 In in àt esaCt it- l. ot f aI in. v xv uteled 1't lil lii1.111, lý, t. lî y ctsp i ,ad tftr ,,1,-n P ioi. t hîcu.-n bucu ou.e-'taI r.o.iui lu -', cy cite ai-s jaul.t ini Asr' M, -- lsl- ad n lue--yoiihsi as, lr hr TIs.n .hpy YthLiIl. a,.nud et yo- l*friktu ,,the, aîsar nd îduncitsrii,1 Thu,el sutucu tîsouinîl ss- le îut iNheu the isch o,1r,,,, tili-it E Xii nsunî,-ru-î lui.tie-sc,îk 11îa tîî,ui.,,ni scstoi h,-taga ,Sgii Oi c/ail, t, uy pciiitire- ly t,,ke lo o.-)eyeris/i whateter. fîseY c no- t . t whYen - h,.at 1 t u -tiro Piaf, the uig- gut ri l' lî,e uait.- i fil,. t tý t.-n tîi 11,11wdyaît,t fiut lu toc- l .u Iii u ri. - n i lt ifor 5o r -I Ail dni-g,tu -lml.e hhaciîlu, aiînd Pe t-hop,^ Itlsuoctitle Rmal. luit ail a,.,,net su- thorZ. l l9in 11 he dam l1tel. N0 drIeý a 1, p .ns--tr hae plllucdau hois. t ani ny t hnoir i ik, wh h oh p ou îîî-il The 1,.. 4'los. ivril i-ely openi Opileu sud heiplollian tothots ho a '0. -11. P-ttil . hst-eo ae lt-t. 17(m tenuluConguit 'me Ifutast pou ans 14xi, ome physliien My acf ise adthe biook xeee poure--e.d vithout cuit. Peolhaps a word or tan frontme s1 ie.. IM U tM e tus alment. I have heised thouceauti ltpou tlloninde b iP""'»t ptit&tiptimor n.u. atoue. plian. Mi beet el- orurrte tiurelî ure ourtrinttdeF ru", ,,m,,. Suwrite 110w whtle pou h eit frwh lu î mirofir fttomnoreos paye aonme. Dr.hoop. Box 12. Racin. Wil. WS±.5 n2h osw ailzi aToo No. 1 On Ojopepaiaà No. 4 For Womtn No'2On th.eHecut No. 5For Mon NtO. 9 on thée Ldnffn Nu. e On fieaa D». Shoop'à Restorative e E l RUSSELL Lilifber Yard For Figure on BUILDING MATERIAL My prîces are rfgbt and grade@ gooti Whether yau boy an flot get my figunes. -PREPARRO VsHITEWASH: IFe S. MIEAD. Prop. ,ali tiru-y, anti et Houey andi ce

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