LÂKE COUNIVINqDEPENDZNT, IRJAY, FEBRUARY 18, t9io ghs. Ni- to quiet 0 the ln- progres advice Is il tAycr's Ask ]your vice 8180. he maya. ,e 1f', ho ili sAys Pile. ile 0 rlln -not. Ho ay erPille - hi .. ~th. 1. t.- sig D.raS mb"rd-,btl sSrsANs 0 Ven tS .1 I ~aaaaaa~iaaaaaaaaa66B6a6BBB8O88O6 I1Ihave ati ly home iieveral style@ of the B3aldwinPi anous 1 nvite you toe ali sud see. I'rices witb n the rea h of ail. GEORGE E. STRANG, Undertaker and Lcensed Embalmer GRAMMLAE - - - - - - - ILLINOIS j-- - - - - 1 DONT FORGET THAT-We are agents for the Burllngton Laundry. Basket leaveo Thuraday and retu rues Bturday. Alwork guaranteed a THAT-We have commutation rallroad tielieta on l,îth roadm. THAT-We are agents for the Kimbail Piano (o. Vi'e sell or rent pianos. THAT-We receive a large conoigompnt of magazines w laî h nî,h THAT-We manufacture le Creani as weii as seili t We would appreciate your order. THAT-We repair your giasees. Put fu new enses upon short notice. THAT-Ws taire advertliog, job work and subscril tionis for the Lake Couty lodepndent and Weekly Sun. THAT-We awaye carry a fu] ne of Pure liruge and a fine liue of tollet preparations and Drug Sundriee. DRUCE DRUG CO. fGrayolake, Chas. ThomesonR. Ph. Thrse Stores/ Rockefeller, H. A. Watson, R. Ph. I Round Lake There werv taîu wreiks n îîthe .Siiii fine Mînday sud trains wcre badlîy delayei. Mies Carnie Wagner, of Long iirouv viited friende boe lait week. Mrs. Manlcolm returned Friday ater a two woeks viil with fiendm anif relatives at Wauconda. Jobu Ibart. of Wsokegan, spent Saturdai sud Sunday at home. Mr. aud Mrs. C. B. Hanlin anti son, Mr. aud Mrs. Paul Avery, Mr. and hMr. Albert Kapple, of Lake V illa, spent Sun- day at the Ed Kapple home. Mise Lucy Soules, of Waucînda, speul eneveraI daye bëe reeenily iitiug * ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I% LXa,~ ' 1n f- ia ayvcuek, ofLil*rtyý ill,spetg * a t d 15 M en t Kt, LYo go~J~'J Iset Thursday wftb 'Ire VWiii. Stringer. * john tfiumrijll is itit) i e motnsuî. Irýyo, * 1~I ~andi daugliter, Olii,, at lilit, %N i4 to TexastiGeorge Thiîîiain raîîil li uibrsa * iii Chiucagioi Tuî-da. 0 On OrNext Excursion h hîîg. JtmuIn-n d td 0 Tuesday, February 25th MDiss Ada luel,er. uf Chiciago. ulvut 0 ~~Sauirda, ai Sunliay tliiber lîrut1ier,t .0 30.00 rouind-trip to Lyfordi exa,iv and retiril. 10 Cati at our Libtrtyville ageîiey- Dyiioîîd à- Aiti for [booktitsatnd ruaditig mtte r t [ GGE'S-AKE as fiu. reo ftu a e i f Ii im at ()tir Chicago office. J) amtobtresti oune kla reiuihisp cii O O i 3fr Mortonu returned Monday frow a * 746 Flrst National Bank Building O ve'trp inîiowa Oo@r Mesi Rak , arleo, Ka1ple. Aîîîes, lslawthirue, Lawrenreé and Sage attend- * The South Coast Company 0 yul the Fa'riners ntîtute ab Millbîîru * O* Tuesla.. O f red VanZandll auein Cbîna.gii.i'ues- * SANFORD W. LINDSAY, President dy The Xaleni!ni- party ut tb,' liome uf *tMr. and Mre. Widdecoie was wehl *o~o o.o.,o..oooo o.oo .ooo f ttendîed sud asu(-eeein eîer.v way. The bioge was 'iery tagtefully du'orarkd for the ux'aslon sod a moe nî,t iiyable ilenry Sine's Sale Barn Rteiemtier Ibat iii,- genuine Crois evenîorg was hai by ail. i Creel higii Valley Ca il 0fartber Chauiey Date was honie tîrîîî hiilago 27i4 ELISIA AV., ZION C'ITYILL. than uny iard voal youurnu. Fur sale Sunday. itsdnElâha uuSAve bv 1he. iiiitLi îîiF s ('o.uIPÀN, Liberty-i Mr. aidMis.tMorton lDate entertaîncid AI Kidi;ni H--e, Haeýe» W . , W eaî .itun villie, . itr ahoît fotv î,f their neîghliiimn and AUCTONEEING OR UBLI SALS N PIETIT-ON riends ut a oami party Friiay nuglît, AUCTONERINC FO PULIC ALE NO ETIIONM. and Mtrs. Chas. Snyuier ani fainily i MAS BEEN !ILED iuiuued Iii the Bd Drues fami the firt of Thi-. cieî emst iiitatlu n îf eai Goff-e ilii a eký 'ur j t mii uiem in . Sliiii i Hathi t iftýev It a firin iii ilium ndi, îîîlii, .1 mne nmnîlie Nil teîlioui*-20 olin0liiiîîîî tite nec lilirig.Mae fotri ii îîîneir un lui Tises Espîeed for Fimng of Petition for an Eection cn the Towenship Feh 4. grainîs, îuat nuis, eti'. Saimmile res ()liieli i te oppoit iiionlonthîe liieýnn CORLETT & FREDERICKS. îui'si.iimi tiiîliîmil114, 'îîijnei iiiiiir tir . 1,. lii, lii ln,..lii uit,- I L ii, h . iiali liiiiir fia I .i' o nh,' mii ati% i' morivuu' iiuic ireîii (lii uit1 i i 1 a1u1î) Ior riiîîîv riîg mnu li, 1,Iltue years îLg I) v kiîiiei' r,' if- e a xiriFet ucateIl thiai lit iliat 1I iiîiî liig ' up Myitii girli-' irer 1 uNa.tui.i'l %N10,eiv ,aiIlitg fair ,)îuvr thulîî1.u lII tliîavif l llauima' Kioie) fîI, auf nluil, - i i me thriat IiîiigiîîîmvoIre 1 iîuîioIit fit ii., lii, iiiul t - ut ,iîi lml t Notice. turntîîme ttîni' tuli' hitiluîuiihiîu tIi,. 2)4ti îuntîl Maili Itilt.fCF lii l' 17 Il Sors Lungu and Raie Lungs. t Mlost pvuî île huu ire elin - g, ilI]tii, iiîîerablî' clatI' ufit ml ielili t iciais. t l 1iî'ii pIeshoîîllil tnuiir iat FolIci's ilue)' lind Tian, the gri'îteet t iiiliat n lîîig rni-lily a ilii quîiulire un- rt- r iîitîl iaid liugli amui ru'utiil' mi i ai q,.iîiuiiti.îît tut Iîîr i-ui'e floiniy indf Tiîr FiuA',i. filiii ii pa a nlte utile thit t evule thîe e'n tire symn-tL.laGiinije 'oughue tîtut rtttk1 and strinll are quîiekly cursi by Folevîs Hune-y uni Tam Ism mldly laxative, safe uni certain ini resoîts. Fîmkina. f.Lo\ ELL. Auction sale notices published ln lie Indspendenl wlll reaci tfar more ressiers Insu any othen paper ln the County. We have lieedretulalbon; yen wllI geltihe buelneeus. TAYLOR 1CROVE, Hevoent WhIitmiîrv a a alIut fromn scîjool several dayé la-t i-eh "n maui.un of la grippe. Roy Mrris, o!lLake Villa. (alîvi on frîends bere Tuesday. Store Removed. The Sidney Carfleld Co., have rented the Ueo. Straog store sud wtli move hie large stock dl dry good@ and groceries su hie new store soon and expeetsta t e dolng business there March lat. i. Strang Le remodeliig the store and puttlug Illunfrel claie condition. Monday a Day of Eseitment. Lent Mouday was une o! consîderable excitaient. lu the morning wae a Law suit of Foi Lake parties, w hile in the aiternoon there was three ronaways and une thp over. lunthe eveniug MNsr Ottu Waldman whiie dm viug tuu the train to umet ber hunhianîl wan hbelduju ou the Suuo railroai cruusing by two iounkeen.uvuTlivyheli ber huume liv the bruIe pfor about fi v minutes. sfemin ingl ' ulating litausetitheiuivvesin iow tîlues, icidiug Ibîuweîvr to let thymr vîcti m usesouna ibuut iiirtntîrrdis- turbance for m hici favîir Nlrs Vi aldmu was truly thaukiol. GURNEE Harold Ra3, of iiiaukegan, client Sur, day ai home. Nlrs. C. Leach,.of iigurs l'ark, client tie latter part of! ast vnektwîth Min. .Punie Leacb. H. 1). Hugbes r'turnsd f rom Fluinlla thîs weeh. Mliss NMary Ame, o! Rioneraiis, lias been îis1iîg %Irs. Hughes. The -3ocial at the cburcb laist Saturday "ersing was Weil atlended. The Bey. Handley will preach in the (urnes Chrstian chuorci nt Sunday norning at Il o' dock. Mise Mahel Hughes aud Stella Haines ntertained their friendeSt NMis Mabeins îouje last Munday evsning. .fov N minrit and famiiy are moving iii thir home luet nortiih o! Gurnue RUSSELL Pir.naî-n and L. L. Newell atteoded thie tuneral AiiZ h. Sinrimous in Kenosha M iiuday. Ana luirris speuit Suuday aiternouun îîh iiiIo esirMyrtie lu Kenosha. iR i Xi Mii,,. lias heen en the nîck liet Nii.Su'tela sliea speuitast avekt iii - rili. i ihsiit lvir Miir.MnT. 1I. Neweil.clv c n.rilrn i 1sn' lieu I ta-hiel' n aeasentertîtieul ut W. R-t ' -lviiasuiffaiiily are vu î-u , h hI we hi .aînil untile i île i ll iofithe a'eek. t1ti 'ni.. l iand !%iteBr tuia t i, uii,1Zioiuîat Chuinînlirn-i F iull' pii.i ýutiI lii llu liti' ti, liitTIhiure luI T i iiMu Kinzie liai tir I. Am-i' n îi.% iig fiei ei, Il, l i. igirs I nL , i ict hlîs uil t iiif lic11 Inciiuli ;ti "iuutln tîtai.mttetel i t 1i..i- Ife muit ii ul Ii nier suiep r giî mmm Ila tI tiii.litîssc nt ianvaHs fo uIr nii ncaini i iiig Ill FiniAIuu5 eî eîîîmg îî uta a iii aturontutilsbvisa gi'i te' il iiioflllii ll'I'IInî tul tuttv loHin. aitio î.lu. uiiiieanti tii i i euni ruî i. tî tIIIirNke vii,-it un;:ieturuu a: it lunnTue liI îî. uitlien detaîneul a goIl uluaplitii i,îil utra un çn.-.ii il Cntuti,ti,'i ft îui, nding tlîe itiivris t lîhie tu'iiiîO, ui Se amlrouvi iii F Eggs for Haicbicg lultItitt t ii humno ln Tiiesulay. ihat t oefot unrl in, lpahrt outhc.Ii viltii iut nuit Iluatittiti- Pi vuîuutli l-kcs iutc li) oiiimlv ias een lin ohm stricete ils auuîî(ul be iiîecsunî buît îî leilti h iris amn vu uucil iti unia li-me l iIfunrti range, ut $1 lien uattiig; e.-, il- mdie lî-uttt1 ia,. ii a t-ut, thym llturs 1tlo, i uîeîvuuunîlrens iiii -uras av arellîîlurt lali lu i îi lit-i lviule prvil fno aai tif vui te tît am ip-tut nilul ,iwhtaieiuîi i)i1i" % Ai i1 itettl a îîatîvr in ut ii Ilu itiany 0cr,. mîîîureteîî uici, iraîiake, 111. hubox 1, 2 1 N eFuti lu Im î2î, u gîî uic Ilelin-av. tic iiin urtuie auN , *Msatte o j W'A.DSW R'I'}I. iil ig lter Xi - tlu len zellen fast Fr nu o lulit ai enuIIe i -t itliiiii VilLe o Ilus eseltel fur 1"h,- rqi;iIti u- takenti tii t ii i,., thymeiîaim oto, ulie t lvat t ltl t lai 1C~iasnîîure andîlfuiuîifi, aie11 i iiere titti ym. it irthe gioiui, lliti- , i iiiii tt thin- îîu'a i su, v tu irt uiol lum it1l îîuncc- uueîîuuî i Il I-ni.a t li 'ltîîu.I S n Sîtu i t iaui,-i, lileil on tue ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ l-l liifWi i u- tc eOei ~ ~ t i ii ieal sast a re t r..itimi i. lluisiatwae, titui F.thý oe n mse tr r Iirit itui I iidand lîi o.if KuujIiii, (liiiiia ouiluî f lhay.m n' iiti, letlt iîiiî ii lutssl hiwardi. Railway Mail Clerks Ms ililPr-irikadsoniiCor '.4antea. li. i.)Iltii. iur'ueltt .î aii ~ ' l~ ntîîuS îteii j- I l it, liil, i l uIlut i r ildliuu \Inui Pb io Be l a l l: Ths Gonernn)etevipays Ralaay Mail I ,'uig. ltlI-Iîuî.t ianý -i Iîe,îit ii iitli ti' li)I, iilii illI Clerks $800 lu $1200. sud other I ]ju it". -iii h F iilkmtiuuii,wmu.ago vielithuIlul elpoyeesuup uo $2500 annaily. î,~ uîî~ î- î.1ilttii t' ut - i h ltit vucîtuirs I iteciilîaio XIr,. Nhi -i cliith' ie'kîliirlcn 1Ill ile Suitî i tui lul npringiie iuii ttu Fliaiii.0iii liiggir'y client Stiiiiîii tit u o utti tuons tîirouiglioiu li th,- o ilt ti hfor itail t>lier iiti ion l t- i lu iiity t l n i . iîî ar. aîilnre. o wayNlail CIerký h unîtoui oHuilsetlents. Jaliî-ai..ii anidîtîldîugteî Lo'illie illiîîîîîîîî i. utie tcI tlîe Crafîînîl i uise Stenugraphiera. liiitkkee1iers, lItitrt -i-ut tittaiilkegaitiThîreiay tii cenlier,- menl Clsrke uni othuen (iveriiient Pio- tirs .Niu'lit-la li i te iry luoriy authle te made. Any man uor autuan tver 18, Locile. the littl, dauughte.i O!f Nr, undi a- Iu chiyor country î-an gel Instruction tiras. Mît-hum-Iliii)le u is ilth 1)rinu1u10- Bernard 1111 lu i,,aulmng lunîben for a andIfres information by writing at unces nia. new sbop on tti' Hienofng lariu tu0th. Bureau of Instruction, 459C Ham- Mra. MartonlLix, aho bi been Ilits Berthîa Faulkner ie visitiug ftinsinf lin Buling, Rochester, N. Y. 111, is improvlng. Warren. ORAYSLAKE DEPARTMENT P. J. DR['CE. Editor Phone No. 1l Orders Taken for Job Work AdvertiSing Rates On Application Mre flnnry Kiiebker spelît Saturday 1 mi.. Aers, o! Lîberty îiive, unan ti4 and Suoday with relativeg at Waukegan. Iglient of Mmr. Frank Lawson, luîa F lrank Friteli and brother, Winifred, Mary Octhoru. tof ,itwrtyvillv. client transacted busiino eslire Monday. nirai étaya here with ber inothur. Allie Kappl.., of Lake ia traisai ted Mism Zeta Masoey efent Saturdiuu an(] Ibusiness here Tuesday. 1 Sunday with ber parente in tluIiiago. *Will Gifin, of Wiaukegan, wa anthe The Womenea Club wili meet a tii Mrs guet of friends bers reeuitly. CfK MiClelland, Thursday evening. *Mrs. J. Tîtus in quite dee at ber home %Ire. GeorgsTîornson wili votertainf oCeter street. the Ladies' Card Club uextWvednosd.ay The Mytic Workere entertained their eveniug. membens at carde Thursday eveniniz. Waehingtou postal cardl iay lebal Louis Oarwood, of Citag,,, siueo ut the ryslake Pharmacy. Sunday at home. Mrs C. b. McClelland a-companied by Charlie Hook and ianîîly, who have Mis Ruth ftlley took in the play been spending a few daye witb liai, llvid" iu Cicakgo, Saturday. Hook and wife, returned tu thcir home h (1B.McCulland bas reiiUnd the lParker In Chiego, Tue8day. cottaîge near the scbioi liouae aand wil lieu. Brandmtetter accuumpanivîiBen ni îov hie famiiy theri th, ami of the Loi tus on a trip nurthut buy cattie îve SIio'ES Il lde -2hiiis-'shofen. ut t$1.0 On,î $1 75 liStent Ileatiier, tan and wîne volored, ut $1.25. Ou inn us eunbiîn sole $4 slioe, ai $3.2.) Our iien's $2.,,0 patent leather siiopa, ai $1.9o. Our $2.5Of amui anu] oavy work shuue, at $1.i5 Bouys' $1.75 subiol shiosu ai $1.25. Chili's duil finish 8Oc slîoe@, ut i6OC' CLOTlIING A Il mensa $2.50 sweater mus, ai $2. AUl Mittens and Gloves Lined and Unlined. $1 îîuality at 75ec, ujuahity ut 3,c 75v quaiity ai Site. Meus wiuter capus, $1 quaiity at 75i q îqality utaic. .Ali $1 uvînter iîîiîîlemwar.ladlies lîr gulite uat 75, Ali -,0, iin&irwu'ar fthe-i'v. at 35c. AIi griîl, I f Flaiiiivln , pvler uarI A Ilit0 aîd 12o Silhulîiien ut 'c p-r yamrd, A ti iîuiii" f Iuîuu.nt 'ci î,r yarI We have a large lune of liavy stone ware, consisting 0f j ugs and jars, from 1 to 30 galIlons, aI 7c pet gallon. h is less than factory prîce. Baum's Horse Tonic, 25 lbs for $1.75. Baum's Egg Producer, 25c package, ai I18c. Many other articles that we haveu't space tO mention will be greatly reduced from now until Marc h Ist Core nuud see us. S. Le CARFIELD Reffoval Salce Initending to mov,- in the Straîîg building abolit Narvh Ist, we will giveti t follow- iiig slaughtering Iîrices: Boys' Suite, sizes 3 tii t' years, $4 suite at $.5 $3-0) suitit at $2.010. Youtha' suite, sires 12 to 17 years, $8 suits at $5, #7 nulle at $4. Boy@' -,Oc overalîs at 3--w Boys' dUCIt mate were $ u at $1. Bioys dock coma at $1,2.,, at 77,c. Boys' black and white gtipel suite 40c, î1uaity, at 25c. Men@ ail.a'oil wîurk cate wvre $3.75, at $2.7. Meu's ducî flanket Iiined iiiats were $2, Nfea's heavy weigbt apruin overalîs were 4 5c. at 58c. Ail Winter Rub- ber Goods at Absolute Cost. Mens $150 areilesat $1.32. Mdensm rubbern for foit $2, snag proof at $1.7-5. Mn@1u bbere for sock, 82.2.5. snag proof aI Il$1).0 Mnsa plain rubhsrs for felte, at 11.35. MerD's low cioth top overs, at 80v. Ladies 2 boche aretice $1 .5(1 uuaiiy, at *$1.2-. Ladies' i huckie an tue $1 îîuaiity, aI 75. t'liîns $1 2 buehie ar,-tics, h2c. lia1 ' A Ilouse Wired for Electricitij Is a more convenient, comfortable, more enjoyable and more valuable bouse for them Electric Light The finest of aIl illuminants, and Electric Appliances That greatly reduce household work, may be inataHied. The cost of electricity in the bouse, whether used for light or to operate appliances is low. The cost of wiring a bouse is low. Let us explain our plan of wiring bouses at cost, payable in 24 monnhly instalîmeints North Shore Electrie Co. 230 N. Genesee St. Waukegan, 111. Phone No. 258 PEOPLE'S ,PULPIT,... "FEDERATION VALUE 1 ük. Sermon by CH-ARLES T. The Church Militant's Surrender RUSSELL. to the Church Triomphant. SY e Sot. A Fedensuoii. 10all diem i T.esàe ebsat6ipeuple "Ib51 y,A Fedesss m" 1-e r estye ibei les. sur besbeid" (Isish vis.12). 0.0 flroklyui, Feb. 6.-The fouth ad the varions tdenominattuns uf Cbrstsn. final meeting fui the consderatloo dom sud their creede, we muet todey of doctrinal surrenders neceeaary to Ignore ail human systemesud creeds. Chuch.Fedraton as eldtodyWe muet take the broad, general Churh Feeraion uas hld ~ ground of the Scripturesans.d reco<- Brooklyn'@ largest auditorium, the nlze only oue Cburcb. Acadeiuy uof nl' beiug rowded. Nor may w. make the mistake of Pastor C. T.Itussell, of the Brooklyn saylug that the one Cburcb la one Seet. Tabernaicle, dî'llipred the address as No seet, no denomination, bowever followR. grent sud Influeutial and nnmerouu *Having vlew',d durlîîg the puni three sud rich, either ln sordld or historie Suudayc a lîîuth1k liig ilcuomîna- wealth, Cao be oueeded the ri.gbt to' tions wiîulil ueed tu sacrifice lthe luýj approprlate the name whlcb our Lord tqresgtuof Feiluruilon, wu cone todsy to gave mu al truly his disciples. Surely thue final disvcsioni ot thia serles-The noue of us la setarlan enough to dis- Churh MlItat sd Tiunihantsudpute thus premise. We muft leetri to Chuch iliantsudTrImphnt ndrecognize the Church ot Chrit frgý ber luterest lu the. Fevieratonu move- the same viewpoliut as dose the Head ment. Let os enideavor to tae . 5 of the Churci. We muet Içuin tii. broad a vlpw out tus subject that tbere force of St. Peters words 10 Cornllus will be nu roui for disagreement ou lhe "Of a truth 1 percelve liaI Ced la no part oft lion ('rînthaus ut any denomi- respecter uf persona; but ln every ns- nation. tion b. tinit feareth bim sud worketh Unnecessary as it may be to explain rigbteouanesa la accepted wltbh lm" to thie large sud intelligent audience (Acte z. 34, 3.1. i Taklug. theretore. the Scriptural lhe signifieance ut unr topie. Tevew of the Cbureh, we recognise It Cburch Militant and The Cburci Tri- as lhe -Body of Christ" pi many mem- umçhnt, 1 must thhok tbeyoud the bers, over whicm h. la the Head- It thouzande pis-sent of the millions 'w1o ta compoaed ut vouseruted followers to-morruww slîl recelve reports ot thie uf Christ Irrespeetîve of ail denomina- discourse from that great chanuel of tional hunes-thuse who, turning froua the, world's prugmese, the aeilar Presa. sîn, acceePt isus as thelr Redeemer. Heuce 1 explan Ihat the ter. Chureh1 hrough whom they bave forgiveme Miliantsigifis te Curc Luwar- of sims sud reconclli.atlon to the. Fater Miliant Igniiesthe 'huri ~ those wbo have become disciples of tare. struggliag with thie îîwers ut Christ, taking up their cross to follow evil, whlJe the Churci Triîiîiîharut sig- hina sud who bave recelved the beget- nifies the Churî'h victorious, glunlous. rIng uf the huly Spirit. Who could julned wlth ber Lîîrd, tfiemmlevenly dispute that thes are the Church of Bridegrouii. as hie Bride aud Quen Christ?! Who shail say that they mut ln the great Itilleulnial Klngdom soon belong to thi Communion or that. or to biessud uîîlltt the wurld ut man- loae timeir relatlonshlu Intheii Head. kînd. 1 should turther add that wbile In the tdiscussion as have eonsidered iContinuei on page 7) [0W R 0F iraiite lis of Every n ee St First -unuifl )s.aWs w th.se "lk*t 1- ini s-di. -ndidi-r han ;c s h-à. Y - rI i l _l u s a it t. huaith f.tu nk .Il s ii's1 rto =, axeiiu ai l e diiiltS bot tg axeol eýg se1 Irte e a-ef Ithousanda Dr. 9hnumî. Bos Fr Woamsa For Mosn tive -RIAL ni grades huy or ires. ýWASH l'rop. For One Week Commencing Feb. 7th, we wiIl' seil At These Prices l i l ' ii, rîiiuîult u ta l Fui i Iîr *2. , 1er tliim. 1 t.- t l iî 1411-Y fior) l. ii$25 uer toa. ls i-. oii ii il,',- \1iiiuuu liti,, P.Ii.!foi.3 r 1î ,iî -n Il. in ,lw % ieli ýl. iii . S l IrBail M ll , ullot o nîr ail i i. tlrSrn t' neý- nu rasxthouadbél uh f0 t.m S. L. TRIPP ROCKEFELLER, ILL