WAUKEGAN WVEEKLY SUN Attend the CORN SHOW) Libertyville, Jan. 12 to 17 on US. TWO SITES PRESENTED BY MR. MUNRO-LAKE COUNTY ere- SITES CONSIDERED AS VERY ADAPTABLE FOR U SE FOR XeS THE NEW INSTITUTION-JUST WHAT THE REGUIRE- . MENTS AS ASKED FOR ARE-MR. MUNRO WORKS FIRST WoMAN JURY Rev. Thos. Quayle Officiates at Braidwood Over Aged Cou- IS SWORN IN THE pie of That Place. COUNTY C OU R T 8erettrof Ile a ndOr League of LakIle County, Thursday of- ficiated at a double funeral held at FIRST APPLICATION OF NEW lraidw.oo, nea r Joliet, Therman of Mr. and Mrs. Crich- SUFFAGELAWIN AKEtonwer, laid to reet ln two comfis SUFFRAGELAW Iin A aEingle gr1ave and 3Mr. Quayle had 1to change' the regular form of service COUNTY IN CASE OF "N- t f . ,w.;rtqfns, whereas but one is cowedIln thet usual prayers and serv- SANITY IN COUNTY COURT ý i , 1The hushand died Monday but thel -MISSES BESS BOWER, funleral pIans were postponed beca""" the wlfe was ln a ecritical state. The CLAA EES BEL mn , death caused his wife to relapse CLARA KEYE, BELE àand her, death followed on Tuesday. PILLIFANT, ALICE WRIGHT plnweemdfothdube AND CHRISTIAN, MAKE UP $1 50 PER YEAR kN A D)VANCE ONE TO EIGHT See particulars on Page One, Part 2. 'WIDOWAND IlLake County- Jail Housing a 53 CENTS PER $100 Woman Who Figures in a CHILDREN APPEAR Sensational Savery Case VALUATION FOR AI VS. SALOON M E Ni ie nrocare tt ""ato WAUKEGAN FOL of the M1ann act, was Tusdy orn.__ Mrs. George Kneisle Suing forl" tiChicago contlinued tien days Tax FiguresFro heCi wheni it was called before Lawis F $10,000 Damages For Masýo ,- nited Sae omsinr Ofc eel nrae - . , . , Tho reas.on for the conut nuance, it is Deatn of nusDand. undrstood, Io that the rame is no()w Waukegan Property. peniding before the federal grand jury andi the goverement does not wish HE BOUGHT IN THE SALOONS the commiiissioner to take aniy act. STA TE TAX IS THE CAU - until 11he'grand Jury bhsmadie knowit A,, d E1 ' rs of Is adeliberatiorKNi1Mfi. n ,nrote ome Ded n aura laon, thoi Mexican girl wh.n Big .lump in State TaX Whi Wagon-ine Pints cott is accufeir of bringing to Chi His Wgon-ine Pints cago fromi Mexico, was transtferred as Many of the Other Tax nvolved in the Suit. fromthe1 Cook County jal to the Lait AeLwre hsYa !det r, ýiite t $000 drice VOLIVA PUTS TUlE i2° frt::"r1:'3taxes" "'" front~~~ ~~~ "e, 'ePrf hosl iur . ý1 ý-.------ n his HARD TO LAND THE COLONY. LAKE COUNTYS FIRST LAKE Z RC A ý-;,-;-'-oýZ B N O L LT d olr aufohrta MieKEigeZURICteHh WAS DEAIS O STE Devner 1-11t hoiilifer ou lieen ento aeas M! é Crisionon.DEDCA ED AN.d aý,.. S IRT I ZIN CTY u ton otslntheCit bythestae 3d-ate auply Th ftht Hetl h ahWOMAN'S JURY U to-Dningn of ywihthe sied whle enDETAIS0F STES dscr i npA- Ilyy on on themone sr yaer M iG eosB e .r u e h o n s I a r a i ln g d ri e c r o s s e ded n b y t 1 0 e r k c en t n c e a s e 3 r d - W t e r s u p l y.AT h f a rmS Here le tnau ho ellthic brhachGere ese gint ae ont ip shw b CutyCer HpeesThe farmn also adjoins Fourth Le t n, t he re tiinupe and Priua-anldNMeIiý-iry County saloonkeeperse. parfil of Zion Womnen. figures. will be $7.31 (the state tsx on ZO U SAST. tescn ags aei h bDptyCounty Clerk Bullock Thecase is that of Mrs. Knelisl lots of 10 per cent Increase to be add. 4th-The farm isAlocate "YoMad ench of you do vil- MANY ADDRESSES GIVEN· agatinst ihese depfentlants: Michael TO BANISH THE WEARERS dt hssm.Ls ertetx Srnfed l. a.5-Se-|abothTe flakes, h a etif lt enny ser thatIs yousO withe andand The(, Wagner and Anna Wagner ws1.7.Gl)Tetimfriiigtplca dtracts and not subjected tu a" and areverdict render,cne Supt. Of School Simpson Was ( )o , olMathias and Henry Heimer, More 'Blue Laws' Are Put LIon " ""ar te elethefigures, tons fordthe isocation' y the ta uisane inany way. s »e* g ce. ohelp you God."th v- on Hand and Complimented Rau DyanAn th 0s nCyond .CE- is rasdin or.eat iu unsp19 newstteepileptic colony has 5t Tbil ppo Theaboe oun woencontitt-the Directors. wards represents the complainas Sur4 y. ýand 1913 are shown,- expired and within a few day* n ihrSndo orh1k toi the Ornt woman's Jury ever called l913 191 the members of the board w I ete Sn rForhI* la lAake county, and they, acting un-- wile Attorneys C, P. Barnes, andlistthe3 1os si2s1te fllw -hashample provision for "vaw1ac der the new IinOis suffrage law, The newit $10,000 school building at Joslyn of McHenry County and (eorge Four m a rle-a -.tae ......... ...... $ .70 il .38 laih--There aretesthefollw-n head eidncein n Insane Case1 Lake Zurich was dedicate¢ on New Field of Lake County appear for al] enade oprkee obca ont ........ 5 ng re tthe :pla&cekowhich have podcngexlsiegi - w en si hudbtedfn-Year's dav with appropriate exer. defendants, excepting the Walgners, Oles, andswearle arZ:on City bybr-d·e..--.. . 1 09 e t; Feo o Stophen-eA The patient taken Into court for a cises. who, strange to say, have no counisel Oese VNaIhe r: liihsho g.....6S' on county; Dixon, Lee county; cossteSoln %L hearing was Milss EdT* BIgnold, Attorney A. J. Redmond of Chic- lin Court. That they are not represent- No womnan may wear à out ··· roi.--...--.-. .88 So that switch connections #i 4 Who lives on the west st1ie, Wauke- go gave a f plendid address with par- ed is said to be due to the feet that skirt, "X-ray gown/' or any varie. 1Iligh school bond ...... .2 2 Belvidere, Scoons county, Zion tial ne.tergt Whn oifedt pocr afuyt tular emphasis on the advrantagesi they, are reported to have sold their ty of the peekaboo. Ctv ...>............. 1,1 1.201 nt;buoiltlh , b the recent Publie VHtlm biear the case, Sheriff Green decided 1Of good schools. saloon and building before the suit Anyone who weare glasses Ctbond···.........·. .39 6 Hnycuny aevlD- Chicago rates upon coaillire: to cali a jury composed entirely of Mr. Ralph Peck, representing the was s;tarted, that they have no prop- meeyfraonetms i- uLicbnft ....Ou'aecuny eea, rhl able. The supplies comtaing * womnenwith the exception of the Palatine school board, complimented erty which is amenable under the law crdthmNweaxune nw aw)ty elt lne ralroad whic tixth member, who ls always a doctor the people of the district uopn the and that they therefore are wIlling to Every resident must own and [ib)rary ............ 15 .13 county, Johnsburg, McHenry Soo line South of Rockiefea. Brwnwa clld orths os- tompletion of a building go Well permit judgment to be entered again.st ueatohbrs.akae) 0 ontawa, aSalle ccounty trra evc smitie Sheriff Green has been figurin rsuited to the- needs of the district. them if the court so holds. Allpuetlay er muic alnsu Crity scod ............8522 .2107 -ae hw, nth eito th Soo l i rat o nome time on calling a woman' r, Supt. Simpson expressed himself as 'Judge Whitney preided when court mnsms eoetertaet iybn . ... . 2 2 oware sh flo l n tedetitio thTh feiharteon1. and when lhe heard that a wó an de- much pleased with the building be- opened Monday mornigA jryhad ete$o7h.hrc11do o--- --. owrddt prndl n$en6 c s$.78 pe r t.Ia tedn twas e otrd, he tho gtcause of the advantages afforded the been secured by noon. 'Chestra.e15.78 gelayte rge .n advan c by fReP-biltea lese ae cand pls as chHren. neisl, wit HenrYTaylr, aieigh-Banishment from the church awaits It Is notleed that the county tex rsnaieF .Mnofrlctn rmtecomin so n Pasor glheclldonte a i Orn.bhaf fthnWme'sRlif o , wth MHenry To , eb.13h113 all the women followers of Wlbur this year ls legs than lint. The state the new $7>00,000 state epileptic col- coal secured Mm nW» m = eue young women working in the'1 Corps of BarrIngton Mrs. Cattow, in with a load of grain to have it ground GenVlvoese f inCttxi hr tebgjm smdaony n ae coSprny.fTedpeiinwas transportion ad«tn. cur bonge o Ig oMi tfe w wordspresented the school into fior.If they are caughit wearink lit skirts direct rabse of 32 cents per hundred eforwad tio mmpingdsiWnesdw ayn wlemls who ls employed by Stte's Attorney with a large flag. Taylor was the ment Important wit-o o-ekgws ccrigt iTolr vlaint hc u t eevningondthcomiion nwhe aefylas th-Thetitle to theiadm Dady as stenographer. IMiss BRower, The Lake Zurich district have ness on the stand In the openin g ses teannouncem endaynihe t. h e 30 p r cent oraion.land a n ty in eandconsidesi th ae uly go earateed. We anlibe .4 Mise Christianson and %Miso Keyes good reason to be proud Of its new sion. lHe told of stopping at Wag- iMyrs.f W. H ý. nden, Afeaofath e s 0 p er a eento o autons. ThsconIt y -tsascompared tos1ei tes sub- s heorign tal tnsax b are empoyed In he count leksbuilding.,It lis a two story brick ners' saloon lin Vole, of getting the myro inCt n r.An ae ut ifrneoe a Theititedbyothesferoun ateeekn it-59.aresaof e. nd, athlave*,lý Cierk'a ofee. structure, with two large rooms On grain ground and of entering saloons Pii, ead a iIlnce comit t na Tpbibee of year. yer' eraepl etio nslferla natoryand 159.lia pe ae Uothegm 4t &rs somes of the woung women each fioor, large halls and vestibule. of Heimier and Bauer the buildings seveultn oen intructed to make The public ene.ftit tar thiusyern beCha esall Lakecuty interested itha eent atdo the db etat s e th e n w jr yt a bute ingh ig ah asrm nd e al ig ted he told of prch a si w ed ng M a ia as Hdi Of the w omen and report te the over- of raising money to pay for general tuion in the orunty, it ls printed In in alf probability these fbi b tnt it wa f or the tit v . I a clit l d ing i h a ed w ih stea. ne i se a d t n told of thin oeirs de seer all skirts or waists that fall Improvements n the city, that l, for fulwould be of ue for the ia howt lthey wertemeingreg ta bidngze m-ahe boardofdirectors st H. L 110esand ofhis odsoverytha i s .iv thin the ban. thIngs whichi the municipality had te To the Honorable, the Board of A d- Bite Number Two:- terially wby being e itted o a- s TPemarI.fBeghorn andH. TG!icomp anofonith e r a fhims 'The best thin- Gov. Dunne ever do and which are classed as publie ¯ministration of the State of Illioi, This ite ila tdwo il T e fial y cons e ited t t coun llma, aoi at . erwh the sand . w a lin on on the r loaad app rent-said in his life," declared Voliva, benefits. Springfield, Illinois: est of Waukegan and consists c othe jpb t onentar n d the e f 210bilagsomite avaee m yasleep; of othe tea stparnto was when herrecently condemned The Park tax ls also a new tax. Yioir petitioner, Fayette S. Mlunro, 1,040 acres, bounded by the Mg omtly aqbte 11 o'clock. of$2.0 Fradn, JoD. ink eadvermn flme unaayaofthsefotens t atchtModern female attire. very smrait, however. It permits the!a resident of the county cd Lake,01nth t and the 'North prmTetvIenc sowek. thatnMss.fe . ll ofnthese m n ar itve and d othm.Hseflo relatedcathw Then Voliva disi ussed the subjlct raising of mnoney-3 cents per huin- tate of Illinois, respectfully repre- ern road on eas. la t Mnld lihm e wadespondentpo uho hi tmdn fot t eh aae t e h ieesloy5 o is ali ie uld not take dedollars' valzation for park Pur- Pents unto your Honorable Board west cerner of this tract eofland*1 er.d se ondi stio ingtot grave bucreof good imanidn.eyf d e-, hoe nangd tow the ifeld so y$5,help-bs, ý,ardthat somnePss that Lake county, Illinois, ls an appro-! located a small station Callot edW itewasHfetctreatmntlatneEgranewouldsere te ommnain.of ald-l1for t n o tewf ndsnhl-residents of Zion City hâtie tnot It is noticed that the City school iate Place for the establishment Of1 rentown Grove.i helps o h re mentyadyialg ol.srvthe ood aseandjudgn t. Thefr e-d get it. Into the house whete a doc- cleaned their teth in thIrty-flye tax is 22 cents lesse than a year ago; a colony fo epilePtics, pursuant to The site is rolling country and b beljbry oftawomendateharing bueildin state d in agrent ofhetor was called but hisilife had passed years, and gave ordeIrs thathereafter the library tax is 3 cents higher; the the provision of an Act, entitled "An the advantage of two ralrftod M evidce rom relativesanda d ntrltme.Telcto dsawThcmlanns r ryn o o-all children imust he providýd with City bond is 27 cents legsswhile the Act providing for creating, etc., of a of transportation facilities at rf re itesr. rowachdthefvrtmuhtIlsatrciens.brsescen hrtetr ieacity tax remains the samne. state colony for the care land tireat. kegan, which Include the tha te ptint eeed edcalat Th cildensan sverl elet damages on the -ground that day and have ilý1i nspected twice The high school tax ls noticed to ment of epileptics," and submits to ern road and the electre MD& ththe n tientrned te edic t Thtions udr ten adisreco osele Knelsleh t hIntgooehealth previous-a year. he.5 cents less while the high school your Honorable Board two sites for also bhas the benefit ofw rra that effect goIng Into histo,or as the teachers-the Misses Scholz and De. sold him caused him to becomne sick Members of the -1. thl cavalry, under bridge taitIoscentes.moeThe ad and you onieraon-Tle wlrFr. o cois aventl.n"umf first woman's Jury ever sw7orn ln in ers. There was au unusually large . gcsmr hl h ieNme n-h olrFr pin aentbe eue s Laecut-atnac.and die enroute homne. The case I18 an command of Maijlr McNamee, w ho re- town tax has aisoeinreased 12 cents. lst--This farm ls accessible to Chi 11 the land, but antic pteth be Liked Experience. unusual one and some inters gcetylfeFrn-rda.r etin That.the Young women liked the -~¯ points are involved. In fact, If judg- ed in the Tueslday miorning dispatches agdoand thern Ilinois, baeigl o fr the citesall opist t experience was ev4denced by the man. under consideration for I always have muent is secured lit indicates that every as driving back the -Mexican federalsi MAN MEETS DEATl ateon the ashortLisnee t L ake s-ila iredh. eesayotosw nerinwhchn he pidattntontohehrrr fpsndnganyodttttenttaookeeertelsaamn wo sugt efofi te nitd ls wthi ashrt isane f Gay. taqure.i the efidence. A few of them asked asylum. However, 1 guess 1t Is better ime alak, a satiothntemCh Mil For Tact umberOn th#,e !,Witnesses questions. Theor attention for them after all," salid she in con- drink he's laying himself liable for, Saewe hy r hpe ytW HIE cago, - e t Pu çse. h ew()ma;() e e e()O on the" evIdence seemed even more clusilon. in the case of Kneisle, he was a big rebels at Ojinaga. wauee S. a ul syseetem. Thuen ens(a) Ma;y(B poerete; ( «e) tintent than the average Jury of men. "Wel, I guess we conaldered the strapping fellow of oiver 6 feet, weigh- sithate Vro adson en ue gan Ions o MrE. 1we for nre;9 Xt Was noticeable that the "jury. facts just as carefully as the mnwthLaeVil hsPenAeecedb 9 . cCeiefr 07ai4 wornmn" seemed perfectly at ease, didn't we?" said the Tast. mn ed 200 pounds and was the last Per- AP R WE E L S• the State Commission, ' which will Manzer for 100 acres and A.Wofb They didalimct nervous ln the Teast, Not a ISuffreg'tte. s-on in the world to expect to su-r P R E OSgvetacs eLkeMhinad20ars.TeaneabtolW Ilkly due to the tact that all are em. "Whle lI'm willing to Serve on the cumb under such circumstanceg, hav- - Deerfleld, Jan. 5.-An ukno g ve iPOt acetio akte Michiga ado200macrs.Thsaebngo .vettela pu ily affcted he. Tha'gett uy e,"sad mne of the jurywoen.ing been a hard drInker alh e t, 'W ave rc i any Complainte man, apparently a tramp, or a man! 2nd-This tract of land centaine Requirements of site& ls, made-a good Jury. rAnd she Insisted on her statement according to friends. fromt patrons of th, Prairie View Pst. Out Of work walking between Deer-: 1,024 acres., consisting of1six inde. That the site selectedl by the 0li ohmilcr y lr a ddbr The t j tes a hle arenetadt-in court the other chidre , o01ro n d ene idn teve r a tin 16 oEverett, wPaulkm" thi The main far of 6TI acrebs da mson a mt w sa h4i o 2.0eve issedi' Jkey.toclkesthe exprgenceutfthe y ery dwere not present.ls rs.TePaii iwpsmse morning about 7:30 o'clock. a high state of cultivation, recently from the caB for bide d!.much' Further detaHls of.the case will b ewahakngsuhadoi o poe ithbildIn en 1s.oThatthe pr t Nne thait and keep t," One Of thecW MnJrormWas seen found on page one Ofpart two,- iansuwer te our letter of Inquiry, ham see or hear the approacthing train.l and appropriatle for track Oftesdible to th* .20ey aida tirdeerwh c hecurbasedorilloon a Informed! ne that the Independent's did He lwas tkken to Deerdield where the and dairying. in this SmCon tivessand friends Umey O " ase rd rve o th hrt eblloeadyuAnohmed r&»s Hwr lo fGane h a o rieadteCiaoppsalso remains were placed in the depot Lake county offers botter di g 2nd. Tha tbther tB e ig, TA"e cook»,"Maud buyin ou l rem dE&lidapontsertiton iawreei o rnt atray on Janua7 ry G the day pounding Investigation. The vicUib facilities thanlm th » S .e h e tetth Ithen.n m aMo. s ou dWav U4 m Udie 4 W a d hie olothemé l tin the 1posib RIy Of rai in &ac es of et COUN ND' N KE L. XII.NO. 16. TWELVE PAGES LIBERTYVILLE, LAKE COUNTY, ILL., FRIDAýY,JAtR9,14. GREATE$T SHOW OF ITS KIND EVER HELD IN NORTHERtN ILLINOIS