mogt*eat have considera e d Wtpoisoned. 1». Ranch. Ie touble and expense ln enter te e' l«OnU5gt soin. tablets,at the. drug store and laid him te take tvoaia furnisli h. praper Prigesfor su 1ch a 0, NortliOhc ag4%. 0 Once. Doniki would take only one O D N big event. A test lias been arraged saylng ho vould take some mors between the differeni townships aolde ~ he li 50 home. Hatlien vent to couf y N.12-7tram Lilertyvîlle as ta point of et- TIR S '~'MT fHAVE MS 'tisre Pollc station and demandad tise tendance. A registen wil be kept of 1 (t U lAlt1,) rest of bis vite aet once ùbowing tise plate as orîdtence. Chef ltackten- Sig Time Planned for NeXt eacis visiitor and every niglit the re W F RR T D N Idadcompanîed by. Dr. lierecis- Lek at Libertyville by Soif suit ttieateOdnene ouelader, vent out te investigate andI Improvements Assn. shiîr compmred witis anotiser will ie U ('lAlq ond that Mra. Donikl's story did flot aunounced andI aithtie end of the À S13R14) LHÀI1AK agree witis ler isband's. Sie sald 3,0 AR N EX II.* eka**alerzwilewbddýer husauind camne home druk and ,WJU~RI~ ffuj~AI1 II.wee, aanîtihl przo cililiaawadr1 began ta abuse ber as ire had done the winniur tlownship, North Chicago Man Says Wife, ever since Christmas, but tis time -Great Variety of Corn Wili Beý A troost for Lake county ts tise Cornn Tried to Poison Him Wit ose tan ever. Sohe panali> Displayed by FarmerS <f i show. Let everyone go and enjoy Paris Greeni. h ':5Peaon:n ltoispftr Lake Cmuty. iYourgeives-Contributed.__an____ I she had ecatregre ta Qote a lîttie excitinent vas causedL - - -n okl ek Yan. 12-Preparition Day. 0 TYLR nROVE. Jan,.1.-Fanm Improvameut and C. C. Amas and daugister, Deuis, Damestie Science Day. called orr relatives irere ou day ladt Jan.14-Diry ay.week. Jan. 14-Dairy Day. K W. H. Brever and son are sawiug Jan. 1l-Scbool Day. '!uurb.ýr. Jan. l7.--Corn and Market D 1 a'. Mrs. Josephî Taylor left for i'lorlda Evenyojre le interested lu tise Cornu un Tuedday. Ohow andi Short Course to lie leld at Henrry Amaes anrd Abert Leailé are ILieftyvtlle, Jan. 12tb ta l7th. Tise atteudIng tise poultry pilow ln Wau- managemenLttelamgking complote kegan this week, ,preparatlans te bandie the encransMn. sud Mrc. F. E. Heury spout lact erOwd expected tovej11dy. Saturday vîtis C. C, Amaes anrd famlly arations are nov cainpiete.,tJOntlie en.-i utGagea lake. tetainuent Of thse visitons, Tbree IMrn.ud Mns. Pltmar, mad'n corne~ tbOUeand Of tise bet sears of corn lnl as at Ruîssellonue day ltest week. lAike count>' ii li e 0ouexisibit, Tise Paverai farmers from aronrd iseroi balls wii lie det-oraled in banuers a'nd are planning te attend tise corn showý festoon n s cucit a maunen as to make t1 liber'tyvilie rrext week. tise pictune as one iseioldu tise ex- Position o vondenf4l dîspiar , Came te the Corn ishow tla errlon evor>' corner tlirerigiout tise couuty. -Thatt ile vel varta wile la certain, lM&O>' Pe think tina tterptig n aICCMq,njsiil Iis corn Elitositio aud db1or Course. the management 10el OU@o0f the st hoStî possible b"a boon girenat e county, people ail osver the country are vattnisug pveasues.vchtviilewth Interet tiis event and If l M A -ret many ctivera viiillie copied ail 'teor i. It la unged oison every en..3.JTI!6 EE *whbOtbr fanm;ng or not, te lie a lÀb- 133 N RTh E >RACr, qrtyvillo on. of tisose days and msea ' chaua tbing af ls ilnd la 111e. 1-Y anPoèPle Are planning ta renev aer the olfi day s BeoMPared, vith SPECIA the nkev. Ample Preparations bave .-'"oe Made for takiug carse! ail par.- BEEIF 'e1W 00 that when thre visiter flrseSrn atvBe PtRo1 tara an;' One Of lh. halls t In v NtvehioPohR u .. -*0**O"e1 tpu ti o bet theld. lie cab li Ee ý....... beel Pef«cîi' Ire. ta ander about DUIU Steak ............. ý*"eiitle ov sIte, nov of corn, Boieless Butehers Roast.. -96U «ud other seede,,the,.ýt,,t that Prime Rib Roast....... 14»t e0lt>'aftorda, an exposition. Cu te_. .. . . " À ve6rY Snutantlsiadditian tu1the a b1E ..... ' e t Aflepeai1n Ml . tr, rnest Cris- Shoit Cut Porter House.8 -ho. Wla gendrahlt, ouidered thse Botielees lump Corn Beel é;1ÏWt Droudaenî agulturaî witer nlu HaMburger Steak ....... j.UItb Soutny. M. Crissey lias coc Rund, Steak .......... ,ý*aDte4tespeait ou th. Buiness a » ef. . . . . *soe.,,bUida>', JiiuîrarY 15th., The O u ....... 4ei extremel>' cotuplil. Beef Tongue....... the 11 p0ptanceofo!the in. . MQ D>A 67 g 'Mn. Crlsaeï Inasmuch asil a urdHm ý amiiQ1~ugîtatLer sy ibig meet SgrC edË m . . f avn 11 cunrysu*vry Sugdr Cured Picnic Hams *ém suicffle eu invitation, ita Frankfurte ............ Upenis voîl for Laite county Iodent PolUsh Sausage '-..... *lat lii b" cousented to corne. Liver Sausage......... Tt b8 Pliiid te have at least four toIL4Oe maIr and scoma days Ste Imported Summer Sausag 4'w Mi. uwée3'- unelu- atteudanlce Ile' Belogua Sausage. . . nnquete4 té ni questions at any ila urd rakfast Ba time mal maaeie t mt a school fore r p red Sala B airae t- Improvement. e la iSw g » A r" prieshave been arnanged for, t BIoed uaigo...... d 1h0 sAnoucemnent vil le rn49. Vistletoe Butterine. at'tb0C ÇOt&show vhere they ,vInihaie Sugar OCured Boneloe sHanm on exhlbitien, ltboegl iany c 8 Sp r eb, short eut, lb 1%»00tltoru b s*eiatl,> d al P rk Sausage .... Aaagom4b out the prise as the>' '.CI th* more wlnlg Of 11e bIne rh. Faný 'hou bu, lotvllatndig Iis, tise ______ - ~~ahes, o5.10k lt, vent to te tale Iyestenda.y monning isen Andro Don. visere lie vas eating and thi'ew It on nikI, Who lves tbree lockts outaide bis plate, saylug, 'Hene. take tits; tise clty limite on 1th tissreet, came vliat le good for bugs ouglit to bc to te plic sttio an deandd 1gond for you." Plie said is tisen took to~~~~~~~~~ tieplctttinaddhne plate aud leIt tise bouse. Tise dor- the arrest of bis wlfe vso lie saId isad1 tor found that Mr. Douiki bad uot tek- Ltried to poison hlm. It eeems that [ en any morseaIftise feblets and con- Mr. Donik and bie vife bave baen eiuded tisat 'If the feiiow isad realîn isaving troulue tojr ne time and ye- !tisuglit hieif polsoned lie vouid be gan again. It le not knw ie talked toer vitir the doctor and what bapened as their two -Mtotes do 1I cncluded flot to make an arrest. I fot agree. Doniki says that lie came. i home, sat down to breakfast, a d 1 of Course. - ti when he was almnost ibrougli ha saw 1 "Gooduess, Joliii," iiaid a voman t traces of Parle green on bis plate. ber liusband, "your suit looks asi; f you He took thse plate, rushed ai. once to lied leen sleeping liit!" "Weil," ne- 'theoffice of Dr.Ileraciseleder and plred John, "why nol? lon't ttat the asked for morne remedies stating thasi suit 1 we5.r St cisur',ir?' - -----D"i't Miss Our-- 4tMuoivsr38ry ~ E T$aie, Saturdoyi, Jancary lOti ~ I L 'L~Bargalus Yom have mot soon for paru Fancy Sugar Cured Hams.......... 14ec Fancy Su5gar Cured Cala Ilams ... Fancy Sugar Cured Breakfast Bacon ... c ... .. .lie .....14C ......14c ......lic .....ý16C Iteak. ...16e if'...121/c ... .. .15C ......12a ic .. .. .liýc ..o...... 12o .....12c .i.......5li .-.. 11 acn ...c7 Pig Pork .. .... ...... 12,1e Pork Roast . .. ... . ....... 40 Piga' Feet . . .. . .. .t"*1* . ***6c Kette Rendered Lard ......... 121/2c Pork Shoulder .............. 121/2c Pork Tenderloin............... 2tbe Sweet Piekeled Pork----------. >.15e Fresh Spare Ribe .............. 12o LAMB Hind Quarter, Sprlng Lamb..... 14o Fore Quarter Spring Lamnb........ 90 Lamnb Stew....................& L.amb Chopa ................ 12/2c Hind Quarter Mutton ......... lie Lamb Roàst ............. .11 VEAL Fore Quarter ......... ....lie Veal Roast ........,..........1 4o Caif Brain ................. ..10e Xoxley'8 Special Buttermne, the best made, -2 pounds for......... 38o acy Dreused Chiokens........ 17c6 guoste New Year's- day and evoulng..Mm .W. F-.,WlUIbr -eatert1aed lCIcuit' t~f leu gy,1lli1 Mns. Grijtansd dariglter, Florence, ~ < s 4iw 4 spont tihe lilidays vitis relatives l n .adls.JJ.oeshk ioBt eU ?uté.AU Nantis h>ane ave been spending the lidUays with 4uI.bo11 Morl. paley aB.n MisesGriffin la now attending tise Mrs. Dordschlnk's urother, lMis. Clam , Edîtb U IIo a lIGad» go. Wauvoé4i ,uvention in Kansas City' tu viicli Forman, ieft for tisein bomne ln Roy- sepli B. Morris, Benjamin . aiton. Minu.,, lest Saturda>' morning. ýEuiuit 0. Morris and SamuelMelJ tise Was eiectedt delegate tram tise- Edwand i'rth epent NeW Yeara'In Cliaacer3, ia1i4 -s Collage of Liheral Arts, Northwestarn vitis Inonda at Rusel. The roquletteaumavit b"v.g'~ University, Miss Relia fras, wbo spent thelAiedlnth 106 ole. i£ ..eroef~ 11ev. Oscar Joues, poastor ot North iroîîdays wîtis relatives ln, Chetegue, 'C:rt' Notice la t11orefome 1rh~ut Prairie M. B. cisurci, -vas net vith enw lith saljt above uasned us Sunda>', as Ire io attending tise maco., la. iieturned and reeumed ber: antsa ta the above uauied eompISia> veutin lisKanca Cltyas d lejwonk at tire Nonths Prairie scli0al. lesnt hestofoige 1ud hi@ BillOC of opg venionin anss Cty s dNegte 1 Tise surprise on Mr8e. Jplin Oould 1Plaint la eald Courton tise ClIaaeeq', front Garnett Bihlicailustîtote, Nor adth-Fl 1c aiif av~js ide therecf,.'and that a suM»Woe and iseFloenc -Grffi ora com thereuffl -ssd élit, of pdailo, western University. Uer pla splte succese. Al liresent enjoyed agaInst tise aboya nalneild dOCood.t& Tise ladies are liusy ,with ipas the evning Immensely. returnable on tbetrbt dey oft h e pa Prairie cisurcis dinner. viîclules ta Mise Ruths Bastertan apent Satrirda>' te b ,bldBt %eCout US lie giveu Friday-~Jan. 16. Cars wiii and Sunday ln Chicago and expected Waukogau n lMlid Lake owio»e be met at Wintisrop Harbor rond lie- teirear Rat. Thsomas Hart preacis lbe tiret Manday or Match, A. D. ifl' tweelr tihe iours of 11 aud 12 and 5 wite tisera. s'llw requlned snd whbbpt . a £1M11poudIng. and 8 1).in. Support. LEWIS 0. BIIOC1CWAY, C";* Xtr. Wlfrd Guldeîtertalned »ev- 80 you got maried' And y«u Weîîegan, illunols. Jeuary t>'6. A. ~lrc Wifre (iuldearning but $13 a montb.- '"Certain. D, 1914. vriNrhPrairie yourîg people Pr1 ' ; ! ouldn't iv, . s- IC. P., Darneis, Couiplainants8011.1 -lqy evenlng. -ter. - vl>' Jan 0 Slku4O ý1 Men's and boy's clothing, shoes, hats, caps, furnishigs, underwear. A stock, complet in every sense, marked regardless of cost or valut. We art iotccdto tais moncy 1en's Ou-o, den" s Fleece enough for buel- 30C Uned Undr nesa W~ear,' tliieWear, Worth season's purchasea -seil ail over for 75c, money $10, asn rc3 $4.95 rasnpie BoyOS ail wool Meuls Wool Un. knee pants, reg-derwear, v.ort h ular 75e value, $1»0 m.onuy rai- m o ney raising Ing wice, prie, 38c M e n's Shoew, Men's ercoats, weIIWot 7ca worth upto $5.00 worth and so[d CVCgry. nvstla ail go at I $2.39 where at $121, Money j-uale prie RaIsIng Price 4.95 LJ e0 oft Y Wer, sold eVeyhe at $0,tf ae Pi> ty- tht tai 'ide W; IMens Handker- c hiefs, worth 10c; m mon ey raising price, 3 Mens fine dress shoes, made frorn selected caif mkin anrd ici kid, heet workmanship and finish, famoue *McKay sewed, ëeery pair is gtiaranteed, a nrth $4, et thie cqale ....... . ...19 One lot of Boy's Tweed Suit&; you have alwayi pald $350 for, nov you eau have them for theAumney-.dmeO ralslng price of... '*70I Boya Overootts, Worth $500, mil go at $2.48t 110 South Genesee Street Waukegan, [Il. Look for the Liii. mine SIgn r - - 'a keèady=to=Wear Appare1m=-M'istG. Our Great January* Clearance Sale. Effects every article in this great store, the first- day's selling has been twice as large as any sale we have ever held, and the moment these great clearing sale -bargains begiif getting into the homesý of Waukegan they will draw hundreds of morcutmsfrheals are muclb better by far than Waukega n has seen in years. everything in the store is mharked at one-half andLES, hih wlllapea stonly o ey, one, coming as it does at a time when real winte.r ci ,thes are needed by everyoïne. Come tomorrow. Bargains for ail.. .AsI<forOur Big Bargain Circulail. (jtGoId'Coupons Ask for Our Big Dargala Clrcebr Get Gold C depLr* ma r- Overcoate-Best $15 value in Illinoio, heayy cloth, genuinë Cheviot, fancy and nl*in. an excelitut stylieh appointed overý coatm' regular $15 value