at. Tr ~mdous rice ]Reéit>i .ww ~w ~dby t 11a'oten ugws y ith eut f nrest h."blc la the. annuel Poulîr> po uhici have hecu ii.ld ln Wau- mgome o itise men vho have ot tbcir time. labor sud money in ýM tise.on. are nov conasldring 1. ies-cii> ley may brint tb. V 11P to a bes isoe.It7vill ac- i1pusposes wvisics latenov bajve soet been attained. a» of -the lirsIt eanges yl b. ta -tise ubgv eariy ln Decenîber catit- tbso eari> la. January. It ia ar- Bh <bt e" and vomen are taa a OUI ate bholidmys ta be In- aIt tbls latter time; liat tbe OmW *s vlitcfer. vilb lb. dis- ea Waukesn sd liaI an earli- lBe. tisrem or.oud satimiy botb os a Mdthse patrons. P*svés fut Wini ot came out af- $ b ofllas aud tieretore lie ai- lsuê -aé I. it -bt.1" 4»~ man vie ia keenily l.resl- muing viii: "waukcanpeo- 1hclots of ciiekens and vii> w Imnt a more kee interest dis- lu crr510v by thse genes-al luabad ta ta ficire out. atmmu«cd lie attend- dm itla1. for mcm. fine omcl«Ch ear tu lie Wau- ".p Pan Mare Prize. SPromoter la question sidded blole .aI atdiffrint plans ,uVb.e dopted; for in-~ Sa tovcsiip prie. tao ver. -t te tise Couat>. sivi, t h fl terbai te varions Sbav e cboit abltz in »MM& T.- de.w w l oui te have perbaps "00 el -n a perte q Uc eunI huhthmb.iaieneeY tumpBiow tulthtilgiit apbrt tbqA ro. Admisuion, 1 a :ea;t Mb ftft $1 £ 7E .t* M0U d mal1êtis i publie to atémi tbe *ilS Jutdpt thLae -due'lïs toti .b1 sutable prse uzdthe ltitgr thie rw dmisloa Prm. tIZE SPLANT SNSCOVR* EDNAKNSA Discovery of Plant Solves the Flood of Sad 'Coins Aong North Shuore Lately Kecosha ponce Monday nlght dis- cover.d a complete couterfeitera' plant foliaving the arregt ot John Viior and Andrev Keroskay, charg- ed vlb passing apurions dollars. Vslor made a confession ln vbieb be idmilted mking the. epurlous dol- lare. Tii. plant vas found le bis apartmen ts. A voman via concucts a boarding- bouse lc Kenosia lied tld the po- lice Ibat e.badl given lb, tvo men lie apurions coins and tiat she bad r«eleved hbem tram a fariner tram vbarn mii. bought praduce.. VIsior and Keroskay yull b. taken te, Chicago today le custody of secret service. perativea. Tii. secret service men believe lie errent viii put a stap ta lie circula- tlcn of apurions coins vlilci bave looded tiie north shiore laves ln lhe lant fev veeke. SAYS WAUKEGAN LAD ESCAPES FXOM SCHOOL Robert White, Indian youti cons- mittlcd tlaheliet. Charles sebool for boys tram Wauiegan, vha lias been camed "Indien" by lie alier boys. Taen avay tram lie icstitution yester- day and vms recaptured at Geneva. A ethoûi ofices-arrefted hM.i, ad bctorc Ie coule. start for St Cliarles vord came -ta thc afficer ftmhli Soisool tbat tve 1boys, ocq om Raciford and enothsor hem, Chicago e*ca."ped. Tii.> vere sie» recap-, tured oir LaPox-Aurors Beacq.-- à 15 DEL1Y ~IT 0.9. Miss 'la'Ib oye-ot Wauk"an A Lmot eaks Print in Chmolg fiwspaper. SAYS HER LIFE 18 I*ENACED. Fears Cook Whom She Dis- mlssed Is Anxious to Have Her Deprt This Lite. "Billy" Joyce, the Yaung voann vbo, for sliart lime vas lIndsarge1 as bead nuisee af the. ent colony et Waukegan, and vho bas braken Int priat Ini vms-bus vsys. almost broke Inta prinI af lb. Chicago Tribune this mornlag. It vas a "near" case but so far as could be determined., the editars llnally decided te, pasis ber up and ab@e esapcd notice abso- lutliy lu the nelrapaiitanss seet. il seerne Ibat lb. Tribune Monday received a letter tram Miss "811lY' Joyce, rmalle trm Waukegan. on. vIlcb proved ta be a Most uoueual one lu maey vays and that ilevluy they made inquiry la flnd out vîja -Biiiy" 'Jayce really was. leutth. letter lbe vriler tlId aoflie- Ing et lb. head of the. teet calony fer a Uime; of ber baving ta diecarge the. coak vho later had threstened ln take ber Ife because of ber atI ir dismissing hlm. Tha-cwu Lole'r Prom Window. But. lbe Icterestlcg teature of th-, letter and lhe on.evliichiindicates Mise Joyce's peculiesities, vas the statement In il vhich saiid in subs- stanc. that sie bail vrilten the. 1et- ter and *tirovn ilt ram my vindav iii llgp hbat somebody would pi'k il up'acd mail ilt tiith Tribune." T#i' luerecce hberefore la that sie bat 'her ,vlsh gratiled-tiat oune- body did pick up the lettes- "viifcb due tirv tram the. vindov" and plâced Il le a aiubox. Itlais ca knove viiether she bsd already phiiced a stamp on the envolais. or cal. At any raetei lelter reaclied the Tribun. offic but, w date -ha* aot aplueared ln prlnt and the. ciacces are4 i yl 'ot..- tKencebas ccv city directory gives th t c pa p'opulation cf*26000.ace. Cording te lie Keuwh&a News, Au amenucmSit to the. lax dulest. met la UC» ,IMs M. M. nment lawn wiibýýY acertainafnt A T N P O LE p Or I cf ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ wt theseel.t ie .eemtvi Pv. T. Narle>' Mas-eh au ità in order toeb.» "le pn lit ln- -temporar> ciiablean . ]PBoott Mo- = -aM as gantai! by Untsd StatensSenator WaS fRelIdn as PhWsoIan Organisatinl elg ic sative imai. *i* T. iirma e ti.0 asBy .las lcent Ueptember. Ticonc ill be e l nual banquet of the Illnois Woodmen- count> tie saprI»,g. Social club fi the.NotaifiS"mc IN COURT THREE TIMES. Lake ceunt> peePI& -hg atuct Chicago, Monday lgit. li. alun rec- Cla BèIthe5ftID titlum UeiaW b" ommadd thse purchase of il t. ln- Cams Whre .Efforts lWore IYJJ 11FJmsEla4 q re.Lh sura'ce asa "r méansof lnveBt-couaty, Ie orne ofthe partietqthse suaneasa aermen o. nve. Madeto !roseoute Because -bg1aas cioa 1letlêl. r me bathn a savinge bmek. A nuIp-ý I IIU U WRL bg a 0&agtf.T be fLake comaty men attended tishoHPooied. oN Â f vuers, iser couceni .belns AtqVe banquet, lecludlcg: C. T. Heydeoker, ciire'Eftvids 0f Waukoffaa Coral Heydecker, O. L. Monk, Con- Pev deathe ln nortbvestern Lake ____1Weiga, rad Holistein of Waultegan; Wý . ~county have hit borne vbere 'no re- GeeaiFedig W e u e nsation for thc stupeuido )mou ofr Edwarde or Highland Park, Ortie iatlonsilp exlsted as bard as ln lbth e ra iIIV VII" t n fprs-wbm.U thea- Howard, Round Lake. case of Dr. William Lewin of Russell. Monday, Deod Head of sb*paTitan,,Pve. t ta tie bo«MtOf d Dr. "Bil>," as hc vas familiarly Vohintem SWHI Corne. tbe.oea vin ihe up for enbaldm- tiou tomoixo, 17 the suas- ost. JOHN 0. SEES AN EARLY SPRING. inown etabis friendi. vWal umin ajrGeneral Edward Pleidi«nuOuthe.outcom. of l*aeargm«t 0of Çiovlan, 0, Jn. 2.-ohnD. ngland, but vas ralsed at Rusel vice president of the Volunteeraof sou. cfetABMW lea adlag -lavyse, Çievian. O. Ja. 12Joh D.and be spent bis entlrs lire lne i.Arnricut'a'd commAnder of lte* nortb- will deppn4 viieties-the. Ooea.alc Rockfeler ays tioe l goig t hovilage.He as vetrinry ur tcaj* 14vfîïation compony. tmc ove- Rocefeiereny lure e giegta . vllae. ie as veerlarysugeon, vesl territory of the Ulnited States, or of the Titanic, munt famethe pbp'-t. an early sprinsthkai year. He bases but b. bad taken a medicai course as hie predîction on hle long obeervation a youlb and tn any people ln the. ccoeîpanled bY Major R. H. Merri- mnt aofsne PS.00.000of dims. of weather condltloqs uwing ta lis toWn of Pleasant Pririe and leLakte fileld, camhe ta Waukegac Monday af- orw* 'iai ittia 1bMitylatb.l. ouldoor lite.ecunty he badl acted lentthe capaclly te « alepc b cv MnaIt.d la nmre $Ul. outoo lie.of "famlly dector." He was an expert Welch Workng Girlsthbne vbiHana Intricate questions af law vbicb George Paterson of (lurnee1 recoiv- as a vterieary and bis services bad bec Okn il'hm hc ave perpixed legal minde of the ed word Tuesday that hie son, Oea. been le demand le ait parts of tb. Capt. JW. Cook recently bas arect- United MI"te md OGreat llritaas ever I lake shore territory. He was regard-1 rd t the corner of ('Isytoan sdJack- jsnec. the Titanles flides voyage, Patterean, Jr.. 47 years aId of San cd as an expert le maey finesePhy-Isnsret.aend ieaed > lb. ice e'. faiat i.. Diego, Cal., paeesed away on Sunday silans otten timn objected ta "Dr. Pollowing bis inspection, General ni hcsbv lt'tbc ciu~n b>o. tihe Britisb courte. vilbh. p fouri fallowing a stroke of paralysie be BIliy" prescribicg for patients snd FleMing -aid; -W-avisllid ta câ»<lie u<> eustained several reatreago. Bedeg three tlâeé ho vas foreedita go lton uldng ad thoec1to con ider plans *Tiienavigation compais> s*Maista bisratfir h lave abrohe, VIcourt, but no jury vas ever found ilce hie aiss- e lave a roter. w hicb vould convict blm -or -.jj--veraby vo yl b. able ta rie tbe heve the Aincrican coM hthleicad.- Hiam, of Cicgoad s s1ater, Mie. latian Ie D.Lewsanecssr> 0'0 lt 1 ebM>~ Iliity laws and rmie. of th@ United ohcg f t IavW. D.Lwnwxaneesr 600wtIwiht o-Satés applicable 10 tichee..s, Margaret Thorn of Ournee. Tbe de- man noted for bis kindness of beirt. peei eodrtatiMa.@ b bees ii i iaiî>o cesd was bore near <umeand Many a stormy night be rode miles porkIcgln girle , of 0 c ar oftheund er p by a icmive ltyof tie vcm. epent several pears orfbshief.In this a adsm orfml c ie b vlcIity. He beld a gaod position in long ride refused ta accept even tb. stand lt vilI cSt about $9,600 ta erect ad the. peeseeiger and freisisi. Moee Califorcia. He vas vel iknow e be .meagre fte vbcii the family .eould lb. bouse and barn and furisi the 1-ecleed eo. mevoyagc. amountg la and th. nea af ieisdealb will bring citer. Me vas flot a ricis man, butlio borne sultably for the. girls. It vill i) Bo -Me 0f re ayceai.eau u no wt i mn red.lait salieritage of mri rchelne iprove an Idéal place for girls vii meoffuther liI Uic f eais e5 faco j,,îl ______________ berts of the people le and about Rue. are wonking for their living acd Capt. lilabiljtr of the ounr, bueýmeslàô"e-s sell. Dr. Lewin, l waxs aid. ioodCokcnesytacroftnî Tiei ercdt BiebiLa. It le underotoadthat Judge Don- hornes nomucb liaI be would ait up Co a alytk aeo wnyTtnceTe h rts à ] nelly will b. ln Waukegae neit week ail nigbî witb a sick horse for a dol- girls et a flime. tettsesasc. ort cld ta dispose of severai mations for new lar. and, if not convenient for l. Octhemoi .Ddia. triais. Onue aofllsee vIli b. ln lb. cyner la psy that te., he vouid for- GSWIMS DBooth ta tE COLD. case of Hosgtram vs. Cvetae and atb- gel ail about lhe charges. "Mms. Banlnton Booth. vite oftbe la$ WDSIe..J TH. erg, in wbich a verdict vas retureed _________cmadr.iii I o .ai a drai sali".e- 06le " Il by a jury on a charge that l iuor bad A demurrer le lbe Laie Villa mat.- corne ta Waukfgan ta dedicate thefrutaatevcilo-n incaaclate Haslron tam on ter vas overruied Tuesday by Judge home but 1 am qut, e tiat (&Quand el e" t i. le -dai i ion. Whitney and. lbe attorneys for tbe Boothi ns Ourane&Or. viiarsange Michsigan. 11ORl"MF« m village vere given 30 days le vhich ta be ber.scIaihec and otier1 ]fIL a cpeitsa eme "2 au tired,' dece-.d Woeieebcod. ta maie Ibeir plea. Tii, dequurrer wass gere yl sacoompayn> u s-c ii. the. frigid tcmestue týq. in effeet. "of 11cm; a botter iigIf by ta tbe Information .Iliat had been casa and v. shaffhaea bIS tle ai would' ho a4nooqed# A*,, qE ,, courteoy and ae subugerg med tutflled by Ibose oppasieg a eew towjýmhe ou. vi.lit ltg meal> hirovn M"*dflie mmla posee qI blt0 Bt" u»n.» lovcdtu a t i ayse ter- tu.o~k OtUi FIFTH ANqNUAL yC ci - .-L j,',boys' and childrens Suits and Overcoats, Shoci, Rubbers and ail kinds of warm winter.footwear, uÛderwear, sweater coats, caps,gloean M 1twasfrots shccp lined coa ts, and warm chore coats. Ladies', Misses' and Children's Chinchilla, Plush and Urai Lamnb Coats, Fine PurSct A4 Must Sits, Plann-el and Lawn Walits, .Swýeater Coats, Hoods, Hockey Caps, Underwear, -Shoes, Rubbers and Oveïâhoes. Now is the timne to fi in pOur neçdà for the ýwinter months ahead, as the weathZ prophets tell us that Fébruary and March are to b hc diue 0witbs and you will need warm cltlgt rtc orevsNyrilaew fce uh a. large fist cf bargains as Dow, as our entiteéurpu..o< 4.ourneW tel'and winter goods are, tgQ 6e sacrlfed ýas'the unseasonaleywather'has Ict us overstocked,'whlch mnuat 6e disposedof before~h p~ 9045*ftve. Otf los is your gan 4ail who have attended out previeus pies knows htahretwattem Spcwiintemtuso omnrte prices, but crulars aebng malied to yous wh1cb wl give you an idea of the big values we are offérlng. » 't wal Corne! Core arlyl ,Brlng the whole tamlly wlth you them out frorn headtIo foot. The Iarg yuru- 'cbases, the: larger your savlngs. Tisegolen arvest awàtlts you. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - ' I WAUCONDA 'i hi 0, ; ma? c. bit A 17' me