- - , .' ~saves. -~ s .,flS A - -- Wau&egan ~et~v4 ----w IT BAN ON WELL KNOWN IMRNu.MT§I MAY CHAUTAUQUA SLTE DEDICT O O Ic~IIrtWashsington, D C., Jan 7-The H M O YIiII$tution tb came tunderttiseabanassi I *111 Ua11.diatributor of colda, influenza andt bercoloals. ResolutlInons damnlng ¶S tha famflier fltter of handkterchiefs WORKING GIRLS' HOME DUITHU CHAI wbkh marks man y gatiseringa vwere WHC presented today ta the public heaith W ICH I TO COST $8,' ..servce and ta tise Socety for the Pre. 500 AND WHICH WAS Ieeting Held in the Y. M. C. A.' veorntion wThrch os byaclocl MADE POSSIBLE BY BE~ Sunday Aternoon to Make for the cure andi pravention o the OUEST OF MISS HANNAH PreliMinary Plans.. vwhite plague. WE LCH, IS NEARING COM. IUCH ENTHUSIASM SHGWN. FIRST MESSAGiE PLETION-THE WORKIN( GIRLS ARE TO BECAREC Various Speakers Discuss the IN YEARS BRINtiS FOR IN THIE HOME FOR $': Plan-Amateur Show Plan- ned to Raise FuTlds: NEWS Of flS DEATH PER WEEK -- 12. I Waukegen. .Ianuary 8 Waukagan, January12 William H. Green, Brother of Aititough very littie bas been sal( Preliminary tepa for tise formationabuth terptohersn t! a Unitedi Charitles organization Mrs. AI Conrad, Dies in abt tisI e eostterU1tse Wpresen wera takenaet an enthuslastlr meeting Minnleapols, Jan. 6th. Girls' Home. endoweti hy the late Misý eld in the Y . M. C. A. building ______fh swelune cus in Sunday atternoon. Mrs. C.J. Just chirma ofthe meeting, N WORD 0F HlM IN YEARS. of construction. tise work being super resident of the Federetian of Wom- --Inteatieti y Captain J. W. Cook of th, sx's clubs and a waman who bas tak- Effort Made at Time 0f is Wuknd o lunteerui ofin ericIst ea great itrs nteUie ter's Death to Notify Himm bakiiovi as the Hannah Welc] MiarilJes movemnent. vas autisorlzed Woricing Girls' Home, and whlch wil to appoint a committee ta, Investîgate But They Failed. ca 850 a rknsm it ondiions andi the edvlaahllty of -- rne a$8,5an, as bthe n soaenIt tl , formlng aucis an organizatlon and re- prt bac at a meeting tisat wîli be keld la tise Y. Mt. C. A. on Suntiay, 'anus.ry 251h.t Waukegen, Jenuar>' 8. Lstructure is done-uPr ta t ca!. P AiruCtnrettatotia>' raoethetroaftaie- AI Cnra toay eceled te e-men are emploveti on tise Job. gram from Mnnapols annaunchng Wben 'Miss Bannais Welrb dieti r. the eat thre n Jauar 6t, o cently sha left $4,600 In rare o! tis nhe committee appolnted la madie alp of thse tollowing people: John W. Um~weii, Theodore H. Ducat, Rev. Carl IaaÈimrn, Mrs. Josephs T. Bowan. lira. William Lion. Isrs. John T. Clif- for&. Captais J. W. Cook. Mrs. Jennie foots. William J. Smith, Leonerti 9&*YeL Mrs. Davidi Carman, James L- gal.r. Edwvin R. Gobrecht, Rev. Sam- Svell W. Chidster, Mrs. Just. membera of thea committee.tinst, muet act as thaebaian. liaîy plans ver. iacusseti et tise *Ltthig by those present. A Oum. iry o! some o! tise thougista ax- îwemaed follov:- 1. Ulve an amateur show or en- lra mnsait ln 1h. Y. M. C. A. 10 raes moslay te begin charitable wok Immeiatsiy. 2. Estabhaà araglaler cf 1he pues fumllos lns the cty bis eider theita dupicoations nîay flot take 8. tan plan on a omal*cale et the prenant lIme wthout any pald workei. f l Ia found posei bla. 4. Ma. th. scope of the work lage enough te tek* lin North Chicago ne wall as Wauk.gan be- case Inti,4stes are allied. IL Cet th. buinesa mon of the City interouted as th.y wlll carry- grsât walght ln making 1h. move. mint a auccoise. Mra. Juil Presîdea. lira, C. J. Just presudeti anti ln an- nojsnelng thse purposa o! tisa meeting té vas simply ftisathepurpose o! hold- lng a confarence rathar thon to talts any tiecideti action. "We Invite merely an Informai dis- culon,"ise sali. "The henevoient work in tise clty bas heen wall cared for but we bava found Instances WheresRome vont has.hean duplicet- ed. It la Our Plan ta systematlze the charitable warkl bere anti ielp the VOrtiy pour' ta belp themsalvês ratb- er thoan t paulîcrize theat by ecour- auigthen, 1.0exitact charity visen 'ithey are not deserving af IL. ln the piut many of the itoor Peupfle bore bave heen led bo expert 100 much. nie boysed girls espedili>- shoulîl be taught to beip tbemselves. W eý bave found in our investigation thet nsany cases of reai poî-erty ncvect ha- corne koown tisrough compieints.at. ing ladged by te peoltIe tiiems"ilvcr.; W'e boie le be able lo rtlieve sit oondItions 1», e initeti (harilv. WHAT'S BECOME 0F RECALL MOVE? HERE IS ANSWER TO DATE. Wasktecaîî. .tariuarv E. Wvhat's hecome uf lut- recîtl taurev. ment? 'ise ensver la utintlneti hereviti,: Ona Young man vho was iredtot t* eut vI" thé real patilbons tis V0uk. thr.w UP his Job yaaîarday. Ne H admilted bt ha hetia a petîtion eut for twe vIwole daya anti thal, et ~ ~keSt 'vu aven other Ume- '~~~ke à te tie ML *flfý6» nau Thm WiliamH. ree, bothr 0 hi Wi5~Voluneers far a worklng girls' hoe. night ehortly before 9o t'clock andi then hmen. WAn gn onNwovded er1t hCaptain Cook aays ha experts r liocketi up ia tise cuuîtl, jali. They, homeIn aukaan n Nvembr 11h the rosi o! the money ta pay for tise vere given a hearîrte end were sen- last. Mr. Green vas about 68 years entire coat of the structure b>' auh- tenredte t 20 deyse sad, lu the couuty nid. . scrii)lion tram Waukean people. jail. Tise annauricement o!fNMr. Green's General Edwarti Fleltiing. vice presi- They gave their naines att deatis rame as a sisocl< te the Conrad dent of the Volunteara. yull arrive In FRANK M'DONNELL famly heceuse 11. la the irat word Waukegan te inspecltishe vork and ta 'TONY" OBRIEN - boarti tram hlm ln many yeara. ail et- maka an InspectIon of tise pragres V. RILEY. fort tecomuntatewit hl aithematie hisrof taptln anti Mra. Cool. Accortiing WeIthe police the three lime of Mrs. Conrat's deaethbheng un- j As a uperior oflllcer o! tisa organiza- men ail were more or legs untier the availng. Tise tartlis Mr. Green had tien ha ls reall> tise man visa la la influence of liquor et tise time they not hasa hack te Waukegen ince bis charge of construction hera. were arresteti. The",police say tbey moterMrs Wilia Gren.dei Captaîn CooklaI making an effort ta came te0 Waukegan for the sale pur- 189. H Iet Wulean t tat îmegel Mca. Ballînglon Booth,. vIte o! tise pose of swindliig the publie hy rep- anti vhila he was engageti ln thse ho- heati of tise Voluntaars o! Amerîca resenting theinaelves ta ha solicitors tel business la the northvaat for a anti botter known as "Tise Litle far the Newaboys' Homev ban. in fimaie, lvas not lnovn visera ha vas Motiser," ta coma ihers ln April anti raality, thaysaey the men bave no con- locaetiantibisrelaive ber ne e dicata tisa builing visen fIlla op- nactilan vti sauch an Institutian but vera able te communicate vItis hlm. ened. Ha vilI know tomiorruv vbeth- are rank impostors. The p9iice aay AI tise death of Mrs. Conradi a dater-.e minei efor va maie a tntihlm or net Mra. Booths cen coma. jtbey vorketi upon the sympathies o! butno dertWasadierehotinit i The home 1a ta have eleven rooma akgupoi at o bm t but o cue e he werebous culdand tisea IlI he accommodations for Wuea epe-n o hmt ha secured anti ber hurtl tool place give (he oaislarahle maney. A vlth but tva o! tiese urviving three aet leamt tittean vorllng girls. Tisey large portion af titis, fit s cleateti. vas braIsera anti sistera preaent. wîlI ha laiten rare o! anti feti for $3 a spent for liquor. Of tise big family o! Ivelva chiltiran w - " We decided that the beat va>' ii W1m te0 Mr. anti Mrs. Willam Green, lu connecîlan with tise home Capt. teacis these men a lasson ant i aso te vho ivere vaîl knavn resldents o! the Cook plans ta ronduct a free empiay- set e gouti exemptie for others who county anti vis livad for years on ment agency. Ha aays eithtie pres- me>' ha inlentiing ta folow ho their Water treet near Count>' tisera nov ent time hle la ampeti vitis requesîs footsteps vas to sendt ihte a il eufor reman bt to cildenMicaeloftram people visa visis la empia>' re- 20 deys." Astistant Chief Thomas Tyr- rhaandbt to chltMa, ichafe la îale belpi. When a girl appiies at rail declareti. "11. wîîî giva theat an CiagoaniMc.Ma Wteo S-tise home anti la founti te ha worthy opportunli> la soher up anti medîtete To tinkth iat sucb a big famîîy aitisotgis she me>' ho vîthoul fonds upon their wrongdoing. This is the voulti drop ave>' graduaiîy year efter ment l o! Raen lnnd tîgise en pa>'- seaffon o! the year vhen the cily le year, most o!flisem ln middle age, tfo her b aild t lshe agirl infestedtiv1h faire salicitors o! ail seems ratisar unusuel for al vare fr la bad n rui.l nagilkinda, and people muat be on lita look- robust ln appearence anti seldoat aIc. l a ise vîllnat ha turnetiout but eont orthie>' wil be victîmîzeti. îtis w________ iii ha kept unthi sisa la egain ablee a fe tt f i ovn al eppli- pe>'. su'cents anti let tisam get bsellp from us Assn as tise home le coînpiated ~ne'aeral isri'. SUFFERS SECOND Captaln Cook vill aandot a request ifThe eSall drrrnte.- abu STROKE 0F PARAL- b.dere D.Herochlatier bas ton- The oice on aresteti . C.aMoris YSIS AT lIS HOME Ilian and hbasiseen acceptei. cre lor et tihe naval station fobtele: o! Norths Jackson anti West Ciayton two hei it"î Accordlng btiste police Is 3 eas ldan Hs e-streels. Iltgt a ver>' iantisome struc ,hehd e.i ightlng. H-e vas gîven a titre. In tise rear thera viii he e harn r hearing in Police Court anti watt Oued sidedin W ukegn fo the whicb uil ha useti îargeîy for stor- $7.411 Tiie offictaIs aethtie naval sa Last Sixteen Years. age purposes. tlot, v ere nî,tt.lied of tlie case andt ieY _____ ________________ asked titet Morris be turneti over 10) W'eukegan, lanlIary ~$ ~f I them. This- vas doue anti iL la report- i.. A. Benson of 904 Norths County U$290 0> KIJI Y eatihe is taoite court mertiellati. street ils crilieali>'111 et hie home as Tureollier men vere errasteti op- th rsut f scod trkeofparai- AoI4ILA D P R n a cha.rge of beng Itoxicated anti ysh;whih b suferd onTbusda. A HIHLÀN PA K fr fghtng. heywer eah lned He stîfferedth ie ilrst stroke on New J~Pt$7.40. Year'se ae. IS eiUST REPORTED Up te tiseflime he suffered te irst ATTACK TH1E NEW 1stroica Mr. Ilenson was In tain>' coot i lghland Park, Jan. 9.-flelayeti an- iîealih aithougis lie hati bien relîreti nouncemellî aoftwa rahisrlea vltîchtD A train activa vork for the lest Oive or reliavet ihlaint Park homes of, ILLI NOIS IIUi-I LAWV six veara. lits femliy acre 4uite un- trePareti for the liiiiss vicb de- scentet upon hlm tae dat>'befora tise new Year. SlaucetaI lime bîr. Ilenson hati heen iliifn itat. W'hen he suffarati the secondi troke ou Titursa e>' a ia came unconaclaus but laler ln the de>' reginet consciausness. His ilînema la so serious that the members of bis feml>' areat et bis aside elmoal con- santi>'. "Hie condition la extremeir urîtîcal but he ay>'rau>' tram tisee ttIze." Dr. R. H. T. Neablît, bth amni> ph>'- sicla e irared 1h18 atternoon. Mr. Bienaon la a vell nnyn resl- fer about sixtain bars. les'sieil eYM sho vas imployed la thse loca oM fice thlie AziSs'can Sbeel & Wim' cernnay. lir.Un oWefflbu «mX cbbdreu-4isre W8llIa« Jouai. lin. orge M amaram* ar lis. 1 tnlid. ËI wum- m"84 W& Me Jt'w irv anti.silververe tW thamon o! ~ ~ .. aot$.0ma'cause loalrea- rtrnbld. II., Jan. S.-In an dents 10 axercise mare care ia lock-lamendéetibil l fletInl the Sangamon Ing up tho atuse anti la watchingjCount> ('Ircitit court Woday hy Jacob help emploi et for a fav hours' serv- ýMarlens of Anrisor. ln a suit againsl ire. To the latter tault tise local PO- James ilradv, alata audîtar. ant ili- lice dlaim la due tise 4sappeaneilam Rt an. treesurer, ta preveot pav- ot considerabla silvervara from & a ment uf siaefunda for buIldIng isard Sherîian Roati home. thse name o!flise, roads or the maintenance of the stete ovne o!viscisve ae ahat tore-igbway commission. furtiser charges owne ofwhIc weam akedto e re matie that tise Tice coati law la frein from' publising. This roishery unecoastîtutional. occurreti lest veel visile the otiser,j An InJunrtion lis asked Wo prevent ln visici ahout $1~> ,,900 ort o j -tisa Payatent a! an>' part o! tise$1,. t'yiliapearti ro, tse obe jvel I200.000 appraprbateti. ry isapeaed roz th NoleCrias- j our cisares ofu!qnBUnttiOnaeltt£ 1tthum-efRogr Wllflams avenue, are matià àxas iî or' a bsiuncldi. t00k Plaee sometbîme bebvein Christ- TsaItishe act la local leglallon; tisat mam Uam New Yeae'sthse e«at Umne ýt tames ProPerty wIthout due lsroces t" ise vu i.unaisî e aat. Ie!l,5v: bthatthse "te flgvY oIn- Mr. Cflfdl faUdtq i40tifr thzmision exercladie w anda.i lisa. àm btut"te 'deom Dy tive Pevera .ontrmrvte the, eà"tJ -1w lheaie .m r *W klyatutbon; and tboot tise state. by lthe au. Mdýo4f d âos, Oegeee avIêjwc o ecouteaos dtosocudslIbtià lm>ighi bjtU mal aU & _ Oifr lebte on IMlag flivel pby &B kkettemmas. isard moi, Imulrata. 7e as a itiole, the Initial "Go- to-Churcis" daY in Waukegan vas a prOnounceti succe8saanti man>' e ter- son hati the satisfaction Sunday evan- lng of declarlng he or se isat enjoyed the firat churcis servira for years. Il seameti just the sort of an ar- rangement b>' wbici tise dîsintarest- ati peoiplacoulti ha Inducedtu 10attend e service anti 001 a church ln the rît>' fehleti to se strang afes In tise co gragaton-faces tisaI had not favor- dti e tiaplace o! varshilî nefore in The "gel together" spirit apreeti vihs surprIs-Ing raptdlty anti avary hady aaams'd anxlaus tu ha a part of the big movement viirisas not any oaa' man 's or eny anaeburch's stunt. but ivas onea ix'chad iv ail churches ant i al pastara. Ail Miniteri Satisfled. more tisan pleaset ivististe day's suc- casa. To quotae ech ana voulti ie mare reitetition o! expîressions, for. In eacb case, tise pastars said in B ub- stance ln resîtonse la querlas. "The day v-as a itronouncati aucceassln ev- ary va>'. I am pleasedti iat tise Ides, vas starteti anti vas carcleti out so satiafacloriliy h la oundti taresuit in mucis goond for ltae communt>' as a visile." Olti People St Clxurch. 1Four people of adivancedti ea matie It a point 10 'Go-to-Cisurcb" on Sun- day. Tbrae sistars-Mrs. Charles .9tirkney, 80 years olti. lIre. Pisile Winters. 88 yesrs aid anti lra. Chies Blrawn, 91 years olti. vara among them. A. R Knox, 89 yaara aId, vas Lanother to attendi. Ail vent ta the Fîrst Christian churrb. Tha>' vers taken there ho the automobile of tCount>' Jutiga Perry . Persans. Tise same proveti true of other churrises. Where people vere nut abltie 0 vlk 10 tuisurch they ver, taken iiu automo- -biles. At the F'irst Christiaenchurch, tise attendanca vas large ln tise morning but e e n ler-er ut nigbî vîten (ha cs pccty ww,teteti SiePs veré tIîken et the morning service tor a men's organizatian in the churcis and a .1neeting anti banquet ha 10 be heiti Frits>' eieuing ta take fucîher steps aiong th4, fune. Everyhoi>'1s Invîleti regartilass ot church affiliations or creetis. Tise Piesbyteriao ciîurciî Cas fOued rta such an exietît that tlut rear por- doin had lu be ttvn upti eutandchairs pot lotouse. 1The ilaptist vas tilieti dovn stairs ianti tarts o! the gaiierv were usati. 'rThe t'ongî-egatIoiial. Metiîotlst antid Lotiser cisurches acre nat fille(] 10 es- pecit>' hut lise attenance vas aven more lisan vas antlripete in uthese as la tise otiier rhurcises. MEN TO REPLACE PHONE GIRLS Pittsburgh, Jan. 8.- Seventy-flve young men toatia' nteredth ie scisool o! Instruction ot tise Pittasburghs and l-leziseny Tèlepisone mpn.n within a tee' daye vîli begin vorI as telephmoe opurators. mannlng tise iu'lbchbcarde ailes' & o'clocl aI uIglt. They viii dispiace girls wh> ara pro. ibllej salertise new ould labos' lsv »r» enu au' pentow altstie hemr Deuaed. ney and began la blaze. Il heti gaîneti lute a tart before il vas dlqcoveret bY members of the famlly. drter mev leë, the truck meema te When the tire dePartmient arried have a pénrhant for turnlng aver ai the tire had eaten a hale through Ifle the mno.t unéexîectPd limes. it la ha- roof and was blazlng quite tiercel> in. ileved that thia la largely due to the aide the attlc. Two tanks of theinical fart that the steel tires on the whaels were used in Pe:tingulshing the flre on do not otfepr sufiilent resistance ta the roof and one tank or chcmi,-el the ground when the truck atarts to proved suffilent ta put out the y r1 akld. Thae ity couneil wIll heanalied in the attir. The dantage watt (o have ruhher tirel pîlaced on lhe verv extensive. 1 sheela of the truck the samteas on The turnlng over of the trucl&-was the hase- wagon. It la elileved thîs flot the firmt accident of the klnd toi would have a tendency ta prevent ocdur. No matter how carafulY almany accidenta. '7- Il Large Reductions IN PRICES IN A SPECIAL SALE 0F Portable Electric Lamp and Many Electrical Appliances Continuing until Jan. 30, at Our Display Rooms Affor.ling discrîîinistinig tîtîeri an inumual oppor. tunily 1 to e egennîna bargaim n 0ustefti and Ilintitifiii articles. Public Service Company OF NORTI4ERN ILLINOIS Ask Us About Sioco Indirect Fixt ures -LATEST DMSGNI~$_H FOR ~QUS OFFICE AND HOMES. INTEREST- INGLY LOW PRICES. PUBLIC SEMRVCO MPANY 1 1 M il et to c lé PC he 'j ým- LMR ýýOOvSqýy lm "'~O'ALLAUKEÀiA cOftF 'm'WENT TO CiURCII INJURY BiHi CIIURCI SECURS 60-TO-CJURCII DAY TRUCK TURNS OVER A NEW MINISTER RECORO-BREAKING ATTEND- lAccident,- Was Caused When The F'lrst ianuay11, ANCE IN HE ARIUS hees Sidde ontheSli- Te FrstCofgrfflonal eýureb1 CELEBRATED SOth ACINTH VRIUS Wer eîskded t Slip- . which basbhein without a reular paa- BIRTHDAY FRIOAY. CHURCHES 0F WAUKEGAN pey avninp S ntyor Ince the. rasîgnation gaverai ON THE CITY'S FIRST 'GO- Waukegan. January1 12. montha ago of Rau'. J. B. Richardson, On honrdo! Mr.79Caharlyas Sikny OCUCHD YM NS Twe flireman had closeesacape;' -f ai a buaineass meeting !ollowlng the fi. ln ht honro rthdaChatls theYe ot UC AY- II-serions. Perbapa fatal lnjury, Sunday regular evening service on Bunday, Br. elhtlth irtdayat he omeof TERS EXPRESS KEEN SAT- noon when the book and ladder waspn voted practlcally tinaafiousiy ta soi- her daughter ln Waukegan. A tippe ovier white rounding tihe corner ploy Rau'. J . . Waterbury aa pastor. Eamait gathering of elderly people were ISFACTION OVER IYOVEL O! UtIM. andPJulian etreets. Both lire- Ilpon thse suggestion af tha pastor -prssent. Two dlating<iished guesat RELIGIOUS MOVEMENT menhwere tbrown beavily to thehmaî he waa; employed for merely *were her two alatars. lMre. Phila Win- grou d but fortunately eacaped helng hmef tera. aged 88, and Mrs. Chloe Brown, SUGGESTED SOME TIME thrown under the beavy wagon as ît three montbo on probation. If thse Saged 91, hoth ln goad heaith. Vin- turnad upon lse aida. Rudolph Soder- churcli people like hlm at the end of -ner was aet'ved at 1 o'clock. Ail re- AGO BY THE SUN - ALL t t ani Rohert Dckinson were on tisat lime ha wlll ha emplayed Indefll port a dellghttul time.CUCE W R ELthe truck.ntey CHTheCcali had coma ninramrthatW. . FNI1EDT eceilbhome uin tret.he S It la fairrto you and faîrer te Me FiLLTEIC . Pse oe 2 ula tet h obhave aucli an arrangement," he toit! SOLICITOR R akgnoare 1 .5 ia Goto- trho Utathse mambers of thse churcis board. Waukeg..baerved ts firet sîreet. urlt e~aàt InJullan treet. fyufn o ontlk yWr CbESB Y urcb" day Sunday and I sit - Thepavement la coverd wltbIle at If Ytern bavou do flot lîka m wor mated that over twîce as m asP-thi- point. The steel tires on -theatrIbvehehrehe.mnu ~ S NT O C . AIL piewee peset a te vrlus îlaeswhels othe truck acted like alelglt. you abouti!flot ha compelled ta put 3 SEN TO O. J IL pe wée prsentin te vaiousplacs runersand cusedthe ir ktoOnidthewiotILer th and, h If, I 1 d of worshlp as are san ordlnarily. The ail the way acroas the tuct sas tha not lîke conditions the way 1 tind Ni nîsters' Association arranged de- 1 lurf wam made. The reair wheels lhem liea1 would prefer flot to hs Police CIaim They Were Swlnd- tailla and enllated th1e services of auto 1 trurk the t*urb onth ppsiea i ound for mare than three atontha;.' 8.Wner. wbo took aidpepet what. I ~ ~ ~ a dio e The propositian aounided so fair tisai erIadSntThm o a church they wlabedand who ceusI- the iong.narrow mrnt the hoard declded toaracept IL. Rev. nt for Twenty Days. cauid not waik; speclai layaten were turn uponIa i e. 0 .rtn Waterttury at the tresent time te en- tg ent to homes of tne slck where Fimmau iS'oderquîsî v.as dri%îio. tîtu gaged ln Oewmaper wurk. lie preach- HA EN IRINKING. lrayer cervie were hald. the Y. NI. team. The force of the sudiien siok ed ai the local churi h for the lait two 1' A. hel.ng the central dlstrlhutltg t-tusd hlm ta ha catlted tad utheSudy d aesleid etfr Salo ro avllttinWa 'oint for autos and layworkers. ground but ho did not ]ose hi& pres-dn ll elve httepol Each cburch hudt peclal music and or,0fmn.reann irigi) o e church viii beconte so attacised S*Ailrrtd r;mNavl tainon W nie'tan c 0that they will vent hlm ta e t retdfor IIFightig on t astors î,reached sermons ,ons$- the reins in order that the hors"s maia ntinirlmy. ýhSaturday Night. tent with the "<io-to-C.hurrh' m""- 1wbuld flot hecome frightened and rn Rv aeiîv, are ment which la naw declarad an-annu- avay. - Pireman Dickinson vas tlirowtnhvig swfe anti t r iet' iden, lt ai feature a! local worsblp. The clty t h rud erybtlleiee avIsat andothmttv hl fanly h le ~~~Waukegan, January 12 . had beenuilacarded for a week with raltte ludnjur. htlkws s lqRi wwl otmv l aly .e Three men wbotîî the Police gybgpser hl5udy i.a a I nuy Waukegan uinhîil litlmdecldad as t 'es were representIng iltetttttelvas to hbe pstr wie 0, . .aI6 T'he accident conseil only a silght wehro o i tyhr al soiioafrlt e'ste o ea'lock a hundred enthualasta covared delay. The tira at the Pearce home whte rnthKma eeI ob soiitr fo. h Nwsby'Ioic the city. putting ai eatb doùr an ln-wscue wa odwrkntee-permanent. IlIt.lm a man uofrleaglng lin C hicago, and who ucre seeking do- ia ntjga rin tednewsas hnwo okl h lteraonalit) end elrs'ady lie-s madf .e natione hers, vere arreeted Saturday vtatRoneram urln atetin'lic became overh .eated fromn a ci m Mn y friends .hi.re .,e a ft 0 j ý -quo - 1 Ira ru-Y ir-nes 1 1 tee or de an vaé l je, mi et 09e