CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 23 Jan 1914, p. 2

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sTwo. Krea- Correspondent and Agent àgarg«rv and Vera Decker of Lberty- ville, ipeut Sturday witb their aulit, mm i.Brt Swan. liir.and Mlre. John Roder of Chicago, vlsitei Soveral d&76 this veek wtb lMre aorren ecK hbai urolleilat the bis stuiohs thie veek. Viola Wei@ @pent tbe veel i-ndlwltb Viola Black attirayalake. lire. Louise Spect left Thnreday for sa n liefinite itay eush relatives lu P. 0. Ray aud fémily of Llberty ville,1 epent Sunday wltb relatives bers. The Ladie' Aid met Wedoueday alter- noori vith ltirs. R. F. Roues where plans ver. mde for tbe d1uner to b. servi-i for the Farmer's Intiltutei- h lviib. bere eu -. b. E. (i Pýno lhi-lapt veek for Spring- ilde .Mo. fEl@ iii @pend thi- remainder of the wintCr at various places in tirs tir. Beeketoveller is bavinu a weii driven on bis proportyv in the Rouse subdivision. Titus andl Lui-bUe are doiuz the work. Thse onilwn tise local soe"tare elatei oirer thiir showing at the corn show. tbey receiving l in&l sn-enuprise-san varions entriee. Their avards appear vttb the complote Iit inanothercolumn. You viil e înti-reted lu reading the Juet Motor tk'oe Page adlin thi- supple- meut of this issue. Ail Miiiinery Faucy f-athers, Fiowes, Plumes at 60e on the dolar. Mut cii-an up the itock. Id. A. Protine. Libertyvîlie. c-18-ti -William trasser. otherwige kuowune "blinil Wlilie," eluiug ovaugeiist. le &' aieltiug lu a merle. of revival meetngsec ai Grace Evangelical churcb. Everyone Pl le invitei te, attend the meetings andil enlo.y the splendid ining renderail by Mrln iar. lu The local comhittee of Vîrupia tovu- I ihip for tih. Fannere Insttut. vwiii give libee sultable prie. for the beut lvi-01 oarp0f yelicv coru and alma the snomeF for white conu grovu lu the township of Vaigon lu the. oummer of 1918. Fur- P dmauou liens lter. Saturilay eyoug attheWooilmen bal &d oln f tveety-ono Royal Neigbbore *en. ialtlated, nineteen of Ummein ig beust moubere. lire. Jeunioe iltrom, ditriet deputy R. N. A. of Evanston, beng promeut mld that thie vas tbe beut oeivlg thas auay one camp bail madie tu Lare couuty for tihe pant tvo jeare. lienbers irons Exceliior Camap 887 oi Libertyville, voe premeet with theira tais of voilersansd put ou ail of tbes work. after ebîcir a oupper vals serveil by Bemberi of Wiliurd Camp.c Ladies Do you subsoribe for The-La- di-s Home Journal If net, writeto the Area Ne-w Ageucy for a calan d price- of that andl other magazines. W eau show you nome attractive lubbinýg offere. Address THE AREA NEWS AGENCY (N.t isc.) Ilni L il. OUNSWOiUii. Mgr. -I _____ MieAnetin 0f Wagkopgau, Who bas bre -vlitlug ai the home of tir. and lire. Frank Prebai the at ibren veeks roturnei borne Moda". Victor WoutuberX of Highland Park, le iipeudlng ia week wiO bibsparente. Mir. and lire. Fred Blaji baye movoil to the Pbllp Young cottage fomerly ooeupied hl Dr. Wadingtou. Pbllip Young le qut.e ciekat pressai; writlugV 'Webop-forhuiearly recovory. lire. Fred Hoeft opet oue day lait veol witb lMr. andl lira. Wm. Tonne at Rioy Geung took a trip to Cryetl Lake Sunday. Emt! Frank and Wm. Ekrbmau took a trlpp ta Wabeoiida lait Saturday. Oscar Rauri aud Wm. Rkuase made. a businessittip to Arllngtou Helabto Suuilay. John Schultz bas tan-il piaatering lu the W m. Tonne building on Robentéon avenue. A party of Six from Wauciiuda opent Sunday evi-ning with Mir. and Mlre. Lou Geary. The card party anil basket social hi-id at the village bail suuday i-venteR v as weli atteuded, tiie Palatins Baud for- nishing tht music. About$62 waaelear- ed tbraugh the sali- of the ba@ketsCn udomo Who were flot fortunote enough ta sicure a basket made cash> donation@. The- money wiilbe, uoed for the purphaae cf seat. asud eletrie lghte at the ni-w de- pot. W. A. Parti-ou. andl famniiy bave moved juta the John Hlm bhouse on Payne etre-et. 1ir. Parte i-ad 0etupicysi on th@ tarin cf Arthur tlrigge. About thirty-llve school chililreu tramn lie attend-il the- coru show at LIberty- llei lai-t veek. AI ijrrack, aur painuting artist. is due trcir redît in iin+sbing thebe tiw ilpot nd fuir painting the tcigu for thre basket @icial. Miss Eina Seluaeler, vbho returneil uith hi-r ruother fron Libertyvill- Mon- ay la veparteil quite ill. PALAT-INE Tire report lu lest veek'e Enterprise irat tire man Whro ma@ strnck by a lortbveeteru train at Palatine, Jan. 2, and oer-iousiy injuri-i, bad i ilinlua Chricago hoopitl la a otistake, tire ptent la repart-ilta the ruailta recoviry at preet. lir. andl trs. Mess are nîirsing their son'@ vii., ebo bas a very bail eve. but Io mpnoving under gooil treatment. lins. Jus Converse sud litIle son are unjoylug the hatisingat Meibourn Beach, FIlorida. Don't fali ta reati the Juet Mohon Ce'. page aI n another part of thaIsue. 5.rthur Kuigge le uiitr meical treat- ment ionrbrieumatisal of tire i-e. Mir@. Emma Wine oi Chicago, is visit- ung relatives bare. Walter Witteubung retuinetit4) lais work aSter a shont ilimeâs. tirs. Robleonsa mother, tirs. Amos Armitage and ber aunt, tire. John Armaitage, havi- returateil to thir home n Oakvood, Ontario, Canada, alter apeuilg a moutis at the tiethoiit parsonage. Wm. Kroit iras au-cepteil the position 0 i assistant cashier at the Schaumburg bank andl ba moved ta that place. T. Catlav vho aaucseriausly iI sa ou the rmail 10recovery. Chas. E. Dean li-it Wednesdeuv eveuing for Caliornia. It i@ bathr pleasur- andl b u s i n e s s t r i pî . F E O Frank Behin vas a Waukegan caller qupe day last wei-k. George Spa-rI rtra Ohio, @peut Satur- day and Sunday lu tMilwaukee. Oea. F. Wagner made a business trip ta Chicago las% wei-k. Eight isutil@ oh the lSwan su.hool attenilei the crn show at Lihertyville Prîiday. Ou hast Friday v ivning about twenty. five young people gav- a surprise party on Mis@ Emmia Wagner in bonor of ber sixteent I Ulrthila.Thi- eveuing vas, epent ini music andl playiug carde, alter wbicb a fine lunch vas s@ervi-il itir a bot drink. Ail riparteil a fiue timi-. lire. Andirew Hi-r-tel i-ailei on reiativeo anil triende at Waukegan and Liber-ty- ville lest wi-ek. REtPORT OR CONDITION OF THE CITIZENS' BANK AREA. IL' At close ofhbusiness Jan-. la, 1914. REBOUtRCES LIABILTlES towanduitDiscounis..58 7.260. 0 Cptal toik iaid lu.- 6M PlOO leKts ...-........- 277i-.6w o e i-iits.... ....... ...42,780.039 cas itdres«e .exchae-.. .r2.89 Oseliers Chelcks>....... .......1.45 NiaUtere sud i 8tUres ...... 4M.04 Uiided Profite...........1i,52.19 Tt ...............58.. Total ......... ......... i- os à - -e abya1.s.t 0hl otCorc .Ucbat u ie ku edsu ,-i-.e 1VtNG B. PAYNC. Osaler. Suetand uiàvorn lu boiorçu me IiKtl ita dY of JOBnury. A. tD. 1914. 0. V4IIOLL QILDLEY. Ntary public. l~. 1.w. PARTNMERSANODl hI ,ECTORS: 114-R. F. Rogue. IrvingE.Pye sJ . LTalwo. I .Gil LAK COUNbTY IDPNET FR1J)ÂY. JANUARY 23, 1914. Thse ladies ol tii."5001,clb wstre entertainod Tuqday ef ternoon at tbe borsnt0 lra. Robert BotS of Liberty- vile. The priseo. vere awardod ta lire. J. C. Woff,liuiseJoeepbine Wooilman andi Clame.Endor. Uir. sdMilire. Ray L»rd andi ion or Rayvenvood, vere the week-end guete oi Ur. and lire. C. W. Pettie. lir. and lire. Frank Bliemebi and children 0f Chicn.go, yle todathe home of Ed Bibowhl laqt week. The Young Mon** club viii give an Informai dancing part Frldy evenlng. Mr@. Rd Mleroiand ilaughter Mabel viiited lu Lincoln, lionday andTusday. lir. 01W. Match bail as ber guete Friilay Miedame Jante. Macailie and Batçeh oi Chicago. . About tbirty studente attendeil the triaugular, debate st thse D. S. R. S. Frlilay iveuiuig. The sevi-utiranil eigbtir grades attend- ed ths corn show at Libertyviile Friday. Misen Loulsa Huhu and tilre. R. Zaihier are ou the sic liot. M5. A. Whiting hm gobreto Piladelphla and Ni-w York ou a two %#Pek@ busintsse trip Roy Loomis oi Chricago, was tire Sun- day gui-st aiftMr. aud tirs. 1. 0. Itacircu- bach. " Miss Isabel Biederstadt oai Eighlaud Park, vas tire gui-st cf hi-r parents, Mir. andl Mm. ~ Fred lietdhrtafflaturday andi Sunday. Ruy Buthison vas the gui-st aiftir. aud tirs Ralph King, Saturday and Sundsay. Tire Royal Neighbors wiii entertain tire Modern Wcodruan andl their vives at a joint inetallation Fr-iday iuveuing st tire haome oftir. andl Mre. Fred B. tMeyer. tirs. arry Baies enti-rtaiued the R. N. of A. Friday aiternoon in bonor of hi-r birthday. A very pleasant turne waa enjoyeil by ail. Don't forget the deilicatian exerche io the Deerflelil Orarniar echoal Satnrday ev6ning, Jan. 241h. 'Bear Te@Oui- Anather'o Bur-iene" vas tti e ubject ai thre morning sermon and "Far Every Man libail Bear iris Ovu Burden" the theme of tire eveuing dis- course by tir. Joues of Tezai. vbo preachet inluthe Pre8byteniau churcb Sunila>. February lot communion ser- vines viii b. bell, conilucteil by Dr. Parler of Chicago. 1 Tire Harmony Club ver- gi-i-na "500"W panty by.lire. Fred Hag-gie, Friday eveuing. i James Leonaril of Late Villa anil Carl Seastranil of Chicago, vere the guiet. of S. D). Nelson Bunilay. tir. Nelson tolk bie pupile ta the coru exhibition at Lîbertyvpilie Baturday. Miselildreil Knlckortocker vas tire week-end gui-st oiftirs. Ralpis Mulirollanil of LIbertjvils. Walter Autos bai returneil frotu Boüne. Iowa.> Mies Mayme andl Catherine Karci are visitiug lu Bi-Imot, lova. "Tire Foily of Fore, tMr. Ni-bonis play will be given by tire young people cf Deer-li-l in tire nev auditorium ai the Orammar scirool Fridaj eveniug, Fi-b. At. Mesdames Supplo andl Roebelt, Jr., andl Hisses Supple. Gijucir andl ticlaian attendeil the Elin Place Grummar mehool Pares t-Teaclier Asmeiatlan nt H ighlandl Park, Thursdny alternoon wbeme ilemon- stratians ci ciaso rootu methails vere giveîî. tir@. ë. P. Hlutchioon entertalueil the Wolnan's Mlsionary society of tire Preebyter-lan churcir Tbursiay alter-- uon. Mirs. Reichi-t, Sir., bail. charge ai tire meeting andl tolil ai tire aoportunitle@ in China today. tirs. R. Knickerbocker gave Som@ Cinies ctrasU§t, misa Wooiu reail of Cbineoe Wemaniroad today. Medames Buthilon anil l'red Haggii- read i uerept otaries ci thre Chmne@e. Mise@ tirer Surma returned liast Saturday alter bavingepeut atlev veeke lu tise ity vîtir hicsurît andl grand mother. tirs. B. Banni-I of Needies, Cal.. Ie viittng vtith ber foiko, Mr. andl Mr. H. Lots tins vinter. Miss Sophie Causai-r ta making ber borne vitir ber sister, tire. H. C. It-inke nov. Miss Emma kipp ci Lake- Forest, visitediwith ber mother, tirs. E. Klipp fast Sunilay. Qulte a number irain ber. attondei tire omshow at Libentyville lasI veel. corn a rullng oftheb public utiUlies commissIon givon ont by Jams. E. Qumn, cbaù=laui. toilay, railroade andl Streei àad elevated i M Unw7 i..esu forWdden ta Iane ftue àisaportatlon to'pereoui ezcpt ibefr ovu élu- -Moy*o4 policemen. firemen SUd biter Auies.U C. P. Tibbottmi, vbo for the paot "mon yoars bar bie managfer of the D. B. Joues faru at Lake Foreet. bas takon the poiltion om uperlatoudont of the J. Oien A rmour farm. At a meetng luit Frldav evenlng of quit. a aumber of thome lnte'«eetd la the local option mvemeat a ermanent organisation vas formeil to carry ou tpe vork. Word rmebeilbre Thuroday aflter- noon of the diath of M re. Eh. Saunier at ber bhume at Mo, lait veel. Mmo.Bannie, vae the vii. ni Ed Saunier, ne of the tiret ovn-n of the Inilepenilent sud a cousin aiofra.m ary Brown. Principal S. L. Eioich oi the public ochooleo e. aa oui-of the judgeo at a debate betweeu the Waukegan aud New Trier blgb ochools hioId ut the Wau- kegan bigh sehool on Friday evenifg of lest veek. The sutjet vai "Japo lu rCaliiornia." A full aeount of the de- bate apvears on page eight ai part one. k Dr. J. L. Taylor wne one of the speak- iers et the annuai banquet oi the Lake Couutv Medicai Society wbleh wae hi-id in the Y. M. C. A. nt Waukegan Friday night oi lai-t West. Hîssueufct wam lruportanee ofia National DePpartment 0i Heaitb. Complet>' ditaîls or the banques viilb. found oruiae eigbt cf part oune. No ni-w developiiieni.' have appeareil in connection with the robbery Monday 1night when F. W. Foutus last 1>jO in caeh and a valuable watch. exréptjug 1that a warrant was ised Tuesday bv 9Jugticepof the PeaCý i- . i' Davis for oun- 'Jaýk" ltyau, Who le.i-aif ta 'iave coan- mluted the rohber.v. littan ha@ dimap- peareil and tbe authortie> are unabie to loeate hlm. A full aecount ai the rob- fbery aplearson page one of part tva. ln mentlonlng the number of su- baons in the varioni-t s , thile aper recently crediteil Shields with bavlug 3() saloons, and Waukegan 59. Thre tact le, Shields bas no saloons ai ail, theo 30 saloons r-i-erri-ilto being lu Waukegan township, but lu the vil- lage of North Ôhlcago, a portion of Waukegan township i-xtendilng ilowu Into the nelghborlng city. Shi-lds rssidents ver. ahire eiltreail that they bail sorne thlrty oalooins wben tbey hail fait they ver. "dry," boucs titis explanation viii satisf y them. IIVANHOE Mis Emma Fisher bai been epeuding a weskat ber home bore. @bse expecti ta leavo for tire eouth lu the ni-ar future to @pendl the remainiler oi the vinter vcth a cousin. tire. A. 0. Oullidge anil daughter Mludreil spetit the veek endl wîth rela-, tives in Chicago. tire. J. L. Chamberlain visiteil her little ni-w grand ilaughter aI Lberty- ville lest week. Our Christmnas Club wvu1 b. in uperation &aien liis Yer. If Yeua bave nul joineil. do se et onc. GEORGE ]IL RENOLDS 0ea. 11. Reynoldse vas bornion a farts ia, Pr anure4, lova. At tire asos ix- te% ho bossu tg droam uft tle great vorld outelde of hie 11111. ophs.-. Wlth thb. iret monoy ho earnsd, ho subscrih.d for ftftlen metropolîtan ni-vipapere anit 11004 Mali. Hi rel.t ho tefurthr b is ambition. ho inith ave éducation. Hiie fther iceihm a testubor oes,, andl lie cotactivîtir ttse tovu meri-hants to Iwork out thoir reait-tai. Wlth moni-y Iline arud b. vas ahi. te continue his eilucation. MS er h. InimeeiltirecouutnV 111<1 ig ie h. ent loto thse lttir kl tIlOvu. H. usit toevooP. vas wIndows. r= erranits. ait do clerleal wyak. ln six MOnhth$.'iro vas lendlng onalI sume Ot MOUoY On hi& ovui accounit. -lir. Rajuolit. ln todsy Piesîdent of the. Coutlneatai & Cotsmrrlal Bank or Chi- Case vitIs a capital u of.00o,00sumd de- Me 04Y8! "To matir peuple cpi-ad thein timo luoklng for tire tait dalIIs in Other fields, whlletir trampis the 'to- lets Bt th-m ova tet.' ARE YOU LOOKINO FOR THE TALL DAISIES? Many a nian hesitates ta sqtart a bank ac-aurît l-cuise lie's unabie ta star-t With a large amoîînt. lie us 1iiiakillg foîr thi- tail daisie andl tri-l YOU CAN STÂRT A BANK ACCOUNT at thii s Banitai sth Si1.00 an d re4oivse the s uanie aifiii>,utitîîî s the man with $1 00.00, andt iii a feut 'ý îâis the violets w il stiîqias tIi- daisie iiitic ather- tju..d. Firslt National Bank Libertyville, 111. LYONS' STORE I$ ENTERED; ONLY $5 IN MONEY TAKENýI Has Not as Yet Been Discov-ii ered Whether Goods or Arti- oies of Value are Gone. GOT IN THROUGH WINDOW.!i Boxes Piled to a Height of 14~ Feet to Place the Windows Within Their Reach. f Waukegan, January 19. Althougir the matter vas not r-e- porti-i tu tire police until Saturday 1 Frilay nlght robbere enter-iltire G. R. Lyon & Sans store snd gat away witir $5 ln change viricirbail been lett la tire cash drawer. JusI vbhat else tirey succeededIn lu etting bas not jet bei-n ieter-tnned, as It voulil require The police are wur-ktng on thre case- but bave little iropes of belas able ta trace tire guilty partil-. Entr-ance vas gaîneil by forcingonoei fFINE WAlrIlREèt-AillN im ,LueAl WATCHS 7>. ILVIRWARE, mTdan CLOCKS ('()DýAMONP3 JEWELRYV~. CUT GLA5 Taxs EN RVINQrailroad trains w ait for no man. v Carry one of our e(IN thoroly reliable. up-to-the - minute, if"::ee r timepieces and be ~, correct time. A. HUSS, Jeweler IBERTY VI LIE, PROPOSAIS WANTED Spau-il bidill iih.rpe-eived by the i'resdent and iBoard ai Trua--e- -f th- village ai L)flleoil, LakeCou nty, lilinols. for tise construction of a Watsr MWorks tlyetem, lsclndiug approiîrlnateiy 10.050 fiet of cat lrîn water nmain MSnlnihes - ILLINOI.S1 1. Mr.andMrr Sperlarecutrtanirg o 1ý- -l--I-,ô-s"l-h toe hsinternai diameter, inciuding excavation. tir ail ir. Sooi ae ntetaniu c tre -iar inowsintir sore Tislaying, caulkiug. cuttîg and baock tiroir son Ci-orgevla resud-s in Ohio. vlndov le tully 12 or 14 fi-et troin tire .li 1le u-mc- i iirm-es Mr.Fred tiosher andl littie son a rof' .Anubr flag d o is liutrope, lixtures, -n.ctuuail thir-s. re edigale as tteboxes hbaieien pil upon each atm-r; appiliancer; and apiu urtenances .masmsirov hoofCaDre edngaiw asatteIln thie forai cf a pyraniid and thre on vlans andl sp"iehutiins. haine a C. i)îrlher.thiet bail clirubeil upon this pile andil Paus andlsi cil-tirsare on Ille lnl Misses@ Emmia Chamberlain andl Gladys tir-n proceedeil 10 for-ci- apen onei-or tire oufi-e fiIîle Village f ierk oi the Payne- uliteil Mise Stella Doilerlien at ithe 'sindavi-. This vas not dhfflcuht village- cf lheemtilhl, lIiîu'tuunty. ilhiniis Elubbard Woodis, Saturday andl Sunday, for- tiîle wrilov usas lui-id lu place by andilyes U-i.itairueije ai sil vilauie Miss Emmna Kuebker is having a fi-v nîre y a pli-ece ouf vope. Once this ch,rk's uuffice orrrit tire ffice tufP. A. days vauatiou andi spenidingig t at brnre.j vas broken it uas an easy matter- to li<cs.iti-r, Fîîguîîecî.5-1-1 Ru-,uucmitihouk, A gondl nany fronu tis vicinity atten- push tIhe ainlow cpi-n auud crawl lu-(ChiuagoIllinoise. ilei thre cocu show rit Libertyvîlle last aide-. Vi irtî iii la- paiui tir either in cash or veek. Once the money w as r-mnonil fr-arn uirthhlatëe as the tboard miay djeterîîin.. tire cash draver whili had tibi-i-lft hi-tIde roumt lu, ai-comuniid y a certifed tirs. Jhn uShi-perd joineil theie iir-of open go that twold ohavi- to hi- chucl lîaYable tuî the unrdoîîlfthe Village Rebi-kairs at Libertyvilit- lai-t Fiday broken lato ln casei bur-glars enteri-i Tri-asurer fuir ilse perm cu.rtîîtuî ttý l or eveninIg. the store, the rabbi-vs baila vide ter- heatttint tuf bldilailhidmiissiiliL- It le epiuteil that A. L. Dofiler bas r-tory lu viic to vor-k. The stovetîpenedIn l a meeting iof the Botard of ooid hiis tome ta B. Rauseaof Area, vbo' ls an extr-eteiy large one and ifle T 'lruetcein obc belld it the village hall o! yull continue tire huouese. -Ail hope the ifhficuit te tel l ui-t hich Parts weri-h ilg 1 eril ntiemtn rumon may prove true. expioe-i. It la nat considev-il v-ason-i if Feblruar3-, A. 1. 1914 at M oaclock able te thlnk a irurgiar voulil deiîavt p . Maeone areusInteresteil, if oniy/from vitir Just $5 vortir cf lot.Tr ib arj-tajai i iei lufniti a plan whlcb bas hi-en Thre police say the felicw mustet uri-ssly r-si-rved. ouggestei l -iEnglanil for torudlng a bave praceedi-ilvery- cunningly. He- W A)ierfii ,édn o h ilg Masoniec cty-an ldeallstlc tur-ban muet bave vatcbed sotne littie turneld lieadquar-ti-te oh orli Masnry-in untU ire disecovireil the tImes en 're heii J. lCunaaku, Village Cii-r-k. Atrica, on tire veet Coast, somevrei 1 tire patralman makes blg vay thratrgb Iati-il >uPertild.,Ilinois, Jaiuar-y 5tir QI -Ia- h 1 --1 1 _ _ 11 A.I1). 1914, c-I M-1 netween latitudles 31anan 6nurth. this al-y and thiuciwaii.cufor hiuuitau Ciricago Masone ilauh tire autireai- pass hi-for-e preceedlng wl ith i-hevovk tlclty of tire achemen. vicir, accord-of robbery. Ing to plats recelveil here, la fillei 1 Tire police buave looltei over-tire wîtir beantitutl Ileas andl pleastlng9 pr-imes, but foundul utlinug mustil vords, but no official foundation. it vonil serve as a possibule cii-w. This would bave a supreme council Of five 1tllethe tir-st hur-glar-y that lias taken mies-one selecteil from eacIL Of place hi-ne ln soine tile turne anid tire tour- nations andl ane a Jev-says tire police waru nircirants to hi- lar-eful plan. to «P ets>tthuir niai-i-a of business Rosese rom Ital>'. Th1e rose, an long conaidereil the floral emblein of Englanil, vas ual kitovu lu tiat country until the early Port Ot the flft.ontb ei-ntury. lRose trees ver-e then brougbt 'train ItalY ail planted lu the lroyal garilîns. Tbey von. sent as presesuts troim the bol>' faIrer andl bighl? mteouseil b> royalty. Il bocoune the cusioluta Cam . Ibajuover tise doone of ibm non- feasoCal as ioly Save, bencàe s tarm cuIsrois (under tli srase> UW are locked securelY, andl tiat tire doors andl windows are barreil as effectua- ly as possible. Gi-orge V. Rudreilge, weil known Meflenry ounty pondtia leader and lte-long resident af i Rchmond. r-e- pently gufferoil-a partial atroke of paraiyuis, trom, wblch ho le slovly re- covorbui. Mr. Hldroilge la a former membeo atlt.stata board ot equ- m lo rm tie district andl bas long been prominsutIU the.POlltcal ai fftrs 0 Moer IÉ counffty. Auctiofi Sales. Tire uruderigneil viii bave a pulile onuttion iuthre vlai fXi>.ihtis FRIDAY and S.NThItv4V YJ.t\ ' Salé@ Poommenesat Iu'1i-, uFridav afterîîaon, and i vii ontinue until Saturday i-blt. Steck Consiots of Grocýeries, Dry (ono, .Boots anil Shoes, Rubber Goode, Notions, Men@ Clothlng. Bld. wili hi- rei-c-vi-i on buildings, lots, ilelvery wagon, buggies, hom-e anil barneois. Thîle a our opportuulty ta puarchase Birst-cla goode at jour ovu prie, ai theocutre stock muet bu sold lu amait lots tu the bigbeet bitider. Terme caib. John Ricbardlson, Prop. H. Pelle, Auctlonam. 1c-2- Libeityvirle Phune Ne.. MR 2 Liae Vie.Ni. 47e CoL E. L Down.s & Son GENERAL AUCTIONEMR -eacrs ln- Horilea, Milch Cows and Farm Real Fsate Farni at Rend@e laistyvillo, Milk Station Illinois fBAIRSTOW MANUFACTURER 0F N$arble and Granite Monumenis Cemettry Work of Every Description Correspondence boIicited 1 16 Genesee St Watikegi, NOTICE i Thi.ofliy thing the Independent han taesOei l lSPACE. Ih la a known fact that a nowepsper moasu nothlng off ta eubeorip. tione tlsomaeyee-it muet depenil on the sale of SPACE. Many correspondants woekly @ond In items pertalnlng ta affaire whoe.promoteri wlilireale profité ne a resuit of the aiver- tlulng thee. colume furnleh. Such Item@ ehould end'musttlie paid for If we are t live.. The. rite le emaIve cents par lino. lu. future iuch notices wili be omlttod unlees notation le mada that they are t b. poil for'. An>' chair wme . dimion le charired or promotere Make a profit from Ila-Iun the 81oteW blaînge for whloh »nooêmUet ho pol foe-TF. is Lite> Mai L.ake home Mrn. ten Fi andl o Ch"c Maso Anf bouse A cas and eo that b. th. At( J oueI Koeh Art for di tew ho ant The club i fenl bave, doiné Mri. Tuise drys. sîgns IL fcd thr irn ti> eou o)f ail day. sin r-du Ken( of t Iséug tire' ver- that ni-v ring. the dem; theti kr.ou cecu 0 ti F tHa a ti d b

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