CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 23 Jan 1914, p. 3

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~N1mT. RIDY.JA14VAY23, 1914. fleproemnttives - Corrpsoendent Phone 84-W Ume Naumi Vaey bairutnued ta ber fit. thte drug tore afferan abeence aewdayî. belng ut home on the Oiek flot- M'-,A. J. Smith end Ml#% Cors Ltwîle.r rolleved bere. Martin Amana bas returnPd ta Round Lake after a twn aeeke tjeit. Kt bis home in Mlwaukee. Mir. and lire Peter Myer and ilaugh- ter Frsuce., o Frement, Mms.J. D. Clark and @on Daniel and biseAma Myer of Cblcago, were the gupets îof Mr@. Chai. Mageon over Sundtày. A mail bail will lic held in tlîe Opéra bouee boe B Sturday eveirîîîg. Jan 81 A coi»tumer willl Leut the hall efiernoo)n and svening.l'Ibis ln the 0o11Y nîas haill that ull i e held er tliiyear. P'lan to b tbere. A deal liai bPen el.iecd wh.'retiy st.. _DIAMOND LAKEJ lire (Gerber sud daugbters were Wankegau visitaru Tueâd&y. GS. ficroeder oi Wet Fnimouf, viîite ed finonde lu th;e vlclnitv recentiy. Thse vreidlng eIder in . 'Leesman wili tale charge of1libe serices Sunday aiter- Doon,.Jan. 2f5, st2:80. Everyoneinvitd to attenld. Mrns. 9. Bartiett end sou Hiram were Chicago viie ls surday. W. Cooper epett lait seek lu a C'hi 'ago bospital. Bob. Rouge eutsttalned a number O! frisudi at a skating part y W.deiday evoulng. tIre. (. Mitchell and Miss Lteflavlited Miinis [touse ai.the Waukegzan hoîpîtal Friday. Several iii îîunyouryg peotîle atteuded tii.' dance at Long irove Satnrday evening. Ail report a grand %lime. Mir, . M stodin spent ss'vPrai daye lait wcet wiiu friegdd in Cbîrago and Evantuuîî)r MIrs.f hiiîîîste viitung reative. ln C'hicagoi Mmigs w1BaI nturu with ber. R. Stchneider ai# te ii'vctlm Ol a su.nlriee party TbiîrsgdaY eveulng. It wu# giveitlun onuir o! hie blthday. Il' Edited by F. J.ODRUCE, Phon.0 Il Orders Taken for Job Work. Adverfiting rate$ On application-. Miis Etta Koseey of Chicago. -ai a gueit tof Mr. aud lire. C. A. Mller, Friday aud liaturday. Mlinsun Black of Chicago, was a of friendo ber. from Firiday untîl Monday. Mise Jane Curry of Evaneton, wai a guet of friend@ bore Friday eveuin@gl. Mm Charlotte 1lofIt &londay morn. lng for a trip tu Wlsconstn. A fese of the ladies of the town enter- tained at a privatm mast parti' ast Fridav .'t5DiDg at the borne of Mre W'm. Elîts, whîî graefoniy turnffi oîver her boue to the çileasure' of the guets. Thoms froni ont of town who attended were: Misse. Etta Kemy and Susan Black of Chicago, and Mise Jan@ Curry of Evanston. 11ev. C. A. Miler traneacted business lire. J. A. Thain visitéd tfoi 'lueday untîl&Friday wlth ber mother at Keno@ha. W l. Tb@. familles of Menzo, W llits and archie Webb attended a party Tuesea nlght st Ed Faulîner's ini Warren town- sblp. foll@ a Reseil thse papt elk Mr. and Mnre. Samuel Larifon mowed ta the Wedge ions. la Mllburn the pait week.. ld is.Mlabel Yougg trangetled business In Antiocit Saiurday. Enule and Byron Shaw and their uncle and cousin canneont froîn l'hipago Sun. day in a car tu vîsit ibeir iter, Mri». [lai'. 'oung. Mic and Mr@. 1Voy mere WNaukegan visîlors Wedneaday. Nire. %ezo Webb viitcd ier itter ln HiOdwlaid Park, Thurfiday aîîd Frtday a tlî i....'brotber, M. (,err.' i n Liberty- ville. Mr. and lire. Bain sie.tnt iinday witb NIr. aud !Mrs. Wmn. fieeiii ati(rayolake. (Iurifi,î Welli o! Attîîch, eîc.îît Friday wtth i@ isbrother, Ernest - Mr and lira. Jeppe Jýje,.,0 movedt ttaturdJay west o! Graylat.' Joiephe Cathollic cbnvbhem 'wil i ho t'eari andoroiO nRay 45ntie & ln Chic ago. The J one@snc oncert give'îlbei.' Tueiday back ta Wheeling in order ta catch the decorated inside et B cot of! q;oo00 number o!f friends at a dinner Party Koeb.r &Company of Fort Wayne, lad., Suîîday. Tboiés prt'.ent were: Dora The Wonan's club wilI meet wth ie. erîstuzr waienjoyed b.,i ail present. H:40 back to L.ake Villa. will do libe work. Millîs Florence Eflouner. Elsie Wmiekopf. C. A. Miller neit Thursday eveann. A !.faoY from th. vieiuitl attended the lirs. Tho@. Brompton bai been very Ili ArtnrShoerwa unbl t reor GrtrdeToet. Bob. Boues, Hram musical program le scbeduled for the corn show ot Lbertyville lest week. lhe pait week but la on the gain. for duty Mosday being aligbâtly undfer itartlett. Tomn Cooper. Jimu Towner adenngli anolpb wIll lecture bers on "The The Woodman bold tbeir annuna thse weatber. We hope lie will hi able to Jack Miller. The friende of Leonard Hook Ii ll e American Boy" ominim aboutJan. 28. lnsallation of offlueri Tueeday evening, b. &round gnon, lir. H. Bartîiet@peut Snndai wtb glad ta know thst he ie able bu hi ont Jan. 27th. to sehich the Royai Negibors Tedancingpartygfen by"ltcognltîî" ber danghiter. Irs F. Johuioln t a«a and ili probîbly returu ta bis g- -and humbandi are invited. clb t heopraboeslat atryW ankegan. ichuol neit week. He wai ezcneed from M LMr@. Bromptan, Sr., went ta Chicago clubet te opra buselentSektrdhie::exauiuation whlcb took plae durinît ovoising wai a sumporé ln evory way. M r. and Mmr G(. Mitchell and Mii ine asnedet b îl tnig TeL* the first o! the week ta ieay sith ber glabty.llve coupien bctng pr~snt. ulae1etSua. lh1r.adln whieh ho held in bie tudieo.. lre. E A. Reeven on Thurîdav moinugdugtrfrawte 11880V, Shober bus! thc mlfîîttuiie tu 1 Mitchell in Chicago. mi" G(Ide of Chlego, w&a a giueit et Jan. tiitb. AU ane invified. bave a pike.pole pueb*l] nt he o b.dir. J. W. Hutehiigs [oft lat ccl îfon t ho Win. Kiltshome Saturday and The Fermuer'@ Inititute wi t .'ucdH The wound liai been îuauterîzed and is Portland, (rsgon. Sunday. the ciurizh on Tbur@day, Feti -oth.A dongni tly. Gernino7Àne will cure your .'hickens of sgood îrograi les benst prepare.d and the A large number f romt hors attended the Mir. POrry of iraysiat', Ba i ItionVL (jh ru, et it at the lt"xali Stars, ladies wilt serve dinner anid i11eIr. corn show et Libertyville. Tucusda3, rulDiga .ttîn o îe .~.Lruce liruitCo. A ihurî'h hoir hb ee.. n .îtz.d ~The village ha@ leaeed the old bank drys. [.. eîiîceeddlin ecurilg.the Ms ~~~î ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ , ~~j ~ ~ luligO .t tetfroeya.t aignl r.,.,fhal iliiiiif nrciiZt.n n a acet Witt) relative M arlit foi onrth.rn Wisonsin, B here le,' iîdro n f' atrnb. tisd as a village bail. H Il Iuer I .îieryvîll, wae ivaîl.(hi,». lic ad I.etohotiiîg ail ýr sorte urolert vN. e. in îarried til ti e 1 , î . c li.Ilc',,taI l. fcd t-îirat îf intallig I1,ilBaier v%%,Il,îî,idl.ý.Iluson 55re .' 'i if.hie îiîîthcýrw, lMrs.Frank [Davisiof Jatiîrarv 15,. 'ongratîîlatiîîiis la.t.' c . e Il. lir amiî,iIre tUod. ini lri th lc ihark rO.ideie ber. .~> 'rit, rn h, a ... ipieîof :tirei îil lc e ilîrte t he' îiiiate i cry Rt1 i and laini,, i rr.' i14 il d Clicag. i () A. Ho,,, wiho lias.leci unii1îie 1dais lai.t Oek ~id thee. h'. rn- for a tîme L ki ti li hiiliiiit m,iitriadliir a ofe ot fojir tIilif apt in . iaiiTUet lire.*'ei.'rê and son Johii tiient aB w icw le'nelriii& L.ews, pipicir i if . ierge Siver le P. 0o s. r.and Mis Sain,,g iciaid MissePeart of h ii>,rd sin, B5 tB n'resda3 Mstnu1l*lîago lat wka titrelîatives ti, . i s loitng store w.'rc iniiCîcago Rmi- rli aîiand Km[tcsaîd ie Par day. I .la n8j!Ml .Iooojt iday bueiig tuik for their estore. cli". t,ro Monday. Hîrton @euct Stinday witb Gra.slake T h e o i e r a t n r. o f tir c e a w w s c o n - L il s .,t v i llii . a t ri d a i c i a t t .'id e d T1'. A i e .y î, lîls a n d i e le t la it a% - k N i r l' î,ii a i a n d o i, ' f t ir e u l i s iii six, ~ ~ ~ ~ ýh% maraelabsmd ra i"rrciafor .wtoiîl,.Florida, v. er.' ttiîy fiI l .ý. ef ' MisEmma Turner uf trayelake, @peut redutlo utthelicncesleseilIii tiirle'. lacter andl son wîeibcirtY a iiW ictnýd thi.'balaiîîe ofithea irter. poîrt a titi.'tnoiîe, SiturdaY witb Atîuîch friende. vii. i' îitri , lriday. lire t, M'Salulau waa W"uutcitcU Ella ai Auna CarlonlenttSunrla.' Mis. Leota Teccert of Chcago, epent Kenosha counnu. Sirice the beglnning Mi..,,îiePne sstdu îsti îuday. tt. aiw asthee viiting ber parent., o1 th-a year viplicennes base heen ________________et Mr. and lire [t.M. Haynei. ofste uu ir e l law s and Inville telBiook The lti3al Noigubors field a public tote idr(oeugenil ndnistalaionthepeabuge___ayThe dancing schtol te meeting wlth the 'saineperod of last year there Bo h h tefranhu h n elalin twi the perains. liond yTAYLOR GROVE tairly good ncese. wer 26lienBr nsud.It o houhtWoodmiau and tbeir iiende retired to Httil Shea îof Waukegan, @pent Sun- -Wte or dry" is the nmain tapic ber@eta tbat the Kenosha county couples areI Frank M. lteiiiinrg ls brought back tueur bhall ta enjoy a&fdne banquet. day wilb lits brîtber Herbert. prefflnt. ether decllning toc, arry under the in ctîaîrnis to le.' peuple kiuow crooks Il you are întoeetil automobiles Ornu Hawk itis wai a Chicago cailer "When Lincoîn Pai,' a grpat war new stalle law or that they are gingI caiit 'gsîamay iiY t tI. ' 'astire or dont fait tu read the Ju% Mosor Cos Thursday. drama in two revl, issel bho sbswî ai to Nome othr state ta have thema nage cremonyperformed, taklng der sent tb Schaumluurg. I., fruttipage ad in the supplement uof thîs issue. Mnt bî .ue ufinibr'teCytlTete audy e.7 the chance that no one wll alîpear to New York Thursday by Hlenry Qulm- T[îh ine annjual haill ai held thîs Fridayý demand the Ililng of the certificale on y îîa n tcnldrh h .tTiîsa evening et the opera S.'hoiil wai is , Frlday on a.' oun their return to thlui state . Ir le ibatik Hennlng iooted for $40.000. bouae ft:olOBd hy alnquet t the hiall of tire coin stiiimet lhertyvill.'. The ks.awn that W .iBtolast. on.' case a (if the Masous and Eastern Stars. teach.r, isfrtigamad a nuîniler CCUPIe have gcne to another state to 1 Independeht seie-read by 26,000- liontforget tiie' lirsmani's dance on of the secholars att.eidod.1 James Foulon will soon leave the Feu. lith. Edicard (iiridirr îof Wankpecari, lias lîaltou farti and iiove tau[toctiord. _______________________________________________________________ %Ir. Mîlulia liaus adiied a tioçiible been ieîdirw a iiia,ýtion t bormne. Mr. Sieli liai rpnteil th.' Nielville to ig garage. Fred Leatlei.'t-o n to move ,il îtir,. latin t Itusseli and wtli sjoon tuove. Tii.' Cngrsatioiîal finance cîîniniitte i.iunlap fartui J. iG. bhas ctosed ont bise tocE if aîîd thir faîîîîiîee wîli banqunet t the The,îV) îlei a1wag a Zi,î lit., groierîce and eloseed the store munch to ,hu,,b pnr cnsa vnn aller th.' finît rfti , et .tiie'rigret of the peuople tn this locality. iov. WhVite' o! Libertyvitle, auj Iator 1 Rlîiserans liaýimîi.'vrcben wttout s F e n e B rg ai i tt. ',ndrew'e Nimsiu caled ,rti ADVISES MOTHERS-IN-LAW. sto're stn,te it war and tt wtll hi, !rieiide lier.'Wednemdav.____gr.'atly nitseed. 12cperrodandupThe iaylak..'Comumertentband are Zioti ity Taîn- 15.Volîsa ase.rts Ch il. Northroupi ias a Chlago îcittor 12c er rd an Upg.ttîîîg so they eaui play reai pie.',. that Peter the il ostie wasi a marrled 1 tn Priday. tîgetber tilo ,"man. i ii, i s.t dninslliois rA urrîi.livnuiiîefi.riîîîer.'attendeî AMERICAN WIRE FENCE CO. Bargainsin Real Estt M EREDiTII REAI. ESTATft & LOAN CO. PHONE 24 LIEERTYVLL.E W. have ieV"e aui lfams rang- ing 2 acre. and up to 80 acres. W. wilI b plsaaed to ahow itom ta yo. Lots of good lot s. Prices right. FÂRIK-240-acre choice stock farni. Goodij1» provement!4 fine location. Estate haz to be sold. Prie dirt OhOBpe termes good. PARX-1894 acres; good improvements; well lo- cated 2 miles froni rallroad and milk factory, good store Wnd market. This can be bo5t oheap. Wantedfor (iOOD lIOISES iÎ $80 Rent-Itouses ietyil.. n .mm______Mredith Real Etatc & Loan Co. Phone 24 Longabaugb bas beeu sîct witb neuma- tieni the pat few days. dress deliverrîlti Shilnh tabernacle, Atubtie %ebiiburndwîfe o! Militurn, St. Stdrew's Mission expet to tart Voliva sbow.'r inrw Petere wiýc r e et ihiicraiis vîsîtîîne on Saturday. a (iiiid ii thei uar future. Tho.,.'inter- mother mnster-dnte Jeas.*'\\'bel,-i \Vil ivher ioft'iaukegan, vîslted here eti'd iith-~ Mission are requested, teeve they tali, rf a man belng a suc- a..' seck weet u th hme f M. ad rs.Walercesser of Pi-tir.* said Voliva, "Just ISçeuict Crawford and !aîuily and (iod!rey, Wednemday afternoon. Jan. 2s. d h ot ee Warren (iiihiîy and iarîuihy epent Sunoday Les EggMaker le guaranteed t rwhhteto n ete wtPee t B len Meville at Winthrop Harnbor. moïs yor hes ly. wlv ot gt awas a xarrled Yiouan for a man f0 paokalie, 25c Bnd 50e eai the [texal bhave a motheric law must get îir- Store-Druce Drutt Co. sied. 1 don' knri of any other as somne PiofitIL to get une, and i tell YOD I dont fake Âh1flo a pgio.wihn TAe (Iraysiake CemetIr..,iiiIcty wihl TheGraslae Cmptrv oclty illany stock in the. proverzl ai îgnment about flve pounds, Ia worth five centa. meekt wtblns us e Tîan 2tom iio neofamthersîin-Ine elther. Who!t'some Frein t 60 table.knife blndes can abi we.l Turday Jn. 9tb Vsttnemothers-în-law wlth these itriplîngs made. ot a vaine nf $15. Convented welcorne. of sons.ln-Iaw ougtitita do ls to lake into steel wstch spninge. then. cati ho lire. Fred Kuebker and Miss Susan ~behte n oUe. about 110.200 oft ihoee tiny colle made hteadattended tbe tnstallation o! tec-re a ethm' r.m t. Thy-sI for $1.75 a dose.s teheEaten SarhutWhuewaul@td bring the ne6t; suant of th EitrnStrsaiWakeanlat If the weathe r keepa flnet butter- $1607083 for the five cente' wort>è 0ai Tbureday night. cups will soon b.' aprlnging up ln raw metal .-tirowning'a Magazie. tIrs. Henry Kuebker curned from Zion City. Surely the democratic Waukegaa and bsn beathisi very litthe gavertiment, although blamed for improved., much ut the business novenses and Imaginlationi ln Drmasnfd. Henr Kubke lesellng he outbaiik fallures, muet tale credit for A man Whoairek la met peoisale. Naval oranges at 1lSe per dozen. c1 shrig [n an ideal wbiter. auorly nsi la ole 0 ayea Whter o 86 by 72 Inchs irel quality Alinstier 'i.plc ht h magitrate write a drami. yuial8311,09bave tbi one eek 2.7 Thepolie cieftheMoet aitouihins flsbte or Imaglie- inuge, apeciBlly pnlced oanel$27 d the cfty cierk vent off on a boni-t- n. H.e iiu a eon aH each hy Henry Kuebler. C-1intri tp recently. Ne arreste have peoples II, wu il piirfs, M*14vone Amokeag Apron Inglsàm Remlluts beeu made thft Ysear, Md from pros- Md esnimaia and Meils meeot thss- 5c par yard st Henry Kuebler. c-I ent indicatiuns It olk s a if they evsn Lb.eanimal&ilet time-pea» hbi coul tale a i.'w methe' trip in the part Ui perfectl3'maIt be actbafly ye WILSON BARS "SPOILS SYSTEM." Rocly mauntains, hnattlag bearePeace allve. cortaInly relgus iupreiae. Everybady. Washington, Jan. 144-Presideflt even the notorloun Coo , , are towtttg Chînese Msttlsffuitt In Parla. Wilson let lit ho known today that he t.he n, and dolng lit ln fine shape. Parlesruw bas a Cilse settIemeut, Wbether this caa be attributed tue'wblch la bth I&w-abîdIâg and picO- vas oPposed te a returu te the ttepoils New Year resoutions orontu the fact turesque. The fiet famihima anIved iyetem" ut pgeoffce appointmeflts that Luo stalicart oMieners man the a year ago, anid Dntovne boLel shel- and wouid veto, the postoflice appro- star.,or tu the steron, ncompromîsing Thelyne Chnesye la fie ntua-. prainbil l ot'tetore the Hanse attitude ot the ovetseer or flt, ceis, nuar otyeagdl ii pilatanking tuys, whlch the vomen and child- unles the 'rider" ln It eremptîng tain It la that ever>'bady la good. or non sei througbotit the city. assistant pastmasters from the clai- rk ___ni___'a____ . filed service wae elimm!-attA. Lake'. big weekly-NHFNET h neeiei-l5 e en p. iOFF!CIAL PCBLICATiON) Report of the Condition of 1ikt Vlta iruoI & 0autnmpt Uaik iocs t dai Lake' Vila. Siai.t, e of btr ii omncmn t uieson tise [40 dayý ci.lnuisc,. 1914 ,. made VI.,the.' sditer of Publie Accunts of tise State.'fcIiiioh. pursiet t.else .Cake villa Mire. Clayton Dizon left lait Thureday for a month's visit with ber people ln Plorlda. Mr. Dizon'e parente of Union (irove, areîtaying in Lake Villa for a tilDe. t ir. and Mr@. P. S. Danliels and Harold @peut Baturday ini Chicago. § lMre. C. Blne ofl Davio City. Iowa, arrîvod lait week fur an indefinite el Bwlth ber daugbeer, Mr@. Daniels. Mr. and Mire. Win. Weber @peut lait week in Chicago with relative«. j. (J. Poulton and wîfe of ZDon City, transacted buiineoe ini oui vîcinity lait week and called on f riende. Miss Florence Mathews was a Burling- ton visîtor lait Thur@say. Mrs.Frank Palmer of Antioch, 4pent a day lait week with Mre. Carl Miller. February 1let le "Go to church- Sun- day. A number of the mothers and chlî:ren who attended the corn show st Liberty- ville lait Friday were unable to ohtaîn sest.o o the car, so wore oblidged to go t 700.01 ssô.eîe.:' 45.i516-72 1.741.00 i.74i.O0 85»5 55i 3.M02s 12,515 7i 513.14 ii15047.14 O41756.19 i ecA Miftciett. Cashier cf tise Lake NVi T t a Saciors Hau. do soicmnly .0e,,.tthee siieeMatemnent li mie toth e ti.'lic.'cimy iiwiedgeeand Sel iOA. MITCHELL, Caehier. STATEr linFILLINOIiSUcunty of Lake', se S.Lierribed esud s-omint., leloce me tuis tif t ci .ofiaeesv lii. l AME 1S KERR.N. ot.,y Public. Deposits showing 0 increase: Bansk epen Weaday evealags frosa &WJOt.8L Total Depoeits Nov. 27'12 $21, Feb. 5. 'l3 29, Apil 4,'13 -30, Aug. 11,13- 31, Oet.21,'13 34, Jan. 13,'4. 41, .GONEla The rent you have been paying could have been paid on a nice home. It je not ton lite ta make a selection and von Éehouid consider the nnexcelledl vaines iii real etate now being offered by DURAND & DURANDý Report of Condition of the FIRSI NAIIONR[ AN At Lihiirtys iii.'in tii. Stsfe cf iiinois, ai fie cl-,c I of oeiîTu.'day. .Jannsy 13, 1914. Losa.nesd fi.iie..........$.4Si.8u2 U'. S. Bond. teIn cic.ecitln 10.0000 Otiier Honda In secore Petai SavinKs Oepti.. .... - - -- - 7 5 Bond&, Seeuritleb, etc . 00.n ' Purniture and Futures. ..2.000.30 Dlue trom State and Pricate Banks aud Bsut4es, Trust Companles and savise, Batiks.......... tDue ftm Puuvi'.e esre Auenta.. i7.iU4 te Chieck. aud otiierCuii ltems..- . 188,64 Notes of otihe. N&tionai Batiks 21000 Niekela snd Cents......... ..88.17 LswfoI Mome; teserse n ast. cie. 8Perie .. 12.025 14,120 25 R.'dpmpnifeund miit'. Treasorer of ir .cuolatiouni ... 2W000 Totlsi. -32 ,511 LIAHILITIES vi'aiît.,k tisid Imi MhS De0t Siuiiis iend . . ..lôitette mUndtided P1o0.icîs eý-Exoctses sud T.eci mud 1.897.98 Ntali5B ask Noies coitsudbig 9.5w 00t liii,.ý Me hd"ssiPnIcat,- Bsti and Hsiiecs - siU.'70 i, ieidcss utd 75'te lmdiiduni deposits sebicti toe i., k 96A.4 tieaîudcrtiicates et deeceit - i- 1eli te Potal S as Ju. flet.iosute .... Total ..8e2801 15 STATE Or ILLINOIS. COt'NTY Or LAKE. »: 1. 'l Secis Oiridley.t2.cbler.ofthebove-named h,5.1 ci, soIenhiis-a, artithc aboVe .t.teinr',ifit ç mc.. te ,.b-ttoftmy kncsiedire snd bellot. d a y o j e s t.'M O R I . . - a cP u b ec S u b r ic ib u il s d s wîc m i t ii b eo r e m e t u s ju in b Corri ct J m uAtte - LY LLH I ,ilii o Ir lte HEN Hi ILLER. JL.T,ÇYLOR, OlcectorsND Repart of Condition of the AtLiberiyciie iii the.' Mate oet lilnne. t ihe ouc. of business.j acury is.,19,14, 'RSOU CES t.o5ne and Oionte 1417,5.20 Ovendatte, secureit suduneçcured , tic.li1 U. 8. Bonde to secuc elceitioni;. 00000 Otiier Bonda f. secore Pestai Sayiîm.e '2.000.00 Bond..Seult103ce .714.9i3 Banyrng hou-e, louitucc and Itmcs tOStete [)ne rom &nuai Hauts mci ree agents. .. ........ i1,018-1 Ove from Siate and Privâe ai. Hks aud Haukers, Trust Cc-usses and Bucing.sBaHae................. . '7 Dusfo Icapmv. everse RAte. 2.60552 (2iieckssud cii.'.'(J»hi ies 36756. Notes ofethtierNatinal Hauts 115.00 rationed ratier CierrciCY.Niks and Cerne......... .......... ... 46.1 LawBW Miney Reserce iu Hant, vis. Specee... ............ 5 s.esalt.dec notes 11 it0W 3h55.56 R.'iiioitiiu fund Bth U. S.Treas- urer 15 per cent 0e .sulstlus ..... 2.5500 Toîtal.. .... .......... LIÂBILITIEB. eapiWtockpaidin se...........e $5000-d T lu§s p ite 1 ...... .. 2. o naiaa BK ei s oublsaanuise and 0. Iu m tup sa.... u....... ta.. lient... 24«M N 1401" lfttaieoSuicei&t. ... 4ILM- CtssU5W (Seeelcecks- 161.00b QuaistalSvingdepoéus---e --- - 191.6 Tot" ....... .......... Stase o!ftUbrols. Connty of Late,.sa. t. . V 1Writ .Ouaishr, o! thse abovr sueoe4bu*,. do elenlysweatsi thse abovO .titemileatisse Ote Det 01 mY tsowledge and btief. C. F. WRIGHT, Ceshien. Subeecihed Mid swern ts belons me tibts13h P. P OTSONO. PAUL mLtCIury1N, OEO. A.WRIt5UT. iectncs. Piano 1 unlng Leave ordere a' Ray' FrnIture Stor. Work done by Mr. Alden. c-15-tf NOTICE TO CORRESPOISIENTS. Independent correspondants in tmfe cases are getting iheir items in 100 làt. for proper handling. *e would urge f hem if possible. la have them in Our office by Tuesday. a. J. Poiré, the anctioneer. C.15tr llefitsbur Co*foeTmdde ,ly upan.quîlify il the cup. b Wîcer grecs -youte best valnt pS- The grocer la the nmetcaon.n .(i adtseea . a dthie e Itex-O-Ja Coffée I. Rrj a h.W .-th. QpN 1.5-ffe S. mUset.S. Cbioe*bM. ià Need am IORCHESTRA?- Ph... Mason N.. 34-W Round Lake, )IL MWIC FOR AU. OCCASOM Dance Music a Specialty rdent la s pper sOrlp- Dpend eekly fflairs malîe Idvr-. such pald .Ont. lit b. mdi on la ce a aih be L,,aiîm on cllatecat seeu.'itY 4 lither .' caneddlW..c. ta. 3. tsvsrmEwrs Puleii sevie Oefloatinu bauds.... 4 imIiisiLAlsBifB BiSOn aî 1purnitore and Pistume 5, fue Faits 0.555 National. 6. CAsa ON.HmDo 0.1id Cn................. Mginer cin.. TonAL gUWoi' RCM' LIAHiLiii1ES. i . Capital Stock PRIÉ! n I tNDIVIDuc PROFITS........... Lesjurrteptintereit. Cehie e&tic.,Pd Sa- lors. subjetotfcnoticec iiemsnd, ucuistee ecick T-An, .LAsîI.ivie.... F t %N'o r-rot to ehroiiicle that Jess man. bome rfilelou3 ueuumiHmLiu-ý - j -, - - 1 thý oorrl ehow laýt we4,k. L ti a G

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