CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 23 Jan 1914, p. 5

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*.-. LAE CUNTTNDEENDN~. RIDY, ANUARY 23, 1914. Headguarters f o r Qualâty Meats and Groceries , GIE UW. A TRIAL ORDER Successor, toPhone 25 INVFENTORY SALE: S 0 O ~N (ON I OU 1'SHOE MSTOC>K * M m .e in<1 t at wt iNe se erai hrokei i it. : -tk and mîust iwove tis lut at once' and t4p lu<e * this have îîarl<ed Itiii cown su luw that vou cari t afford to 1(-t us keethvi * The lot inctiidts tan-& anxd blacks. bittui ur * lace inii telouIrs4, ateit or box. ca if anid exery pair 0 will givgîx gc)c seri ci.. Thes rtc al sliotes thiat orig- QD 0 irîally iRol for $3, .50. anid $4, but we have grad- #ili tlîem iii tlîrem lots andxai tey art- yoîlrs for the * ridci xlocsly low prives- $1.00 $2.00 2.50' fi Coine iii îiow and pick out your slîos efor.' * J. B. Morse & Co. Q Everything for Men LiBERTYVILLE, ILL. * Phone 14 Get Ready For Spring Jtes worth pour while-and be sure andl ses us. Talk over youir Spring Needs-Beeds, Fer- tiliser, Penoe Posta, Tile, etc. ILibertyville Lumber Company 0.wn by thé. Qid Depot. Phone 47 Beesi Heu. 20 Years. rLOOKMQ. BACK AT WHAT WB RAVE aceompItohçd durlng the puat year, we are mndfnl Of thO part. you have played in unr eo«"; and we are gAd to express o1qr appreciation. Wewp e may oontlixue to menit your s5upport anid 1i h yr just beginntng we bespeak for you, that full mesare of succeas which Io your due. CORLETT & FREDERICKS phone,30.m LIEETVUJEILL Donald Blair, Lakre county soil ex. Pet, sîteakseon Work ln Cor-n Judg- Ing" at an ail day corn show at Plain- Cld, January 23rd. Nur(4. 'lzaiicth Whitney lW rFported etrioutqly iii ut the home ofber daugbtkr Nire CLeu rury at Waukegan, having ht-en there smt-e Sunday. KîmibalTrlggs o! Libertyville won prIzes an R. C. Rhtode Island Reds at the Racine poultry show; H. C. Ames of Russell won on Barred Rocks. The uorn show brought no much extra traie 10 the local merchants iat Wêek lrida that it was with great lifficulty that aIl the- patrons were waited on. The vtard iîarty and dance givén by the S odaluty girls ut St. josephe parisb on Nonday e,-ening watt weli attended and the att air watt a vert- enloyable one ta thugseprement. Miss El, ira Muntiet- whu rt-ently und-raeunt an operation in a Chicago hoepital bas returned ta the iteKalh Normal. where slip wlll coninue- ber 8ttîdies lu teachrng. G 1 Casey has sohi hie houge and lot on the corner of Park avenue and Firet otreet 10 itred Enderlein, for a considera- tion of $3,200. tlymond & Astintt transat ted the sale. Wiliani WhFeeer returned Saturday tram tht- Jan@ MeAlliter hosqpital wabere hie wam taken for an operation for appendiitis about tive wet-ks ago, and ie greatly improved. The Just Motor Company ha@ sold and deliveced a Studebaker "four" ta Loo Feie ofaiurnee. This is the eleventh Studebaker car moid and the iourth deiivered by that coînpany tii Oeaslon. Mrs George Fredericke who wae taken seriousiy i11 on Deoemher 26th at the homne oi ber cousin, Charles Triggs at. Elgin wbert she bad gone to spend Chritmas, returned home Monday of this week mucb improved ln health. Mim Mable Rudoipb, wbo bas been'l employed ia the Bal Furniture sud Paint Store for the pat three yeae, bam t«reuWe ber position and returned tn. ber borne nemi 1)uPIaie.. )Am Mary Buab ban take. ber position at thq% UF« DMRANCL neta ilomd ctim aWho pm1ovr".for, ldbislsad eUldrn. H. h ab.iwcl *n iho Ib~o pebvidas fût t4bis wlv Md~ OId C.bay Lu.*hesas.Compay 1l1t t-rt-at an nual Natittri ai ;%îtlii-Iat i aitied ta auîîtietve tht- Unexpired ltcra if bis lather, and wasre-apptitetd, Su îtîsat tht- ittnt,, oli.eutît his îotnnimi,,n holding gîttîi tntil a andî rtir Saturda v the 24tiî aîd cucsa 5aug tnd lii 1tinta.-- tît February I.s tii-ical inît-tst i- intense and evt-ryone inter-i e4tcdi luaitiiînobilet s tePlanniîng ta ANNOUNCEMENT large pagt-ad ofut te Just Motor Cam- J. Ehi Tricgs gractery and meat business pany lu the mupplement of this issue ta R. 9. Trigng and R. Me. TayIoý ta b. indicates tii local concern Io ta be eonclucted under the flrm nom@ of Trlggs repreeted tt the show. & Taylor. The business will lie tnder At a meeting tifte building commit- tee 0i the Preshy terlan chureb ht-Id un Tttesday, in vîew ut the tact that ail ot the- bides uhntîjttetl extneeded tht- expendi- ture prt-viouely dt-cided upon by the- cburch, it was deefded te build the- con- templatstd mtanse under the supervision of tht- commîtt.- Anyone who desirt-t to contrihute eîtlî.-r materjal or labat- wîll pîte ctiliitae with Tittrnam Corlett oir Citan-, Hf. Kaiser. On Friday t-tjig of last weelî ti- hebekalis bad itiitilatiçu night, anti entertaint-d t, tue vmembers trîtu, the Waultegan lttigt- tlît came in aspvecial car. the %Waukt-gta drill teatnunttder the- ltadtrship ilflDr.Nesbitt. bad charge ofthtie iitîaîîîîn. The local lotige prepareti an elcgaut supper ait-tr tht- meeting wbî,-h al enjoyed. The local lotige did its utîîîtst 10 make the viait tii the- Wauktgan itîtitîbers a very pleasant one. Saturday ec-tniuig tit-enty niembere iif Excelaior Caîtîp, H N. A., went ta, Prairie Vie w in buses, a it-te the drill team of the local camp di tht- vork of Initiating twenty candidates unta tht- Prairie Vit-w camp. The localniitembers were treated ta a fine supper aftcr the meeting, and boath ta lt-ave wbt-n "aid dobbln" was anxioue toastarttor borne. Thom wito wt-Dt e.lsa eijoyed tht- drive toa nd tram Prairie Vlew, and ail vert- grea:ly pieaaed with their -vennge aoutlng. Charies D. Pro-tîtr bai won a long list Of prises On bis pt-ns and single birde of Buf Orpbingtone at tht- poulti-y shows at Monroe and Racine, Win., Wsukegaln and Frsepart, 111. 1Mr. Proetor took tbree firats, tbret- speclal Primes sud wa. prsesuted witb a gold lms band ter bis best hen u fo et-en entu-les at Monroe; one 2nd and two lat ab rreopor-t; four litesud a silver cup a Waukegan; thue. lot sud two 2nds e a ~ ilver cup st àaclne, beide. variffl msoud, third tand fourtit at the dilfereat daplays. Monder Justie 0 f titi. Pom W. E. Davbiseild la marulag lillail ladies, fet roon, 0i tb. Mober Opppj, oui Soeb itoflitk. 1i,01111Me.iand i Me gmqa.ohie 01 Ohit-ao. Tb$. COUPle came frgnVolo and fousid th judnita the garage, vbere 0one ofthie employes droethsm tO Woukga4 t0 isuresa murtuA..iese nam r ermd-lbe--e lb. garae vhen the kg"i Was ldlu a burry, as the couple lforu.d hQe justice thai tb.y had jet Seveutees minutes in wbieh to get a train. Tee emploe, of tbe garage wersr the vltnegseent the marriage. the management ot J. E Trigge and wilI be carried on aiong the mamnefines as iteretolare. We wilbe pie"ied tii uppiy sou with the same bigh grade line oi meate and groceries as yau bave heen receling in lte paot and it wiil he aur aim ta give sou tbe beet ai service at aIl times Watch torotîrasie. Trîgge & Taylrît. TO THE VOTERS 0F LIBERTY- VILLE TOWNSHIP: I wll te a candidate for the afices A tuw11llcaltor at tht- caming Rtepublican îtrimarie, aindtwIil appreciate any -andi ail support gihen tue. t--IN tI Auetin W. Tripît. NOTICE The nîîîth inatalluient otspttcial a-st-e, ttut No. 1, tht- t-ghth instalîment of si,-cîi as asement Na. 2. aîîd the t,îurlh instalîmnent ot epeiai assefisment No. 8i, are now due and payable st rnitlil-n Deeker & Bonds@ drng store. R. B. Bond, Village Collector. c-16t t The Seasons Bargain Opportunity Sweater Coats, Haade, Fur@ and ail Waolens ta be sald at cast. Bt-st bar- gains t-ver offered in bibertyville At Mt. A. Protine's. c-18-tl Mundees bLigittning houp Cure for ai. by ail druagglss. 50c and $1.00 per boulie. c-15-tf Am loslng out ail short iengtbs ln Dry Goods at remuntu price.. let the fi-at choice at M. A. Prutine'. -l8fl 1 grlnd tols, sharpmn mmvi, scissore, skates, and do reWilg on ini-nituore, sud odd jobs- A. P. R1autht, int street. c-18&hf sap, John, vby ltu tinte dou't jp Pt, a boutle of Basin. Aulhlêphl? Xo- lest sinsil voW .tis a tamarsj,' Bauker'. Antlssptlêw urmthon,. For- sais by F. B. LovW V o.- Ths Ladies'Aid soclslyof th. Presby- teclan cbunrh viii ses abot diaper la theebureb psulors. Thurêdoy .veffla; January 291, fvrn ià t-o . The mmu to be sse'ed le ai foilaus: oat pork, beef, masked potato.., cabbags maad. peste and carroti, bune, donghnuts, mince and appîs, pie sud cohue sud tes. Supper 35e. 1-t r $29836.64 On 1)eeîiî 'il. I I I v e paid the abovt' amotint irî INTER ES'I't ,)l, AV\INGS DEPOSITORS. On .Ju[l y 3 1. 19-i3, ', ai d 4,43 1,an invrease, of $:353.48. .C~r6r/3w/c fims.À NEW FIRM xx~xxxxx~~x LAUNCIIED IERE THIIS WEEK To insuce publication in the Indepen-. Tht- Sunday Tribune printé-d saloon dent. copv must bs n the office no rater statisties ef the state, iuicluduîîg Lake The stock (it the J. El Triggem grocery than Tuesdat- of each week. Adver- î-îîunîy which Pa- tat.d si thid palier eud menat market was thim week pur tisers, especially are asked te take recentiy, bas 144 saluons. The Tri- cbased hby It S. Triag and fi, M. Taylor, particuiar notice te this effect. bune states that 4,000 saloons are In aîd lte fdru' munai ftire uw cîmPaniy danger of eliination utt ie comîng wiii be Trigge & Taylor, whicb will tirs E. E. Elswarthî was ui Chi(ail, sPring eeectloas In Ilinois. rt-miud mont oftour reideuts oftitre tine vîitor Siatu rday. years back wheu tbis sailue lti, , st Next Snnday eventng at it- Presby. diflereint as ta persans coucerned fil tht. Rtev.Edward S White tA" a (irae- ,jun-rii,,treh, H. M. Allbui îu aIl preacit new compauy was conuecîe-d witiî tins udt-k vidittr Tueéday. t,, tiler- mieri of th-l iairt cille badge, @uame store. Mis. Hertuan licitultz was a 1iiiukc iiltîd-jtdent l)rder oi Othi k iluowp. The R. 8. T, iggs uone ofthlie lartucr. of the gain viitor 1il ed nesday. e e-rvire jes ta bes coùnut-tt-,Itliii prepared new firicu, te the son <of J. Eh Trîggs, Wbo Hariitu tMtr. attd àÀ rrs ittî Chamtblerlaintî- los--tilly for that itrl,-, îiiîgh hhoee 00W withdraws trîîm the posltiiîgî as onJuay1.a luhii.1t t n-m bers t t si iOi i t a m,,sto w uer, bu t stil h, ,ds î,n t)ltt. rt-rting of1,- of the t- tre. fotr thbe ta- afilru, Roses Uc,. C. NI. iull.-r utd dauig!tttr S Triggs, as be in bettcr ku,,wn. u lia- len Alîcc, a cre i.ail It-gn ni li tare Satuni ,du.% i, r iliningtoîtt!Xof .i eanttd, wlth ifincefathIer in b,thith, -graî-cryand M- S,1- ' ira of thii,t ,, -re - itctetiý i ct-tdeaît, tfo,,r n nt, sar an Robtert H uti and fifil-bave lu,,, td 1, ,,,,age attiith. î t li titt ]n as a t irougîî1,n wif -ithtlc Itsi- franti Orchatil strcett.tire l15 -Il.APPlt-3 i'îndac rî ofîî tht bouse ou Fait-Sti,t-tt0.0i. , I'nese. Tuie late8114,1 plut is iril. uta n ,,tici :î t i,, t i,, I: lg More ceeptînsib1e poîtsi tionifii uni)tiitt F. C. li lbiii i iVNauki-gâat a&a. in aîttt-ire etîtplovi-e t' Fil,.l lttsil aIprito, t utie oiinestimrabtle tvalut-,tt toitSatuitaî u iniheîtcr,-st of thei,-iti.Z îril)arty and tIi,- lieî i i.% pl.-wtlcite new iircn Sttidebalk,rt tiutlai,ît tilt,,- home beil RM. Ti.î tir, a-li,eiigiiiacly s aic Paît I RiLîtii ,.ilioli 'i -utiutîii tt Pli Irîen stridents ii i to %vi scn bel tec ktà ita asmRRoss, aitd IMahotDi, i, the hotmeî ilf SI i . lta \ s - l i n oi ge of Agrlçi un s n-are partir- ti -ir ý nI i] n-iibutr ,,l tie i,- brut j.t- t Ettita itaI-tr-t tl-tgAr 'lr-aatitîg In a prizt-c- ron ittest ar- prcetlte ltii-a tetilttr andî Th, iît îr la Chapt1,r of theW-1,ci ris t r rL, gt-d by The' Anietrît au S te luHeri] picasir iMpersi)tîtali tyi bcliAs ii iii]rt, (iiilid iii uit--t thiiM is., tiga fin-- orCh icago and Tht- At iii, r-atil Poland hbave a strît ii litart ng torthe, t-ornpîaiy. ,Inedai chclnîg oî,î tca att-hinua Record. Anioiig thi- contest- 1ir. Tayloir states that tfor lhe lîrecil; sirs tas George S. Itulkle> o! Llb ttad utîl bis siui-,eitr tau-,ilest-e :itle l-îcr'tt Lttrtlaîid of Syrat i-. N S- % [eCkeconlie wîi deitîte htusbriltthîî . tttfi,.(e aast tlîe gli"teofabis Itiaoth, I C. li as lu the Pat-t Lovilard ad fa.43tan ilex.\Vaier Smithî. 2:1, *'-ar , (d, îof Lib-1 will lsi aiinttoresîtit ilany t tiinttw Tiire W. C T 1ill iiim-t ut tihe lhom-etil-.was tali t, itu- JInn,- Mthàt J. EliiTrîgg.t anti Chas. W. Tayltr of l. SieMary tlîurî iii Tuestiai -Jani. AXi>i-r lospital lituiit, unit. Sotot- tarted in busiut-mm on tht, sarne ,-îrîî,-r 27 ut '2:10 ii, , >T4 Lta,-,,i%%55 i liii.- utie -agi, a ittt-kit-heu bini, about ttuetý-fouc it-ars agî)titll-r the Mis, E T. Lisngwatrtiy relu riei] fi at i tiîîg theboneiti -i of ilsi iilegs. nrre if l'riàrgs à Taylor outtiii104, fnin tn i T'ie ihue did flot kiitiîr-tilerly and wiî,n 5fr.Triggs îiurcbaâed thiiut-re.,t 'iitrdn Ii-ii t1 ai e Vt-tin ru h- a a-t takt-n tae aiurthtuaan aiftMr.Taylor and conduc-teti the- busîtît-r ýt Ptul r-siltitifmiht he pirtrrmcd.Titis aitîne ta tiie tittie ciltransterrtng ît ,la il~'i iK ion ils- Injitit- . Monday and i t i, expecteti -new - ircittir i, tot he wesk. St 1%iliuI- iltli I1>u-aW-.. ie- %%lli show rapid imnproetmeut The aid tirai ai Trigirs & Taylor hait a amî thi lic c -t tof ivrt- ,r, t ht-r. iie 1 lstop1-tTa- ,it iiianiiasirouse t in 1895Il. and w hil, tire 5V ,t tý, ev nulial, iý , - t t-1ai 4i l abhit j Eî,cIi.opt Tii, ,r l la - eîti st,,r,- luildiing waaslimtietr t-on- a t-ct a;--!î-- il , ltuattent i' I- ý,..i ttttin-riî-t strîî,-tîoîî i,-iapthe cri-ited a tetu- tîi btLatieing hhi ti.t its at-t-k, 1) truriestore building ini the al'ty luait a Tict-irarr, gît-n ai th.IL RN. A. iti tie, e --t. ti, tia Itarti rtîti1tl,-dît-re nitrth of the lrt-nIotirl- ai-It ia 1 ant ct-t-îtiti( att-îti-lire vies il, t lit a- ntiJd --t t-tî N. a t t ,Mi. riaîtiiw i, h .4. lic-aitr ti, Elin i..i al-î lrwio t t riri tltiOîantdttieîuiTt,î,a-lit-ert- i, %%as tîai.týmIin uinetss a M~~~~~~~~~ ri.îtris inr a hlei tt'-i: ail tiîe mille in n-t-tut antid îitîs- i iI ,il-ttvtr,-tiii--i t,, I tiii&>fti--, tilt Trr, lt- i-i i ,,0 f ti- L , î i utt,-t î,.therli , r l evetrai yi-ars an titirett li-it a-I l'y thIi -nst-rîuctluceslhtr t îît'jan î timue ofuit i, itî hi. sir i ibs a ,]l-tititttr il, a,, Lake County National Bank * LIBIERTVVILLE. ILL. Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits, $95,00.00 Efive Us a Çaull=Phone 50 Our Prices are Always Right. h~ome tomber gompasyI For Fire and Life Insurance' CHARLES D. PROCTOR Agent For NEW HAMPSHIRE FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY.. Michigan Mutual Lif. Insurance Company. LIBRTYVILLE, ILLINOIS. The Meredith Flower & Vegetable CO. CUT FLOWER8 POTTED PLîNTs Roses, dot .7ef1 0Cpae ..................754 0Ccae ..... ............. eOc-TSe Carnations, do................75,-Pritnroe.................................. 25e Sweet Peaâ, boquet tif 2.5..............50 Chinese Primrose ............2uc Violets, baquet of 25 ... ................ Oc Cinraria ........................ ..... .. a Narcissue. doz ......................... W o4eraniume ................................ 15e Roman Hyacinthit. do? ................ 50e Boston Ferne ..................... 50e-$i Caila blles, t-aeh.. .................... 20e ish Fern@e........................... 0e-25e Orders Taken at Up-town Office or at Greenhouse. C S5 PECIA L A fortunate put-clise of a large quantity of Scotch Toweling Crash enables us ta offer this goudas now at a remarkably low price. This je a bleaehed ct-asih of pure linon, 18 inches wide. Corne in plain whbite and also weth red or blue border. [t is waalpd sof t and roady for immediate use. W.sud others, havé alwals sold this goode at I1bc, but white the lot lait@ we oiffr m - itat----------------------------------------------.... This is only one of the bargaino we are of - fering for the remainder of Ja.n""r. We have priced i§pecially -many itow»a st boUi stores, both dry gooda and grocerie Sem ounr circlars fok soms of.the speclalsi. ~W. W. Garroll e Sons Q NOR!N4-TOw PHQO#* - SO UTI4 ST04F PHOre4NOI Try the Indepidént's AD-v4nii W'as atîy of this jo-t-case (lue ta your havin)g ttartntd a savings accoant with us in tue pset six iitnhs If flot. why 410n't yoîî start tone V 1W aiti.receive aullie of the. initer",tt ws-h liwe s-l ay next July? ONE DOLLAR ili it;c-îthu -accolînt 1.

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