CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 23 Jan 1914, p. 6

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LAKE ffOUtNTY .TNDEPENPFINT FRIDAe.- JANtrARY 23, 1914. 0F SEAUL , WISCONSIN END TWO RECRUITS ~ SO» WS-SMLLER 0F SIIERIDAN RD. FOUND-DEA» IN A -TILU LAST SEASON 15 TO BR RUSIIED ClIICMiO IlO TE L -AlRepoet of Secretary Shows. the 14 Foot Highway Is Planned Whether Double Suicide or Sui- Amout This Year Fell Short From Kenosha to the Illinois cide and Murder, Police $125 Over Last Year. State Line This Year. Are Rather lincertain. WAUKEGA'N SALE SMALLER. YEAR'S WORK TO SOUTH. BODIES LAY ON SAME BED. Highland Park and Libertyville Review of Work of Year in the Osoovered in Grant Park Ho- Among Few Cities Wnhich Towrns Along the North tel-Capt. Clark Mystified Showed Any Gain. Shore Stretch.1 by the Who!e Thing. Miss Majrins Hucker, socretary of The Wiscoucsln end n! 1thé piopoed COMMANDANT BLAMES WHISKEV the Clrlstmii1 spal commiîtee for diriveway between Chicago and il- Capt. Clark, commanidanst af Lake ocountyn lias com leted ber ré- waukee A8 movlug forwai-d alinost as the Naval Trainlng Statian, whcn Part of the number ai seals sold In rapdly as theeIllinois portion accord- the varions cities and towns Iu Lake Ing ta the ann.uel report oif te heri interviewed about the double oeunty ibis yesr. This shows that don RoadTi provenient Association tragedy in which twa ofai&bu n- the sale tIis year was not as large as whlçh wes madie public today. cruite wcre the victime, said at lut year. Last year the total amount >ta Or W.- GodlndOt Racine naon Piday: "I knaw nothing cailecteti vas $793.63 while Iis yean 5aOnIiet tat Racine cnunty ex- more thon what the prosse bas the. amount totalleti ouly 1578.31.iust r¶lcs In complete its part of the roand $215.31 lbas. Winnetka anti Hubbards t4ulm Kenosha tbrough Racine to lts e aoted; those men loft the station Woodis andi a portion oi Lake Bluff, N lwaukee cotnty lino turIng the Tueaday night wïtuuut permis- bave not yet sent lu a report this présent year. A 14-foot concrete bigh- aion and w. bcd dlce wondered yesr. way bas been planueti. The Kenosha whsro they Thoy loftita- Of the amount collected îwenty-two end Of tbis work bas been conipleteti andi a hait per cent muat be turneil south to teIlîlinois state lino. >Mil- gthrpreaumably ai inoende over ta, the state and national asso- waukee couutv le engaget Inlu evel- cfotihe oe ad knos Ca nnd ~ aIn.12% ta tiie former organiza- upliglits portion su that lu léstItan cse eeadkone red lion andi 10 per cent ta the latter. a vsar. the Wisconsin section wlll gnlîthept bo s. O be of.them "Me an»unt turneti over ta the two probably ho completd. elj Sept. 3rd Ill ard Dt oh- »asociationBsIst year wag 8178.63. The portion ut the road inluChicago, iSet.n d wbst leare d te drime This rYear fil as 83.3.The rest between Fostet anti Devon avenues, stbe fwactaudthere i met Of lIhe nlney raiseil tbrough the sale la nov complote and bas been opensd but he b0t thatebu thoe mt sutis lis turueti over lu the couuly. ta the public. naam and bott ni ca etons i thel MfN R 1ucker announcos that te The nov law whicb passed lte ing- tbey dankjthe ictn ndîat 8448.19, the net amount ralseti here laaure makes lit possible for %b, that posilbly thoy wone intoisicat- tbis ycar wil lie used in deiraytng commlssioners of Lincoln Park tu cd sud, eltbor accldentally on the, expenses of a vislîlug nurse take oser Sheridan Road plono meal. bbnle hydibne h llaug the lubercular patients lu Campaigus ot education bave been! !*ake county. maîntainedin l every une of tht Nortb guna wblchbrbought on the ng edy il msy be tbat onc. wbite lu- The report shows ltat wbile a te_, ;bors commun ities. Thoe îLcoln .oxci, accidentally abat bis ,of the lovas fil the countv colloeted ark onInoors are now nzauegod tin înîectIa aer icvrn more maney than last year that the, making esýinîates orfte rosi oi the wbat end .d t., nterdbiscowen lt 'ÏELLS 1Dow il CAN REDONE If TOWN6OS"'DRY" (Continued Prom Page One.) gesats vale ttaemploy 5 tra PO. Uem-en at a salary of $ per year amollnting ta $4.200. ta proteet the. new Ierrltary. As a business proposi. tian fitlait to the clty $200 per yssr. Llcenslng saloons le savlng mouey at the sptgot andi loslng it St the bUng hale0. The extra police expense engendered blivthe 551009 atideilto the criminal expense such as the cars gov,erumeuî have revealeil ta us haw the revenue can ho lucreaseti. The.- new City council deserves great pralsé for Ils finauclal showisg. Tbey have madie more lmprovsmeuts in our CeJ4 duriug their rogme than lu thé lv Is- te' previous years or oui- clty hlstory. They have bulît a central Otre station1 and police station andi a south aide Oire station. ýThay puzcba"ed City lot andi built a large barn and warehouse for etabling of horses andi the houslng of City Implements. Ther have constructei s sub.lntake antid bqilt a bridge over lbe ravine that la a thing of beauty and the. prude of the town. Wblle durlng the, official year of 1911 andi 1912 they recelveil over $2.200 les. money tram saoan lcense yet by economlcsJ manage- and keeplng aud prosocution of crm-' meut sud cuttIug nul vaste they ha mnals sud the decreased officiency of hrougbttaito tbe clty oxcheoquer trc men w'sho drink, far oulweigbsaail the the sanie sources oser $17.000 ma liconso money receiveti fi-un the sa- than the previnus city admînlati loon. Il la a burnlug lsograce that lion secured. cities lu the midtelof oui- Iventieth This vas dune by securing interE century civîlîzetion whlcb ought ta on clty tunds deîînsled lua batiks,. itroteet our boys ,sud girls lro.iahncompelllng ovory wbolesale liqu andi vice exploit tItim for so mucli dealer la pay ltelilcense requireti' Rlthy lucre as may bo graspedl thus. law, senboiels sud restaurants se Tt is alan an undeniable tact thal the lng liquor. Itv enfonrement ni ti dead-broke cties are the beer-soaked dog lax and iliter lîcenses wbfi cils. lbadtbeen neglected. Tbe Pool Taxpayer. Tbis economîcal managementp Tt ls a conservatîso estimato that rit oporatlln by the clly commissi, $500.000 la aur.uallv speut lun auke1-i reveals a source oi revenue taIci gan for liquor. Mr receive friunilte ho secured wben lteetcly wll lieho 59 saInons $2q, 500 LunItcense Tees. prived ot saloon licenses. The cousus report ot 1910 gives us Police Reporte. 16.069 population. Taklng these fig- Auy une wbo restis Our muutbty i ures as a 'Oasis voe are cortaluly a lice reports kuows that nine-tentbs mîîniclpallty ai foot taxpayers ta par- our Police exPonse is requiredt Icec mil the lîquoir treille to drain usoft for tbe produnt ni tbe saloon.A $31.18 Per cepift: pet annuni.hit resta for drunkenneas constilute iro we rocoive lnrn uetrom Ibis ne- 50 to 75 pet cent of ail arrosîs mai tarions business only $1.83 per capîla Thon Ibere are thobe airosits for, per year. TIte money spent for5ittgf rr disorderly cnndu slrong drink tg 'sorge tItan waated.ý vagranîs. etc. ýThe tipplers bat far btter dump ltati Who are thetie people? Men wbî haIt million dollars lu tbe lake. Thte lte saloon ha-. wrecked sudmni prosence of saloons inounr city bas derelticîs on the ocean oif111e. 0, drisoît many nmen of nealîb la lorale anunittalir-ýes xponse i $1.000al in te dry cilles south of us aud bas 810,000 of tIsl coulti De saved asmo calied lu our ton n a large clasa atrong drInk lu etimlnated. Tt of iudesirables % ho are a detrimen. , added to tbe $17,000 saved bv go( to any communIti. management alihost eltualsthe lt1 THE MODEL CASH MARKET The Best and Cheapetit Place foîr Firit ulges Meats, Poultry, Game, Fish and Shell Fish ore Vegetables and Fruits tm. ,est ~IN ýA K E OU-N TY th W. J. MUNDEE, ýPROP. leh Phone 307-J LIBERLTYVILLIE ion Bell System Long Distance - telephone service was provided to meet modern conditions in family life. maJorlty titi flt. Waukegan, Lake uem- road aud or f ltamaintenant-e for umsuuianehtltelatrvnetiuicdrm lo- nu nIest anti Northt Chicago did ntdo ach on 'eme o lugletattehl Pvnl ept>dfo alosum aeiI s ei a as ya. ..s JOlncutia h-cdiIintu se is The inurder ut ouelUnited States million dllara spenl for bonze ce. ycar. We bave bt-corne su mono' a sm eas a year ~ ~ ~ s -aegnrist8183 hl poio f te rmadte te Llnc-oln naval training station roc-uit fi-ont nains lu our i- ly for a large part of mail (bal wevu vlc Fîr " thing throîgli many families are sel Nortb Cicagi' y anothr aftera$il7l.31îppet awaPortionîaukse. sspectacles nîsdc of silver dollars. So- IbiS Year lte amount vas but $127.74. akbninsineusdother places lste]over a girl's ring andtheibosui- louis and Chinag-o lrewers 10te a' bnItysud honror andtiboune sud cbi]-men traveiln ousifle libertYville dit much btter tItan re eNpocted te acIt avo;-ablv er1ý':fo tuabenirel I forli lat year. Highlandi Park made an lu 1914. vd ftesae okpaeTus e aede r otsgto 'intepre eapectallY fine shovini-, tue10 te e AI a meeting on .lannary 11h, a da% January 17tb, lunlte GrantlPai-k , eninralizedthle stuhdcilrnfr erai faet thal the camPaign thore Ibis year commission ai New -Trier township HtAsaI74 otaMchgu inn. Flpsoolia eey oteoonof"J t i-il-,tç vas -couducteti vith more vim tItan lmanimousîY scrped ltetîru uvor (hein Chicago. te bnuwor wau t-uthat ynur taxp. i utaI L t-aiml., *uo, itirig torAs a r ul of ts uctil. unio ofSherdanRondas oon The two in'.oised in the tragudy -would be iucreased. a train. Sortie Indiana ltving near m r rls nit were: Afeu, ceula or dollai-s witbouit lhe came dowu te sou tbe clîno-cbco cars In making hen report àMiss Huker "oulage cousent ball been obtaui. e resaoo:rveu hi n Distancern Telhe wreaeomanedh eKIseifée thaLîs la eacb giver anti la TIis ordinance wlltranstor le the BOSTWICK, EARI. ot Fort Dodge. aonien Thtln t lI! -nOtî hvwoeacmabdIse Lpj Ditnc -l 4111eCIallY grateful ta the cliairman oriîncoln Park commessloners that part la- Wnote the name E. L. Stanley ou n ni despîcable manhoodti ltI seeksa 5dot. Theo juggler tledte lu by lte thi ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~h soI4omlesl ahn h heia ot evo imtoltel 011 egisior. lte alIon te purge by lte îespolling:tiog. He offereti $1. No, tiey would binds the family togethe' ut Kenilwonti anti between Gletîcoe ofANN .C. iCirg i boys anti girls anti mou anti om-!nul sel for that. Ite offereti $5. fflwIg n hereor a mde&.l lihl.dPak.The boys came la the hotel aI it1,on. tîlghtng IhoirIlises anti vnecking -They helti a parley The lugaler. h-u»e th.eLong i 4t bY vlu la le redpoasit esun HigItdPa eirk. ad *W ni- loi-k Wednesday night. They voeeIbsîr homes. There nover lis been Iug atrait thoY mlght accept l buoffer fgume are shovu tise amaunts of, netira. reconstruction oifte 50Uer te assignoti ta Rooni 4. Tbey laugbeti anti never wiît bu any legtîmate -stooPeti down anti runnîng bis hanti moaey raise tanst year: connect îit Ite nortb chaunel ni the anti Jesteti as £Itey vent 10t tein argument adLucet ionrlte mainte-i alnni lte doi tol a bandint ofidslver CHICAGO TELEP1i i sanlany dstrictlias elayet mat-rooninance of a placeltaI duces ntgise 1 dollars tront bis tat, thon a hautifulA.R drq 1939, ek smtin fvau.inTtrnfr h f olrsotofeh ex he u A n t o c 8 2. 3 1 2 3 o l r s . T h e ro u e n if t e s ew e r b a s 'A 'h n T h o a s' F itz g e r a ld , th e ce k. - s o Xn i i a r i n lI e n d l a r u l n a cea rwh o u Anich......_ 1.3 2.0bren decîdet anti au ordînance at ereYaau rpitrboke mouey passoit ose r lte ounter. E-' nieach leg. Meanwhile ho kept naIs- eepo Barrington .-ý... 8.17 34.30 be presenlti lue the couincils of the open te timonat 9 oclock last ulgit orY legîtimale business in wa i-iglt le nî lle ecei$0 Cary Station ... 06 .34-tianes lovus vîilu na short lime. aflor faibune tbgel anavon te theirn gtIciprnsîet vben lte salonits The Indiana, vilt oycs wlde open St.LawrencoEpincoplChurchI Dterieid ... ... i.ou 8.491 At Evanston te improvemoul bas repeateti rappini- lotIt sal en Th egiia ouldOf d th e ilte atrIsmnt, î'uled t, hyte Bkll. Hi V- EWR S VT. ie n-~je (IMYSIa1tr . .... 12...1_.97heen helti up on account utflte ex. ,ea iiieul.saoo iomW reantoldaduAteîtelnan u iionihe moksn II1ay 7;. Ora a . 13 2.00 109790' pensein utarsteth building a sea wall te pro Bath Youlbs Founti Deati. oehI ilo olr alt han-tlite dog towu un the river batik andunFrtio(uilmr GrM aes.... .15 2.0 ene0-:nuls of t-ode anti gise un oui- clslkîlled ihlm. Anti wiît do voin lblnk 1 M,.nnitiisil'raye reýry S itittt(ayea'- Qu-e......... . 293 8. 25 ed e roaJ. ctiv rlesaitton. by l.os bodk las t th ic hltean ara of irosperI-ilvnover equallei thoy dlscosercd' They roundti ltI Iabtte ():3()a. ut HglnPak...10.8 25.91 oe.llnnl rcrsoei bluoyva ot.H. tt r oitrbori. lte iugglor batl lakon uvurv dollar Sutday selit»AIli114.. a Il. Hlighwooan ...P.rk..10364 13elAt as nioei f ipiopent * vboîtera -been abot tîtrougtlI te rgt-btlemtple iClOu b Cne.out of their dog and luit thenin nih- 1Ail Eut:.ltayo,. lîh ti mitonim,, 11) ; in-o.......369 1.0 uHigland Park it vas voledteluask On lteriear site utfte but , PFIlents, wo are a lot or tlo-a 11 La&ke Bluff ... . ..... 9.80 10.01.frru-oe6uîrclnt-u- îtl'aistiwlt h uoin.iî Ifiankl sadittt Il 'sili taku lshItndiana: ltereIis Do moeslu he L.ake Forest . .... 147 00) 281.021 thal bawn. The board ni local lin- lu bis haut. lsy lBuchanan. Ou a clt) ,otie tiiete10fouIlte gondod f. ltuor toi- for us. The saloon and Pr byoinSrce la'oVila . . .2 6 7 lit-, tocîdedte10rebuilti stand, peunet iu Bucbana's Itand, fi-ita nof<th-ury rugime andth te mS Webee e ta 1. ShernsuR s-tandt he actual roi-on- vas au envelope luns-hi-h bail hut-iOui- "leysa11:45rsvniue-ile $,iu,,i I Libenlvville . ...11.44 000 0isrcîn slimeyt h tuu siI 'ctfn<oor to imatt alto bas beenOr ati 1:.5 i Monaslle ..... 50 il 82 lu lte sîîrtg. "lit rase niaccident noîiîî R. F. dirtcdti u flict, ise nf lirluor 10 gelt Oiahi pnat tîrduy :15 . l înt î,in,, otl Newport Townshtip. 215.1 25.701 Aicoiding to Mayor J. T. ie, Jr. Bfuchanan of C36 East TIii-t -t-luIt onl t of i-.s sKtinanti gelt hiS bIh-. ,impilu. War.uincomprointsittg 'ar hs 7 :1() eitin îrt1 North Chicaugo . ... 37.00 4.58 ni Lako Foi-est. n count-il rommItlee I sIt t Chago. Aiso F. Il. Bos[ ad;t tc Ie aon Qiathe oflan a lttdetoartte saon hon H Mwa. t i.t 'ti Prairie Vlev .... 3.45 00.00 ila utaIork on lte mattol- nci trans- wick ut 612 Southt ixteouth st-cul -, ;cotuearoundteti1the proposition oftlon tiude'sîo lise lon. i tien ____.___M. __ Ravinla............. .96 00.00' terrlng te Forest portion oFort oie oa.a ne'bu3lIn a lot anti building a cottage ltatus elcmge t on Wautlnegaua Rollis............ .00 01 !te roadtet tht- Ltncoln Park commis- lu a pocket ut Bostwlcks lothîng andtt uis crealhng taxable property. Wacid.......... 7.76 16.55 sîonnrs. vas a icter tramn a Fort Dadge girl fini lie m ili do lu the course of ttme. ullrmnot uo ouho, M R IG IE SS Waukegian---. -----127.74 178.31 J ho stgned "Clara," ilîlei wltIt ternis If only oal bh tat $500,000 ahIual Ouifîera hld hei rvsbaeAîu oict-Sgiis .2. Wluthrop Harbor .... l5.6 12 9 aJvi»c f niendoarment ani telli6g ut moue>- ho taxable praperty It malles sisum- 1Orftest trgae a e Athel Mcal, Miw .....241i Zion City........... 2.00 2 *900 CONV~ITS kIfI.s - sIe vas sastng uIt su that toey coulti thlug permahtent whi-h vîlI constant- gn;EhlMClMlake..ý...2 Fort Sheridan . ...00 110 TObe narriei. SIte sîtoke ni parental iy brini- îu a revenues 10elIte cîty. Tei tieh at hi rap o otr lsoa l . 1 Fox Lake . .... 00eoo 322 QIT CAMUP AT~ objection that ahi- 'as sure coulti be The mayor of Dcatur vbo was avol won; Allin Swlngle, sainie.......... .. 29 McHenry .. ...00 2.0 ARt.l1 1.5541 vercome. holding oser Int the dry rogume tld Eut sternor Itala wait the race lieury Kruoger, Ela Twp. Ae lgai age W' MflLadTTb InBuhann' cat ocet asa ne - laI Decalur turing lte dry port. WbicItmses In lteîr honni-et place. Ida Glas, ago banis uos -0.0 lufi-niAun 1ulu~ f 711 'o- o bhilmue cttaestItn iurugA moral warisre vitIt the crime. Sail Goltherg, Chicago ......... 21 WluetaaniHb 255 ii iiij U K letterfon Bucanaa nt up'*ofnke vas a Anti folly of an evtl lime." LillianPollac-k, sainie............. 19 stance avenu'-, suggesttng liaI 5ho te- ny l)i-Ot ous Ion years ut her bis- .Se lot il be; lu God ovun ilgItI EiatWlhHmlonObo 1 $578.31 $793.62 1 Joliet Honor Men 'Make Good' 'Phr-li -lt anikar . In-b'-u tryWe. gtrd lis for the utiming ligit. tn(. AieGar . nte.Ii . ...... S _1 ATIACK VICTIM DYIN6,91IFY*MT Accorting la reports wvu-b hamé îqt been verifisti, a man las tylng lu aL Chicag«o lispital as lie reaulî oi a beatlg lie la saldt l have receissil tis Dees-fielil. 'st of Highlanti Park coresral days ago. As lte stary gaes. tirée mi entei-el a saloon lu Deer6 MW MantiPrOcureti coniderable Hq- Mr. Ater leasing th. place Il la MMli iey became vsry quars-elsome liMâvire allai-lsd, itlta reponleti. by tv. vliWo beat thein very eer. 17. On* of thse min le raid lo avse 10e. Wareti n0 baily Ihat lie badtl be reMovoil ta a Chicago haspital sud i. f ai ta b. dylug. noai-i-esabave be. ma" U at l.Inq.ury at lie ai- &».«-t W rf ieen thls allai-oos CàlgfU 1thle satsenier4 ,1ha1 MU$ M li fMe reliai-tlius cme ta tu ncoub. M9 b» ibiu ie- that ehlm andi I» b« e 10 $àkidel iétaké no -cliou During 3Mnttýs' Work at 1 h>ft1 Thougbt Tnagody Ca use.. Dixon Under New Plan. A ring vas founti lu Bostyick's - pocksî. Thtis tact, vltb Ithe i-sos- flixon, Ill., Jan. IR.-The couvi-ta ery ofthree enipty whisky boîlles In vlio. vithoijI guartis, vithout shack- an atiioînlng vasiroons anti blooti les or hanticuffa. arriveti lens fi-oui sains on a faue. cause th le police the Joliet statp penitenthary on Sept, te belleve BosiIck hait refusedtiet 3, 1913, vilI have cpmpetedtihemr return Doralhy's ring t0 Buelianan roati varl Ibis veek vitIt s recarti of anti that the lattesi «lBostiftk anti liavlng "matie gond"'as thlis ait! lbey tbem 11usd blisoît. Vouldti len Wartieu E. Mf. Allen AI tbe naval 15atai station et alarteti them n tuhe vorl at Camp NartitChicago Commandant George Hope. I. Clark raid Ihal bath laitsbail The men have vorleti sigItI ours alippedi peut lhe centries TuestiY evei-y day stuc. tiey alarted o a nitigât ant bil ua netéporlet ialne liaI building, excepî Salurtiay aetei-uood lime. Botwlel bail a gooti record, Bundays sud holitisys. The ývra-1,l but Buchianan »M 4psevloualY absent- caniplisheti bas bien highly @atiWaai- et huiself vîthaut Isae,, the last tory te the local colsslnr#dLime ai Chiritmas. tic people bers. y' The adstit t 6 a 34 Easa, ThIrty- Filteen ai the original Party ai sigihts street. le Ibal of Buc-hanau's fOity-fiv, men have been releaseti by mother aud bis baUf-boher. R. F. Pardon or atiervise. Oue couvi-I Buitlsana. The iamlly iormerly vWas returnedt tJolet becatiseofai bslilveti at Cal-ra, 111, Nolber bMrs. imlure ta make gooti. Buchanan nr R. Ir. lBuchanan yens Wbal plemses the men Ilienselvex aI home lent ulhtI. A barder aetlthe Mai la liat liey bave "md goodi" place salti they came bire during lhe 1andti laI lie confidence pliceti lu olîiys anti vers visltuilt aI la imé isem, by Wartien Allen lias ual ben- by tbe yaullî upposedte 0have kllleti botMt& bis comPanLi nd mihmaeif. 1 The man, wlîh a cancer luove it r . -- -n gt .111 ho fatalIf tltutulout. The Anti strong tn him vhnse cause la oPerallon wilIlibe palufuilanti le vilIlu ours, ho weak for sanie tîme aflervarti but IWs grasp th wpnho has gîven Il caves usbits anti ultimately bringa'Te ghpt h weTrutIt anti Lve ni ta bu bis Itealtisanti trengtb.. Th ith#Tuhan Loe f Wbon the hand.vriting on the val Heaven." Indicales liat a ctty la golngdry anti the cIty fathers vork ou the appra- M'HENRY CO. FARMERS Priatlon Lutigel, tbey shaiuît nol fig- BOOM DRAINAGE PLAN. ure on the saloon revenue for If they are nul .gaing tu gel i t tsey aaos ra-mouesluaniusr ie spntiiai. meia en nt gc#lnee lough lerritory lu Boane anti Me. anI ettong iaretirie aag ln and enr-y cauntieR are sain agltatiug il. eIolavnste extravaganthsud-th»e propositions or orgusiiziug a rapehbes No svet b el ieels. drainage district 10 ditcli antitiiails enougli licos. mauiey ta recampense ln tai-m baudsnao pattalyoi-th- lte taxpa>ier fthelb.public money ne- o amlnenwpatclywrh qutredti lucars for the paupei-s, cim- I B eialdthtbtves ,0 tuaIs anti detinquents causeti by the aI anti tiooare ni an lawen 6,000lt salons. d700ar@o amlnew'd Thedryr1t do$ ot èëd th-- -e- -beeeilbetiby the propaseti drain- Cénese noy anti does nual have 10 age Impravemeut, about tvo-gfitlus ef raine te la& rats because ît prac- tItis landi belug locito Inlu Bonse lIrem econury n ubusiness manage- niumty.andth Ie balance ln McHenry mtabsl is polîla g-at nt-mre Efforts vers matie a year un go ago ta a i»-fororty. nr ta gel the tannions togelisern an ibs Pi-il. fo Cmmcaioer big drainage etisIbut fallet hecause Aitilougit Waukegsn aIol - a' ur ai certain errai-s made lu the prsllm. conIâssluiîors untier the neil foi-mai mIary legal steps; Chas. Bauck. Milwaukee..........22 Janet WilCOx, saie...... ....... 20 i3eo. Latter, Chicago............ 25 fIrma Rainshurg, Kenton, 0O...18 Fred Fenneil, Racine ...........8' Elizabeth Mische, same......... 32 Hlenry C. Berberich, Highwood . ... 18 Ruth Williams, Rame............ 17 LUnis Close, Milwaukee......... 21 Violet Orneechel. saie ...........19 Atti7y Dorfier, Area........ ...28 Ruthi Yore, Everett..............U tRobert, Woodbury, Chicago ...20 Auna L. Kenule, same........... 30 Seaborn Johnson, Cbjcago . 23 Cellea Sameda. saine............. 22 William F. Massey, Green Ray .... 23 NYrtle M. Neshitt, clty........... 23 Cbarles A. Worthing, Fox Lake . . ..47 Mary Ziemer, Savage, Mont . . 23 For 10Sean the une ha stond f"r pure. 3 eian fond. tiertect conuttea. ides] servlee and çîKht rime. KIaoes take a psileular pride lu choir buulueu sud Ton net the bed ofltutIt.Est et Kiug'&sod&Y and ypu'll contic Sot tomorrow. fth Aveins.,CHICAGO. IL Bet. Nadisos sud Washington BSU. I rtravel than there ).The members of [dom to2Ether; the 7es, the women and )n or study. separation there is and loneliness. ephone îm the tic that Distance LUnes IONE COMPANY, w8, Manager [s the Best That Money Can Buy Our'ealarnlns are th io Rh nu d enioiDete in ereery 'sasby eo.etspýnt reiractiouists froc eni chante. We Irlnd ou-...eilen, and make eUx .w i(raines tu lt enchI>lîatlCUIar caue, Louis J. Yeoman MANLJFACTURING OPTICIAN WAIJKEGAN. 1 L LINOS Umm 1 Today there is more

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