CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 23 Jan 1914, p. 7

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LAKE .COTJNTY INDEPENDENT, FRDAýY, JANUARY 23, 1914. NONE REOEIVED FOR L.ESS THAN 25 CENTS * FOR SALE + + FOR EENT + P R SALE-A 35 h. P. 5 Passger FOR RENT-200 acre farm % mile trom ~lmbImale niel, stls re 'a o trs s Ofer. WM. LAoeOK towu aud orden'a wilk plant. Baus' Ume. s&@ oer. W. LA oomfor 50 cows, 200 ton@ silo, new1 00,Libersyvif le. 03-15-t' milk boume; pebty 0# ester; level [ad1 FOR SALE- lund lot in Lberty- baksu sIITs trcs ro .,lle. Prie. 08.000. loquire oftiPAUL sae.Also a 2314 acrfestock and LIV iUbertYVille. .115-t4f dair17 farm. flood sot godki builings, __________________________plenty of water, electrie ligbts nadë FOR SALE-BUs Waindotte tockerebé. telephone; one mile tram railioad, towus Al. L. Tmipp. Are». c-17.2 sud Bordone uilk plant. To lent for __________________________ ashor on share& Addrees Brooks à FOR ALES pâeseee?2 tYllDur Stroker, Owners Wauconda, 111. Buiek automobile. $200, This car hms C.15-tf bSu tboroulfhiY verlîauled cudio nFO EN-8ear lun,3 tle Soudcoaaditiun. LifîigsrTYILLE UAHÀAGE. noR, ET20ar am ie 15t othw.-#t nof(raysiake. Oood l.nild- ---------- lugv. pity ai water. oue of the bet FOR BALE-Ak 7 roîîm bouse on Broad dairy oto,-k faruim in Lake. couDS>'. way. Inquire of J..t MacIk. c-1341f Addr"@« . o,('arih-fd. Liiertyvîlle. Ili., 1car.. of H.8 Huritutt. e-17-tf FOR SALE-$7II takee tao n i. l.1 proved lI Iot ih istjafi hiouse, a bariain, FOR RENT-At Ltetvie oî Corner ltr<a4lw&Yay amiëS .-tii treer. l1iit 011 f'eiitli Park Av,ailUnmode'rn John 1Mc Lt-an, Lîfrt N t ilif t oi o 81 j îî,r,, ii întlî $1;1 a uiontb. I tiqul re f i î elu-, er fiat Plouc 21,-t FOR SALE-D-li i'Jer.e liBr-, 1,19 enoullil for er i. Frui H..ruîg .. .. . . .. .. .. IL. 1) No. 2 .i '+ MISCELLAKEOUS +' h7.- ê?rmopies By N.E. GAiZBRT - IEIR TO TIIRONE 0F DAVID IS AÀZDON CITY VISITOR NOW TRE ALF UffrON I 'Prince Immanuel of Jerusa- TU FQETheascaepoeION thoiAINur Iýem' Explains Claim to His Theasocst pee leutîoit fr he Throne in O*n Words. statemeut that the botel m.-n of Auguos aO., bave adopteti resolution wbeeb Ie eriu nicei u Oun"a SHOWS RELATION TO KINGS ail forme wdli b. disoutinued b>' theni Tbey sîso are ln favor o1 hselng an net Claims He Is Direct Descend- pmdwlîersby the slaughter of eau...- wili be proibiwd by law, thun forcing ant Fro mlng David and the tor»ale tbeesîves (o maturity. Fronî"Emperors. 4Md Su this us>' reduce the coet oft ff to thbe consumer. Folloulug the. actfon of the eoutbern jZion City', Jan. 17-Prince Trmman- botel men the Chicasgu Loti-leliave declared lu favor of the action taken, but claim ou accoutof the eset d,-iialad b>' transieut trade for veai thât sufi action cautiot Le tti-n lb>'tii..t1iily Citybotele Houever tbegreanuajî,iîy of Cicauo botel Imen declare îhey 'are iu favor of a law prohibitinigt0 e of cale and wiiil. ail In their pîîwt-r tu stcure the-passage of oui-h au set. If sncb a iaw was mver paoffed thé- Crîteriole the..opinian fiat tii.-fou-it mt- n sd 1îactes wiuld tilîîîthast iteud of tht-e siret i-it wotr îîld iî,rcî- iaiî dairy îîîcîm out îof iîs is. iiiI(te awav Ciwir coolteaJai lue alîti iili cause the- j'fi-nf h I Ii îîîîîl,-etif iii- tui tue I'i8tge ti a î,iuiîiCcii-'m li the acitiuui ueî or Jerusalemliq18lni .'ion City' 10. day. This diatiuguiehed gentleman trace hie If neage back to King Da- vid. Wthout goiiig loto detail of his earlier anceetr>' we mfghl qîlote tram hk own stor>': "One of the aneestor. of Princeeis Chas marripld a lineal lilecendant of! Maioniifd. Their s0n lecame a Jew, or rather retnrned ta hum ancestral fait, led to Europîe Lî.d was the grandftller of w>' moth- Pl,. Niv paternel grandiather coin- p(iied toc faIller to mnarre nîy moiii- P-r. 'alîhough slle lad the blond of Mluhomed ln her veins. and lier fath 1. REVOLUTION IN TELEPIIONINCI IS NO0W, PREDICTED SemiAutomatic Telephone 1,n- vented by F. B. Cook of Zion City is Proposed Means. NEW*IQAS ARE EMBODIED. B, the New Systemn, Even the Operator Cannot 'Break In' on the Telephone Line. The Dion Ci ty Independent prIntis long article this week teliing of the fInvention recenti y of an Improved telephone hv Frank B. Cook of the Cook Elect rirai CoimpanyN or tliai city, one whicli the fIaper iieclai-es, will revolutlonipflie telepiione serv ice- tiîrouîgiout the wiîrid, Tte lIventfon drer forth a lonig di.esrfipion ii in te rrei toU~tf i40iephouiiî. te Aiiîî-rcuîîi cli lllitî i- iîîiîî. im rîîî i nlt ri l it- kiiîsi ii h ir ii s-itii autorîî. tic-5 51v,e. fît ltring tlah lin iatiî-r. iiii- Zion i liîlî-lîeideiit cals, In quoi lut Mir. Cook: e lied bte Instrumenta] lIn thet --l[t t ?i- t seîiiaiiiewii lii- eiîii t-. , ial ofmy fraternal ceantifthcr "it iimlaliti, ai :,iîyt;imii e lic iui rtefi FOR SALE Aî. tltt I bt sud1îrî. o i -î t iAUCTIONEER-Ytî5rv utft.xpcrlIrîc Ii fik,t:,a u ;iIiiii t. I Ill ft tt hi. 15Ressin athorlties )11uait il ltl aîitttsatic 54-tel. Thifs Libert ilb'nIl.,-t. 2,. - 1,,2i1fhave rfacsd dbengit uaîd aoid tii-ii'.n Iilit' il .,litc sTii ha rn iin e inittiai.cnla iiati lire stock ali y Iffe and lîrow 114 lmit im "I t ii r lmKit Dnl sd riu at emu-I,îI i -,tl ainciiill pe<ýiiiioe. a pîtsti KingliDrvid andc ifrents t ulee FOR SALE I , 11-1- 'huit-tIIiivale ni o condmiet a sale to Une uc i^lut, ,lii-Ctoi and related (o the Emîterors ot AI) a PoIlfie -aut iii liteii nuîk oltve Huy, - led. l'îiccutw 27d TI H Il îrtîîî. get the best prices. lFor datels addre. is uf iifîg dJo>îîyl aîti ,s tiTill ( rnc (hr, aîîd rieS-i loe t iluan-loal tu i ueCol c i f P. B. Johnsonotor Phone 11t M. Z:oui liii* I ar, Clt .- l iiI,t i. "iiiiec-it s(hi.a anhd fPinssn m' aireoeatfrnmfli'e o- ~e City,.111. Sept. 17 Lu Mcli.17+ I iinii--iiit hlittii,iiot of liîl a&reiii-ies-5 flsanieletoae ofothe ti yvlusiîsa tre îo 2.4 eonds and pfos 60,siîec-ls FOR SL itii nittii ti le- .., u~Iti-y itS if rIn ler o tif titi- itiitilitC tfliit CîttutIi lTdIf i i -ii-. 3 fîît-îl.r. NOTiCE-1f yul lcam t our i -t ir tet O,1ti etiir I. i--cdcis-I lUisth empire. for Ici o<f moi ttau c, aed icieccvxltif over liii-huîit- f r2 iatt-t ib.i ,,r %oui aîir ut ri-.iii l.- Ii- Ne liute, Oft tiitt ntc li-lN e i tin sn e~ ei i irc-iIn local touloi-ai i.iî,it,,%fLiai !u.etidu iiLIi-bu n iN 11 i- ut ,-capi-di, Ptai and ud relitfh-e tigcnnectiots i ul aecdnctuouîIn time -lii ftiiier.ii.sitti '-ii i-s ui the preacot kinîg oft li1:tnut iii eoids ft s titan :. . ..... i- j , ,k. to or lja Alnd.,seuconds. + ,i- ~AuTEl) __t. _LITuiniiier iiiiiiiiatI f lu rout tiri-1ii t tilt is cot (rue," uoîincýd th, l- eInce eri- ++++ +++ +++ MONEY TO LOAN-i ii iifi el oi f tit- m.- mil1-lestititha , t. ii cerýtt . . .i- it.îî. .jîta. d.ii. t.t .u l-a.. p)rince lits * basmritlitiraru lits tihelîceralor us aaeuiiîîicaffl ds ,-Ct- I,-, i er Iti i -ilaiiniîtaleblielcl itelare the tiNo aiisciliersa ou@ daày rav-hru-t,6 icM- 1i . miiti-uiittti iîlrott-elle 10eIII, îfeu,Ilite lest oîîr temple and omir lacd for cuir re t-outeelld and rannot titereatterr wortit>'. to-v. i. i lSi SiOTICE-1ml -h i lle t Il -tu it lt aiTiitifila5105 'cM, anestore aîîd' ha- bin lor limier. lo thiconveursation.c _______________________________________I I I fi.-h abriilt ronuer is dt-l ettiiii listilit i alitoshitr hevieo!Col The ihief ci iî-atourmrire dut-f and __-E a--l- îd i-uoi ire ti-tii hatrinr m r aie l til iii,3 1 it-i r t etii h race (tif Xi i. as sistauts are tht- unie onies esititil ,tlti-litI liti -kut Iltitl rajivTlîo oa . eC i-IItIrtr tade ft,,tiu"tlLu iiincPrince Ittitanncl. liiroîigltdi- rIL-n ,idli 1 tiicîc g Real Estate Transiers :tii .fb» 1%.- i o- I A. B Nî.îîcr 1 tbrougu hetIi..-iaic,ii.-,t tif jailtli nlddct dtrtn froni DavIqand l ia- tueio-, uad itrînît areasfti, - - - - - - lâftshlid by..eeuis.,. 'r-c tltiiS TelA iiCollettes. 1015 S. tni f iietjsli-, itlleisîi ihonmi-ti. and our kingdom (Pais llaîîed.lnirng mest satislactory LskeL@ ounty Tift le & iruitt Go.i-1;î lltena fit sufjr-t for tiriiiusaiitas% ui ist iii-t lu s c: nzCthiteflfron tiucan- ih, ieveîesto, oa rln ________________________IL_______ h î agIl iid-uN(jt that tetctieelsirfle tn uîo ledos is-illatic e.oThe 5551cm permlo a o uin Abstracts I Tulle. 'ttlm-e ùu.anteed jart- but fîîtfc bettt-r tututeri ltîither lotiffor ditant eben tht- sceptre a fit-stcilie o tii!îcki eneoen Macul Tmpe flG. NF ea.F. LAR IE ICEliOUSE ti& aaîî fti alIiswîîi talreturn 1tew>' famlly. 1 bave bhlard - fi GU;te lustantfy difconnect sud se- i,î I-Li.~s ue- to Leleve Itliot tL-y fhavec ilntith(e voice of Cod. g -nd H-e Las sbom-n cure auother and as msny foffowlng ILL LOCATE V i-~in Ii t oiutIii, ftmuretht- dar it mnte pmanleil e (o anonc li reima d n ie îdlas cn H.Januar>' 14, 194. WL L BE LOtfD iiuiii fieoiiitm r ther.-fumliryvîtm e îeprrihiInne.<dba urotation ait ma> le deeired. Hei W. H.l'ni'brieht and ilai..ta .j i cmF-fu. raJcst'hi s'haidtlofo!a people lu the Ct-st. lotn iceatfon. re-tardlese of shetiter Le Ruiad osCoprtDuck Lake IN IVAUKEGAN SOON Clve@ to unaturity io.1f Uit-b. lurCiiittu Iii;i siîg otfIpwisht sud Christian Zeuti ismttt- calli oi caliing part>'.- Esci In . . iiIN . 4 ec 14, rat hihié dir bedi omlitiiitili irts, for rithcuthtis union o ewIsuhocriher itas control ot bis lune lu- Twil. Q. C. sI. -thie bLee réderaialed L> experîi-t-.-d sud Christian mticnnot tuIfIll thi. eteeni'î(Loeatr Joh Gifit sd steio T.B.Morrow LI onnnn * Be Dredged fsir oi euf aiiirl-1ji oditionslii.pused b>' God. Tiliýsv This syatem e au le ec.onomieally Brown sud wite fois 6, 7, i8 and 9.,"'" "M agalu. a largecriailer ofmcsubsri liuipeleif - il rloiiare titeuselves 1 tîdqefeki eapplieil to auy existfng Hlome Terrace Suit. Lake Fort-st. W. Out and Enlarged if the Deal woufd tiid their ws>' into tiar herdsansd geverameut anud tht-nlite shahi go t' o' mu Latr>aulilenfde D.$1. L rcuteuul L siwer1îng'lu tbe Hol>' Landl. Ve shall not coeeboard,. wi(bout Intcrtering witblits Florence N. Seitaufffcr and Luaband Goes Through. qfuaiît01o the cattie now inii thi-country-.ase Invaders. rme cuiaI I ot attack. liaýi crlnuous use. f0 Auna S. Jehnson. lt 5. Block 2. The botel bini ad pactere would w.. miai go ta -fifm our rugits- TIîe Corwin eslems are so difffee Wrenue Add. Hifghfandl Park. W. WIaukegan. January 16. t-l iit i-i-i tht-long Cen If "" rIghtîs gran'ed us b>' God ad neter ent ln urfuciple thait the patent office1 D. $1.000. Acî-urdfug f0 a persistent report set pi tfolfitiug thei.ralmiofgotut uh crubes lfeuated. snl if the present enfersauirlfsoîet teltteao Everts Wrcnn aud rite io Aunaa tIl- re pasiled. thus buildinig n~i) h' oppose ne rut tartmsa'weshah detenul- auhrifoitu e nted taeanin 8. Jobuison S. 2o tr-t.lot 4, Block 2, Lut icuael nCh.cie i f te cattiue me-ailof caueîng as onrseve-thtiaî1ste commaud e iei am umu ttto a Wrennus Add., lHighland lPark. W. D. wreaihs uootr eîin D a! i..gohsadr.God - Wt-shai ru- buid M H i en tts. Titis lu Iteelf l an indifcation $600. ether titare negotfatfng tor the par- l;otiditmtne an, rîvng mi uichi it ILt- ' a temple tor ai ereedesud calir;thiu taI[le vi stet ils omethfng uew, Michael Nhe-<iiiiy 10 John Griffith. cîame or lease of stet-raf acres olf ierative fou the dair> uissu t i Calt- Atutric« a hs bl 'a temple et pente ,,,tIi *s usdrnu curu r 120 acres In Sec12, LibertyNllfe Trî. fond ou thefliais north oft(he cii> jgou>' uiuni fiisi hefer calles evere ttt -aue mr uiltîî elu aent-. ler e umerhundlre- W. D. $10. Io, ued hYli cîs Morrow fer tht-luer- teai - itil thieC ea onutif,i-of lit-ters o atemple anlitcriisoft-m.1 apliiatleue for Itathis have ai- PreaitRudolîctaîîd wsficte L.ois Ru- 1pose Oet icottn il u oa umothIrie beiig ratifliuimipor ros. aud iiîlciiîor Prince Ile iitiiel commucut clu-clecil eenî til abid alunes are beinc doib lts su 7.ihok 2, Seisnueliteuse . Tueice fîtutse sucli as Is îî titat aIîld be oîî murute lpi-fit , II Dr. De-Nie i-eyeare ago. Titi- Itîcil the otal imthitle nill i- dd.Lhet n d ie Q . .0 corîedingtoThîe repart. r11 tue nul luit u t ril if t ivitfit o Ni-SIlatter wan ct-rt,,îlucb nterestdIi -set-rai hunîdreii Ja>' A. Eddy and i r-îe 10W. C.iLe frger thin oui et iliose Ini th ic uti tI..>et-S-C iul liii un drurviee ~is thi e Hol>'Landl andi ep,,iallv iT- Il is pîanuuîîîIl)ui itaîifaeince tiie Barnetable.unodividei lfoi 36, ConuiIale e-on andcil rmlie onc of tietir if tuii-uieei- t-i- " initi rite-tuofmo,]*, j, opt- to rehulid liii i 1i1a liiioîcn î tZiittCiii oanîl ill t>' Clerks SuL. o! E. t/ Sec. 20, tau le- tn i i hic counutry.Ilfilte ai utino- ie ortire- laeriýtîc. rti, tt tv uit ieiinli ciand te tenîtli-iîittclc tttatleeîî kegan. W. 1)D. ~j fel(, 1 MoÇe eaiei 'tr iae- ttletIt- sut aS, iiOthtf-mi-et-t ii e.fuo t. thei er dffeedritl t January 15, 1914. t ov. lia-. tuicurate lfit.s saîtîl iciker ou Tht- fittice of i us> lite ii-i p rince on u i illit That r-an til iiu î - i c 1 tliiii[i te Josephine L. Kellogg ho Win.tht- icnis rieth lfake shure and lias gî-vrI-Cituli ti iimdertn iLM i Io te t-inf-ig or i i. - une wlth a ci ______ Broek. iots 7 andl 8, Block 2. Rt-flogs excavaitId icia sanil. ThiI s t ai u titîtt to blatirte fariiler, but titit- [motion oflt-i - d Clriatians. Pub. Vintrop aChe ~. . ~. coiueila large rt-sers-OIC ancii l t iiilici r Infortiumtionii itritttie fiuiid -Dui e t-uni thl-lat tht->'must ai 3,0 NA USRBD Coneumers Company' 10 Joseph lin- lister oittciii ntii thtrem li h i uatiieitty gi-at it îl ttue iiicîg un lue Christians. Prince Immanupi as lik, lot iu vil luge o!fI oeu Lake. Deedail [i t lieuof pare tit ir ais tfii »ib9g ai-i-tatIi iisîttifittruti teutcI iti.di lrt, hai the fie i tet-tate o-f Pales .1 c St('11 i ii ud iii oilitsofot ar[, $140. ~~~~Clalned Iliii-sattiltheoitti whifch tii- tiirotwiuig ifto-f té eciit-v glidUi ne musit cniof dents, Chranis lI- i- ti toi titioi-faitic new isbî lit QI4rater --cccei maltes an excellenit fil- laitue>. Lut wunilarîMilliers litrtcei-eIl 1tiiand Arabe, lit t n rpteesud irotît t fit-rt- r il iNîýril ltilcaga footet- Lare Andfersen and vifete 10ftrnk 1-aben, part N. E. 14m Sec. 35, sud N.1 W. 'À Sec. 36, Vernon Twp. W. D $1.100. Frederiek Prueveote J. If. Kraneh and vife 1012 acres lu Sers, il aud 14, Vernon Twp. W. D. $2.250. R. C. Kent and vite te Ernest h Mleyer, iota 9. 10 sud 11, Keto au- couda, Sali. W. D. $225. F. C. 1Ilorli"ýr t K. F. duMouffu andl wife, lot 25, 1letk 50, North Chicaoe. Deed $125. E. P. Osierninand vite te J. E. fiheahen, lot I!, tillage o! Deefielil. W. D. $700. Januar>' 17. i1914. Ii.tertvs ie- ,Ice Companyt>' iiAliuuit Kiitcirmnu, iota 6 and 6,buachu 27,. Wrhici-i o aditien te Llbertyvilit-. W. D. $600. Ida Sehioever tît .1 Hl., andi A. J. Boteneteilot lu utLaku Feept. Q, C. ter. foîety ftid aoultfuheîcondton. etisfit c ehood rerhi;tid utone. God and lr ellng kuitl'hi Itai eticing wfth the Each i-ar titis resensoir Las lbelusutfan las tie av..rugt- lormntis iconieriitd, une tenîpie. Tic ens." lhe sy-t opctivic-tse ducîtlors et the batuk. fucreat-c. i 7ery v.Inter tuee lt-ehuatth rgui hlP soifndpams i) ia t .t lu - .i fcoirol thc. govercmeul. î,e- Tueystsîcte tlcl itcY planîîte go afcaîf at-cumulates thceefiasut-en ctnIanti îi11cotiretttht- iiiirtiiiea llot.filcause tht- i ril e In sue imajorbîs - "illht- tank l c tiiongiley do afer- coarscgeo ange ice fiouse, es.affaluss lu plluie tuf fsrî eca feingii asetd but thesy-n""mîls c-iînwledge the Citci-unet toke over iht Nertht Chicago paileetfholing lu tbe nefghiironbusd tiut ubave- no beaeutug ctiofn lcrthe(lo u udtiti 'cicomtdfans os thuir Stote DBail. Thîsis ili, iowever. post ef ie tfefuaud tons r-as eresteil nuiet coumideauioni. t-qualis.' lontie ici eîi uing lîcre as (Les rii (icre.« il has always bt-en possible te -Tht- prince v.c, a scout lu the l u or net lce ablt- to open uînuilue1 fil luis bause v.ftb littie or uo tronuble. Rlteciinetic uuuucîîai it--i îung utf tt-ept-iai Light 1iîcroe ca-aIr>' and r:îs ni-eitanlu ivt-onuieted rhich wilf lue If lt-e rontemîulated plan goes I.aielie iuty iitiulers ilt ie kiîik twîce reunilcî le telle the- sborî,! i ahbeut Fet).I tiltTiti citange bu platîs lîroîiih-hcreservoIr r-il ue e- Prt-iclii--nrs'Asnoifbtiiuwril Ilcefîlul un bow lie r-as iiiirîumtntalin savingnecessînanil tic getio ont o! a u-r fangeoilgreatlleb>' measio f dredgingig T- Tua Il Hu , it- t> i-ie onialai. -,tic lie or a .tciticîr^wbo vas r-oîîci ,uhbsoriinfîlu tper. lor. ('ose fiam oeil t!i.t iN Il ncrease tLe svoptly.An uI.JmtuM i, ii iilui--ls. i u f h- co enabfht.-fog iUt-su ieonla îit ire finîtse man) lImes aselarge as tlîe cI tu iiid i Icit itti-l ,- umtcNtti IioThis mou's tcî c as Kiteiten and toîahîttlacllii t t clîlhl sulîscre t-lon anc ti ve at Cpreseut nltic put np. The iatesl fnventious Il ele rcttînt- andIrie fîoisling modhiuery viii Lye insh a Iid andI t wil l e uccesar>' te insfaif a leege force of lutn dorne the ire coting season. Letb Raffcct>', land lu nortfîwestnte-- fourifi, nortiîeast one-fourth, section 27 J. H. Bohenstelu andl wife te G. T. Deerfild tewnship. Q,. C. $5. Rogers. tvo lots lu Lake Fort-at. Deeds Hannafu Nelsont 1 P. L. Ssenger and, $20. vifs, uorth 67 feet esaut 164 feet, lot Dortitea Onsom. Lu Dothea U. Wood 18, section 16, Waukegau township. ruS, lot 3, subdivision o! lot 46, Hlgh- Q. C. $100. Woodi. W. D. $1. Deforea Roe>'le Carrne A. Kendal, W. H. Strmng et ai.. Lu Hugene tract o! lad lu Cuba township.Q. Oblean. el tvo mils, northwet One- C. $1. faah. mtthat oiié.outhl. section ,BSrah Plaggé and itneband ta es- $ tAtlo4 townsip.,-Q. Ç. Il. taté of DEn Fiatslot t I lage of - --lau Bodeaandi vfsue tas-. ,Deerifle. W. mD .-iO tt.-it.- ý 1rd imict'i4:tci- t iluttvil l 1,heic MAY HAVE TO APPLY FOR LICENSE TWO WKS. AHEAD 0F THE WEDDING.-ý Au ameudmeut (o the present I11- noa marriage laC, (o provide for the publIc aunounceunt of contemplated mariages tva Ceéba beforé a lcense la issuéd. vas proposeti by, stitcatova. réformeras imd tuIlasThurada>' la clmo .fo1ovlmg thée «pommure o the IMUaliéof thé peacée cndlage qumcke ln thi e «esyblook. b&ffla* b5UI 7 AO he was. a Ini î~l the fattoa heavy fie PrliierImmantielgti lit wouuiled monnpor the- saile Ijebloi bfm sud lie t-c lîctîteiloff. Tht ei-eps fired senalitsiiIl the filfets a-bletled andilsitiieked b>' tht-m anti (vice tht- sret t vs btseLe rode Lebinil hie rescoîr. The vounde vere ual serions, bnwever, and he recov- ered. inter. Tht- bores vas ai o wounded os thes galloped off but Il lcept up ils porc tlI thé>' vers oui o! danger. Prince Immanuel vas Invited ta attend a canferencé of the overseer sud oMeiere lu thé cotmolirooni ei tho Ad'nistratlon building titis ining. He. vili remntla nth~e ci over Lord'; day au s guest ot Ut Volive andi peritape hé WM lI am>long the er caPIr. As tai-a kLtovn cor-tifr. Soi lt-t il nt-îîîî.îîîc ls Iank ihîî me ln-s-c 1 loatio. iNr.SneuIl anîd Mr. Ilolit s lih t-ti scî tthelieutw ank builu fnug iv iCi fît, sali-. A mai-îng r'Ill [h icîti îîcct r t o organize. It fs ex petled iiuîîiaeNorth Ciiagno nian ril Lbe efettu peeideut. 102YEAR-OLD WOMAN fS DEAD. Aunera, Ill.. Jan. 14.-Mrs. Sopbf a Eugland, olileet Kane county (Illinois) resident, <ied titis morulng at ber home lu St. Chtarles, Ill., at the sgt- o! 102 >eare. Site vas Lorn lu Swed- eu and up to Cithina fent days of her lasti lIms vas a rogular attendant of ait Lutherau dhuroh reéliqit ansd so- cial gatheriugs o! ber borne lows. PAge sovi AUTOISTS CANNOT ESCAPE THE TAX 0f PART 0 f A YEAR Secretary of State Harry Woods % rites that there bas been a miscon- struction placed upon that section of the automobile law relative to lif ceuse tees, lu that many persona are of the Opinion that by wsiting until P'êbrusry or Marcb, or even longer, before obtainlug tlieir licenses, the>' thus cau svoid paylng part of the re- quired tee for a full year'sUene la other worda, If they slip b>' for two or tbree months wfthout befng ar- rested tbe>' can thus cheat the etate out of part. at least, of the fee tbey ebould have peid. Mr. Woods tates (liaS ail cars registered tu 1913 muet psy the full tee Of a licenBe ln 1914, whetber applcation Is made for the f icefise aith(e beginning ofthlie near Or Juet a few days before fi ends. The graduated seule of tees for aulto registration afpiiJes oni> to new- 1>' purchaeed cars. Attorney' George Fifeld appeared bc, fore the pardon board on Prlda.v a1pi songlit the puiole of Cari AsbîýJorn. men, who wan sentenced for the mur decr of a conilanlon at Foxc Lakec. h was îlaimezl Ihere wre..extennatlnz c,ýrcumstances. CHANCERY NOTICE. Sitt- i I liis . Ci Oiîî, (i Uu-,e i c r otu:i Lr; t, i , (- iiiiitî Nîîrîýl V llîlr (Ati, \iîîa.t.ifWrh 11lîgitt fuil, T riitit. iuna 5~i. E~lizabethi Morrisliais> E. lieri-, luulihiMorris, Uiailb c0.> Viareu, je- nef h fB. NfMorrisc, Benjamiilin F. Morri., Eiaînet G. Morris anîd Samuîel Morris, fi) Cfianiery, No. 6617. The rciquisite affidavit haeîîîg beeji ili-in (lic officeof the ClSrk of safld Court.Noicce tliherefore lieiely ivI- eni tu tle said above namneil ilfend- ants (liai the iilove nameil Uoîiîlata arnt hertofore Oued hi. ttiU of (oui- pliaint fît said Court, on tht- Iliaîice.rv aide (liereof, and Ofiat a sennts tlîcreupoii fssncd ontof salitCourt agafîjot tht- above îiarned ulefenilunie returtioble on the lirst day of thterni o! thie Circuit Court of Lake Counîy. to Le ht-id ai the Couîrt House in Waukegan lu talid Lake Countv. on tut- Firsi Menday (if Mardi, . A1). 1914. aii [s i> lar reuie-d and which salit fe stffl pending. LEWIS 0. hROCKWAY. Clerk. WaukegaI.llinois, .ianuary 6tL. A. D. 1914. C. P. Bornes. Complilant's SoicI- for. wkly Jan 9-16-23-30. Notice is hereby gicen to ail pi-reins întoreated Shat au mntaliment of ton per cent of the sesesement iSI 10w due for drainage purpopes fî,r the yesr A. D. 1913. upon lands lying witbin the Seace>' Siongh Drainage District lu the ('ount>' of Lske aud Stateof Ilinoîs. sund the salue muet Le paid tu the unidtr- migitei Franklin 14. Keru. trescurer of msid district at hW Ie ile ibe v.iage of titertyvilie on oîr ht-fore tht- lOtl day Mareh, A. 1D.1h14, sud lindefoult of sUeh paymte. the eleral trm t. 0 àland upon wiîh ssid finetalîtuet 1reuisîrs unpsid, a ili e srîld apcording ta lsaw. to psy fie amount roI sut-b futîtalînient anîd mtss t llsted tlîîs 211d daY of Jaui,-u ý Franki.lin S. Kern, Trouîsîtrr fRn O 9ii6-23-39)î i-tlia t lt an-s t-ui iî tc W clierhi irsilitagaI piriiit-ai hrèIltenitr 'i il. 11:l upuulands Jyiug rhiti hh t1 'iWest ilfitkut .itîritmg.- I tiic-tt in ilit- (iiuiiî> ca nut if dSîuiî- iof Illinoîîis. and tlit, sum nilt tfut fie aiitai t lie11e ieilieil PranitîloS. hi-ru.trelîstirer ai -aid uistrirtat aishiettiti i thle villaget- ui Liiart vvillei- u uc r ftlî tie 1 tfi titi of hlarcf, A. f). f1914, andin udilauttotf lui-fipainliîts. ti.- e s -t ah iteil ciio landl upon wr lîtufuaimd i titiiItrluit Cmi-nsti liîiiti, ri i i iii-oei iictiiig tuu iaw. tic ilS>'tfî-ihuaiciitil u uch li fnetaliîi.-it andltcn, Iae ia-Jthtie 2îî f it clJaocutan>A, 1). 1914. K-rii u crît, Treaiseitr. Jati. h916-23430 MYIJI-CKi[k. & lIES IECKER Atits fer Euti. Adjudication Notice. Ini ci - 'c iii-te trIcy cii ciilitith Stc s f. nti-icr î i thile last rii oil niTstamen-t tut A, t is ,t-a11i ci acte nad tct.iutth'.i4Laike i îcîti. at uta t-rtc ici~~ Mtc tlt îil-ie Ic, Il-tfm 1. u 'Ailog. sidci -cuthti Itu ront Mo-day tý t NaI.Il litSI.9it. tieit oand Wsere-&Hi t 1cc mOutlre<liie ictil II tt-etl eit- viait-e ii MA lCiI A A f'fiitil 1F. fEect-rtsii ofteest il et-t] stsIieil-hMari A Dli u,. di-eae-lý MN tilt Su tOit fil- I ouieon 'c 19 BIEN Ml. MILLER. Atiece.y. Adjudication Notice. Publiv c Notulýe It Sertbt riveui tat tiese uit sîtîlcet Acfuotaftrator ut the Estate oifrance. duusr.uaeased. mcli attend te ounly, i.atlrt (IfiLake (iOUUi(Y At a terrat tierea o tasb haili-o mt thieCourt Housesfn Wsukeaas. fn Raid Coanly on htin ire.Mnday of lMaya n..xt. 1914. wben sud sher altisa-ou s ciaIma agaluol ait!2 SamIs a-e uottfled ài4 Su Qscelrd 10 Preft ' Utlime samue te,-wdd Court, for adjudication. GOImEa B. ZIxMEa, Admisluwuto. daukeas. lu. Jan. 5. lais. Prolessiou, ICwub DYMOND L AUSTIN "ona, Insurance, Remd Paae ema Hom eRent1og& Office in Kaiser Slock. LISERTYVILLE, - ILLiNots. ELHANAN W, COLDY Atiorsieyat-Law Moncy 10 Loan on Good Aproved Reel Estate. Office hn Triggs Bulil dp LIBERTYVILLE. 1L4.NOIS. LYEU LH hRS ATTGitV-AàT-bÀW Libertyville - Illinois Lut-eBilings. RIe, Phose 012if, ffielPlioue 18 MARTIN C. DIECKR Office Opp. 1851h St. Electrie t Btsuo J lILe Phone 848 R.... Pbono 1366à NO:ITH CliICAIIO. ILLINOIS PAUL MAC GUFFIN. ATTfORNEY AT LAW. f.ihertyvff le, Ililnols DR. 0. F. BUTTERFJELD. VETERiINARY SUTROEON. 1551lIAiST TATZ V£TERIiIÂSLe*. Lîlertyvilli.. Illnolâ p.ý h e ý.1143 M i ai - lt , L'bsclme s i. Mi. Graves-- AUCTION EER 144 Elmwood Ave., Waukga, See me before nualdng your date' DR. IL V. SMITHI GENERAL PRACTICE d..11 m 'te f0 . aM. to 4.and 7 te vp.m. Qie- 0cr, ly uteritur.. Store. SPECIAL ArrENTuION TO THE E TZ LIBERTYVILLE. ILLINOIS DR, 1. L TAYLOR Office in Firut Naional Bank B uitdisg douuso:-l to 3.30 %id -j 4 )i m tiesldemet in Broadway, opposite Park LIU"rC) Vfiie. llujom. DR, GOLDING DENT18,T Over iet.National Bank 0 fice Phoue 1 9-J. fie. Phone 157-J. Libertville. Illinols - DR. A. H. CHURCILL Physicien and Surgeon Offieove.. Ducker & Bond'@ orne Store Hou»r8 Io » A. l. lo a.7 Io àP. M. 8peciai sttentlo o Ies, Sac. Nose and Tbm GLASSES PROPERLY FITTED Lîbertyville. - - -lîlînoI DR. EL IL SMITH. DENTIST. JYELARb COUSTY NATIONAL BaMa. ouzà-8 te ià s. m. sand 1 tu P. a. UbertyvUle lîltiOle PUBLIC AUCTIONEERING" Ciomet uattentiomn Pau4 tuarranglag auction sales sund Lest reaulte lu hsarW - inr saute. All kimide-of boisfe, wagon@ »id hampesm for sale or fichange et ail timss HENRY SINE Phones 148 or 48 ZION4,CîTY. EL. J. Le REDDINi,: D.V.M. VETERINARY SURGEON Graduate Chicago Vet. Col lae office et Reaidence, 779 Grand Ave. Phone 1136-W. !,RED GRABBE, JR. EXPERIENCED AIJOTIONeUR Live Stock and Farm Sale a SpeeiuIy. Fua Referese Cors. Out aHa s Telephone 261-.L-2. Ares.Illinois. DR. VICTOR C. HOEFNER OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN 215 Miadison St, WsukegaDL. Office Hours, 9-12 A. M.; 14 P M., 7-8 P I Soudoys by Appointment Oui>' Telephone 226. H. Je P OILE General Auctioneer' FARM SALES À?SPECIALTY (jet in> terme before eogaffiug jour'su. tlouser. l've uothlsg l Ioi »d*ev. fore eau gire my individumi att«MUnale My custiomere. w udglotatO4btv 1 - - 1,

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