PVJ >N A WALIKFlAN' 1NE~EEEN.T iEEKLY -SUN jx 23s, vol $1.50 if Hiai a HM p. W. 7.80<Ih Fuls'M..s «W CoamMr Libetyvnli. does't Iwwft béblofs biné ftgautunt. MoI4 i «sUt hlm a valnable gold ve10"sMd se»met Is he $200 tu b Se Osi eugrtiamonday evena. 1* we 4iest11:30 that Poulds. sleaIg flou ishe Ubertyvîlle htel *11M Wu 41010or la is nurey, decided ~,be *u 'Sivsa unto a race tràck ý7 wegbe Vhs vasilu the botel and ~ ueldj..t msmtioned bo W&& ready h % Setrat Mr. lould's home UM4 "q late drectlo.asd h.o oered1 M« bê~A #frWsmh. vest. 9 yWooeMt tlu the. be5 ost viti t- e iwMr*su d te driver t&rW i *KTber b.d as e o fau hsel wesr. wiio appeured tu bo gsttilns *W" fhé mmredrock anltfig tiue UBflse uie i.fsctory umm pubshu MM buten cd h.ossmlasiy fsii out ","« t Serise Tii. ris oaUuusd ou nd t vas but a $uot ime 18er fiat 3iilds M bhlé watobaohb.daulInt et hls ids sud.hetanluslkted ta, àd fiat bu v4lob sud allet iiehi con- tiluef sou $200 hicash. btd dis- as às çoncladed that the mIlan- au bas "tcbed" hm sud izien&JIl bb s vd>usiiou-lie fat once ordered -lb *fer. 10 lui-nabout and flsy ~~~~t g«~ne . e trace of the felllov t me m a. bils eSope. eaclkV e6oral, vas ~~ Se wsemt dtU but ~ ~~amfedlao tuert-st rom is 51Ouce otlfsd- tOu Idi-> «"Ms, Weukesansd CâlooPo& éll. e. isst mem 10fteesetri sid - ë.raiusé stitioliasud ursmus- bid »elusto thesfellov was oh- 41 voualmt take $É~OO for the. fal& vhieh la probably vorti ociy obà $10.' salé Foulés, latlmating gset itlwusa keepsake. 'oflimîe athougi hie -ib loe isnDot baby vaur- bue. fHe l about tonty years oîd md éfethfe general character fiat la oecetbasSIA about a tralnlag ti-.ai. Tbroqas as-attorney, 0. a.G0000. bwo Wee ms u iufsI l elut cout Mt 1 *d.i$iulbg tii-ais 10 ukm ex -4l o«m«aus atmdutueibelleseie 1%isg irM aM-ed about Oct.1% 1818. t Wiui.g M sd b.d lveé ta- -mi do à» Md asasévit util Ies14 - U1; i of W isr en mari-ls.the -~ efeéan gesuxsouthe ecessitve ai latoutetibt- Uquore iuil h" $4â liai optactilybean on s Wm - o eias be.nuit tu attend ta bis t~occui«patiomndué Iates. Aloo-oie tha ho ia 1 bus leea 5011tiftex& =4 mirepested eael<psuan dit- limes mincth.&eimiusl am. 4 liuc. inlid né- abuselb treaffl ber s.M bad io*M vue 9>dabusive lamnnage tovarda her a»i thfmetemed ber lie.as umber et *-es Nmt Agi-il10, 1918, ho, (ah. - fti)pinkiber nm'ltb ia s fi ani "ye l p- loaWim-thon liot ber il t.on Aprn i 15 191*. slé . *Wwâat traeeverl blowsv ual M0o fatlà tSe ýf"ad bock Md 4~ ~ ~ bi qoiu 0kber. A osn au e àayi e Ler4it ho91* b tlds IN. 'z'Tu R"èTi CAL la Circit court titis moi u idge Wbituey satwaddjudsm.nt fashat Cm Zion City treSurer lu onnectle. wifl the rment court "ction wberelm Voliva brouglt sait 10 iMaoathe ol4 par intereet on the Mion Cky h.II bonds, s motter whlch lias long boum The. Judsmobt la assinit the. trous. tirer. "d therefore muet lie madg, is fomi enterlng thus blus ng aatd qrlcter for Volîva. These bondsamr the ones lsusd bhDowie y«ms e mdVoliva's action was to foeqp- "et of the i'teront The jidsuet was for $12,714J. FoMor eoogrqsuuan lrm portant statemfent. IS NOT ALWAYS A ýSUCCESS. Diiii Wt ail Depends on the iWlffgjissof thePUblio to Use ttProperty tie OPeRatIon Of the iitiaUIve and ur«du. le a great succes or a Wiest fallure depends entiey opon tis oharater of the cîtigens uing f- Ito la fie opinion of Poi-nir Von.j A F th R d aTH E a S e 5 ., l og th- le glaative d v c s l teacher 43 yer Ot a ffSWtzerlud and la nov returnlng to secure the, rsstoretion 0 e t vamil i.Vi. lt tas for school Purseese. ta taield 19'Under aAsdmocratic foriof zoo- fie reports thit s M >tesh< at fimeu rn.meat," saléMr. rosta tthecor-__ the. lite cpialM eis- respoaplint of TIi. i"lY Ifews to- clatie. held lis Ia mmuil melangdaY. «'fault cnnot bh o=onéla fie ab- atr e Ila omrl. feec i u trsot vifi ibese 5ev p rinciplee, but ia rmeltdil fi 0 e le0fpi-actlely tbeiare lmited te, the mabw ho remtedin te k Ofune the.votera mli. of 11cm. Thun millions usch yeuxrsnd the ddh'telpIr t hey are. ot altogetier satsfactory tlou, of the. veier o scol, i. shovn la*Uvitulmud boam many. clU- liv the. income for AsObolPurPOMesla Sensanldffereit la poitiesa se tuis stae. î Vhre quetins, of the grvent nm- In 1870 thé Ivo moii tai equalleé tiomal importance ane onourmed. à motlion dollsarSd fiheo*ooli Wr Amy on. vho has empafl ed li - sounishîns. Thax ontue i oe r o~> f eigille vOýtn l lth nited àpproa. $.000000par -nal l a e. vifi fie mumber vWho atnaly Plac of the Ivo Mi ta]L vote reeély s.çs fla' fie au» lu- Fora s evyears lhe eM us at- iff erence ta olic eit tgr cient. lut, vbeuesUOtOi-5 reBlised"ruxe intiative sud referendum aie tht their magnifioeut sehOal iJtOlutruly democratlc Inttutio:u, but de-i was llpping lebind, and ma"e Msoe-- mocrscy demadefiat olisens Imdl- fort to, Set s heaning bef or. te lê5ls' vidmaly taie uon the»Mevou the latars. their &PD" a ere fargotten respousllulity of geveivaat. It la ln the rush of sPoila poitics. Seïr .olema It &i o UIMM flet-- Tvo yara àue ii eglaadffl selves, an thelasiwe et tV» daY and a motlion ta fie datribuaiI ead M & uaccoyn . w ai-«.%M éo and agab l l seYr &à~ IRMOIR thion th* fie d* ii< d vrÎft 4%t us adéed, PrSovilas&atotal Of $3,00e, opens fie vay t he fiehrlut Aases! Me tule MUOlltd for 114U______j_ Wliat il viii mssa te secure fie ftl two mlit tsax leMay bu ee voold îustsntly roviée la 4 oSe' u beou 0f $4. W*e ele a fleevelpmo.t flaeqs'uhle PAbV I# 1 souxool svswemI Tii. complete protra aéoPted la fie form of rmoletons by fie sa" tesclilos lady.enovers: 1-Tvo mW l ax. 2-MInimum vase for teaciere. 3-lts vwide taera' pension. 4-Lai-soi-Pcbool mat fùr tazatIeca .né adminilstrsationpcrpoee. 5-Eunployment of superinteadieti. principale- sud tesohers for, longer1 tei-msef"n on. reai-. 6-tate supervision af echool build- inu plans. 7-Vocatianal corses as a part of present sohool systeun. 1- 8--T-nppoltatiUcmqof pupla teansd tu-rn rural achoola., -9--Educalômdsi rvey of s"te. 10-Moral and religiom ns ntruction. il-Use of soboola for social con- tans. Tvo téderal prusmers ae leing haléi lathe Laie.oomsgMU a star lie- las liound oven USýbà'e Iséligrand Jurl y iv fm1tO UtilesGomulssoner Muocn la Chicao loMsy afiermoon, md6 la anier $500 Imés.- Tue Prisomena aré: William havis. uSsé 31. of Tenne- ass. Muret Gadé>. aged 22, of Bt. Louis. Mo. %he couple vire ciai-gsiby feders ofeer. viti blingsallif e tltin fie Mann vhlte save mo at la tkgt Dm- 1vis brouglit fie woSi frein St. XLo r teChilcago vuere tlr lsé a d aï su vn er. living togehhr. TuIre voma vsp uueteé some dmy ran. and wusheulii Mluà Wodéstock Jul u aff tmmnotl-bei'Mondai tDavis. vie. taie. te -ChieMt ws plaosla4-irons hy ielga Iap bil vas 'Isared lbe hIni a f fort ta "eiscape.1 > Itu. violation ofthfel.white slave el utas ciaied hy , the pgomment ýI eieé lutSe-1apWWVo w -mâo n U01104 Ù10 CHAM-ION CORN GEOWZNG YOUNG lMEN. Vernon Young uîîen wvho mîade gouîd inii utest foi'-big eoi-îî in V\ernon townîshîip. Readinîg froîîî left to îight, the boys aIrt (baek-row): 1krniie Seoileî-, Willîtrd Hank, 'Ray- inondl lIaben;, (Bottoiu): Hecrbert Barreut, Joseph Steen. . To croate a sweter Interest lu the, ond and third prizes, amocuatlag ta 850 production otfla1-"tcorn yleléa. a 10 fthe boys wbe vouid enter tlie con- bay'î corn club vâ&,Àwnized lu Ds- test for the largest acre yleld. Of the tric 104 Veron twnshp, trou moyéen wlio repoîîdd tu tbls oSfer. trit 14. erun tvnmlptbrugbonir tbree mplle<l wîth the requlne. hie genoi-oity of L. C. Bron of La-! mente. Orange. Ill., a cash prise of $10 aud Now fie agilulturi-s boad an coi-n 10 plant muid acres vas offered. 111cm. interested'la tu.e coi-n club loin Seven boys eut ered the contest, ofbauds, vile thélie-t National Bank tIese, tour complieti .wltii the recula-Icornes ta thei- reacue; lu supplylus tlonm of the conteet. liavlng the acre 116 for oach of fie four boys vbo mesiureé sud the coi-a veigieti. completed the contest. and $10> foi- Pereyî IcLaughlin us»te vtnner. -eacb of fie tiree boys vbo ver. un- Charles A. well knowu I was srrested4 bthe Waukegan1 a seiles or crin the Wauiegan or tbr-e veeli committing sev lune Instancet tack upon a y tention of roil pieus acou l i lt la thougbth ing before P<l Taylor toinor Foliowing a nion@stbat F% lCieLTyrreil Tayl Statl terÀ von la 1 Pout $3. felli Panc s t maoi 1 g the imi t ~99W w U v D5 ~ V ith a yielé of 72 lusiielsand 41 fortunate inneflt navîag trcr pouada. The average ylelds ofth11e meaureé. othrer acres was 69 buhbela. Tbrougb This monoy offereci as pisies la t0e WUieau, Jamuani 21 a aileundpri-tanding tbree oifie boys b. spplied on 1the expenges of attend- the Fred Pohaifer,.'r veli inOvi Plumb'aithIhir Scoi-n lu ch a condition lacthue University of Illinole. durlas W.l er la Higbll ark Pand é ho up toa thfat it coutld not le Moesureti or the hit course. The boys vlicee .. year or tvo. ago wusoy. collecter veighed, lut the- corn vas a good picture appears hers, are novattend- I wl ýuf thaI cilr,.appeareé betty. Circutaverage. 1rug 1the University, througb 11e-son- ty Jlidge Whitney 11115 moralus mid cou- T, show Ibeir appreclation etfUthe erosty of tbouce wbo have no. hibralli CaU tessed Juisaient la bie. suai of $î,eo efforts of 1the boys of Laie county, thec -outribiittd in their beuaIt.lpai ln a suit brongit agalast hlm for mon- agricultural board ottereéftiret, sec-- A FRIEND OF TITE BOYS. teni ey retained ln exceas of is regular ste, tes. The suit vWs insatitul ysé Bp-. sort i-vison T. M. CarieTii. action by £UfÎ ~~~ te vnIer. 14 addregsed te th o ~urity a Scbi.ufei-todar vhereby he tuirup 0v- rii ug.Telttrbit al oe er the money, causes tie suitto e-10 lO HE dg.Te t laoterircuit catisee and fi p bl Duitthe tire. years tiiat cauf N. SUORE DRO MA(Ete onauso1h ed. *oeordlng te fie allégations ai su:- ACI AS AUmi NDED an u-ectton, at whlch tbe question of envioClarke. $100la n aM of hie wbettîer the- district shali bo orgeais- tee oif $1.50 a year as &**Mved I lav, - - d te voted uPen. - The Ï&v statu tfit a copelormi ieM TRUSTEES: tWe tain 2 Per cent-o e j a mey ey .col, important Feature elt he B11ifll mJrt e bevtS et hl lents ap 10 $1.50. Obiuer Clark, Whloh Will Aid Wt*ikgans 1e lnfat-or eofuuch organisation. 11theiBc pouleuéed tut Boîefer bas retala- Sewg atr ed ail tfie 2 per ;aeut commission. aeM e. county judge agala caltis tgether the Eî 1 cii Hie Instituted putt selttfie for-,hotird et juuugeeaud, tbey dvd mer collector abouta y;Mr agi>and th HOW UT IS (JRfi IZEIJ. distrtct, accordiug te the pulab, 4 "c a b een érassins abus 'ever - bt ievraau pon rse h sînO& c.Boteer, it la salé, vas lu- Brief Mention offte-Different ifor,,ai yrd. Tdhepin t-u st e s aî$2 toi-aide fiat h. ba no enled rialit tu Thing$ Which the B%,Md Has fm aag 11.alr cfThe istr it 2 theý a n& e tmu, fl-Isdlétu avemng h farso h itL M actuatel lm lno u ng slas maent.Power To i>oPOWERS 0F TH-E DISTIqICT: h This attion establimlies a uniqun The district bas poier 10 provide rigi precalent. for She psu.e conditloa,,of lu i vev of the noveliiOit ta pi-ovide for the disposaI and Purification ofgo affabig existe lI other townshpsi na norfi shoe drain pipe liîch wil sewace and te preeerve tii. vater slip- e fie conaîr. notably in Wauiegs nludie Waukegan tla lhe Plan fer puy from contamination. il unay con- sol towevahl. runnlag sevage down tIliS shore iuo struct and malutain coudûltus ad tien thl Tierislias b10eauan gitation h herS11eWilaiette dranaisge district.thue cause the mosu getao loto con- li for several years 10 compel tovn col- iîaune - ditdceso channela fote - tosopsy aven al lan sxesa ot>liereopoie of telwtnO Whiçh heie itdthe ro te lecars10 antary distrIct; trust and préserve $1.50. ut u taSe peset Ure ha prpo8a Imro't-met ati th1e seewage; acquire rutI andi person- neyer basbboum doe.. peedé lection witt le helé. le et lu- ai property and rigs o f vay vîthin At lie P-usent time a fnleniîy sut tarenlta nortb 5hore i-cu dents., as fol- or without the district by conéemua- 2 assimat a fai-mer lova collectai- la lots: tien or purchsfmu; lirrov moaey; la- the pendlag ta detenae wvhetiier or ot Appi-ovu Juie 5, 1911 sue bond$, uhetu approvué ly a vote WB lie Sust return ta fie tavulahip exoeuoesea n 0 11.of 111e people; previde for fie payaient - t eem hoe liasolletoé indéJo ,11. et latureet îy a direct tax; let con- ato TERITRY ttracte; levy and collent taxes for cor- vu COUNTV COURT.TRIAL CAI.L. nue teuitory teo ele lcled vîtialporate purpose10 bite asunt 01 one- i th -fedistric,-t eliai bu vXIilua e-bgle rhait et 1 per cent oun1e-vlus Of thée $1- ThUrsy, Jrury 23md, 1914,-4t,-uty si-d ainlclide luio or more taxable property; permit. by contract. te, 9:4a. ai. - citles. unCOiratmt-d toy.a Or vIlages' outalde -e torIiy ta drain Ilobthéedis. Jul, G. T. Oeifl va. Jobn G. Crsvfdré. liai territai-y vîthi thr@jI-eo mu ee- tuiet; centre-ct for the use of thé chan- b laveuls .,871vester vs. Vll55. 0f -Of. Inets oi other dîstiita. Inldalntue -tauElR -' OROANIZATION f Chtcago Sanitari District: sué upon 1 y ChiMÉlo Pense vs. - paSxe-T anipul- The mithoti of orgiaisia the dis- providîngsosins othetr Methôd 0f sew! Pol 9 ýý '. -triet Ia as follovut A gestion t» sub- age disposai. preleal the Pollution, 1orf1tri pguhplS VM I5 q - mit fie quetion of-tirgatUUlallo 41Say vater supply ti1 11edisdtri.pci Waulcegan, January 21 him under arret, but lie coulé neM Fuk,23yersold. alocsted ln 1the City. esthe polaice departiasats et ým Mflvaukee, 1takhie. Kesiocs.1 poWlcS and. cnfesied 10 City, North bloago. Lskg IM Imes that bave niYstIfied Hlgblaud Park snd Lliertyvi e ipolicé for the lait two on the lookout for the. tello" Md ks. Funk colifOsOd to arrent hlm on sight. .1 veral bui-glarles snd la On Tuesday nîglit Funk egiuli in havîng made an ab. lodgng et the. North Cheffl go youngas mmwlthlni- station bnd was taken la. It la Ob îbing hlm. Funk accu- edta t ho e d énqt now the PO the Cit poltce ptatlon. ver._ locihig for hlm. T ho M hoe wil l e given a lies- Chicago police reoogl"dhlm .ma îliCe Magistrats WalterlIned ti.1 elocal officers 111h' the r mvW Morning. ta sltntCheft Tirfl 4 are the algned contes- tZer tis mori"nud reÏ«U54 lunki nve _ta _AssistN un. He snd Police <t4 1 . .1-Mr lf ff lai- tus moraiug: Funk sud put hlmflrough a OU Confession No. 1. iiig." Fuk brie doamd Wsuiegau, MI., Jan. 21, 1914. completesoefesslo. laec, S terneiut ly Charles Funk la the no ont .15. bot from big o*124111 tence of Thomas Tyr-eli and Wal- 510U ho haé laancheé hit I A. Taylor-gays: career ef crime vhlch mloïit bm, 'lloa aatch and chain tram a cd sooner or ]star la no" o- mn by the name of Tyrrp.ll, living; crime aslb.o Mated l lnlY t"sla Wtaukegan an"iIt la lIn Chicago on bing the driver of0f lyo m'sse, k ati Plate street. I jnst sold il for Préclared tu nusur gly e ceaou Got o recetPt or don't kat w the Plsnnud te U" l4mi ee. low*o name. 1 sot -h. vaîcli onJ As au indication e t Iis im*0 day altei- dianer %bout 2 P. M. nIlis"Mer luin is.gosses" lmvu Ï l ylng on th. winéow siho"lhmbu plana"é ta reséer 114f ligned: CHAS. A. FUNK, unconselous vile he rolbefblÉ.boj Confession No. 2. ham:r v bd e Waukqtan, MI. the motel part of tue intom janvary 21, 1914. ti. ould have -dos. little h, tatement made ly Chai-le. Funi thefore. of a bleu Ste V the presence of Thomas Tyrroil and been'wie us isei S lter A. Taylor-Pays:. vifi a bebvy 40e'l broke, loto Lypn'e store aatuqrday fou". bidda" fa )mluq. Jauery 17, 1914. shout .4;. e& u ouyare got la througtk asopen lbook vin. 1 Nm flt omm W, 1 to fithemoney fiat vas la lice ho hadiatofaéd te u cash dn.ver, agnoumtlns b$4ote xe hijoe bveduee4l 1 vaut out au WWilntmS street tvoo rdrv. une il ett the docc naOOiOd.The* i ~ plc reh~ ýfor Chimss." uiit oi so ieIdi :- Pigned.: CHAS. A. PUNK, -tu"" m &e i-r rsls ousIA -Confsion Moi.3. ceofeasuséme b mh oýu Wssk.sat. IIL fiseIlammer slsyer! - Janizany 1, 1914. FeP uail aitliylu bis ewt. Statement mute by Chai-les Funkinla éelwreého bad Isie la v& la ee nc- e Of ThOMaa Tyi-rel asudLYa'sai-m ptti Bmoesr » alter A. Taylcr:-PSays: - Hoiethought liii vouas Mas vé* "On Monday noua, January 19, 1914, coaldereble momey ln bisgàs wau waling aI Lyona' lanon Coun- and ho lnt«endétaie Ibihlsen s treet for fie dellvsry boys ta H.eniddh. strabi hlatM 4 , p rue la vith their wvas, more la fac, inocklag hlm ldovasl Md xticalar Valentine Brosclbear. 1 la- have ueed hlg bamn»e . @L Wgli ndedto g0 et île money. 1ilntended b.d not the two 0111ev idso gel Il, omatterwlist ieans 1 r.Peaned about fila tinte. Tics rted to. Twaofiter drivera came la hlm ta taikoe l54t A 1 leftfor ZMon City. Ibtt Valea- S-gSi ue at* *bst 2 vîi mj b aud. iatendlng ta inock Puni qonfeepel alo flat~ i downand gel bis mohey.» bthe one wvlhouetereL@ luulstigg Pigned: CHAS A. PUN4 . lust Priéed . US * toe -U Confession Ne. 4. the c sdaer.tHe »W hoS# auw7 21, 11. o f the store, fia hebW bàUuo$# Jsnary21.191. the time. Aftoe teafl thSe atement aimée liv Charles Punkinlahliecalïbed 4eii eWý * prieeacle of Thomias Tyr-ell sud street door «dci vliec Mt " lter A. Taylo--paye: fie rabl4er, 100hoi" Mtq.s4M I t la thé 5 lia Y of aiDolen & la the mornm 1 Tibtg la a r>Ocier' s"d 100k i box 01 his Bout , «msot and tire. boxep of Anrov-mlntlime vas gemloair. tPutSe xdvan baiIt t Ciléso.damestore andi tua.litt asas oad and smre 1 ste. Thia bappen- hm ta uderstamélie 1 vo veeka &go. Tlien 1 sot bsh erem i ici book sud vraIe out s checi for pdoTou Ans .S W.ad got il cssheé saune vbere o A liWe mer vs i i-bel atreet. Wauiegau. Il viu la Atii. home 0f su suP,84 P* Llat saloon except one on tetf tioe 3~ oil au tX litbaad e. as you go 1- ova. I wL j Tyr e v i i er. coqw %Ul )titat casbed and then wvInta0Ci. o i- la nrelalote Sei UýMl te. 1 sîsootoob s ai-arofbutter and la no reOn svite he UMa 5 >I it te 'Hiot Taale Joh n.'nt tu ofwutchonua ldle g,ÏO le Sherman Mouse. Wasulei. 1 Sad itseWytor leavias- Id it fer $1~.V' tléthe istlm fit Mmfv In Sîgueti: CHAS. A. IPUNXtIt.hl . mmd. th"aI' ,anl" Confession No. 5. ber îaeuemud.vo la m. zpwt Wamiel»u. Ii. aith. ns latrinalse vils.111 -- Jinuary 21, 1M1. la about $m,0.but ae ho uet statuaient made hi, Charles Pumi la jmuai more beosus ilwu a lpiesemble of TtLombagTyr-eli sué ase. Pui ski:leholtiq lter A. Taylor-Barys: for $3 tu ChioSgtl. u WI> "I got bota C. T.. Gan's gi-osry sMy tbey bope ta reomin il. ®rs one nisht about 9 o'cloci. Il Fu's conefeeom as o M Us ene niffl ait veei. 1 den't lie otier tvo plaiseM-aregi ov tie «Mât 4bte. sMW took iabout prebensive. The Os.G=i &Imrr 15 ID 0" * lte ti i. 1 to &la Iocted tla»ae FWetý 3w tIns. te-lksasbottie et, pape ce. TuatIvas 1i11171 tou; fie.." travl.rleeappears is 5 Plgaed: CHAS. A. PtTNK- minet for ti ttIeseM»S»&. 1 ArreatedlaleNolrth Cluge. the omeosr voiT usoOn. U' F'or the Iasttev l aya auspicion imé"11111etoee mpob ve M ,â -w* llited tovhri Puni as the perle i. Ssieo, ~ *1 Lai- of fis vartona crimes ed»4 i.buss ot Wd we oice reS ailas g4a uetto gise. . -- A jor M once-e4co«m L and Police Nfxgjgtmtfiý ILL Pl top 0 a