CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 30 Jan 1914, p. 1

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LAKE COUNTY IN'DE PENDENT WAUKEGAN WEEKLY SUN VOL. XXII. NO. 19. TWELVE PAGES LIBERTYVILLE, LAKE COUNTY, ILL., FRID.AY, JXNUARY 30, 1913 ONE TO EIGHT $1 50 PER Y-EAR iN ADVANCE HO D R.FU LE 1 New Rule Permitting Road Su-I PRISO ERS IN CO. Government Adopts Policy of TWO BUSIIELS 0F Document Now in Hands of the pivsr oTae ihHaving Lights Burn Only Binder Contains Much Val- ON THE CHAROiI F I ura Car TriesW. th JAIL ARE JO BE When M,,, Is Hidden. CORN WIIERE ONE uable Information. YOUNEi W O M AN! beaftredroad comnisoner wll WORKED ON ROADS oasit 1 f n Seia n sala, $2-,04R E W FORMERLY " Tereor0fthIlioslgwa - atb ru ral carriers In the Inspection l.il94 'a cording 10 plans ut tout-if. 1911 anad 191- lisnom- ln te Prominent Doctor of Western ofrid. The new rule was annountei Committee Appointed ta Inves- ined.'TIe lnu ieg liîeiTi ste lnTa h o lnlic u ineaa ialP e ed In the January suppiement to te!n thegI-rr diTi s h ln htth l oftfilbuinder ndshrt in e re Lake Ca. HeId Guilty by a Posta Guide and la as folowo: tigate Wili Repart ta Board adxll fet Uarm, pIiit-. are Expert of Caunty Is Seek- fýrsr' ibuti on i, agehoatti as pro- Caunty Court Juuyare Instructedt pirtIVro B- That It Is Legal. are tri lie shut off onn ighI ' .ii th :a r Ot.i--lv illitirating. fi ogn Pe u- o cn--é neshaIgmuono slainarbrightly. Thie Proposatl i -ok u. hi re- are (I li.ptaco ou 1he"ogai STILL SAYS '9I.ACKMAIL.' direct charge of the higliasys ove WILL HAVE A GOOD EFFECTJ cas- made bfi the chier of th, (quarte'- NOT TO DO UBLE YIELD. aiillfiriipark dcrbt vhcrua elyruearin0mailleir', corps. r il"lsoeprepareti Py con- - whcb ura delser roles re n \, lin ii,-afors 1 1h' f flc if laor. a ciirtee re-port r Dootor Declares He Will Fight' erat.ntonlle rideuer flie routes witht Believed It WilI Have a Tend- 1tuIn tIi flTigstst athJFuît ,r iii linteAce0 iIB u- .vi l,ar IfaI it f il e Ii'150 pienci rrlcrriers when sucia road officiai» llgt iFrHaiftheAraeWl heC etathe EnCasavereatulifnggtii the Enrdorn- enavta Mae LrinCrime n ilîgro wln the miraîri 111 ficient and Rent and Labor nliViriii nî-'ltlIs' aneoftei uieln o n clo wt ' d s-ieuh b lie a yen -aîn; ,fi ilrlflic if, i iiiiis His Reputation. ta npcftion-Irfdu e u onnetio wilithe Cammunity. IL 1, o u ýtIhin fact, 10 1- g- i iti ln ill Be Reduced. ii.rau tii i isr Itiliîi ithe umak- fTle nt uieiin ile ra - icial aut-rit on b> the gove-ii-of , ut 1vif I iiiaaiîri aildclîîrrI le rijads, a Dr-atn ul, fWacna 'runae oea rewillie a gny urea a- Prisîiners iicarcerated tin flac coin- 1il ala estimatei tha iliiila ( By Donald Blair, Soit Expert.) -ilge ainiiiiiiiîf idel co ciiat, proiniet phygictailthfle cÔîantv andi fefdiits of roatis aio wlll he enabled t i--uIt fit if rfanraî pri, 00(a, w aîîlInth fraîf Mti pupe f ueirî'li-iu.i itai ait oiii'rae formerly itead of uavrg f5 ie !accorduîag i) it ýrIttri .I5111fb-1,e frc the ficsaine plaiî il iimad1e file ,.aIiiqi i Iilat Ithe o ai '-af ci,,s a(i Meici uoiey,'ss îcaiuîik cf rîi, dail aeateof 5 i mleshe madieIo ftue l.ake cilii boardi cf IL ai' 11051po ata dti o5t t i îîflabrigeial-ria lccord- Medlei Socetywas h id g JIl1ý (If oailsdail I. ithott gong to the x ili-unis) sia-fid Mflîr metingl. aiîîiiiniry caene. e sur (niiliailfra ru crearylritri: iil lIIdiiniavd .te charge matie agaitai h iii ii i 1 ,I, ai- (if horrse or auto laire. xii eriaîîro ut t li Iag !h Sin ecîtug lsh-1 -'ua e 1)ns. ('a-,ia . -.agi ai tunîIllohlaiI bîlleud intheliet el] >r'ara i filailisai'r i r ra îldsi- îal,îîi IIz. erine 4avi l i l.. ue l 'I ililcial delal iîg il.. fort 'i h j .sui fo l îier,iiid ,d ai ilsaîr il_ _______ te case Frldtay Ilia I'IERIP Tt IJC'IItannaîit lias- fîîr intc leng I siA~ vADE À i la tii'slralii o dioble ii,,aiî-e t The0 pnalyrsot i au41a 7 EDIC Ta NE,1nil es *Iun»S"Inti e RUN A Fi, or ropaa, itiuttt la t esîrable 'tuRALPIE CIITTENDEN DR. liroduce the saine yield on a smaller o f wa pîîfel ufi AU IJF'0 U IR nîtîner of acres, and wa it less abîîc.orÇ E JbEE I Months. :DLLKILD ~StilUUL mata> mei-ta irae If a practîce I)to SLinSS ç ni terafianels utUmre- The jurys verdircti a îîIli(' soe TfeIJ"whAL wil ILIushe bu mor guuly; itesc'rrid I ii I.sudfli SA IÂT 7 meoff'na alicl asIl ano ni oee areIl11nsiel.ii auares third balt.lTh.-e ilr- t cmili10 2foir S URDAY, JAN. tli24 a10 elcei pnjior filieLJ1 tear.Iff0bael 1r third 12 for gajillîs - ataler-tieýr4, tley get a siartn place e a-tii,' labo fpoig arwn l i to Ilitai>anIdtlenll> 10 af, waltlie PcMrs. Anna Maurrf Wa- lofaltnhraiglat An apicpal iaiiOi lai.a-, titi i made Impressive Ceremonies Exe- îîîg îîhîged lii arrk for il.ii;:, 'it iag aad harlestingandtii by Attorneyx laca li l;i ilfuîr tir. Fuiîara ueo u1ngteNw îex oi ae î-cîo aaa conda Sues Kirwan, Hre, rent as Icr11 ia greatIt- nire The Managed to Reach His Doar- anti lie ailhglal the cais,- ote ieir, ctdfrPt gteNw kegan sac lie logic of thc argument A Ir. A uph. aicranefproductiotn Of cornaforte Step But Swooned and Lay claimimag that lie fla the 511 tilla cf I ai k School Inta LUse. Iandt a t tie liecenîberomeeting 0f the Ars cSand u rpa airibeit per ircre baasbeen I; laush- Mailand as ade h,- býIç i ,!io_____epnciaa rNostioreinenîl$110e0FOR tcwBTES ariiNoeraembThere Almost Thre anos Han ur.r attack ay filie v<ulig îîîîia iiiJI'î,ordldirileiIled a resolîtthan aaking Lerefuseti1 iefra-I"ofari, THE BUILDING IS A FINE ONE th-' coulaîY Jiîl prisoners b e put to$1,0 FO DG BTE.îiidlklaacioetgthtIar- liortdoto he roadeif fhie couty.aThe - aierag,'îprodution lia-s lîen as hua IS FOUND BY SON-IN-LAW.i wlich iteItai ugin Iahitiilaî-rani boardl alpianieti a commiftee consiat-iHighland Park Boys Sue forafti-uniresieil,uahcla ftierae, t Onertehf le slong titillats mati'-bv School Erected on the Site. îng of Stc's Attorney' R. J. .Datiy. frov ent li matde thesiconac li,,at l oTl owI ap te defense an the case' fma Il ia --, W eeOdBuligBr Superr.laor Conradttlairman 0f lte iInjuries From Dog-Injunct- hae ieatrdlerocoonlUabeaTilHw tHa e- ordio kepî isy the doctiar ah t rore ' -"'a Ol' Publicg BuCa neitable filthallf ettiioxe lu, ed-Believed He FelU Down boardi,.a.d Siteriff ...erGreen, te ion vs. PublieServicegowscrn lacîeirt leas titan 26 bubil showed entries o!fr0 cint crî'dlti-e., ed Last Year. iliok loto- the malter andti l repiort iale ce n'c il uniyl lgtf tis aI aon oer th' ara r.îîlaîa Park attite March meetng as to the Three important ation. were iled a fair crop. Tiares limes 261 bualiels> where te young Sla'.inm inatt lad i îe ne. gratte sehool et Deefii legality andt adaisability of sucli a in Circuit Court. Th*sday. Jan. 22. i a gondi crop and 4 times 26 Puait- Sulicrîlsor Rlalphs thittentien of patd hlm varionus ufr ciitIoue i sesnstsepuaet rms itamdaesiosius- services. Ilf'%as argîtedti t îîr rv edx compîettrdy vei Cure.Onte wasa asuit rort 1I.0Magainst esfrsailtm poue. Ir" utin weree tur that If thier relationts br!huit' a aliâ ih atilrolrrlsfe exerrisps. The obti Ths conamîîîeelbarnom,'s lt'Pouror ocrupsare ueually afInt- :Safurday nigitab aoutî etkht o'clock. the girl claints tlaey sacra turlîîg ailf-rildnig allitc all s-rvedte village Ilsinvstigations aith the result Ihat saloonkeepers for maklng an habituaI Ijuteti o unta orable weaîiaer con-i j Mien lie felI doan a liglit of Biella, titeir report to Pce board wil! bie in drunkardti ontf a Wauconda man; dtiins Ba na(L frequetliis la lte larîiitag leadllrst on a rmn lie- tii perlti that stabc attld ntav ae for mI yît ears Ituritetilast Nari-lt . - mani.agei csier home beenendeavorng o reglari io a iii ftiieliîaise' a aere Inaien lia-favor of sîîclîaal action belngtakeni the second waa suait for damages ofl rruc cause. for ltera are but lew asalk.lie mngdt tg oe bee eneavrin a r.gulriyO 10>sa eoon as p aible. Untier lte cir- $10.000 for bites allegedti 10bave been anutianacrs dating 'hich corndues a distance of about htalf a block anti off medicalbll huiciti elleadl on-taiýl, s. ol boîard ft iaildti nifIcipta.cumalancei the board undonbietily matie by a dog.Itie third Was an In-, not sufer tore or liense atsoin, thcn fell unronocious on bis own door- tract .te r eti. Isr iaen 0f thal e roilftes illge or li uya. patit efe mdi- itunction action against thie Public stage In Il giowtit. Tite montat itaI 51f'lle trying 10 enter titesbusne. as ehown by their verdict ad tit Thte ea buildinag statd on the sie tely. Service Company, aeeklng t restrain L cao lie don-e regartiing lte catier i c 'sas not fourni uttl about anhour thisgenatinalcasedidnotterin- cf he ld-n a re rac-wel wod- In iooklng up thie legal phases Oftieml from seîîing pies inha acertan i lea10 taie lte best possible ativjn-. later mliunis absence cu h tits senyoalcae daot poiirint-ilta litrl ni h so I nte mtter lte cominitlee roundtirtittplace In Lake Zurich. alc flt oniin ta>e x ! .nitmbere of his fmlysteeary a man sentenceti to the coumty l An arrat onm airer. a Put ofthecareitiecions s te uaI Nr tetenhaseo- aurtion residents o! wstaernt Lake ctîuîaîv îaijlîlIk one foc a scbhoîl. The building fo utcecutcnoAlewrel nnr a uesbynbisJoter. utnna re renie fr con duction ta f r. uic eoingalfl sen f porteen felt il wouldith le tilmianal eoftfele i brickr honus'y isîfli snnltreoneosil frtrimrdutin.,ng hee. Il t he1I W ie defêdan. las ommdlos hllsandwel Ilht-on thte roade Only prilioners sen-ataurer, are coînllaîtouts e inte act- !nnd conditions Ibat are divectlynu- i ë Coliîtata>storeofallihie is a Dr.Flnantrdne] let rilad dlac ouvroioshsixinati l iglit as-tenced by hue ceunfy jutige maylie Ion for $10000 agaîntslle'se Waucon- dc' the contint of lte farmer, and t itriiter atdîti atartetihonte lirepar-1 afterwards tht ,tatetueut tîtadc, e li calli r oon, ftt c311 seat tour lino woked bunfiis maniner. TterefOre da saloonkeepers: Arhuîr E. Klnis fliese lialmake' possible the deu- aiory f0 stîeîaing the eseuine playing lte girl titalster te hirlt cf ta', ur, iîieoilc The bfiatement Io hIig a-lien ithe plsa ix maie effective, care IGeorge Hertel, Max Andiers andi Den lling cf ithe average yield per acre, cards at the home of hois on-in-lac. a skdJlglt-l-1ienntfoisand wailI be exercîsedt t sec taI as many tis H. Murphy. The Unes cf Improvement ihtat eas 1Nerman Broan. in death. in entier fo oe,r ilff lier i ! h-mrvdIl ,îIl.iig,, 1' la divideti l as aspossible ocfle cases are trieti 1n Tlie complainantu. allege that itlý and auiciiiî lncrcaaae flic lresent On lias aay lie afoppretiaItIsahome trouble. The girlfcoi thte sutndte'-ti- h n 'i, a lad-ainfîî ifferetfronns for!lte ouoty court. througli selling Wilflam Maurer lu- -production ffir acre are as folloas: of John IlcGansa io delîser an ornîlr a fait iehlldos o.t iail ad ilins Aafueoii Il 1i, pîliteti ouItlivte commlttee toxicants. the ralooiiîkepers matie[linst: mInci emetarfia tue qualît> of groceries. As halietelacîl outr of neti-ir ofitaI lieglanadrdonlatng liastlîat lucre arc mnatmniu'uinte cty l MIa a trunkard anf1 flux preventeditir he oeî'ti lanieti, oti nprovnont 1tlîe honse lac matie a tiniali uIitIioi SilSGIRlTIREAENE. aia î exît9- for th, c lierefuse. o support lteir familles i hlm fruttisupporîîîîg Iîisfamily as lie'iIn lhiicondtiofn 0frIle - aol, anud irtil..à lungei bead forl'naf'f iltia SAS auk TIEgan, Naa . a îî .în.of0fi a irfian i,'N v nîffîitoufir The plan la tvu havetlia se imen a last iadite pasf iWi C. iunnofutClii- lau î roe r'uucit ii i e th ouds of rulta- s-î Ilgli f Ip. le cip-ner fiflaOCn. hnuirlt'i.f0 d finireti on a chiarge' of nof-upport anti put cg isfi aa- alsKo fvallon. nItiiii of chat 100k plIse atier thaI. lfeaîite ftie tact huaI ('athein lo a-fii .7 n or1 aolathcaeChreKigo-'d edcnHwlemngptu akltsv svla. ih l aicontauia e w oîîaîî test. 1 i-%la' nrd i ,îfta finnare leîqsx temlto saont on tue noadti I$150 'I autganbieng the faîcaf attorney."lr- c' nrt ena[f a'tauatdf filet In ite case tliaCrcuit court Ihat JJI. l Ieu lt iKrebs andl S.a dav tte a onk ouIt oyfine tliai may a At. $11,000 for Biles. i;giiraI «ifi iiiid,-rt'd ulcittig weii uialciîn u ox i iusîo Dr. Mari tiFIer utpromirnt tif. r- S.iai" ia a iia'ft -IhtOf t' ziefl iiiîh lie asseseti. Thus as-hI lie no pari ir Oscar Lilntblouî. Ila> lias llntill fadiaîet I Liaie e5isaan d aalsol] con f- ten ecaili lallng dean flic seps ti ea dJlo uigteps Igh an liardaili t t eir fatîtil leafor Ilie> tlias ouedi H aroldi ail I laerer ant is l iifns "s îrnr fI I ot O aa îiaî ed la a tia llalaaia na fu uei iki a i r lofltalirala f w.a thiler.fa hie î,ieutis tlit iif u lîlfirf eh f reli ifor 1are n a itit rtnt g tliem a aysay, anda wife for $1tl inO lia --action Ib rl'un he ['fla rd aî fiiIiliateîlî r îl mî u st a O Oic J'rof oilef îîîfor t-aafi.t ildocl o thueat îî fiit - ciilieai ha-rvh air lîr a lter sec ithe'fin a feIt litat aller lhey have worked'cuit Court, alflgLUaI a tiog ow- se at rii n i idi frî luia.ifittIle norns iiili ti heaal 1 l1ilied baiIfd fi:' si l tl étîte if Ouat a setntetnce et tli s kit i ât t l I Y eti b>-tue tiefetdi aaai il hlm, inJir- -îitlel ine alng fr uii n îîî li at titath bisrefa tiens svil h l oii,. rîaî unrfaian tîflei dînrli* cii e xerfetfrwliingf0 g, i a ntforghiJilinf a-I ia-iot îtn0iai, man. one eInrtheeîa uatrtfi1a1 lae sarfuirotiewîla nlelermgneaioheara ce.nTlaem-ronîfîl 00f attîde ma f all iiysbil ai 01 ngiiîîrtera) The exercisits offlihe dedicaaion and B upport thlcînfamîiles. Itlalefig a <Court l-arry ,litihll,.ilaata. a brootherl cfrin aparnc. h %coldnt ndr cvn cehIl iianiînl. itie i hiluiren or iflic utiret]also thaf flue plani 5511putaf astolt)a <laar. mmcd tfor laiaon lte sa ine -o tî ltîî W I u I i i'rli -ail tItai-r Islandl u tottais t g hnig- Miasrî. in Furternuona. lit' adhedtihie racusa- r ýcBreootor,\Iii rm %i igr aiponsdt ohm al.Fn Iloin saiemnttr efec lk anh s iool funk a part iiiOte lînonniai.1 hie Practire Of see'tinagItîs geloitottcharge asitIa tile O il Ilaesers as de- Ilîtate. a illif alas'mafure bntri aily tue>'cailet up tire'ton',anti tlna saseieitit efcffîe hîaSua envsorainC.- a' ietnix cgale tire 1 tu. rousty ' liitui. -iell rle ine- i 1-- - -a' - a-._.11-____ 'I lidat en'îdet i ier at sanluiiîes. biior>' eY f the diatrict, he saldtihebu' Seerai Weil known loalaitien are Injta lalVant Haeacrsai--c tîtacked thim On thilepatIrular day uic camIîe 1pîeopleî'liati a i-'itf e ldprouatiof 1Ite couoty jailiaI tlae presemîtlUme soit j antibit tiieita(IIl ilifii dPark lasIý my office anaitasket i Oe te gi c lier, uder scbeîal Pecautie oethte Yeung omen probably asoulti net blieure If lte>' aSepîcoaber. J. G 6ý1, h atgte local certain iMedicine. i refuxîti te de f0. un,, oomeut il laad lurneti ouf, bc men- were 10 lie humîliatet b>' conking on i attorney. Site relurneti lale ndat againi rraitg, - fotteti onticf te olti teacîters osho tlue roati publlcly. Gel Injianction. saiti If I dit nol penforni naitopenation, later Pecanie metuiers of thie bar amati Il la expectedti ltIthec board wlll dt yod iaDmn n mattul bm erfr. f %'Io es ad e - o n rchossa pro-aote an appnopriation for deputies for Jamescp Iymouit of lieZurich tuday fesln.Sheriff Greenitol ses Iliat thme men do i before lutige Wfilfio Ii xre granteti I bld lier tu go auîraui; iaI iifas Mn. P. L. lorgenson relateti sonte net escape. The majorI>' fecil tatI a wril of Injumurfifuii esfrainiig lte' nol afraiti et surît a chtarge', but sIte norlis exferiences as a leadher lu the plan Isabite beat that lias lPieni Public Seraice tîîî-u from erect- atidedt lal sithe ît niake te publiceftfe nid sclueoi abouat 1(0 >cars ago; - tecideti upon ln a longdlime. Imsg palesxlnfroneîIi 1î-r property ni itelieve It Pecause thee xonalts mimd fbat Nir. Jorgencon la Weil thouinlat of -L__________ake Zurich, on Ilr. --st aide uft tieir le aiways laken oser flue man's. Sîha' oas caiditic f- fbl te lenrryl i pn rrn tLewsI, id's ftA/15rt alsn atidea l iaiftalaîr aI leasl euufti ton la" rectumi% rrnFE 1THI . D ATE opetye toc.,'gas f-r h ereasW ideln break ap tMy fractica if 1 tit i edo Sutt. T. 'A. Slîaaîson anti Prin. R. hi ad a j, oiiaywu as site wislied. L. Saudaiî-k of Hrighlandi Park, wene F RU J~IU n o ~0thcnetrnt lbftf fia.-ln oect "Site aenî b lit-n ofter at Wood- afito ounuiefrognaa. FO O JE TIN o tsnhi frrain1srta stock anti haler lier rthrilinlaw .t.. Ilon nthe osesti uaI-lience the ilu came ta my office and askr'ahnie wîat BURNED BY PIRELESS COOKER - Judge Persans Namnes Two gun fo W tin eroir Tfla coma 1 vas ging 10 do abonut ilsimd want-! Douiglas, arui. Jain. 21. An axpioti tCircuit i udges ta Sit With fpany lisafailaa gaauit'bt 1 wouldte sl t at te proper tinte. over face. neni, and arme of Mrs. J. Him in Hearing. village. "Titen came the complailu itaa îîîM0. Riea. oife cf a clergy-man at Mc- i Wautegan. Januar>' 24- EUGENIC LAW TO BE TESTED. lte charge was nmade agaînsl me jutf - , tent> cilles nonlt tii tenu f o- Jutige Persona titis morning In___ au sit e d siti ae wouhd do if 1 vuui. Site wsx aerei>r burneti. County court nameti Circuib Jutiges Madigon. Wis., Jas. 22.-Alttrne>' faled tb cunform b lier raquant toi Whitney anti Donnelly 10 pi t hlm General W. G. Owen Ioda>' issuet an belp- ber out ut lier trouble." I chambers luttewstb. Site waa, lnas contmissboners lu hear arguments orties autitorizing District Attornesy Dates of te montit, etc..filgured 1 anti ouut fte court s-uom cousltanti>'. on te forth ehore drainage Improve- E. J. Toits> of Mlwaukee cosmty to psomItnently tu lite queptionîng uf At-I walciting te chillt anti llelenlng 10 ment peition. laite an appeai te lite Supirenle Court torme> Beaublen for, Dr. Fuller andtihie evidenCe. He ftxedth ie date asFebruas-y lftit, front Judge F. C. Escbwelléesr'e i- Mr. Dady> for te tale. Thte Siavin Friande of Dr. Fuller clama lite at wVIte t ime aIl obiecloru 10 lite pro- lng ot gestes-day bu which he declas-' gbs-i, a nteek. Inoffensive andi nons toonvitole affair le trumpeti op againat pose4 north bitort drainage plan muet eti unconstautilonal te Visoonsin aetng lkag young voman of 25, bia. wile te girland hier rlative. appnler anti PlMeàt 'leir arguments mnsa l aw. *Jutige Usehwmers «JIuo..perecnglity, oul t flt aI-declare te relations beVtvh girl Ma b viyt III mproemùeut .houlO ophion vas dlredly conifry 0 btoh 11" ct fIks - flnmn a bPor; .dltedc d tuoIshaàco- nt b. gt p to btspeogle tb *ot cnsut$chi placeti upca t*4es&a. I.Ibo* a*t tt hl id Judgs.'1tned for sodie "oU-n6e uà,.. - eaer f îd'I -UI5 m.axcsa4,OUSI lin.a' Tis uf:a i nirta tfuî-nî'are feuts a foundi le ItatiteflI iot ltic iii iilfiar 'Ie. ut faîîh a>el liiikeepu-ilcia a dceep- 1fone. Tien fiîey began Ie feaf neai er keniel conut euach x ar. anti as -a afixief>'. u-on.,eqîîpýetaI-na agreatif tuan.N seaxous lin. Brocwn anarteti oftituf0 5r-If ie hair cnop laffa. to niai une. tilus - couiti inhislafater-bi-aw.[lc went te hue argneil th-t the entire croît nîiiost direntu, 10 thle hillfemielî urboulti Pc niafuncdtirii eser>' season ualtein wlaere lie foundttile object of because la>'sena tinug ion soial a anarlus11 luteat 1>ing on île front atapa. lel' o roîtcia li sumct. if la.,a ln lhillendeît lad reco-ereu con- lacceven. esset-ilifliof thie entîna' 5f Ousiesa soineclat andi aas trsing crop~ siîoîtuildat ur e Ils.e'icrnn u of0gel Iîato the bouse. flic sianrte'af naason ati our rein-1 le cas assisteti Itsitie aa a as nunifi- îut sandthefla enlne crop Phhlceti luia utbli. Dn. Young o! aîou ldi le fui hiî iiai ired ti I eanf 7 ft urîîee xt ts dieusuri nuet. lie seaisO 5ouit.i fril Tfiis a li aliai - nlafinid tlc ii i tsuffering front a lonag tha fuarinfia gu 1w a langer nuateber 1în!ih a ii csu flic foreicati anti Ovin 1of li îsfîfls iii ili, îen I ars bacauai niinu. -Ilmcas nccesaar « f0 Itale C of iholt'Iarga r s .îiefy anlirl lthe 7 '-ftlta. If iras llîouglit aI lir8tI thut lotager 'uaiio i.. l niature. Don't j0Ml. - t'hufcîden iab laen rnadtte a for.n-iii r'oi cmijii pint thIlat t a i ii noff atoldnp. but lthe in s uIga- SarictaI le a tialited to your fuana-li oui mmaide If pran tîralx. certain lthaI roamat Mature Ila seed crnever>' suLusa aî]uirs .4weré the rsuit ut an non. len't, lîîrcef 10 pIk tuais suati umt iiI, iiialhougil le lxaIle îo titrowi corn eanhy before freezing wcafhar mii0mli90m"Pouth ie nmalter. andatiest everf ear of Ib ln bthe spnug tfr. Yorng saiti on Sunda> afler- to assure NouirseIf of a suhfi-leuil fanon thuat Ihuene aas no indication at stand. dîanIuue fluatf flene hllbeen a frac- lirof fthe okuil. He saidth iat while, Jay R.' Grahani, of Long Laks, sert- it'sas toe noon 10 rîredicî lthe extent saîbun out he frap shootera at the of lthe Injur> that everytbing looteti Stockhtolm Olympie garnes anti nowan mosI favorable. profesebunai, carrieti home lte aide Dr. A. E. Brown of Waukcgan vpu nietat aite regular veeti>' shoot of calîsdtietoGurnes bin consuiltation vitit ttc Chicago Gun Club, Baturday. Gra- Dr! Young Ioda>'. Ms-. Chlttenden'a itam toppeti cacit evemit vlth A. H. condition w»s consides-ably inaproveti Winke- in os-ler for secondar>' hon- anti- àa yet ter. la no indication titt ors. A itigit nintimarret lte sport. b.e smtalneti a fracture of lte kuiLl FIVE MILLIONS 15 DISPOSED OP IN THiE WILL 0F M.- WARD WilI çA Faunder of Vast Mail Order Business Was Pro- bated in Wiaukegan. WIDOW MADE EXECUTRIX. Many Bequests Are Made in the WiII Which Is a Volumn- mnous One. Waukegan, Januar> i26. The.c011 ef the laIe Motingomery W~ard, tmail blazer of thie mail order business a hose deatIs aItiHighalandi LiParkascî'urred sexeral acets ago. aas pnctuaicîlinCtunt>' court ho Wauke- giaa toila>'. ILi tlasitiaxnie lcleil an ,--ilOte ralued ti f$5,1000tlOif. lOftis aiati $4,90)0,la0)o a uiapersottai priit'riy, anti 1a1001 Inreai eslate. lhrieffy afatei, the ahil leaves about $250,000,)000 In beqtueste to Mr. Ward'e broiliers. sîsters, nieces anti nepiaews. soute of Naiirli are in trust anti revert te thte estate n deata of the ban- ticiarles. Ittlics of stock In Mont- gonier>' Warti & C'ompany (aggregal- ing $100,000) as-e leftte fins ot hae utephews-Williain C., James W., Chaarles H.. George A.. anti Robert J. Titerne-sons of hie brutber-in-law, anti original liartner George il. Thorne. Two-Tmirdto laWidow. Tsvo-ltirds etflthe remainder utflte estate--estmatei in value at hetweea $2.000.000 anti $3,000,000, anti nclui- lng a large block ut stock In lte mail forie hounse-gus 10 lhe widow, Ms-s. t Viiabeth J. Wardt, who la aloo named soie executyls asithoni bond. 'lie r. mahlnng one-ltir Ioix ett te hie daugit- ter, Marions, for lite. wilth power of testamenlary diisposition If site ma- ries tond bas ciltren. ln case Mise Warti dosnul leave a will or Inse tii portion of thte eeltate--botwee4 r$1.000.000 anti $1'500.00-reverts te Ms-s. Wari. as truses, who whil optait. Ilai anti mainlain a honte for poor working girls, tu Le localed In -Chi- cago. In addition. Miss Ward la gbv- -en. In trust, the imacome fro thlie ps- ceetis oft Il tfs Insurance polics cal- rietib>' Mr. Ward. The wlidow. Ms-s. Elizabeth J. Ward, Io nanuet as lthe sole executrhx ut the rwill. Sitefilet] a personal bond of f$10,000. but ltroug thlie express re- oluest utflier lauplanti in bis will, sure- fy on ti i ontdiIs waived. Ameng otiter bequeste Mr. Ward left $3,000 te is' coacliman, John ILto roiiig ite was in its ent- tploy aI ithe time ut ha iedat. 8 Bequeste tb Relatives. 9 Beîuesta 10 ulters titan the witiow Ianti tauglitara are as foiiows: 1 Mr&. Hannait M. Keyster, alter, :1 Philadelphie, $35-000. Mar-y Guilti, Lepbew, Hieika, S- Il$5.000. Genleve Browna.nace, Niltus, Mich_ 1 5,000. 1 Cora Hans PaumoIe, niere. De- troit, Mici., $5.000. 1Lester Guilti, nepiaew. Helka, S. Di., $5.000. Juia Guilt, niece, 1lekla,, S. D. $5.000. Gordon Gult, naphew, Helka, S. D. $5.000. Altamont Warti, nepliew, Lat- ton. Micit.. $5.000. Mmm. Anna Moilt, sisler-in-law. Oak Park. Ill., $5,000. $10.000.000. but lthrongt express re- Misa Juia Moitt, wlfe's nieco. Oak Park, Il., $5,000. Coma Ward Mammonti. sister, Nîlex, Midi,, in trust, $40.000. Mrs. L. F. Brown, sister, Nileu, Micit.. in trust $30,000. Elizabeth Guild, sIeler, lcIta S. D., Intirust, $30,000. S. 1. Ward. brother Northvîl e. Micît.. In trust $30.000. Nanrey Aunabel Hans. sIster. Southi Bebti d.. la trust, $30.. 000. TEACHERS SELECT CAPITAL. Springfild. ll., Jans. 21-AI a cou- tes-suce here liu morning belveen H S. Maglillof Sprtngeld. Ps-esident Of the filinois Teiers e Aociaionm, m& G. P. Randle of Damle. chaires» 09 tse eecîve commillea of lte liats body, it Vas agree th ie aezt 11M meetgus eulti le 1.4 ln.DM S et

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