CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 30 Jan 1914, p. 11

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90.pturdas, at atthi.e Q. .> hiflitmeSt **a Viuua, Wauiie- of honing of cptait of ithe ttw- ed. cric, longer ibai Slnr. ~Ca*batin0 e iii.ilol il 700Mas, a i vbin la ttpoi iii.. b obuefl 31 acabes ~ ti'OUgb di. lait-4"tra 0<the ordôr '-IlTla bta "i obiha olrger numbo, ii My .*7tM*w'daMy ciii. oficel te e o osr 11»1 î «etphe ica * Ut Mato la t. cOuMaty an.! aist bhi h iictibon of being dthéoml) moi ,tg MaMnWho vas maie a Ms.aut la the cli Uni o al, Waukm ga, uhicii sted viiere the t.lepbooî OMMa D owvanie au Mugdimolsmireet Ur. Grenvu. mais a Muas.lae 1Maihall an Jet. .04, b.iecuun e aumber of Wmbsp a EadoNé 41. IL. A. M. ln bocor of bJaL tton Muent orf t atlmotat aliomest,i «abaa ý e t ihmbe,.toai vida dieu gratoonsnbedont i f foes rMoe b ashemoammbo of -th. l1a der. Ur. (iree, ubo vil b6 » ytauoWtýarc 27 sertw aâltr&Uyarwaili urprise.! visa th( 'bm et theUic araatioe..! lt bbrmmd bis surpise va. greoicu uIeàthU. bune iai bllr.11., keàsa Me. Ualeut Yser ho bai bhema ament Ms. Gus la lei.ley k .vnth.O -:~ mmawnU. or jurs ug. ve vasIW i P ., ho vent itt vbrlcus O=*rneath i.e oBnty ta du Uus.dc vSn adi-msa f1*4eha va, rowodueiby sif usa mm vbc bl; 10 keo. ixv la Maunry an.! tbpufarho b ia o ena h.illa sbe flLt.' lasSeau lpbis i<«Oak bi m M ci. Ma.iamylua re tined bis lateessInluthe, vano!ofthe Miséa bujerle Qit.. !anghter ai feu'msr mayar,. Miohel Glbba of Hlgh. - OO Weile.! Ptîgry L -i.Si. ual s« ku"sy.tuethe liy vii.,. ah. ha.! Niý&4umur 4paiet!bar lts.l'ut »M-lWofte.!amr. Jan. 28ti. hi 9:0( asiPCb, fmM 8StL.Jamea Caiholit' - he eb ffVç 1,NSTITUTE The annual Lake County Farmers' Institute wil be held in F'ebruary, four oommunities to have the pleasure of int.lg -te the addreases etq, to 'be furnished at this anpuial- fâàê booster series. of meetinga: Thé nieethgswil be field ai follows: Prai6rievSe, TuesdyPcb. 3. RoekffeUerï Wednesday, Feb. 4. Ruoseli,,P!ursday, Feb. 5. ourne«ï pridy, Peb. 6. The officers of the Làake (iointy Farrniers' Institute and the progranm wbich they bale 'aranged for the annual meetings in Lake county, fxIoo: Diructor of Tent Congrosmimel Dtsifi.....Roldph W. ÇUMten, Gurnee Prouldent, ai. County ......................... iber't IL Juc, Cblca<o VlcoPr"mst ............................Cbp.P i. Wrlght, ora»ri, .LetlltinI............. *.....Isie 8 Bonner. Wadsyortii Tressuren ......................... ............ C. C. Am"a. Grayaslake F. . Clou, Grayalake Directors ... . R. Nacre, Prairie Vlev M.White, Antiaci PRAMIU '118W, TUESDAY. Y'EBRUARY 3md. uO-.30 A. M-Musical Sélection. . nVocation .............................. ....... . E. M. Ilmbaci Addregsaof Welcome............. Y..... :...............»A. G. 'Maether da"cuon................................................ orchetre, Thae Dalny ii. of Farmne ..................... J, P. Magon,. Ign, Ili. (Intermision) ..i .M.VoIic&d..............................Home -Talent ..j ~ .......lS ............... .Counly Superlubsudent T. A. bIompon ,trop Rotation amnd c"i Sertlllby'......................... Ben ILH.Miler lbiaq tlo, "'Ueieslgof La Wynai"..................... .Maybeile OEmali Igoeu. imLugelia .............. Mis. H. A. MeKecue, Springfild.i. *ddtffl................... .......... Rodney B. Swift, LbertyvIUe, Ili. (Évent«g Seon). 7:30 P. M.-Muesçat Sclection.. ....................... Hame Talent liai! Hon, DitaIauo-t by the Puplia of the Hlai!Dy, Trlpp, ad Apiailaic Soéeaun.! Otiter Scholoicf dia Township. AUrs,.atBais$U»Ms. or wbere Do«, Our Money ... .on. IF. 8. Mutina Radiation................................. .......Usiiher Roakeaci RQCKUIULLECR. WEDNESDAY. FKBRUAILY 4th invocatin ............................ -................... ........ Uddr...oc WOMle ........................................ ....... 'Tee.!. ami Pouding of Dashi <ue ........................ J. P. Magan amie .................................................. .... 1:30 P. M.-"moiem rn veumences for thé Fra iflud ................... ....................... A. WMite, U. et 1., Aadny B. Swift 'Hoeme and! Selool" ............. ................Ma . A. mcRun (fe.mng Session). 1:30 P. M-Hou. Utrtaiaent., "Home Makhr.......................... Mca ]L . UcKene R.USSELL THURSDAY. FICBRUÂRY SL. 10:00 A. M.-Mlc 'bavn ........................................... Rey. A. J. Ptin Adra ..............................................Radney IL Svift -Par a tVlya ng ....................................... J. P. aman Tbm Raue cPomifferent View-Ponts. ............. Mr. H. A. Meeee ýMoicrn Cotventiesmafor dia Farm Home .................E. A. Whte SEvenlng Session> 7.30 P. M-Home llntertaln-ent. Addreua--------------------------------------......Hlon. F. S. Munro OURNEZ, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 6th. 1e-000A.Bd.-Mu"LIalBolcot.on. 'Innocoù .................................................. -xogarn Convealeccafor the Para Homm'-------------.......S.XWhite agaediaig o! Esay by Gils, Campetlng for Prlwd 1:30 P. M-ýMaLn. Buau» sMeeting and Election a! Offîceru. "Th. Dairy aid. ofPFaumne .............................. J. P. Mion Wia SaliWe utrI"............................. Mr@. H. A. McKe.e 'Hui. on théeunarvemént o! Se..! Con"-......W. B. Mlle. McNabb, II. FOR M..UUgv.rLlthouqan.!d :0A.cressUnenanau of nain poïed. ueïf locaclose Adrea"Co-oimrnive Maketing of Pi , te 04godiÉt baas, ner. iand! la Rsdigs viiW it ïnte i ah gesaan aueiVaata»Voey day. alimw ml anWl... Pries viii ha avarié.!ai Gunnee 10o t Mlan.. N. Dbt, ot u!Ms ogsM fon hoast oihmiUt o! cmr. oaia, sourt. IlviW bus#lWb" e uytng saninun- t h ot uetlgea etad iprov.! amuIs. For furtiier Pontcu- ' P" oerbe ianytrlolgmaetout, an.! i 4âsad" ,*Su.ra kyI Maie thé Fran Home Mare Attractil agent, Bristol, Wln. vi-tDuhusi viii ha e ai dby the ludiesa FOR SALE-Somna Weil, Improveul farms. from,20 to .8",-uè.uilaK.- >~noe" Co., wth. anq a". Co., ni.J fite.fanas &M-ain I:aprove.! and.! Weil locate&.! ma ua beetgit nlgbt, sud on ea.y toi-ma. Aima soin. gond > itesf an.! iots lit the o ino! Brts- 1, wa. , MuMuuôc, 'ni. Far fuithen particuls .aieum U J. Siocua, real uietate aget, Britol Wis. vily-it -rCircuitJudIR, p he District 00R £xî; k- ooEhutseora! Fnda l N toTake oivc motus ami bnunent, on a or- , ip e lila artt gigudbttlo. an.! in soc. Tri - ~~~~~ Ntibo i aiia.l iIe Rociford, Jat[.,!ge A.-H. - ftc. Witt taie àn hora" on peu blt nblnce. For .tantierparicu- Prost lei Racikrd for Pionîda lan e, '~'sutraLL J.Slodm. -oo miaiscuperata and! <ulnItàhM a Absence tiée 3 eiiBristol, Wl.. Wiiltibib b no, segagIçol et circuit court ln ____________ Wlahgcouaty. FOýMS~-,-ACANGRisc iug Faila en 1 for mev. ý" ;of 69ocres, vél Iimproved, orsil.!ays au.! uci nl; i anWe A. À tod Imprové.! fruit ami b0ae ed bhlm te taoe a vocaton., *Ad iju ei D'ifcp!pboln Ri.pley Cm., iSafuranverai otborn"te uggotod *tori. jf 0tâereaj'icldm5ta lava. tiot a petition ha crcudl*ýd n th"t î1:ýi k tai *oëÏo or 'gooti1ehe ocilubave thésancti of a! ui *eïus pncp.* oà- ,etUio f ues.ebe"r.of the barin tiins .a *mS. iegh 05gdimpron- moti o02.Thils VU silu0 > yAiU '1-iý 4lalà #mû nLl pioperty. nfthediavoer. a hade Ciy. SxIN-'S 5 I'.e foia an u QAcc00noua f t4Ii*tact uat Jutige 1frghapforawh. somae for pr-«bas carnie.! mtoe.thauonces kfl. TP!U54 »ba's ars cf di.buriîn cf court ~Bpmq,,$I..4tIi8for evesl pçuh a taen - ~~or~1à'6ù Sing). %rin Prpdo4te......... Albert B]. Jack nby Mime Hermione Shirkof! Evaton. the Lai. Cotity boys. UIMI 18 yOL'L amii viii hauet seiment tept, mli to the girls utnder 18 years. fer the. bet antd for th, beut eaaay on "110v 10 et emNtPlatsenoe Institute la bol.. TELU~AT TO Off Head of State bdarymen's As- sooatin i FeopwtSays Goad! Came Doubles It. Freeport, ni., Jax. 27.-Presdenl. J. P. Masan o! Elgin Inlithe anMual ad-. drosIntheticortteth afuLi canvmm*-1 tan of 'the MlIois flairynien'.a e- isociatlon taiay predicte a Ergot' ïftre for.iii. dalry' Industry. Re Sai.! profits ame mater and' fluctui.e le» . un.!r proper maubgement, tho" la any ather branoii o agrlcuuturs. The Cbleago iattet absaorbe !i5.Mý ietgallaon mus of .11k daliy anÏ irUOtot. f tee aream bau double!1 la dira. ynrs, h. sapsrmul. lii tproduoltanoo! 4w average, berd eoul& hae igéb..! *U car., ho Md.salbH 9 dvocatai iicforumo09O W tiomts ts associations LU.î Ups he i t-Tse ail, e iwr u n~tr. for mhe usa Whémba. a pu -Mt Ca 1blé vKs.-ommx i ira.Pq 'j.' AT, RONDOUT Another attmmpted hold-up and neay murder look place Monday evening; ai Lbout 1il éc1et Rondout in vilcit the vicilavos Emet ReilIy, train. master cf th* IL, J. & E. at Joiet, hlm asallaua ing heboe8 whlo, i lu helieved, wer. put off a train wviel stoppe.! ai the Junction. The victini tsuin the. Jane McJtila- ter liospital *bütehe vas rnjhed ut or belng foam by others members of the train ceg. The amall>ný titres, ln nimber. Jumped uponRellly as he descad.d f roibmtheelectrie ralroad depot affer having gong te Eiiodout freim Lberty- ville w hors Ala bhad supper. He lntended to 0 k a SI. Paul train for Chicago and tien pltiined going to hie home ln Jofi4t. He vas tonesa. be left the car î4 the station om».tbe high embanimeat, and, au ho tôu cbed the, lagt stop of!théo long fllgit adlag Intahe St. FaWl depot, the thra. men set upon hlm. SI a a Wiih Iran. One o! the " ota a long pine of Iron an.!d tii was uued te feUi he trainmast.r. He dropped lie a log; with a deep pub I n hls head and! tbe biood spurted trom hlm in quantities. Net satisfis&!. di..boid-ups agaîn boat hlm wlth the. Ppe and rendered hlm unconscloutu. They thon rife.! hie pockcts, takllng what cash bu bai and bis watchad -elor vaim.bleik -iiey nuse niff! and It wau gotUe iafier More meniberu of thé train crew which vas swltchlng lni di. yards, dlscovnc.,d the. vietlm lylng balila. on thée gnune. lie vas Uea.! te the 'jepat and wa. later rqMeu étui the MeAJister buts- pitlI.Wauoa. iiher. ho was car..! for an.! an effort w«va.mde laie Tues- dayte e tae u ahi. home. provld-' log hie condttion arrante.! maklng the trip. Fer a time It was feare.! the vlctim's heai bai been criphed ta sucb an extent ltat lit s sinUmlgbt ho fracture.!, bof lb te nov folIt he moy escape wîuhout fatal conuequen es, This lu the second hold-up ln lRond.- out lately by baba.. who liai boe tlîrown off the trale. paslng through thé Junction. The. «lier vlcoii va. a conducior on a train via alo mat lugged by trampsa 'uba robe.! litai Lfter beatlng bhle *ver the. Ma"y Put Q FTora. The junction of,! Ut.» J ad St. Paul at Rondout l# by fer lbe vorst place tu Laite couatfr r amps vho or. ovlcted froin tuans ivIn Sometimnes as maay as 30 trompa ame put off theé hrouok7*oiukl, trai. aituiiot station, thennes1t;te c»o f the mest dongorouu upota for buoseut fini victimu. Thé "J." -teohialns a Lpc4çlalofficer thene vioïe iuty h t te itai trompa off ithe traimu; te St. Paul ba not placed 5E710y lter. yot, but llkely thia second hold-up may ha thée menu of lirtingaction ln the. matter. This junctlon. a Is thebMi-vay ata- tien boivoon Mllwauieé and. Chicago, on the St. Paul, théeut*a of the boit lins and the St. Pae ,tiireoro t la the pace where ail traalbttraveling towordu Chicago or Mlavi. try to gt &board after gcttin-to uhat point f rom the eaut and veut.- Mr. telly la veli unovu th Wauke. son. having formèriy boom>,* conduc- tar oùI théeB., .1. & K -fr4it trains rumalng betveen Waukdiât -ad Jo- liet. $flOOOOESTMT3TO By the wilh of Moses Aluhuler, Illed Tuesday, an estate o! $114.000 la dl- vlded omong three heirM is.Cora A. flubarits, a daughler ad Danton T. and Clarence S. Alsalir bW Chicago, wiio aima are made ezecutors. Tii. above Item apRarei la a Chi-i cago paper today and Interceaa Wau- kegma people hecause us aider AI. shImler vas boand of the Aiulidu vrap- per tactorles ln WaukeganlailfaNrili Chicago and! bis tva sons laDac" and! Clérence lli'é on Shénida& reai, Wou- kOaLa; the. daugliter UtUSIW Chcago. neo eider Mru. Aislul5 iai sanme The sons viliibe tU ic xoubor.of thé estuto, which tilen 0 ba large osne, thé accumulationiaorf b5 Wfapper Manufacturer having basa W~oedur- tkbk the put twenty yeera lu' prdue- Ing Iodla. garmen ts, O' monu- sehool, the dedication of wh laying of the coimerstone of the -new Deerfiddgrade The cornerstone laying tookich took place Saturday last axnid appropr.iatç exercises. Scene attendant on the place lust fal. ___ STÂTE OMMISION clony andi désIré ta maie dally tripe STÂT CI) ISSiN tr thecolouy."1 The amalet number Ihat voul.! ha INSM TED LAKE CgO. brough t a lb.hecompietlan of the T 3S buildings .voul.! hé 1,600an.! thon. EPILEPTriIC S51TE migbl ho mare than that number beý caus6 there are 11,000 eplleptlcs lu Vaniegan, January 28. thee a.o! Ilinois. Because thé veather va.sgo ha.! Wbéli thé duly of buying thé slte muid'boeaua thé roada woul.! llkely for the atate colouy for epiepticu la bu'u eà±ir.meiy diicuit of passage, thé complete!, Atme building o! thé houge apéclalcoumtttee of state oflialu liii commence ai once, an.! for tbis selectiag a site fer thé taté éepiiepoc theré ul ha an expenditure of about colOnys dIdfnot corne te Wauîegan* 8V-50,.000. etci mornng tola lamci e_ _tlc Fuer_ fara Lake Villa, but. lnstead, thé coitbee vent oui on ithe sou IM T DE TO line le ULa i la an.! lienceta thé tara.,6gat o! thai place.TO IA t P SO The commtiee vas accompanied by N ul___ i'. T. Fouler, ownu.,of thé farmu len.dlord for a site for the colony and! "Dan'i "ad me to theiie'ntetIary; John Griffith Of Laie- Forest. inM a deuerter from tic nany and 1 Represenative Thomas Grahamt vould ratier taie MY pualalmeni met te cOntmittee at thé 1.ake Villa t lr.. 50Mid flral.! Bod.!] 22 yearm station and accompanie.! thomin tthé aid. viien arralane.! befqrMunIcl Fouler place. 1J111186Dii.!Sullvan 'aIn tbSauth Thecomitte cnsite f teseChiaLoDeurt 'Tuà&W M uornlng. H. Ticcomhieecnsat o tés charge.! vlih iingary, and va. mémboru: * rreate<l Jan. la m alMdta Fred J.- Kérit président, Blelleville. have iroien tlcb thaefroigit bonne o! Juanes l-ylaud, secretary. Chicago. lteIlilinois Cetfra riomi aieat A Frank D. Whlpp. fiscal supervisor, Nhnoty fourti ire...Juda Sullilvan Sprngfield. soi.! h. vouli disamu tii. charge. FrankP. Norbury, attentat, Jack- spcelal policemani J. B. Cartll, Wiho sonvlle. -arréste.!dy, bibitaie hlm ta the Tlhomos O'Connor, Peonla. neareit no-vai cliun. ht ia recalé.!d thecommtto. cillai- noie.! the Whrrenton Grovo aslte roari consideration Tosay, thé prlce ai- Frlday. Febtuary avin ta the ileath of Suy huban 1 bverente.! éd for thé Ian.! and thé failuré ta my fanta, m» e tha. C. Benilse comply viii the spécificatIonsi, cou&- lýra, 8% Mllepouthsvet fWauc& mng til.action; ltiaslétei tus ettgan, 1 mile southeUt Of Walr@utan. but one site ln consideralion In Laie andti viién lai Public Auction the. count--ube Foui, fana, the oniy falcwlag d«O e eui.!pouy. to-vIt: other ou. tondere.! farmaliy. 27 béa.! o! cottia, prlciWpl Hal. Represenatlves a! the Lake County abîa; 15 ccv., nosbiynpnggrs; il Manufacturera' association hadieuia- l, 1 itoba &MIhayem d;.1 o1" -meeting thé committe, ai the 1 bay colt. 28à yen Id; i baY bore., Wsuiegan deoa and! encorting t*M 12 yoara oîd. totahei site to b. Inapected. Howver. word Uimat thé commuite, ha.! switch- Furmlng lmplsem, Etc. éd lie plana and voul.! not toucit 100 chickens, 3 ducitc, 15 tous tim- Waukogan, vas not rSeule, until othy bay tu bain 100 shook& con. 3zoo about 8:30 ln thé mornnng and Itvwau bu"bels oat», 20. hahais pobaicea. 1 ,no laie for the Wauiégkn men to brngcora bIind4 1 moue, 1 ente- get tn Rockefellen or Grayalake tui vator, 1 disc harrow, 1 double drag, Ume o jta he ommtte 1il pownset ionp basd, 1 bey cake. Um t Jîn'té omut o n lit a Y ack 1malit wagon, 1 buggy, 1 napécton trip. Sèmerai mon ha.! rope an.! boy fan., 1 cable and cor- plannéd accompanying tient an.! urg- rien, 1 met double hrn.u. 1 cnagle lng thé impotlmee.o! thé Lake coun. harnétu, 1 wagon. 1 wagon ami do4biê ty 'bité upon tbéni. box, 3 évenérs, 1 tank heate 1 broc.!. Wauiegan men feut thé commuttear2 ads,1 Ucnfkad t hanelu. scythe, mslncuoua lacis, ndght foot tha'. thé>' hail nat t eéit various household bonds. LnsWc, bo.! exiendeti aumfclént encouragement étends. etc., and!alter artileg ton and! courtes>' !u comlng ta thé Laie 1Mum0rou inmenltion. coonty site, but, thé sudulen chag P ré. lunch ai noan. of plns fr th daYPut he Wuk JUsual terme o! sale. o!ansenforlthé day"putthéa ke-nd Sale batq proapily ai 11 o'clack. gunmencomletl.'h' th ai," nd MIL4 M., BENDTSEN, Pnap. the>', thenéfone. could do noihing but George Vogél, AucUioneen. Ienvem thé comnelle ltu thé bande of R. W. Chuncijl, Clark. nu-Z Messrs. Fowler, Griffith and! Grahami. As in thé derlalon of the béard lit regard to the lcatIon o! thé propos- éd colon>'. of cours. una hnile give u i oui. Thé matter vili probabi>' b. de-.jff -- . .. -. .1-. . ...-14 . oiaea ln about tva veeks. It mn et that owlng te thé éxcellence of the land and! thé fine builings ln the tract tender..! ln Laies count>' andtihei splendid facililtîés offené.! thst ibère is a gooui chance for _thé caiony ho. lng localéd ln Lake count>'. "Thé staté board.admIe.! by tue gtuvénnon. viii .locate thia institution la thé nortiieru part of Ulilnolm," ual.! a mémbér o! thé board. "The frai réason la bécanse thé location of the. lastiInsane asyluin vas la thé south- Onu part o! thé tata, Iha Mdison cant- ty, andi on&er rearnon tg that the Prospective population for thée.01- leletic colon>' viii ho draun langél>' frnom Chicago andi thatI h Oboul.! b. la. calé.! vithin a radius or 125 milea ai ibai cil>'. Al couimie. nov having a siaté Institution are éxelutujétifraie die comptition. "As far as thé advantggea te a 'city La concerned. ubey are unIjintedO lI the. li-at placé thoe are about 300 people via attend! tiosé ln neod andi ail o! thèeepatmonfsg the stores tagon. est to thé coiiony. W. ibave la ha clos to a cty a! considérabla aise, becas relatives and ti fndis-*uate aitimea bo lse. seneral acatis near li Lake Felt Women lnui' ate Pa.teOnP Expllo ln i;zrolmes. flot tomto aou va» on thei. nI of tare for lake Forest uchoi Cuki dree-at hLie oeia-m-fo them begun the muai by arderlng as tiie $rat im l~The.soup !n Preardt by mab«o f hhd -l14 Forest WWOU Wlb Land! vu r*Wk~ e.! te t»i eiiudra'ter 3 cents a bwL' Tis in nov te be a regalar ,rpu the. oMIidrui'g, the w,.' mo'.clii-.. deis rto 0l> un du opwotimut t a aea t at the mmoonboer M blus as wnuhe or & suw"Ma 09 ths, bave te go lngiMR twM a op tiieu. Asu mm " mbpmi.ieêu10I noon m o f -hte cmt pll Soib J I the. plno lt t"hanl MdIhq-W UjIrOJI, LDAtb« oagir te tii he Magrouâasl bba~ Thera tiiey Ott ai tai io fpfli tboir toumà 1ha. M mothm ebove 40"eu tb. tabla. aWi iv.meabeis Q club; aa.14a liy s0»or iqp goari h mti li goar- parmens nt Mig. loir.eb omalui r«utoeiy ,à kWh 9 Uth0 V intcdem'< u wuga a u gok Odspometr. Toua ClrkGongs u t*taagt day mod e e aerna.t i tiie poople ot Wank*MMtcualý" ta note on the 4«Q 90tb 4 thiarm tphes. ii undu e Ve*âêw neuuemt for the elecdtisumuai ii*b vidh ima byoNti. He figure.! up ta.!ay an.! 10»4 ~ 40 daim preyloug te the. =Ii ~ AprIl 7th. li m fintI oob'.i1 A*$u unio" thc local ci" d peclu la file by ton dais. ùt ue us 4@0 nat ha put on the ballot; oiq- titi prohibition tort>.. uicr* tbi viii have mor. thaa ne o itat and! vii bave dia paliAs. cW e le due timne. Buy your wié th your Car Low lirst cost, eoonornical upkeep and A SERVICE STATION for your car within easy reach for particulars and demonstratton 1914 Carsroady fer dulvey The fteacb an Corner Geneoe and Grand kv. Fil r4 the Cd. *-mlb. ,,a ~ioe .,1,s.

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