CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 30 Jan 1914, p. 2

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LA EOOtTNTY fr4DEPMNDENT, FRIDY. By T. F. SWAN Correspondent and Agent Wm. Eramer of Highland Parkt, @pent Sumday wilh i grsndparsule, Mir. and Mn-s . . AKrainer. Wm. fiauer of Long Grave, was bee au business ionday. Elvera Scbmidt of Paatine, vlelted Ibis week at the home of John Knlgge. Mme. E. 0. Wlls eutertainsd ber olter, M"i. Fred tioeer and son ut chiego, Leslie aud fHoward Fry of Chcago, gpeut Sundey wlth trieude heme. &. J. Cropley returned Tneeday frum South. Chicago, wbere Mr@. Croplsy mmtly unden-wenl au operatian. tire. Cropley ha@ nuls yet retnrued but la dolag nully. Mir.%aud tirs. E. 0 Wsls sund tir. aud lire. J. C.' Dortier attended lie Dorlier- Yore wedding at Everett laet Wednee- day. Quite a number enjoyefi the skating et 14ke Eera Sunday and fouud lhe ice lu àbe condition anti] the îuuw spoiled il. Milnis Rouiée retururd laot Thureday tram the Jane àcAlitr bohpitai aud i.egveatly improved lu beatý. Florence Johueton sud littie son ut Chicgo, are epeedlug tbe week witb the former'. nither, tir@. Auna Latbrop. A. F. Sheldon arrived let Friday froni Etaland. lie ieaven aganehsortly for i& binese trip lu Canada aud tiiene te IdaMoto viilis tatber aller wbich he wOl retorD ta Ibis plac to attend to hi@ loca l iterests. * Ail Milinery Fancy Itathers, Flowere, Plumes et Bileou the dollar. Muet clean up the stock. M. A. Proline. Libertyville. c- 18-tf IVord was recelved from E. . Payne SM woek tro a1'yetteville, Ark., wbse bevoul lu vîit lbe grave ut i. brother, wibo Ile. with itteen othere ufthte 37tb DL. tu tb. National cemetery Ihere. Be1 deacn-bee ithe usmetery assa mool beauti- f.l1 pluacnd itting reellng place for thon Who died lu lb. defeuse ofthle Bagtou. Mr. Payne mentiond vtslîing tie graves of Jeremîsi Brown and zbmiwy asuiwort b bth of Co. C. Medkebabnl'weddlug merci played bY dis. Fany Crolan where the weddlug wms olemntsd hi 11v. Fatber Quinn. Ater the eremouj' Mies Cerolan saug -Ob Promue Me" wbile tiie Company' adjourned ta the bome aiuthticbridesý parente wbere s weddng supper was gerved. The youug couple ieft ou the 7:10 t-sm tram Lake IForest for s wedding trip ti andan, N. D., where they wll vIil wtb C. E. Darfier sud family. Mir. sMd Mr@. Dorfier will b.e t home alter W&arehloitheia ew bonne ou Lake Ave., lu Ares. ~DIAMo LAKE Mir@. Mrlou' Joue. was the -usat ut ber @inter tire. Oea. Rey lest wek. tir. Elusme boas been quit@ sick the. pont week. Chîcego visitore tie past week were: tir, sud tir@.Oe.Thatcher, tirs. jeu. Mitchell, sud tirs. S. Bartlett. The Mues Dora snd Rssie Mill@ speut udsy et Towuerî - tir@. Andersen aud @on ut Chicago, are oesditag thl wpek et tir. Holmes. Tbe F. N. C. wiul meet with i îss Luella Mitchell Saturday atternoon, Jen. 31. - Several train hare attended the Rcardson sale at Volo Frlday. H. Keru le ieving a well drilîrd ouhils farta. Frank Butterfleld iad th ii. tlfortune tu getl Ite the lake îvble eliating Sun- dsy, but was quickly rescued by the boys. The ceruetery society will meel v ti tirs. 0. Kane Tbursday afternoon, tri. 5th. Everyone invlted. tire. Bert Dyer ot Canada was tie n-et utftirs. Geu. Thatcher lest week. Cii-ci servies wpe r gely ettended lest Suuday.Asut udvl"jot churci" day we hope everyone will go. Hiram Bartirît, Arthur Hollund. John Millo and Bob Bouse were lui W aikegan 8unday pin-t Abert Wehre ut Uenvsw, visited over Seturdey aud Suuday wituî Chas. Werr. tir. and tirs. A. O. Sciweruian viqltrd aver Sundey e t Palatine, tire. dciwer. mou remainlun- them e atew deye witi Mir, sndtIdre. il. Ficher. Mii Lillie eirke out.itProspect, Ie staylugwith ber unce, W. Coucuer, a lew day.. WIlJ Weber spent Suuday vrith friende eit Chicago. Thonewîltibis grand, bail ni vn bj' the Miss L. D. Schwerman relurned Sun. Ia o.iodg No. li, i. W. W., ou day troin Lombard etter @pouding a tsw fbnsa'evéinlg. Feb. 5. wees witb bier @Jeter. tirsud tire. Lau Pabîman aud Mise Marie Pepper celled on friende arauud DORFLER-YORE ber', Suuday. At libres 'elock 0où Wednaodaj' aller. 40o0, Jan. 21e, 8t S.Patrick'@ churci et bve"ret.bere woes nited lu matin- L PMAA NE "oYjatboaj'LDarfier of AresasdL luth Tare or Everet. irs. Wood ile enterlalulun- ber niece et Tb@ bride wae b.autilv dregoed lu pr5Iiýnt. white charmeuensd carrlsd s ebower Born, lu Mr, aud irs. Barbares, b6liquet ot white carnationesud Ilies Jeu. 15th, a son. Congratulations are of the valley snd lie groom was dressed exteuded. la tbe conveulfoual black. TheY *Ore Henury grirlage returned bomne trom tie iupportad by Rudolph Dardter, a brother huepîtal verj' muci impru'.ed lu bealti. of the groom sud Jauni Kennedy, a Died, et his hume lu Highland Grove, cousin of lb. bride, who was dre&ee in lu Tesday, Jen. 201h. G0. Dierker, aged bine slik sud carrled s bouquet ot plnk ixty-two yeere. He leaves a wite and éausîbus. The bridai proceesion ad- six chilîdren to mounubielues.. vauced tu the sitar tu lhe @trainsofo ___________________________ Anna Kitsch was pleaaülly etrprioed __________________________ Jeu. <th. by tweuts.uue ol ber finende tu celeirate ber birtidey. Tiey were very pteasantiy entertalurd until ths a we em' houre sud rotururd hume 'mas',..wiiilug ber nîany nmore happy returue ot the day. M tr. and Mti.,Ciarles Smith ot Des- Plaines, were mucii surpriseS b>' a number oft tiir relatives froni Palatine, Neariy every fsîuuly subsuribes ius% vuu- eu 0 lbln i t'O at leate IOf thte big Chica- îirîî'i ay. lutJh neefileps loseav hhey ail g dailîe in order lu keep ti bafi a gnd athis for Ciarley'sud wite touch wii the worlî's affairai, are rUY&l enhertaiuens. If yotn ara nul a subecriber yau Tii. Woodman meequenade Fridey shoul b. aud wc wauld like ta eveuingrw»s the. lar e@%tfair ofthle beirfromou.kind oser n-ven lu Palatine. lielp'e beau fro .yo.auditorium, ba nsonsunelarge crowdî On either new subscriptiune or the laet few inoutie, but tie M. W. A. renewals we cau sas,' yon money snnal macquerade bolSo tbe recorde for unr priceai are lower than bard ta b. iroben. publiphera' pricts. Write uis E C R for lîrmes. iE C R iGrass. hfield aud garden seede. 1 repas. 111EAREANEW AGEC sent une OF te tergeetasedS bumîee luntth. TiffAREA NEW AGECY iddle West. Al ceeS guaranteed sud L M. OUNSWOuRi-, Mgr. ippen on approvel. Cehalon- sud prices Aria . Illeose,, on requet.. P ERICY L. THOMAS, It i better te be Safe than Sony Your depoits will be apprecrited aI Ibis batik andl ly checking out fands luin akiug payrnente for your bille and accooints you will save âmne and muney. Let us explein to you haw simple the plan ià.. There isnu expense ta lbhe individual. THE CITIZENS' BANK ARm.ILL M..t . ROUesIving E.=,yn 'I ........ ...........f i.-......... Margaret and Gertrude Schuleder of Jefferson Park, were the week-end guwte uf Dorotby and Eizabeth Riechel. Mien l1lian Adamo 0of oryayke, was tbe gueet ot ber granimother, Mr@. Sarah Adamos. C. B. Eaelou bald as bis gueete dnring the Week tir, Vincent of Wsukeeha, Mrs.i Elmer Easton of Downers lirove, and Mir. and Mn. Judeon tiseon of Prairie Vlsw. Dedicatian exerclees for tbe uew1 Oreminar ecbooi were heid Batnrday eveuing. J. A. ielet, Jr., presidenl of tb. board preegidsd. C. W. Pettis out, ofi ,be oldeet resident of the town gave the firet interetlng spech.Tal i lleri echool day. wererlatsd by ¶U ,lurgeueon ut Wankegau, a tormer teucher. Mr. Gaddi@ tbe architect gave ae, briet onîline of tbe building. Supt. T. Artbur Simipson wae the neit speaker. follohing hlm Prinipal R. L. Sandwlck ot tbe D. B. H., Wbo gave the loslug addieîs. The building consiste ot six cla. roomes, a large aesernbly hall 'ehc seato about 400 peuple and twu play raumi. The C. E. of the Preebyterian churcb beld a busine@s meeting in the ehurcb Tbureday ulgit. Tires new members were voted upun. tir. and Mre. Bert Easton entertalurd et a wild deck dînner Snnday 10 tourteen friende in bonur ut Mr. and Mirs. Jud tiason. Mr. snd tire. Floyd Gunchel aud dangiter Vernue, ut Biuuuiiugton, are viiting tIrei.Gunuekel'. parente, Mr. and Mr&. S. 8. Love. tir. aud tire. 1). N. Lidgerwood iad as thoir guett Suudey, Ma@on Lidgerwood ot New Yotk. A free leture wilI be given lu the assembly bail ofthIe Oramiuier echool by Mrs. M. L. Parvin of Chicago, on "The lichool as a Social Center," Friday eveuiug, alter wbi the tesebers wîll entertain lie tuwn peuple. lu tie attendance conteigt ot the C. E of the Preebyterlan cbnrcb the. 'Blues' won tiec-Rade" wll entertein the Blues Sý4rday, Febuery l4tb. Dont torget "Goufol'ehurch S'ud.-v," February let. tire. Bort Easlon entertained tionday evenlnuta au oyster supper lu bonor of tir. Esetonoa birthday. tire. B. Bl. Kresseuientained tie "500" club Tnedday evenlun-. Juin Sciniedpr of Jefferson Park, wae lie week-end guestfIte. J. C. '&-ouf. Knaack, lb. drungist. hondies cul llowers, bouquetesuazd tumerai designis. Price. resable sud satistacion ab.alntelj' guarauteed. tire. Emmett Kuickerbacksr visiteS relatives lu HigblanS Park lest we.k. The R. N. A. eutertained lie M. W. A. lest Friday ni-ht ai the home of tir, sud Mirs. Frea Meyer. Tiie tollowing pro. n-ram vas rsndemed. Tic iustaullng ai lie officersofthId. W.'A viliE. H. Sslii-as installun- affluer sud Tieudure Frost as chiefecurt. A vocal solo ij' Walter Ans. Raritonaesolo b>' Barald Vaut accompanied iv Muie Eleanor Meyer. The mtaîllun- ofthe olticers ai thec R. N. A. titi Mm@. Fred anglie as luitallun- oflicer and Mm@. Thea. Edstraud as cexenionai niarsial. A baritene aiolo b>' BanolS Vaut. The living raom wao lu rmd, n-reeu sudwite the M. W. A. colora sud tic diann-rouniinupurpie andl white. Iletneoeiete were serveS lu cetfetenie style. Misses L. Westuu sud L. Wybott, Mesetas. Charles and Juseph ilmunors ut Cilcago, and MIes Emnma Baruioti ut olsuvica', apent Snnday wilb NMr. and tirs. J. U". B nebi sud tamily. tir. aud tirm Woodmen Todd ans ciugratulsted au lie birli ofa e su. MWMiar-amI VeSSer bas n-une lu tMobile, AI. lu @penduf eral muntis wii bher nîcce, tire.Fred Cbrlohanuaon. E. Carne-li bse jusl returneS troae in- we.ka buoineqs trip. M'n, sud tire.Wm. Butcbison wers lie gueptasout Mr. sud Mmrs. S.P. Bntcii Wsduesdsy sud Tbnrýsay., WOIJLD EXHIBIT MEN ALSO. Assistant Chief of Po lice Says Pictures of Alil Men Should Be Exhibited. Tic clty cf Renoshe ueceully pas.- efi au ordin suce ase arecuit of vhich thie ilcklistlng of habituel drunk- ardb vil l e performed ln e muci more couspicuous meuner tien lise prevelled iu the peet. Wheu a man's nama la Put on lia blackllet ItlaleTe- hulred b>'ordinsucea It ilhaRlI e plaed onlithe li of overy saloon Ir. tse ctlnlute moil conspicuone Place Posuible sud ln letters su loch and às hat lu belgit. -il hnx th* -inre etftise Spuner hulin on Main etreet, imb wlîir-i îisy wlli niove their hardware stock February 1 tramthie (Golding buidîî-g wisre lhey bave been located fort.. i Irn. D. H. Murphy leit artt Tiedey for n two wecbs trip t) i,rîla. tira. MaudoAtrouge, uir. Maud Lake, wiu bas been s1jendiug 'iouae ime wiii ber sister tir@. Louislm Pers. rstnrned ta, her hume la Alberta. Cen . Thurada>'. PRAIRIE VIEW Tii. Farmer's 'Intitut,' at Prairie View, Feb. 3r5, etîuud have a large alteudence. Tii. speakers are li@ beet Iii lie tete, doul tae,'unr word for ibis, but corne sud b,' cînvinced. AnS as you are interested iluthie ruwiug ai better corn dont forgel tiode fOve cars. Leave themu etA. U. IMalher'o or Woadrnn 'ail Dot later tien Muudey, 4 p. ni. The corn muet b. growu lu Vernuu toa'nelip In 1913. liemember, wiite ar yeiow dor. Ifyjon areldm1 Il measoa suitabie prizesune tha willl Pisa. on. It basisu aiS thatitil'ii g 1 I VAUCNDA Beruard Ewald and Christ Emilînq left Weduesday for Columbus, Neb.. for s.ibret veeke Viesl witb relatives ani friends. Mir. and tIdr..P. Courtuey ot Calgary, Canada, are the jguestm of t îe iutumet'i parente, tir. aud M r, P. Cou r ne. Titey report a very miid winter in western Canada, tbhe aie as we are bovin«. malman'a big pre-luveulory eah Cisar. Suce MWi wiil b. ext.uded natif datuarday eveaing, F.b. 14, and If jon bave not talion advant&ge.ot the big bargalueb.. nug offered dou't delav. Now i your oppartuulty for big savingo as ail win- ter gonds are being eacriflced. The èntertatnment given ut tbe village bail Seturday algbt was largely attend- ed snd highiy eujoyed by ail. Thie wae the firit of a oerîe ot tour eqertein. Bureau of Chcago and the. date of the second lnuaber wilil ooü b. anuounced. The nid tolke dance et the Oakland bail last Wpdnesday evefllng was at- tended by 73 couples. Hapke orcbee. tra of Lbertyvilie furnished mumie for tbe occasion and a muet ejoyeble lime le reported. A new barber @bop i.. to b. opened In the. Brook. & Stroker building. John Brown, wbo ba(ilun attact uf appendicitie lait w.'k, is 'n) and arounud egain. but au soori am. hm. le trong eogh wîll go to Chicago tfor an opera- tioli. Mar. and bdirs. Wm Pri,'.. are ths proud Parente of a boy baby wh,, a*rived test T1ueday. Blackburn & Brougbin are reinodel. eCale ?/ews of Wedneadeay eveaiun- a ý.arell Party' wes tendered tir, sudidre. Il;ary Hon. l ton Who reelde west fLi hyile n t iw h ave renteS e laein near Whireiun- r whbre they szpect to .nove in tbIa.ner future. Tiers weme a large numrulieriî irIenda piseent tla bn riven theeve- utun- eS dfarewel te ie fanaily.tir. suad aud tire o. ruton have a large cirrie ai friands in lii. cummuniîy wioî wll, b. eorry tlu se. tuem leave. but we u tarnily mmci happînese lu their uew home. ---------- __ b. a med lelter day for the. quiet littis e ,LAME ZURCH towu. Came anSdhelomske t @o. Tic- sutertainimsnî iy lie Varions echoole tir. Stephene utf Crystal Lake, district will pleese you. For dehails se. band manager af lie Public Servic-e Co., lreu. bille, Tic rdlanagsmeut bas promise ot oacted business in unr village Salurday. full pron-ran for aIl day sud seuing. Ang. Frueli 'i sud Henry' Brndingu Cerne sud eu]oy thebiosplteiity ut Prairie visliedPalatine Saturday eveuln- auo Vîsw. Commîte.. business. WilliVWeber, Walter Conouerand Walter Blind Willie'a Concert. Preini teuk e pleasure trip lu Chicago "Blind Willle- Sîresser will render hie Sunday. Popuier Concert iu Grace churci, Prairie Mis@ Emma Sliaaefer. wbo was report- Visa' un Fiday, jeu. 30, at S p. m. NO e<i ver>'îIck lest we.k les luwly im- une enu affonS ta mie. lit. rare treat ut pruvîug. icarlun- ad seln- Ibiswondcrtul tirs@. .Fink and daugiten aud tirs. musician. %Mn. Stragerhbas beendeprived RelauSdientIer visiteS wîtb relative. au of h@ @ghtsine h wa tw weki;oldRacine, Wis.. l'riday sud Salunday. sud bas tineretore marneS hle mn> selections cutîrel>'by sar. Hemunders al Mtr, anSdtire. Emi Frnk sud Heny of bils nunîbens viti a 4vauderful arnoultire. Jr., vlstrd at %Aaukegan Mou- af expression, anS neyer falts lu deligil day. bils audienees. Tic procepedo out lis Tir Pubîlic Service,'Co, , sîertî'd work concert wilI go ton thesuepportu t o lnd Muîday on1 tie village lin-itiuig sy'tena. Wlle suri.on2ead 15c Aun-. Voellitlîaanîdtanily utftGrant Park, III , anc vîeîtiug relatives asud triandsihors a tew treis. N E iORDERS AIRE W.. are eunry tu berntl:aàt J. C. Whiîtney une ut unr îldrst sud muet IS 0i O T R400 glyrespecteS itizeus is coutineS lu L>5>,1~,0F IICAI ils b.d. MENT0F RISO ERS For sh.l b oand @sclîsupplies Tic lucancenatgn of tbe Waukegan Yaoung mau lu tie tramp bouses por- tiou of the clty lai] Tiursdsy alght afler he waî arrestod for beln- druuk sud dieund..rly, bas brougbl about e change tif tAin-e sud gnerai onders et thie clty pliulce station, Commis- slanen Attenbenu-y bead of lie depant- ment, iavlug issueS sweeplng orders todey as e reslit of lhe disclasure liaIt te sman, who, vieil ual intoxi- cated, le respectable sud even visa drunk te nîîîîuîi ta nome coneldens- tion, vas neally sbemefully Irealed on Tiuncdey, Iu substance, bers are lie ordens Chef Athenlierry issueS lodey: 1. Heresîter when any citizen~ la arsated an d taken 'c the city jaly, HE SHALL DE PLACED ln a colt on the finIt or second floor ofthue jail and MM.ST NOT BE PLACED ln the bassment portion Wh"c le reSu>' nôithing but the tramp house portIoli of thé jol. If the main cel. e r field, take them .lo the counI>' jal. 2. Any citizen arrestud on the ordinar>' charge, *hall ho given thi. conside"atlon. Thes police ehall ma5s a ~fertInotlfy hie réatlaée on tie talhphoeuoethhte Leonard Young uf Chicago Hein-ts. visiteS sili bis par-?nts uvr rSunda>'. Mies Mary GuSn-luck aud Missle dua Prueis returued tram Chicago Sunday. Labo Zurich cburcb, Sunde>' Feb. 1. German lservice ai 10 'clock, eert "Beasciily Meat". Englici service aI 8 p. ni., sniiect "Pence Alter Storm»." s,,aday ,baacol ut >a.ailn, .Inte'rnational INE WATCH REèAÏ#ilrJ WATCME S SILVf neAR< ineTden iiCLOCKS DAMNiTne .uan IJEWELRY !?«UTGSTe pus I ENRA VNO I railroad trains f - wait for no man.IV Carry one of Our thoroly reliable. up-to - the - minute, moderato - priced timepieces and be ëN 8 exactly Poisted at A T ail times on the S correct time. A. LIUSS, Jeweler LIBERTYVILLE, - - ILLINOIS Final Closing Out 0F John Richardson's Stock at VOLO, Ili., consisting of Groceries, Dry Goode, Desk, Safe, Building and Fixtures. commencing on Saturday, ian. 31 AT 9 A. M, AND Continuing until ail is sold John Richardson, Prop. H. J. Poile, Auctioneer ___________ N bacson Lube 11: 1-13. We bAvejuet b. n NOTICE! Inloruied liaI tien,' is a great lamineeilu Influa, Ail tbase wîo bave a heauttonur T he onu>' thing the Independent tue pour n igbohrdadéMFý han ooella ACE. Itlai.a are requestéd tia blp euS nia>' briug known fact liat a néwspsper their uterlun te thie jiastur, J. liiari'b makes nothhng, offPils subscrip- ________________tions themelve-lît muet depenfi Piowtng by ArtIficlal Lîglit on the sale uf SPACE. Nev Bouth Wales bas adopteSthie Many Correspondénts weekiy Calîfernle Idea of ploviin- at nigit. tend In Items pertainlng lu affaire Va- thie purpase tva pôvarful acet>'- where promotere wili realîzé. loe. beudlgite an. attached ha lie profile ae a resuit of 1h. sdver," traction engine wiich' drame the ietng tisse colume furnush. Suci ploya, sud tlb. round le 50- ie51and Item@s houid and muet b. patd briUlanl> lin-bled thal lhe aper&Wcr for I uaet ie cm by dayllg he il . e a el The raté la amail-five conte as bydaylght.per lino.. In futurs such notices wiliib. For a Careful CIlla. omItted unie», notation la made Inlu ekfnt lnstanceq of rit U that Uî.y-irote b. pald for. luduoed b>' the éxigancie. of modéra lite. jet the .oclologleînoct overlook AS»' affair whore admrsson ta Ibis adatgment: "-. net, te a ehamied or- promolers maitesa man-eflM&nêb>'a 1faUtiF Olag ce Profit f--m 1% la In th@ li11e10k MIIIM '&Ws@W' meu.. i6 oDé'bouMe tiogf On-wihich nouwé mueth F.. BAIRSTOW MAtrU FACTURER OF- MarbNe and Granite Monumneni s Cemetery Work of Evaery Description Correspopidence 5olclted 116 Genesee St Wauke"an Te Eay'olu-utumston-. Work doms by Mn. A"ia. s.164~ iTwo. GEORGE WEMTNGROUSE "Do Yau matin ta tell me," i.skad lhs £reant Commodore andsrbîltt, thatYeua = S top a train golng ah flit peef i wth wiudl" "Yen., àad Young Westiughouse. «Youngan."u eaid the magnats dects- tvoîr, "I have ntirae ta %reste n ouleis Coud Moane:g. WestinghouesWasePut ta Work ln bis fatiiere Machine eap sarlin ru irs, and 'Iai t1h. ses of Ilftenbecame su luventor. f Ie 8S i. lnveuted a devIce Ina repi5ciug - c«en outle truck. He aiso made allier Inventions lu rsiiway signae, etesna. Cas enifinesud electrlcai anachiner>'. \"~ NIlu 1804 h. Inventer the elrbraLke. whlrh Inide hlm remous. lie built the greal generatur at Magarft Failu, Whlrh sup- plies. pwer for rnsny manufacturera. Hi 13 preulderit of numerous corporations smploying 25,000l Men îiud repreueutlng s capital O 000fit.00000iili, sud lhas sstab- ilhdlarge worko lu the United Stateui, England, FraenudGerman>' for the M.. manufacture et slrbrakeos ad elactrical m&aeidiery. SAFETY DEVICES ARE IMPORTANT Safcly ie placed above evcrv other coiîiîlcatiiî,nnit ihie batik. Evc.ry lranaacîiun in cafcfully ilîvttigated t- :atis-rvti,('uln-men who kuow a businemssproîpoeitiunî uen th,. ueil EVERY PRECAUTION in taken against th iflte aîisifires avdîlrregulani- lies thaI sumetimes cailie senicîtîstrolitle. E'iclî 'i"îartnl(Iî'îîî 1rtian 1, mer) who have becotme nolpi.eeî 11V li"'r'îîîgh and] ;racdîual x.enieti e. W' e y :3per cetiltitrnut cil tain i 1cî First National Bank Libertyville, Ill. Our Christuas Savings Club a'ill b. in operation again Ibis rosa. Uf you have ual joined, do so et Once. Don aud s.. Plan cleeu leq the l Inn- nig oif eaci Frai tie et tound lantaw to Gr ehar-a Mise of Misl ablesa tango bette r Au ac Inn, Fa be gi V .puspia calter, attend SFre out&$ 10CM an-m. Mm. wers ( Priv mlay b New tbe ai Pis« wrtsln ajon n lion hl triai. one c day o bak t] Simps wbere ou"s came witiaî

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