CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 30 Jan 1914, p. 3

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1 OU lqDUPEDINT, FRJDY. JANUARY 30, 1913. B.yCHAS.E.MASON Reprosentative - Correnondont Phone 34-W Dnt forget tire înk bail Saturda aIght. Firpt iclam .prises viii be erven ad rverytbrug laiseing doue to makee h Plans are tbelinilaid iry tire nlcrs ai the lyâtru' Workere ta take lit a large clase ai uew mormters nîou. fr, Mrtin ile the ezamlniug l iîheliau igrîtIhe rUiet- Iug nigitte are the firi sud dorrt Tueslaiy of eaeb mannith. Frank Kiav@, a labirrer Who itr z ,in thes employ of Ueo). Wiiarlo itzv laund deadilublid Fvnlay uàrirg af ltant w". Tire remaine were reruoved 10 (irayolsis and thiere ver. tatenà eharge af by udertater Straug, anîd bunied lu tbe potbeeVs 1ld. Miss Ororgialira t1ait van tlîe guect of Mie Ada Wite, Suiîday. .'îîi euiiy- able afiernoun va#sert .danc'ing the tango ta the airs ai Tren tluutarde, beter kuovnauas-Toi, niruuchMuiard." An aid fgshiourd dance vilii ti givru la tire optra buséebore Saturday eeu. Inn, February 14th. A priz a ltz viii ire given sud ailtirbe aid Sauces viiiire -PaSpu) Ilerman Blt, ths veli aya calter, lias ieen eu*ged. Plan ta attend. l Frsd Vîary bas soid hi@ barber &hop oublitu a barber ry tiro naome of (lus &eirair, vhoviliistart a sirop lu Waueondeà. Dr. Mrin acoanpsaale . A. Hock tao lfeago Saturday vhers su Xray plotograpb vas taira nifhiisinjard Ilire. W,. oou and Idre. Win.Booiag vers Ciago viators Mondai. Priaes tliti vii taward.d et the musi bail Baturdey evsaiugt are on ambit4on et thes poelofilce, vhere tbey mla ho gino« t" once over." Now cartaina have heen purehassd for thé opera bonsm sud vill ho assd on meetings ignie ai the lodgss. Plocse rsntomber tha t aide 1rm vrillsire.e»v wlocal item1ais ite. aider. for job prlntlag of ail kilos. if yon nsed anithlug la that linoco-operak. lion i. iy imiddle naine. Gîte me a trial. Adverielang soliictedl. fitespstfulî, Chas. E. lisuon. lirs, J. M. Dnulles of Groeeville. onte of lire speakers ai the school day of the Lake C-nnty Coru Show bas thislato say lu a letter to Supt. Simpson: I bave uar-iy toid our peo- leiiitat I hadl never vli sied suy placej where tire 'Scirool day' was eqrrai ta oursin Bond couuty. But viren 1 came avsy f rom your place 1 ied ta give It up for that vas tire bef, vithout exception, 1I md Cicr iceri. Lake(iouolry ecoltexpert, Donald S. blair vilii@Pest ln the Waut-onde) Town hall ou 8aturday, Jan. 81 at 1 o'clock. The pu rpuof tbtî is etilug le tu organ- is a "iearmer'a Tos'nahlp Club" sud ladIesar especlally invted. It in boped that te farier, Inlthe viciaity of Volo will attend. W,.. Dillon va. a week-end istor in Cicblago. Dr.' oadeutacher Ile agalu at homrre after bing ave, fora k v verts. Wnr itrîdoon vam a Wan-oda eialler Mir, sud Mr» e leeHueîn and daugirter attetudeiltir,' edminîg ofMiir. an rd a v. JactesBunr-r oi Woodstar't lest Thuro. duê. iîltrrrk plaie aàt th. bridesâ Ci i. Hîremnwaar ini toan a fcev ds>s 14st veL,. Quît.' a fcw ironîr îcre 'eein attend- aLi-e fit tri- suctjU raie ,îi .irhrni tirIraril- a-sues tîrre girmirilaet setiFridsy sud S'aturrley. GAGE'S LAME j Evervîmme is sape-ted tua tt.end tire riruruh-li n-esiicsiniugut 10:31) a. iMi inra t)]iUar y 1, se ifi n' *(tu faiunr-', Suday. Mis, 1F.lrtunu.nnd speuit ttiret sipart ai lat vert vîti berfatirer. Jas. Trigge. !tËveryoins ballbtter gtard their bs-n bouses as certain people aÇre paYiug ulghtly visite 10 different place@ lu the uelghborhood. - lire. Goujo bas retururd from Zion Cty alter bovin«g*eut seversi days vtb ber danughter. Mlastson. E. S. Faultner aud faaiuly bave moved on aur of th@ Smaralarme. A. (loujo bam parebaee te B. Doo- ilttisftenu se Wosseatoa Tb@ Ladies' Aid soelety %dili at isbvtl lire. C. C. Aaiae ou Thuraday, lob. 12. Everyone cardially tnvftld 10 attend. ,finTs PATENT ON A RAIL ANTICREEPER Frodericg A. Preston of Highland Park, vha la thre course of Uic lant year or tva bas ireen gns.nted pat- enata on ..evcral devices used by rail. ruade, bas lugt recelvod word front Wasingou that hha.ubbeaugrant- od a pa'-ent an a rail autîcreeper de- vice. Hia ln tho device la assslgued lu te P. sud M. comprilif, of Chicago. Tire devIce laeset to embodY ru. tlrely nov princIples sud lt la ex- pected to .911 a long flt luemtard. lbalnroads oucoun"i-8tuh dlffilcufty boiteuse of a teudeuvy of Ide rails to creep fonvard gradually. This necesitates constant wafchfulner.a aud repaire. With a satiefactory an- ticreeper device it Io frit tirai Ibis viii bave bren ovencome. Railîoadi are aivasî ookiug for tire best pos- sibie md ofa sdevice slong thîs line. e Save ivoney fONG Special Sale until May lst AMERICAN WIRE FENCE COl LIBERTYVIL, IUL MEREDITHI REAI. ESTATE & LOAN CO. PHONE 2U UBERTYVILLE Large Selection of Lots east of Milwaukee Avenue TIse.ore t. b. solet roasonably end t ia teyour advan. tage te cbooae while the. pin8 lai good. We write' Insurance ln several of the OId Rellable Companles In unc 5payeif wltt e eor e e e ume Look over our bargai ns ln Farms and Farm Lands, Ilouses, and City Property. Lots by wholesale Meredith Real Estate & ban Co. Pheme 34Uorvie Miss Allce O ranger ai Chicaga. madoea s3hort vieit bere Suuday afteruoou. Win. Spriager transasctd buâiness iu Waukegan Tuesday. Mir- Irving Payur ai Area. was a guet ai relatives borrr louday. There vîilire a bas4ket bheu gaine Satiîrd.y eveang fret wîcn irayelake and Burilgton tearrîs. lir@.Chas Rloot and eblrdren returrred ta ber home in Chiciagoi 'tturday istîr appnding a few days iti relatives irire. The miny trîuds o ai Sirs Iaiîy Boff rhusa vili isg<et ta hear oailier deatir viricir waa repoýted inu ouday 's Tribunre. Jeun Lourgtàauhi, vio iras bren eu-k tire past tieen lmuabe ta Ire athie store jegain. (iraysiate baket bll 1tear jrurucyed ta lienry la% Saturdayeening wvirer they defrated tire liHeury teste ru a score of 22 ta 10. Tire tovu board and 0, P. Barrou sud bon met the state board ai braiti r e Chicago Mouday lu regarda tu the draiu- mae.queation. go far â@ ve eau irarn uothing vas set ied upon. Meedàum Bullard sud Adame and Mime. Wbeeler sud Darby entertalard at "500" Tbureday eteuin,( et Hoakem hall. Heury Kusitter transat-ted business at Wsutrgan Tueeday. Valentin« e athtirsexali Store. Dont fal ta seMtUmem. Brase DingCo. lira. Everest Iiaib of Lake villa, pur. chaied a No. 8 Vicrcia or tbc Druce Drug Co., luatvesi. Mise. Ailie srang e@pont Tueeday vitir ber brother. tle sd vilse at Antioch. lira. Burlitert toit Titeedai moralng to vieiL ber inother la Possus, Wis. Lest lueaday atternoon lira. Cbas. Fenlou entertalned bhe lielonary club. lira. Willls lMacMilîlan sud dasugbtev Lils vere lu Chicago liondisy. lir@, 0. J. Wbreioeit sad sister, lira. Lamb are ezpeted home this veet iroai Colorada Sprnugs. Sm our line of Valentin« ansd îou yl ire satiofled that tbcy are the bout tn tovu. Drues Drng Ca. Lov. Whte sud d lra. Gleaon of te St. Lawrence lilssion of Librtyvllle, met vith niesubera rf St. Andrsv Mission Wedueeday tfernoon ta organise s Guild. 1 ~RUSSE -1 The Ladies' Aid oocieîy viii meet an Tburaday mamniug viti rer. E. A. Reevee. Dont farget tire Farinera' luelituse on Thureday. Feh. th, il day aud even- lug. Dnuner aud suirper serval ity the ladies. lirs. Critteuden eeived word Monda, tirai (raudine Crittruden vas dead. B. ().Munrie venst 51,(taneer izday aight bo s R. W. Chitteudru, vira trll and vas badly ljured. lir@. R. 0. Murrie, William sud Doris spont Satnrday asudSnuday vir ber brotber, L. J. Slacum sund famiiy at Bristol. W. J. Meille vas s Kenosha viator ou Mouday. Hoen Sebafer speut Saturdiay sud Sun-. day lu Kenooha vith Myrtie Corrie. $y fi 0 ems q9ray$I/ake Edited by F. J.ODRUCE, PlIon.J, Ord re Taken for Job Work. Advertiaing rates on application. lira. Clava Formtan sud daughter some grain rirango'd thirr mindisud Ilattie visait et lMrs. E. A. BRees u,, lionday. Mir. and lMr@. J. H. tCorries pent Fridai vitb 4r. snd lire. W. K. Wiiiby. Inez and Alice iter @pent the latter part oi iaet week wlth friends in Wads- worth. WARREN Mrv. and Mre. Cari Lamnb and famlly are spendlng soinetime with thre former% parents, ir. sud lire. Charles Lambr. Me@sse. John and (George Eichinger, Joe Dode and Mia@ Mary LHichinger atteuded the card party at Wadwortb iaat Thursday evening. \ The Warren Cemetery association vilI meet witb lira. Cora Studer on Wednes- day, Feb. 4. lira. J0. Woodward and lady triend! of Waukssn, @penit Bunday vith Idis. Barah Hoffmans. .. 0. W.loh wa. aWauksgsu 'rilsor on Mondai. Berthe, Pnîkir of Gages Lake, 'st*d with rlire Spencer Crawford and othoe Moindes boeluet lira. 9. S. Ianlkner snd Gssdn.r of Gag.e Lake, vers onadal viatorsaiSt NÔi'lhNip's. Qransi Welch bas gone to Chicago bo relde sud wlUho egréestly ailod ber.. WIlIIGellen fot a lue cow les" 'vesI. out. ARE- FRAMING ORDINANCE. Dress Regulations in Dowie's OId City WiII Enforce Edict of Overseer Voliva. Zian City lias e,ýiablished a nov de- Piartaient in -onecion vitir tiread- minitrittion oe ttliemunrcipal affairs. "Censorg of worren's drese," viii ire tire officiai appellation given to the members of tire nea' office. Oniy vo- men are to serve as ceusore. and soute of the things tirey arr ta keep off tire streets of ZMon are: Tire est skirI. The X-ray gowu. The govir with extreme short aleevea. DresssacaaIdisplay bon much af tire ankîr. And any "nev-fangl.4l" style tiret might re clsgned as "lyul- gar" or "Immodest." Sa theo ladies of Zion, under Ibis nov -order of tilngs, ame t. ie lopt absoiutely eafe from any templation to, apjpcar lu gaudy droas, sund riat. ing vomen tantire temple cf modcaby muaetflot appean tire.In any gavu not appravod by tire board af censors. L"*k 5<we& -N»PUDIT 1-. Re,%ward for Saving INTEREST ON SA VINUS A CCGOUN TS NOW PAYABLE 1. RUOT TO OUST LAKE CO. MAN IN DAIRYMAN JO B Kane County MiIk Producers Endorsed Rees for iack's Place. That there ln 10 be a riruggle for the' control of the Mili Prîrîfriers, as- lC 'cciatloii at the meetting at ifli Sher- mari. Chicago. Febnuary ", irai arpar- Feut when at the meeting if flie Kane rrinnY local at Geni-rrr ';aturday, e-'I'rlt.Reneof litri sen. ri(rý mcifor asecretary oft lic asaoila- tjiotri nplace af Albe'r t ackof 1-1 .i -r orin t r. pressentfu ii,'i .who ra-as r-alled by somle rf ti,-rienriers "]"fit for the position.~ Fel loirs Refuse@ Endorsemoent. Tire resolutions Passid asio endors. cd Flmer J1. F'ellows, of st.(Cbarles, fr r I-'lection as preciri. lit., despite hjih aisofute refusai te r, I'..'tirle po- e for another terni. ' r. Felfoas In iufladdreessexplalu.'îf otrheli rmeur. fe'.a4rinbird that hr'i-. tront ln a P0, 'tlon ta accept th - otIgi', for ant- % ti,!r rear if f It ene t iriifrer i lim andi rprommcnded Georgi' W. hrowu, i f Sti-amore, lavyr, fainer and rProfnjnent citizen ofai rtceury That McHrury and laIe county i rudurers bave brenaualigned against tbc QKanr county men ini tîe cantret for the offices for envierai reonthe and have enrrsd inte an aflance viîb tl'e Lake county contingent ta sup- Port Secrriary Jack and taire againsî tbte directors reCommrended by lthe Kano cOuuîY Contingent. vas asserted by tirage about the corridors of tbe tbuilding during the meeting.-Elgin 'Neya, Saturday, Iaa. 4. MILK SUPPLY 1S PLI3NTJFUL NOW MiIk News Declares That Chi- cago District Production Ex- ceeds Records. Tire mutk situation le summed up eas fol lovi in Mllk Neya: u Coutrary to the generai expecla. kl»n of Ist fait. tire1 sutrplus of mili on tire Chicago market at thîs t ime. Tlie dlaguoe o f the situaion lait cOntract prod tiret thore would be sbortage ail wvieor Booms to bave 90Oeavry. IL va* thougbt et that inte that notwithstanding thre abun- 0dant crops of thie distfuit the blgir aprie of cutis auuld Probîbit dairy- mon froma oversupplylng thre markiet, snd fi did te a considerable exteut ]sud good Judges catîmate that tirere tg from 10 to 201 per cent lras than lirhe normal number of cove nov ln mliithrougirout this terrhiory. but virat are bre are mllklng "f0 boat the band." as aire larmier exPressrd if.. and producing ihe bost quallîv of amlk lu butter fat ever ktuavr from Oclober down fa rIre proent Lime. Perbaps ve bad beffer May the bof- U ire and condeirsers are glving thre fîrmens a bigirer test thau they mver ygave beore, and lot if go a. tirat. Il Tire resse for this u nusual mliii flow are ebvieus. The reson has been âunueuaiiy mil d and grazlng bas ison 'good ou ail filds flot beaerily stocird nt igbî up ta Christ mas, and the mes- dova vere stfil sfiwing green. Tire ,again Much of tire cord vas a dlsap- Poînîment when Il came to barveit, fl ot being a good manketable qusliry but 51111 good for feedlng purposci. Mr@,. Mary King rs.epeuding ioruetime Witt' ber @inter, vho ir verv iii at her bomne near Wadswortiî The Ladies' Aid soclety wrfl mieel vth lir@. Fred Hamliu, Wedrîsday, Fé'b. 4, for the afternoon. %'rsrrrrs alwaye wrlconrr. lire. Arthrur Wilturu amd Mims Addie BRirafier of Auîloî',ir, viaited with Mrp.. E. A.. WjftOUlert Wveet Mi@!§ L3 dia Litwjlprr irronincitrtire bouse by iucs at tire borne of ber eister, lir@. B. Hamlij. Mros Elizabieth Tî,wcr ie uite iii at ber home caet r, tri . Mr. and Nîrs. John Stewart of rSt. Pau, Mirnu.. arrîr cd last wcck [(Pr a visit witlr ir. Stewart'm . srpfr, Mr inglir.s anrd other relatives. Mesdamîe Hrdriks and Mleitl, r, lugleside, spi tSuîrday at H.tifîcr- wood's. J1amter A t eus i-r mditir ru reiniitr:e about thei sacre, fiut lie jr able tri le aborultthe bouse and yard. Fred Millerrîtf Wsukegau. vîsited hjs parents bers tire t aofthérever Aiter conelderable discussion the bi g Ici bousesbore je beiug prepared for work as soon a@ there etier turnoe i-nd euougb. A large force of carpenters are ai svork getting the place lia shape and new hotter and other mâciuery vili ire installod. The bosrdiug bouse la being put ln readineme to accominodate the largs family of "bobai," vho are alwayae rapboyrd. The masquerade ou Satnrday êveing vas well attended and .nrrounding toalwmevee 'oS Tb@s Oas tua.., vers of varions defln. lirs. Fred Hamla dreseed as Indien chiot took telleaie'O irat pis, Mu Boeste Wallace lady'@ tiret pris, Mie. W. 0. Bucker pris for comical lady sud M r. Palner of Autlocb, took prizeforcouilcal gent. A group lu pink and white dorninoro took prisas group. Mormill's orchrestra iurnisbed the music and tbs hall vas liued vib lire unenal nuinbsr of spectatore. The gentlemen repreoenting te Stat. Epileptic Colony vere lu tovu looking over the site on Wedneeday. A chreken dinuer vas served to the party ai John Nadr's. 5M1LLuffl 11ev. A. W. éaford vas very ilU lest vesi but et proetu wrlting la couvai... cent. Ali Thom of Nortb Bond, Nebrasis, la visltlng bis itrother-n-law. William liarselîs. A. B Stewart snd Mr. sud lMr@. J. H. lonnerr@pont Frldsy vlth Mrs. Annie Hughes of Lake Villa. (irandma To er vas eriouaiy siet the past vert butait prerelnt in lmproved. Rtobert Bonuer af Chicago,. ert Sun- day witb bis parente, lMr. sud tira. John Banner. Dr. Iandolph lectured boe Tuesday on "The American Boy". lire. J. S, Deumnu aud baby epeut Wednesday and Tburoday viii. ber par- en te, Mr. and Mrs. 1). M. %sbite. %liss Berthra Wbite speut a lew days vir Mr. and Mir@. Murrir of Lake Villa. The meeting oI bbe Ladies Ald socleby boas bren posrponed until Febrniary Il. Miss May Dodge lfrt Tbursday for ber bomee lu Peoria, itaviug @peut some Unes witb relatives lu Russell and lilliburu. Wm. Watson'of Lake Villa @pont a ev days witir bis motber and aiitera. Ed iiodge oifIRochester, Wie., sprat severai dsys vlsiting Go. 1MeCredie and ralig on o ad irieuds. Mijes Enri ripent sererai days vitb Mrs. E. A. Martin returuiug tri Chicago Tbursiisy. Lke Villa, IllinoisJ r Terent you have b... paying could have b..m ýnýe-re! paid on a nie home. I&ins Dot toc jae t t.Mae a »tlo" aa you should consider the uaezoolled values iu rosi relate nov being offered by DURAND &ý DUIRAI i 2th ANNUAL MASK BAIL GRAYSLAKE VOLUNTEER FIRE DEPARTMENT* ON FMIAY EVENING FEBRU'ARY l3th, 1914, Ii th GRAYSLAKE OPERA HOUSIE, Gwayç6k*,I Uberellldam t. h. awa'd.d semaele. s:est dreed &M Uammm cal Lady s&d Gm en et ds'esad aubdmotcialCulSetsd and mom 1comsulI Gou et L"and cu=Gani. dsahSI sn.d .,oat commlcal gVoup .5oCl6ihrm% &aMlte b. u.d.t 12 "&ms. ecal pila ttea b. utclowns. Nobody aflowed to dançe bdfor. Grand Mardi unlea. costumed. Grand Mardi at 10.30. Full lI... f oo.tuip.ate b. for veut st hall . Cheik russe fa... TICKETS, 50c a poeson. "IJPER TO SE SERVED. The:Firemen extend a cordial invitation to everyoe. Don't forgot thse date-FRDAY, FUS. 1& NOTICE TO CORRESPONDENrS. Independerit corSopoo)dents In some. csa"& are gettlng thoîr Items in tou. ste for proper handllng. W. wossid urge them If possible, te have them in our -office by Tu.sday. Want at the Prie@.eda Yon Want To >Nee a M:x-.ja in n unqueblend ORCHESTRA?.I ci cgr asSedton of berriée tram ________________ th wrid.t.moa. oseofftguin lire. Win. Creurjus ai (rayslaie, iîmrrrerfy oi Mifiburu. vent Monday ta tire Wautegeu bospftai for au operstiou. iea. Stepirenîs fe it bij evert4ta attend thîe State Mutueiluisurancé Co., meetiug et I'erria, 1ii. Johbn Mv'tirc if Antiai-i, frausacted, buijess ansd calird on hie brother, Wm. Phono Mason No. 34-W Round Lakte, lu1. bMSIC FOR AU. OCCASIONS. Dance Music a Sp.cialty Metflujre, Manda)'.' T. Garrett toot a ioad frout bers taotmksa ul k attend tire ayster supper at Hickory test bis ut tire orbie.ANN0UN MENT Wednesday. le purity aud qusllty1 musire a saaterng, vus. Dr. N. 'W. Schei11 e Lesli iLuner. . KBain.lMr snd asme drink. M a x- O -la b d d l v erAdM,:W2O-jeAiL d M I. "itetC lire. J. C. Chape, lire. Denma n ed 7elutevflhais Scbuyier. ined liM. W. 0. licQuirs'qu Onkh"d il and J. P. Daviaon vers Wautsgsu vîsit- o u,ý w»LTuW rdy or. the past week.goualtNeu Mrv. sudlire. Jobu Stewart of St.Cit Anthony, iiu., arc vlslllngtleir bru.- ârHume3-0 ltersansd sistere bore tis wv.t am *n hMasashe hsvs ahS Cuokoo Superstltlme,. Oum jSiss agrte tire 0111r et a dsAIy paper. ln Norfolkr (Unglend)- pWe b. . khtinIf lb rt*tlm01a15U mayeaetiret vbateryor7u aleqoinsth*. seu. ime or beaiau treu tbe a& trot ime you bear lire enarco vii iretoilaidoitstmmt ha vile about 5» tir. til yau are destIaed ta do most velbais 'i omt,1Oba fiaire iruUtnS ftequently thrratgiont thre Camlag ier. - - dffl ea. 'qbae boardntirimi*' Anotbsr popular superstitIon la tirai OWOnâm$i putttu ls ou* ieomt fl 01 i au anmsrried persan viU rqnsaln IUtbou bi a saeore, sar-complez.gial te iraer viethotY«s bave 5fl single asmaniy eBArs astir* umb.î ionad man, thon bore 1 disallov tir..IL." The edibors ruelm va .*> Of lime. tir. cuckaO, wbe ftrea«rd.ta ho a competent jndge.-Iq" al. W »i - YTw osW cqarrivedi eatOIY. uue, s e au, ton. , @P te tb* rouces ehavi Mt MMSe Capital $25,000.00OO T-B Open Wednesday evenina from 6:30 to 8. laktIIVill a mt& iuijii aUau 8

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