TAKlOOhTNTY -rge Punr Lake County Independent officiai Paper for Lake County. 0Office Telephone Numirer 1, Lbertyville Exchange. Entored ali the Poetrtfie.'nt litbrryviiie, M., asSpecond Clage Mail %latter Iesned Every Fridnv Adertiiniz Rates Made Known on Application. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE, $1.50 PER YEAR STRIOTLV IN ADVANCE W. J. SMITH .... .........................Editor F, G. SMITH -. ,---ý......... ...... ........................ Manager M. J. WEBER . .. .. ... ................... Resrdent Manager. Phone 68 WAUKEGAN WANTS THE DRAIN. Waukegan better join enthusiastically in the move to create the North Shore Sanitary District, for, unless the city a.nd other north shore towns get ready for the situa- tion in time, they may find themselves napping as did Elgin and Aurora. There the cities continued dumping sewqge into the Fox river, when, a few weeks ago, along came an order from the V. S. goverument, telling those cities they must have a plan advanced by April 1, 1914, by which they wîll dispose of their sewage without dumping it into the river. Supposing such an order were te corne teo Waukegan and north shore cities tomorrow! Are the cities ready for it? They are not! The only way they will be ready ia te create a district and begin plans tending to- ward disposing of the sewage 'without using the lake from whicii Chicago and other cities get their drinking water. Sucii au order will corne fromn Unqje Sam as sure as fate! It's just got to corne, for Chicago isn't going to spend the millions of dollars it has on gettlng pure waterand rest contented with Waukegan and other. cities continuing ding i% age nto the. lake and thus polluting the wa- ter they. te . W% to make pure. Thus, Waukegan and the. . Morth osiorelcties siioûld join in the. movement to b. ready for aay drastlcorder that the. federal goverumet u=&y Immuoany day. AId, the way tedot is to creste aaantary1 'dsritand accept tiie means offered them ofdu9g Im ti* *amq osual nov b"da Wl =ftheft citiez vould b. extremely folish andun- * uubInuslke Dot to uccept the, ad'vantage sucii a drainage project offers to thern. Hors is a cae viiere the b1e cI%.e~1eo ipipe to conht witiitt. Iftiiese lu âyzl for the. big drainageditcii it voil4 b. dlforon-tb-bt tiey don't bave to. Tbat'sail in amt4b ifl uore in meely invlted to accept of its pros-_ muc by dju a sama" part. Itys a chance that must flot be lmstet; tbes citiez caunot afford to 'assume a 7assIve &tttude lunttis important matter. Action fa need- ed-IuMWoite action-tovard creting tiie desiredusi W7 ydiattiot viic under tiie lav, vinl permit tiie ezecu- imo f lte plaia to properly dispose of tii. nortii shore citie, sevage. ____ LaeCounty in bound to profit greatly by the. soü and conm pmm.agitation vbici is swseeping over It. ][Vs good vor; keep it up o0* keep at Il barder than ever. The. Lake. Forest Women'a Club bas the. rigiit idea- of profidhmg soup, hot soup, for tiie school cbldren at noon. It in a knovu fact tbat varm foods of this sort aida mcin lhielping tiiem kuep..up their vork studying. WuIl, aelng that a precedent lias been establizhed in thu toua collector matter, the. public naturally will expeet to hier of other town colectors following tii. example of former Cofletor Vred Schaeffer of Deerfield. BUT, they Salosia 1thfei countY, vietiier guilty or innocent, are jut as fiable W vitke up tomorrow morning snd learn tbey are the, defendants in a $10»0O or & G.0ow damage suit as tbey are that they'fl be expected te pay lthe next ~license féeewien isdue; in fact, itseus8tobe quitithe 'order of tpg lately, judging from the. many actiont started or under way. rOeNG MNrS WELFARE I IK P O U E S W YI~ A er AT go IN L PR DUC RS Below are a nunber oT gd roraone ASSOCIATION LAUNCHEDg ortaigshmeTee AuuAIwi TO are maaay more goud argum-nts for Eiglit or ton of true progressive uUir encuuraging home tirade, brut tboee ta-r of thi towu have thie ,week i A>IIffAV averD elow are torne of tire moitt con- orgruiz-'d a -lut) ivhrch bi.Ireera à EEI ILJIUR UAI- vînclouir noeeerty Iere for Sonie i rirel'ie e lub Because rny ijt.terettoare lbore. is ta eprotydnortf loebr Bet-,iu" e ommuitv rîat lm good b..perr.îrlyrienararr, îretlb.e Theairrual t"iirlg ofthe Irake copurj engîtfui file taIlie luIo legood enutgh ut ait chu rrh..,r Iray irîhlr.Baie 0lr"rucn id ieionf the Mlkit Iradarers Associa- fo jeas o ag ard onu rp air ei ta t tioii sili be held at tirh@ etvll i t u u appl.y for nernbersbîp Tire irîfiere rown Hall, srturriay, Jauuary 3iet Becîsuse 1 believe ln rrarrsacting fluet- eleted are: clareuce Bond, presideur. ýiirow't2 u ijr.nemeswith ny frieuds Harr tindu vecre!, Foeer t l'uir lasmtwh as the tlrlk Producers As- Beautte Iwant ta uésethe goods. Prrelatrulias uccarirîi Flred a $ea1 doal Iecaiuce isuant tu met whas 1 buy trentiurPr. lu itie pas er arrge.eOl a te iwhpn 1îray for ijr 'Tle tiret questionueted ecirrreruftlu h at)a n le oeYI h icue2yhm elr"a.i-l i uircr aclu leriauraiy. iritei rt.'orgainian effrctse ilcubertanIéraieso eau n.briedar'arjsne tili pietliae h i aidthrie Ia'rrier. ie meat lite uniue iiiie ire8 e urtroruel.'utai .i il Ie dtoB.rvdarn« u caur.e ery dollar 1I ened at bhrre ta ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I îruoetilergor i iinrr ie . tiryairr troiîot sait hmrneand heure work for tire oeuierai .îret,iîty- .Lier r, iri:e lias rLI, thle cirrInt.1 ÎiaNe tî. l:iurrtuîly active w.lrrl , ti i.tL 'it 1 md c r ut] tande pul thtý vlte h ire Leps mn mmrnsme ing ark ro!thle gorrd purivatierf.:iîte~ ri î-~ Ti i rug bei'n eirand ri tle ir heecuinty' ieas'Iel a I1rjrr ir'a ib a ii r ajh iieiie..a îu rcîr rTherrliters' upinirrir nu i decided lucreaut, e rui.' el ht1prttc fee rrag. wiirai rt gi c@e t .a " r.Ii rrtig rrr îueiîihermi rîrw il resu1.ho e (,gb xid i em Dt th qul.1-t W heu it le taler inrtra oiti airr Beause firlie tuir t Ibuy frutrti gîtem ae il main. tir iz' .Brut tir, reteet vlue rereren Io w ayr. rreeiiyfor the lbi îrj>the trîcahsil rw li1ttfinirti.. icreawe i rivc.. Iaid for darry Re.au- the umar i bay ronrirrvîaye bis riflrd of teepiriuug îcîiws ont utI ridutit durhigrire ast jear wil tua*&rt ftevut n it a paru und Uni ut t ir thee mileitlne irrn Iftlintrîr r bei i .alrous, po oasadof' e ,tatrt Cff ert crin tire 1rrri-nw .bel g Esur rthutvi n1 ufrnbefl tteets '1lTheci arurrlifi Lrrir e oapai l'eaeeured rin tire tutir.t lem rrt h s. iî e r lier..I tru tirre rigirtri .s aeek, briolt- i iiirrl tub wuerd hâ teilkPr- ire1gie n bre1hr mires e.il b.'iardiserî ra u .ritai leruiewrerdt ittb'Mteuj dur'ereAeeaciaîrir iras thie outideuce of mianageliret tfrîtuof ii riaracer. Ille' lu"i., wiicreuir ani urereet trr rire nethîîri rt rcrat aua'liîcirare jt1iul sud otarirriareutai rer a srrung rrar i cuiig uane srecieutlii uruot ire sup[er- vieed us seli as lie ork lu orr.to Iorvelop character. lu viese aI the tact that tire club je tu ire for te ubrit menite public support. il jr in ta lie of auy beneit tr thre town it muerti he lpfnl Dut ouly ta thune >Uung ta Who are alrvady ul good chatracter. liez aima to thune seho are lems fartunate. IU the publie are tu recelve auj bonit tottelt. eeb tbe. sehoald talle a llveli ltuwrmu a at.. Prosetites111 tiae urerian uet.sud daDms. s eulh given to raies noney tfor iurulehlngu and lire publie le rcupeetiully anked tu attend tiree ffnction@ eit tire attitude of lndleetly beneitinugtbemsMeeu Witit- out thée Woodil elf thrie people te club yull develop lto an exclusive organisa- tion and thre chance for laatingt beneit gill h ba t. Among the aetivitieîu and ümProve- mnents eontemplated are, tiret: Tbe rentilmg uta eitabip bal lu thio bal the cllb will need chairs, a table for magazines and boots. athletie eqsip-j ruent. îîoeulbl, a shoseer bath. In grmner hockey toanio, enos-ctosng, siing and skating twill hoe encouraged. rbe sommer sporte: hesebali, tract; wrt-higb jumnpIng. polo vaulting. etc.. relu teep theremnbere bus,, luate eveurugecertain metings gill ho giron aver ta debatingg sud tgoerai public 1pr'aklng. lu thiste club hirpeu to get the affitance of men eabout torea Who bave abadecbtraining CrtainlY a club witn sncb a eooeprehen.stiv plant sliould not pose unuotice. Titere lie a great future for sncb au organizatior. la tiie rown aird if properly onpported lr conus ot lutoa ureeed. WOiIENOF TOWNSII SIIOILD REIIISTER TIIESDAY Il sea in tire villagef in mine regl.nrrr gill 1re day. Aeccr Dot cou register iog a 10 with, 8a g>) thrî ,- Wauk.gan women are advocating that the neit pc- iThe:ip licemait named in the city shall be a woman. Policemen dv. Fe naturally resent the suggestion, but it'a coming, sure as drwet f Ptiier cities declare it works out splendidly and in- sW, 'Wàukeffl bas no reason to think it would b. the. ex- LOCÀI ception. It's always to be expected that unique ideas of this sort v. net enthusiastically received by persona who h e rdýessed along old-tirne lnes cf thought and act- Ae Sion,.lU tker words, it's bard for some peeple to adopt bsi and accept progressive ideas aid plans. thr. J ailnb iteeS I ..Nwusnrts ana two coi iars ~pofrt1yIaundered FR131 ?or ~ajinluLibertyville whoi willhng ér h mwte work of the Area 1EW". M me up on the phone or ~ ~i~.a'te ling me to ealland col- Jeer-1~4t~ lndiay. We deliver on Ar~aundry W.Prî A "41 h-eau:e Toirs Januni everyi coi do«si ir ec contin "Pmas ruen intsnd ta 'abs aacitive part Dcomiug s;nring electina, bath and townsbip. they @hould bear d that udit greet Tuesdaj im rtion day, and tîrat ta ire ertlain bheir narue on the poil listq it Weeil frr thon ta regifieo trutat )rdrng tî tire electiari Iawa it i@ npulsomj for the seamen votera ta Pr eorre election, but by register- lott fred tape w-il i e doue away as 11,rt otem wjl ho reruired ta iutirte regular tfatu ai cwearing ir vote if nat previousîy egietened. poll brîrîts il! ho open noir Tnues- Peruary 3, at Docker & Bandes @ tore. lit AUCTIONEER SELLINI JOHN RICHIARDSON 5TOCK -ou.. ' H J. Poll@ of lAblertyville. wei engaged ta seil tire stock 01 .in Rîchardeon store at Vtulr, and &y Friday aund Satrmday ai last big cmiiwdc thronged tire store ta utire groda oitomed fur seale. Porile unloadeni sheif alter shah utf rticen. bIut as fast as the Uines ne exhaaeted ti b' helvos vers M reitir goonis taten fron ttie stock iricir contalned irudeede ci s wrorth uf Woods »titinpacked. esle grill be reusd Satnudsy, iar 31er. nseullcontinue ntil Ftile isold, One Supeft«tln £pleded. >trat7 ta gebom si lief a uma Snt look for*a vile luge sehe ts a red-bud g irL Iisatm& . h anus ta look &Bt lieil anti ie ipeam rntmview. Thre ninth lnstailment ospeciai asms.ss wei~ Ztn.1, L..slghllrstailWetnt of special aseumeut No. 2. sud tirs fourth installment of sp@ecal ases.ursaut No. 8. arm no w dus and payable at myaffite la Decer & Bonds ârug elore._ R. B. Bond, Village Colector. c-1lt Mue farmers. Hungary AgrIcultursl Country. Trhe. meeting trrrnrrrrw istrrnoon r> 0frte population of Hunigary, more for the purpoeirf elertrnrr directirrm ta than 70 pet cent. ls ongaged lnUriu- ervedurog lil uniaIe frt tr..cultural pursuits. Jirprise out c.. arreii eunty officers Coanty <'hairrian Cieru 0. tSinal bas TO THE VOTERS 0F LIBERTY- been engeered as a candidate for VILLE TOWNSHIP: prepideut of te purent oriranisatlon aî,d i1sel be a candidate for te oficeý of will no douht ho weill upported hy Lake tuasn collectai arr rie courlng lipublicîan county.I primaries, and gill apprecîate an.v and W tub no candidat@@ bave peon an- att support givan nie. nounced for directurs it liq expectad tlnat 1-1:1f Austin W. Trlpp. Nathtan E. Gattert of Lihe-tvviis, Jon L.tdmreofWautegsn, aud Ray TÂX COLLECCTOR Paddock of Round Lake. gill ho promin. 1I se e oaumoucesu: eaudldacy for *ut. c»olugfor tire potitioat e. 10~oe its-olooefrl.lgmo canidas .s . jt .~.. anoa~. OtLlhortyvillie, aubWet to tire approvai of the position oi couuty asertary, ttir e Repui.iican votereantthSe primary to proetasincombent hing N. E Gatsert. ho help at te Lîlhrtyvile lov bal c19tf Peter Bock. LIRTYILLE SCRWOL NOTES. Candidate For Collector. Emma Keiri .peutSdaturdoy in Citicgo1 I slsir nmform mnry innds titat Isili suad arrended a performance of te p1aY I h a candidate for eoîleetor, subject ta l'Bondy Uooay" t élite Olymrpic. Sire te Domoeratie primary. add sel p- reports a good tinte. preclate aIl support aiven me. Accrdlng tuas member of EnglisbIt V J. R. mlholand. Alexiuder Pope seas not "liaginary." ;,ror imaginative, elther1 FOR COLLECTOR At pissieur the senior clan isarip a fi Lirsnaniuuce« Liat lire is a candi wup. hiug attable ta gertte services. date for te nomination tO tir otft" of of twune ou direct thre piey rhoy pro.-itullectar for th@ tasen of Lihrtycilo aut pose ta gile. the Repubilcan prînrarles, and sel Thte Teuciiers Club was entertained & ppreciate ail support given hlm. Si. MIis@ avn of JMess.,..r.iL.e.r home.lclI- Thursd" yevening.1 Mi"~ Webbi spent $turday and Surs- day in Wadkettu.-/. Marre Fruicurrer, a second grade pupili bas returuod tamechoi ltaIer a tbree weeks &abeeeou acrouint of dsclines. wilbur CuIhu entreed iret unade ti@j week. À clame, of tiret grade have mtacted ta Rtudy speliug muid are dsiiig very rrîcly for hoginere. Laser wfeet we negiected ta nmentou that tho tbrrd grade pupils @eut a "groat brg buncitout 3uweme" to Miss Rowley. Tnel inteud gvlng br a postaI shoseer thio e ee. Tire lareet reparte are that mireir ipronr aply. lieBarthirîe@peut tire week-enid at ber barre lu ljwîghr. Tire igliti grade had a meeting Tues. day afterrnîu aud nrganized. Tire fülowîugr officrs reere ,lected: Ruseell Pllagg, presldeur; Hanriet Busbi. _v4* prenident; LairarreJuet, secretary ani¶ treaenrer. Estrer Prie was absent iionday ou account of a epralued sukie. Ilia Haven sas absent Wednesday fore- noori. Tire aid syotein of cal! bell bas been rernaved and rire new systera suil coon b.' ini rierîtirnu. Tuesday atternoon, Jan. 28, at -1:45 trie gzirls irf tire treadebatinir cocoies soa tire L .H. 8 nnmmely te Waiwabtayee'm andn Tonarau das merlu the gyrnnasrim af thîeNIl. E, churcir ta decide wiin wrrid IrO vîctorrous luntbasket bal Bi)ti tearue were assembled at 2:45 and friends aj euemie mt face ta face tr decide thre final ctrmuggle. quite a croset of friende reere gatbered ta seltîrese the gaine and cireer the playere. The iret hall orf tire gante vas iniereting becaner botirteains seeincd about evenly matceds witi tire follosig lineu: Tonavanda Wabwahtays L.nella sanborn ..Conter .. FranceS mIti Blanche Shnk.Frssd.lssmillei Nation Taylor ... i'orward..D. Fredoricki Emnma Cook -...... u&M...Lois Austi Pearl Hughes...Guad..affery Prie But lunttc second bailtlb Wahwahtayi tese'&wnau su»V.,vioboqS iti Pm caimly tasslng bokoesmuid , nsu, c"srs. Batbt.uUs pia1$ swil sd* ds.erve the pn,ra » bwus ven tbos afisi tthe au.*"sin"u nd d h teants loit tirecourt t 5h ab5j oy55i efrrylng siththem victory sud a wcon of 18 taS5. Sunday thes Dey oif1u11t. Buaday littthe commun pOOple' gret liberty dey, s»d lier are bota tu see to it tirse ork duosa net COfI lato t.-Beechèr. You needn'fffvî t hreî when you oxeeto m grind wet feed. We have a lime of Feed Grinders that will handie it at the same speed as dry. ritl,£TZSILENT DUHR FEED MIL Give Letz Mills a trial and you will neyer use any other kind. They are the fastest-working, eaaiest-running Feed Grinders made, and cost you least for gasoline. Grind Oat , HuHs, Alfalfa, Hay, Corn with Cobs and Husk, Wheat Screenings and ail SmaIl Grains fine at a single grinding. Buhrs sharpen themselves. One set grinds 1000 to 3000 bushels. We can furnish, you the right mize Letz for your engine's horse- power. Sec us about it at once. IBERTYYVILLE... Ml. B. E-GER ...ORAYSLAKE JOHN HODGE District Manager lu accouant wîth Michian Mutuàd Life Insurance Company 792F T lotment of new busi- ness to b. written f rom October 30, 1912, t o ffff(ff~ December 31, 1913 IUUUU etBy Amount written -29 le re Id Buy it Because Its a Better Car orma$550 tiel ~atnuasSchanck Bros, Libertyville . 1