CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 6 Feb 1914, p. 12

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elga boru. womao can geL citimena paiers just the saine as a Ma and LE T (YT RDAM tecomes a citizen through the regular FÀ#IINE OF IRt channels; otherwise, sih. doesn't be.- O N S.POTT DAM ccme a citizen unlesa sibe marries an ONS .P TS* American citizen, But titis Zion woman evldentiy does Need Three Weeks of Freez- hot cOntemplaI. marriage ensit at ing Weather to Assure Sup- Miss Maria Van Viet of Zion i the e, teailomey pîy Says Upham.y Ciy Hotds a Rather Novel J erseif. it was ber seond appar- j Distinction.nce t the court bouse recently, shejChcg i _________having securcd her tiret soýie timte 1 viiface Rn tee famine this 1'ago. , sommer unless there li.titrese velcaof ANDAdlnlirTppictiNOt 'hos KEy retngîethnacorn. t AN TSN àE ITIH l Aui le pliain tsos îay rein1eter co'igt tai the womann as baoIin Amster- Pred W. UPbam, President of the FortheReord a th C u dim. Auguat 9, 1875, that sihe saîîed Consuea OPJy. FortheRecrdsat he oud from Rotterdam 1u September, 1904 Thera la Rn nual consomption of flouse Show Rather Unusual ad. sIngulari>', sihe alied on the 5TAOO0 tons Of ice In Cook county Collection of Dams. steamer Potîsdamo. ,and the ýOuàumers Company' supplies Nliss Van Vlet couldn't belp but ta Chicgo and surrouuding tolvits2,- %%aulcegan, Ill., February 3. Permit a saile ta smlrk about ber 500,000 tons. hf of the entîre ont- Maria, Nandrika Vin Viet, 2716 li139 wben ah.e answered th. questions Pot. tlzabeth avenue, Zion City, was: of the clerk vho recorded the. details 5,We have ÎlOt cut a Pound of ice for and when ah.e bad compieted the Amn-etbo Year 1914 go far," said Presideut BORN at Amsterdami; ster-dam, Rotterdam, Pottadsm ans-* lpham today. 'We bave fifty-eight SAILED FROM Rotterdam; 'wers. the cierk (a man) turned sight- ie deliots ln northern Illinois and' ON THlE STEAMER Pôttsdam. ]Y t(on0e ide and repeated: AmSter. Wisconsin. An army of Men are ready -dia, Rotterdam, Pottsdam-welI, l'il ta cut,*nd store the ice as saon as w. And It canant b. saiti ah. didnît be switched. iget thre e eeha of cold veather. The givé, a whoop at becomlng an Ameit ________ _Ice harvoFst emPioyed about 7,500 men. com ciien for ah. bas already taken 'l'.5esi en are ready at Our varions itelis ta become one and that'. bow it ADJUDICATION NOTICE. depots to do the work as »non as the vas reveaied that there wer. a lot veather permitae. W. are ready with ,Of "dame" conneéteS vith ber arrivai Public notice tg bereby gven - that ail the necessary equipment ta bar- - ln ttua vorld, ber departure fram lher the Subscri bers. executors of the last vest the Ice. Thre. weeks of raid ative lantd for American and th, will and testament of William B. Lew- weather le what v. need anîd then "dam" featur. vas even carried t,3 ln, deceased. will attend the Couinty there wililbceneugb ie eut to sup- Ilbe boat on whîch ah.e made ber pas- Court of Lake Count>'. at a terni tilere.- pli, the demand.' sage aver th sn. of ta be bolden at the Court Hous. ln This ino Jolie-t'sa ality, bhum Waukeganii usaid Count>'. on the.tirest ACBSO UG >pt b>' the records ln the naturaIIat Manday of April next, 1914, whe d AC BSO UGE tim toék 'Of (Circuit Clerli Bro-sii er. ail persous havlng cait IN LIN£ FOR RED HAT.t s'aY's offIce ln the Lake rout> court agalitataid estate are noiied and boumn. requested to presetit the saime to asid Rme Peb. 4-That at leanIt ta IL va« 'heu Mist Van ViIvI î..ade Court for adjudication. and Possibl>' four Ailerican preistes iPPication &. ew day*s aga fer ber ROY E. LEWIN, wifl be raised rank of cardinal Moont! sapersa ttfit vas diir-ierri IIAiIIIET A. HOWE, t the swriug consistor>' waa the bc. Iebero elle '*aarni 'and al 1th-? tli Executors of te last viii and les- lefexpressed Ioda>' by a bigb onffa rthags Wbieh Maki ber cv-se inter- lament of William 1B. Lewin, decens theCathoiic cblurch. Dwmg . ed. ees AMOng thugs. mentioned for te red c ia Van Viiet la one of the few Wukegai. I.. Kei. 2nd, 1914. bat are Archbiahap QUiglev of Chiý digie vomeu Of the dounty who tink Heydecker & Heydeujelir, Attorneys "ago, Archblshop Bleak of New Or- Meuh Of cil»znip (o aeek naturel- for estate. wklyli'eb. 6, 13, 20. leausadl. hihp rln o i .1 s I d c s e A Million Dollars'. Worth Jeffery Cars Ordered in Seven Days Jeffery'Dealers placed orders during, the past week for 1,000 Jeffery Cars aggreg- ating in value over $1,000,00 to be de- livered pri»or to April lst. This makes a total of .7,000 Cars orderea to date this season. One hundred and thiri Cars were sold during t delivered immediately. The Thomas B. jeffer Main Office and W( KENOSHA, WISCi NOTICE TO DE Confirmatory schedule of tlel-ive.t to you within tenq SIBLEY & HP. Lake County Dealers. Phone Ly -AiL Jljj j 'Cle'ueland, Feb. 5.-John 1D oce relier. the sorida rîchen mnan, fce I ~ ithe possibît>' ar golug talau iIf th, the w eek to bie rantI>tl t îommission la auccesfru t e olit forclng 0 an Issaoe telb. e or $l200,000 0lu taxes demauded of. th.e o iugn. The commissionrs declared Ihat the tiev Warnea tai la Pi-avides that la.cse a Péraon talle 10 liaI bis lier- snai properî>' for taxatiosi be May ho itaiid >efore thb. pi-ate court sud tipo bis refusai, to anaver questions coucerniug bia propert>' be May lie de. Com nanyclar.d ln contempt aud CoMmItled 10 orks ifs, recelved the backing of Govrn. or Cor and 1the atate tax commnission 9TT~TKTlu their attempî t tofarce John D). 1n ONSIN PaY taxes Cul 1900000,000 of persanal Â.~lLLN praperty. Rockefeller Maintains that bis i-cal, s a -douce la ln Ne v York. CAT BAVES;_RECIPROCATED 'A LEIRS Mun FnLM PBurng Hou«; Descende >1ln apiehMn . >b. -H. C. ('llWoedfRob~iu alaa uyb, riait. ries vyil be r ailed .d bis lita t aata f a Pet catj ries wil be m'aied hathad avahaaed hisi in lIme to, e«Caps trame the lire that destroyed days. bis bomne. cr1 e hag StOr> vilpdow after amashiag the gis and, euh the. catlnl bis arma, descend e &Ptasspaut. Isimsr Canddats for Sonate. S Washington, Veh. .-ltepresnts- T7 tive A. blitchell Palmer of Penusyl- ý W IX N vens.a&Dem:crat, ad neof lthe ad- -372, Antioch, ofilnustratin soteen on Itbe iior b. a ttanidAte for the United States _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ tele oh a _104 l. miSn ALCE PAIUL 14M&IULAR )luace iton = tè '~EN IS ' ND RARs and da at tsCheck and RES I'F W mot (f moneY eo. the cliatk D Scould b. seturnad tram the. bank on witich il %as drawu. This la the. way t111,game Je. varked commonly. 1;,e Pinkerton Detective in Wauke- mn>' not hava trIed to ageisanal> large gan and North-Chicago Gjet- 'bocks but Prababiy vauld hava tried tin-g Line on Sti'anger. to -flood Nortit Chiaga and Waukegan HlM. ilttcarry.uut big 1 bave Îlot yet "la the curne 0f My investigation 1 1Him came acraze a man who was pret>' and losne ta Dr. Skstrom, in tact one HAS 6000 CLIJE TO Says He Has Followed From Place 10 Plaoeg Thinks He is Quite Nos That Dr. Ekstrom, North Chi iwtvertliitg deritist" Who loft before two checkis far $10 esc! rv.turned fromn the batik marke fî,ndii," viiilla lcated and pla< der airrest vithin taO or tires 'as lte prediction nmadlelate M uftertoon by Detective Collins Plinkerton Detectlve Agency. biad aPent the day lu Waukegsi -North Chicago securing lufori WashInto1; Veb. Miss Ailces about the missing dentint. Paul. bead Of: the Cýorgressioual -union. Oue Of the tirit men lie visite, under viiose auspices the. worktng wo- Ct Sayler, North Chicago, men were hroeîght te the' nstional cap- tîresident be-ause Mr. SaYler hi Ital, arranged tbe detaits for th. viait business dpasios wlth tlhe feiloi ta President Wilson iiinuanlatempt t ltiinetolic a gel bis vie,, on .90.1 sîrrrage. De!. 10ltheg for lr trom for ha gates from New Yôr,, Massachuîsetts ';oigfrD.Fsri o Pfnoylant, bew rrsyCounerti- tflîje. Monay evenlng Colliss ontI sud Ieî.svarie came ln ou a apeclal <cofP.rPlîcPwitb Assistant Cii train. reii sud.ESberiff Elmer Green, LITTAERS- ARE SENTNCEO strorti and i expet tin ]anîd bni _________ DNENEDinth iext day or tu-o," b.e said Fi ned $.000 and Givex Six Monthe ln tivs the saine man 1iniîk bo .h as polied off simîlar dents Il Jail--4entgsce Suspended. -fc-rent l'arts of the countr) - New York. Pb. 5-Judg. Edwin srlrsdtatleddn rbams taQ. UtIedStata ditri t t e-mPtt ut over a higger swini court seutenced ex-Cougregsrhan Lu- Nri hcg n mcnie clus N. Llttsuer sud bis brother Wi~ 'llaCîegoat u cn-n' lam Littauer te prison t-vms of six vouid hav,- done iii liad lui s uoçtbs ,ach as W-el ns filing them thl'g goite wrOlig with lils $1,000 apiece. The Jiide -anunrcd, wti;ch catiseil hlm t takle frigit however, that the brothers Who bad i p out. pleaded gulît>' ta snîîggllug s dlamioad 'The plani lie 'robably loti-ad ira Into thi, country nould lie r.- toilo wa<i to forge a lnarge chec] eaa.d on suspeuded sentences for the . period of live years. The nominal sentence, howeve;-, 'as th. severest handeti aut in asmuggliug- case Iu shis district. As LO vhether It deprives t ibe Ulera of Leir rights of citizens!îip 18 y.tte10 li stermined. There ts a prevaiiing 3pinian amaug federal authorities that tdose, MMPBLUSHOME IS SAVEO Nealthy Churchmc,, Will Preaerve i Building aneItistorlcal Shi-in. Bethan>', W. Va., Feb. S--Sentiment> tchad b> veatt> lienibers of th. lacLipes of Christ, or Christians bas -S su Jiet e 14h1 r0idIO ur r f thei Arh7 M new dK- Areguided b Weaithy communicants. beaded by and ends and t >.RA.Long of Kansas City, bave roised te talle care of the building1 m erchandise-t vii r elistriai to sornebody rîi examples of th( O0CKEFELI.ER FACES 1deDartmret. li pe [a1 t' ti di ci bac Dis wm Aie chu Dr. pr-] and ahr JAIL AT CLEVEANO' TIoe Want the 04 Kug Io Pay Taxes on $900,000,OOO. Women's $ e Mutav. 125 Hickorg St.. Waukegan, 0f bis ciO.est friands And fromn 1fr lii. Phono 1350K. vlsig-ît fi -*wte ieiaSgo-t 1" 11if tb ,l'iale mcoteat'ai0 tiof one.haf mile. est of Oursee..IL. Only 27 more dayB loft to procure votes for the A&utomobile (SUJUM&I) whieh will be given away ab - , solutely free on Mareh Oth to the party having th- Iargest amount of Votes. >elling Plans for February the idea to clear up everything in odds broken fines, especially in heavy winter the things that need to be of clothes use ght now. Following are merely a few ie many bargains to be found in evewy 12,50 Zâ $15 Coats no ekp Thy remdeofec$695faris Tuheasbolesae ofmexeltares o w sîch ma boucls, in te ixeaso r ltes taonmtas. l h esnslts r. Women's Coats values te $22.50 nw$10,85 Sorne of these are fresh from £he man- ufacturers hands, others are f rom out~ owu latç winter stock redqced for a a>ospositive *clearance-included are the ,,saisif.n a~kufanMous Wooltex Coats. rO.0,,20I,0O, and 22.50 .4 Sre -, s aé S l b > g .... . .. . . . . Heat 148* Sur. Wjth shawi or convert- ahi. caliar in the nev belted effecta -black, r-Ovor groy-a1 sas The great clearings we are holdiug are the more pronounced be- cause Of, the store wide" .PrelParation f or the arrivai Of new Spring limes. Buy yotir Suý'witl1 your Car Low tirst cost, oeonomical upkeep and A SERVICE STATION for youircar within easy rc.ach for partieularsand demnotitration 194Cars iady for deIIv.ry The Beach, Oar aiè Cornier (ienese and Grand Ave. The 1 Col IMP( Unde The tbis y Russe places inters dretta chai-g been sattof mollo ers. discul been statet malte have nar>'. AI biait men the I Cauid or thi of b beart made m"), creat vere ested sboui Mi field, Sciet plaCn Mi chan vers Wihi Hou au s talki a ori lias saIl t for TI rets dtou and nei ablE ries re-e ot yea exc une duc Il due lie tha of hot tail te lail sin ie bw lýi 1 fiv-piorht Tagni-ly

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