CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 6 Feb 1914, p. 2

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committee and aecepted on motion of! Rumeeli and Wells. - The followlng bille were read: a R .1 Ditz, Street wîîrk ....... t7 . fi ld Charbonn~eaux, Stret iwtonk..12 60 * W. J. William,#, Street work. il.. 100 ...... .£...... . ...... Lake Co IndePendciit, Pnblshtng 85 I publie Service Co , Street lights.... 42 . I' Moved hb> Wells and Zersen that ail_____ bille ha allowed and warrante drawn on The auto show proyed a geat attrac the treaeurer in pa>'ment 0i esme. lion te the people 01 Ibies place lait we VILLASE ASKED TO I1NSTALL Motion crt reailgbd e nr J. Allart epent seavaea days of SCALES AT PUU. IOUSE The matter ofSi et i tG MPe et week victlug bhsecîtar Uts. Phillp- Ave. was brougt up and preaidant i IDOmme. AI the rtegular meeting 01 the village Wateon appointe1 Wollo and Zersen tto Mr@. J. A. Richeit. jr.. antertained hoard beld Mouds>' eveniug, reprepents. meet a represantativa of the Publie Ur@. Purvin Frida>' avaninir. tivea ni the Ullk Producere Amoociatlon Service Cc , and arrange to bave the Ur. sud lMra. John Bobo bail as their and the Libertyville Coopetitve a@ea. llght moved. gueeta Sunda>' relatives from Chicago. ciation wete present an1 asked tha Meeting adjournel ou motion of Wells Mines Eleanor Meyer was the week-end board lumtouet a cit>' ecale near tbe and tsa.. RuitolMailuneMcaiaoCicgo uiapinpr station on Sprogue ctreet. - - - _ -_1 ueetolio*lrneMpraieentativce w er ka s-e 1'. PaeTwo. 0 ppn nss ai By T. F. SWAN Correspondent end Agent bashkcht scdiwil ha hld àt the Murray' school Monda>', Feb. 23, ao a potrlotie progam wlll ha, given b>' the Punis. Ira Nehrlich of Evanelton, @peut Sun- day wth M~enu Eniffe. Bert Swan snd W. At. Ray made a busineos tniP to Chicago Monda>'. ta. Barry Ronce. JP., attended a eluch part>' auttehome of ber sdater. lia.E. .lCorlett at .lhart>'villa Wed- nusas>alternoon. Uts. Wm. Knlage la ependlng the week wtb ber daugblte, lire. John Roder in Chicago. Wm. T. Gaffe le In Minneapolise io waek delverug a @crie@ of Irture@ on samamnohip. Mt. aud Utas8. L.. Tripo entertainail a number of riends at a euchre partV laet Thurada>' evelinig. 0. A. King returnel liaturda>' frori Mies Agnes Pay'ne bas sodI bar place ta Minnesota whure lie bas beaeD Iployed Alert sn>dér andl bas hnught Emma for the past >ear. Ha expacts b romain Figbrs bama. The change tales Place*lieuDguueutiOD wcrk baginc inDthe the irt cf Marcb. aprlug. Mm. John Shepliard andl ean Rugeal Wedneeday evOing the Bachelar Club epent part cI lat waek witb Waukegan ejoye thait snnai chicken pie supper friands. &ad whle Iere wejre Do cases ai Rente Mise Ada Kuebzer anil Miose Gertrude ]Indigestion, coma of tbem took name Duel oi Chicago, opent the week end wtb Awful chances. tbe formar's parente. Born In, li. and Uta. E. E. Roder on Veb. 2, a mou. X N Attornaey Bn H. Miller was a vietot, t Tmeday. Ws wer noahie toa9acertaiul Mt. Landîman and MUtc A.tC. MunI- wheSher hm was inapactlog the bank or hank ware guaos o f friande la Irving suely fanding ont "wbat bappenal et Park recantl>'. Arasl. UMm. Henry>' Meswas aurpriseil Satur- idt. and Uta. John Rvee etertainei la>' nigbt b>' brman>' friands in bonar i.vemâ imei.beta o? the famil>' 51 linner of ber hrthlay. Sanda>'. The W. F. M. S. met at tha homne of Mms W. 3. WilliamsandudaIugbter lire. R. L Peck, Wdnesday at 2:30 apnt icycrld la at week witb tels- O'cluck. Uts. Emma Wood bail charge «Vus lu Oak Park o the program. 06 Bunils>'.Januar>' 251h 1.aroy W. An apidemie ai mumpe bas tarted in E.lggansd AimaeRBoue of Gta>'cIakg ont echool. Neari>' a score o? eilidren weremie lamairinqab ecohabave beau laken doWn aud aen Mie Wve. e ulta luu uq I eroeha, VanHotu, tas!bar lu the eecond room, tlm. lev. Bnuflr of tb.e man Lutberan diIInot escape. .barah. The groom la on. of ont popu. Uts. Bell of Paw Paw, icb.. la visit- Jar young mmen sd bus Ilvei haro&Il *of lng ber dsugbter, UMm. Will Doolinger at hi1e M d lS bride ha. a number of -presant. fiiem in lu bs,flnly. Thoe insu> frilad. 0 the Young coupla wlsh lb.. w*Ufl d ex tend huart>' congrstuistions Tisr malte thbir homo lu CColfIL PRO)CEEDING& pUy-antb tagarmettaig o9 Ibe Bômi of Truenooof lb.village of Atos si tb. village bail. Moda, Feb. 2,1914. Prieam%, Wataon. pomenet; tresteft. Wolisý Zerieu sud Russal. Ahoat, 1rlpp, Dvereaux snd Irving. lTho@ nkutes of the previous meeting wete trend and apptoved on motion of Russel andl Zren. The tteasstet rend i regular mont hi> report whlch was auditeil by te nuncoe Magazine Clubs DO yeu know that you vani get bai gain lae on iîaeua- Zineliy erderiug et morL- fogether. L'ls cf people huy Ileir magazines freri the îewe- 8tanda sud pay deouble the anueunttneeeseuî-. 1h uo asve luth meuîey andl litiien bv sabecribing in advaîice? NVa have aRme attractive clalibing offcrs. TUE AREA NEWS AGENCY L Ih. OUNtSO0PTH, Mgr. - ililuolooi lits. Dolioger, Mma Arp@ sud Mise A uestael s aW. R. C. Iiualalatlou lu blemorisalaIn luChicago tecentl>'. Ut. sud Ufm Arthur lianlbsnk enter- lêluta am îil>'l imuer lemt Bonder' lu honor of Ura. Mudbsuk'e saut from Ronovat UMieoun. Plates ware laid for layon. Mle ts.o10Massla lOul>' recovating ftom bat recant troublaetit bar aee. llasElwilI bas recovrel rom ber recelt llnaui. ldilsBope Keublar vcuitaI vlth friando in Racina, Wla. * the a put eek. vwo Apologues Au Ameulcan editor alvartîsas for big nilsaing bat: "Te gentleman vito lnsdvertactly bteckour cav beasv o*r. sud lafi suInfarlor article lu Ils sIsal, will do ns infinitl kîndneas b>' returulug curs iie ahal eclve Out varmast tante andl tvaapologe- asn apology for tli- trouble va bave glven hlm, and the 'avélogY for & ital ho bac lef I us.'-Loudon Telegrapit. LIit s Dry fimoker. Liszt va a dry emoker of a paon- Blar ty'pe. Massenet. who tnew hlm val lanie later >ears telle us thal Liszt coul etay is'unlesha bal a cîgar In is moulli, whlch ha navet tronlal la lighf. Hievanl ait lave ta the piano viit a cîgar bhavean bis leeth and teep muncblng Il ail lit time hacilayad. Wben the cigar vas quta aaten up, the Abbe wonld tise fron tae Itru ment exhaustel. BEED CORN (Irae. llchd and garîiep seceil. 1 reîire. sent ,îne oi tue largéet cccii hoîrnec in the Midle Wet. Ail s"di guaranlecil and sililîu on aîptroval. (atalog and PriiesR enii requpst. lEltiY L. THOIAAS Ara. 1Il. It is better ta be Sae than Sorry. Yoîîr deposits willbe appret iated at thim batik'ami l'y cheeking ont fonds inmkliig payments fur ,our bills and accounnts you will mave lime and money. -Let us explain to von boy simple the. plan im. Thera lB Do expense to the individual. TIIE CTIZENS' BANK - -j'L rk Clarence Buho and Ethan Willmao an. tert&luel a number cf thi friande at a sligh part>' on Tuelay avening, alter whiob Mi& Elizabeth Blachet entertaln- ad the part>'. James Leonaril of Lake Villa, viited 8. D. Neson Sunla>'. Alvin Meyer of Champsang, lea pandii ie semester vacation at the home uf ie parenté, Mr. and Uts. F. H. Meyer. The Young Mena@ club gave a leigli part>' liia niaber o ady>'frienda Satur- day ight. -'Go te Cburcb Sanda>."' provei a lbig cuceee inDeerûtfiiL. rach rnhurcl,,bail % ver>' largze attendance. Dr. Parkp. f ter cbi Mr int aio tai Sui Fi we reo Si il.i DPE bti 1 Io, da Ti m w m b tu prmet at an adlourncd meeting whietu was set far Wdneday night ta consulat the proposition. 'Truetee Adani Titus preseeit»l figures an the installation cf a ire wblstie andl bail a eommnnieaticn rcri tho Allen Mlig Company' of Chicago. Thio matter o al aso puttîîer te the Wedniasda>' nigbt meeting. A ptition signed lit John NplopaRk- ing that a walk be put iu on the weet .ide of Scccnil treé4t, bitaen Hurihut Court and Broadway was read and te- Imretlt the priîper îîîrmittee. Tbe hoard tcîîk up thé priîphiation to, dis- ,-icntnue the nuul rehute for iaying of i.euîent walke an and iît-.r .lune lot No riaci chîîrcb j1na.l action ..aatlen lut in ail Proba. cbec-k bocks and s correct stateiiîcttof Niîiir Sciint ai aîiv tunel. Mr. andl Ura. Fred Pbilip andi son cf huit>' the rebate culi e uilîdrawn a"fter1OuChita icago. wera the week-end guaslte cf1 Thadmeriee y<* fSavioge Club F'wtN ti na B n r aul Ut,. Ctoft.prctesèt agalu@nt thi' prîttico uf some in laoprin o Uts. Purvin ai Chicago, gave a ver>' dumpning refuse in ditîiîte cn the rirr&Z&in hic Uibryville, Ill. itfresting talk an "The Sehocl as a roani euuth Ml waukee avenlue and other If you have mot cial Cntr" Frida>' eveniog in ftha treeta, and sevetal atresta me>' îcîîcw joael, do eu iiersibl>' hall. The people ware enter- il the practie le noc t,Iîliueî 51eton. mcnd b>' the teaehate Miesea tilaicb. A letter. igîced t'y Clarernce Bondl. ask- upple and Mr. S. Il Nelsont. ing for the prîvilege cf reiing the large ________ A plav "Foîl>' cf Farce" willl lia gien trond a ma maîl .oiîc 'n ihe eeci il L A" MC rda>' nigbl in the a@ssmbl>' hall. flort o? the new village bulil. -wAcu EA HNI TuasMy 'aitaturocu the ýoool chldren The board coluedereil that a higli rant Dîînt miss the antertaiuîiiît saler. ni Time] ..r n a nd ept iveatsa erna o? t. all Mus. R.athe Yang Mbe s e l fnte rosciati ay >'nigbt givan b>' the cburea.i irt. CLOCKS DIAMiON03S cetoaithhoe0Mran r..thYon deaies nu s'l rn Quita anunimr fîum hreattended the JEWELRY 1-Io' CUY GLASS p. ci c. upple. . whlch dsrsthemu. adovotaI ornt1rairoîrcand annuatelstccklclders me. EN R jJ Tax s, p.1u 8 Ur n r.Frank i'eterson andiltam-. t'e twarmomle for f 25 pertnomh. IigMna e _ ralr a dtr in hefeavene Mrv@. nt th ei Knwcr.on At the adjournal meeting cf the board Otto Frank trenmacted i sjin-se nadtr in oerh@aldavenue. talEitKberker beli Wedneela.y nigbi tbe repteseta. Chicago Monda>'. Iwait for no man. 9 tria on Lincoln avanue. tuves oi the Milit Prîjiucers assciatio)n Lake Zurich was Weil epre@entail et Cryoeo M.01.RlebcWieele otefailed toa alpeat and nu action was the ralrcal dance at Palatine last Cry-n o u Mm.Il . olehckms alalt etken o11 the publtie scale mottter. Strs'ngut 1.torl eibe tricot ber parents Ur. and Ur@. J. C. NSamt cio a ntatul U igts m BcrovstIupt-tt iue hine. eoue t hireelositnes.mtter of renting the two mouin utheareltve nChcg1Stno> n 1Su MI@@ Sadie Galioway antertainal a new villae ehall wbieb mansaehefor atlai moinChergoate irtcedioSu imber of ber friandis ait rewell part>' the prevlonameeting b>' the Young Mes'@ timepioces and b. )Mre. El. CarpaIl wbo ih to visît ber Welfare aaciation. Tbe-hoard a- . ad r.Fe luetrandexaotly posted at It et Omaha foasnomber of weeks. jounel et 10:15 o'cluelt. and wa bava compa> front Chicago Satudalandso ~ail times on the bean tolthe% thistainte firet tîme incorrect time. vooeighteeu yaars that su> local board bas The village board hall their regniar e4~Ç VOOailjournal at eucb ao easti>'(?) bour, the meeting Monda>' evening. Ur. and Uta. Frank Bironimus bail a usual haut at wbich meetinge votre ail. Naws was racivel bretht nw dsant Patyforttbair ftende ltait Fri- journal being from i11:30 tu 1:15, sa Bui, aformer reoideut itre, was Klliel &Y' evennleaIt tehai oma, the avant smong its man>' nota &Phiev -,ta b>' a Nortbcveetern near Bar ring- A . Mi-IS Jew e le r leugin honor o? tbeir tentbt snivetmaery. the preeent board aIs iea bel e record tan. :rd@ wate playailountil a liste bout after ai holding the eshortest cesslon et a Walter Prebm visitaI Irlande at LIBERTYVILLE, e ILLINOI.S 'bicb s hountiful supper waa crval meeting. Waukegan Sunda>'. ________________________________ haeit friande lef v icbinu îham man>' Ut. andtIUta. Clark Nicholoneoet Uackin- eo. Elchman wss a Chicago utstern________________ noteyea"f hppyweddd Iie. tire, lowa. are viitiog et the home oi lait Sunda>'. Seai trula bissI Sotutîs' uIh ireu t theît cousin, Frank Nicholam, comtng Ures. David îAuknar and daughter of FUR MUFF IIDES F. BAIRSTO WV Wacnsfu audyt h ams@hors on Ibeir bano>îmaon, Uta. o. 0. Waoikegan. ralleti an ilnde haro Mon- neellng but Ut. Blair Wisesicksond ot ard ai Austin, lealo viltng t tela>'. T Y J dI1 1 A I ANUFACTUNIA 011j F tblet laattend. The meeting villipro. qcholas home.ChsCodsenteLg rvona [Jli ahI>' haet for a luter date. Ca.Cre ett ogGoeo I YPS O O lir@. Jas. Kirwsu vwon on the ik; lot Tbuhe brtyrville' Athitieclubti the 1utiog trip Sunda>' retanning Monda>'. M r n r nt ut week. Lake Forent Wlmars lun a basket ball Editor John Blank cf Waui-inla. W #I N' DEFENSE M r i n rnt game et Coliage (Gym, Lake Forest. caljlel oniriitîs haro lastSalarda>'. M onumeni s Martin Stoffal vas a McHenr> husit- Wednesda>'evening, Jen. 28. Tha game A lite tarted in the bolier rcom in tbq Discovered That Woman Visit- es caller cn Tueesia>'. vas cllel aI 8:13, was pla>'ed In twaPalters creamner>' Iaturila>'night, but1 ~tae tautetoReuir Dt-twenty milnute hairels and teuultel ln a wass put eut b>' the tiuae the ire lads got ing in Waukegan Carried a Cemetery Work of Every SaeSauet eur Di-viclcry for the Weîm^rs cetb a total of thare with the bcee cart.PerHnddPitlDe riio ferent Permits for School 40 pointe againat our 12 points. Tbe Victor WNuate.nberg, wbeî bas beau Perl _____ io.Decrpto lineup wam. wcrkiug for the t'hcago Telephone Co., HO aaVi C repnec oiî Teachers. Howard tFagg ...R F .... amusesn e ibryitehetyiu lb u*MAN OTHERS 0 O !Crepudnebuiiu Pbii Prîitiie ........L F.......... shoz lurea , brr m owuiaiywiîuei lit yu ee More complications ara ln store fat Harcu>' Mues... .....C_...Lieuler How er ___________________ ochoal touchers after te new Rdate Sheter ....... u . . i4mth b Iga euiu urmf.hv certlficate law gnoueluino ffect Jul' 'r ',iiu- i , unrweOese arligaeîtfl f11uihve II6 Genesee St, FrýdL ( ..........Andews vereerObjects to the Meth- concealed tlierelu a uainty, yet effi- 1. The new iaw provides for mati'ny t fo'eeI'tr Flagg daring the d NwFolwd yLoe ent lîttie plate!. loaded te the mut- uiffenant kinds cf tate cartîicatea ln litr-i,rt r(Aufthe second hlaI. Welmara îl o oloed ov- ze andl In their possessionifor self ____ place of ana tate certificatee which mllt'ii u iliui-îr 'îccni teari duriug laitfIve Sick Young Folks. protection? NOTICEI le now lasual. Under 1h. naw law iîiuiucý,, 1t4,)rid filOur(u teawmamde Likal>' many> more than the averuage - fn here yul ha cerif cat f ublaclurTaheid lîîun ipeiafastueth>'word i l ifcpereîîn realizemi! The ouly thing the Independent sla pnctcal aen' rnchaapb it oîuîy îratclei îgetber bore than sTeto v er> l a n lthat f On Wedneeday of thle wepk a WO- ais toelf a IsSPACE. Itl saà sebolvot.oaruntbnce times. The>' mare lait and m nmani ulieevldc.ntly lives atittelgium. known tact that s newmffppa There wîlI ha tc,, grades of cantifi- muade asn uany lasketa compareil 10 ýtbe meaugenîca look mild b>' cri- Wium., was a passenger Who etopped 1 ae ohn f l ubrp cates for mont of tbe pstos h itms ybdtebl nparison-bas beanuattere nd l VoIn aenohgofIt susr tiret grade certificatas wyul ha for a Lake Fuijret diI, but bbc>' verenot theme Cilty.1foa ienth Wukg Nr, totshm»vetmetepd for'ger tartn than the second grade. nli t~îî ur. byt rciigIHera ara the courtshlp rules tbat western depot. Quite evIdanti>' be on th. cale of $PACE. Aften sucesiful vomiltfora certain liareI rlrtin ork. ea retumu ganie Overaeer VoUva bas latidawn for forgot lier seul? uritil >'ie bail arrîvei Many correspondent& wookly length f tlmethe tiet grad certi hard n prppration or a rtatnbere bornellfor,: laber luetfer dayeWIethe dynded- ss temsn Item*pentnIIng tuffairr ficelas riavhe elcieged for Rfinar- lu le M E Gym.There muet ha ne courting lu whlch eneufay'the ageut at the office Iu Wau- - wharo promoters will realize tificatea. Fon Instance, a grammar __________ the girls parnts rilgbt abject. kega rctvha esae uefe thsmigtsases efume furh. Sdvet school teachar paussas the examinatlon A rian ma>' cal epon bis sweefbeart l\; ua Iln hseclmaftls.Sc i n es ie raecriict ih'Nothing Stirrnng' Much In the, but once a week. 1I ieft my mnuflu the waltlug roemn Items s hould and muet b. pald a tarin of four years. If ebce bas suc- City of Troubles-ArmistiCe îariage and île dalles muetst 'fte -t las edsm om orI eaet ie <t-sful vont for lhraa years she con of Factions Holds Long. tadiail b> the prospective husfiund b>' extpres., collect, lu case Il le Stijl The rate la emal-five cents exchange ber cemiliato for ana whlcli -tbhogh the churcb. there." par fline. bas a lfa tanin. The- laie of pouce la once more Sentimentliity must net tue talerst- The agent looked, aîîd, sure enougli. In future such notices wlll ba . Itgrade <ertllcateos îlIlibe f - btieriig over Zion City'. Frous a i a, as It lentis b unhapplaesiaftt there IR>' the riuff, omitted unlesnotation la made oued ta gradualles of normal schoola !cicatlan a few manthes ago that Bomne- imrlage. But that waen't ail. that they to b. pald for. so uierîle.Ail alliersarae ne- what resembleilIaumîlolMx aîsMeeting Sunda>'liiete ut sle bsdhc Auy affair where admIssIon ie qaîn ed tt ate the examinatlote. 1<-, affaire hava noew ochange that Ovarseer Voliva rade kuown bis eard Ibraugli the opeulng, lie found charged or prorioters mate à Thisa question' et examinalions lias' flic chîlef of police, tae police mugis- annoanctug a appeil meeting for the nertl>'anuggled, a îunall pearl.iiandledl profit frori It, la ln the llst of atinned up trouble In coma cilleis. Jai.- Gaid andl the love clark hava ail goueeconaeldenatlon cf the aubject Sanda>'. pîctol contalalng four loadeil car- thtngs for whlch notices muet ba Iletachu-ra ara planning ta fortu aa ou a vacation. At the meeting ha lntepîds tao utlue trilgea. The pistai was juat stmait pal for.-TF. fedenatiofi for the puposa of secniurg The police records show an aver-his e no course of edn«af'týn cf those euough te lue carnied baudlly in theu cenufcatpia vithout examInatboli. ageccf f1>' armas a mxontit sînce vito plan ta enter the maujnaga state. ttîiff and yet lange enough tf0 le ascif lhI- ae srs Stala SuPrtntandant Blair alto f lie ulenratlc Part>'came labo paver,1lucidantail>'. ha made itnovn hie ideaa wtth fatal recuiteln uscacathe qwuier Sha as the Bkv eiadnulUvl catest the granting of tiret grade car- btafthîs number lias Ivinîled love on the subiact-wtlb cbaracleristlc ve, was calmiupon ta use Il.SUt a ft>lie motiier banllae bea lîficates lu axchsnge for secondand unitîl for thetesat six di>'. Ihera hava hemanca. < 1 elna oy qufcti>'that Wonsan, lt s farifor a visit and wats polul In tae mid-wlter conferecce of lbe beau hio evl.dars l inth astile. "A Younegman Who vîli ait up antil WMt'ivldently lenI afrafi inuse a lng out tha 11111e vagatablea ta the count>' teacers. beld In Joliet aev- Wbef.har the sigit. "Be Ibhal yll not mldnlgbt conrtlng a.kirîIain'l i for Ph>oo],could, If sonehol>'artaI 1 litle girl., "Theseaara cahhagoe,"sai aral vo0a s ga, be expressal lheb - work, nethor cha h ha et," vblch le enliBige meat for is dog," ha sald. attacit her, pull the trigger and tirelte moîher. poaing tao nmecabbage Ilef that Ibe>' abouli be grantel lu nitlel on the sida of the Walof tlb."This .111>' cblcçn love loent through bar muff! plants. "Whers doilte cotn eeo thtis mnnflr. Savaral cousnt>' super- jnalpal lolging bouse. bas bal an ainoiit 10aiiythleg. Ie a few >'aara Orlinartly lte iverage'hold-up man grov?" al tba miss, luaail sertou leliu4auta tbrongbmt th ate bave effect In scsu-lug sy'"eigl4a of the sitar marriaga you aua boy littele it tî ould nt ipeetlu fiel s vomiancar- granted oedtllostu I.theli lasseberu goa," la bard la deouIerass but tae taAM>' misntl. rj'lezlàgun In ber mu sund site avec 1 tomt esamlnatiau mmd laisfoetbIulE umber et il est*O te pou"e for A ýaLtendanCO alit e first meet- vollbave lUme t10 pull ber band out I sn Iuan .-* -- mb" à --tà - &M ,.. t..a$-'b"5 , aï. bwI ou raicl>' ..,Iu e 60I obeelfor mUgluguaile MaIr,0Ue 5 Irhl m fe yS*. U lf IO#atdi [a te LÂKE COUINTY INDEPENDENT, P A.F4 y6,1£914. T. F. Siwan, lerk. r IVA&NHOE Mise Eria (rahbe le epeuding the9 week with frienile in Libert>ville. Mts J. L. Chamberlaini and son Sert1 wel'Waukegan viitors gaturda>'. Thé L.adies Aid aociet>' will bl an aIl1 da>' meeting et the hiomie of MUt Frauk1 Dolph Thursla>'. Feb 12th. Everycne invitaI andl thera wlll lie wcrk for ail.1 Mise liattie Polin is making an i- tandail viit n itb Chicago relatives. Misa Mary Godwin e aga >cent viit- or at Hubliardes Wood&s ALEXANDER GRAHAM BELL Bell w,., bornln m te ccM- itances. and iret workedled teacherno"f the-deaf and dnmb. He became Inter- ésted in tie trasmission of eound by eWtrlcltY lni 1878. In the few years fol- lowing. hoa bocame mlserably poor and *scknesmade hlig depandent upon hle *friands. But ho neyer gave up, cnd waà *persistent la lita axperlmentlng. In 1876 hohalid perfected a device b>' wbich slnclig waa eatisfactorlly trans- mtted by a wl,, froin the coller to the fourti floor of the building. Wih an uld dciga box, two liundred feet of wlre, and two magnats from a to>' flah pound. *the fret Bell Telephone won brought loto existence. Tiie noat year Mr. Bell aucceoded ln perfe<tlng the. telephone tu, a pobnt wbera It bas been sald thie telephono le one 0f the. great factors In the development and profpeity of ont couitry. It won for lia invntor au incomeo0f more thau j11. 0000a yesr. BÂNK8 ARE LuXE TELEPHONES Trhey are modern institutions of the greatusnt importance. Everv- one cannot aford a telephone, but there are lion. whîî cannot ACOEPT THE SERVICE QI? OUR BANK Tbey will coni you notbrnng. Yoîîr moriey will lie sâfely guardrid ini Ourtire andl burgiar )îroiîiÇ cf.. You wili bu furnîit il lîailk andi eick foi it up i We wrnl towli a & rrai dance ek saven mi odl fa. FI. H Camer( W. A vidittîr, Chas vigitinl Luctiol Rom fa Voilii The laste wi Dr. à Liberti fariner] Weil ait *bown orer., laimurs lu.. ait for th@. Tb@ liviteI Pound lit&ver on the Soturd IL. C. TO &bd VI la th, lm ha th* Pr la mste à But-

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