M r.eud Mm. B C. S-mke send Mr. anmd Nlru. lIeo. Haipke are thi. proud porsmtd ol baby dàubgliteras btmrmm lamt Sturday. ha.Thou of L.k.. Zurich, ealied on J. Surina lamt Smimday. Mr#. F. Wilde anmd Mrs. W. Ritter of Milwaumme, Wl.., are vimiing thiir pariit.., Mr. and tMrm.B. Lotz a fi-w day. Hehnry Lohmau had th ii. nlfortune o MnË. 141. Litwili-r, wlio lies hfliiv.ry tlp over with hi@. bob seigii on the way ekfor the- paît fi-w montbs, iesaie to 10 churci. Snndsy. ail up aud tati- a short walk e t present. MiseIRose Litienian i.. nîsitmng with W.. wili bi- happy aI seeig lier aroîud'Mim Noliem n.r.imrma t arrlngron a towuî agmei m oiiufi-a'aYs &rraiii. t.,attend t4ii-'(ill Fits- Mrme ['lii us i'al,îi on Miss E lhis daim....nt tii.-opesra bonmui.-i..rIî Sai riay Thiiiiu mwi ii dueylat W-i- evening, Fi-h 14. A prit.. waltz wil le ý 't'îiiri- wli i. rc ular Etimciiesli -n 1-e Riven aand ivrY iber dammi(e aili 4 f ai'hi-il aitliii.St t--,,ihmbb-ne old famiomed dauceot soinmmediwi pti lu mmSm îiIa. c -î iix Fi-b, M. E. H. L.uby, muanager ot flic Tilihui-- ________ Carnerun Iuber yard 4be, 15ami a lînsi- ti-seu al-n ut Wanti-gau tonduy. RUSSELL W. A. Roming anmd Peter liai-vai-.' lhîc l Aii.'- ',-i mii.v aIt rs. 11.--ni- vidutirs aetii.. eouuty mt mowiiay. e-a.. u'.-llar-vIi,-iiciîin.idi-rigthe con- Chas. Thiele of Fort -N ay ,. ii- , Iimil 5iimi of th.-,'riS vilsitiimg at the horne of M rs l'Peter Flan rrrm.aimrçgo cnrgto Suigene Suilivau e-i li oi Ja I)UI)II" 1Inaii- li tijtttiîy.Cai't i-r.ry Sunday auction on lte premnises Iimiwmi S- mii-hi-'e iti.hor, ida" Romuefarm, Thnrsday. i-h 0t George fW. E l-jaindiSMlmiss rîwe e-m-ne 'sogm.în te atictioueer. V.auk..ga, î.iiýitrs MO'day. Tii.e won o! eeorailnig tihe iiîun 1fMr-'. WStiver of Wamkigan, spet] Imse vras @Lartet! Tueeday of tlii.. a-i-lt edudav nîglît wlîh Mtis 5even .anS Dr. Martii wu@ a businessrailer lun Liery vlletidonday. Thedoctorhaimsim formnrly bei-n s local pr&e.tiloni-n tmr, les. a Dumber of griondninl thot village. The moat hall h.baie iiauriay w» Weil attendéd, moiy fâns costumu@ hiug eiownàasWeil sanmornethe b. idicuions lorder. The eniter la nuable te iecrure the saunes o1 the..prit. e-iera. Herbert Howasrd o!flb. Pi-omis Lile Ineune ('Co, ho.. returimed to e iois, 111,. after viting wtih iq parents hi-me lor the pa eek e. Tb$ lasI dance. hefore lii.. entnl Iltt.indcd the,oe-ipty. T4 ive -ir familles@orm.enftrtanting a couc;in, lirs (rove. Somie (,f th".. frmer.a attonded th@.. mut metinig ini Chicago blonday. W. J. Melle wan Imn Kemoiosbsooneday li5t it'k. MeodarneHendermion aimd Gund..rsn opent Ua Wedmeday wi ti rs. W. J. Melville. 1). Youmg o! Gurmi.. wan a Ruussîl caîl- er on Snnday. maso.w... lan. o nso. A mann'e ham1, i O"tnmay evenling, Fi-b 21. EeyovGLJRNE Invited. The Gurnee W. C.T.U.wil wotet a The..poutolf..h-e nrm.civd OaimSw 100 the boume of Sirs Garni.. Metal!, Feh. 11. Poun.d parc", pot scale rere-tiy. Ami ail dav metingý LMe Brew.r was preeented wlîh a ni-w 8taver buggy .y bis p4rentaes.a.omuset Lbrary Wthout LIUM.t on lbe 21.1 aniverwary ot bis birtb Tih. great national llbmry orc gaturay, Jn. ftV. Frnce, the Bibliotheque Natiomisie. Satnday Jon 8 ot.in Pari&. ba a splendid site, 44 IL C. Fultomi of Waukean, wau a huai. moÊles of shelves aid 3.000.00 vol- ame call.r -re nTUFMSaY. urnes te fiII thon., but in the winter ________________ aiat store mOf loarning and ittl- lectual dellgt isameariy useless, bu-. Autes fer Right Living, caua. the libary bas mno artilliil Tu h. honest ta the dirocteat w&Y lgît ani', l'à books are issmed to and ,Irtuous by opmtorne. ho fi unto resSers àlnS students ouly in the rmid& swclapineiples of goodimemi s 55carry (Un 01 gthe short day.. la themelves volumes of Instruction Md rnay asbrldge uby i&ber. go rnsy lm baeuiilmI a few. anS tii. law and quaky Boots. th. prophets lu a rmle. the sace.d wrlt Mfien wben mne bas purchased a la tenogmapby. anS thie.serIptures la pair of bots, one- doeut know tIn a Butehell.-Slr Tii-mas Br')wne. thh.y are borne that tboy cr..ak. How. _________ ver.the iagreeabls noise rnay bu P ut on. Over. toppeS by taklng them back te tbe Wlfe-Wbat a wretch that Mns. Gel ibueuaker snd sking ibm te spring taway l. Wben ah.. tound 1 waa de, thern on eacb aiSe andSInuert between acenSeS troma King L.unky tIl. aie goei lie soles a teapoontul of French to a genealogfat and gela desc..nded chilk. This process costa only a trifle trom King Lunky 1. anS answera admiraly. Wire Fence Sae nil May 1 st Mone>' Savin g Bargains AMERICAN WIRE FENCE CO. LIBERTYVILLE. ILL. * iiglit ____________________ i-l. MEREDITHI REAL. ESTATE & LOAN CO. PHONE 24 LIBERTYVILLE Dealers in Real Estate and Pire Insurance Village Lots and Houses -We have them. Farm Lmands a Specialty information and investigation as free as water. ]Phone 24. Co.' Uborlyville $epound SyOHAS.E. MASUN Representative - Corresimendent Phone 34-W A iicehbookl.,r..abox etfcandy n.ak.ej 7/4w.ty fitmi Editm.d by F.J. DRUCE, Phone Il Ordera Taken for Job Work. Adv.rtising rates on application. tirs Pere.y Gray and Bon retuirned tii lier hoine in Chicago~ Monday alter opeuding a fi-w dayo. with relatives hi-ms C'taire [ioîittle wam a Chicago vndltr Mî,nîay. Mrg,. Louisi- Thauison will entertain at Mrmm. Allie Kappie and @,, Ilf Lake Villa, wam a pleamamtraller 11 o' iîîar A full liai-ol mamkm.. Ail k1lidd ut 17- km-juil Store. lrue Dirug Co. Tiie'little baby uoftir.Mari.. Ardersîîui 4(ite t. mhk. Loule Garwood, a ho lias bwen wîîrki Img at his trade inuMWiseî,usiu and Mic. gan the past faîl has retu rned ti, te.'hi s position ut the trSour icce- houoe am eectriian durina the e i.smasuîm Prof. Taylor ri-teiveil word Monday of the. deatii of hi@.. grandlatier, Ni r. Lenox oif Buffalo.rde wa@ a distant relative ot the Lenox Bros , the great soap iianu- taituners-. lis desth waas 'aused hy .sn.umouiâa Mis. (hias. Tonies vimited ber dangbter Mary, as Uiago Tneoday. wiio ha@. returned f rom lie hompitai wiiere she uud..rwemt an cpratiou and Io doing v..ry nioly. Miss Bous RsiL dal.. of ('hieago, pount a fi-w days here the..finit of the. we..k. Mr@. Peu-nson and ber mother of Lake. Villa. wmr..guesteofo!friemde bore Ist Frlday. latur. uuthorized wei-n h a-sed a bill lirusiding that sun for exmendi- iir.' onia hatchiiry lin .iuispo101te lie dî'î ded upen iiy the stati' comis-i 'liii'tue memberis whoîiln>plecied the1 site tuîday were: i.l IIelderman. state tiimlcommiis- cloua-r, Henry Whltford. state flsli cîlturlst. The committe.. told Mr.(Grahama that tlîmy wonld necommemsd Long Lake- as the site fon the hatîiiery and thal meapstisheo te le settl'-d 8 fair as the- lake go«s. for tit i-hll whicii Mr. Grahamn worked hard to git pais- i-d bheii-legislature. gives itie corn- mittee cntins say lnte imail-r. Means a Fine Thlng. o mry nie valc'ntme. 'minigel tii.. h.t 1 Th,-eeti m!tOefsîhaîcbery at"ti.e Si-all Store. Drueco Ding Co. 1meascthat saU tOe lafielreign ln Es! Koppis was o Chicago viiter. fast Mmîmday. MIdr. Savags moved ber hesehold giîods te Wanki-gou ehi-eeoemswill live wit hiber son Les. Fred Kuehier tramiacted buoiness lu Wosuktgat Tneedoy. Dr. Ceulse nd imd lme have purmhasi- the John eak place on Siniser treet. John Bi-ut sud wlfe moved te theur fari iast of Drucesa Lake tuis wie-. Mir. Crittendemiof Rus-el, tronsacled hom.ims@%hers, Tuesday. tirs. Mary Thoemson of Librtyvill-, was o gime ote b.Wouhi'o Guid st Mn r. todfrey l tTuesday eveninx. lent forget lb.. ig annual rast hall gven by the Firernen a1t the opera bouse Frtday mveing, Fi-h. 13. Mony grand pizes 1V)hi- given away. The Jadis@ .oftihe St. Andrewsî Mission mit luit Wedu-mdsy aI lie home etftirs. Walter (idtrev sud erganized satiuild. The folloaiugwei-e el-cii-S othieeri for tbe year. tirs. 0. bot., preoident; Miss Mahel Turner, vice prisidi-ul and Mr@s J. Turner. m.icnitry and treasurer. Th-e wee iftemi ladies pre@eni simd te-elve charter meuîl.ers ot the Oulld e-i-n o)rgau.ied.Tii- mneting Ibis weik Tue@,- day at tirs. (iedfrey's eas welattendeS, thes attennoon e-as @peut lu sawiug. The ni-t meeting wil ho with tirs. Alfred! tiiadi- Fi-b. 18. Visitors a'.liuome. BASKET BALL ec basket bail gams pulles! off aI the ra hounne.diS miel prove te ho se iug as we had auticipates!. The hig liatu tearnproveS tee slow for îwlft i-sm. Oui beys appearesi te excellent condition sud played the Sgame ofthe si-aiou and 46 h askts screi-Si ed te Iheir @or@- te Bcniimg- Il(. The social damnce afler thei- arni wetl atlended sud emjoyed hy aIl. ýnxt garn-e-wiii b.. ni-t Satunday àt aiti a i-arn Irom Elgin wben il; in uted our boys wili i-t tiîeim- 'ero. Elgin t-smamli hune Itigo e t ut it over tbi-îî. Ziolu City, Fi-h. 2.-A fine breke oui ut the bul letin hourd dewn ni-ar thei tCk electrical plant Saturday nlghî. A tee- nightâ ugo anoîben attemnpt e-sa tmsSe te destroy this sigu. Itlàl about 15 tsi-t long by 8 fi-et eid... The e-rding on the hourd informa visitons that Zion Cuty bas ne theatens. no eyeîers, ne seine's fi-ah. nSauces. ne gamling, itc.-"A CIi-an City for s Cii-an Pieple." Many persons were attracted 1tocsl novel sign and viol- tors te Zion Cty are frequently si-en to e-ah up close te lihe bulletin board anS taie out their noti-heossimd copy th.. inscription. About 9:ÎO B aturday nigiit a mes- sage carnme l tii..e fine station (bat the bulletin bourd wap on ire and lie chemieul wagon e-a rusheS quickly te lie scene. The..Saines ee..quickly subdued and the board e-as not on- tinely destroyed, aitbough much mar- reS. The wnsckens of these signa ar, ai. e-ays traiS. hoeerof a!getting soins- thing unden (hein hfdes tuat (bey de nt cars (o laie ae-ay. As e-tcb- men are fri-quenmtly ou guard to lpro- hict propety and (hi-y are Inhtnuc(- eS (e protiet Il ut any cosl. Laie and Melienm7 counties wil ho supplied withfisi !nom the hatciieny anS (luit $16,000 e-ii hbe ejint ni-il Summer ln the erection ofthte builîS igjs in msbich the.. Ssii ill hi- raised and titin istributed in al bodies the s1515 commission May Sesignate. The men named on thei commission hy Goveiruer Dunno dIS net ]oe mucii (ilnb investigating tue site mat- ter, a tact which shows ibat the exe- cutis-e pick-S "lue wiri-s" te handle (bis demartminemt. Mr. Gralîam worked wltiî the cern- tittee, poîu(immg ont the advant.agi-s fiotu te mîiriing and i-senin)g ci-murs haut Suiuday acre 8pli-ndid andlai-ll aitt-udeS. ~Max 1'. Us-3 liii- iiiMnîmtegomi, Michigan, ralîsul ou fi-nds ber.. recenîtly. Max bas bei-n a traveling salesman sinue ii-aning E. A. Wllton traisaeled business in Chicago Monday. Henury ('ahi.. of Ibis lacs., sud Miss Little were marrIeS Monday, Feh. 2n5, aitheii home of the brides@ parents tiiar Amtioci. WC ex tend congratulaion@ 10 r1h.. happy couple, e-ho e-hi hi- at home 1to thsfir Iriemmis on the -faim o0eiS y -the. groom'.. isîber.neu&e-here lie groom bas lived aIl bh ilei. A large miir Iran hi-r.. attendeS lb.. auto show last veet. tN. S. Burmi-t I.. eit-rtainiug fi!@ hrotber irom Chicago On Monday morniug a son e-as bora le Mr.aud tirs. Bollwaiu. Mothr simd c'bld are doimîg nicely. tir. aimd Mre. 0. oi-t.ehut e-e -ailed te Elgin Sund"y on amiunt of the. ilIumes ol Mr@. Ketîlehuts fohther. 1e A large numiior frorn be.rs attendeS o Sauce atSoumd Lake Saturday nigiit. S. LaPIaut bas sltarted werk on a n..w residence on Sonthi Main street.Z., ot the L.ake county tk sast o Alvin Vckers o! D'hitak, Wl..., ile vîsit- il and hi-e us rewam'ded we h ei n i- g Atiocb fn-uSad.- committes today tli hlm they would recornmend Ibm. lake sa thce oe on which (hi- hatchuiry vii hoe eeted. The erectien or guch a building anS aIl that gees wth il. means mucci for the Long Lake region. This ila tiie lake about which the tamous Grahamn brothers havi- clent tueur lives. theiri oId home heihi on the b@imnks efth(le lake. The Grahama made Long Lake famous by t.hir wotiderfui records ail markemeui sud uuwthbey're te have addSid honoreslîhown the..body oet as ter about e-bld: they have (ravi-led ai thi-si-years Ii sbeelng the erectien o! a fine hatchers te ho maintained by STATE ACCEPTS LAKE VILLA ROAD TO EIVE STATI3 AID Formai Acceptance of the Road Designated by the Lake County Board. County Clerk lt-nde.. Tbunsday ne- ceived a i-uter from thue etate hlgh- a'ay commission statiflg hhat thei-cern mission had forinally accepted-the 14- mile stretrît of noad Isading i-ast, frtim L.aki- Villa as Luike County's iirst clati- road. Il 18 reealted thit Assistant Engi- reer Me.Ardie cutie iîr-rec-mily unS examineS i-vers isint o! tii.. maS. malmIng a torma, reusert us te w-hi-li- i-r hi- !avered aie-ttiiig liaI sîretch as the- one ho mccciii-tihi-firel etats aiS ln Laite Ceunir. Frank EHuher le mow tatieus!at tb. postofflce. Frnkut ousieanS Tho%. tiiadi- et Grsyslsis, vielted trieuS eïh-ne over Sunday. tir, anS Mrs. Thomnas P. Ghnfo waukegan, op-ut a fee- days the past e-fk i-twîh thi- familles o! W. G. tichuire and W. M. lionner. Frankt Lucas, son etftirs. Peter Strang, lcit ton Wisconsinti he fore part oftheii ie. The lamlly willl tlloe- rien. I J. P. Dse-sou entertained compsmiy trom Columhus Junction the past wei-. tins P. Larson le. seriouoiy il[ at ber hoîule West of tllburmi. Z - -- * ti. Horton aud daugbter are sitt sitb [agrippe. Win. tictuirs vlsiti-d relatives aI Hictkory anS Autioci, Tl41way sud Friday. J. S. Denmn n e-sicletforsa tee-days amid 1). M.Whbite @peut a te- dao with Iini. L. S. Bonni-r .ttended (hi- Fartierso Instiiiite atlPrairie Vu-w Tuesday, aise tir. and tirs, 1l. M. White-. 'Flici Ladies' Aid soeiety Thursday, Fi-b. 12. )înep eli hi- served hytilrs. Ni-li- Bain amud Miss Vivien Boumier. lui-to iburcli Sunday wl e-lt i-îuiervi-d Suuîday, Fi-b. M,. hotu morning sud ei-n- Iuiu ut tio i. tllhuru 'iiugrî'gaiionul î'îurciî. Fer. A. W. Sattuird prea.chir. peli-iual mmiuivut hotu service@. WVord renehpd lite.. înday moruing thuaI Ihas. Lamb o! Warren, a walb (nu-n minuofîl iis iînity, dueS St bis boui-. That iii-roc omn ie nded Ibis pi-c- " j arrtIi- Mteniadi-n. e-îl be nt liii TRADE AT MÂNZER'9S LAKE VILLA, ILL RECOMMEND TUE C m/ake 2/ia LAKE COUNTY SITE I ___ FISH COMMSSIO 0F LLI- Mr. 1khi-y, tbe principial andSflms wîfe FIS CO MISIONOF LLI imoved imiute tbi ioii ei in r. .tiawlingeo NOIS VISITS LONG LAKE biouse.mastweeiî. IL. Barmiiell, w hi lias beemi forerîîaîî for SITE AND DECIDES DEF thle Kfimicerbocter Ici- lo., hi-me formon N ITELY THAT $1 5,000 EN - lime, moved last we.. t iiChanînel Lak.e, TERPRIS WILL B BUILTwhere i- ha. a position as fiîr,iian foîr TERPISE ILLBE BILTOetting ttris. lc..Co. THERË THIS SUM MER -Edgar Kerr- ias biuuuî.ii-siriiîiy M r. P. W. Gl ray amiind iiio'ni(et , LongLak, Lke 'eunt%. Fioi). spent time wi-ik sud aiiu rylt 1-hir. Ti e ini bers o! the Su au.- Fili and Mmr.. Albe-rt Kaîîîl.. ai, i.i r GCaij, I ummlssiomi ba.ied i t, Lake vi ing ri-ia Lv,'..andiýid n u b. iWolai as gui-ste ot lic'îsrîvn tatli- stueKiiv ii î 'iiIi. 'ii,irae <raliamn. and their s it e as Iwi-it thie pagt we,'k wth iilr si-. tin iu,îruani rbecause at Il'isî,îii lu suon t'hiiîgo. 1atýd (hi-y wouild rý-, iuiiend, i. e.ato Sii stchrî i' sta- IA i-bang.. ii itifr the sulidac -s- I istate leh aceyL ae iig servive.. lia. i- eii tuasi.tii tuk.1ý1 , t' on 'uuîday, Fi-I. mli. 8Sri-nec, mie ii hui 'lii ié -eted two or t1irî'. i.toea :0mtia 71 si,îîsl uitit u hi(hi-ybelici .4,ouid beib asaeg-tn ogr the lraîlere place te , îttelthedy r 'tn ogr PHONE 214 D. IR. MANZER LAKE VILLA, ILL Uhursi Pria.. te ho awarded as foflewsm Buetdressd and moest col adi Lady si dGant; lest dress.d and masS comical Coupq lBad drossi anmd moat comies Grosmp of La"iessid Gants, 4. o dî lSet dmessd egi moits com"aalgmosmp of 6 ChUlren, sU te b. ondes 12 yesrs Speciai pyimo te ithe a bes clowmns. Nobody aflowed to dance before Grand March unies. costwned. Grand Mardi at 10-30. Full in..of eotuns.5t. b. for rosi t aal. TICKETS, fOc s pers. s Check neounfree. ILIPPEIl TO BE SERVED. The Firemen extend a cordial invitation to everyone. DWat forget thme date-FRIDAY, FF#. 13. suq Good Coffee CostsLeus le s thc poorncoffec thae's yxeniva Igj gad ; i p e"i!gthilfoe-gradeIbère -amr snt_h ituehg liai lacis a full, rich flavon. Yen are choosing a iiigh Frotn evevyonyna iviSent tnom 1he. h-tiir neci-ived troi ,brri Fihi1. iirecslyeîuksamn-d. Theciel the chairman hy M r Hi-ndee. taleusth"ta sPenny a cuti. Thie commission bas fol y..t Si-iS la O-lelat>iked lnua -d-amua wsa s eS on the material to e h. sed lnthei-[ Z 2Z construction, and, troin wabs ahien lis Pdr ierai m staleS hy ita nmitera, lie commis- The concert griven bh lIdepoudeul -t-he Q.Siliîr Noer. sion e-il decidi- (bat point itsiItchoir et ZI>n City lu nt urubfi-bon P~usfd et without regard to the eishes o! pro: Wenesday nigit e-as fine aud ailte-ho. u30 centssa erty 0we-s or Leke connty officiais weee han e..o bear thin. agin.#mob on the tbeeny. Ihat seeing state asid Over forty e!f1h.. friendeansid nelgub"n ARBUCL le bo b. given the..road, liaI tho stati- o! Mn. anS Mn@. Spein r e-tord gave O L officiuaisanst tle e hein experts' tii-m asuîrpim.e parly Wednseday aven- Judgrnenh as te e-bat ls lie besl sort lit. (omes andSmusic e-s. enjoysd by a! construction te hi- adopteS, ail. Bareebmnenté eeervea and the. It ia neclled that Ibis la th.. stni-tcbi gui-ote report a fine lime. of nouS e-hicb h.hesupervismirs t 1the Mr. anS Mn@. %bIII ufspent Sumday last meeting voteS te seletathe li- n Wadsworth. on.. (o gel lthe-finit t 5151 ad. . Mr. 0. Englar bas rentàes! iii mlanS place ut Taylor Groe.___ LiudAir Used ln Isting. Cynte lie-sicaot ^gainl. lÀquai d l nhckpomhr Wrn. Zanden bIoentertainiqg tiende -'Do yen liai Il unluckytepm bronze cartnidges i.. beitig enccencfully f nom Chitagii. pone s eeSing day?"'" Il mab., ieS for blastina ln Borne ElmglistiocliJames Fenlon pmri-iased a filne young but if Yoc da't poslpesilynvi Milnes. "tem ln (Chicago. bue marrieS, ami e-at an, yen b 4c NOTICE TO OORRESPONOENT8. Independent correspondents In »sMe for propor handling. W. woeld urge themn if possible, to have them in aur office by Tussday. ~îI Need an ORCHESTRA? Phone Mason No. 34-W Round Lakce, 111. MUSIC FOR AIL OCCASIONS Dance Music a Specialty ANS N0 U SN1BIL 9N T Dr.N. WScelleufote e-AOKBGAO. DLLYols Wllh eMsC. .easîtMOrdmerd IL. Ubstyvlls.ué.. Md Pudy. AdjudIcation Maesc. public imhlco ta bemeb', mvsael M w si-rImer Executor 01 th. e amwml 4 4 smnt0i John goeine. deesais. e-S ilnd teMme O urt of LsuteLOm n"t. ai s mmn tieceof lobe bohdeem et thme(Coi-ct Boums.la Wamk«.t u se ai mtY. on m iBtM onda of âpii mxl. imet. -heu and wlere &U1 peftmi ihavtg cel= mna assmi ad OsaeMM e nolion md ceaumised 5e pissentltme 5"M s sad Commt ton sdludhestom. e-aLLIaiS A. E(>5bNG. Ezemotr. Wikegar.. lu. . i. 1. le eb. t-mM SPECIAL SALE COMMENCES on 1FEBRUÂRY 9th Closes Feb. 14. A fow of the Bargains offered: 10 bars Laundry So . .. . . .. . . .. . . .. . . . . 5 1 cati good Toai (w, ; 3 .1for ........................25C 1 cati fine 11as, loi', i fur ............... ..... .......... e 1 can excellent C'orni, I(w: for................250 1 (-an standard l'cars. I.,.'2 fr .......................... 250 1 pou nd hest n îî-o lored Jai an 'l............. ......... 50c 3 pound i an ('base & 'anlîorii'sii offe..........85e '4 Il,>. bhist G rauîîîatu iu îgar for Si.uo wsih each $n.w o i iijîrî'ba.,e, A Good Uine of Coats, Mittens and Underwear Ld s 'B r 9 Ul Every Icited a 's' _________ bndent la a c"Paer boCrip. lepand asekly affire realize advir- snch pald cents vili be made lion le lot of met bu I lived ln ai-n ber ràs point. a le the «Se, malS c abhage tain ber 1 sert. Meredith Real Estate & Loan pbkoe Z4 à 1 il