CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 13 Feb 1914, p. 2

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L &ÀM c0001M VM Ira.idiey lias returued trots lier vhlt vltlî ber dauoghtere In Cicaga. Ql.u Kntgge vislted this veek viLli LMs Nebrileb et Ersnston, Mis. t. J. Cropleî returued maoin Vhcago BSuuday sud tà lmprovlng ralkdiî »r. sud lMr&. S. L. Tripp lfit Wednes- dei for New Orie*ns viiele they vili *ttsnd the. liardigrao.. rai N ew Orleanathey yull malte a trip througii Mlslsuppl und Alabamauvb"e@eare iossied theinilia tram vliecliMr. Tripp mets hite outheru pin.. Theî viilaiea uit lande efor tieirreturu. 4rtbur Nelirili va.s buahueso ris@itar nooday. B. t. ua v iering this terri- tMryfor Bre jouer Bras, Wiii Kuige btieelihie uev store this Week lu the building just nonili oi the psffe.H. bas renodeledtbe luteriar 4ed ntalled nevfllxtures making e very a#tratlive tar.. Be viii baudie an upt-dt ine af dry goade. n otions "Md Mme afuriehuga.., -.,Mr. -sud Mir@. J. L. Irving returqed Moday frocs su exteuded trip in soriieru Wiscaoin. Whie lie braugiig back na cour inclng proi. Jack modestiy *dElta -hâa Il@ ébut @0 mun> vilfi aet odiat lbe L track oi tii, exact number. Par b t fromt aur intention tasteni ekeptlel or ta mise e doubt as ta Jac'@ abitty &@ a hunter but v. csn't hslp tblukiug ai tus bai vho "uwthe obesshke." 14r.»sd Mr@. Barry Rouse entertain tbe KEmbre club neit Wednesduy eîeniug Bave yau nati.ed our adin l the upper ufgt band carncer of page li1e? Laboe -tÇouati NationalBank. "«The Lion sud The lions.," Lberty- ville Auditariumi, Bturday,' Feb. 14 <osing-"The Vallu ci Force." Feb. 20. uindepeadent reaches anl pointa ln Lake counlti. I ______ - LDIAMOND flK Luette Mitchell vas a Chicago riitor Frday. Glenn boulvell ai Minnesota, la viliit- the Brtiett familles. Mien Olga Blolues is a Cicago visita! for a ew dayo. The seboni eidren enîaîed tva leigli ries alt eek and attended the. Far- Mers Intitut. at prairie Vlew sud Ares. Aithur Rolland and WilWaadln wr Barrat"onviitare Tuesdaî. The Ladies Aid viii nuit vith tirs. I. Ul qpTiwdus marnug, Feb. 19th. A opeci i 'InitatIon le exteuded ta ail. ids,.Getler sud daugli ter@ verel1udianu viitors laest eek. M re. John Roda. was the gnest oi lira. Jîîhn Dolleumuier ut Libertyville Tueeday. The F. NC viliimeet vith lira, Harry Roues. Jr., this week Saturduy. lu opit. of the cold veather sevrai ai aur yaung people eioyed the daCe. &t Lonàg Urove $*turday night, 5ir. and lin. M. A. W>odin vere ln Evuuoton lest v.ek visitiug the Lynchi famuti viia 1.1t Wedunday for Oklahoma their future bomle. Gea. liuîcheili vuea Wuukegau visitor Monda. Tii. yaung people ver. raelY enter- t&lasd at Lb. MOI. ihome one eventu; tast vek, and aieo adi a pesunt time ut the Tovuer hoîme ane ev-lug, euoYing a leigli ride ta Libertyîille tiret. Tii. Ray and Badge familles ver. en- tertaieed at the. bomoe ofWil RaY &t Ares Fridey evening in hanor ai the latter'@ebun hday. Rev. Steiner le organizing a bibi. riags and vishesail tii. aider people ta juin. lira. Tavuer and Mies Ells Tovuer vere Waîumepgan vîitors Mondas. In ]Kemoriiiam lu ioving memory ai tieorge James Dyer, wio died Feb 11, 1908 Farevell dear, but na& iorever. Ther. viii b. a gloiousnasvn; We shall meet tu pari no mare On tie resurrectian maru. Thaugli tiy darling foi-ai lies sleeping lu tb. cold and Pilent tomib. Thon @hlltibaie a glaions vakiug When tihe bleboed Lord dotli came. Loving Pareut». FREE $2&00 1 THlE FàabN.R ~Who intende to barveit a gooti (rop [puet b. inoured with goond sud. Donald S. Blair, soil expert of thia oounty says, "Statis- ILL show au averag ai 26 buahels of corn to the. acre. intheii ourn belt" Thlnk of thatl Landi that ralnes at about $100 ~au acre and growing oaiy 26 buahel of corn, tltough the.East- «n part of South Dakota andi moat oaI owa corunlias an aver- ses of 70 butehelo anuually.What about Illiois andi Wisconsin? Why oanuot ve produinach an average crap h e r e ? Why should flot aur fermera get their juat compensation for their tinte andi Jabor, as tii. fermer@ veot af us? Thoir taxas are jus: abou& as bigh, stili tbey muat b. numbereti amang Lie 2ô-bn beWto-the-aoreclans. Mithre are too many faginers wbo are planting the. sanie cow (tbey bave raiseti for the. paat ten years or mare. Seeti oin should b. changed every three year@. Otherwise the ger- mination is ton veak ta grov sud mature Nearly 1-3 af the Sn failed to mature in this caunty luat fail. Tliere are bun- dreda af bushel. aof e. cîrn u itiicounty that viliinot grav. Ard#you sure af yaur oeed? Are yau gainir ta vait outul yau plant it before you are sure af it? Then if it dae uaL grow yon viii bave ta boy viiet is availabie. At thst tinte it la too late ta boy guaranteed eeed. If yau boy froîn a home dealer yon will probably geL an inferiar eothern-grown ae.d, vhîcb viii ijat mature. (Gaod guarsnteed nortberu-grown seed comte but litti. in the. atart and paya double at harvest ime. <>ur seed bouse gathers their cor-n before Octaber. It i8 tiien put on racks in thoir seud houses and by teara pipes that Ton ailtbru the building-, i. dried. Our guarantee ie the strongest oi any soed bouse on earth. Wc have the oniy vay of Ietting yau examine the seed 1,5 dase efore crer v. toucli s cent oi yonr many. If you are flot satisfied witii the seed coi-n ship it back sud ve will refond ail charges, tGrowing seed coi-n lsa business with tiai compuny flot a specialty. I wiII give twenty-five d liai-e to any Luake county intlividuai Who haa the. bet t-n cars af cor-n at the Aunual Coi-n Show at Libertyville next fait providiug sncbl individual boldis certificat. of eitry, and the carni i grava froinaur eed. Any one ar<iqr- ing ue or more bumei-I of oui- eeed viii get a certificate af en- tvy. W. are vaniing foi-tiie goad of the county snd aek for your cooperation. W. bave 12 differejît varieties, wbicb are Ilinstrtted in u ur 1914 Seed Corn Annual. Write to-day for your copy. It i5 sent an requet. "Ours are sgand as the. best, and better than the reat" PERCY L THOMAS, Ares, 1lU. It is better to be Saf e than Sonry. Yonr deposits viii h. appret iated ut this batik sud by Ceîcking o« fonds in mahiuîg lîsynente for your bis aud accounts you wilii ave Urne and mancy. Let us explain ta yau boy simple the. plan ii.. Tere is na expense ta the individual. THIE CITIZIENS' BANK AfflkILL *. ..T~p.R. P. flouse Irving E. Payne, '~ ~Vice Prosent. Cashier. A basket socil i ii bc. rivent by the. teachers of tii.Dss#fisld(iraninir seboot ffatrday svsalug. Fait. 14. A bumorouo »~rire of tableaux, The Reverla of.a Bachelor, wili b. gîeo at 8 o'clack. XEîryau. Invtt.d. Thomefot blg basket@ viwilb.e harged 10e admission. "'The.FoUi of rares"dintrva lares audience tram surrouudi'tu owvnsFrl- day sr.ting lwbeuaconipaàV ofiD.rfld young people premuetd ila tthe James Leouard took the. part oft tii boe around whom the. action of the. play centera rery dlsîerly. The. songe by th@ girls quartette, Misses Loretta and Ruth Krese, ermina ianeachiid sud Cara Pyle in wbleh they appeared tu cosume were îery vell recsh-ed, aud ths male quartette verf aeeorded thelr nouai applause. Carl Rommel sud Roy Ouidit- son vers excelent lu tneir »Hroue roi., &Bd Grecs and Deile Caralan ver. attaciv ofie irs.Georg e eckman played nierai violin solos beweeu acte.I Tii. Go-to-cbureh Sunday eould not bc Iavorably shovu last Sunday as the. bg iaw sera veather kept a large number oMubter or people aM home. ýLOAT-ASmaiI goid watcb near statin. Itevard for return to William Wtt. Miss Ruth Relechet entertaitied ut ai Vaeutin, dianer mturday eîenlng ini honor of Mie eChristineMIdelyahan. Leffte Qllnch-and Wlnired Supp4.. Twent-y- four ol their friende were invited toa a -500" party later lu the. erening, Followîng a oieigh ride Partyi wbwb was chaperoned iii lire. itaiph Ki,îî. r- bocker laat Tueeday eveniug, Mies Elizabeth Reehlt merred a buffet @upper ta the. twenty-eight Young people Who made up the party. Mies.Mubel au] Elde Dorenherger epeut Suturday sud Sunday at0lenview as the guesteai the Miss@ Clarey. Mire. C. K. Oreborne ià quit. filI itb tonallitie. Mies1 rene Macadie oftChicago, vas the. week-end gue.t ni MI@@ E"ennr Meyer. iio@ Marie and Ruth Krees leit Mon- day for Fargo. N D., ta riait lire. N. MeKellar for a few weeko. Mio@ Ruth Lidgerwood wus the. gnest oi Mise Basci Bell ai Riahlaud Park Friday snd Saturday. Rer. T. F. Quinn lIdt Tuesiay for Jacksonville, Fhorida, viere lie viii viait for a lw vesa. Mrs. Ray Lard aud daugliter Virginla, oi Ravewood, ver. th. guus of iMmr. Lard'@ parents, Mir. amd i rs. C. W. Pectis. Ftliap sud Saturday. The. Youug M' Cub gave a leigli ride parti ta a aumber af hbeir friendo Wsdneday evenlug illoved hy a supper at the,.ombonfithe, MIse.Kreoo. Mir. and Mr@. Bruknel oi Lake Forest, vers the. Bunde! gueeté ai Mr.andud lra. Jôo'n Wliman. Miss Mildred Lthiting vas the. vnk- eud gueet ai ber aunt, Mises Elizabeth Clark ai Chilcago. About Ut.àn riends oi Mr. and lira. Baunschuld gaie theni a viesant sur- pris@ Monday ereuung. The eîening vas apeut in playing carda. Mis Loretta Kress und Tho@. Dntty von the tiret prime and Mire. Geo. Karch vauswaarded tue. consolutian prise.. lire. Clark te rlsîting ber dauglitor, Misa Elizabeth Clark 0i Chicago, tLiii week. The. Dorcu. @o -iety ai tii, Preisbyterian ciiur-h i ii bold thi-r unnuai el.etiou îof offlcemrs t tiihumbornebidlre. R il . Vant Thuredut. tir. sud lire. Lincoln Pettilo entertain- ed a numbt.r oi their frieude et .-500" tlaturday eveuuug. Tii. Ladiea' Aid oi the 8t. Paunl'@ Evaugelîcal churcli ver. entertalned at Lii. horne aifMr@. Juins Job"so on Tburuday aiternoon. Walter Meer ai Chcaga, vs, a hust- ueot calter lier. Mo .day. Mira. Ed [igily0aiChicaga, @pent niverai days îting lier sister, lire. garali Adams. Mesdames Knaak aud Reicheit, Jr., and Mises Ida Kueaak atieuded the. Parents and Teachere Assocatien meet- ing of the 1). 8. H. 8, Frlday aiternoon Clide /ttli waa »the. guStorhi- irrts.tir. and lira. John Bateli oi FAKER WORKS ELGIN. lleîresentlng htmoeil as the agent for un express campany, a foreigner YcFýterday lnvaded the Hungartan rea- Idence district of Elgin snd by a elever confidence gante Io belisvred ta have fieeced bis countrymen out of amalti ums. Hie sld a box h"b.ben reeelîed et the. express affice from Europe and that tbey wauid r*eelîeit toorow lf tbeY Wouid psy hlm 99ceuto tu cover the express chage,. B.vera Hungarians a.1" adh.oseiued aS amatImui - # w-El malivi 1= A Valsullu. srprise vas lisu Kate Carroat ar uhomeus aturday utlbt. lierios 1,esValientinn. darkilee, comtes sud prtti ous& Tii. publie cSrwaaly ltataaktug adian- taue of the beautinoi .letgbiug lu aud &bout town and many parties are lW1ug bold. Last Tbursday eveulug lira, Paul Macoutulu' cl.sssut.rtalued tbitrlends et a short ride sitar vhîeli they rturned ta tii. M. E gimnaium for an oater sew. t'rldaeîeuing tihe C. E. aofLtie Preshyterlan ehurcli vent ta Lake Foreets att.ndlug the canren- ion ai IDivision ai thuat oociety tiiers. The.r hrouàeht haine the. attendance banner. ierty.eght members i-oui liens beiug presentTupeday aveu- ing tii. EpvortlIALnue aif tiieM E. church ver. sntertaiued hy a steigli ride vhicli termnated lua &supper at tbe igym. liany priate parties haie "oe been h.ld. Mauî more ai our îoung men baie become "okietietti" or *'vould. bes" and baie been ont practicing th. sport everî iglit. The bil@ubout towu bovever are barely igli enougli ta make tiie sport excitiug. aithougli muni haie 'ound tlinse et shtldaiîhuret better 1adspted ta the pieee.ure. lIAS SI L ER DOLLAR COINI3I IN YEAR l7M Frank à, Auydam baidâe i.record0 far ai1liuviug lu hie Possession the oldest Ameriean ilier dollar. Muni' others Ijerbape have aider coins.,ibut iew ifSauy Our Chrisim Saiuga Club yl b. la uperation &gain di saor. If you have Dot jol, de s.e t onues. THE 6UCCESS 0P OUR PATRONS la the faundation upon viiiciî thie Bank isle îit. Our affluera a.e intpr- estod inthe b.weifare ai avei-y iepoiiitor. 'i'iimono sic,'ee-fui tiiey b.- came the more busines tbmy bhive vitb us. Cati w. nat be af sanie ser- vice ta you hy connsel or advicpe? W. have aided otb'2rs, wlîv îlot yau? First National Bank .Libertyville, 111. Vpl boxl u Lb.o sud 1 lassu On vili prem home 4A th Ani Tbs Mr homi Wedi bave a giheur dollar ofai m-rican mne in Ochi"condition that ev people ILNOSSO D E w id @h~topa examine it luifore pueeing LA EZ ~ Z] LLN SWO D N ito ootherfe. Tii. coin i. dated 17M,. The Consumier le.ICîî tarted cor onî C 1lS IL VE undS it ise laimed thut thîs dollar ii of Lb. luke saturday. Tiie le"ele about CA P O L VE the second issue, tii fret iiver dalleri nine mches tick. I eusl b.iug coined la '1794. He- aiea hba. Augemt Oodgiuek vjeited vitihbies 1THE RA ITEQUESTION umnug hi@ collection tva hall dollars parente Snuday. date'd 1808 and 1809 Hie faéther, F.' Mie Elle Prehîn le pijdingu ltw dwve M Suydsim, bas e Spanîsu coin dated u Fight for Control Between In- 17î96. a o. Wq Wuirand ha. a Bitishi îurthîng Geo. lt run*ucied lusnt-.,at' surgent and Regulars datai 1806. Crystai Lake Saturduy. i sinlt - Oea. Meer ha. been couiini-d La bis COWiOIL iorn nierai iSays. iRock Iniaitd.Fetb. Tlruj,î Regular meting Fteî'. 1, 1914. A petition ha. been lied iSwth thse the e3tatu i hIlinois thiglt caidron Ceveland absent. tovu clerk Froeliih tu have the wet aniS1 of tire MoiSerin WooCtnhlnof Alierica The'f the ]agt regulan meet-, dry question put belote the, votere in the, lehoililng . l.acaI 'n meeting, ar lng vene nead aniS approved. uo l. being ht-id et-i i- re t- for the iurpie, àdr. Blochi ai the Public Service Co., Tii. village hourd ut the. lest itgularaifci1osln delegat.-s for respectve!Bg'e appeared and taid the. bourd they vould meeting nuised the saloon lic-use -B g e gtbeter eret lighîifr:m nov ou. $500 ta $700 sud aiea pu.seed an, ondi- countycampn meetings later. ep run the farrn caîntuittes Mulith ?ik Producrasu&ne limitinug the saloon« on.' t evey Ail aiong the Uint- is noted the- liglit Assocation vsprisent snd ask.d ta 150) luhabitauca. for contrai betveeti tht- insurgn hua,, a Public ee.siainàtsilOd aft9r a John Hiu purc-h'ed tva lute ironiWade adL. -eulr.At theOf AK% discussion Itl eitto Lb. ext meting. tir sud tire. Luthier l)aon ou Park countY -camp meetings delegates vilii l iat rdfer ye« te get isn 'Ibe tneaaurer%ý> sud erk's reparte Ave, b.eclîneen tir attend tht- state camp faim baoda out on tiuel ver. sud auditeti hi the finance Te olca onHv u tl eting. Effarts are b.lug made an l tbrdtiyutegtl. commttee sud accepted au motion of aven $25.000 dollar@ ta côîlett wbich 1@ bath aides ta get contrai or the tate j p lu the moringt Doiteuniaier sud Ellsvorth vhlcilicannled sîmost an lucrease oaiF$3000 or i-m1j*a1i--l. cam p meeting lu order ta contrai tihe If no, vhy mot lot Big floudo IL ail rotInr sys. dolegates sent ta the national meeting ton youl The foiIowiing bis ver radssuad Mimes Myrtie Ricknase recived the tirize 1, Toleido next June. Big Bsn la a truth toulug.a" 0. K'd hl, the finance committe. and for the prettieet baket ut tiie social lu apite. of Lb. fact that the prement r.ll.shle -1ut deock. alov.d on motion ai Doleumaier and Saturday niiit. officiais af the. organizatian protest Il'a bis business tu, gsi people Titus, ail îoting aye.- that thiiae question I;à ne langer un up in Lb. vorid. J. T.Dais. draying .............$ 75 TAX COLLECTOR NOTICE Issue. the. Ineurgents ai-e bent upan And heitldo Itsv yaes*&Dy E. E. Elsvarthbruusleeandeaeup 95 Froin date on i vili be aitheI. oilovuug ousting Lb. present incumbents rt o!f-ulme yau 557. L. A. Bendee, court case........20 60 Pix.$5 ta reeure taxes@ UiitO a rci Mill. fie and piacing representatIves aof Next lime you driii.ta tovu. Fîremen eslary ..................... 20 00 Tuesdays aud Sutundava ut Frank Bras. their faction Into paver. waIk over ta the. stare and tells H. W. Smith, eaiary ............... 65 00 nsore, Lake Zurich. tiondayseut Auîg Wil Rate Matten. à l ok at hlm. V. Llmberry. slary............... 65 00 Sehverman'o. Gilmor, Wediiemday ut An effort viii be made ta keet dls- t k.ephbim In the wlndovvwbes J. R. Muholand, oaierî ........60 0 Sauen's stori-, Long !rave. Il custin off tht- rate question aithe everirane eau »ec hlm. E. B. Corett, 8l mo.s anay andS John Ho ve, Collectai-, Ela Twnshp. iteai camp meeting, but at tirt-natIon- wexpremee..............................51 80 ai gatheuing Il probehly Aliirecl; W. Ruigge, vaik rebute........... 17 91 C J O S R EI li ul quota of attention. That soame D. Spelîmen, etreet vont....... 6 30 M SO S BS RV'ery Important matters outeide iliatiJEWELER UBEI&TYVILLE MPester & Sou, repaires.......... 7 2- TJ rwi aaon 1ficm efr h __ Standard (Jî Co., gaoline..ý.... ; 5 I) 50Tli ANNIIVEftARY Inational delegutes lu Toit-do hmdl p Treptov & Taylor, .chairs . 42 60 cateul Lv officIais. howt-îer. Us. L>/'IRSTOWV Litsk Co. P. & P. Ca., piiting... 2 :is Public Se-rvice Co ,estreet lights. 182 04 H. B, Eger, heating plant ....58;5-O, W.'B Havi-Iel, rebute un taies.. 2 12 lioved by Titus anS Royen thuL the OIf CONSOUJLII"IN: lVaukegan. Ilii.,February 5 Today waa tht- iftiLthi anniverari- cierk notil, %Ire .Janse Davis tu ayaithe af the consoldation af thet- tla la balance af $10 due an veter main on 1aal-ide a~akgn no Lakte street. Carried ail ratinst eye. aoildgsnWukaUin Petitton for idewait on veet eide af lodge ami ld aId aukegau iodge. Second etreet froin Rurintt Court tii Ta commemrat. tht- consolidation Broadway waa read, of Lh. ordereea celebratian vas ht-id Communication froîn Young WOfAre In the. Masonic temple ast evening Association elgued hy C. Bond s which vas, attended by close tu 200 preqsiocul sekiug ta reut tva upatatire Tii. guests Included many roomo lu the village hall vas resd. visitai-s tram various other tttttes tIoved by Titus sud Dolieumaier tafa the county Who desired to astst rent the tva ralîmo ut the rate oi' in celehi-utlng the hall century mile- $25 per year but no lghta turnlehed. atone of the Waukegau order. Cannried ail oting &y@. A Chicago malt- quartet furnished MareS iîy Faulkner end Eli.(rtb tolappropriate sud enjoyable muele. a adjuuri toL Weduemday. Feb 5. Canried. i luncheon vae aerved and tht- affair EHf Coriett, Cierk. passed on-as, one af tht- very delillît- fui onea of tht- local arier's caret-r. NOTICE Oidest Maton Thene The undiegi-ý is uteli t iank the R. C. Gi-cen, w ho, last cet-k cas public artS t-Cpucialiy the finemi-n in tht-m hamaored on the occasion ai hlm b.- L einituni!e rnderedune uinug oui-reeuDt inga amember of tht-.%Iasons elxty- ilire. colline & Doane. . 1tbree years, was at tht- meeting WeiS. c 1 inedayp~vening, Ithting tht- i-st time h.e had heen out for an eveuing's ses- sion lu a long ime, bis advanced age preventIng hlm tram being reg- NEC KTI ES ularly present. However, beeaue e b he Lknte 'a oldest mason In the caunty, the moto- 1 hae ate teageuoy!Jibere declded they botter have hlm nlue lineofaieia. Give me pesent. Accardlug, a rlg vas sent a cmu. alLer blm sud, aiter tahclng lu ail the ceeolasd luneheon Mn. Green - e n a g a ie t a l e n b o .Ns , l e e n j o y e d Lx uYON the evenung yen uiucb. ________________________ Tiie Independent Istns ai. lu o TI vtew proi have diat- b~ eni the loh In Math, r-ead loomi fear alite mati mitt aort Atnong thut etstionis i'i]bethe l' M NUA T RRo foilowing: 1. Agitation for a ut-v i-huaI. Ilbead<u.~st 2. More compreheusive degret ,-JMabiyadirait 3.Cratonofa trial coi-t bfoel Monumenis wlîiclî ail charges againast members __________ af tht- Society shahll e teard. A committe. prohably viii iie nam. Cemeter okfEvy ed tû Sraw up a nev 'ritual ln auswer ta the demande ai many memnbers. It la helieved that a nev Segree systein should be pravided ta iurniph greater fraternal lt-suons and ht-utfit and ta create a dloser bond af ieliovship lit- tween the- memht-rs. Tht- triai court 'if establshed viii be independent af tht- executuve caun- cil andS clii be composeS of men vho have no cannection with Lb. officiai iamily of the- aociety. Rtacine, Feb. 5.FINve years lu tht- Wis'consin reformatory at Green Bay vas tht- punishment tntted out ta Etîcard A. Wiianms aititis city and Fred Schultz, viiose name le F'rank Schat-fer of Milvaukee-, by Judgt - l huam Smieling af the municipal court tins marinng, afLer bath' haiS pleadeè gully ta having burglarized Lhe stort of Jorgenson-Clausen and Krogh, 1416 WaabhingLon avenue, an tht- nigbt af January 17, 1914. Kenoslue-Huîndroesoaipersane vîli hc vacciuated lu Kenosha as a reaui af the discavery tiat a ehild tram a ,famiiy viiere 9case of amahîpax vas being COnnealed attended the. public athools. 'The dietrict attorney bas liee> ske&-tOalad ln praaeeuting vio. lators ot tse quaratnes lava. Description Correspondence sollcfted 16Genesee St NOTICE t Tiie ofly thing teIndapendent ho$ to sal la SPACE. It la a known fact that à newsaPer mas nthing off lte subacrip. tions themselves-4t muet depend 1on the sale of SPACE. Many correspondent, weekly toud ln Items pertalning to affaira Where promotera wlil realixe profite s a aresuit ot thé adver- tlalng these coiume furnlah. Such Items .liould aud muet b. pald for Il M-r aistolin*. The rate la @ml-Elve cents pear lins. ln futuça msuh deticeawilt b. t omttted unis»e notation le mad. that they ire ta e .psuifpr. e Ay affala wherg admillon .la :ohafgsi or- promoteemalu a 1 profit fronliatlnthe a Btef thinga fer eshio l e -osmuti b. pai tfrd1-TF. 1 f

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