CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 13 Feb 1914, p. 4

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Làike County- Independent Officiai Paper for Lake CountY. 0ffkieaTdphoaaNumbtr 1. Libmrtyvile ktxchange. Caffmd as 118M poutomoesta Libertyvllle, MI.. maS lecd Cam Mail Mater iem.ed Uvayreday. Aderthug Rates made Encra on ÂAPllUOD. SUSOITINPRiCE. silo P£it VEAR syRidOLy iN ^o *f et W. d. S EI . .......... ........ ...... ............. ...... gr. 0. 4Mlfl4'ý ..~................................;............. ........ .............. . . ......... %Reeldet Mardger. Phone op lby qbàe *tt aybody 1" ë uLj9ht4 Iuiay 'JUMt fo tue fan of ltr" if t»Y ià &pleaa their marnes in for the "Sut Colum.L" Oh, we guese ther.'U b. plenty of ice uext Sumner all right. la tact5 we're afraid it viii be so unuaually thick tht the ta enou ill charge extra for carrying it because IT 18 so tbick. Oh, horrorsi It's nov reported from London tht a man bas mveuted a wireleas appArtus which will transmit thought from brain to brain. Imagine the consequences o1j such an invention. Telegraphic reports state that a band of suffragetteo- recently "sanubbed President Wilson." Too bad-a buncl of women snubbing the President! Can you imagine ho% very slighted the President feit? He should "bibble!" LiUquor and anti-liquor Torces in Illinois are to b. lined up in a mighty bath. on April 7th next, in facti it vil be the mont coucentrated effort ever made by the "drys" te eliminate the saloons. If ail the towns in Lake countygc "Idry" vwhich bave put the issue up, it means that theoN vil b. au awful rush to Kenosha, Lake Forest, Higl4and Park and such places. Voiva bas al th. l'hosto of heU" lh. can talc. care of in ZbWm Olty, without botherlng te look for them fin Wau- kogý'f, fvile thore are UkOly a few-here, they behavE as a rnis botter than those In th. smre class who claJim Mbon aa their home. Alter Voliva bas shown bis ability to emi thefti n lMZon (vblch bas not bo. demonstrated. ta daté), thoiü Waukegaa vwiIssue an luvitation.te him tc corne bre-ho von't have te volunteer Ids assistance. Wlth a&à the t«»nsof ]["o.county tiling à"dry" peti- thôo,ti alout looksaalsi couaty option might as vel bave Ïbeec Inlaugurated. Itsnquite appar~ent Ibat there vill be jinsce scrap on lu Lake county on April 7th neçt vhen the mIbyfqce of the. "drys"1 4n one aide and the "wets" -M~l other . Itvoud&'t b. muchof a surprise if tmre- 1Idndro~udbard on almot every section of Lake coui- "tyv tàaefftU of h. century on, tbis issue in Illinois. Tas it &ala looksas if th. county of Làke vas "band- adt mse" by the s5Wt board uecIwUng sites for the opileptic SIoc& hr, f ILakes oouty bad knovn a ste a tbath as M *0 le s elcte mcalled fer voi deven b. con- uiadsop olibave béesm .tabes to proce eue vhich Un. w - *6-1 n atter boy proffjudsiil mghtb., 0,Ram Pmt tiag~4.ut BUt1h. oornrnttee disairnmated so OPeplyMdami 1ytb hehadlcinlinlooks rldluou-it ,t aeem as if amy state body vould do -Wakeffl consumers viiib. more pleased over the war vhich bu beau started against the sale of immature vomi. thAn anytlg aese launcbi by the health authorities. The practice of sefllng immature veal bas long been car- riedon in Waz&epanas welas inother places in the coun- ty and vo eau conceive of notblng more abhorrent than Vo tbink of dealers vho, to malce a fev cents, would foist such meat upon the public, vhen they know it should noV be used. The authorities viii receive concerted public sup- port in tlis agitation._____ The vet-dry fight is now up Vo the people, and again on April 7, the sarne culd question wfll b. thrashed over in the same old vay. And, if it's only decided finally, al voll and good, but if Waukegan's Vo have this issue fought over and over again each year, it's noV going Vo help condi- tions generally fithe community. Both aides should make a quiet resolvo that, the way Vhe matter goos this year will settle it for a long time, in ordor that this continued un- certainty as Vo vhat the future may develop wll not be staring every business mai, every manufacturer and ov- ery property holder in the. face as a constant bugbear. A glace at the vice prosidents chosen by the Lake Oonnty Farmers' Institut. at the cloulng session shows tht smre reaily big mai bocame interosted i Ibis miove- Ment for expanson of the farming industry of Lake coun - ty, at last bavlng recoguhzed the detrmiuation of the in- sUIte members to acquire more aid broader knowledge of reogf lumng. Such mon as George Euse, brother of lbr fum e fcgoMayor, Fred Eums; 1Mr. Leatherbeo, #$al& a som.lav of B. T. Orao; Eodaoy D. Svlift, ýUM«w»J,£àbooster of the Most enthiuatlckind. Aid «kmWIb ejuyMthusltle, ail of vhom bave promised lUs ia bis Important movoment for botter aid more pro- dmMh *ou inl aka county. The fartuers of 1he. oonty MI IIL ),t ovuOw, .mjlbaulaed vhen vo stop ho amers' nstate, the Bol! Improvement Pd l.CoMsMowand the varions other move- él*,th. fùrnrs are lnterested and should b. ,twbwil" ha.Vs proof sufflclent. LAKE OOuNqTY IN ~jŽ~I» mm-ATDÀ, JÀY13. 1914. TO »Lb IASIIADE TORY WF music CONCEUT 0N II STmUTFAI The LUbertyvillle lamaiof te ibm111kt ib. Medesh.on Conmrrvbioiyaof For Bom u ntheoa1 u aa xperimeil Prodeus .Atmekclatll 1 ld amii. u- ule onoret te be given by Mies. B a taBloha. bmatoonutd bon sik etul qoràëd dold fashlon-d 1Hae.Dona& RW *t é ..£àcharolb on Thursdar ruesî muiiofiL1lbrville, fo i le $hu UherMivillo Town Hall, rldax. .vql*ft,4%. 96.,promlm.. ta be r.pitiq *IplaP4~ m mdy let rebruary 20, 1914. etaSiP . .94MfrInm t «» b.mas ier.eîug ad k#Iy a»a1111111101 àiïo in îboga, aim éle Dow prfflnî ludictaion. A rr'"rd breaIoç,uisM"dwog isatires nover bibre lahmdibàs th 'Wsed'y baie proved eowud wili at. t .' Pmbmm e àesab fl themugieloc f fl ,w-d m" emu »a* b ihat unare ýW boba e m baulefe of 'aluvîfm p," Y g smemd oeMy uofftLiU p tII. Lbervitide lbalWe mboomfibe bleu' 1eId twillbu asslid by ýlM, AUbbaseo uedwhh .11 P" ouaty rlefaInmmamu ma bm lmde le. eàBh.s* Iiaservaltory Ladta Qhg. bam.ui4yon *lb u5,Mad Our 111 de ce doubi iIo thetui ihM&W4kW& 1WbS edbâu«ieta*' Rose Laras, Ietpam»$ tih..usm gof tibmingredaté àbboisoredauea .ý9 la ibme »P", àtwamt eiAndrsen, goa .1 emo k ~ r.Orne inaorliPwPnomh l be em »M. i 5e6 ato. ÇW *411a iW giIit'W b f 1. â. Sau. tva6, Win »Do : ,a 10mu &"'»N.'.ile tIq<*ra aafaîr b id eau 1%0 e FOMotilug i Po 1. ITt~ W." 9 4 limon. violn luLinI. la oal.e TmCOuPOBY Oda I h a malter tbat bhas hoe e di$ nuecid »Attatmougéea the cotapocad maaufaesmd bi lh .11 berooors In. bm rural dIatrim t O aid Ibm "in lmzaumsy mus" maluaitapouch mait. homgrowy bimar. steuter. hum esueemmetétit lbave erawpMed 1Miad veao mraein ber readlugb. l. atrongur and bealtbler due ta lb.ein- previaus efforts of tb. daîrsmmu la 61.e ikb aumber Mins Reid ebowed muit orgaole elementi cotitalumd lnuthe, nom- revYivoasofi eighborly good urnes show lmousc i, fluger technique and aiea fiound. A'larly bosreili ,ucb efforts are b.lug considérable br..adtb af style, ber r. eve<1. 1 rbyilinaa wrm accuraté and each of thm TO THE AEPUBLIOAN NOTERS OF While tbe Milki.Producers Association Inui cadimsas splayed cdearl and LIBERTYVILLE TOW1'i4mip se foirneliudpînîrily for the'purpose ai brllliantly. The. quaite i d@unie 1brwt ihrwm addc eriimotiiiit thetiluntt(-al weîi.fare of theiexcellent work l i..... iietuOur Sparte" forofe ofh wlltdrwm.add t..'nih.ra ti.iliertvville local is to le hy Wiouer. an old-tiýrbioned d sang 'ut -2- Peter Bock. .Q tipliiiitfd oi iqmaviuig m50 eei'e'iiver.v Muiceal andi art arrartteint , lfie. _________________ uli" eiit»...d the .pie.ui'c itiving idiî.ere fanaoe rm Tls0 of niî"NOTICE 4 farti life as viil nastwO attractive iît.mb iî ..acniaef.,I. ,f,. Iteyi td l,îîi'î f n.... of lbhe I. ai Btir)Db3-m.ut4it Nemm1 wls *e* cadidteior ih- f 'crai i,. t,, wir.. dnîci îrii tiwn colipecir ai il, initîg 8i s1'r- h.Id 1,re..thii.. Ii.îîmsry iof fura.LIETYriruiary an)d w il appre'.iîîle aa u3PIiiî't defor the r w.smsn m oid t1v lcsscn..d Laud VILLE SCIIOOL NOTES gir..,. îîe. Winî. lîsssls.r t... maadîî,g .f i h.. 61.1 Proîtucers ________________ mald'o party laëtîr.g ail dla ' ,du.. ta %le T H OES0 .BRY A IIJNEDiIOSEabsence of theoniy senior boy. n VILLE TOWN81,1IPI À HVNTD MUSEMarié En)gpibrtclît ats'î,d a danciir in lie a canidate foir tbe ail.. REPOI'ED IN LIBERTYVILL E party Friday gt.... N thi. e rfild id h.h t»n. oilector at to eursngl.ppblis'an gym. aIl ..uppuîrt gittil DMe Libertviile can boast ofati a@t osne Umae Bond enissrtains.d a sleigh laad a- fAustin W. Tripp. lait..d' boum ert h are cellier ofthefber lt.claseinates ifast W.dueeday ee-....___________ town, but lnstead af ibe hanse beîog i..g Candidate Fôr Collector. baunied from i nthin tbe haation of 8everal frani bigli ahiiol attended the. 1 wlsh tu inforni n fi nnde ihai 1Iwlll the. "gboaî" or %baiever h niay be, Christ"a Endeavor tal7 ai Lake. beacandidate for eollectr,, aubjecitIo werote oibu taldo. Forest, Fridaj. For 0métme ow, OPPi&II ëiDe te Th ffulor wil býiD te tansi tmeDemaeratie pîl.nary. ad4 nli>p Fonom~lmeVOn ooecillymmc ib Th. snios wll egi. im tansation 1prolaie ail support tgiven tme roeni s'%ons, ai leat se bai afi hler', 5Wilbelm Tell" for Uruan C-1041f J. B. Muliolland. diicuvered ithâ "gbomt's" wearing aise'@ tibis we,,k. ibost bave been prnwling around ihe The. grade are nat ta b. ou tdousb F RC LLCO bouse and stopplua rigbi under a certain leodrOO e tcne uOug'b ORC LJ O thodnswe t co iemiuff B. Lus. annuueetba e la acandi. wndow, and lin bisway tramping tibmparti».Mi«iHaven. iook ber pupîls 60t dats for Lb. aomîuation ta the office of eDn nhiîh sureiy shows that theé for a joy rd n a atwe. nletrfrtetw fLbr.vleu titbîss lé, a roui heavy on..0< course, larieoedylaswo. *lecrfribtnufLIryil t readingu n e itoripsonp often..roui The êophmore's have completed th theib ltpuiieau primarles, and nili acrues ihe sentence "Mian ui.pples ont ai arraiîlemà"e G Ionim.daue s0 ho gîven appreclate ail support given hlm. .indsit. pursnuod by a gbosa," but in. th'in theibm iwn bail on k'iday eveng, c-19-tf partieular cse tht. man. bas nat ouccod- Pcb. 1iîh. id in. *topfiig" Into the rioni niibm Blanche Sebanci. and Marlon Taylor NOTICE iret place, su it woold lie eau, bard for are absent froui the junior lasi ou 1i s.h it'. ,". ",,v',li f.,, i ta biescared away froi nithin. accOuio 01 ,es.i te silie'iltai collecior fur ita k)wuau But a gliosi usuali, returus fromn whu.uem Mr. su ai.wa a Rchool viior Moiu- Liheriyvllle subwec to the. approval of i came, t.eig of the iraveling ii..d. and -day. tht. l)smoraîie voter. as ibm primary alnaîlui.spulbauts I'lepseos Thee wa S scsio lail. oihîband nu appreeiale aIl supporigiven me. Who gave ne Ibis information je usaieai1 grade rouain ou Thuredtay and Frnday of .0i ak i ocrn ail frighteued hy ibepe gboeîly vieis'agi evit ou atiouui of tht. absence a but nould lik, tu a lecuis iutity t. xiv. ît a uitile information. Do douta Mk. s Hoag. vs.Y valuablis, eupeealiy chat the. glosi Mandký a ' ffer, atrp.eth ecy inon the. road for thss hs.ring it detarem. vua fentr Atiother ofa r h» ,rt bsreaced the 66TU LION tNP TUEamisi." eoi d is4ltee." Lest Tburaday AT TUE AIJN IEJE of er .daminates as.> eu-esnuore ai ber borne.. aier a @boni .leiih ride. O. Saturday eveoiug af ibis aeek Manie Andrerwsi.peu Soniday suer-, Uibertyvilie In ta have ber tirstinîtrodie.aBoela Waui.sgsa wih ber brother, «On ta ibm real ibesirlealis ai home. A.R. Andrews. "The. Lion and Tb@. Mous.." Uni i,, Thet an gradere are eaglerby "oking mdouely popuer an.d neilikuow a play larnard ta ibmValeilue bx whacb tbmy b!v Chas. Klin, .who in aIs e taor ni» bave lu iheir rmou oa Frlday ut "The Third Degrea" and "The Muni afieaoon, Miater." nil Le produitai itmer wThtecoKwd nd atfoarth grade. bai. a Auditorium hy Robert i4ermuo vote un haviug a siegh, ride or a muni. *'Tb@ D.on assd The IMous.." à play of cal... The latter rai ehodwn and the lo%« anîd poltical Intrigue bas been a tiqu ii.. nspent inbistinir taelections eo.sepîuýia uauees. Wore th. public for un tise graphophono andt marn'bitig i.. ih. pasi ilre eano rand isnsjs.kê1àfiniluMiss Banrthiiic's roosu. ibm igbast ferma by eeeryiîme nho bas îeýjit played Mnr, h iîaî' asa NOTICE cornes hà-r. a .4 recîîmusscded ansd for Th i.aienoopt m@m bis on., plieh. ia3- .:fuatrsits-e tL.ii iMent - i1, tallunpat.>il)ecal ases, shý,w 'i. ei'ecy sn 9 .. h. -w,rdi anîd I.. ýit .-r1ýj o .an h ý eer3 îîarti'ular, . % ilI ~ "~as',"ic.î o 'un i. ut i1,-a...yî.nc Istrotis aiîl sLand ta'blndjttiiit .sicil5ienutN., the. iiaauat.e."'Th. j.amy in therefore, 1 are n.' cdu.. aed payable ai nîy i.ffi 'e in exi.cVtu be .ils. Iiiest asnd ibit II>ekîsi & lf.icidt8droit&tot-. attr,.tion i,.r p r...Iicid in iil.ertyville. f iB Bond. Village Clleitor. lu nî..iiiiiunvHKou p Cure. fi)r ale 1,,, : I..C-20-tf 'KA.THLYN" Savoy Dinner lem îaigmnethiog n.,vel: A Savoy D erir sto be servedl by the Wo- ma' f il4d Of St. Lawrence, ChIurclih at 'Iown fhall, Libertyville, ThurF. day eeiiing, Feblruary ieth., front 6 to b 'cl.ýck. This in eerved with cOflhîlinients of Ste.Ie-Wedolea Co. of Clî icago. It in la bea six-course dinner, with the Menu as followez Savoy Cran .etTomatie Soup sagammWai.oe 3avoy l.d idmiBoas 3-07 MÊ9 eýdio Daisl Savoy UatflOBCroquettes Savcy Swau sé "Teder P... Cremmed Piato.' Mbiset1 ot Roll Savoy Orange CufflPuas Savoy kMasasela.Cherries Savoy Cof.. Cakes Thi. elaborate dinner la ta be merved for 35 rcente a plato. Don't foraet tbe and the pi"c. fiRAYSLAKE 10 JOIN MILI( PRODUCERS ASS'N A sInetli ni fl,. ,airv tort. uho snl.ply tlhe',id' faito.ry ai <ra>.lai.e viii le imli tf aturdav. l'eh. 14, tornonrowf ai *2 1). ifi. fiscith. iu"" Pose ofsi ,ltitg a Itafr6catIz;iîîan aiut th.iIilk I'niîducsrs Aseo,'istio... TUe a.:iîmn bccng takien Ly tht. Urayolalsv minabas bien bn.iugls about l.y the. continuali uting of nilk prici.. b>'the l aciory. l.uring the pasi thre.. iotbw ho i. price. paid for nhoie rigîil fîty tiseii Mi'auua eiablishînient bave. ien fironslivets tifteeucents a buadr..d ponudo nuder ibie standard miii. pricesi, accamioniDg a kl»ofa:f t t'ri)Ilmaieiy $5004> tu the daîrymeD. llealîzl..g ihat deu a star@ ut affaira eau ni) longer Le tilenated and elog lu ibm Milii ProducensiAssociation thein only hope fer salvation ibm daîryma are doing ail iu iboir paner to organise ab local tai nu b.abI. to brlug ibm dealer@ to tî,ne. The nork oi orgeanlîlg Ibm local nl ho aiteuDe.>te hy VicePo-iedeni. C. 0. Small; fiecreiary, Alliet E. Jack and Organiser, Nathan E IJattert. Hanw are your i..O? Are thiey sort., tired aud aneaty! EHave fbmy gui a loug distance sineil' If no reniesber Bariers Autilsptit nîlI cure tbistrouble. For aale b>. P. B. Lo vPe Co. E I t w',. 4 if.. a. r. e I. I. t EGER ...OGRAYSI.AKE I F 4. W Insure In Sure Insurance y OU may insure your insurance undfir our monthly Inconie Policy. The an- nual prerniuim at age 30 for a policy whichî pays $680 at death and $25 lper nonth for 20 years is only $98. Other ages, oif course, lu proportion. Or $39.20 per year will provide ait ixîîîuediate cash ben- efit of *272 at deatit and $10 pser i)oiithi for 20 years. Tihe premium niecemsary to îrovide for an im- miediate cash benefit of $4(,8 apid a înonthly income of $1,5 will bc $-5880. The premnium foîr an imniediati' cashî betuefit oif $,,-44 and a înonthly income of $20 wilI ite $78. 40. And any tiane after this policy is ini force'3 years&, you may settie, should you eltoose, ini such a way that you will not be out a dollar. JOHN HODGE. District Manager 1, I. dl Buy it Because It's a Better Car Model T'r_ TuIring Car4J0 1. '. b.rl îa . t -is t $ 5 humJ'" dw chnkBros., Libertyville L o o o o o o o i o a o o o o o o o o o o o o o o ê o o o o o '0 o o o o o a .4 c 1 m inuwr . -C!Io Hall., 11, a~CSeeU wtCobu md Huk eW~t Uonhp &Bd an SMul Graisamfine t a d"*l grldimg. Babra aharpen thenmfrms Onuse uid10 to 3000 buah. W.eaufum ae o the rlght a"s Lets for yaur enines harme- por. Set us about it at once. r j - ý LIBERTYVILLE ... B. t d Pl e( w al bi gi

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