LAKE COUNTY INDEPENDENT WAUKEGAN WEEI SUN __ Vàb. X-XII.-NO. 22. TWELE PAGES LIBERTYVILLE, LAKE COU-NTY, ILL,- FRI:DAY, FEBRUARY 20, 1914. ONE TO EIGHT 81.-50 PELR YEAIB AN ADVANCE HEGTINTO THE RIGHT REFUSEDCAGH MANYCHRC ASOCATON WRN CIIPR3E4 WK IN EASTERN SNOWSLIDE. WIIOL SOL LIQORBU 14 N SO TO S Wiat kg mecatwil niID EN$ 'K rattieboro. VI.. Feb. 15.-3 l to . WH~~O RGEL BIUROW I S VL Chicgo te oter dy, seppe thM P. DaIvdson of Highland Park, III., IS BIINQ SOUMIIT latie beiioved to be a restaurant JU J ARNS filI as orle of the pOasengers on a trainB U VI SO L and said: "i3ring nme a dinner." wîîîcî was snowboland ai Newfano, Wirela your ticket?" 'asked the' Farm&sm Betieve That Such a attendant. an i tyfr~ Henry Dreyer of Libertylville Is Vt. The train left 1,ondonderrt, Vt., Attorney C. C. Edwards Is Re- BROTHER-IN-LAW 0F MRS. JOHN RICHARDSON RETURNS .13ringoIrdoBeandeat-l raygfor lit Given One More Chance to for lirattleboro. It was suxaed Ili by tained by Relatives of Man AS QU-IETLY AS HE DEPARTED-WILL NOT SAY WHERE Feeeration W udB Gra- after i get il," Raid the' mercliants. a t-nde irom the aide of tiremo Iy, ta- Their Advantage. 'hslwhrthyed orfis Obey Court Order. Itai. 'the slde burled the origine, m~l nin rzn oDah HE WAS-MAKES SENSATIONAL STATEMENT THTK ibis la a charity place," said the' Bt- -(ar, and day coach. Afte'r l~everal COM ITEE T ORKNO .tendant, "and te get a mealei UFIUEMENALTR.,iir iece and pa' e uC,,IS GATHERING EVlDENCE. HAS BEENJ OFFERED BIG SUM TO FURIHER COMPRO-,, mlleiti, a ticket." cei ,dgIgteegn n n 'Oood night!" said tire Waukegan ijfcttii ., I gn t e ewf ngi. itttad MISE MRS. RICHARDSON BY SAYING HE HAS BEEN Idea Was Conceived at Farm- mari amd ie w<fi hurniediy. Cor el i eI etn inse tIqetWde- W!TH HER SINCE LEAVING VOLO-ADMITS HE AND HIS ers' Institute-Hope to Have Off Easy to Pay Such Small B Y W N PR ESdy Niritit Sly Brown Pur- CNEECSADMYB EUIE R 1~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ce BOYS WIN 2R E ii~ lav'li'E HL.EJ EENE N A1 ER-UIE R It Effective Next Year. iDISI. ORGANIZER j Sum Weekly to Wife. e '.rin Pa ,. FRIBEST S'&MPLES LONG. lilein iil 1 rADDRESSES Z NIE I *'-u't backil, ,îite and see titi liil'în litai moi' ro Ilr.-alî--t W.gio", Frntialid lie trri- 1100l 1 a liii, >""'m"Iill "il îliail iin thit \îîlî îvîsu, the' 0110 traail Fos"R ON-r ,, -, ,dron. il ,ti l t-- irouî,ht bar i Uirit',ttt t ', 11' "eir l, i1 t tI itii>e1 , \as tilt' i'ls"rfti'~lîi'tob soderiitg '.tr, -i' ii r. 0l1,Wn, Soi of"" La e il) - -t kit t il altd, if "Ie ri Il, Ili Liv lI 01) 1 ii-It b r v its -s to a tirait of fortolng a. Il- s.:, Tells Them TatSuoLae t' .'r,0,iI to,'rtt,'nga HafDyWnirtttw"-oi e c- lii\ - 1 iî -iîIstîW! iîtî iiaralhwtin federatlir mo ii 1:, ' tt'- Cut'~JecTreTi~ î I a t' ,' ,l'p ife "r First - Warrenton Youth on ;IIttî r, ii'- 'r, I tandtit~i lit tlI lilas liiinitlifloa ert'Asoiaio, i-- t OItI11 to Produce PropertY. ho" -a , Itiî'r, t-tvît ir yo-. r' Won Second Prize. a:: eitIo' , ,a lt k~.-li'ttîîthe itîati tîtxol îas wht'at ro nte St'olitr tttau laIliid alettrd m, M G S A O A H I E 1 ,'i u di.-- n -try irey PRAISE 9 FOR EFFORTS. i,d -'kitg rAirrt t- il~t~' Ili i i li \i 'ti h is tlaîtgltt-'tx M rs. il ito iiitîo s, at f*oand a ss lat,,,iit a nî~ o1r cru"r ,ANSA POAH LIM .Ie orf ,r' ite marlit arreFMcd, i pehonpli 1-Cro Tav-or an t %,01110 L aiîiti it*, 's vr th' t i tends staying, at least for andrloiic t,,îîî1fili e f ti roi 1te.. ltl e l , h on il týIargt- tf tttnitt Of ', ýiiera ln the' cont-it Dî,riil r , Jir . C Pco and ibis t- îi'il wilII laurpose the rontii orer tat bl- Zîtî ir' Fi-. i. A Ver-. ai~ ~tlite Farinera' Instituit. a, t0rut-o tihe other f,,- In lte ci,- lot-fl otlic îh Iîtîs'etlt. iuet ftefrIr' Odrtalg meetinîg was betllit tht-t -t. r riiii" 11 udgieir: ln wilch prizes were oifere', in tire doui flt h,- miidotf the' tir, fi) 1 \1 lie diisaitî îç'ai'e.l withîîtît t('lltg of his plans to ailt wtia~atk ig.-th.lit In armnîni co I ott iiroim a n i r I - -et, t, a t,, rd lie id 1 ora woit ..cut os t ît iisi de t flsh Tt l, 1t-titt l- ii tle t' 11 iiit iit tn î eîiohn o r l sud ruin liteorum 'tuevia rilr-0o iifleha e oro w le ativaos h wtldsl t-aneofieat he11-.11Il 01Vge. titiliigtor anitoo(rbipssbeadaiag.11101 Tite iturîose of lte meeting wmas - a, h lit court wha hirîte t ,,nlne 'liteo î,.trrly u uth a federatîit n intrea l<ca famk. oda'. andtie or add'd: mit samtiltes of mi i hcnti performPti iniooe ia ii-, , î M 's tIlat liet' xas "011111, si; liasi-t, qu(itly r'ttiirned. as if minta b¶'Tîîght luit i the jala t-artî ' -t - ' ' rft iitîî gthi îtae'a ltan-îs u mbe odac"ra. tca e i ,. t D.tiot<rSir.ttî-' tt1 tisln 10an adres hy ) 5 lt at - $4 a ae tet- woard tite supptort Irnomn tnday mihient experts eonýtp~d ,i, ath aiti, t ini'ht r"ailt Ili -ase r- titi,tî.n s"oe ak a eris ntuitîute a hici Iop«l ail ittr district orgaitizer of the' Famer' lin, of ti iý, .. Iiidreu." a 1h the Chicago Heailth .ît-arîoîent 1 damag ~~-î ie siil ato thelîl- \,(tl tas i as ît-ci'lv î'ded, so fat' as a erimiiial esîig sstilît ii urni.' D' day.. Asoito-Temeir estint seso r ;riet ro-entent Asoito. h etn li's tile ',ald Rir- merei w tslted iii matlle a repcort on the chi'nical sIl saloton kPot-rs wh Idt itiioîr i.. Ille. tre. -i tiî .a is vi'îuerîed, the five tînieii hiaving but re- ago. A cotraittele -as P ,îît il te ma, a..atIl atteurded and lifter pra- Ir,) t. 'eilt h-r s.upport Ihein. but sited t-es cf the samples. Tho' re-itlts acre, i v(f. tt Au tltîtorîtali large' liter 1, e Iti uiiîîîî fiîiîiIlf'il iîii set' lite itt'nds of tite varIii, ttrgini- and tho. re-adînt of the filb chaî,ter Iite il, b.. ablie te depend on It. as foitcws t-ont ,nred th' phiatis -1, r ire iming n iilt'tte îa'e )îîil' eunt h zaîons iarntieirstiticr-t, ia rdof t>.'uierotImy. 3Iayor Ciîdtut'n ln- tri' t-r sad hie earned $10 a week l-illt-iT PRIZE-Edward Koheitî' liait th-' pot' ittrtctîfnt Ihl iroti hut-d hte', i bucli a foderatioit aid rep.ot bili1 In tr..turei te spteaker ti a f,-aw t-l il ite gut in, a fuît week, and tlte )-ayý 1'toi ltlter a lîeavt driniker. ittttî't't d.' tliist lie shlotk frotîî is feet itnîinediately-aft- a lcoupie of a' itta Tiis iioitiiiItt hocitit,, reniarks. 1jatîz"g î,td liiît lie looked ,-irîtig i'ttNlPRtZF-Norton Flod Mar- -Tirait ation a iilie bcai., Ci', l Iet- lîi-itîw, lhat i' iegýilaiites tof tih't'ui(,tlt w'ere plan- a-Iil urge t ery sîrnî gi- lt' 1I'--ittY lu otiei ug M r. Itair salit h. wtt - .- i gî Ito inake 'mîore' t r ia t iha it , renton. i the saloon Itcîrs - aho .-0t1 iqiu tr t., ai lo! jining ftorce's and il iv expttct"d 10iýl In 'iiadi ,e'. g tir ihaiile NIR ioliantsu ti, an tit ossiàbly hiiîîsdlf, Itia cad setarae asttittiî l i mate l ittît Zo ty. and tte 1e so w thl amages as tiîey î,ow are. The termis of the contest were thal Brown wa. indtt-aled m'ien, Atrnet, i-oii îigll.ý-, ailit)fg theti hî'ing: lit loIcof icrearl ectue we,-k atîrît lie reiused 10 appear ait. îak' icare of the cows which furni'.hed qucal. W'hen Eda-aruis adnhllled t1 Il 8 pintilouttha "nteligntfaring" ie ai <', r beinît c-Ited to show why lit' liad. I an must do levery1hing ln nîtiec- dat- litialb liIas iteen reîained hy tîtir utit 1ý IdLake, soiiieitodt, jiist w'ho he wil noît fedleration aer<' tui le form4etiralita lthe oniy thing filet a-lt mtîkt leur- Tutot kept upil tht aImn Davidh liteoi'sbniii-i oDedaya earao li e set asîide 1evs your orgniaton uou sthet ttmn hte trou themseives. TIr eefit al Kalrt sbohr n iw sa, Ira-,s off[<'ed hùiii .,5M0 tg) devlaî' that lit has been away: One dayi a yeold ci çl,15i selves, ur raaUu io you stll court had ordered. He itad heen inl so f boys trom &Il parts of Lake look luto the c.ase and Fiart suîit if heil, tî i.Richîardson. and ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~jî sei-era b«uy4-ried "Mo cosmtyu adWho suhmitui samplois vfhici fanda nufficient grotînds. Ir. Edwards'ieat h D ml .a lr dy edsve i ber of the' united bodyr. For exaiiple, more happyi. Il'a not sa, mtîci more cd hl 10 ltirre-7 tife $4wuua hwdsr îîî h'itrs~-aas reticent te dqiisultq ae .fe thtIînilhsarayhl eea thheewoi anidayletne att..eten if hot Itasit Ibecu worktng. en. Tht' fir'-l priat' was $10: lite sec "I cari sa, as tel t a'wî llfr'i"4wihls~'fto tVlhwv apart for th' itin t niry situa. farmintu. W~e waste fair 100 much 1i ). O_ niid was $5.tIoi- lie satti"ttî e'de n e t nilit zit Iics dalightt'r's homne in Rouînd Lake. 'This wouid bave lite snuport of ail the l.and trougi Iack of kuowledge. loi reerreped Na oeotal liten lo woI 1 prsadfl uhshipthtw other aîritteiit htIttiil ln arininwt oltr orgauiztioits a 111 melibetcrs "l'or Instance. there are thrc.. natrirrdlbra e alt a the, soon oftfd a hoois 15wli iar s lînt ili ttch phostivae saem arait 39 t b staeiet t at Vumll plansin a o r nione i thng trlnd reheti gaien îlots sont 1îe shown mîtch aptituîde loward farmlng. tbis lime. i witt sas-, howel-er. lthaI TienaIaîoîî<r erodlie L' ak Ilcrounty. Theseaemgel. Il sias onir la'-t fail thrat la won fi st me bav-e sortie excellent <lea, which liwlh'1~~ 'tttt el er. ers' insititute VOItII tdaire plat-e and potaqh and lime. Latte rounty land !a ticet aîîde hor 'merel thek bert yotflw 10dt ii dw. h-saenn vDuiii h epeo again the' fderalt.on would turcs lte necis timestone. Tht' land 'on yoîr 'uakegan to. Iyhta bier te 10w-n ailîd re f hale a h ainlDi, lr nting tihe hesto oliefr te Voir-)10ru doant -'v('ii Iln j J-b< tstieit niDunilt aifte pterpl toc, moire aud roittier ail possittble suiîort latte font ueeds 150 te 200 pouudis of lli %-t nîy sister'" Shgof iCcag AI th at ie 1)ii a tr. ii îîru ting lis,'c th r lne \oodt tl-vehn ltebtîiacnatr ThTeIRameIter litlairundabout wa Showalu nicrtto At that filmereacre.t altorliet.tit arilug a't lii.. 'n hot fflv iiiîîî lit'eut-ili agaiîî skip mit aaddneyer return. Tht'sam woldl t' t-le aili egad ntrat ofpotsi pr are.i i received large w rile-ups lu tht' Chi-t rienti' of triran flfle"tt year nid1 1.0 the ik Dealers Ai..ociatIoit as a "This woutd bie an idealtlIme Iîgl:t îlOt tatt >oar a ile* Iroie liext lime, cago papers. son, a'bouse suîpport i.. retsctoed ht% T lut it'elationi tiiat the insurance eonîpany whieh day would h met aside s dairy da) now te slag sted lite Wijouigth The' promoiers of the' Fermers' lu- lite dealli of fils fath'r. Tite bioy has'.cridaplv nJhnRvirsnssoe er anoîher as soliI tmprovetit'itdY îltc snoa on tht' ground. tht' timestone stue betieve ltht bv creatinz an fl it--it lit mu with hsi-i tntle luion i,,, t Ilt ofaiîti tii' V<tkî wttîîîeu, eanceiied bis poliey soine limder thlitr.Mtti plait of hîolintg wioutld dissolve rediyan ixA th W Strs nteb% esrv o h ivhttelte dnt hft- l' ~ ~ -r-- 1VA~TREAS. OFi ELA licri u tht hi,'.. tiif strive fore liteoi tilt theî lieale dî-,it fppled'store- rat h of lthe- It- s-t ' . ara îely te te soi a 1 11, very b t l ý -t tirIat the * wili t,. or tia-, rn riiei.î e hi- sulpport. Tht' 1 tîtu it iu .itit t'a' tl estu "'x h expenîte i. dciuleit ortrblreed aînd il Tue siral ret ortmeudtd t'tig i cî & r i i acopiishing tl tlt'irt'd resîlit for ail] t-ah of Ii, itler <'titi-, th l.,- Io n kt't'Ptt't iltilt bis stttt' 111t ;i aiwtiofl and closdituta i- t1 prev(Itt lthit tîtat tht' auggepst- the seed con iefure planliuc- a'. otn 1~~K i~ ~.F coueerned. tN otl..rlg trilles Il,, itrîthît as. ilîî,l, tr t,( i il,rtil~t il'riitt' ion for uniot .. triade. IIli it..jt,îtd acco t O fiile hli t-eat-oi last M'- malt It aolth lte limte of tht' h,"ý lecars aIl out1 Ihat at lilt" moItiv 1hat1. ltavili there Wiil i an inferior brun(] cf' DAST TII TV VRS1 A t tht' lo- ,lhn ubmitted saitn M'lien tintaitrci' ' is 1,o, wti (Ir, l tit,tît t'l titi l a ittson o iîlteadsîtinat lte affaira cotid lic proiltt riouti a ..eî oi th mtnanrket. as tilt' agarrityo AI aasu (i cies of mi,, aîIt t-e înstîîuîe diuil fon ,it l Monda,,, iii, rti, Ill Iý -tt tif' te\îit salpe ie the Rihrso tcktoetr larger aid litt r t-iit aîtd [Polor gtod gond seet l iii ig the îtrlce it t-o 1 accorditir tfi, ,- itet.. condui'tel i, t'Wr' seertiii li t tî t'!,h iitlaia'tftt 'i'tfte ihrsnsokt e - îîoud reottJi îicrî' i'tltIntiat u r t -h . C. Whitney, Member of the tht' ('Ill(tt 'î. Tht' re'-tit- ttf i tel whei ai, -rc rt, t',ti', 'Il .i t-l-itlitîlli i-i"5ttit. liarîisot bîadto a Tiraos,- sitît t, o Ili, lite prtlio0'l pI tii-(iii dertiaut foîr ai citeaîitr "rti h, test.. "' ,ott known mnil t" il- lit ille Ii,,,l l-ttîtt' t iî- li tiff' thi' saeîlff S ioip it'III.v ta Sa-ve hljîseif and~ pin.l al lite t-arrit'r, Iliîtite andttilb iixtngthle gtitd tand ihail s-tec, ri 96th 11I. Inf. Who Passed idas. t ttrît . ri ît-,r oif1 ît'i t i i'j ît'tiiit~i tî o'~htletatgt * st-who stil latre bî-îduîtg "eiry <'forlt i gtbr. iid a zrettt qutaîtîlty ,f 'l Zuih ti ,a, pit-ti on Iltltîtil, t;,i, ti, <,l ) iiilt mt oi at ie einga etiv o t-. I îtlteti.lî t tt'i' tbo i..ii'ai îlot germnlet. 1 wa at Lk. o, . I,ýt plaît tril î, khitl titt -r ts f-r-.ii.t 'iVOODMEN EI.Ec1' 'ri-- -tiel1 t 1' ~ i,( 1- Nj , \r. B ii*iît'î ei l-h-lfi ir eeh>i tttbr t,ît'î preru-ut-d antd tIti- -ti aîiltis littn gI*i o-, ut duiiit lte ati iri', f, abalie luri-er ti iiiditi lîr.da i so- Ilite ice-it i-rs r Itie -tth er or- Man î- queti tonts w ere a O d te 0t f- Lak Zuih mir IEiATE Tfa or V ,t l freleffan itI - I -liîi t iiitiiîî ioî tt tatt er ndn it'.mtîîerue'. Feliruar- 1 l1iar s treaslirer of ilte IULLEGATESi r trîiy ~ e<1 ii , T- CO t-'ý i, k.rîît flit lire vigi- gtrnizatlolts latte il ut,) antd litt'p lu a',n i i ia e t-ea aia MIitual Ini-tratce coinptttît t'îer t '"stittttii di- t. mil t ii , u t ti ett le lt lpleis l h tos t ll h' iop of lthe frd r formiation was ei-itangeil îi ta it sne i : otgtnI,, . jr cr ai-i~ il 't, tinna i i 't, ai( fautes posie on.aiii du eoîîei ictio agith, Offieîlan ltaI Il tut be, put bin heneificil te tlic farmer. Anthoîr inîuIIl,5lah rod l f, o M ETN 9 P I'1 n ti Refusesol 1u0hT Tad lr>tk.iadui oi 1l-lýReue$t efetby îîîxt ycor as tey ee laI orai tîlr ii th'.. m eit- ,v-în' i t h ian ave'rage conceru iiti, tutiiitg., frotîl ti, uaite 'lTh- ailg i i itiitt. t ilt t ti tol iit'. : -, h u irfina D utl - - ucrio ime shoutd be hoast. lite hriî,glug Itgter of lite farmner in the commuiity ahere lie' liad liteti Lake Camip Holds Its Meeting f i' et"ta,ii r u1p,'i,.tO ri--', rltitt ti _______________ andî formint new adrfltaintatces. 1slnce b -s ier îdadISt iotel lt-.i t'..îîîid Prî, ttdlrani ii t ttrr- it- ttr. choc tit îtell wthere lie lias been. Wbet M,~ , * teeting'. of ibis kiîîd turing a!)(i...t a li m'a seei yer ol.. an 15 i ' iîtg hmt e routti.aiv' 'ýee filD< II~II -ls dealit, lie was 8il >ptars (tf ligc, bat' to îame MenCf to nepresent It lac dia--'-, itý boer, ire sal,î, and illa lig ls iei r Itý fe tils doiiîg. etc. Ile 13syS It la a0- r - i EIU ILLINISI sciaI conditilon andt an ext han-- oif mng heen bore in Oswego voîlltý, -New ""i-f ctlt t-oiitr m'e lit-,Ie tîfi- île 'It ittli- c ite l a ui- -r o' buitss In leeoele ides litais t'telry beiefi a i 1 i Yorkt, Joue fi, 1823. Wthtn seven at Antioch Convention. l'r,îîî l \cin, ma r ii tt tho foi "Iîlîî i lirli. Frî,n tlta da I- bodp ltuas s dt trfr awI SCIOOLSUI VE IN commuIiiîi .iasi hi.Ianlt.mvti1 a -a tisrtti tradt,l of Iither. %l.irn r i retarued to Round Latte a fw Ioeeh ditr oOeM _____________ SU VE INi-. ligo. net î,îr warrdt haitd teee Lakever li adfilona mt sudil as ee hi. hnte<'er tegate, aît iltiternalea eiected 'I ilrîset oi, tie ti'and. to, netlt liti wod dblo thal he hait been offared $500 tty Zuic andt I'slt Nis 1,4, bis hom. eve l0ui nilrt.t .' e i d t' îit îtti irdinnIt îtî aoiîiel r u N IESA E NSTAMPED LETTERS 1sjntte. benne oilt l -a ideîho aas ei.Clle y --.M .At h n Irm eeIiteLx an fii tttrd fr ' trio ii'- t-aroa somne ont' if lie Would dasctare oî,ouy. '~~IfILL very caittit t,,deit ef thed a1 finîteit ettti. ..tti,,oit et, ti..tii i secronof WILBE TRANSPORTED conty. April 1- parît- nu flt- Siiîtttrdiv<y~<vr tvitt PNeun lita Rtcîo i lie hasenaays wtte %mt Springfiel'd, Ill., Feh. 13.-A coin- UNDER A DOUBLE RATE. Mr. Whitney was a niemîter of tht' i T1-tyeke.Xt fore> ils ut-th. lie sa1it i I p Id - l ditaîli- e - Rlcli.rîlsoii hill be mahîe ettRe millet' of wlîiciî Mrs. Eusa Flagg ____96th Ilinois infantrit. serviug in tht' Hoban, l'otîtati Il,,ist'i, John Hoban, One gaini îof carda it fihlm. To fils~ i tie l ait s a elaim. Ht' added tat If the Peo*pe Young,~~~~ ~~~~~~~ Cflha o ii vr3yer u oIl -e(as, W lIIeI itý, M. P. Dilger, ('bas.j lier,,otu kittit ii'dtt' liel sitite blroni. 'mad fi ton hot" for hlm. ha WOutd Yonsuperlutendent ofachools ln îeîrers and, posîcaruis Prno,i -eý Cii Nîli 3- yer i-d :, Jacobs Pee-oî r ont' knegi , fier w-ble f, tii-t Tthe Iîîdiclîîî.lt oif lire w ounnfo-carntgin udttslm O Chticago. w-as cliairman recommended seît îî,irîgî lite, ponlffic atoo aI il 5u out'ti' ofai aned orbis liao.t seven autjects for a sallte achool sur- laring IK0'tazêe aud lbcy wiii tît for- ]Lounsbury Louige 751, A. F. sud Aý Tn.. îtît . -Iet.ie1,- utria ltdid noti reru. god. vey ai a conference/of touchers ieid warded te uder destination wlîh te NI., Barririgitit Post i. A.- R Retirdoit, i. It lroakway, V.. WV. Sali- No onte ta, htot-u locaied a'. i-tt m-iiTt-tra a a t h iAskt'd about DIiitlnII's ratura JaO"t * ~~here Ioda-. saeîi.iicia fapsaesaptSurtlviug 'tIr. Whliltney are tht'e i sou. L. A. Chiti,,'aa. ('rîittr.-. lita. '-i-eu tirIttun afuer lit(Ii lori, 'absenth,eîî itra. Richîards.on iating tlt Ricliardson sMdlte a reporter' «Y ThThe m com irt'dlmaItt'su-Nasatnch'dgDiitt'relîiet !th'thehie: iayu.r'-tt'.misas'W' O Stiitt ir'sty autoî.Biîut the't h Or plitit oîc Sauret liteies Nia, JI Whtny bi -ld tht' tetephone ofcs ha'. joma b us *.. - vey be carrted outIn luditis order: ielter intit l'ay taire the atuoutt O! ow; Ihese daugliters: 'tirs. J. G1. Cal- Aiterntîs E. tG. Aiden, E. 0. tit-1 nittît. \\t iter the viceillir slarled î,, Titei camne lit -idit cf lIt etRuuraes.thhed&g -' Firet-Children. lIelo.aede ow, o! Barringlon; Mrs. 0. 1. Rock- ton, Wuî. Il. Dtlziel, George Gouid,' ma, i il th tJohnt tCanii farin lin 'tvich lire aomnte re ield gulilt ie. have ilot seen hlm ln VoIlawl * ~Second-Teacîters. Titipstlag I n enhacli, Dt'erield; Mra. James Sbat- Fred tHurler, i. W. Hook, Jowett t'venr,, î.rttt wtîher hoe taiied til In stiii fluniîil was away. don't expect te sels hlm bare. 1~ Third trograî of sudhis - s ao e o, îyPoasie Frnk inge,te uih Bairslow, Il. W Ferry, Chas. L 1th.. text dtîi- bas îlot yet heen iii- Thtti came lite qluestion of f1xingi ilstn hie wift'. my sièter, bui bee Fourth-Schooi plant. B. Schutz. Ni r. Whitney hall bet'n sick for sonne Wbyte, Wi'nî. -1, Farnier, like 1yot -lrttrri. Netilîir ia-s Il tren foîtîiI tire peîîally aud .tudgt' tonneiiy fiued 1e Round iaktie 10se hlm, but 1 60 Pifth-Finauces. Heretofore il lias been theatum toilme and hat been at death's door Fýrrtk: Witaltlts, P. H. BraInard. Z. 1air i Inrcliased the. itint bolit,, tircnt $100-and suitl Dunulill bail nol sure ht' bas flot beau to @«e hQte.R sixth-Organization, adminîistraion' wheht'a leiter bore lusufllcient postage fo a ekMacro h tmc rno.Pu taimni., A. F. Beaublen, o! whisiey whirh lie <'videnltI- dratii j.iî<,îeuî op, neltuer liat lie been heardVo. su ~pevllo. 0 ot!ytht' atdlRRAsA and have hlm, vas tht' cause o! hie trouble. C. E. Russell, T. Hl. RIMI. on tiue Nai e- e for the eîpîi- bottle froi. t' "I ttuow uothlng, o! their plai. &