LAKE CQW nrp£eI>NDEN, FRIDY. FEBRUARY 20, 1914..- By T. F. SWAN Correspondent and Agent 1fre..Bd. Glenn ut Chetgo. euet SUD- &ay vith ber @ier, Mrs. Bert Swan. 1 Mr. and Mr@. A. R. Andrews o1 Wan- k«ga. viited vlth relatives bere IMon-i Mfr. Baken and danabter of Marinette. lIe., are epending the weM vitb Mr. jsad lie.John B.Ronnes. Wm. Cropley bas been berlougly ill the put week with muscular rbeun.stisru but bis condition in Irnproving. Mfr. ad lir@. A. L Dorfier returued le"~ Frida train thoîr trip to North Dakota and have taken residencein tber »w horne on Lake stresi. lAwsiFriday evening a party of Irienda .urprisd Mrs. E. 0. WellIsand s",nt a very peiant evening ai encbre. Mie Wall@ and ltalpb were the prise winnere. Ray Muse wae tenderi'd a tair party st bis borne ai Sheldonhurgt last Thur@- day evenii.g hy a oumber of hi@ frieudm tram berl'nsd LIbert.vville. ieelite the. cold weathî r <ere weri. quite a nom - ber present snd fiay iartainly kuew soinsbudy yvas there. The Cîtinmns Rank expfete to be instalil *i1in tbpir ntew building bv the lagt ut -- 44ni-seek. A we go ta presa the- ii- tures are being pisced and the rentoval viii mur an muon as the building ie ndy. * 800 fine, Nortbwegtern and EIictrie -Bairoad ticket@ are nuw on sale et Knlgg'e -ash Stars. on@- door uurth ot poetoffioe. Are&. c 1-i John Hainan od New Aldi'o. Min, le viitlng stWnm. LinDereyer'esatpreesnit. Win.(larme bas returued tu Paatine trou Oklahoma, and ie uci'upyling the Besysoide houses. Mime Grece Vanflorn bas reeovered ftoin ber retnt ilImeu.. Mfr. and Mre. R. L. Peck enisrtained th. Board ot Educatlon, heir wivem aud Un. teaebsrs of the echool reeently. 'Ir. and Unre. L. T. Reuee spet Satur- a, eveâlug wtb Mir#. Clsra Schieding la bonor ot ber irtbdsî. Mayor C. Dsvlw«Taylor reclvd . f eeSaturday from lMr. snd M. Taylor thai a young @on arrired ai their homne iu LenafIll. Vin. Rira died Thureda> ntorninu at £Wui. Tihosromns wsre brougbt ber. for hurlai. , ir.. C eit Taylor entertained Mis BSuma Faytte and1fr.. H. L. Filhsrt of Obicago. and Mms.Ciama Bacue of L.ockport. reeutly. Tactful Mr, cumirox. "I vaut ta talk ta ion about becont lng yonn sou-inlaw," raid the youaa -an. 'I can't advise ion," repled lMr Cuinrox. *'on thoe sbjoct of becorinq a member of t,èe iarnlly. As your isin cr personai frien 1 ought ta spoah freely. but as a husband and father J av reatralnod." LDMON;D LAIE j I<L 80oo Une, Northvmet nand Elecriee > P a îroad ticke ta rem no v o n as f KnigglesCash Store, ose door nortb of, potaks, Ares. c-1-t -f Mfr. Gspp ot Evanston, vislted bloends ber. laut veek. Mr. Crans of Chicago, was a vîFtrantSk Ott@ ot1irving Park, vhslld Wife of Weall ber. Saturda. r.Iatlvss and frende boes Mondej. ._ Said to Have Mkce 0180Homme etrtaled inonda Uies I ti'i sker or Cinao,wo frou Chicago Sunda>.. e uestof 1fr. and UM. J. A. Btry'ker Lake Fores Arthur and lmIra ebc ot Evanston, Fu'ldy. q»UtSonay ith iliwomn1fr. and Mm .. 1. Rookenhack and SUPPOSEDLY Bspont m Sn and h fa müybiîi an ma"I d Oso. Roekemaw attended R.o Thtr van ad bl. ude t , lrWoMme. bCk's fatherDivorce Bill Filf Pra.iTaier vw tdy.M. SrtDyer at t ph b WhlnY of Lake Zurich. at Prane fur bvrSoin. lir. Dier lft B Sun". This Week1 Mo@.udstnw@ berbore u Cn ada Mise IMWBidreadtof fligbiand Genuine 1 asMb . Ceahicao oprtedonStifi Park, van the weeckend gnuétofber as te So Ch'cagobooptal.parats. 1fr. and aMr@..Fred Sledertadt. Ta ohaD The Mdismes.Ramussen of Chicago, vis- Aion ovrs I bicgo va se &I liedai Rye Snday vekOnd gnuS at the home otf1Mr. and WIliIDebkes ot Gilmer, has ioved loto()Mmf W A. Wbilnt., enhant. ProminE the Harmon cottage. J :Rdr i.sdMs ueewi uv r h Mies Elaie sud Allen Weiskopf wer . E C-«r sdeant.ante Mmrit st elo et eletnin hi, thie victime ot a surprise parti Frlday an extended trip tbrougb the euh evtsnîng. A piseani eveuing wSSs @peut UMlmsLoretta Erese entertaued, aita by a&l. dinner part> Sondai evenlng. Wili Stoant waa a Riverview visîtor Mi. Ed Etigley ut Chicago, wbo bas Suuday. ben vieitîng ber eleter. 1fr. Sarah B. Schroeder and family ot Weet Fre-. Adaim,. rétîned ta ber borne Sunday. monit @pent Sunda> ai M. A. Woodiue. 1M . sud Mirs. Pbilip C'arroll ut Chicago, Wllls Poulton entî.rtamueii a number ' re the- gueteot Mrý and \Iirg. f{alp'h of friends aa i brtldaY PartY QaturdaY Knickerbocker Fridav. aiteruon. Homoto tMr, sud Mti. John Rage.1 eli.eigh load o ut yonnwpt-cpI.attend- Tuurédas nigth. aaiughter. t-d the dance at Libertyville on SaturdaY Oîght. Ufr. sud tirs. William Helman sud two * ~~~ ~ ~~ chî1lmiren outWa'uki.gan, ais vislting at - ~""" ' " tchm.u .k.Hthssu victime ot s taru'wtll surlîrise partyxMon-11 da> evsnlngr. [M sR a>Goukel'iaa been Uiii ntaq Thei.WWm CooPsrm h.nd as thein guo@etsatr tspuîiieteps e Soundatv. ibt. Yel), Jr, and lamily, R. lire. William Huichison of Wankegzar. Schneider sud tamily and Heury Luehbe. je viseiînirberittsi. Mre. Frank Peter- ___________________ On - - "~ Mies Clara Endpeinte'rtsined s numb.'r GAJGEPS ot berlitnde ai a danci ng party M ond ay Mr.adNr Goge.Kappe areerus gand eteo a bavuri 1h Yn tutMr M r. a ýd Mrg. F ran k Petereon are and tIrs. David C(arleon in %i amkegan, ni.oevng cuugrtuiatlou@e n the birth ut Feb. 15. aenn Mende> evenîng. Oser fity tnt-nde sund uiighbore r".- Folluwing s conteet tor attendauce in pouded <o uinvitation< snd gstbered at the Presb3 terian mrch b ristian En. the borne of Mr, and ltire. C. C Ame'sAnu, d.'asr. the di.tested --ieds'"i.utertaini.d laoi Tbursday to meet with the Ladies' < he 'Blues% at s banquet. Î,tour cour-s Aid and elebrate Lincoln'@ birtbday.j d irasPeT'Ved theu iwo conteste Tht- dîuing roum sud living roum werp (iiowi-d b> the tuliuwing prugrsm: proineel> otcorsted wîtb pitures ut, Piano dutet Eddie sud Elmer Therrien, Lincoln, tin.v Sage aud long strings ot Violin co, Ratpb Pefergon. Reading, pennant ebsped tflgeextending hurm the MisesEmîly Kuaak. Reading, Miss onter of thet rouin to the s@ies aud Elîrieda Knssk Piano solo, %lies Ida corners. Eacb guesi vas iven a tin> Kuaak. flsg to ear. Muet oh the ladies carneinu]Mis Bsrriet A. Rannev, wbo vas boru "cealiker" or gingbsnt, some lu ver> oidonstrn esDsrilshi i> faâbloned gowns, wbili overslie sud o amna eril bu it jackts erethemai apare amnq eans aga sud ived <er util bei jackts ersibe ainapprei xnog imiy mosed ta Chicago about> torty- the men. Ater the dinner waà over oufr ive jesis ago. dimd si ber bonie in preeldeni, Mirs. DuDiap, gave au lu- Ciaoli nes ibteuiu iroductory sddrsss. uraing the mexubers reicordo)&t bavng sab i luiqcae for ibeir co-oppratlon sud belp ta make recîto ord îr-of a în esre.n he@mn the coxing yemxr uf the Aid s sutce~ ebos Thon ater a short business meeting a The uogrsgatiuu ot the Preshyterian Lincoln progrsin vas given. Au lu- churcb stthie nmeeting Wednsdsy even- t"eesng blographi b> lire. Cihm. lug extended a unsuinoue eail ta tMr. Wrght sud somns ver> smug anecotes Joues uf the McCormick Tbeolegila by lire.. (o. Morton. AIl juiued lu Seinsr-Y ta be acting pastar outhie oinging' ".America" sud "Bleet be the cbnrc util Septemter. Tie," aiter whicb Mr@. Lake ut inuses, The tiorcas society verseutertsined taiked tu tbe ladies about votlug. b> lire. Richard Vaut, Thureiday aster- noon. The eltiectlutofficers remnlted lu B3rute. ý7 the' Ioliowing seletion' lMre. George 55 i.e tnauauu o o .eM ta lite ria.' Husbnd-"'No, 1te a>- sociated wiila oni. of the ueateet utia takes Of MY i ie."'-London Sketch.i Annoucement We have our New Store Next door to the pîostofh<'çt and are nlow reafdy foir business. We a iiîî to kee'p ailî upl-to<(iate lie of dry goods anidi notionîs anîd hi addition, as large a tint' of gert.s' furîîisbings as our tradt' deîîaîîdls. %Vi. havi. adopt'd the,- tueli SaWm m3o stvlu and vanngive you bet4r valuem lieraume we ieIl tor cash. %%@ have. utarly a thouîeand pairs (ifi chues, itne, w(onici's and t-bit. drý'-iatw i m ouve <'r Mardi I t <o make riohi for eiring 510k and are eeliîîig thin out at rosi. <ail and metemir lin.. Kn igge's Cash Store, Area IT'S VOUR MOVI We have novt'd irito otîr NEW HOME and w iii ht pleaftd to liîav'&-oîî<ail. Ally opportuîîily to serve you that you îîîay favor us with, will be appreciated. MuE CUTIZENS' BANK 1-I. Tripp. 0. F. Rout, lrving E. Payne. oniWwvlw. Proémont. Cashier. Pttiut. premideut; lire S. P. Hutchisui, vice pr eideuit; M imc Jsephine Wuodms-n. iq'crstsry sud tresettrer. Tht-e uîî' litomonar>oviety ut the Prsbytrîau ebnncb ai oteet with tire. hou', Thurejday sîternoun. %Ire. litichi'lt, Jr., was the gutet ut tire. Allen t ebhant tif Chicago, Thurs- day sondl"riula-. Johnim A Hiei-hlIt h.'li an aiiiou n lus Nort.hithli amui i-riiay. Thet <t--fîtnefut<hi. (rammar eshoul bt-Id a l.liîuiihullbamkeseuial 5aturday t-i'tuiig. H'-arie aid coplds wi'rt-ut-ci ti dei.-mrt- the hall sud maiiy iif the hindudeilisktt. A large variet> îot unique <(.,signe sera exi)iliit-d. Mies 1113 n4>'iîgars a readumg sud Walter Antisa emnmg a emiIo, and The Iisverii'e ofta liisi'lilr in a'hici l'an Rouimuit-iasthe- reiimiiem-mt laclîtlor, and the viions wpre portnayed. Tht- te..'-erK if te Pneiyieriao -rsh iibles -ool wililtest wlth Mise Int-ne Ris'ki'mlmclî Wednesday svenlng ANNOUNCEMENT 1 liivm- taknlusmimîîmetbujd <o inmion Y, iatimt 1I eli I hi.a candidate lor r,,-tim t4 hi'miice utfitrainage of 'Unuus-imari, mion Drainjageitsrit No i A.irii,&r you <batil f it-sted. iii> elmnl i..- iretrd toward titi' 'ieei ut-e o ,f tht- misitrict Ele-tiiîmi siil b,' hli atil%iltimmt'. Pccbmmîîihoues'. oin- Mardi 14, 1914 truii 2 <o (1 p. ini TIuaantimîg 3ou ton iu support lu tbel paet. i bt-g tm rt-mîaltî, '<ours rt-spu'-tftài<y 'ihoe. t'sroiau. tleenfleld, Yeb. 143, 19314. 22-2 April 7, the date of ithe regular tOwnshi:m electiOn, vas ied today as <ho date on vhioh the poople lutiis district eball tote on the North Ilion. Sanitar Dtinage Profouîtion. Independent: Motre er. han su mmira veu"fls uad. INSUEC REE TO Dl- IS CLAIM thy Lumberman Visited Him in st Last Year. IN THE EAST. led *inu Waukegan Is Creating a Sensation. alias Harda Bigolov, P.Bigelos. Inoiber tnt clubman sud ilcago sud Laite For- bas stanted divorce procoedlngs from hie wite pald a sec- ret vîsit ta Laike Forest ast March, la a coîncideuce <bat trieuds of the couple today are connetlng mp wth "Did lire. Iigelow pay thts secret viait to ber husband lest 'tarch to maite arrangements 13 connection with tihe divorce proceedinigs?" le the puzzling problem <o mntofut elr friends. At the tinte NIr. Ilgelow wasi supposed <s, be il uriop'e îor-.t <he Shorehiam lu Wasbimîcton. lier appearance In Laite Forestcrie- ated a stîr et the ime. She rensined accordlng ta6 todat s versions by friends wbo daim to hav.e seen ber, severai weeks. Tbough no înkling of divorce or dlsparlty In tht- famlly was aliowed ta Irak ont <heur trIends uow belies'e <bat the couple had agreed ta seltarate and may have met ta ta.ik matters over. Mtr. Bigelow le a brother uf Nir. Norman Hapgoad. aife of thte former editor ot Colliers and nuw edtor of Harpers Weekly. The suit was starti. hy <.he us- band In the Waukegan Circuit court. MIr. Blgelow's legai resîdeuce boIng Laite Forest and rt-cites that the cou- pie wene inarrled November 23, <9: and lived together util April, 1911. Hi. charges hie wite wiih desertion, assertlug ibat et that lime elle left hlm sud bas nôt since returued ta their home. Foliowlug Mrs. BIgeiow's departure tram ILake Forest in 1911. the Impres- sion vas gven ber Mrende that she had gons ou a t-loti ta Europe. No mention ot tamiiy differences caime out ett<he time. But as months grew Into years triends of the famlly be- gan f0 wonder. lu answer to titis ainazement Mn. Bigeiow blid is friende that hi. ex. pected bie wlte la retoru. But she dld nat do su. permaoeutly. She made a secret vîsit. but that le ail tht- ta- mlly Mrende know about IL On ber neturn o th iis country att- IBoys AND GIRLS8 who have Finit National savings accounts ta- day wîil b. iosaeful mon and wornen in yosrs ta corne. $1.00 starts an account lucre. Why flot do it Dow? First Nationg1 Bank Laibertyville, Iil MEMBER 0f THiE TREAS. MAlTER IS FAMOUS 96T11 REGIla1 COMPLICATED MORE MENT PASSES AWAY1 AND MORE DAILY James MoCanri Who Lîved Revealed Now That Township Northeast of Waujsworth, Collector Will Not Turn 0v- Died Thursday P. M. er the City Taxes. HAD A STROKE A WEEK AGO. CITY BILLS PARTIALLY FAIO Health Had Been Poor for Develops That City Has Been Some Little Time-Had Liv- Issuing 'Anticipation War- ed County Since a Boy. rants' of Late. James NIcCan. 69 years old. a The 7lon t('itYtyr,assiry i.î tr, inniner of the oid Ninety-sixtb Illin- whern then lie ites reuîlo t d Il. S. ots negimeut. died ai bIs <tome north Loi e as city tt-ea îrrrk.;th 'ut a dai hi. aas mot Is-gal> etud, east of Wadsworth Iait Tbursday att- 1proinises <o bring forth moure dire ne- ernoon tollowlng a nather prolong"d Illness. His condition became cii ca about a weeli ago when hi. Sot feremi s stroke of paralysis. CaMr. NMcCanwac hum in lb iany, New York, Sepiember 19, 1844. Two years, laten with bis parents be went suits <han iîad been realîzed. Tiiosthe inla decislon lxi the mat- ter ail n< he attained untilithe Su premne court passes on It. auddimu tht- meantior', ahat's lu lialii t-iîttht- finances oft<hi. ciy' Love .bas $13.0oo un hband ln <lhe NECKTI ES 1 liai keii thli ieî'rîî'v r a fine hile.of tic. i < me :1a lil. A. E. LYON ROSE COMB Rhode Island Reds 10 Pulîsu&beau.& I coccxIi $12 4 puilate and 1 cocioerel.. ...$ 7 4 bes.and orne " ... .. i cock iti ba" won et tisa ebois e................... 4 pe.Uets andi 1 cclxbird .$10 Kimball.Triggs Red Ydt. If. BAIRSTOW MANUFACTURER OF or coxupleting <the trip to Europe.,jtA ltiilburn lu Laite county where hi'c Firsi National bank of Wauitegan. ud'a b asu ..sus Mrs. llgeIuw went <o ýN'ashinz- Iived up <o the C'ivil war. Inlu<61 tbe banit dot-soi know abat t.i do ar le an r nt tan. Fite uPt up at <hi. ShorehanuIhe enlilsed In Company t> oft<hi. Ninp with Il; neliher dot-s Love. 'lT-y lias"M nu e t and lu answi'r te rumors toid ber ty-slxth Illinois, serving under c'au- bath asked court aid. l the- mean- M 1U e i trieude. she sas staylng tht-i-sbimause tain ftindgett. lime,. the 'ci>tutfends anec <led Ilp. __________ af ber son, aho bad been attendlng Ai the close out<hi. wan hi. returneil 1 tor IA.t-siudpr bonu and li-aslii au eastern scitool sud vas about ta o t.Lakue county and laten pureiased ý ui ratet-mb ils hî,uîdsuu"n b> ha. glug1cmetery Work of Evctr) <site an examînatian to enter tht- Na- a farm near Wsdsworth where e b aîmi oto t ofnds. Description val academ >v. Mr. Bigelow ]s aslstng llved even sînce. Ife was one ut tht- Thusts hem csuincit. heing ituîtihis- t thi. court to rive hlm tht- cýody ut besi known residents ut the- cOttii haiet'hte treasiirm r loiior its (ird"rs,,Corre&pondencc Solicited the two chiliden, Mildm-ed and An- I n tht- year 1870 hi. wae married 10 bas resortemi ta tic Plam Ot issUtitg_________ sonia. Ellen I-iciity. Hi. leaves besides hîs al at are ternei "auticIpation war.j Laie Iîiiit9 bl wekîy<N E. , .thri.i.hlîdren, Wilîlam, Ellen 1ralits, whicmii ariiiU'ýlîUmiiî-4 miiicm 16 I leseeSt Lake('orit's ig eeky-IDE-andEugene. aIt af whom reside StaiIle clty have bteu as-kpe, luca. h. PMNDEN P. home. eti icaves alsu tai, brot1mers Thc'y ibave raslieît tht-m iii anticipationi ' Wailkegzaîî and ont- sister. 'Irs. C. Duîlttle iniil ot tht- taxis hc'uîg laid ont-r t,, tnru' $25.00 'U1EE! IWilliam McCann. bath ot lIravmtlait,- clty air;- n îîutax ç.oli'ct"v gé t, reail anmi Thomas oaiNliliburni 10 <ont lils fuis Ousir I. Funeral at St. Patniî ka chunch, iWadewonth, Salunday morîîlng at ninp -EED OR N thlr<y o'clockk, Rt-vFathrn Faity u Silciting. For yearm 'Mn. Mctann u'onuutt-d hils tarm buttfon sum e littie «ime bis healtb bad heen failîng9. lis rousti- Wiîult)ts Yetlow Dnt. 'I e stroite utfîiSnlysis a'hiliet withlî>it a fioubt, one of the ,_____________a___________ hest N'a 'i'ties ever originated. It wili fiature in 90 ay . 4X d ûionai / /ws T1he mtalk i short and sets'ý the ears aho ut 3 feet froin of O.LtieOr/yz//e t4ie grotîîid. 'hoic ars have froîitUN to 20 rows of kernels alîd art' froîîî 8 to il inchemiCape .Drn r m ,, in h'rîgih. 'The kerriel 15 fias. retunp ue i îîîtheirim'tp ti Virgiia ver ahene tht-y bad gone to iupect smit-,iiimi t-ery <i~t's'j0utland l<Int-. Jamuîm-s user andîiSiiemimn. kSliilt1ît-îl shehed and grad. uiiali vunl,'>, emf wîici uiiruasud& )uînîd t'd, or on the car. Price $2 hase takçen tht- sgt-cy <on F.ei.s-cnitiboue- and acres Tlimiade <lus tnip tii le (two îhilýtaro) per bu. Our it n ap iofouî n ow jîlet M bat comm- corn is giiaranteed to be pure dîtiîîî tht- land is In and wbst <t-y are hnê'd sevtd. Strong . t It- fring prniwcestive iu>t-rs Lasf irek gemîia uc tated tuat Nîîei E. D)uraud liitnîgie tioxi and will mature in this to Virginis tfor a trip ut inep'cioimasd c'ounty. Our 1914 Seed corn thrnmgh anu veroigbt iailed lu mention airuaisert patpid it hie lather bad irone wiib him. request. Trh.îr Final Chance. n.-.-Wbat ktind o! a redant wval il 70u vee t? She--Wol. Judgitgtrou thé~id cf mon I1saW thon., I aboula Perey U Th "Yt vas the laut resort for MWt alagoble girl.. M e Ref uses to Do So. Boeutonu tus îîcaiirclr Is ais-i an lui dppendut, anduiet-w ii llot, lu î-, saii. tmrnn the dlviis ýhare Oif(liet taxs ot-r <o uiy nune u0t-er tharn It c'P e <r'- aud bIs hondsmitu recugni ioiî.andi îlot Irving Tiiorstan. the- couuuli*apa- pointes, as tht- officiai treasurer. Thus <buse who have cashed <t-e warrants Issuem b> lte counicîl lu anticipatioun ut the taxes a'iich ahI lcume lut, are expet-c<d <aoit-et wlth a rebuif wlut- titi Beton coîlertun rt-fooest- o or-ý rntiîer <hi. tax moue>util tht- aboie flatter la inalty setled. Tht- mitutiou iliumIs assurinug a: mot serloos nslmrt sud tit- endtd 5nlo t ym-t lui iglut. ait due lu the tact thatý titi ndepeudt-nt treasuruer. Love. wsu tiîseated hy <lie Voliva coueii. course wiliumamîy raim la uot t-gai li tiiot a cotîncil lias nî omtroi aven tire election of a Cluy treasoruer. ADJUDICATION NOTICE Publie notice lt heneby vti ti att the Subecriber. Evecutrix ut the-laet uili and testament oft Mary Dusisotu. deceased, wlll attend the Coîînty Court of Laite Camînty, ai a lenm <bers- of ta hi. bolden ai the Court Ilouse lu Wauitegan, lu eahd County, on <ha first Monday of Apnil nexi, 1914, when sud where ail Persans baving dlaims agatuci eald oste are uotiied and reqqested la presont <ho samne ta raid Court for adJudicathon. Mary S. Alianson. Executrix. WaàkOgan, Mi., Feb. 9, 1914.1 The Coffee You Want at the Price Yoa Want To Pay Mex-O-Ja le an unique blentd of ut ur eiecfbrles <n fom <leuth tlmu us gsiia cosUtile sffac P a = u. moimisîu dIstictse 1Mexitto 1< maites a full, icit dlrink - tttvely aautiaclta S its punfty aud qualitZ Mss-O-Je ia doliv.rsd to pute *ii- ..d <ton,=e 'T. P.i.Ma,» s i.,-eii,. C30 In ..osdiUCle 08 Page Two. 1 8e. Tt ouper wuni Cou TI inju aga litai bore acti au Wh( doc, AUni W. A. le il bric Rra MI visi day T beit *ols 'ot m (rx M n ]is 1i ber '7 the lMI A for' anc L.a no, n', roi cal ou 101