I Watt A~eg ci n _ wmm LOCAL WMAÀTER 'FRED SIIATSWELL1 ISIPUTJP TO UTIL* ISAÀNALTERNATE ITIES COMISSON TO Blfi CONVENTION COM»sîdÏF OR VIË TO- W aukegan Had Hoped to Land1 OAlf DÈCLARED HE WILL Candidate as the Real Dele- PREPARE AT ONCE A FOR- gate But Could Not. MAL REQUEST FOR IMME- 1 BrauciiNa. il of tIse National As-l DIATE INVESTIGATION 0F sociton of ivili Service Emplyes Iliet Saturday nigit aIlHitghlantd Park WAUKEGAN'S GAS SIT- in te SIatonic ball for tîtelr regular UATIN- mont bly metcintg and for lte purpose, U AT10N ir eîech al thd e mttO national TIse drat formol compiaint Italbe civnîoî eIet i aiigo Iadged by Waukegan with the new C14. ù. hardie10 ad lut. sintn stale utiltties commission. sili be , ac 6had ti place t tecealîhlin a feu dave. and - tlfgs gt uaeusmn natraly fom he ondtio foindber-. for tliIsîor of represelîtative exiaul lu Waukegan ionrame 0evs .aid aller Ibree ballots' Fred R. Moon. past, lIse malter 10 bie putt np to lIse leiIer carrier iront HigIsland Park. commission for bandliîîg le. GASI uis chisita-, delegale ailt Fcd Commissioner Ocde today aittet. Shaîsacl. ler carrier ai Wauke- be sas glad tIse Sun hati taken tIse s-tiise allernati. stand Il did ffldai' ecsuing. atiding -'Ic. bMoon i.ssIi lkuatin amng te tIsaI Ise oulti at once ail out formai civi serv ice ernpioyes sud Isaviîîg complaluls avoînattwIo isatures orai lttnded sevecal contentions oi tIs.e t.e gos situation anti file IIsem silIs sort. thse brencb t.. tto e cmplîmenleti the gliate boardý for investigation. mpon Ibeir choiresantt Fred Shals-sil Thte tsa phases lie viabea Inves- la 80 oeil kuos n ta tIse people ai Wau- il gated are: kega tat ibere la no doubl but suaI FIRST-The quality oi Wsuke- tIse brandlit oli te aeïl representsti. 1 gans as- uppîy. TIse main obJecta ai tIse association1 SECOND-TIse ps-ho. as charged la la bave tsecivil service Pregon-ed. Waulcags consumea. extended and for speedi' enaetment *"I amt giadtise matter ba brn ai an equtable relis-entent mmeaure tac taken up bi' yous- paper, said thIbe Uts uperannualed sud vos-n-ouI civil cotmialouer. contiuuiug: "I bas. Iservice men sho have gis-en tIse beal ".d tony complainte about nal onu' I eara Of Ite lIolIse gosecumneo seri--9 thse poos- qualiti'of aigs but of Ut. I l ani"a ' ouagsttlug tonaIldud excessive charges vbîcit are mdl lIbern Rkasit*hGuld te dons b ber.,passibli' due ta thIselsiclency tIse standard o? efficiency requireti of of te suppiy funiohé,d. tbem. but tofourful of Ibeir l days "Il had It Ilstraled In my i' awuO besPent aimosl in Poverti', as tIse honte. 1I nstalîsti lerîrie ligItssasd I U'ited States govecnmenl pays noo, te gas bill droJgped dowu tIse rt bitOO igbauges for tIse standard il Mmt-tOnIlsuitaot teck la aber. il acta up for tht. emplaves, anti as il s as tetore 1 sas ighiîtueby electri- oud te grogssunfaîreesa ta caI eit~ tem out;,(lie oîy talc means out or -Au& s e bave frienda la Chic&agoIL LEtheltsPassage ai an equitable ce- shO tell us of the ant o f sas tIssv tireinent messure, s»e there and comparison sItUthUtt TIse members of Ibis asotlnar amoutan ad Ours and te aubasquent ntdoputio oa ti pare b91t s amsetMBiugidiculono.Tbal's jemployez atone. but embraceslilgIsI vii' i iatsad flias- a complaint sith bouse keepers. bureau ai animal In- thse suite mt- dnaIr-. meal luspectora. etc.. Is-asuri' »Mte state lboard leth .eue shtcb ,doartent and Ibousands cf othera. MW. main lte ev tas, bas cont-j alZder ite ciassi ledi civil serice. plits n» about mah malIe-s as 1 InIsr.tamah r.Jaiclng In te serv- eiefrfty. etc, tu ail ciliez aofthie asPreaident Wisans stand suIs etle aM eluh la Wau kegan irIlIshe civil sert-ice agaînot lIse "spolis làa" mu la a goci tinte in take opà tâte.vummatIn lua Wankegan. thet - sal tisfactory Condition te- bgsmçbthat as Iave.iigatlaa bi'the aflee omamoncannaI b. denled. Priem Aive a Peint Tit. utly 0ofgCubas been shat9 bas botha"ud waukgu people of 1 " ebu the psie tlaiaca teaturel wortb SrsInlvestigation. Itle a a 'Common ftatla te Ciytu maur mumo. li.Mn. Os-via. siere thse umath od Uttiag te boute ba& been cbang- «--la .iectsicity and thon the total caasimpdaseof< Suagreaili r.dncei. te nontitsbisabaveonot drapped anyvites-. aarvitere lhey sbouid lu proportion 1intseamount of consump- lion decseaaed. OfficaIs sund con- auntrs-sothet.citi' declars Ibis la due to the factIshaItIhe quality- leses systen-t" Uat iseverol congreasmeit triedtu laPut thms-ught as a rider on te PaStomfce apporialion bil. but sas ts-Icken oul on account of spimieti ob- Weclons tufilaMitey ar-e aima Utsmtk- fuI in Cangressman Thom"a Rilsi'of Counuticut foc bis minces-e figitîta eut lte tilubilti'am,. shichpsosIdes for ltas killeti or disobieti in tse pervfre. Pouumaster Doiey af Highland Park mae a fes rentarks te lite gath- ereti memnbers, aites- shtcbtse Hgb- land Park membana serveti a fine lunch. MOSTMIEN YET AT TRAININ6 STATION tIbm. 1ha1 the excesa air auppli' con- - tinues runng tse mater juat au Neyer have tIer been go0 mani ce-t mach as before ln tIse total. cruils anid men ln the naval trainingà (). nsu nttdy hen commendîng station as 005. for. today. enuma-t tIse Sun for taklug tIse mtter op lier of men at the station numil>sra saidtat be Iad tound lIse air pres- close o10,100, which Includes about1 ouresor great that lie shut off thse 2,, of ahal are teratîct "shlis coin. valve aI tse rmier avec hait and tIsaI paw - and 1.047j etlitpdmen a ho mac. Ise bad coîtinusdtla est just as mub te islfeti ecroit,,. heat and ligIsi as whIeli It n as full T ror, t li pracîlrally 1,ii on. Ilis deduclion sas that by aitut. men lnt uitorms today utthie satiton tng lIse valNee.lbe shul off much ar a record net 'r 1,i toc,. eqttalted bam tIse air 1icen ailalued and fiso men are ro:n- Anothýr netson renortil to the u Inln irhi alone , oixt lmoliet,, tsat tIse vas ath ler home had been sa bad laely bal site had fi'gursd Il sas due In lte afove shîch tise ai- Inast nes eind ,be haîl evet, been lig. urlng on geitilig a tisa ranger. ADJUDIC.ATION NOTICE. Public notice I.,lherebY given taI tlie Subscribers, executors ni the laah vin snd testamaent ai William B. Les- tu. deceased. will attend the CauntY COofiLake CounnU, aI a îerm there- or to be bolden at the Court Housltu Wgaukegast.ln sod Counti'. an tIse finIt MiouIay of April oeil, 1914, shen snd vitas. &ilpersons haviag daims sgabt I-ldestate are uotlfidd d r.quse to 1pressaI Uts same ta said Canal for sdJudtcaion. RLoy E. LEWIN, 11ARRIET A. tIOWE, Execul or t he at 5111 aud tes- taititl or Willim 'W Lew-i1n7dïFa Ws.nkegan. IIM.FeIs. Znd, 1914.1 Hqxedackar à eydtker. Attarusys oaomu"e ky Feb. 613, 20. *<5P tOVe /rom làj* Cegnty -a. - ~ - ~a sa*& oIwm CENIN R[s ANm DACKBR,0F ARLE TO OUTLIVE CIIURCI PASES ON Y O U N 6 RELATIVE mnrly wawDllçllwluuvuuwll-j ed German Congregational Ch. Many Yrs. Dies Fri. LED A SECEDING FACTION.i 3ack in 1885, He and Others Left Ger. Ref. Ch.-Was a Weaithy German. Henry Wacbenfeld, founder atnd chier malnstay for many years ai the German ('ongregalionai cburcb. lu foet lthe mon sho mode lthe congre- gatiot, possible by persoaoll paying for lIse erectian of the County sirset church and carrying the martgage for many years, died St 4:30 o'clock, friday, February 131h. at bis homne ov- er tIse Swanhorough millinery, tiene- ses street. Waukegan, agsd 71 years. Nîr. Wochenfeid Isad bran sick for rame lime, bis condition baving grown mucb socseduring lthe puet few daye frým hardening of sirties. For the pat res years he had been nons tocsou.ll t ans lime a ysar ogo, bis condition irasing se bad tIsaI bis demnise sas expected but b. rscovered front an attacit of pneumonla. Mr-. Wacbsnfeld saLs one of tbe clty's planeer bakers. having conduct- ed te Wachenfeld bakery for manY years shere the Centrai bakery now la located. He sud Henry Slobrinann for years. conducted the only baker- ies in teCity. Mr. Wackentsld sas bore lu liesse- cassi Germany, Sept. 16. 1842 and came to America shen Ise sas 19 years old. H. served In Ca. C. 26tb Wi"cnain Inlantry and afler thse sar he learned the baker trade. He weul loto the famous Kupfer bakery. Kenoha, shere he iearned lIse trade and later he. witb Mr. Kupfer. opeoed a bakecy In SVauke- gan in lteý Porter building. now r' pied by Yages store. TIser. lte Airm operated foc a lime but Mr. Wsehenfeld deuired l te bI business for hinsîf. ltes-efore bu purcbased bis partner'é Interests and in 1874 moved lIse bakery lototesaile sbere it 99111 opes-atea uatder another Alrtu. -Mr. Wacbentsld waa tabusiness fromt 1874 to 1896 when be retlred. bis sou coaducting tse place fur a tîme. but later Il sas nold. Mr. Wachtenteld sas married lxi Nfary Diekitaut. at Kenoaha. Sept. 7, 1865. sud la Item ses-eu chiidren sere horu, ail or shontwith bis vifs bave passed oaay. Thes onu' survis-or of the fantily la Mm. Bd Robiing. witb shont ber fater iived. Sthe bas Ivu eblldren. a daugitte- sud son. Mtr. Wacbsufld louves a balf brulh- es-. Heur" Weigaud of Appleton. Wis. The sF'1tlu lte aarly eightles lu refes-ence to lhe congregalion of U.staecn Raforned cburch on West street, reacbed an seute stage ver' similar la Ibat attlued afew yean- aga. shen the FinIt Christian chus-ch af Clayton street rearhed a crucial point. There seret i V fac- tions la the <lerran chus-ci, and fin- aly. led bi' Mc. Wacbtnfeid, a fac- tion sseded, lb. faction rentoinât be- Iug onde- the leadles-hip of ChrIs Holastelu. sho died ses-es-I mearsaguo. TIse rival factions of lbet-burcb became os bitter or more goaut ,be Chrcistian cbucch people ln ibeir mors recent affaIr and tIse cesult ws, Ihal thespsîtI as neyer healed. NIc. %a'-isufeid, ln onder ta be1, those abo sturk by hlm togetber sud amay tramthe other faction, erertri Mls M. UIJ. JU[lkinI5UI, U01 Ut- the 'Buocet Brigade.' rick Street Succumbs While Waukgan, Feb. 14. Aged Woman Lives onl. Pedaogy le nat neces8arily cnu -cive ta excellent lire flghting obililty.1 Woukegan. February 16. but sametimes the two go band ln Mra. Robert JenkInson. aged 20 bond. The truth of this was proved yeara. died thie morning et 10:45 at very c4ncluaively on Friday wbsn W.1 ber bomne on NorthB futrlck street and C. Knoeik, principal of the Wauke.( a block away, lingering at the brink i gatt Township Hlgb Scbool. appointed1 of the great chasm, lies the grand-; himaelf chief of a volunteer fire-Aght- mother af ber husband. M.%rs. Elien Ing brigade and succesafully fought Jenkinson, sged over 105 years. a lre whlcb had ottacked the roof For just fAve weeks the young %%om-. of tbe Victor Mille home opplosite the an and the centenarlan have bot igb ochool. The principal tben r. been at the point of deatît and Itivas tui ned te bis duties in the lîigb scbool merely a apeculatlon as ta whicb lni a verv' ymotier of tact way. would combat the encroacbments of The lire was djscovered by Ju l id- dîsease the woman aver 100 or the luger. a high si.hool eludent. It waa young woman wbose blooam of youtb ulnte inidat 0f a reciation period had nôt been liassed when seeiw__ and .loesatepped to a wlndow and taken suddenlv sick somae westce bock notieed the Mamnez brenklng out near Age and a ainsI unusual conatilu- the cbliney on tbe Millls' home. Fi- lion proved the sîronger 0f the two. was to surprlsedto, say aoytbing for for wile the aged womnan st liesa few mioments but just Ktared ln a precarions îacate. the fect tla -Wall, Jas. If yau osut It l11 bring abe la no worse tban ase bas been for It ln to you.' I. .. Rogers, lte teach- a few da>a and sbe may- hlger Inde- er lu charge af tbe clasa xeclared finitely. jlecouid not se the lire and bo That ahe and ber grandsan'a wite wvas omewbat annoyed lx see the boy should be at the point af deatb at acting as be sas. the some lime and wiltmfn a block "Theres a bouse on re." the boy of eacb other on lte salue stroet, and declared. that the 'centenarien sauld ontlve This unexpected siatement breught the youug woman, c.sated more than ail memuheré of the clasa te their ordlnary Intereet an te weast aide f est. Prof. Rogers burrted te tbe where both the young and lMt nid res- !Iilla home and informed the mentes Identsare or.8weli known. Iof tse amlly 0f lte Mire. Then b. The .young %Ira. Jenklnsan sas hurried back to the hlgb ochool and stricken witb quick consumptias, fi-e called the tire department. wssIs ago and froin iben on ber con- In tb. meantime Principal KoieMi dition had growo worse il wa known swas not idie. Selectlng tour of the she would not last long. And, t was largest ttîdenîs 1o iî- them ta Juet fve seeksaugo tbat the eider flo', li.t, tý- 'l' woman was aira, ohliged lxi go te ber tuo iadders tiers secured. bed and buasflot lef t it sIrîce. She I> These tiere taken to the MSOus' consclous ail of the time wbil tbe' borne and a moment later the prîi Yaunger woman. for nianv day, . ad ripai bad scampered up ibte ladder been uncansùlous off and on tn'jcb Ibke a ceaIltire flgbter. Several buck- of tbe time. @t.alad be-n brougbt along which The young Mic,. Jenk!ndon was for-] were filled with snow and water. The merlv Alma Liîîpert and abe ie sur-, siatdents forxned a bucket brigade and vIved by ber mother sho livep ont soon theâe bueta wsre bsing passed Powel avenue and thesse brothers and up the ladder to lb. principal wbo sistera. Artbur. WVili.(Charles of Wan- praceeded ta dttlp the contents on kegan; %Ira. lue Sears, Mirs. Andrew the blaze. Other high achool students t..svandusk "v of North Chicago and bave srrIved by thîs lime and tbey %Irs. Ida lieiden, M1iNvaukpr. Sbe sought ta assiat aIl they could tty leaves a baby ten months aid I throwing anas balla aI the lire. Longs for Desth Ail of tbeee aclivitisa were direct- In connection wltb the ugsd wn. ed bv Principal Knoelk. The resuit ans condition, il la but naturel tht sas 'that the ire sas under contrat she reall) longs for death tn ate her su" ail but extinguished hy the tinea mia I he land beyond. Havlng possed the deportment arrived. the Century mark Ave yeara aga. Il la no sonder that tsevenes-able aid ANST EUN lady feela ebe bas spent mare titan W INS A LLN ber aliotted lime snd relatives are recouclled to her troquent expressions ef hope tIsat she mas h. ssl.Aed e..1OP R TE R sOon. She bas been s devout wonatan aIl ber l11e and for ysars bas been prepared la auswer lbe fiuai smm. MM&n 816 POINT, FOR 1 CO. TREAS1IMR l tisyclope llîat Atorneys Dadi' sud iteoubisut for lIse caunli' and!Cosoli' Treasuret Wssterfleid, have presul- ed ail tiijlr arguments la tIse court bn camneclian i. c thIe frienli' suit in- tilulsd t4, determins whelter tIse treasurer is îtitîsdti thie stale iu- iteritauc, '- tx fees. Wttetti nauler o01 brtuc e of? thei,,i iitty trsasurer 55.5 put Iefare Jutige liti~el]y Mandai', be overruleti tîte (-ii îîrer andti len hourd proof thatcr erp ogIefith, etlîsîtents eau tIse lîesent bick cbuccitn u uw n 'ît ttd ergiiiiiptits af altos-neye Reaubien linue 10 increase as tIlîrvhavieiof laI.. sceel at tIse seet end of bis lîig aid I)a'], lIse sialiariuma «y reacîtilsie-ula-II, pro5ierty shIcb rues clear thraîîgli Tîtei, Iinder tIse usuai uclion. ts Il develaies tIsai lb,.influx oaim",fcsm Gênefiee streela. The secedlir <oucl t ii ulselîther lu favor or1 bas ltersssitaied te tutîitg ino use faction then calieti a mIniKler. andi again,ît 'iiestenilld retaininge Ise 1 af saine ai tIse buildingsaln the souil, ,ontinuiualy' inces they maîntained an Iertaîtie tax Tees avec shicIs thee itaction aiflIse station, buildings swhich sepocate organization. For yeacs il:al'aIîî nso muet discussion. bue been unusuei fac o long lime sas s notable tact Ibat lIse onse hurph Thse Jutge ialod plil' Ih»t « beî-ause there sas n demand for' under 'Mr. Wacheufeld'a leadeshaipiî ho was inciin.d 10 dîsmîs. thse them. lIse nort buildings being suf- andth Ie Westaî trest churrh aunder cse againsb. hecoud' treasur ficint e cre fr al wo wee T. tal of Ms. tiollateln. sert keen rivale which wouid moue Ibat ho fait Ceitedi aItIse station. for lIse German elemntutwIicIs forte-t- he treaàurer w. .ntitiod te r.- TIse nacth buildtngs betng dîlled, es-hi'mode up tIse .citurch. ltsas tain tIse ilerîlanca lax fees Commandant Clark faund il necessori' j"bout flie years, ago, shen Mr. Bau- whlch have baen under discus- te opsu UP some aoflIse south darmi.t man sas pastor, tIsat lbe congrega- sîoM sa long. tories andt Iere tIse nes men received lion turcbaaed trSm Mn. Waebenfeld Hovever, b. later cons.utod, on aI, tIsestation are ogalu Iouaed for tbe Intorest b. bail In te properti. cequeât aifilMr. Bad fotheb.ceunty, 1 Ibres seeks as sas don, sben tIse %Mc. Wachsnteld sas s vealthi mou, tetaklaestIse matter under advissmntu station waO5 drat openeti up. Two af He osned tIse tso store building. on andi give o formai ruUng later, lu tIse south buildings are being usetias Censase aineel, oocupied hi' tbe bak- vadolîltit. Thus, it la les-dsut tise court baspitals for use in mît tagous cass.ers- and millineri' stores; he osasti teel tIse canal' treasuM'rrla entitled TIse bie haspital ai coutrseslaenit >tlIse double flot. sud maoll cottageontte th Ie inheritance lax tees nlinsn la use andth Ie chtances are ît v..i net tIseWst end ai ths lot an Cauntyi' l'ts Isl' IeWres aernu on. be for ramne lime as il le a big expense j treet andi he avnpd the residence ~at thers bave f811 te lb. case under tIse lIse Marnmient bas nol seenIl i 11h e southeust corner ai Wasbington las. take ou at Ibis lime. land West aInees s oseli as'thse ceai- - jdence soutb aoflIe Germa. Refornied ULke Canntyla big weeky-INDE- TIse Imdependent leude ail. churcb parsoage on Whst sîreet. 1 ENDENT. unERTO ClIICiO Halsey's Hïstory Refers te the lime When 'Fast Service' Was Announoed. Did you ever kuos that o stage Tins opsnaled betweeu Kenoaha. Wauke- gan and Chicago? At tIsat tins., Wan- kegon sas knoos as .A111e Fort. il sas ln 1845, accordlng bo Halsey's bistori' of Lake county that a stage coach lins de luxe sas betog aperated betvsen Soultort, flot'Kenosa.a Litle Fort, tios Waukegan and Chi- cago Isice a week. An adi-erlisement prlnted lu 1845 and dlarovered by Prof. Ilaisey cantaîns tIlssncaice: "Express lins front Sotbpert 10 Chicago, tbrougb b'..dayligbt. 'TIse subacribers Intend storting o senti- weekly express belseen the aboi-e places on tIse otIs ef November next, to continue regularti' tbrough tbe sîn- ter; leaving the Manston bouse In Sonlbport ont Mondaye and Tbursdaya et 10 o'ciack t'. m. sud the American Tempecance hous luChicago au Wednesdays and Saturdays uI 6 o'clock a. m. TIse aboes express tl paetbrougb Little Fort sach sai', taking the laite roed tram SoulIsporI 10 Chicago. "Cover.d carrnages, sith steel springo. yull run during wagouing and cas-eea leigba dus-lng tbe sinler. If gaod teomns, caretul drivera. speed and canveniencea are Inducementa bo te traveling public. these ubscrthers dlatler themsîlvea tbey shall receive a god abare of patronage. J. J. and B. M. DENNIS." Tex Cailto'srl Notice 1 sili be et Brochera store, Gurnee, Wednesdsys and Balurdays at Hull's hardware store. Waukegan.-Edwln Ray, Colector, Warren. 38-21t. WkIy. Assisted by Prof. Rogers and Four Husky Students, He Extingulshed Fie. ACTED AS THE PIRE CHIEF. SERURvIEECAUS 0f RATE C GMiEI Evening Services at .German Congregational Churph ttad - to Be Abandoned. ORVIS MAKES COMPLAINT. the Same Complaint. Wankegafl, Pebruary 16. Il develope IhaltIshe suiphur fumes in tbe gos duriltg tbe laat severtl daYB lia not the oniy complaint Ibal 1he lo- cal public lîn t.') mal;e against the Nortb Sitars Gas ComPanY for tIse qualily and price of tbe gue are other things whicb il la claimed will bear Investigation. Accordlng 10 the alate- ments made ta The Sun by varions lieopte the tltilty ofiggsfuintished by the campony ut tIse present time la very poar atnd yet lte compaLny is cbarging ait limenaely larger rae. in some instances peoples' gas bis bave leaped Up fully 50 or 100 per cent. Coniinassioiiec K V. Orvie la ane wbo rmakes ons or thse strongesi catît plaints. He sa) e Ibat lte quality ni tbe gos became 80 poor ai bis borne tbot he cas obltged la have siectric lighta installed ln bis home for light- Ing purposes. Thse lnailatinoti of electrical futures. lhe soya. should bave caused a marked reducîlon ln hi. gos bill by tIse end of eacImnit, but instaeIit 1,5 larger. A member of te Germait Congre- gè&Uonal churccî on ('ounti' street de- abandon tIse evenlng service. on Sun- day an occount aiflte 1,1ghprice 005 charged for lte inferior gas. He sald tat duritig atie nionthtittIres ligIsîs sers burned a total of four heurs. For Ibis coutimplion the gos coropani'. be clainis. sent In a bill for 12.60. lie dope nrt lhlnk thit a fair rate te charge for lie ccv,, be cati prove tIsaI no0 r2,'f ,!. ýa, us-q scor, e ît r îali,-d ep 'T'le Sun sîand deciared I tat af 1.t, the î1ua'Uty o? gas bias becomte Éo poor ltaItbshy bave been ut4Iged terIve ui','eeffort of Il y ig la use h lni(i i .îeasLtovë. They say tîtLul ide tb. jets are tîrn- ed ou futll torçe, causingtghIbomeler ta regîster aI cai'aeity. ltaI the smnoual and lictol f tîte gos la lest. titan onebaif of wbat It uaed l te e This condition of affaira did net esa a te aid gagplatiland for ltat motter Il sas net se bad at lthe new plant untîl rpeenîli' Persistent ru- mars are stîi llite eeffpecltIsaIlte condItion 1% causedl because te gos etampait' la bendiutg svery effort lu produce goaIa a greater profit. "'d le for declariatg a boycott againal tse gas company, a ssii knooso enees street business mon said Iodai'. lie said thatIif tIse peo- ple vers te arise and demand tbeir rigbîs tIsaI Ibsi' oulti gel ilt ram lte gos company. Commisaloner Orvia pointa te lb. utany concessions Elgin bas recelved irom t it gas company and soya Wau- hagaz. ahould te entitied ta some con- siiraton. NEW TRIAL IN lTHE IIO<STRUM4 CASE IS DENIEU BY COURT Circuit iudge Declines to Give Saloonkeepers Another Op- turnity to Fight Case. %Vaukeguu. l'ebrîtar) 16. Judgee Doîîtieliy boday iln tircuit court overrcuiPd the matian for a iixit trial lu the case afiliogslcum, vii. tIse local saioattkeeiiel-s aber,. lu a $5,00W verdict tisgît-en sanie time ago. At- torney Welciî gavseînotice lbaýhti would appeal tIse case, heurs lte ~a.- ter ta ont yet dispased i faliy. Ilte malter o? the Lake Forest saler company andth Ie diy of 14115 Focest, sherein tIse qustion'of raites for tIse saler le being litigateti, Attor- ney Pope for the ,sater campany to- day mode a mnolio0 10t have tIse court put thse mtter avec until a later tinte. TIse judge bas stated that he issuà Ise basnoeJurisdiction ln tIse mtter but ha, nal entereti an order lea tI effect. lHe said! h. would continue tse case te tIse March ternm, thua giviug tIse clty of Lake Forest a chance te present thIe maller before the Public Uttitien Commission, ln shase poser tIse malter aofrotes la nos beiisved bi tIse judge and others ta e bAfnal. Thug, Attorney George Roges. for the city, wili at once preseut tIse malter ta tIese ate board and tIesae aI board may render a decision'on lIse rate mal-m ter beor. Judgs Donnelli' linally bas te rule on Itlnl Marcb. la the Best That Money Can ]Buy Our cssmlstn .tr hnrouab sud oumP1te ù, ev,, .&y5vb, êntlt:t eret ltIe.e M barge. We- grtud ou, osa ens sud mal. sur 1. rs~ t e * c arti r lrls ue Louis J. Yeoman MANUFACTURINO OPTICIAN WAUKEGAN. ILLINOIS Economilp ro - duction is essenti- alinsuccesful man- ufacturing. B u t its realization' de- manda the condi- tions for it. 1 If any plant, large or §man,, id iitted with steam-deiven au- chiuery, iii opsrating expese figures ont ons of th. larges" items in the general coet shoot. It thro.Aq awav Power st m.afy plame between betwsm the engins andtet. Lo.Follows thon that a ferra of sn.rgy that delivers its maximum at tb. point waatedi, Write. that item in lower figures. You have that ià Electric Power Tierî.'s no i aste about il. il reaponîds wiîh just the poiver reqtirctî-na bnore, tno less. If it laad no t hir isintioîon ilie v.otilil iuttnougî t 10platce il in as cisc.. suite. But thue 18 enly ons of isills nerotîs foalures of superiarlîy anîd the tuanifestatjon of ail i m a a marked in a mmal sltop as o big ans. If you operate any kind of msachinery let us taik t. you about Eloctric Power. Public Service Com pany OF NORTHERN ILNIS Climbed to Roof of Burning Used Less Gas and Stili, His House and Direoted Work of Bill went Up-Othens Make ti k' fi t: SAIS PIfy L MMSFI 15 '001F TO HEL' ANYAY Waukegaau ds ofetP.rry LU Aus- Uin. forourt eomder of lte Wauk.- au a. A.-R.LsMd Promiseal votwiwM. Winlt'. iatumutsla rssiag tisi leS* ter ho a cvel trous au uneigmol par- am la ZMon Ctyt wviisicontes ln repiy to i rmcant defluuclation of 4,b treatmont or Mrs Adam tJohnson, . Zioa*a ýWouiaflWho vas bronni electrlic ramiand subfflusnty diol: Rend th. scond Psaim ZVon City, lit., Feb. il, 1914. Mr. P. L. Austin: Waukegan, 111. Deàr air: Your article Inte Sun, Fsb. 19 maltes a Christian smile-we con tee the fuifillment of the second psalm. Dld you ever read the bible enough ta know that tbere la a bock of Psalmsa' 1 dont believe yeu beathen rend yaur bible munch. - You wlll flnd this book about the mlddle of the bible. 1 don't care ta spend niuch tîme on you for you are doomed t0 Helu If you dont repent. A READER 0F THE StUN. Zion City. lordependent reaches ail polinteIn Laie County. YBiOMAN6